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Swayne DE Stockham SL Johnson GS 《Veterinary clinical pathology / American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology》1986,15(2):17-24
Generally accepted criteria were used to identify typical nucleated thrombocytes and typical small lymphocytes in chicken-blood smears subjected to modified-Wright staining. Other cells, here referred to as "intermediate cells," were difficult to classify because in some aspects they resembled thrombocytes while they also had features typical of small lymphocytes. The "intermediate cells" had small, round or oval nuclei with coarsely condensed chromatin, characteristic of both thrombocytes and small lymphocytes. In addition, "intermediate cells" had moderately abundant cytoplasmic volumes, typical of thrombocytes but blue cytoplasm lacking both granules and vacuoles, which is characteristic of small lymphocytes. It made little difference to the thrombocyte count whether these cells were classified as thrombocytes or small lymphocytes; however, this decision made a substantial difference to the lymphocyte count in some chicken-blood smears. Most "intermediate cells" (351 of 410 cells examined) were nonfluorescent after treatment with formaldehyde gas. Furthermore, most "intermediate cells" failed to acquire characteristic pigments when subjected to either Grimelius staining (179 of 204 cells examined) or periodic acid-Schiff staining (173 of 206 cells examined). Typical small lymphocytes reacted in the same way, failing to fluoresce after gaseous formaldehyde treatment (65 of 65 cells examined) and failing to react during Grimelius staining (41 of 44 cells examined) or periodic acid-Schiff staining (21 of 21 cells examined). In contrast, almost all typical thrombocytes became fluorescent in response to gaseous formaldehyde (709 of 718 cells examined) and gave positive reactions when subjected to Grimelius staining (381 of 382 cells examined) or periodic acid-Schiff staining (322 of 326 cells examined). These findings suggested that "intermediate cells" should be classified as lymphocytes in differential cell counts. 相似文献
N. Walwyn 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2013,61(1-2)
Extract Sir, — Readers of “Problems in Hydatid Eradication” (N.Z. vet. J. 28: 211, 1980) may have gained the impression that Wallaceville is a source of hydatid infection. However, the experiments alluded to took place at Wallaceville's Hydatid Field Unit on the Taieri Plain, Otago, and not at Wallaceville itself (the mis-report occurred in a MAF bulletin which I assume was your information source). Also, “hydatids” signified Taenia hydatigena and not Echinococcus granulosus (the experimental details can be found in Gemmell, Johnstone and Boswell, Res vet. Sci. 24: 334–338, 1978). 相似文献
This is the first report of the identification of Acuaria skrjabini Ozerska, 1926 (Nematoda: Spirurida) in New Zealand. The nematodes were recovered from the gizzard of a Cordon Bleu finch (Uraeginthus bengalus) kept as a caged bird at Waldronville. Otago. Mebendazole (Telmin), at 12S parts per million in the drinking water for 6 days, appeared to treat the infection successfully. 相似文献
Cystic alterations of the canine endometrium compromise reproduction and fertility of the bitch and may lead to life-threatening diseases, such as pyometra. Even without clinical evidence, reduction of the uterine lumen by cysts implicates disturbances during migration, nidation and development of the embryo. Several studies point to the high variability of morphology of uterine endometrial cysts but they lack detailed analyses of alterations. In the present study, immunohistochemistry was used to investigate the expression of steroid hormone receptors (oestrogen, progesterone), proliferation activity, inflammation and infection in the cystic affected tissue regions in contrast to the normal endometrium. Oestrogen receptor expression showed a high density of receptors throughout the surface epithelial cells, crypt epithelial cells, glandular epithelial cells and stromal cells of the normal endometrium as well as the cystic affected regions. Proliferation in the cysts was verified in the middle and basal cells of the crypts. Neither in the endometrium nor in the cysts inflammatory processes or evidence of infection could be detected. Furthermore, lectin histochemistry and electron microscopic methods showed that lectin binding patterns and cell morphology of internal epithelial lining and surface epithelium of the cysts can be used to characterize and distinguish different types of cystic alterations. Analogies between epithelial cells of the glandular chambers of the canine placenta and the cystic cellular morphology, steroid hormone receptor distribution as well as lectin binding patterns of the endometrial cysts, as observed in this study, suggest to introduce the term 'pseudo-placentational endometrial cysts'. 相似文献
A 6-year-old, Hereford/Angus crossbred cow which died acutely was submitted for necropsy and diagnostic evaluation. A toxicity was suspected by the owner who had noticed incoordination of one week's duration. The animal was last observed 24 hours prior to death. Toxicology screens for alkaloids, heavy metals, pesticides and nitrates were negative. The significant histologic abnormalities were confined to the thalamic nuclei, periventricular neurons and the liver. Neurons and hepatocytes contained 1 to 2 intracytoplasmic inclusions which stained faintly eosinophilic to slightly basophilic with H&E. The inclusions frequently had dense central cores and a fibrillar to homogeneous periphery. Based on a battery of histochemical stains for carbohydrates, and other mucosubstances and the morphology and location of the inclusions, a diagnosis of systemic glycoproteinosis consistent with Lafora's disease was made. This case represents the first report of lesions consistent with Lafora's disease in the bovine species. 相似文献
N. A. McEWAN P. E. McNEIL D. KIRKHAM M. SULLIVAN 《The Journal of small animal practice》1987,28(8):713-720
An 18-month-old Siamese cat, under treatment with cimetidine, developed an exfoliative dermatitis involving the ears, face and feet. Foot-pad lesions and paronychia with a caseous exudate were also present. Histopathology of skin biopsies showed subcorneal pustules involving the hair follicles. These findings were suggestive of pemphigus foliaceus. However, the presence of cutaneous vasculitis and the results of immunofluorescence testing did not support this diagnosis. Skin lesions disappeared when cimetidine treatment was stopped and reappeared with its re-use. A diagnosis of drug eruption was made. 相似文献
David Sisson DVM William P. Thomas DVM John Reed MS DVM Clarke E. Atkins DVM Howard B. Gelberg DVM PhD 《Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine》1993,7(6):364-369
Intrapericardial cysts were identified as the cause of impaired cardiac filling in six young dogs. Pneumo-pericardiography and two-dimensional echocardiography showed the cysts in 2 of 2 dogs and in 4 of 4 dogs, respectively. One dog, which was also infected with heartworms, died before surgical excision of the cyst could be performed. In the remaining dogs, surgical excision of the cysts and subtotal pericar-diectomy was successfully accomplished. Histologic examination of the excised tissue from one dog suggested that it was a pericardial coelomic cyst. The gross and histologic characteristics of the cysts removed from the other five dogs resembled those of acquired cystic hematomas. The etiopathogenesis of these cysts was uncertain, but all cysts were connected to a fatty pedicle of tissue. In one dog, a stalk of tissue was observed to enter the pericardium through a small peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia. In four dogs, the stalk of tissue was adhered to the apex of the parietal pericardium. These observations suggested that intrapericardial cysts, in some dogs, develop in association with, and possibly as a result of, congenital herniation and entrapment of omentum or a portion of the falciform ligament into the pericardial sac. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1993; 7:364–369. Copyright © 1993 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.) 相似文献
A polymelus monster was observed in a 7-week-old slaughterhouse chicken. The supernumerary limbs were smaller than the normal appendages but contained an equal number of digits. 相似文献