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为了研究不同初始基因频率下闭锁群体基因频率、基因型频率在50个世代中的变化,试验采用计算机模拟的方法对实行随机留种、随机交配、世代不重叠、群体间个体无迁移、整个保种过程中基因不发生突变的原位保种群体进行模拟研究。结果表明:初始基因频率过高(0.9)或过低(0.1)时,基因由于世代间随机遗传漂变而被固定或丢失的风险越高;而初始基因频率为中等水平(0.3,0.5,0.7)时,基因被固定或丢失的风险相对较低,至整个模拟结束均未出现被固定或丢失的情况。说明初始基因频率过高或过低均不利于基因的保存,而中等水平的初始基因频率对保护群体基因不被固定或丢失是有利的。  相似文献   

随机留种下闭锁群体近交系数和基因杂合度的世代变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在假定不发生基因突变、群体间无个体迁移的情况下,采用Monte Carlo计算机模拟方法模拟了不同群体规模、性别比例和初始基因频率下闭锁群体近交系数和基因杂合度的变化。10个双等位基因座位分别位于10条不同的常染色体上,群体内实行随机留种,随机交配,世代不重叠,且每代参与繁殖的个体数相同。模拟试验共进行了50个世代,100次重复。结果表明,群体规模较大、公畜数较多时,群体近交系数上升缓慢,基因杂合度较高;当初始基因频率处于中等水平时,群体内可保持较高的基因杂合度;群体规模太小、公畜比例过低及基因的初始频率过低或过高,均不利于群体内遗传多样性的保持。  相似文献   

在假定不发生基因突变、群体间无个体迁移的情况下,采用MonteCarlo计算机模拟方法模拟了不同群体规模、性别比例和初始基因频率下闭锁群体近交系数和基因杂合度的变化。10个双等位基因座位分别位于10条不同的常染色体上,群体内实行随机留种,随机交配,世代不重叠,且每代参与繁殖的个体数相同。模拟试验共进行了50个世代,100次重复。结果表明,群体规模较大、公畜数较多时,群体近交系数上升缓慢,基因杂合度较高;当初始基因频率处于中等水平时,群体内可保持较高的基因杂合度;群体规模太小、公畜比例过低及基因的初始频率过低或过高,均不利于群体内遗传多样性的保持。  相似文献   

本文推导出了家畜近亲繁殖群体遗传组成的通用公式,据以计算在任何规则与不规则近亲繁殖体系下任意世代家畜群体涉及多个不连锁位点的基因型频率、表型频率及同一表型内不同基因型频率,研究结果有助于家畜交育种,近交系选育中质量性状的选择,确定适宜的近交程度,群体规模及选择的最佳世代。  相似文献   

山羊品种的进化是人为的通过许多世代形成的。当地的气候、环境、突变、迁移、选择以及遗传漂变在山羊品种的进化中都起着一定的作用。突变是遗传变异的源泉,为品种的进化提供了原材料,突变直接导致新等位基因的出现,改变群体已有的基因频率,引起群体遗传结构的改变。迁移是不同群体间由于个体转移引起的基因流动过程,由于山羊不同群体之间的差异主要体现在基因频率的不同,而迁移的作用就是通过不同频率的群体间基因流动引起群体基因频率的改变,迁移引起群体基因频率的变化取决于迁移率和两群体间基因频率差异的大小。  相似文献   

利用计算机模拟技术,观测特定基因在小规模畜禽保种群体中基因频率的变化,进而探讨畜禽保种群体遗传多样性的变化规律,为畜禽品种资源特定的种质特性保护提供科学依据和理论支持。运用Fotran90程序模拟重建Buri经典果蝇实验的保种过程,以基因频率、F-statistics和杂合度为度量指标,观测特定基因在保种世代推进过程中保种群体内和群体间遗传多样性的变化;随后,通过OMPG(one-migration-per-generation)原则研究迁移对畜禽保种群体遗传多样性的维持效应。结果发现,保种群体的遗传多样性总体趋势随保种世代的延长而逐代降低,具体表现群体分化程度加剧:Fst,Fit从初始世代0.0421,0.0011,上升到19世代的0.3885,0.3305,上升幅度高达89.16%和99.67%;杂合度降低:群体hi,hs从初始世代0.4994,0.4790下降到19世代0.3347,0.3057,下降幅度达32.98%和36.18%;而后利用OMPG原则操作保种群体,群体分化程度减弱:Fst,Fit从操作OMPG原则后初始世代0.3667,0.3504,下降到19世代的0.2341,0.1944,下降幅度达36.16%和44.52%;杂合度回升:群体hi,hs从操作OMPG原则后初始世代的0.3248,0.3166,上升到19世代的0.4025,0.3826,回升幅度分别达23.92%和20.84%。结论遗传漂变效应导致群体内遗传多样性丢失,OMPG原则输入效应可抵消小保种群体的遗传衰退,维持保种群体遗传多样性的稳定性。  相似文献   

通过电子计算机的模拟实验,研究随机飘变对群体遗传的影响,结果表明,各世代亚群平均基因频率与原始群体的基因频率基本保持一致,原始群体基因频率与0.5离差越大,亚群平均杂合子频率下降的速度及基因频率方差增加的速率越慢,而亚群达到纯合固定的速率则越快。  相似文献   

孟德尔分离群体验证候选基因遗传效应的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由候选基因法得到的基因变异-目标性状的关联性,其准确性和可靠性受群体遗传背景、连锁不平衡和样本含量大小等因素的影响,所以变异-性状关联性在某群体建立后,应进一步在其它群体中加以验证。在存在低等位基因频率的情况下,如果想得到一定数量低频率等位基因纯合子基因型个体的表型记录,就需要维持很大的试验群体,且试验费用和工作量非常大。本研究提出了一个解决群体内纯合子频率低的策略,即利用杂合子交配产生孟德尔分离群,不但可以获得符合要求的群体规模,而且群体的遗传背景更为相近,同时可以充分考虑家系效应,可以提高验证候选基因遗传效应的准确性。本研究以验证鸡垂体特异转录因子基因POU1F1-6位点对鸡生长性状的遗传效应为例,表明此策略在低等位基因频率情况下验证候选基因遗传效应是可取的,且大大降低了工作量和试验成本。  相似文献   

采用计算机随机模拟方法模拟了在一个闭锁群体内连续对单个性状进行 1 5个世代选择的情况。选择过程中世代不重叠 ,每个世代的种畜根据动物模型最佳线性无偏预测 (BLUP)法估计的育种值进行选留 ,并在此基础上系统地比较了不同群体规模、公母比例和性状遗传力对群体遗传方差和近交系数变化的影响。结果表明 ,扩大育种群规模、增加公畜比例以及对低遗传力性状进行选择时 ,群体遗传方差降低的速度和近交系数上升的速度会更慢 ,在长期选择时可望获得更大的持续进展和适宜的近交增量  相似文献   

保种是当前蜜蜂育种工作中的一项重要任务。一般认为,保种就是妥善地保存现有蜜蜂品种资源的基因库,使它们免遭混杂,不致丢失每一种基因。为此,必须避免群体混杂,控制选择,实行随机交配,减少遗传漂变,防止近交等,这对于自然交配的“开放劳蜜蜂群体是很难做到的。直到人工授精技术应用于蜜蜂育种,才使得建立闭锁群和确定育种群的大小成为可能,使蜜蜂育种工作发生革命性变化。大家知道,在任何生物群体中,由于突变、选择、漂变和迁移等因  相似文献   

Although the spatial genetic differentiation that occurs in animal populations has been extensively studied, information on temporal variations in genetic structure and diversity is still lacking, especially for animals with oscillating populations. In the present study, we used the mtDNA D‐loop sequence to assess the temporal genetic variation in samples from six successive years for the greater long‐tailed hamster, Tscherskia triton. Sampling was carried out between 1998 and 2003 in cropland on the North China Plain, China. A total of 108 individuals were analyzed. The temporal samples showed a high level of genetic diversity. Substantial genetic changes in haplotype frequencies over time were detected for the hamster population. Random genetic drift and migration are likely to be the major factors responsible for the observed temporal pattern. The genetic diversity of the hamster population was higher in years with higher population density, and lower in years with lower population density. The result supports our hypothesis that genetic diversity decreases when population density declines in animals whose population oscillates greatly between years. The combined effects of inbreeding and genetic drift caused by reproduction, dispersal and population size might play important roles in the observed changes in genetic structure and diversity between years.  相似文献   

Scrapie resistance is related to polymorphisms of the prion protein (PrP) gene. The homozygous ARR/ARR genotype of the prion protein gene is associated with high resistance against conventional scrapie infections. But this can lead to a distinct loss of genetic variation in breeds with a small population size or a low frequency of the ARR allele. For these populations an optimal breeding scheme for breeding towards scrapie resistance and an arbitrarily chosen production trait with conservation of the genetic diversity is not known yet. A simulation programme was developed, in which the structures of local populations could be used as input parameters, and the development of the ARR allele frequency, of the inbreeding coefficient, of a production trait and the genetic drift were computed in dependence of different selection schemes for scrapie resistance. An optimal strategy for the German Grey Heath population from Lower Saxony should be found. An optimal strategy in a breeding programme for ARR homozygosis should also maintain the genetic diversity present in a breed. This could be achieved when initially ARR heterozygous sheep were bred until a certain threshold value of the ARR allele was reached. The speed and costs of the breeding progress towards fixation of the ARR allele should then be optimized with regard to the aims of the breeders and breeding organisations, whereas a faster breeding towards scrapie resistance goes along with higher genotyping costs and vice versa.  相似文献   

畜禽遗传资源保存的计算机模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用计算机模拟方法产生畜禽品种的模拟保种群体,进行畜禽群体的保种研究。笔者考虑了选择、群体有效含量、性状的遗传力水平、控制性状的基因效应以及基因位点间的连锁强度等共24个参数组合,每种参数决定一个模拟群并且重复5次,共产生120个模拟群体,实验进行50世代。由模拟群体所得结果,讨论群体以及不同基因效应模型下群体生产性能均值、近交系数、基因丢失和群体基因频率等的变化,为实际畜禽保种工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以7、8、9世代京海黄鸡母鸡为试验材料,采用PCR-SSCP技术对IGF-Ⅰ基因外显子3多态位点进行研究,并计算基因型、基因频率、卡方值和部分遗传多态性指标。结果表明,A等位基因随着世代数的增加不断减少;3个世代之间基因型分布达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)差异;遗传杂合度随世代数的增加而升高;该位点3个世代均为中度多态。初步推断选留的确对IGF-Ⅰ基因31位点造成了影响,该位点可应用于育种实践中。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the parameter settings for obtaining a simulated genome at steady state of allele frequency (mutation–drift equilibrium) and linkage disequilibrium (LD), and evaluated the impact of whether or not the simulated genome reached steady state of allele frequency and LD on the accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs). After 500 to 50 000 historical generations, the base population and subsequent seven generations were generated as recent populations. The allele frequency distribution of the last generations of the historical population and LD in the base population were calculated when varying the values of five parameters: initial minor allele frequency, mutation rate, effective population size, number of markers and chromosome length. The accuracies of GEBVs in the last generation of the recent population were calculated by genomic best linear unbiased prediction. The number of historical generations required to reach mutation–drift equilibrium depended on the initial allele frequency and mutation rate. Regardless of the parameters, LD reached a steady state before allele frequency distribution reached mutation–drift equilibrium. The accuracies of GEBVs largely reflect the extent of linkage disequilibrium with the exception of varying chromosome length, although there were no associations between the accuracies of GEBVs and allele frequency distribution.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to examine the efficiency of pedigreed random‐bred control populations. It was argued that it was difficult to achieve this aim by the study of the parameters of a single control population, but that a comparison of the contemporaneous performance of two or more control strains over several generations would be more appropriate.

Six pedigreed randombred control populations with a planned size of 50 males and 150 females and derived from different base populations representing strains involved in a commercial poultry breeding programme were recorded for eight generations. Some difficulty was experienced in maintaining the populations to the size planned, particularly the Wyandotte strain, and this was associated with low semen production from males and low egg production from females rather than from poor fertility or hatchability. Analysis of data on sexual maturity, 25‐week body weight and 300 days’ egg production indicated no obvious regular changes in mean or variance except for sexual maturity for which the within strain variance increased markedly. The differences between strain means stayed relatively constant and there were few changes of rank order. The intra class correlation, corrected for changes in variance, for strains between years was 0–92, 1.00 and 0.96 for sexual maturity, body weight and egg production respectively.

Heritability estimates on four of the base populations indicated large differences between strains but also that additive genetic variation for some traits in some strains was approximately zero. For such traits and strains, genetic drift cannot occur which is a most desirable feature of a genetic control population. Some data were available on crosses of the control strains, which had been recorded for egg production and laying house mortality on many farms in each of eight years. There were no regular changes between years in mean egg production but mortality  相似文献   

Susceptibility to clinical scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in the prion protein (PrP) gene. The ARR allele reduces susceptibility to clinical disease caused by all known strains of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents. For the economically important German breeds of sheep the PrP allele frequencies are well known, but this paper presents representative genotyping results for 1526 sheep from two smaller milk sheep breeds and 2446 sheep from 14 mostly indigenous land sheep breeds. The ARR allele was detected in each breed but the breed-specific ARR frequencies varied between 1 and 63 per cent. In small populations with a very low ARR frequency the ARR allele could be lost by genetic drift. A simulation study was therefore made to examine the effects of different breeding schemes in populations of different sizes on attempts to select for the ARR allele in an endangered population. In breeds in which no homozygous rams are available the breeding strategy would depend on the number of heterozygous rams, and the genotyping and selection of suitable breeding ewes would reduce the time required to achieve a highly resistant population. In general, in all the breeds a selection programme to achieve 99 per cent ARR homozygous genotypes would be feasible in six to nine generations, depending on the initial allele frequencies. In small populations the inbreeding rate may increase if no specific mating plans are developed by the breeding organisations.  相似文献   

MyoD基因在不同猪种中的分布及群体遗传结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RFLP法检测了MyoD基因在10个中外猪种及部分杂交群体中的分布情况,分析了各群体内MyoD基因的遗传分布、遗传变异、群体杂合性等群体遗传信息,并进一步以各群体基因频率为基础,计算出群体间遗传距离和进化距离,根据进化距离对群体进行聚类,重建了系统发生树。结果表明:MyoD基因内含子1的DdeI酶切位点上不同基因型的分布在多数群体中都服从Hardy-Weinberg平衡,但在杜洛克和DLY群体中发生偏离。总体上讲,各试验群体的遗传多样性较丰富,群体遗传变异性较高,进化过程中受到自然选择压的作用,选择潜力较大。在系统发生树上,10个群体被分为4个分枝。分别是长白猪血缘、原始地方品种、杜洛克血缘和高原藏猪分枝。这一结果与各猪种的育种过程有较高的吻合性。说明部分功能基因的RFLP数据可用于近缘物种间的遗传分化研究。  相似文献   

The following results were obtained from experimental studies into effects of selection for fertility and into synchronised oestrus though eight generations of laboratory rats: -- The result of selection recordable from the population with selection only was better than that recorded from the population with selection and synchronised oestrus. This has been attributed to higher correlation between phenotype and genotype in the selection variant. -- Direct negative impact of synchronised oestrus on selection index was recorded from a population with random mating. -- The effects of synchronised oestrus regarding selection success were offset but not entirely ruled out by selection. -- Through the generations of both populations with synchronised oestrus the effects of synchronisation were lowered due to both physiological adaptation to Suisynchron application and contraselection with regard to suitability for synchronisation.  相似文献   

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