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依据大兴安岭森林资源统计数据,对2000年和2013年大兴安岭森林的碳储量与碳汇量进行了估算。结果表明:2000年森林碳储量为22 875.88万t,2013年森林碳储量为24 928.66万t,2000—2013年大兴安岭森林碳汇量为2 052.78万t,年均增加碳汇157.91万t,年均增长率为0.69%,吸收CO2量为7 526.86万t;预测到2020年,大兴安岭森林碳储量将达到26 865.34万t,森林碳汇量1 936.68万t,年增长率1.11%,可吸收CO2量达7 101.16万t。  相似文献   

薪材在农村能源中占有重要地位,目前全省薪炭林面积71万公顷,森林能源每年合理提供量为904.5万吨标准煤,而实际消费量为1895.8万吨标准煤,消费量是合理提供量的2.1倍,薪材供需矛盾尖锐。预测2000年全省薪材需求量为2184.8万吨标准煤,尚需发展30万公顷薪炭林。为了宏观指导农村能源建设,在分析现状和进行需求预测后,将全省薪材资源划分为4个大类和13个类型区,分别阐述了各区特点和解决途径,最后对我省农村能源发展的重点和措施提出了指导性原则。  相似文献   

根据国家发改委温室气体清单估算法,估算1993~2009年间白沙县森林生物量碳贮量变化,测算抑制森林转化引起的温室气体排放量,并预测2010~2015年间白沙县森林生物量碳贮量变化、地区能源消费总量(等价值)碳排放和累计净碳汇贡献价值。结果表明:1993~2009年间森林生物量碳贮量变化为2.3177万t,抑制森林转化引起的温室气体排放量约11.1635万t。预测2010~2015年间白沙县森林碳贮量将增加39.7341万t,抵偿该地区能源消费总量(等价值)累计产生碳排放27.4935万t,净碳汇贡献累计12.2406万t,折算净碳汇贡献价值为14689万元。  相似文献   

文章深入地论述了目前江苏农村能源状况及其消费结构。认为从70年代后期到现在,农村的烧柴矛盾已有缓和。1986年全省农村生活人均年耗秸秆,薪柴量已达286公斤标准煤,合计用能为1680.62万吨标煤,占农村总能耗2809.18万吨标煤的59.83%;农村生产用能1128.5万吨,占40.17%。农村生活用能仍以薪柴,秸秆生物质能源为主,煤、电、燃油等商品能源为辅。其发展趋势是商品能源消耗和生产用能逐年上升。同时,在较好地分析了薪炭林在农村能源中的作用,地位和对现实薪材年产量、2000年薪材年产量测算的基础上,对江苏省薪炭林类型区进行了科学地划分。  相似文献   

根据实地测定、资料查阅、访问调查等方法,研究了陇县生物质能源资源量,结果为陇县年可提供生物质能源资源总量44.95万t,其中农业秸秆资源年保障量7.99万t,林业生物质资源年提供量36.96万t。  相似文献   

伊春林区有丰富的林木生物质,伊春市林木生物质年生长量331万t,相当于231.7万t标煤,可发电55.4亿度,林木生物质储藏量4176.57万t,相当于3341万t标煤,可发电799亿度。无论是林木生物质历史存量还是年增长量,资源潜力都是巨大的。发展生物质能发电项目,营造能源林,形成林区能源产业带,具有得天独厚的条件。实现热电联产可以节省大量冬季取暖供热煤炭消耗,创造巨大的经济效益。经过不断发展形成林区能源产业带,不但可以带动能源林建设的发展,还可以安置大量人员就业,社会效益十分显著。  相似文献   

湘潭市能源的生态足迹及森林固碳减排效应的分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
生态足迹作为可持续发展定量研究的一种新方法,具有简明而综合的特点。采用生态足迹成分法对湘潭市2003年能源的生态足迹进行了计算,并对湘潭市2003年CO2排放量及森林固碳减排效应进行了分析。结果表明:2003年湘潭市人均能源生态足迹为0.653 hm2,实有人均能源生态足迹为0.077 hm2,人均能源生态足迹赤字为0.576hm2;2003年湘潭市CO2排放量为1 186.42万t,现有森林CO2年吸收量为140.25万t。通过扩大森林面积和提高森林生产力,每年可多吸收74.27万t CO2,实现减排6.26%。  相似文献   

河南省森林碳储量及动态变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用河南省1949—2003年间8次森林资源清查资料,建立不同优势树种生物量与蓄积量之间的回归方程,对河南省54a来森林的碳储量进行了推算。结果表明:河南省54a间森林的总碳储量虽然存在一定的波动现象,但总体呈上升的趋势。全省森林的总碳储量由1949年的2 863.91万t C增加到2003年的4 673.43万t C,共增加1 809.52万t C,年均增加33.51万t C。阔叶林占全省各时期森林总碳储量的80%以上,栎类和杨树两个树种占主导地位。河南森林幼、中龄林占的比重较大。全省森林平均碳密度为22.86~23.64t C/hm2,远低于全国、世界的平均水平。  相似文献   

区域层面的森林碳汇估算研究有利于为整体层面持续固碳增汇的森林经营提供科学参考,评估森林碳汇对减少区域内碳排放的贡献。采用温室气体清单估算法,对2000、2005和2010年贵州省森林碳汇进行估算,分别为1 538.0万t、2 244.7万t、2 431.4万t CO2当量,呈稳定增长趋势,占全省碳排放量的10.32%~14.47%。贵州省尚有161.70万hm2宜林地,如果能用于发展碳汇林业,每年可吸收CO2237.9万t,30年内将吸收CO2达7137.0万t。贵州省正处于碳排放增长阶段,相对于森林碳汇而言,本区域碳减排工作任重道远,森林碳汇能力有很大的提升空间。  相似文献   

应用灰色系统理论与方法,以1978-2013年全省森林资源连续清查的森林蓄积量为时间数据序列,分不同时段建立GM(1,1)拓扑模型,从中选出一个相对误差较小、精度等级较高的模型,对未来时间内(2018年、2023年)的全省森林蓄积量进行灰色预测,并采用内插法计算出2020年全省森林蓄积量,旨在为确定2020年福建省森林蓄积量规划目标提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对保山市高黎贡山周边社区森林能源现状调查分析 ,结果表明 :该区现有森林资源 192 3万m3 ,每年的薪材消耗量为 16万m3 ,占总资源量的 0 83%。目前可能提供的薪材量为 7 6万m3 ,仅为需求量的 4 7 5%。作为主要薪材来源的杂灌木林 ,每公顷产柴量只有 4m3 ,仅为一般薪炭林产量的 4 3%。依据该区的经济及资源状况、消费结构、薪材供需和经营现状认为 ,要解决社区薪材供需矛盾 ,需要增加科技投入 ,加大低产林分改造力度 ,提高单位面积产柴量 ,限额开山采樵利用 ,加强经营管理技术  相似文献   

As forest fuel demand increases, new logistical solutions are needed. Most of the increase in use is expected to take place in large heat and power production units which set special requirements for the supply as both procurement volumes and transport distances increase. Biomass fuel terminals broaden the spectrum of available supply options by offering cost-effective large-scale biomass storage and processing options for securing the fuel supply in all conditions. This study aimed to study different costs of a satellite terminal and to produce important concept and cost information for developing forest fuel logistics based on future terminals. The figures indicate that terminals do not create direct cost benefits per se: direct supply chains are more economical compared to supply through terminals. However, there are several indirect benefits that can be reached via fuel supply through terminals: regional fuel procurement can be widened to a national scale, security of supply increases through easily available storages, large supply volumes can be delivered by an individual operator, prices remain more stable and a more even quality of delivered fuel can be achieved.  相似文献   

随着中国对原木需求量的日益增加,中国原木进口量加速扩大。为有效提高中国原木的自给量,保证中国的木材供给安全,中国推行了新一轮集体林权制度改革政策。文中在集体林权制度改革的背景下,通过CGTM模型和计量经济模型估计中国原木供给方程,并利用该模型预测中国原木供需量和净进口贸易量的变化趋势,结果显示林权改革政策对原木供给有积极促进作用,但由于供给的增长幅度并不能满足需求的增长,原木的净进口量还将继续增加,进口原木市场结构将进一步优化。  相似文献   


Minimum procurement cost is an essential element for the competitiveness of the forest fuel supply chain. This paper compares one co-operative procurement strategy with several non-co-operative strategies by measuring the cost gap. For a study region consisting of five Austrian provinces, forest fuel supply potential and transportation costs were investigated concerning 28 newly built combined heat and power (CHP) plants. In the case of co-operation, the minimum total transportation cost was derived by solving the corresponding transportation problem. In non-co-operative supply chains, CHP plants compete for forest fuel. This case was illustrated by analysing three different clearly non-co-operative procurement strategies, because CHP plants guard their real supply sources as business secrets. The minimum procurement cost for all CHP plants is provided by the co-operative strategy. It comprises a total transportation cost of €17 million and an average procurement distance of 122 km. Co-operation between CHP plants lowers forest fuel transportation costs by 23% on average and reduces average transportation distances by 26%. The resultant cost-cutting potential stresses the importance of co-operation between CHP plants in order to allocate forest fuel supplies efficiently. Establishing partnerships and working alliances for forest fuel procurement therefore has important management implications for achieving efficiency in forest fuel supplies and strengthening the competitiveness of wood-fuel-based energy production.  相似文献   

20世纪的世界林业,为解决森林资源继续减少,木材供需矛盾,生态环境恶化和能源危机等问题,在发挥森林的多种效益,实行森林的永继利用和林业的综合集约经营的指导思想下向前发展。其主要特点是:保护和发展森林资源,科学管理和集约经营森林资源,合理节约利用森林资源。预测,到21世纪,世界林业必将向社会化、综合化与集约化方向有较大的发展。  相似文献   

Fuelwood demand and supply in Rwanda and the role of agroforestry   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Fuelwood in Rwanda is assumed to come from forests and woodlands, thus contributing to large-scale deforestation. Available studies on fuelwood demand and supply support this assumption and indicate a continuously rising demand of fuelwood, notably from forest plantations. These assertions are insufficiently substantiated as existing forest stock may not be depleted by rapid increase in demand for food and energy resources resulting from population growth, but rather from the need for agricultural land. Evidence suggests that the demands for fuelwood, in addition to other sources of energy, is supplied from agroforestry systems which has not been quantified so far. This review analyses sources and use of fuelwood in Rwanda, indicating the importance of on-farms trees and woodlots in fuelwood supply. It is concluded that the effect of fuelwood consumption on land use is difficult to disentangle as many other factors including land clearing for agriculture, livestock farming, human settlements, illegal cutting of valuable timber species, the demand for charcoal in towns and past conflicts, contributed significantly to the high rate of deforestation in the country. If fuelwood demand is to be met on a sustainable basis, more fuelwood has to be produced on agricultural lands and in forest plantations through species site matching and proper management.  相似文献   

Forest biomass resources are available in enormous quantities in China.The development of forest biomass briquetting densification fuel,which has a high calorific value,can ease the energy shortage in China.But the molding technology is still at the primary stage with many questions unresolved,such as unequal distribution of resources,imperfect technology and an inadequate mechanism of market supply and demand.There are no consistent production and quality standards to refer to,which seriously hinder the industrialization of biomass molding technology.Hence,it is imperative to speed up the formulation of production standards of biomass briquetting densification fuel which not only conform to international standards,but are in accordance with national conditions in China.Drawing on the standards of biomass briquetting densification fuel in Europe,a standard system should be concerned with raw material collection,transport and storage of the end products,terminology,denomination and classification of molding equipment,as well as with technical conditions,testing methods,safety and environmental protection.The establishment of a standard system is useful for the development of a healthy,orderly and sustainable biomass fuel industry.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources have received significant attention in European countries as a result of increasing dependence on energy imports and concerns over high prices of fuels and climate change. Although private forests in Croatia account for less than one quarter of all forests, they may play an important role in woody biomass energy production, due to their underutilized exploitation. The objective of this paper is to identify the willingness of private forest owners to supply woody biomass and to understand how this willingness is affected by certain owner, management and forest property characteristics. A survey conducted in Croatia in 2012 of a random sample of 350 private forest owners shows that almost half of them were willing to supply woody biomass. A random utility model was used to determine the factors influencing private forest owners’ willingness to supply woody biomass. The results showed that willingness to supply woody biomass was influenced by property size, management objectives (production of fuel wood for personal needs and using the forest for outdoor recreation), cooperation with other forest owners and owner age. In order to enhance woody biomass mobilization from private forests it is important to identify the owners who are willing to supply it and to provide them with financial and administrative support using a mix of developed forest policy instruments.  相似文献   

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