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发展经济林果富民富县富行业●本刊评论员今年召开的中国共产党云南省第六次代表大会,首次把发展经济林作为山区建设的一项重要措施,列为林业工作的一大任务。这一重大战略决策,既说明了发展经济林是振兴我省山区经济、实现山区人民脱贫致富、增强林业经济实力的突破口...  相似文献   

论市场经济条件下山西省经济林发展战略与对策白埃堤,周长东党的十四大确立了我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制,在市场经济的取向中,作为林业建设重要组成部分的经济林,如何适应市场,在实现全省经济翻两番,人民生活达小康的战略目标中发挥重要作用...  相似文献   

发展经济林应重视质量□本刊评论员没有经济林的林业,不是完整的林业。经济林在整个林业中,地位十分重要。这些年来,特别是省委、省政府提出到2000年新造133.3万公顷(2000万亩)经济林的目标以来,我省经济林建设步伐明显加快。1996年,全省经济林在...  相似文献   

经济林是林业的重要组成部分。发展经济林是社会经济发展的需要,人民生活的需要,加工业的需要,出口创汇的需要。经济林不仅具有较高的经济效益,而且可以发挥保持水土、涵养水源、调节气候、美化环境、促进改善生态环境、增加绿化覆盖率等多种效益。在林业生产中,经济林见效快、效益高,能够起到以短养长的作用。  相似文献   

河套平原有引黄自流灌溉的有利条件,发展林业基础好。过去,在林业生产上只注重增加面积,改善生态环境,所以防护林、薪炭林较多,经济林偏少,品种也落后。后来巴盟人民解放了思想,坚持防护林、用材林、经济林一起上,又突出经济林和用材林的指导思想,巴盟苹果梨经引...  相似文献   

经济林是以生产果品、食用油料、香料,调料、工业原料和药材为主要目的的林木,是我国森林的重要组成部份。经济林生产又是林业生产中的短线,投产早,见效快,收益高。因此,大力发展经济林,对振兴林业,促进产区的脱贫致富,丰富人民的食品内容,满足工业生产原料的需求等,均有其  相似文献   

吉林省经济林发展现状及对策陈建军,赵云,王东升(吉林省林业科学研究院)尚静敏,高文才(吉林省林业厅)经济林作为林业产业的一个重要补充,它是调整林业产业结构,增加林业经济效益的一个重要途径,它对于发挥林业自身优势带动相关产业的发展,拓宽林业致富渠道,以...  相似文献   

浙江省名特优经济林生产现状与“九五”发展思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对浙江省名特优经济林生产现状进行分析与评价,提出了“九五”经济林发展的基本思路,指明了“九五”到2010年是我省林业发展的重要时期,将初步实现林业现代化,作为我省最具优势的林业支柱产业之一的名特优经济林对这一宏伟目标的实现起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着党的各项政策的落实,经济林发展在临沂市进入了一个新的历史时期,到1997年底经济林面积已达21万hm2,成为临沂市森林资源的重要组成部分。经济林在改善人民生活、保持自然环境和促进林业可持续发属方面发挥了重要作用。但经济林生产也面临一些突出问题,这些问题将关系到经济林产业的可持续发展。1 存在问题近几年,经济林发展速度不断加快。表现在年度新造林中经济林比重一直超过50%、高达80%,年均新造经济林2万hm2。1991~1997年新造林及年末实存林地中经济林所占比重见表。随着经济林…  相似文献   

以市场为导向,科技为先导,大力发展名优特新经济林品种,是全区深化林业改革,调整林业结构的一个重要内容。全区林业生产紧紧围绕“两个转变”和“两个提高”,加大了经济林比重。实行果林、果粮、果药、果经间作,开展综合开发,加快了经济林建设的步伐。近几年来,全...  相似文献   

浅谈资兴市的经济转型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合资兴市林业实际,对林业资源型城市经济转型的基本模式进行研究和探讨,从调控手段方面,提出政府主导、市场调节、政府主导和市场调节相结合3种模式;从经济转型方面提出了产业延伸、产业替代、产业复合3种模式。  相似文献   

以梢斑螟属Dioryctria害虫的自然属性为主,构建我国梢斑螟属害虫经济重要性分析指标体系,明确各项指标间的叠加关系,确定每项指标的赋分标准.结果表明:微红梢斑螟Dioryctria ru-bella Hampson、果梢斑螟D.pryeri Ragonot、冷杉梢斑螟D.abietella Denis et Sch...  相似文献   

本文就中心城市的产生,论述了中心城市在城市经济区中的地位及其主导作用和服务作用。  相似文献   

Some possible contributions that could be made to the development of the Liberian economy through the forestry sector are investigated. Emphasis is placed on the establishment of integrated wood-processing facilities comprising sawmilling, veneer and plywood manufacturing and particleboard production. Data for 1974 are used to formulate a simple illustrative linear programming model for determining the minimum investment needs for achieving specified levels of value-added.  相似文献   

浅谈林业经济发展中存在的主要问题及解决对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于爽 《河北林果研究》2009,24(4):413-415
中国林业经济发展中存在的主要问题,可概括为关系问题、政策问题、可持续发展问题。解决问题的总思路是从林业经济发展中的关系问题入手,分析现有林业政策对发展林业经济的障碍,论证林业的可持续发展战略对林业经济发展的影响。  相似文献   

刘萍 《湖南林业科技》2006,33(4):78-81,84
对怀化市林业经济结构中的优势与劣势进行了分析,并阐述了怀化林业经济结构调整的思路。  相似文献   

福建省福清沿海林业经济发展中,其非国有经济成分占了一定的比例。主要分布在果树业、花卉业、木竹藤家具制造业、木业及木材加工业和森林旅游业。实践证明,非国有经济对沿海林业的注入,改变了当地林业的面貌,在林业经济发展和调整农业生产结构方面作用显著。  相似文献   

Changes in the economic environment, including increased international competition caused by globalisation, low-priced imports and high costs of labour, are influencing the economic situation of all agricultural enterprises, and naturally including those on forest land. As a result, changes are taking place in the structure of agricultural enterprises, with smaller units disappearing. Enterprises with greater areas of agricultural and forest land strive to expand by purchasing or leasing more agricultural area or forests, depending on their labour and financial resources. Another way to overcome the economic needs and to survive as a family enterprise in the future is to find new sources of income. In a case study in the Southern Black Forest an investigation of 32 family-enterprises with agricultural and forest land and members of an accounting network was carried out in order to register all types of income of the family which contribute economically to their costs of living. Besides the traditional income from agriculture and forestry, income was found to be derived from renting rooms or flats for holiday-makers, employment outside the enterprise, contract-working,a nd direct-marketing of own products. This paper presents the results of the study, showing the overall distribution of the total income of the family to the various types of activities of the family. On average, agriculture, forestry and the other income sources are found to each contribute about one third to overall income. The great variety of income combinations are illustrated in diagrams and clustered to different types of organization of family-farm enterprise. It is also notable that the amount of the total income varies from very high to very low between individual enterprises.  相似文献   

The fundamental challenge in developing a new farming system is to have it adopted and maintained by farmers. The difficulty of achieving widespread adoption is increased if the new farming system is complex and/or radically different to current farming practice. This paper is a review of these issues with a focus on farming systems based on mimicry of natural ecosystems. It is proposed that there are four conditions which are necessary for an individual farmer to adopt an innovative farming-system: awareness of the innovation, perception that it is feasible to trial the innovation, perception that the innovation is worth trialing, and perception that the innovation promotes the farmer's objectives. Challenges involved in meeting each of these conditions are discussed. It is concluded that the most important challenges in developed countries are: (a) developing a farming system that is in fact more profitable than current practice; (b) assessing whether a system is in fact more profitable than current practice; and (c) overcoming the problem of deep uncertainty about the technology. In developing countries one must add the additional challenges of (d) high interest rates/high discount rates; and (e) insecure or inequitable land tenure. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Green-up, or adjacency, requirements are a common constraint in forestry. The American Forest and Paper Association has developed a Sustainable Forestry Initiative that includes a green-up constraint which limits the average clearcut opening to 48 ha for 3 years or until the average height of the regenerated trees is >1.4 m. In addition to constraining the average clearcut size, many forestry companies in the southeastern USA voluntarily limit their maximum clearcut size to between 60 and 90 ha. In this research, a heuristic algorithm was used to develop tactical forest plans that consider both the maximum and average clearcut sizes. Economic effects of the green-up constraints were estimated for situations where intensive management can reduce the length of the green-up time from 3 to 2 years on a 21 600 ha ownership in Georgia (USA). For a 60-ha maximum opening size, this reduction in green-up time from 3 to 2 years resulted in an additional US$ 66 600 in present net worth (PNW) over a 10-year analysis period. This corresponds to a US$ 10 per harvested ha, or a 0.8% increase in PNW. The benefit gained by reducing the length of the green-up period is less with a 90-ha maximum clearcut size, where PNW increases by US$ 45 600, or US$ 6.70 per harvested ha, a 0.5% increase. While the total volume per period was near the volume goal produced by a strategic forest plan, the spatial restrictions and the desire to maximize net present value resulted in lower volume of timber products (sawlogs and chip-and-saw logs) from older forest stands. A sensitivity analysis showed that an increase in price or yield further reduced the economic incentive for the reduction of the length of the green-up constraint. As price or volume decreased below expectations, however, the incentive to use intensive forest management practices to reduce the length of the green-up constraint became more attractive, since the differences between a 2-year and 3-year green-up time requirement may be large enough to pay for more intensive management practices.  相似文献   

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