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近年来,批式循环谷物干燥机(以下简称干燥机)发展较快,安徽省涌现出一批专业生产干燥机的企业。干燥机以其经济实用、及时干燥谷物、占地面积较小、可以单独和组合使用而广受用户青睐。笔者参加了一些干燥机的试验鉴定,现就检测中遇到的常见问题做简要分析。 相似文献
谷物循环干燥机控制系统硬件设计 总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11
针对循环式缓苏干燥机的工作特性,采用单片机模糊控制方法进行控制系统硬件设计,为解决单片机与计算机的双向通讯,实现干燥过程专家智能控制提供硬件基础。 相似文献
当前,小型批式循环谷物烘干机已占浙江省230台拥有量的大多数。机型有日本金子公司、台湾三久公司及本省宁波、绍兴等自行研制的共七八种产品。现就近两年其使用效果简述如下。一、操作性能1.对安装的要求安装比较方便,占地面积在6~8m2、高度3.5m以下,通常农户的仓房内都可使用。绝大多数机型为封闭式,废气和尘杂集中被吸出并经管道排出室外,室内空气清洁,室温升高很小,作业环境良好。2.对谷物含杂要求谷物装机后处于连续不断的循环过程中,对含杂较为敏感,要求清洁度97%以上,否则会出现架空、堵塞、循环不均匀… 相似文献
为了解决稻麦粮食作物在收获季节遇到阴雨天气而造成霉烂和种粮大户因晒场不够用而不能及时收获的困难,促进粮田适度规模经营的发展,提高种粮大户规模经营的经济效益和社会效益,我市于1997年5月上旬从宁波农机研究所引进一台宁波1.2型批式循环谷物烘干机,投放在义亭镇大楼村种粮大户楼林华处使用,并对该机的经济性、技术性、可靠性、适应性等进行试验测定,取得了较好的效果。 相似文献
圆筒形循环式谷物干燥机的模拟研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
在谷粒内部水分扩散模拟的基础上,用谷粒内部水分扩散模型代替薄层方程用于干燥工艺的模拟,解决了有缓苏过程的复杂干燥工艺的模拟问题。通过模拟结果与实验结果的比较发现,本文建立的圆筒形循环式谷物干燥机模拟模型的精度已达到了模拟分析的要求,可以用来对干燥机进行性能分析和参数优化。 相似文献
为了解决谷物干燥问题,减少粮食损失,提高粮食品质,江苏省赣榆县农机推广部门于2005年推广4台日本山本生产的NCD-100BC型谷物循环干燥机。2006年在沙河、墩尚、城南、赣马4个乡镇又推广NCD谷物循环干燥机10台。 相似文献
随着我国经济水平的不断提高,推动了我国工业的迅速发展。在工程建设的实际过程中,机械设备的安装流程在不同的安装环境下有各自不同的流程。因此,文章针对机械设备的安装流程进行分析,并对其中常见的问题进行研究。 相似文献
The life cycle impacts of feed for modern grow-finish Northern Great Plains US swine production 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
James J. Stone Christopher R. DollarhideJennifer L. Benning C. Gregg CarlsonDavid E. Clay 《Agricultural Systems》2012,106(1):1-10
A life cycle assessment (LCA) model was developed to analyze the environmental impacts per head of swine for typical feed rations of Northern Great Plains (NGP) US grow-finish swine production. The all-inclusive ‘field to gate’ approach incorporated steps ranging from corn and soybean production to shipping the market weight pig to a slaughtering facility. Feed production scenarios included: (1) a standard feed diet of 72% corn and 28% soymeal using 100% synthetic fertilizer; (2) standard feed diet using 40% manure as fertilizer; (3) modified feed diet using dry distillers gains with solubles (DDGS), with 100% DDGS allocation towards ethanol production; and (4) modified feed diet with 50% DDGS allocation towards ethanol production. For the standard NGP feed diet, enteric emissions and feed production were the two largest contributors towards climate change impacts, while feed production further resulted in significant contributions towards human health damage (44.6%), ecosystem diversity (67.4%), and resource availability (75.0%). DDGS incorporation assuming 100% allocation reduced corn and soymeal inputs considerably, resulting in overall decrease in impacts associated with climate change (−2.7%), terrestrial acidification (−7.1%), and both marine (−14.6%) and freshwater eutrophication (−22.7%); however terrestrial ecotoxicity increased (+22.9%) due to natural gas drying. 50% DDGS allocation increased all impact categories, with the greatest change found for terrestrial ecotoxicity (48.4%). The study results highlight the significant LCA impact contributions associated with feed during grow-finish swine production, and the benefits associated with DDGS incorporation; however, LCA benefits were realized only if 100% DDGS allocation was applied towards ethanol production. 相似文献