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 以MS为基本培养基,用地方品种阿城紫皮大蒜茎尖为外植体进行离体培养试验。结果表明,随蔗糖浓度的提高,大蒜试管微鳞茎形成被促进,而鳞茎发生数呈下降趋势;蔗糖浓度在30,60,90 g/L时,鳞茎发生数无显著差异,但均与120 g/L蔗糖处理下的鳞茎发生数间存在极显著差异;此外,各个处理条件下形成的平均鳞茎直径与鳞茎鲜重间均存在着极显著差异,90g/L处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

以MS为基本培养基,用地方品种阿城紫皮大蒜茎尖为外植体进行离体培养试验。结果表明,随蔗糖浓度的提高,大蒜试管微鳞茎形成被促进,而鳞茎发生数呈下降趋势;蔗糖浓度在30,60,90 g/L时,鳞茎发生数无显著差异,但均与120 g/L蔗糖处理下的鳞茎发生数间存在极显著差异;此外,各个处理条件下形成的平均鳞茎直径与鳞茎鲜重间均存在着极显著差异,90g/L处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

刘伟 《中国农学通报》2012,28(17):246-251
杨屾所著《修齐直指》一书,简要阐述其农学的哲学基础,构建了一个以"五常"为核心,"五常"、"五纯"、"五伦"相互转化的理论体系,用以解释和规约自然与人类世界,是理解杨屾经验农学理论及其农桑试验思想动因的关键所在。试图通过评述《修齐直指》中杨屾的理学及其农学应用,以廓清杨屾农学的哲学基础,同时也为勾画关学历史图景增添不可或缺的重要一笔。  相似文献   

机械化制茶和种茶使用化肥 ,是茶业进入近代以后的事情。如所周知 ,中国是茶业和茶文化的肇创国 ,中国有悠久的茶业历史 ,但近代茶业 ,则不是中国 ,而是从中国引进茶种、学习种茶、制茶刚刚开始 ,建立和发展茶园的英国、荷兰等西方国家 ,边建边发展起来的。世界近代的历史 ,一般是以 1 6 40年英国资产阶级革命为开始的 ;中国的近代 ,则是以1 840年中英鸦片战争为起点。但是 ,茶业的近代发展 ,不论是西方还是中国 ,都是与历史分期 ,不相匹配的。对中国和世界茶业历史稍有接触的人都知道 ,中国饮茶、业茶的历史虽早 ,但传输国外的历史甚迟 ,与…  相似文献   

惠尔康“谷粒谷力”系列产品包括燕麦浓浆、玉米南瓜浆、红豆浓浆、原谷浓浆和荞麦浓浆等饮料,该系列产品是以中华传统饮食理念和“中国居民平衡膳食宝塔”为指导依据,利用五谷杂粮为主要原料,通过合理搭配、科学配方以及先进的加工工艺和生产技术,研制开发的适合现代中国人营养需求的系列液态谷物食品。惠尔康“谷粒谷力”从真正意义上体现出了现代食品技术与中华传统饮食的完美结合,收到了良好的社会效益与经济效益。  相似文献   

李仪祉是中国由古代科学技术进入近代科学技术治河的开路人。在中国近代水利事业发展史上,他不仅大量引进、传播西方先进水利科学技术,也努力继承和发展中国传统治水理论。他肯定了中国传统堤防的作用,提出“学术筑堤”;注重堤防的治导作用,将河道整治工程作为筑堤防洪的外延;强调植物固堤护滩要避其松土之短,扬其助淤之长;他还希望全面改进传统堤防的施工管理和基础科学研究,建设防洪、治导、灌溉、交通一体化的堤防。  相似文献   

海棠树种资源的园林特性及其开发利用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
海棠素有“国艳”之美誉,是中国传统名花之一,种类繁多,栽培历史悠久,文史底蕴深厚。但目前对海棠树种资源缺乏系统整理,园林绿化应用仍局限于少数传统种类和品种,开发利用的途径也比较单一。依据相关文献,概述了中国园林绿化中已经应用或有潜在应用价值的海棠树种资源的分类学归属、主要植物学特征和观赏特征,总结了海棠文化的内涵和表现形式,阐述了海棠树种在古典和现代园林中的配置方式和应用形式,指出了海棠树种资源在园林应用开发方面存在的问题,并提出开发对策,展望了应用前景。  相似文献   

生物炭、沸石与化肥配施的农学和环境效应的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物炭和沸石在提升耕地生产性能和作物生产力,修复土壤障碍和改善农业面源污染等方面有着重要的现实意义和应用价值,与化学肥料科学配施可作为农业与环境可持续发展的重要战略之一。为了提高生物炭、沸石与化学肥料配施的农学效益和环境效益,简要归纳了生物炭、沸石与化肥配施的农学和环境效应研究现状,包括生物炭和沸石的性质与特征,生物炭、沸石对土壤理化性质的作用机理,生物炭、沸石与化学肥料配施的农学效应和环境效应。最后指出了生物炭、沸石与化学肥料配施存在的问题以及研究趋势。  相似文献   

《中国农学通报》(以下简称《通报》)是中国农学会主办,由我国著名农业科学家、两院院士石元春教授担任主编的综合性农业学术期刊。《通报》是中国科技核心期刊、中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)收录期刊、中国科协优秀学术期刊、全国优秀农业期刊,  相似文献   

兵团农业现代化发展途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业现代化是指用现代的生产工具和现代科学技术来武装农业,用现代的科学管理方法来管理农业。从而把传统落后的农业转变为现代先进农业的过程。农业现代化的本质是科学技术化,特征是商品化,方向是集约化,目标是产业化。现代农业是一种优质高效的农业产业体系.是以全面、协调、可持续发展为基本原则,以促进农业综合效益为目标,  相似文献   

提高科技期刊影响力的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以《中国农学通报》为例,从历史积淀、办刊宗旨、主办单位、编辑水平、办刊理念等方面分析了提高科技期刊影响力的基础;论述了增强科技期刊影响力的途径,包括提高稿源水平、办刊质量、编审效率、加强管理与编辑队伍建设,加快与国际接轨。并从载文量、影响因子、即年指标变化、被引频次、基金资助论文率、网络影响力等方面阐述了近年来《中国农学通报》在农业领域影响力的提高情况。  相似文献   

Philosophy of science led by Popper is one of the most important contemporary scientific and philosophic theories.In addition to the science,the philosophy of science impacted contemporary social science mostly,of which the false-feasibility,circumstantial logic,anti-historical determinism and anti-scientism influenced the orientation of contemporary architecture.Just with these factors of philosophy of science,this thesis reanalyzed and reviewed Chinese contemporary architectural forms,especially the tradition inheritance.  相似文献   

The expression of traditional Chinese literati is based on connection, seeking emotion and harmony. With various forms, though, this style of expression shares the same value in some art forms, like traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings, and Chinese architecture. Based on the commonalities of various forms of literature and art, this paper offered an insight into Chinese architecture in light of poetic and pictorial expression of traditional Chinese literati. In order to illuminate the corresponding connection between traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings, and Chinese architecture, this paper discussed the expression of Chinese architecture corresponding to the essence of traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings respectively from the perspective of philosophy, aesthetics, and culture study of Chinese architecture. Via analogous analysis, which includes the analogy between the emotion of architecture and the feelings in traditional poetry, the analogy between the order of architecture and the spirit of calligraphy, and the analogy between the artistic conception and the picturesque scene, the poetic and pictorial expression of Chinese architecture was clarified. This paper emphasized that Chinese architecture needs to jump out of the concrete image, eradicate the interdisciplinary boundaries, and stress the integration of arts and humanities in a higher level, to express Chinese architecture in a Chinese way. That means making Chinese architecture modern in forms and techniques, and traditional in spirit and artistic conception.  相似文献   

During the long history of architectural development,ancient Chinese architects applied the geomantic philosophy to architectural design.Geomantic philosophy is of great value to modern architectural design.in order to make the geomantic thought popular in modern architectural design,traditional geomantic culture was embodied very well in the design and site-selection of the tomb of Yang Shangkun,former President of P.R.China.The idea of geomancy in the tomb design also provides a rich and valuable experience for modern architectural design.The tomb is an example of inherited Chinese traditional culture and application of ancient thought to contemporary uses.  相似文献   

Classical Chinese garden is a compound artwork of material and spiritual construction,and Xishu Garden is a regional product with outstanding characteristics and high quality among classical Chinese gardens,it has special spiritual construction and outstanding regional characteristics.Regional cultural characteristics of Xishu garden are analyzed from the perspectives of philosophy consciousness,spirit of history and comprehensive art,especially the gardening view based on Taoism,memorial significance,spirit of history and style it inherits from the Tang and Song Dynasties.Enlightenment of Xishu Garden on modern landscape architecture is elaborated.  相似文献   

关于国家科技奖励评审中有关种业成果评价的建议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
边全乐 《中国农学通报》2012,28(35):152-154
国务院《关于加快推进现代化农作物种业发展的意见》出台的背景,一是基于跨国种业公司在中国迅猛扩张,国内种业陷入困境;二是民族种业竞争力不强,国内种业到了生死存亡关头;三是加强自主创新,提升民族种业竞争力刻不容缓。近几年,中国农学会在科技成果奖励和成果评价方面,紧密围绕建设中国现代种业发展的需求,4届评审奖励中种业获奖成果总数达134项,占获奖成果总数的32.1%。建议今后在国家科技奖评审中,设立独立的农作物种业成果评审组,分阶段适度转移种业成果的评审重点,制定专门的种业成果评价标准,发挥农口学会协会在种业成果评价中的作用。  相似文献   

以香港和陕西两地大学生就中国传统饮食文化与现代饮食营养论坛上交流为契机,通过讨论陕西和香港各自的饮食习惯和文化,进而比较研究了两地饮食文化的异同,并运用现代营养学的眼光对其进行粗浅地分析,为促进中国食文化的继承和发扬作出贡献。  相似文献   

In this paper, the management philosophy of 'governance without unwanted action' of Taoism, 'to keep balance in each aspect' of Confucianism and 'governance with laws' of legalism are firstly discussed in detail. Then, the connotations of management philosophy and management and the relationship between them are discussed. The model of the modern cubic management is briefly introduced. Finally, the application and practice of the management philosophy of Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism in the establishment of the modern management model are studied and it is suggested that the idea of variation is necessary in the application of the management philosophy of Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism.  相似文献   

Large-scale living spaces characterized with localization,nature,and vitality in Jiangnan area(Jiangnan refers to the southern regions of the Yangtze River) are gradually disappearing because of the extensive urbanization and modernization. In this paper,the suitable design method of riparian space is explored based on morphological features,composition principle,and spatial form of Jiangnan area,as well as the design philosophy of modern buildings. Besides,the conceptual planning of Didang Lake North Park in Shaoxing City is taken as a case study.  相似文献   

汉中地处陕西省境内的秦巴山区,素有“天然药库”之称,从古至今一直是中国中药材的主要产地。在中国中药材资源普查中,汉中药用植物达1300多种,国家规定的364种重点中药材汉中有280种,具有显著的资源优势。中药现代化为汉中中药提供了难得的发展机遇。  相似文献   

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