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Mortality of the short-neck clam Ruditapes philippinarum exposed to the toxic dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama was studied under controlled conditions to clarify the mechanisms of recurrent mass deaths of clams occurring in western Japanese coastal areas. One-week mortality tests, involving three water temperatures, six H. circularisquama concentrations, and two clam body sizes, showed a significant increase in mortality with increasing temperature, H. circularisquama concentration, exposure duration, and body size (ANOVA, P < 0.01). Clam death was observed at concentrations as low as 50 cells/ml and temperatures as low as 15°C. Prior to death, clams showed an extreme retraction of their mantle edge and siphon, along with recurrent vomiting behavior before initiating a closure reaction followed by paralysis then death. Gills of paralyzed clams showed an important uptake of dye, implying gill damage. This study is the first laboratory evidence of bivalve mortality induced by H. circularisquama at low concentrations and low temperature, and the first report of differential effects according to the body size of bivalves.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The conventional acetate peel method was modified to analyze the shell growth pattern of juvenile Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum as small as 2 mm in shell length (SL). In the outer shell layer along the axis of maximum growth, two types of growth increments were observed: distinct increments and indistinct increments, which, respectively, do and do not continue to the middle shell layer. The distinct increments were found to be formed every two days in intertidal and shallow subtidal zones by field enclosure experiments of juveniles with datum points marked with alizarin complexone. Growth patterns of juveniles (12 mm SL) collected from the Seaside Park of Yokohama in Tokyo Bay were analyzed to confirm the modified method. Mean daily shell growth rate from April to July 2005 ranged 120–142 μm/day, which was reasonable as compared with previous studies. It was impossible to backcalculate the growth to the settlement size (i.e. 0.2 mm SL) because of erosion of the outer shell surface, and the smallest backcalculated minimum shell length was 0.8 mm. Fluctuations in daily growth rate were high, ranging 29–315 μm/day, and did not show a clear two-weekly rhythm.  相似文献   

In this study, the energy budget of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, was evaluated after one-week acclimation periods at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25°C. Small clams (151 ± 12 mg DW) and large clams (353 ± 16 mg DW) were fed with the microalgae, Isochrysis galbana. Filtration rate, ingestion rate, assimilation efficiency, oxygen-consumption rate, and ammonia excretion rate were measured. Both filtration rate and ingestion rate of small and large clams were found to be related to temperature. The highest Q 10 values were measured in the range 15–20°C for both small and large clams. Assimilation efficiency of both small and large clams was not significantly influenced by temperature, although the maximum mean values were detected at 20°C. Oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of small and large clams were found to be related directly to temperature over the entire range, with a maximum being detected at 25°C. The highest Q 10 value was estimated in the range 10–15°C with regard to oxygen consumption rate, and in the range of 15–20°C with regard to ammonia excretion rate. Scope for growth (SFG) was positive at all temperatures, achieving a maximum value at 20°C in both small and large clams, primarily as a consequence of the enhanced ingestion rate which offset the concomitant elevation in the metabolic rate. In this study we have estimated the thermal optimum for this species at 20°C.  相似文献   

The immediate-early gene (egr-1) expression was used to examine the neuron’s response in telencephalon of goldfish during spatial learning in small space. Fishes were pre-exposed in the experimental apparatus and trained to pick food from the tray in a rectangular-shaped arena. The apparatus was divided into identical compartments comprising three gates to provide different spatial tasks. After the fish learned to pass through the gate one, two more gates were introduced one by one. Fish made more number of attempts and took longer time (P < 0.05) to pass through the first gate than the gate two or three. This active learning induces the expression of egr-1 in telencephalon as established by western blot analysis. Subsequently, the fish learn quickly to cross the similar type of second and third gate and make fewer errors with a corresponding decline in the level of egr-1 expression. As the fish learned to pass through all the three gates, third gate was replaced by modified gate three. Interestingly, the level of egr-1 expression increased again, when the fish exhibit a high exploratory behavior to cross the modified gate three. The present study shows that egr-1 expression is induced in the telencephalon of goldfish while intensively acquiring geometric spatial information to pass through the gates.  相似文献   

Partial substitutions of fish meal by 5, 15, or 25 % of Gracilaria cornea or Ulva rigida in experimental diets were evaluated to study their effects on biodiversity of intestinal microbiota composition in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles. The diets were offered to duplicate groups of 15 juvenile fish (14.0 ± 0.5 g) for 70 days, and at the end of the experiment the intestinal microbiota from four specimens of each treatment was analysed by denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis. Results showed that the substitution of fish meal by algae meal induced important modifications in the intestinal microbiota community, as a big reduction of the biodiversity when the highest percentage (25 %) of U. rigida was included. On the contrary, an increase on the number of species was detected when a 15 % of algae was included. Various Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies were selectively stimulated when G. cornea was included in the feed, and other bacterial species, such as those included in the Vibrio genus, were reduced.  相似文献   

Reproduction allows organisms to produce offspring. Animals shift from immature juveniles into mature adults and become capable of sexual reproduction during puberty, which culminates in the first spermiation and sperm hydration or ovulation. Reproduction is closely related to the precise control of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis. Kisspeptin peptides are considered as the important regulator of HPG axis in mammalian. However, the current understanding of kisspeptin in flatfish is not comprehensive. In this study, we cloned and analyzed the kiss2 and kissr2 genes in Cynoglossus semilaevis. Interesting alternative splicing in the 5′-untranslated regions (UTR) of the Cskissr2 gene was found. The expression profiles of Cskiss2 and Cskissr2 showed relative high messenger RNA (mRNA) levels at the late gastrula stage during embryonic development, at total length = 40 mm during early gonadal differentiation, and in the brains and gonads of all investigated tissues. These results suggested that the kisspeptin system participated in embryogenesis and in the regulation of gonadal differentiation and development. Considering that the control and regulatory mechanisms of kisspeptin in the central reproductive axis are still unclear, we documented that the intramuscular injection of kisspeptin caused different sGnRH and cGnRH mRNA levels in a dose- and tissue-dependent manner. The mRNA expressions of FSH and LH were stimulated in the ovary and were inhibited in the testis under the kisspeptin treatments. These results provided foundations for understanding the roles of kisspeptin in the neuroendocrine system in fish. The manipulation of the kisspeptin system may provide new opportunities to control the gonadal development and even reproduction in fish.  相似文献   

Hyriopsis (Hyriopsis) bialatus has been cultured during the mussel life cycle from glochidia to the adult stage with a low total survival of 6% up to 130-day-old juveniles. The main digestive enzymes (amylase and proteinases) were not detectable in one-day-old juveniles, and increased during development. The stomach, including digestive glands, was the major digestive organ for both carbohydrate and protein. The optimum conditions for amylase activity were 40°C and pH 7; for acidic proteinases they were 60°C and pH 5. Two main alkaline proteinases were found in the intestine, with optimum conditions of 30°C and pH 8 and 60°C and pH 8. To improve mussel survival by finding suitable phytoplankton species and age as food for juveniles and adults, an in-vitro digestibility test was performed on ten algal species three and seven days old using amylase and proteinases in crude enzyme extracts from different mussel life stages. Among the phytoplankton selected, the three most efficiently digested by juveniles were seven-day-old Chlorella sp.2, seven-day-old Chlorococcum sp. and seven-day-old Kirchneriella incurvata, in the ratio 1:1:3 for 30-day-old juveniles and 3:1:1 for 130-day-old juveniles. For the adult mussel, three-day-old Chlorella sp.2, seven-day-old Coccomyxa sp., and seven-day-old Monoraphidium sp., in the ratio 3:1:1, were the most digestible phytoplankton. Levels of in-vitro digestibility were related to the quality (not the concentrations) of carbohydrate and protein in the phytoplankton mixtures, and protein digestibility seemed to be the key factor determining food quality for the mussel.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of exogenous non-starch polysaccharide (NSP)-degrading enzymes in diets containing Gracilaria lemaneiformis (GL) on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities of white-spotted snapper Lutjanus stellatus Akazaki (initial mass 8.0 ± 0.1 g). A basal diet (D0) containing a mixed protein source (fish meal, soybean meal and GL meal) was used as the control. Two diets supplemented with 0.5 g (D1) and 1 g (D2) exogenous NSP-degrading enzymes per kilogram of diet were formulated. Each diet was assigned to triplicate groups of fish in a total of nine floating sea cages (270 fish, 30 fish per cage). After a 60-day feeding trail, significantly higher weight gain, specific growth ratio and feed efficiency ratio were observed in fish fed D2 diet compared to those of control (P < 0.05). Body lipid, moisture and ash contents were not significantly affected by NSP-degrading enzyme supplementation, but significantly higher protein content was noticed in fish fed D2 diet compared to that of control (P < 0.05). The amylase activity in the stomach and intestine was significantly higher in fish fed D2 diet (P < 0.05), but no significant differences were observed in pepsin and lipase activities in the stomach or trypsin and lipase activities in the intestine between all treatments. The results suggested that addition of 1 g kg?1 NSP-degrading enzymes in diet could efficiently improve seaweed feed utilization and growth performance of white-spotted snapper fish.  相似文献   

The influence of Tribulus terrestris on the activities of testicular enzyme in Poecilia latipinna was assessed in lieu of reproductive manipulation. Different concentrations of (100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mg) Tribulus terrestris extract and of a control were tested for testicular activity of enzymes in Poecilia latipinna for 2 months. The testis and liver were homogenized separately in 0.1 mol/l potassium phosphate buffer (0.1 mol/l, pH 7.2). The crude homogenate was centrifuged, and supernatant obtained was used as an enzyme extract for determination of activities. The activities of testicular functional enzyme ALP, ACP, SDH, LDH, and G6PDH levels were changed to different extent in treated groups compared with that of the control. The total body weight and testis weight were increased with the Tribulus terrestris-treated fish (Poecilia latipinna). These results suggest that Tribulus terrestris induced the testicular enzyme activity that may aid in the male reproductive functions. It is discernible from the present study that Tribulus terrestris has the inducing effect on reproductive system of Poecilia latipinna.  相似文献   

Francisella noatunensis orientalis is a bacterium that causes emerging bacteriosis in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in many parts of the world, including Brazil. It is a non-motile, Gram-negative, strictly aerobic, facultative intracellular coccobacillus. This species of bacteria is responsible for low to high mortality in fish farms, causing economic losses for fish farmers. This study aimed to detect the presence of F. noatunensis orientalis using qPCR (real-time polymerase chain reaction) and to describe lesions caused by the bacterium in O. niloticus in Brazilian aquaculture. For this purpose, 360 fish from six fish farms (30 per farm) were sampled at two time points (n = 180 per sampling). Necropsies and histopathology were performed for lesion observation, in addition to qPCR and sequencing for detection and identification of Francisella species. Environmental data were collected using a multiparameter sonde YSI EXO2. All measured limnological variables were within the optimum range for cultivation of Nile tilapia. The major lesions present were melanization of the skin, splenomegaly, granulomas, and inflammatory cell responses. The prevalence of francisellosis varied from 0 to 86.66% between time periods and fish farms analyzed, and an outbreak was observed during the second sampling period. This study describes the prevalence of francisellosis in O. niloticus and reports that the lesions found are not exclusively associated with this bacterial disease.  相似文献   

The effect of aqueous extract of Cratoxylum formosum on innate immune response and disease resistance in tilapia Oreochromis niloticus was investigated. The fish were fed diets containing 0% (control), 0.5% (diet 1), 1% (diet 2), and 1.5% (diet 3) of C. formosum aqueous extract for 30 days. At the end of the experimental period, parameters of innate immune response including phagocytosis of blood leukocytes, lysozyme activity in plasma, and respiratory bust activity were examined. Feeding the fish with diet 2 and diet 3 for 20 days enhanced phagocytic activity and for 30 days stimulated lysozyme and respiratory burst activities. Diet 1 increased the phagocytic activity at 30 days, but did not affect the other measured parameters. All parameters were not significantly changed (P > 0.05) in the control group throughout the experiment. Following 30 days of feeding, fish were infected with S. agalactiae. The cumulative mortalities of bacterial-infected tilapia that were fed diet 1, diet 2, and diet 3 were 56, 12, and 10%, respectively, compared with 85% in the control group. These results indicate that the aqueous extract of C. formosum may elevate the innate immune response and enhance disease resistance in tilapia.  相似文献   

In the present study, cellulase, protease, lipase and amylase activities were performed to investigate the effects of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CF4MRS bioencapsulation of Artemia franciscana. Our results show that cellulase activities (total cellulase—FPase activity, exoglucanase and endoglucanase—CMCase activity) were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in A. franciscana tissue homogenates compared to those in the control group after 8 h of L. lactic bioencapsulation. Notably, an exception case was found in β-D-glucosidase activity, whereby the cellulase activity was not significantly different (P > 0.05) compared to the control group. Administrations of L. lactis at cell concentration of 108 CFU mL?1 showed considerable improvement of other important enzymatic activities such as amylase, protease and lipase in A. franciscana. The amylase/protease ratio in probiotic-treated A. franciscana was recorded at 0.343, approximately two times higher than those without probiotic administration (0.184). In contrary, amylase/lipase ratio showed half of a reduction (0.330) in L. lactis-administrated A. franciscana compared to the control (0.614). Our study suggests that important digestive enzymes, e.g., cellulase, amylase, protease and lipase, can be enhanced through bioencapsulation of A. franciscana with L. lactis subsp. lactis, which could in turn lead to further stimulation of endogenous enzymes in the fish and shrimp larvae.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the feasibility of dried seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) as a dietary ingredient for the rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus (Park), juvenile fish (average weight 15.64 ± 0.15 g) were fed with two isonitrogenous (32% crude protein) and isolipid (8% lipid) diets for 8 weeks, with one diet incorporating 33% of dried G. lemaneiformis (DGL), which accounted for 6% protein and 17% carbohydrate (DGL-diet), and the other containing no DGL (control diet). After 8 weeks, the growth performance and feed utilization efficiency of fish fed with the DGL-diet were inferior to fish fed with the control diet, although some non-specific immunity parameters were better in fish fed with the DGL-diet compared with those of fish fed control diet. Nutritional composition (whole body composition, amino acid, and fatty acid composition in dorsal muscle) except methionine and tyrosine in muscle showed no differences between the two groups. Furthermore, the survival rate of fish and apparent digestibility coefficient of diets were the same between the two groups. These results indicated that incorporation of DGL in diet of S. canaliculatus is feasible, and further studies are recommended to optimize the level of DGL in diet of S. canaliculatus to improve growth performance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A continuous culture of rotifer was conducted to investigate the effect of combination feeding of both a high density of Nannochloropsis oculata (N) and condensed freshwater Chlorella (FC) on the fatty acid composition of L-type rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in a continuous culture system. The algal feeding of the rotifers was carried out in three successive steps: N-feeding → N+FC-feeding → FC-feeding. The culture was conducted at 24°C and 25–27 psu in a 2000 mL bottle with 50% of water exchanged daily. The combination N+FC-feeding was effective in increasing rotifer density. The rotifers fed on N+FC (N+FC-R) had more non-polar lipids than polar ones, similar to those on N (N-R), opposite to the rotifers fed on FC (FC-R). N+FC-R contained higher levels of 16:2, 18:2n-6 (linoleic acid [LA]) and 20:2n-6, but lower levels of 18:1, 20:4n-6 (arachidonic acid), 20:5n-3 (eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]) and 22:5n-3 (docosapentaenoic acid [DPA]) compared with N-R. Whereas N+FC-R contained higher levels of 16:1n-7, EPA and DPA, but lower levels of 16:2 and LA compared with FC-R. N+FC-R had more DPA in polar lipids than in non-polar ones. The Σn-6/Σn-3 ratio in N+FC-R was 0.9–1.0, significantly different from those in N-R (0.4) and FC-R (6.6–8.4). Therefore, it is inferred that the fatty acid profile of the N+FC-R cultured in a continuous culture system was affected by both N and FC. Also, the combination N+FC-feeding may be effective in manipulating the Σn-6/Σn-3 ratio in continuously cultured rotifers.  相似文献   

Heterochronic lin-28 is a conserved RNA-binding protein that plays a key role in the timing of developmental events in organisms. As a crucial heterochronic gene, the protein controls developmental events of the second of four larval stages in Caenorhabditi elegans. Heterochronic let-7 miRNAs are often present in various species and highly conserved in sequence and biological function and are required for various biological processes. Previous studies showed that ten let-7 miRNAs were identified in the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and that they were primarily expressed during metamorphosis. In this study, we clone and characterize the lin-28a gene from P. olivaceus and exhibit its dynamic expression pattern at different developmental stages and various adult tissues. The results show that the P. olivaceus lin-28a gene has high sequence similarity with other species and is highly expressed in the embryonic stage but weakly expressed in the larval stage. In addition, lin-28a overexpression causes cell proliferation and significantly promotes the levels of pre-let-7a and pre-let-7d while markedly depressing let-7a and let-7d expression in FEC (Flounder Embryonic Cell), which indicate that lin-28 possibly blocks the maturation of let-7 miRNAs. Additionally, lin-28a is identified as a target gene of let-7 miRNAs, and let-7 miRNAs directly regulate lin-28a expression by targeting its 3′ UTR. Taken together, lin-28a along with let-7 miRNA participates in a lin-28/let-7 axis pathway that regulates cell division and timing of embryonic and metamorphic events in P. olivaceus.  相似文献   

Heat stress is one of the major environmental concerns in global warming regime and rising temperature has resulted in mass mortalities of animals including fishes. Therefore, strategies for high temperature stress tolerance and ameliorating the effects of heat stress are being looked for. In an earlier study, we reported that Nrf-2 (nuclear factor E2-related factor 2) mediated upregulation of antioxidative enzymes and heat shock proteins (Hsps) provide survivability to fish under heat stress. In this study, we have evaluated the ameliorative potential of dietary curcumin, a potential Nrf-2 inducer in heat stressed cyprinid Puntius sophore. Fishes were fed with diet supplemented with 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% curcumin at the rate 2% of body weight daily in three separate groups (n = 40 in each group) for 60 days. Fishes fed with basal diet (without curcumin) served as the control (n = 40). Critical thermal maxima (CTmax) was determined for all the groups (n = 10, in duplicates) after the feeding trial. Significant increase in the CTmax was observed in the group fed with 1.5% curcumin- supplemented fishes whereas it remained similar in groups fed with 0.5%, and 1% curcumin-supplemented diet, as compared to control. To understand the molecular mechanism of elevated thermotolerance in the 1.5% curcumin supplemented group, fishes were given a sub-lethal heat shock treatment (36 °C) for 6 h and expression analysis of nrf-2, keap-1, sod, catalase, gpx, and hsp27, hsp60, hsp70, hsp90, and hsp110 was carried out using RT-PCR. In the gill, expression of nrf-2, sod, catalase, gpx, and hsp60, hsp70, hsp90, and hsp110 was found to be elevated in the 1.5% curcumin-fed heat-shocked group compared to control and the basal diet-fed, heat-shocked fishes. Similarly, in the liver, upregulation in expression of nrf-2, sod, catalase, and hsp70 and hsp110 was observed in 1.5% curcumin supplemented and heat shocked group. Thus, this study showed that supplementation of curcumin augments tolerance to high temperature stress in P. sophore that could be attributed to nrf-2-induced upregulation of antioxidative enzymes sod, catalase, gpx, and the hsps.  相似文献   

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