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铁杉上的瓢虫种类研究(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
虞国跃  姚德富 《林业科学》1997,33(5):432-440
记述了采自云南、四川铁杉上的瓢虫科昆虫,共8种,其中5种是新种:蛇形小毛瓢虫Scymnus(Scymnus)najaformisYu,云杉坪小瓢虫S.(Pullus)yunshanpingensisYu,波结毛瓢虫S.(Neopullus)sinuanodulusYuetYao,弧结毛瓢虫S.(N.)camptodromusYuetliu,截端方瓢虫PseudoscymnustruncatulusYu,2种由于单一雌性仅鉴定到属。经实验室饲养,发现波结毛瓢虫和弧结毛瓢虫捕食铁杉球蚜。  相似文献   

笔者通过测算丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数,分析了关帝山文峪河流域上游河岸林不同群落类型的生物多样性垂直分布,得出3种指数随海拔的垂直变化皆有一致的表现,即生物多样性在中等海拔处达到最大,符合“中间膨胀”规律(mid-altitude bulge),也就是在中度海拔处生物多样性最高,这是群落物种组成和人为干扰双重作用的结果.  相似文献   

红壤低丘马尾松低效林主要植物群落物种多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过样地调查,采用物种丰富度指数(S)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(J)、Pielou均匀度指数(E),分析比较了低效马尾松林试验区群落的物种多样性.结果表明:本区主要植物群落的物种多样性水平整体较低,且各群落的多样性水平相差较小,说明该区各类型群落处于演替的初级阶段.人工引进阔叶树加速了群落的演替,增加了各个层次的物种多样性.在低丘红壤马尾松低效林改造及植被恢复中,应大力引进阔叶树种,以提高林分的物种多样性和保持水土的能力.  相似文献   

为了解华北落叶松人工林物种多样性随林分年龄的变化规律,对燕山北部地区不同年龄华北落叶松人工林的生物多样性进行调查和分析。研究结果表明:3种林龄的落叶松人工林在物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数以及均匀度Pielou指数都以9 a生华北落叶松人工林为最高,其次为33 a生华北落叶松人工林,而18 a生华北落叶松人工林最低;林隙林隙地段物种多样性明显高于非林隙。随林分年龄的变化,华北落叶松人工林物种多样性没有表现出明显的规律性,与林分年龄相比,林分郁闭度以及林隙的数量对物种多样性的影响更大。  相似文献   

以围场县木兰林管局3种典型森林植被类型为研究对象,从乔木层、灌木层和草本层分别对其物种数和多样性进行了比较。结果表明:落叶松桦木混交林内植物种类有56种,山杨桦木混交林内有53种,油松蒙古栎混交林有44种,乔木层物种多样性差别不明显,灌木层生物多样性指数总体上油松蒙古栎混交林>山杨桦木混交林>落叶松桦木混交林。草本层生物多样性指数除Simpson指数外,其他3个指数规律一致,即油松蒙古栎混交林>山杨桦木混交林>落叶松桦木混交林。  相似文献   

南岳衡山不同海拔的昆虫多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2005年3~5月份在衡山不同海拔高度设样地采集昆虫标本并进行相关分析。结果表明:昆虫种类和数量随时间和海拔高度的变化而有较大差别,在本次调查中双翅目、膜翅目、鞘翅目在衡山是比较稳定的优势种群;优势度指数因海拔高度、采集标本时间不同而有差异;不同采集时间不同海拔高度的多样性指数相差不大;中海拔地区的均匀度指数在每个采集时间里都较高、低海拔地区的稍高。  相似文献   

不同更新方式对常绿落叶阔叶混交林物种多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者就木林子自然保护区常绿落叶阔叶混交林4种更新方式对物种多样性的影响进行研究。结果表明:从人工柳杉林、人工杉檫混交林、人促更新林到天然更新林,多样性指数(SW)和均匀度指数(Jsw)逐渐增加,生态优势度指数(D)逐渐降低;随着高度级增加,各更新样地物种多样性指数(SW)表现出波动性下降趋势,生态优势度(D)呈波动性上升趋势,均匀度指数(Jsw)变幅不大;随着径级的增加,人工柳杉林多样性指数(SW)无明显变化,其他样地多样性指数(SW)逐渐减少,各更新样地生态优势度指数(D)逐渐增加,均匀度指数(Jsw)变幅不大。  相似文献   

对四川中亚热带扁刺栲-华木荷林区20 a生日本落叶松人工纯林(P1)、人工促进针阔混交林(P2)和次生阔叶林(P3)的森林植物群落进行了调查和分析。结果表明,P1、P2和P3的物种丰富度(S)分别为55、69和45;Shannon-W iener多样性指数分别为3.39±0.26、3.77±0.14和3.14±0.31,其差异显著(P<0.05);P2物种多样性最高,P1物种多样性次之,P3物种多样性最低。采伐迹地的不同恢复和重建措施对森林群落以及对群落乔木层、灌木层和草本的物种多样性有显著影响(P<0.001),但对森林群落不同层次物种多样性的影响强度不同,对草本层物种多样性影响强度较大。  相似文献   

对河北省塞罕坝机械总场第三乡林场的植物多样性进行研究,于2007年7~8月份展开调查。通过对调查资料的统计分析,得出海拔及坡向对植物丰富度、多样性及均匀度的影响程度。测定分析结果表明:海拔对物种丰富度影响不甚明显,但总体上随着海拔的升高物种丰富度呈现下降趋势;总个体数的变化起伏比较大;植物多样性与均匀度的变化与物种丰富度的变化近乎相反。坡向对各多样性指数的研究结果表明:物种丰富度、多样性及均匀度3个指数在半阴坡是最高的,而总个体数随坡向的变化不大。这些研究结果将对如何更好的保护和合理利用生物多样性资源、发挥林区生态效益、促进人工林的可持续经营具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

从物种多样性指数、均匀度和优势度角度分析了不同人为干扰尺度(原始米槠林、择伐更新、天然更新、人促更新和种植杉木林)对福建武平米槠林各层次恢复的影响.结果表明随着不同人为干扰尺度加大,乔木层物种多样性指数和均匀度呈线性下降、而优势度呈线性上升,灌木层物种多样性指数和均匀度呈"下降-上升"交替变化趋势、而优势度延伸至B级后上升,草本层和层外植物物种多样性指数和均匀度上升至B级或C级后下降、而优势度上升至A级后下降;人工种植杉木后各方面指标与原始米槠林相距甚远,目前较难恢复到米槠顶极群落,而其余更新方式以顶极种米槠为第一优势种或第二优势种,各方面指标与原始米槠林相距较近,将能恢复到米槠顶极群落.  相似文献   

采用巴氏罐诱法,对庞泉沟国家级自然保护区的不同功能区——核心区(绿色长廊)、缓冲区(八道沟)、远离农田的实验区(神尾沟)及靠近农田的实验区(八水沟)林地地表隐翅虫亚科级甲虫物种多样性进行调查研究,旨在探明该保护区有代表性林地隐翅虫的物种组成及受不同程度人为干扰下的隐翅虫多样性格局。结果表明:1)共捕获隐翅虫标本1862号,分属于9亚科。其中,前角隐翅虫亚科为优势类群,与四眼隐翅虫亚科、异形隐翅虫亚科、隐翅虫亚科和尖腹隐翅虫亚科一起构成研究样地的常见类群。2)不同功能区生境中隐翅虫物种组成和数量分布各不相同,个体数量核心区最多,其他α多样性各项指标均为缓冲区最高,βw为靠近农田实验区最高。3)群落相似性分析表明核心区与其他3个生境差异性较大,缓冲区与其他3个生境有一定程度上的相似。适度干扰可提高物种多样性,降低人为过度干扰有利于增加隐翅虫生物多样性。  相似文献   

Agriculture relies on ecosystem services, such as biological control of pests, for economic success and sustainability. Commercially managed lowbush blueberries are an important crop in eastern North America, but pest control by natural enemies has not been well studied. In this paper we address questions about consumption of two blueberry pests by ground beetles (Carabidae) that are common in blueberry fields. In the first experiment, a Poecilus l. lucublandus, Carabus nemoralis, or Pterostichus mutus beetle was placed with two blueberry spanworm larvae, Itame argillacearia, in a simple (cup only or cup + soil) or more complex (cup + soil + blueberry sprigs) treatment arena. In most cases, probability of spanworm consumption reached 100 % in simple arenas by the end of the experiment (48 h) but was 25–50 % lower in more complex arenas. In a second experiment, a male or female Pterostichus melanarius or Harpalus rufipes beetle was placed in a plastic container with saturated or dry soil into which mature blueberry maggots, Rhagoletis mendax, dropped from blueberries to pupate. Approximately 40–80 and 35 % fewer pupae were recovered when a P. melanarius and H. rufipes beetle was present, respectively, but soil moisture and beetle sex were not significant factors. Our results demonstrate that ground beetles can prey upon important blueberry pests, but suggest that consumption may be influenced by microhabitat structure.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles,predatory insects,are abundant in forests and sensitive to environmental changes.The dis-tribution patterns and diversity of carabid beetles in several natural forests were studied to provide a basis for evaluating the importance of a forest in the protection of carabid beetle diversity.Carabids were captured by pitfall traps during their seasonal activity from 2012 to 2013 in a poplar-birch forest,ash-walnut forest and broad-leaved Korean pine forest.A total of 5252 individuals,representing 21 species,were col-lected.Carabid abundance was highest in the broad-leaved Korean pine forest and lowest in the ash-walnut forest.Carabus billbergi Mannerheim and Pterostichus pertinax(Tschitscherine) were the dominant beetle species in each stand.Carabus canaliculatus Adams was dominant in the poplar-birch and ash-walnut forests,and Leistus niger Gebler was dominant in the ash-walnut forest.The carabids were affected differently by stand factors.C.billbergi and P.per-tinax was positively correlated with mean DBH.C.cana-liculatus and L.niger were not positively correlated with any stand factors.The broad-leaved Korean pine forest with greater age,large DBH and thick leaf litter fostered a high diversity of carabid species.The main yearly activity period for most carabids was during July.Different carabid species responded differently to seasonality,and the activity period of several species was relatively late (August) in the year.  相似文献   

Planting exotic conifers offers indigenous forest insects an opportunity to extend their host range and eventually to become significant pests. Knowing the ecological and evolutionary modalities driving the colonisation of exotic tree species by indigenous insects is thus of primary importance. We compared the bark beetle communities (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) associated with both native and introduced conifers in France. The aim of our study was to estimate the influence of both host- and insect-related factors on the beetles’ likelihood to shift onto new hosts. We considered the influence of host origin (i.e. native vs. exotic), host tree species identity, tree bark thickness and tree taxonomic proximity, as well as insects’ host specificity. A field inventory using trap trees was carried out in two regions in France (Limousin and Jura) during two consecutive years (2006 and 2007) on three European native conifer species [Norway spruce (Picea abies); Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and European Silver-fir (Abies alba)] and five North American [Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis); Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus); Grand fir (Abies grandis); Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and Western red cedar (Thuja plicata)]. A total of 18 indigenous and 2 exotic bark beetle species were collected. All exotic conifer species were colonised by indigenous bark beetle species and no significant difference was observed of the cumulated species richness of the latter between native and exotic tree species (13 vs. 14, P < 0.05). The ability of indigenous bark beetles to shift onto exotic conifers appeared to strongly depend on host species (significantly structuring bark beetle assemblages), the presence of phylogenetically related native conifer species and that of similar resources, in combination with insect host specificity. Host tree species status (native or exotic) also seemed to be involved, but its effect did not seem as essential as that of the previous factors. These findings are discussed in terms of adaptation, plasticity and practical aspects of forest management.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution patterns of the attack on fresh logs ofPasania edulis was studied for the oak borer,Platypus quercivorus (Murayama), and two species of Scolytid ambrosia beetles,Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) andXyleborus attenuatus Blanford, in 1994 and 1995. On the logs where onlyP. quercivorus attacked, the entry holes were distributed uniformly when attack intensity was low. However, the distribution pattern became more aggregated with the increase in attack intensity. On logs where bothP. quercivorus and the two Scolytid species attacked, there was a negative association between the spatial distribution of the entry holes ofP. quercivorus and that of scolytids. Simultaneous attack of two scolytids also increased the degree of aggregation of the entry holes ofP. quercivorus. The entry holes of scolytids were distributed in groups irrespective of the attack intensity of scolytids andP. quercivorus. These results suggest an asymmetrical interspecific relationship betweenP. quercivorus and scolytids. Concentration of the entry holes ofP. quercivorus in a small area may cause a considerable decline in the reproductive success in the galleries constructed there.  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同虫态、不同环境苹小吉丁自然种群肠道真菌和细菌种类组成及其可能对宿主生长发育和生理变化的影响。【方法】分别将新疆野果林(W)和栽培果园(C)获取的成虫(A)与幼虫(L)进行完整肠道解剖,利用Illumina MiSeq技术对ITS2基因(真菌)和16S rRNA V3-V4变异区(细菌)进行测定,统计肠道微生物的操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit, OTU)数量,分析物种丰度、组成及Alpha多样性,并运用PICRUSt2对其功能进行预测。【结果】获得苹小吉丁肠道真菌ITS2优质序列177 028条,细菌16S rRNA优质序列253 712条,聚类分析分别获得285和1 470个OTUs。最终注释到真菌5门22纲50目92科122属,细菌40门103纲231目364科594属。从属级水平来看,不同虫态、不同环境苹小吉丁肠道微生物各具特有的真菌和细菌类群,其中,其中CA特有真菌11属,特有细菌2属;CL特有真菌28属,特有细菌223属;WA特有真菌37属,特有细菌47属;WL特有真菌12属,特有细菌68属,而核心菌群中真菌7属,细菌21属。...  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the development, survival and reproduction responses of Adalia fasciatopunctata revelierei (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae), using 20, 40, 80, 160 and 250 prey densities. All experiments were conducted at 25±1°C, 60±5% relative humidity, 16:8 light:dark under laboratory conditions. The average daily prey consumption of A. fasciatopunctata revelierei immatures and adults increased with increasing prey densities. Predation was not different for the larval stages at 80, 160 and 250 prey densities. The longevities of adult females were 35.67, 35.33, 49.00, 58.33 and 57.16 days when 20, 40, 80, 160 and 250 H. pruni were provided, respectively. The mean daily and total fecundity of A. fasciatopunctata revelierei increased with increasing prey densities. Females of A. fasciatopunctata revelierei feeding on H. pruni laid 89 eggs at 20 prey density and 301.67 eggs at 160 prey density. The search rate of females was higher than that of all larval instars; and the search rate of the fourth-instar larvae was higher than that of younger instars. Handling time decreased with development from larval stages to adult.  相似文献   

To investigate the reproductive traits and diel activity ofMonochamus saltuarius, 14 pairs of the adults were reared and observed at each of 20°C and 25°C. Both sexes were more active at 25°C than at 20°C irrespective of the presence or absence of light. A diel change in behavior during 24 h was found on 33% of a total of 48 observations of three age classes of both sexes. No significant difference was found in the mean longevity between sexes or between the two temperature conditions. The time required for reproductive maturation showed no significant difference within the same sex when reared at 20°C and 25°C. The mean oviposition period was significantly longer at 25°C (28.8 days) than at 20°C (12.2 days). The mean lifetime fecundity was significantly greater at 25°C than at 20°C. There was no significant difference in the oviposition ratio (number of eggs deposited/number of oviposition wounds excavated), oviposition rate or hatchability for females between the two temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Selective logging, fire suppression, forest succession and climatic changes have resulted in high fire hazards over large areas of the western USA. Federal and state hazardous fuel reduction programs have increased accordingly to reduce the risk, extent and severity of these events, particularly in the wildland–urban interface. In this study, we examined the effects of mechanical fuel reduction treatments on the activity of bark beetles in ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl ex. Laws., forests located in Arizona and California, USA. Treatments were applied in both late spring (April–May) and late summer (August–September) and included: (1) thinned biomass chipped and randomly dispersed within each 0.4 ha plot; (2) thinned biomass chipped, randomly dispersed within each plot and raked 2 m from the base of residual trees; (3) thinned biomass lopped-and-scattered (thinned trees cut into 1–2 m lengths) within each plot; (4) an untreated control. The mean percentage of residual trees attacked by bark beetles ranged from 2.0% (untreated control) to 30.2% (plots thinned in spring with all biomass chipped). A three-fold increase in the percentage of trees attacked by bark beetles was observed in chipped versus lopped-and-scattered plots. Bark beetle colonization of residual trees was higher during spring treatments, which corresponded with peak adult beetle flight periods as measured by funnel trap captures. Raking chips away from the base of residual trees did not significantly affect attack rates. Several bark beetle species were present including the roundheaded pine beetle, Dendroctonus adjunctus Blandford (AZ), western pine beetle, D. brevicomis LeConte (AZ and CA), mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins (CA), red turpentine beetle, D. valens LeConte (AZ and CA), Arizona fivespined ips, Ips lecontei Swaine (AZ), California fivespined ips, I. paraconfusus Lanier (CA) and pine engraver, I. pini (Say) (AZ). Dendroctonus valens was the most common bark beetle infesting residual trees. A significant correlation was found between the number of trees chipped per plot and the percentage of residual trees with D. valens attacks. A significantly higher percentage of residual trees was attacked by D. brevicomis in plots that were chipped in spring compared to the untreated control. In lopped-and-scattered treatments, engraver beetles produced substantial broods in logging debris, but few attacks were observed on standing trees. At present, no significant difference in tree mortality exists among treatments. A few trees appeared to have died solely from D. valens attacks, as no other scolytids were observed in the upper bole. In a laboratory study conducted to provide an explanation for the bark beetle responses observed in this study, monoterpene elution rates from chip piles declined sharply over time, but were relatively constant in lopped-and-piled treatments. The quantities of β-pinene, 3-carene, -pinene and myrcene eluting from chips exceeded those from lopped-and-piled slash during each of 15 sample periods. These laboratory results may, in part, explain the bark beetle response observed in chipping treatments. The implications of these results to sustainable forest management are discussed.  相似文献   

Species diversity and infestation densities of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.)-boring beetles at sawmills in southern Thailand were investigated during July 2007 and March 2008. Twenty-two species of wood-boring beetles, nine bostrichids, eight scolytines and five platypodines, were identified. The powder post beetle, Sinoxylon anale Lesne (40%), is the single dominant rubberwood pest in the studied area. Other frequently captured species are Sinoxylon unidentatum (Fabricius) (18%), Heterobostrychus aequalis (Waterhouse) (10%) and Lyctoxylon dentatum Lesne (9%). The Shannon diversity index of rubberwood-boring beetles in the eastern coastal area was significantly (p < 0.01) greater than that in the western coastal area. The infestation density in the dry season was significantly higher than that in the wet season, but there were no significant differences between eastern and western coastal areas.  相似文献   

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