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This study demonstrated that juvenile (glass) eels used a specific substrate (eel tiles) to circumvent a model Crump weir under an experimental setting. Upstream passage efficiency was 0 and 67% for the unmodified (no studded eel tiles on the downstream face; control) and modified (with studded eel tiles on the downstream face; treatment) set‐ups, respectively, and was greater for a small (59%) compared to large (41%) stud configuration. Eels were active and motivated to ascend the weir during both control and treatment set‐ups. Approach and attempt rates were elevated during the first few minutes of the treatment compared to control trials. Eels were edge‐oriented under both set‐ups and ascended the weir through the tiles during single burst swimming events (reaching estimated speeds of 68.5 cm·s−1). Eel tiles may provide a cost‐effective solution for mitigating impacts of anthropogenic barriers to juvenile eel migration. Further research is required to determine passage efficiencies under higher flows, for a greater size range of eel, and for other migratory anguilliform fish (e.g. lamprey, Lampretra spp. and Petromyzon marinus L.). The performance of eel tiles should be validated through robust field studies.  相似文献   

在试验水温(25±1)℃时,按100μg·L-1的剂量给欧洲鳗鲡药浴溴氰菊酯36h后,采用气相色谱法测定血浆和肌肉中的药物浓度,研究了溴氰菊酯在欧洲鳗鲡体内的代谢及消除规律.采用DAS自动化药动学分析程序对数据进行分析.结果表明:欧洲鳗鲡血浆和肌肉中溴氰菊酯经时过程均符合一级吸收一室开放模型,血浆中主要药动学参数为:T1/2k为148.296h,Cmax为18.446μg·L-1,Tmax为14.7h.肌肉中主要药动学参数为:T1/2k为386.912h,Cmax为44.291μg·kg-1,Tmax为49.6h.肌肉作为可食性组织,且消除较慢,因此选取肌肉组织作为残留检测的靶组织,以10μg·kg-1为最高残留限量,在本试验条件下,建议休药期不低于9d.  相似文献   

为了明确鳗鲡疱疹病毒(Anguillid herpesvirus, AngHV)的致病性,本实验采用一株从鳗鲡“脱黏败血综合征”病料中分离的AngHV(NA16108),研究了其对欧洲鳗鲡幼鳗的致病性。结果显示,注射AngHV的鳗鲡体表出现黏液脱落、鳍条出血、红头等症状;鳃部出现黏液增多、出血,肝脏褪色、肿大,脾脏和肾脏肿大等病变;进一步的组织病理学观察发现,鳗鲡的体表黏液及黏膜上皮细胞脱落,次级鳃瓣增生、呼吸细胞肿胀坏死,脾脏细胞坏死、黑色素细胞聚集,肾小管管壁上皮细胞坏死、管腔变窄等病理症状;这与鳗鲡“脱黏败血综合征”的发病特征一致。致死率分析显示,从第4天开始攻毒组鳗鲡开始出现死亡,第7天和第14天的累计死亡率分别达到26.7%和56.7%;荧光定量PCR检测显示,在攻毒鳗鲡肝脏、脾脏、肾脏、肠道、鳃和皮肤黏液中均可检测到AngHV;另外,用鳗鲡卵巢细胞系(eel ovary cell line, EO)从攻毒鳗鲡主要内脏器官中重新分离出AngHV,表明鳗鲡发生了AngHV的系统侵染。研究表明,AngHV是鳗鲡“脱黏败血综合征”的致病病原,这为深入开展该病的发病机制及防控研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A dose-response effect was observed on the plasma concentration of vitellogenin (ALPP, alkali-labile protein P) over a 33 day time-course with repetitive estradiol-17 treatment of European eel (Anguilla anguilla). The plasma estradiol-17 concentration in the treated groups was not proportional to the doses injected. In the groups treated with a medium (0.5 mg kg BW-1) or high dose (5 mg kg BW-1) of estradiol there was a significant increase in the plasma total cholesterol concentration during the 33 day time course. The most marked dose-response effect of estradiol was that of plasma total lipids. The distribution of cholesterol between the different lipoprotein classes was dose-related: high density lipoproteins (HDL) predominated in the controls and in the low and medium dose groups, while low density lipoproteins (LDL) predominated over HDL in the group given the high estradiol dose. Plasma HDL concentration was markedly decreased in the high dose treated group; this finding is interesting since HDL plays an important role in the uptake of cholesterol from the extrahepatic tissue.  相似文献   

This study describes a mass marking method suitable for European glass eel Anguilla anguilla, avoiding osmotic shock and reducing fish stress. During a single day, 360,000 glass eels intended for a stocking operation were bathed into an alizarin red S (ARS) solution, at a density of 346 ind.·l?1 before being released into a freshwater marsh along with unmarked glass eels. After 15 days, examination of marked and unmarked eels kept in enclosures in the marsh showed 100% of otoliths had been successfully marked and that no excess deaths related to marking process had occurred. Seven months after stocking, results from biometric measurements and otolith analysis, carried out on a sample of 53 elvers caught by electrofishing and belonging to the size class of the 0+ cohort, suggest that: (i) the proportions of marked and unmarked remained unchanged, hence suggesting that the marking process had not caused excess mortality, (ii) there was no difference in length, body mass or condition factor between marked and unmarked individuals, demonstrating that marking had caused no harmful effect after 7 months, and (iii) ARS marks in otoliths remained clearly visible. The benefits of this ARS mass marking technique are discussed through a stocking operation.  相似文献   

River infrastructure such as weirs and hydropower stations commonly present migrating fish with multiple potential passage routes. Knowledge of the cues fish use to navigate such environments is required to protect migrants from hazardous areas and guide them towards safe passage; however, this is currently lacking for many species. Employing high‐resolution positioning telemetry, this study examined movements of downstream migrating adult European eel, Anguilla anguilla, as they encountered a complex of water control structures in one location on the River Stour, southern England. The distribution of eels across five potential routes of passage differed from that predicted based on proportion of discharge alone. Certain routes were consistently avoided, even when the majority of flow passed through them. Passage distribution was partially explained by avoidance in the vicinity of a floating debris boom. Movement paths were nonrandomly distributed across the forebay and eels moved predominantly within a zone 2–4 m from the channel walls. Understanding of avoidance and structure oriented movementation exhibited by eels will help advance effective guidance and downstream passage solutions for adults.  相似文献   

Over a period of 34 years (1954–1987), a total of 11.9 million glass eels were stocked all over Austria to improve the yields of commercial fishermen and to make the lakes more attractive for anglers. Nearly half (48%) of the imported glass eels were introduced into natural, previously eel‐free Alpine lakes until stocking ceased in 1988. Twenty‐five years later, their occurrence could be verified in 56% (N = 22) of the Austrian Alpine lakes larger than 50 ha and mean body length had increased to 66 cm. Eels from seven selected Austrian Alpine lakes exhibited a yearly mean increase in length between 0.6 and 1.5 cm, indicating a comparatively poor growth compared with the majority of eel populations from within their natural distribution range. At the same time, high expectations in developing a flourishing eel fishery were not met. In all but one lake, the harvest remained below 3% of the total yearly catch and salmonids remained the dominant target species. During peak harvest in the 1980s, it exceeded 8% in mesotrophic Wallersee (2600 kg). Simulations of stock development indicated that the yield could have been improved, but contrary to earlier expectations eels never became important for local cuisine and catches remained too low for the development of a profitable export business. On the other hand, eels may have contributed to the loss of small‐bodied fish taxa.  相似文献   

European eel, Anguilla anguilla L., migrating to the sea encounter many man‐made structures that can hamper and delay migration or induce mortality. Studying small‐scale behavioural movements in front of these man‐made structures could provide insight in further mitigating adverse effects. The behaviour of eel approaching a trash rack in front of a large pumping station was investigated using a dual‐frequency identification sonar (DIDSON). Eels approaching the trash rack swam through the rack (40.5%) but also showed turning behaviour at (44.7%) or in front of the rack (14.7%). Eels approaching the rack had varying body positions, predominantly head or tail first, but also curled up into a ball or drifted sideways. After turning in front or at the trash rack, eels showed upstream and downwards swimming towards the canal bottom. The results suggest a stepwise response to potential cues, when firstly the body position is changed in such a way that secondly, later on, enhances eventual fast upstream escapement when perceived necessary. Implications for management of these behavioural observations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compares diagnostic imaging tools in detecting the parasitic swimbladder nematode Anguillicoloides crassus in Anguilla anguilla (L.) and focuses on ultrasound in an attempt to develop a non‐destructive, field diagnostic test. Ultrasound use could allow the parasite to be diagnosed without decreasing the number of critically endangered European eels through post‐mortem. In the preliminary study, eels were examined with computed radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, 14 MHz high‐end ultrasound and 5 MHz low‐end portable ultrasound, and the results were compared with post‐mortem findings. This ultrasound scanning technique did not produce any promising results. A second batch of eels was examined using the same high‐end and low‐end ultrasounds, but employing a different scanning technique and comparing the results with post‐mortem. This second study, scanning along the midline from below, allowed for the detection of anomalies associated with moderately infected animals. None of the eels used in this study were severely infected; thus, no conclusions can be made regarding the use of ultrasound in those animals. Overall, it was found that none of the techniques were useful in diagnosing mildly infected individuals; therefore, no single diagnostic imaging tool is sensitive enough to replace post‐mortem for definite diagnosis.  相似文献   

为了解孔雀石绿及其有毒代谢产物无色孔雀石绿在鱼体中的蓄积与消除规律,达到对孔雀石绿的禁用监控,本试验对初始体重为(12.42±2.18)g的欧洲鳗鲡进行0.1mg·L^-1和0.2mg·L^-1浓度(P1和P2组)孔雀石绿药浴24h,再转移到清水中养殖120d,采用高效液相色谱法测定肌肉组织中孔雀石绿及无色孔雀石绿的残留。在药浴过程中,鳗鲡肌肉组织中孔雀石绿平均含量不断升高,P1和P2组分别于药浴12h和24h达到最高值(720.5±192.6)μg·kg^-1和(1404.8±421.9)μg·kg^-1;在清水养殖过程中,孔雀石绿在鳗鲡肌肉中含量波动式下降,并于水浴2160h(90d)时两个处理组都低于检测限度。肌肉中所含无色孔雀石绿,在药浴过程以及清水养殖的开始一段时间内不断升高,P1和P2组分别于水浴的72h和120h达到最高值(960.1±251.0)μg·kg^-1和(1625.8±183.2)μg·kg^-1,然后呈波动式下降,至实验结束(水浴120d)时两个实验组肌肉中还有一定残留。结果表明,无色孔雀石绿的代谢消除时间较长,可以作为检测的标志物。另外,不同浓度的孔雀石绿在鳗鲡肌肉中的代谢规律相似,只是随药浴浓度升高,肌肉中孔雀石绿和无色孔雀石绿含量最高值出现时间有所滞后,以及消除时间相对延长。  相似文献   

Abstract –  European eel Anguilla anguilla is in strong decline. We assessed the relative impact of fisheries and hydropower during the downstream migration of silver eel in the River Meuse in the Netherlands using radio-telemetry. For this, 16 fixed detection stations (Nedap Trail-System®) were used, each covering the entire river width, including all outlets to sea, and two covering the entrances of the two hydropower stations present. In September 2002, 150 silver eels were surgically implanted with Nedap-transponders and released at the catch site. Of these, 121 started to migrate downstream of which 37% successfully reached the North Sea. Hydropower mortality was at least 9% and assessed to be 16–26%. Fisheries mortality was at least 16% (reported recaptures) and estimated to be 22–26%. A clear difference was found in passage behaviour at hydropower stations, where 40% showed recurrence, in contrast to the river stations where this hardly occurred, indicating a hesitation to pass the turbines. Also a difference was found in diurnal pattern; 63% of the eels that passed through the turbines did so during the first 5 h of the night, whereas for the stations on free-flowing sections this was only 35%.  相似文献   

为了解孔雀石绿及其有毒代谢产物无色孔雀石绿在鱼体中的蓄积与消除规律,达到对孔雀石绿的禁用监控,本试验对初始体重为(12.42±2.18) g的欧洲鳗鲡进行0.1 mg·L-1 和0.2 mg·L-1 浓度(P1和P2组)孔雀石绿药浴24 h,再转移到清水中养殖120 d,采用高效液相色谱法测定肌肉组织中孔雀石绿及无色孔雀石绿的残留.在药浴过程中,鳗鲡肌肉组织中孔雀石绿平均含量不断升高,P1和P2组分别于药浴12 h和24 h达到最高值(720.5 ±192.6) μg·kg-1和(1404.8±421.9) μg·kg-1;在清水养殖过程中,孔雀石绿在鳗鲡肌肉中含量波动式下降,并于水浴2160 h (90 d)时两个处理组都低于检测限度.肌肉中所含无色孔雀石绿,在药浴过程以及清水养殖的开始一段时间内不断升高,P1和P2组分别于水浴的72 h和120 h达到最高值(960.1±251.0) μg·kg-1和(1 625.8±183.2) μg·kg-1,然后呈波动式下降,至实验结束(水浴120 d)时两个实验组肌肉中还有一定残留.结果表明,无色孔雀石绿的代谢消除时间较长,可以作为检测的标志物.另外,不同浓度的孔雀石绿在鳗鲡肌肉中的代谢规律相似,只是随药浴浓度升高,肌肉中孔雀石绿和无色孔雀石绿含量最高值出现时间有所滞后,以及消除时间相对延长.  相似文献   

The effect of oral administration of insulin, in various concentrations, on the growth of European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) was studied. In order to determine whether the insulin penetrated through the stomach or gills to the blood system, 5 ml insulin, suspended in an 0.6% solution of NaCl, was inserted via the mouth of eels, and the insulin content in the blood measured by radioimmunoassay immediately, and at one and two hours after administration. A control group was given 0.6% NaCl alone. Significantly increased levels of insulin in the blood plasma were found in eels which received high insulin concentrations compared to the control group. Eels administered 20 ppm and 40 ppm insulin in the diet grew significantly faster than a control group fed a diet without insulin, and a group fed 5 ppm insulin.  相似文献   

European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), is vulnerable to entrainment at a variety of man‐made intakes, including those that lead to hydropower turbines or other abstraction points. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the potential for acoustic stimuli to improve the efficiency of a vertical bar screen to guide downstream moving eel. Three underwater speakers were installed along the channel wall of an external flume, upstream of the screen. In the first experiment (a), screen guidance efficiency recorded in the presence (treatment) and absence (control) of a continuous broadband stimulus was individually compared between fish from two respective groups. Adopting a “before‐after” design, the second experiment (b) assessed individually the guidance of control eels from the group previously used in experiment 1 when exposed to a 100 Hz pulse. The majority of eels reached the bypass in both experiments with only three passing through the screen during the controls against one during each acoustic treatment. Rejection of the area adjacent to the speakers was more common during the acoustic treatment, with eels moving past the speakers more rapidly in the presence of sound. The results suggest that employing acoustic stimuli enhances the guidance efficiency of physical screens.  相似文献   

The parasite, Anguillicola crassus is a non-native species that infects naive European eels, Anguilla anguilla, and causes pathological damage to the swimbladder, potentially compromising their ability to cope with hypoxic conditions. This study aimed to elucidate whether anguillicolosis exacerbates the stress responses to exposure to hypoxic water, conditions that have been implicated in mass mortalities of wild infected European eels. Blood parameters in infected and uninfected eels were measured during exposure to severe hypoxia over an 8-h period. Infected fish showed significantly higher levels of plasma cortisol compared with uninfected eels after 4 h of hypoxia. Uninfected fish showed an almost twofold increase in plasma glucose after 8-h exposure to hypoxia but infected fish showed no significant change, so that the plasma glucose concentration was significantly higher in uninfected eels than in infected eels. Both groups showed similar elevations in blood haematocrit, suggesting a similar catecholamine response in infected and uninfected eels. The lack of a hyperglycaemic response in infected eels, despite indirect evidence of a catecholamine response to hypoxia, may reflect an increase in glucose turnover. The data suggest that anguillicolosis results in a significantly greater corticosteroid stress response to hypoxia accompanied by a higher metabolic cost.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the assessment of histological and hormonal changes induced in the European eel from environmental concentrations of cocaine. Silver eels were exposed to 20 ng L?1 of cocaine during 50 days; at the same time, control, vehicle control and two post‐exposure recovery groups (3 and 10 days) were made. The general morphology of the skin and the intestine, and the plasma levels of prolactin, cortisol and dopamine were evaluated. In the skin, cocaine decreased the number and size of mucous cells, increased the thickness of the epidermis and altered the club cells and the basal lamina. In the intestine, cocaine increased the thickness of the epithelium and the number of mucous cells and reactivated the structure of the intestine and of the intestinal musculature. Moreover, cocaine increased plasma prolactin, cortisol and dopamine levels. These results suggest that cocaine induced histological changes, directly and/or through the hormonal changes observed. Considering the complex life cycle of the eel, the changes induced by cocaine in the skin, the intestine and the endocrine system could threaten the ability of the eel to successfully migrate and reproduce.  相似文献   

Using specific radioimmunoassays for the two GnRH molecular forms present in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, (mGnRH and cGnRH II), we compared their distributions in the pituitary and different parts of the brain of female silver eels, as well as the modifications of their levels in experimentally matured female eels (treated with carp pituitary extract). In control eels, mGnRH levels were higher than cGnRH II levels in the pituitary, olfactory lobes and telencephalon, di- and mesencephalon, while the opposite was found in the posterior part of the brain (met- and myelencephalon). Experimental sexual maturation of the gonads significantly increased mGnRH levels in the pituitary and anterior parts of the brain; such a positive effect was not observed on the low cGnRH II levels, which were, in contrast, reduced. These data indicate that the positive feedback of gonadal hormones on GnRH, that we previously demonstrated, would specifically affect the mGnRH form. The differential distribution and control of mGnRH and cGnRH II suggest that these two forms have different physiological roles in the eel. The large increase in mGnRH during sexual maturation suggests the prime implication of this form in the neuroendocrine control of reproduction.  相似文献   

Abstract – For decades, the European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) population has been declining strongly despite several management attempts, so additional experiments need to be conducted on management measures. The use of freshwater protected areas has been advocated but their efficiency has never been assessed. In this study, we investigated whether the population structure and the silver eel (mature migrating stage) production differ in fished and protected areas within a marsh wetland (Brière, 7000 ha, Northwest France), using an intensive biological study (electrofishing and trapping) and a survey of the traditional fishery (licenses, questionnaires and creel surveys). First, we found that fishermen mainly targeted >320‐mm yellow eels (sedentary stage) using pots and square dipping nets and that harvest by fishermen was highly variable at different locations in the study area. Secondly, we found differences in the size‐class structures and mortality rates between protected and fished areas. Mortality rates of eels >320 mm was positively correlated with harvest by fishermen. Furthermore, the proportion of potentially migrating eels in the total population was found to be higher in the protected areas than in fished areas (6.38% vs. 1.42%, respectively). Thirdly, we found that protected areas potentially produce 8.4% of the total silver eel production whereas they only account for 2.4% of the aquatic habitat area. We estimated that a size adjustment of protected areas to 31.1% with maintaining the current fishery would produce 50% of the potential silver eel of a fully protected marsh. Protection of freshwater areas appears to be a promising management measure and a constructive consensual way to integrate the patrimonial and societal value of the traditional fishery and the international management plans for European eels. Furthermore, freshwater protective measures can be an effective local solution if they are integrated into the framework of freshwater biodiversity management and accompanied by other management measures that focus on all eel life stages.  相似文献   

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