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连城白鸭是全国唯一的药用鸭,是连城特有的地方种质资源。北团镇素有"连城白鸭之乡"的美誉养殖量在全县数一数二。水量充沛的北团河贯穿全镇,为连城白鸭提供了优质的水源和场地。  相似文献   

连城县位于闽西的北部,地处福建省闽江、汀江、九龙江源头,有“一水流三江”之美誉,是个典型的山区农业县,全县土地总面积2596平方公里,辖7镇10乡240个村(居)委会,总人口33.71万人。境内交通极为便利,有闽西唯一的龙岩冠豸山机场;赣龙铁路、205和319国道及省道建文线贯穿全境,在建的龙长、永武两条高速公路从我县境内穿过,形成我县贯通东西南北的便捷交通网络。这里山川秀丽,风景迷人,突兀于世界A级梅花山自然保护区旁的连城冠豸山,碧水丹山相映,  相似文献   

为提高连城白鸭的产蛋性能,从连城白鸭原种场核心群选择具有高产性能的60羽公鸭、900羽母鸭按1:15组成60个家系基础群,采用家系闭锁群继代选育法选育.结果表明:连城白鸭产蛋数经过5个世代选育后由255.7枚提高到275.0枚,蛋重、授精率、孵化率和料蛋比均有不同程度提高.选育进展显著,选育技术路线正确、有效.  相似文献   

“连城白鸭”又名“白鹜鸭”,是福建省水禽优良地方品种之一。上世纪70年代被列入《中国家禽品种志》,主产于福建省连城县。因集膳食与药理功能为一身,被世人称为“全国唯一药用鸭”。还被农业部列为78种国家级畜禽资源保护品种之一。本次实验从食用角度对连城白鸭的肉质进行研  相似文献   

本试验通过对连城白鸭外周血淋巴细胞培养、秋水仙素处理后制备染色体标本,并进行染色体核型分析。结果表明,连城白鸭体细胞数目为2n=78±,1号常染色体为亚中央着丝粒染色体;2号常染色体为中央着丝粒染色体;3~9号常染色体及W性染色体为端着丝粒染色体;Z性染色体为亚端着丝粒染色体。本文通过对外周血淋巴细胞染色体核型分析,为进一步研究连城白鸭品种选育奠定基础。  相似文献   

连城白鸭是我国具有药用保健功效的地方珍禽.1996年开始对连城白鸭进行品种选育工作.为在连城白鸭选育工作中科学运用近交手段进行了本项试验.  相似文献   

为了更深入地了解连城白鸭睾丸生长发育规律。试验通过测定100、120、140、160、180、200、240和480日龄连城白鸭的睾丸长径、短径和重量等指标,比较分析连城白鸭各阶段睾丸重、睾丸体积和睾丸指数之间的关系,结果表明:连城白鸭100日龄至480日龄间的体重无显著差异,而100日龄至180日龄睾丸生长发育迅速,睾丸总重、睾丸总体积和睾丸指数迅速增长;180日龄至240日龄,睾丸生长发育相对减缓,睾丸总重、睾丸总体积和睾丸指数增长也相应减缓;240日龄后,睾丸的生长发育进入相对静止状态。表明了连城白鸭睾丸的生长发育较迟于体重的生长发育。  相似文献   

以连城白鸭为试验材料,GnRH基因为候选基因,采用PCR-SSCP技术分析GnRH基因5'端调控区在连城白鸭群体中的单核苷酸多态性(SNP),并探讨该基因与产蛋性状之间的相关性.结果表明:在连城白鸭中检测到AA、BB和AB 3种基因型,基因型和产蛋性能的关联分析表明,不同基因型对连城白鸭300日龄产蛋数有显著影响(P<0.05),而对开产日龄没有显著影响(P>0.05).由此推测,该基因型可作为一个筛选连城白鸭产蛋数的分子标记.  相似文献   

连城白鸭正反交后代体型指数和屠宰性能的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更深入地了解连城白鸭与樱桃谷鸭正反交后代体型指数和屠宰性能之间的相关性,随机抽取500日龄的正反交后代各10只,通过测定其体型指数和屠宰性能等指标,并分析各指标之间的相关性。结果表明,连城白鸭与樱桃谷鸭500日龄正交后代在活重、体长、体斜长、胸围和潜水长方面极显著(P<0.01)高于反交后代;在屠体重、半净膛、全净膛和心肌重方面正交后代极显著(P<0.01)高于反交后代。杂交后代之间体型指数与屠宰性能表现出很好的相关性。  相似文献   

辽东白嗉鸭是一个具有独特外貌特征和生产性能的地方鸭种资源类群,对丰富世界鸭种遗传资源的多样性有着重大意义。对该鸭种的种质性能进行测定,结果:从羽色及蹼色可分为3个亚型,即黑羽白嗉、银灰羽白嗉、金掌白嗉;体形、体重有兼用型的特征,成年公鸭屠宰率84.1%,胸肌率17.6%,腿肌率16.4%。银灰羽和黑羽类群公、母鸭的绝对增重峰值期均出现在8~9周龄(28~33g/d),相对增重率的峰值均出现在4周龄(80.43%~85.38%);银灰羽类群公、母鸭的初生重及24周龄体重略高于黑羽类群,但差异不显著(P>0.05);0~6周龄成活率98.6%,7~24周龄成活率97.8%。开产日龄为184d,核心群入舍母鸭年均产蛋量(249±12)个、加权年均产蛋量(285±16)个;普通群入舍母鸭年均产蛋量(174.6±18)个、加权年均产蛋量(186.3±16)个;自然交配公、母比例为1∶9,饲养只日受精率为91.32%。  相似文献   

鸟类巢寄生是研究寄生者与宿主之间相互作用及其协同进化的模式系统。然而,近来开展的一些工作却使人们对褐头牛鹂(Molothrus ater)这一世界上研究最多的寄生性繁殖鸟类产生了误解,特别是在到底该鸟对其宿主鸟类是否会产生危害这一认识上。这些潜在的误解包括:褐头牛鹂是一种新出现在北美的寄生鸟类,其种群正在快速增加;新近被牛鹂寄生的宿主没有防御行为,因此牛鹂寄生导致了目前雀形目鸟类的普遍减少,而对牛鹂的控制管理有效增加了濒危宿主鸟类的种群。而关于协同进化方面的误解则包括:牛鹂是典型的"相容性寄生鸟类";牛鹂雏鸟会拱掉巢内宿主卵或雏鸟;牛鹂具有"黑手党"报复行为。这些误解由来已久,已严重影响了我们对牛鹂这一神奇寄生鸟类及其协同进化过程的认识。为此,本文对所有这些误解一一做了说明,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

北京鸭、樱桃谷鸭与仙湖鸭的生长曲线分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
吕敏芝 《中国家禽》2000,22(3):13-14
本文利用曲线方程分别拟合了北京鸭、樱桃谷鸭和仙湖鸭从0 ̄7周龄的每周平均体重,作出了相应的曲线图,并进行生长曲线分析。结果表明:2周龄前的仔鸭生长曲线符合指数函数方程,而2周龄后则几乎呈直线关系,符合直线回归方程,且两个方程的拟合优度R^2均达0.986以上。  相似文献   

1. A 2 × 8 factorial experiment containing different sexes (female and male) and 8 dietary riboflavin concentrations (1.2, 3.2, 5.2, 7.2, 9.2, 11.2, 13.2 and 15.2 mg/kg) was conducted to evaluate the riboflavin requirements of male and female White Pekin ducks from hatch to 21 d of age.

2. A total of 640 1-d-old Pekin ducks including 320 male and 320 female birds were randomly distributed into 80 wire-floor pens of 8 birds, sexed separately and with each treatment group containing 5 replicate pens. The birds were raised from hatch to 21 d of age. At 21 d of age, the weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and plasma and liver riboflavin were measured.

3. Growth depression, high mortality and low plasma and liver riboflavin were observed in riboflavin-deficient ducks, and these ill effects could be reduced by increasing dietary riboflavin concentrations. Weight gain, feed intake and riboflavin concentration in plasma and liver increased as dietary riboflavin increased.

4. According to broken-line regression analysis, the riboflavin requirements of modern breed of White Pekin ducks from hatch to 21 d of age for weight gain, feed conversion ratio, plasma riboflavin and liver riboflavin were 3.31, 5.20, 3.85 and 3.91 mg/kg for male and 3.27, 3.33, 3.84 and 3.28 mg/kg for female, respectively. Compared with female birds, more riboflavin was needed by male ducks, which may be because of significantly greater weight gain and liver riboflavin content of male ducks.  相似文献   

略论家蚕品种的种性保持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾均文  黄仁志  陈志华 《蚕学通讯》2004,24(3):33-34,37
概述了家蚕品种退化的遗传实质及原因,简要介绍了防止品种退化的主要措施和方法,对家蚕品种的种性保持和复壮更新,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

The experiment comprised 100 chickens, 100 ducks and 100 geese fed diets based on mixed grains of maize, barley and wheat. Nutrient concentrations in the mixtures were in accordance with the requirements of poultry species. The birds were kept in metabolic cages from the 1st up to the 42nd day of life. The measurements of body weight, activity of alpha-amylase and lipase in pancreatic tissue, enzymatic activity of intestinal wall cells, parameters of carbohydrate fermentations, ileal and total amino acids digestibility were conducted on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 28th and 42nd day of life or on the 14th, 28th and 42nd day of life. The pancreas alpha-amylase activity in chickens during the whole period was quite constant; in ducks and geese it was very low, but from the 28th day a dynamic increase in the activity of the pancreatic enzymes was observed in these birds. The activity of lipase was low but from the 28th day of experiment an increase was noted and was much higher in waterfowl than in chickens. The highest caecal concentration of SCFA (Short chain fatty acids) (in total high) was noted in chickens; these values were slightly lower in geese and ducks. A high (70%) ileal amino acids digestibility was seen in very young chickens; during the period of 15-42 days this value amounted up to 73%. In geese, the obtained values were 63% and in ducks 43-61%, with a mean of 55%. Faecal digestibility of amino acids had a mean of up to 86% for all species but the digestibility of single amino acids such as cystine, glycine, histidine and tyrosine was diversified and relatively lower than the others.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the effects of stocking density on performance, meat quality and tibia development in Pekin ducks reared on a plastic wire floor. A total of 372 healthy, 21‐day‐old, male ducks with similar body weight (BW) were randomly allotted to stocking densities of five (low), eight (medium) and 11 (high) birds/m2. Each group had six replicates. Results showed that compared with the low density group, medium and high stocking density caused a decrease in final BW at 42 days old, and in average daily gain, European performance index (< .01) and meat pH at 45 min postmortem (< .001), and an increase of meat drip loss (< .01). High stocking density resulted in an increase of feed/gain ratio (< .001), but a decrease of tibia calcium (< .01) and phosphorus content (< .05). Meat color, shear force values, tibia size (weight, length, and width) and breaking strength were not significantly influenced by stocking density. In conclusion, stocking density over eight birds/m2 negatively affects growth performance, but meat quality and tibia development are not dramatically influenced. Based on this study, the stocking density of male Pekin ducks should be adjusted between five and eight birds/m2.  相似文献   

本研究旨在分析日粮添加不同比例的发酵菜籽粕对白羽公番鸭生长性能和血液指标的影响。将480只同批次、体重相近的28日龄健康白羽公番鸭随机分成4组,每组6个重复,每重复20只。对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮,试验组分别用12%、16%和20%的发酵菜籽粕等氮代替基础日粮中的豆粕,试验期为期21 d。结果表明:1)对照组和16%组番鸭的末体重和平均日增重显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),对照组番鸭的平均日采食量显著高于其他各组(P<0.05)。2)16%组番鸭血清总蛋白、总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白和低密度脂蛋白含量均显著低于12%组(P<0.05);16%组番鸭血清的谷丙转氨酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性显著高于12%组(P<0.05),而血清甲状腺激素含量则相反。3)16%组番鸭血清的超氧化物歧化酶活性均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),而其他指标无显著性差异。以上结果显示,日粮中适当添加发酵菜籽粕替代豆粕不会影响番鸭的生长性能,其中添加16%的效果较好。  相似文献   

Under similar environmental conditions, 100 male Shaver-Starbro hybrid chickens, 100 male Mulard cross-line ducklings and 100 male Landaise goslings kept in 30 metabolic cages from the first day of life (10 birds of each species separately per cage) were chosen for the study. The animals were fed semi ad libitum diets with crude protein content and energy density similar to that used for poultry species, avoiding feed residues. During the first 21 days of life they received starter diets and from day 22 to 42 grower diets. Maize accounted for 23-40% and barley constituted 10-18%. Wheat accounted for 20.0% in starter diets and 10-18% in grower diets. Resorption of yolk sac residues, performance, development of the intestinal tract in young chickens, ducklings and goslings were assessed. During the first 5 days of life intensive absorption of yolk sac ingredients was observed. On day 7, residues of the yolk sac were found in more than 30% of chickens compared with approximately 10% in geese. In ducklings residues of the yolk sac were not found. On day 16 unabsorbed yolk sacs were found in approximately 10% of chickens. Liver and pancreas weighed the highest in geese and in ducks; in chickens the weight of these organs was significantly lower (p < 0.01). The relative values calculated to 100 g of metabolic body weight show that the average small intestine in chickens was significantly longer (p < 0.01) than in ducks or geese. The intestinal tract developed earlier in the chicken than in the water fowl.  相似文献   

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