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<正>中国的猪肉市场仍然是影响北美和欧盟市场生猪价格前景的未知数。原因有很多。中国国内的生猪价格为每千克2.76美元。美国的活猪价格是每千克1.15美分,而欧盟为每千克1.19美分。美国和欧盟与中国之间每头猪的差价接近200美元。无论你看到哪种中国统计数据,中国已经出现大规模的母猪减栏,规模约为1 000万头~1 200万头。数量大到令人难以置信的程度,基本上是北美母猪数量的2倍,相当于欧盟的  相似文献   

2008年对中国来说是不平凡的一年,是令人振奋的一年,又是让人撕心裂肺、泪流满面的一年。  相似文献   

Critical care veterinarians observe a wide variety of patients who easily become malnourished and display negative nitrogen balance due to inappetance, complete anorexia, vomiting, or inability to normally prehend food, as in patients with head and facial trauma (Tables 1 and 2). Negative nitrogen balance is associated with delayed wound healing and increased incidences of gastroinstestinal mucosal atrophy, bacterial translocation, sepsis, and mortality. Early interventional nutrition is necessary for maintenance of normal function and for proper healing to occur. While total parenteral nutrition (TNP) is an option, enteral nutrition is preferred whenever possible. Enterocytes undergo atrophy within several days in the absence of direct trophic stimuli Within the intestinal lumen.
"If the gut works, use it" has gained widespread Popularity in early interventional nutrition in the critically ill veterinary patient. Force-Feeding is often stressful for both patient and caretaker alike. Instead, tube feeding is often well tolerated and an easier route for enteral nutrition. The following methods of tube feeding have been described: nasoesophageal, nasogastic, nasojejunostomy, esophagostomy, pharyngostomy, gastrostomy, and jejunostomy.
Esophagostomy tubes were first described for use in human patients with maxillofacial and cervical neoplasta. Later, Dr. Crowe described their use for veterinary patients (1989). Since that time, several methods for esophagostomy tube placement have been proposed. The modified percutaneous method is one of the easiest to perform, and requires minimal equipement.  相似文献   

The most relevant results of a written questionnaire among veterinarians in the Netherlands are presented and discussed. The inquiry was performed by MarketResponse Nederland BV. The objective was to get an overview of the current perception and the future view of the profession. The response was 37%. Most respondents (66%) were practitioners, 7% were active in research or teaching institutions, 5% were governmental employees, 5% were employed in industry, and 17% did not belong to any of these categories (retired, unemployed etc.). Forty-seven per cent of the veterinarians practised mainly small animal medicine, 24% large animal medicine (cattle 15%, swine 8%, and poultry 1%), and 4% equine medicine; 24% worked in mixed practices. This division reflects the real-life situation. The percentage of female respondents was considerably higher in the group of recent graduates than in the other groups of graduates (increasing from 27% in the graduation period 1980-1989 to 56% in the period 1990-1999). Sixty per cent of the veterinarians worked more than 40 hours a week. Veterinarians considered themselves reliable, honest, professional, client-minded, and animal-friendly. According to them, the public perceived veterinarians as being animal-friendly, professional, and reliable. Veterinarians were less satisfied in their current position than other professional groups, particularly with regard to their income. Their current market position was considered indifferent or good. This position was influenced negatively by the decrease in the number of animals and competition from non-veterinarians and others. The situation could be improved by collaboration and practice fusions, specialization, and differentiation. More demanding and price-conscious clients and governmental regulations were considered important trends. Social, management, and marketing skills, increased knowledge and cooperation, and a vision of future developments were considered essential in order to be able react to developments on the market. About 60% of the practitioners and 50% of the other veterinarians felt that they lacked the right skills, and especially management and marketing skills, to react to these developments adequately. Most veterinarians (77%) considered that their training did not provide them with the skills needed for their current position. During training, more time should be spent on management, communication, marketing, and social skills. Based on the results, veterinary medicine in the Netherlands seems to be an introspective but good profession; however, the interesting aspects of the profession appear to be over-shadowed by less appreciated aspects and the income is moderate. Entrepreneuship is poorly developed, in part because this is considered taboo. The importance of skills that are not an integral part of veterinary medicine, such as management, marketing, and communication, is recognized, as is the lack of these skills. Despite this, emphasis is put on continuing professional education, species specialization, modernization, accreditation, and expansion of facilities and treatment possibilities as ways to respond to the market situation.  相似文献   


Too early!     

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