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Gonadotropin releasing hormone and its receptor (GNRHR) play a critical role in sexual differentiation and reproduction. Available evidence shows a strong genetic component in the timing of puberty. In bovines, there are significant differences within and among beef breeds in the time when bulls reach puberty. Despite its economic importance, there are not many SNPs or genetic markers associated with this characteristic. The aims of the study were to identify DNA polymorphism in the bovine GNRHR by re-sequencing analysis, determine haplotype phases, and perform a population study in a selected tag SNP in six breeds. Eight SNPs were detected, including: one in the Upstream Regulatory Region (URR), five in the coding regions, and two in non-coding regions. This polymorphism level corresponds to one variant every 249.4 bp and a global nucleotide diversity of 0.385. Two haplogroups comprising nine haplotypes and two linkage blocks were detected. Despite 5 tag SNPs were required to capture all variability, just one SNP allowed to define both haplogroups, and only two SNPs were needed to differentiate the most common haplotypes. An additional taq SNP was necessary to identify both URR variants. Allele-frequency analysis of a selected taq SNP among breeds showed a geographical cline. European Bos taurus breeds had lower frequencies of the C allele than B. indicus type cattle, while Creole cattle and Wagyu breeds had intermediate frequency. There was a significant correlation between frequency profile and timing of puberty among the studied breeds, which seems to suggest that genetic variation within bovine GNRHR gene could explain at least part of the reported variability.  相似文献   

嵊县花猪PRLR基因多态性与繁殖性状的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用PCR-RFLP技术检测嵊县花猪PRLR基因第10外显子NaeⅠ酶切位点多态性,并采用SPSS13.0统计软件分析该位点多态性对母猪繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,该位点多态性对头胎、第3和第10胎母猪繁殖性能有显著影响,表现为第1胎AA型母猪产活母仔数和断奶母仔数比AB型母猪多1.68头和1.60头;第10胎AA型母猪产活仔数、活母仔数和断奶母仔数比AB型母猪分别多0.91头,1.67头和1.19头;而第3胎AB型母猪产活仔数、活母仔数和断奶母仔数比AA型母猪分别多1.09头、1.19头和1.05头。  相似文献   

采用放射免疫分析法 (RIA)测定了不同日龄 (60 ,10 0 ,2 0 0和 380日龄 )绍兴鸭和卡基 康贝尔鸭 (KhakiCampbellDuck)血清中促性腺激素释放激素 (GnRH)浓度 ,试图通过比较不同品种、性别和日龄鸭之间GnRH浓度的变化 ,探讨GnRH与产蛋性能的关系。结果表明 :绍兴鸭和康贝尔鸭母鸭血清中GnRH浓度呈现类似的年龄性变化 ,60日龄时GnRH浓度较低 ,10 0日龄时最高 ,2 0 0日龄时显著下降 ,380日龄时回升至较高水平。公鸭血清中GnRH浓度的年龄性变化与母鸭相似 ,10 0日龄时最高 ,2 0 0日龄时最低  相似文献   

Recently GnRH, GnRH-R systems has been demonstrated in various extrahypothalamic and extrapituitary reproductive tissues in different mammalian species, where GnRH acts in an autocrine and or paracrine manner and modulates different biological processes. GnRH-R mRNA has also been demonstrated in bovine ovaries (follicle and corpus luteum) and normal and carcinogenic human endometrium/endometrial cells. This is the first study elucidating presence of GnRH-R mRNA and GnRH-R protein in bovine uterus and oviducts in follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle and further localizing the receptors to endometrial and oviductal epithelial cells. To our knowledge this is the first report demonstrating GnRH-R mRNA and protein in mammalian oviducts. We used gene-specific primers and monoclonal GnRH-R antibody to test GnRH-R mRNA and GnRH-R protein through RT-PCR and immunobloting. Immunohistochemistry was employed to localize these receptors to endometrial and oviductal epithelial cells. GnRH-R mRNA and receptor protein were expressed at expected molecular weights of 920bp and 60kD, respectively. Densitometry analysis revealed that expression levels for GnRH-R protein in uterus and oviducts were similar to bovine pituitary. The presence of GnRH receptors in bovine uterus and oviducts is intriguing and it would be imperative to examine the functional role of this system in the regulation of reproductive processes.  相似文献   

The bovine growth hormone gene (bGH) possesses three haplotypes, A, B and C, that differ by amino acid mutations at positions 127 and 172 in the fifth exon: (leucine 127, threonine 172), (valine 127, threonine 172) and (valine 127, methionine 172) respectively. The correlation between meat quality or carcass weight and these haplotypes was investigated in Japanese black cattle. Altogether, 940 bGH haplotypes were compared with respect to six carcass traits: carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, rib thickness, subcutaneous fat thickness, beef marbling score and beef colour. The frequency of the B haplotype was higher (0.421) than that of A (0.269) and C (0.311). High carcass weight and low beef marbling were associated with haplotype A (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 respectively), whereas beef marbling was increased by haplotype C (p < 0.05). Estimated regression coefficient of the A haplotype substitution effect for carcass weight and beef marbling score were 5.55 (13.1% of the phenotypic SD) and -0.31 (17.0%) respectively. That of the C haplotype for beef marbling score was 0.20 (11.0%). The other traits showed no relationship to the haplotypes examined. The results of this investigation suggest that information pertaining to bGH polymorphisms in Japanese black cattle could be used to improve the selection of meat traits.  相似文献   

Follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) have a central role in follicle growth, maturation and oestrus, but no clear pathway in the seasonal oestrus of yak (Bos grunniens) has been found. To better understand the role of FSH and LH in seasonal oestrus in the yak, six yaks were slaughtered while in oestrus, and the pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and gonads were collected. Using real‐time PCR and immunohistochemical assays, we determined the mRNA and protein expression of the FSH and LH receptors (FSHR and LHR) in these organs. The analysis showed that the FSHR mRNA expression level was higher in the pituitary gland tissue compared with LHR (< .01) during oestrus. By contrast, there was low expression of FSHR and LHR mRNA in the pineal gland and hypothalamus. FSHR mRNA expression was higher than that of LHR (< .05) in the ovary, whereas LHR mRNA expression was higher than that of FSHR (< .01) in the uterus. FSHR and LHR proteins were located in the pinealocyte, synaptic ribbon and synaptic spherules of the pineal gland and that FSH and LH interact via nerve fibres. In the hypothalamus, FSHR and LHR proteins were located in the magnocellular neurons and parvocellular neurons. FSHR and LHR proteins were localized in acidophilic cells and basophilic cells in the pituitary gland, and in surface epithelium, stromal cell and gland epithelium in the uterus. In the ovary, FSHR and LHR protein were present in the ovarian follicle. Thus, we concluded that FSHR and LHR are located in the pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary and gonad during oestrus in the yak. However, FSHR was mainly expressed in the pituitary gland and ovaries, whereas LHR was mainly expressed in the pituitary gland and uterus.  相似文献   

The presence of a receptor for calcitonin (CT) and the effect of chicken CT (cCT) on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion stimulated by rat/human corticotropin‐releasing hormone (rhCRH) in the hen anterior pituitary were studied. The specific [125I]cCT binding component was present in the plasma membrane of hen anterior pituitary and this binding component had properties of a receptor which has binding specificity to cCT, reversibility, saturable binding, high affinity and limited capacity. When anterior pituitary cells were incubated in vitro, cCT increased the maximal secretion of chicken ACTH stimulated by rhCRH. These results suggest that CT may act directly on the anterior pituitary via its receptor binding and enhances the ACTH secretion by CRH.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of a porcine growth hormone releasing hormone (pGHRH) gene plasmid injection in piglets on growth performance and whole body protein turnover. Sixty male Canadian Landrace × Chinese Taihu piglets were assigned to an intramuscular injection of 0 (control), 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg. All pigs were fed with the same diet (crude protein: 239.8 g/kg, digestible energy: 14.28 MJ/kg) at ad libitum intake. Protein turnover was determined on the 22nd day with a three-pool model by using a single-dosage, end-product analysis method with 15 N-glycine as a tracer. Injection of the pGHRH gene plasmid increased the piglets' growth rate, altered feed intake and decreased feed conversion ratio. It increased plasma growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and somatostatin but reduced serum urea and triglyceride. It reduced the urinary nitrogen excretion and led to higher nitrogen retention as well as the efficiencies of nitrogen retention and digestible N utilization. It increased the rates of protein synthesis, protein breakdown and net protein gain. Excretion of endogenous urinary nitrogen was reduced and nitrogen reutilization rate was improved. Conclusions: Injection of the pGHRH gene plasmid in skeletal muscle stimulated GHRH, GH and IGF-I excretion in piglets. Protein deposition was increased by an increase in protein synthesis and a smaller increase in protein breakdown, which was accompanied by reducing amino acid oxidation and increasing nitrogen reutilization.  相似文献   

To provide new insights into the neural mechanisms of physiological and behavioral responses to stressors in sheep, acute changes in endocrine, autonomic and behavioral functions following 30 min infusions of ovine‐corticotropin‐releasing hormone (oCRH; 0, 0.5, 5 or 50 µg/0.5 mL of artificial cerebrospinal fluid/30 min) into the third ventricle of sheep (n = 7–8) were examined. Serial blood samples were collected through indwelling jugular catheters to determine plasma cortisol concentrations (CORT). Heart rate (HR) and rectal temperature (RT) were obtained via telemetry systems. The behaviors of the animal were monitored simultaneously. Intracerebroventricular infusions of CRH dose‐dependently induced an increase in CORT; there was a time–treatment interaction in CORT (P < 0.001). There was not a time–treatment interaction either in HR (P = 0.29) or in RT (P = 0.28). That RT showed a tendency to decrease with higher doses of CRH in sheep was in contradiction to previous reports in rats and pigs. As to changes in behavioral function, only the induction of bleating was marked. These results suggest that in physiological and behavioral responses of sheep to stressors, CRH regulates the increase in CORT and the induction of bleating. However, CRH might have little function in sympathetic nervous activation during physiological responses to stressors in sheep.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic hormone, growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and its pituitary receptor are principal regulators of pituitary growth hormone (GH) synthesis and release. In the present study, we cloned and sequenced a complete bovine pituitary GHRH receptor cDNA in order to study its expression in cattle. The lengths of the exons in the bovine GHRH receptor gene were determined by comparison of the cloned cDNA with genomic sequences obtained from a bovine genomic library clone. As in other species, the bovine cDNA sequence encodes a 423-amino acid protein containing seven hydrophobic domains characteristic of a G protein-coupled receptor. The predicted bovine amino acid sequence shares 93, 90, 89, 87, and 85% identity with the ovine, porcine, human, rat and mouse sequences, respectively. Expression of the receptor in bovine ileum, ovary, anterior pituitary, testis, hypothalamus, pancreas and liver was examined by RT-PCR. Of those tissues examined, GHRH receptor expression was detected in the anterior pituitary gland and hypothalamus. To gain a better understanding of GHRH receptor gene regulation in ruminants, we examined the effect of bovine somatotropin (bST) treatment on pituitary GHRH receptor expression in dairy heifers using relative and real-time RT-PCR. In the present study, bST treatment of dairy heifers resulted in no significant decline in pituitary GHRH receptor expression.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effect of two dose rates (200 and 400 ng) of a gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) vaccine on testicular function. Design: A vaccination dose rate experiment. Procedure: Two injections were administered 4 weeks apart to six colts in each treatment group. To maintain immunosuppression until the end of the breeding season, a third injection was given if antibody titres fell below 1000. Results: Effective antibody titres were present for 12 to 27 weeks. Testosterone concentrations decreased from 2.22 to 0.31 nmol/L 6 weeks after primary vaccination. Androstenedione concentrations decreased from 1.78 to 0.28 nmol/L 5 weeks after vaccination. Testosterone and androstenedione concentrations above 0.69 and 0.87 nmol/L were attained 31 to 43 weeks after vaccination. Mean scrotal widths and lengths decreased over 29 weeks from 9.2 cm and 9.7 cm to 6.7 cm and 7.6 cm. At surgical castration these dimensions were 10.1 cm and 11.0 cm. Mean semen characteristics before vaccination and after recovery were: gel-free volume 16.5 and 13.5 mL, sperm concentration 295.5 times 106 315.6 times 106/mL, total sperm per ejaculate 4041 times 106 4657 times 106 live normal spermatozoa 32% and 60%. Histologically, the testes showed active spermatogenesis. The mean testicular parenchyma weights for the 200 and 400 mg groups were 129.0 g and 109.8 g. Daily sperm production per testis and per gram of testis for the 200 and 400 mg groups were 3.7 times 108 2.8 times 106 2.3 times 108 2.0 times 106. Conclusions: Both dose rates suppressed testicular function. Data showed that the vaccine effects were reversible. Individual immune response was less varied in the 200 mg group. Further work is necessary to achieve a less variable response in the immunosuppression of testicular function.  相似文献   

The involvement of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in bovine herpesvirus types 1 (BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) infections has not been analyzed. In this study, the role of TLR signaling on virus replication was investigated. Blood leukocytes consistently express TLRs. Thus, our approach was to study in vitro the effects of agonist stimulation of TLRs expressed by peripheral blood leukocytes on BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 replication. Furthermore, the patterns of TLRs 3, 7–9 expression on virus-infected-bovine leukocytes were analyzed. Only Imiquimod (TLR7/8 agonist) showed anti-viral activity on infected MDBK cells. This is the first evidence that the timely activation of TLR7/8 signaling is effective in impairing BoHV-1 and 5 replication, thereby providing an experimental indication that Imiquimod may be a promising immune modulator. This work describes, for the first time, the expression patterns of TLRs in BoHV-1- or BoHV-5-infected-bovine leukocytes, suggesting the involvement of TLR7 and TLR9 in the recognition of these viruses.  相似文献   

Mammalian melanocortin-3 receptor (MC3R) plays an important role in the central control of energy homeostasis, and several functional polymorphisms of mc3r have been detected. Interestingly, the bovine mc3r was a pseudogene, and its polymorphisms and function remain to be investigated. Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) showed 5, 2 and 3 genotypes in fragment F1, F2 and F3 of mc3r in seven cattle breeds, respectively. All genotypes revealed novel sequences. Three SNPs 657G > T, 756C > T, 822T > C were detected in fragment F1, five SNPs 1091T > C, 1133T > C, 1144C > T, 1259T > C and 1319G > A were detected in fragment F2, and two SNPs 1687G > A, 1860C > T were detected in F3. The SNPs in fragment F1 and F2 were located at exon 2. The five SNPs in fragment F2 demonstrated a tight linkage disequilibrium status. Variation detected here might have an impact on the function of bovine mc3r pseudogene.  相似文献   

为了检测山羊迷走神经结状神经节中是否有促黄体生成素受体(LHR)的存在,探讨促黄体生成素(LH)是否能够影响结状神经节内脏感觉神经元的功能活动。本试验采用免疫组织化学SP法观察LHR在结状神经节中的分布特征,利用IPP 6.0图像半定量分析系统分析LHR在结状神经节中阳性神经元和阳性非神经元上的表达量差异。结果显示,LHR主要分布在神经元细胞膜和细胞质中,呈棕黄色为强阳性。在带核的神经元中,神经元细胞核呈圆形空泡状,LHR为阴性反应。神经元群间的神经纤维呈淡黄色,LHR为弱阳性。LHR在神经元胞体上的相对表达量极显著高于节内其他阳性非神经元结构(P0.01)。结果表明,山羊结状神经节内脏感觉神经元是LH作用的主要靶细胞,提示LH有可能通过作用于结状神经节内脏感觉神经元胞体上的LHR参与调节内脏器官感觉信息的传导。  相似文献   

Canine mammary gland has been identified as a major site of the extrapituitary growth hormone (GH) production. This finding is linked to its role in tumourigenesis of the mammary gland. Our previous studies indicated the role of GH and GH receptor (GHR) in regulation of proliferation and apoptosis. Thus, we have optimized the ghr RNA interference method in canine mammary carcinoma cell line CMT-U27. We have analysed the effect of GHR reduction on the intracellular signalling and the cell cycle and apoptosis. The results showed that GHR reduction decreased the p-ERK1/2 expression and caused increase of apoptosis and decrease in number of cells at S and G2M phases. This study indicates that GHR besides proliferative effect promotes growth by increasing cell survival. It can tilt the balance between proliferation and death in cancer cells.  相似文献   

In this study, the expression levels of viral Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the nervous system of bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5)-infected calves were investigated. A significant increase in the expression of TLRs 3 and 7–9 was found in the anterior cerebral cortex during acute infection and viral reactivation. In the trigeminal ganglia, only TLR9 expression was significantly affected. The magnitude of the increase was lower in BoHV-1-infected calves, suggesting that a restricted immune response might protect against exacerbated inflammatory responses in the brain. This work describes, for the first time, the involvement of TLRs 3 and 7–9 in the recognition of BoHV in the bovine nervous system, indicating that the expression of these receptors might be associated with the development of neurological disease. Modulation of the signalling pathways mediated by TLRs might provide an effective approach to control the neuro-immune response to BoHV-5, which may be responsible for neurological lesions.  相似文献   

Localization of leptin and leptin receptor in the bovine adenohypophysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study was carried out to detail the cellular localization of leptin (Lep) and the leptin receptor (LepR) in the bovine adenohypophysis. Lep immunoreactivity (Lep-ir) was found in about 30% of adenohypophysial cells in the gland. Immunochemistry of Lep and specific hormones using serial sections revealed that Lep-ir was present in 60.4% of somatotrophs, 15.9% of gonadotrophs, 6.5% of mammotrophs, 6.5% of thyrotrophs and 2.4% of corticotrophs. Both the common short isoform (OBRa) and the long isoform (OBRb) of LepR mRNA were expressed in the bovine adenohypophysis. LepR immunoreactivity (LepR-ir) was found in only 2.8% of the adenohypophysial cells and over 50% of LepR-ir cells were gonadotrophs, in which most of the cells were distributed in the zona tuberalis. The findings on Lep and LepR in the adenohypophysial cells indicate that Lep may regulate gonadotroph function through autocrine/paracrine pathway in the bovine adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

Background: Heifers not used as breeding stock are often implanted with steroids to increase growth efficiency thereby altering hormone profiles and potentially changing the environment in which ovarian follicles develop. Because bovine granulosa cell culture is a commonly used technique and often bovine ovaries are collected from abattoirs with no record of implant status, the objective of this study was to determine if the presence of an implant during bovine granulosa cell development impacts follicle stimulating hormone-regulated steroidogenic enzyme expression. Paired ovaries were collected from 16 feedlot heifers subjected to 1 of 3 treatments: non-implanted (n = 5), Revalor 200 for 28 d (n = 5), or Revalor 200 for 84 d (n = 6). Small follicle (1 to 5 mm) granulosa cells were isolated from each pair and incubated with phosphate buffered saline (n = 16) or 100 ng/mL follicle stimulating hormone (n = 16) for 24 h. Results: Granulosa cells of implanted heifers treated with follicle stimulating hormone produced medium concentrations of progesterone similar (P = 0.22) to non-implanted heifers, while medium estradiol concentrations were increased (P 〈 0.10) at 28 and 84 d compared to non-implanted heifers indicating efficacy of treatment. Additionally, real-time PCR analysis in response to follicle stimulating hormone treatment demonstrated a decrease in steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (P = 0.05) mRNA expression in heifers implanted for 84 d and an increase in P450 side chain cleavage mRNA in granulosa cells of heifers implanted for 28 (P 〈 0.10) or 84 d (P 〈 0.05) compared to non-implanted females. However, no difference in expression of 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (P= 0.57) and aromatase (P = 0.23) were demonstrated in implanted or non-implanted heifers. Conclusions: These results indicate follicles which develop in the presence of high concentrations of androgenic and estrogenic steroids via an implant tend to demonstrate an alter  相似文献   

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