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Differences in reproductive strategies of male and female fishes are presumably accompanied by differences in nutrient allocation and predicted to lead to divergence in body composition between the sexes. We compared patterns of variation in fatty acid profiles of lipids extracted from ova, liver, muscle and visceral fat between mature male and female walleye (Sander vitreus) sampled from two wild spawning stocks. Fatty acid profiles differed significantly among body tissues in both males and females, with the strongest contrast between muscle and visceral fat. Significant differences in fatty acid composition between the sexes were found in liver, muscle and visceral fat tissues. Variation among sexes and populations was greater in liver than in the other tissues. Female livers had lower relative abundances of palmitic acid (PA, 16:0) and oleic acid (OA, 18:1(n-9)), and higher relative abundances of arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4(n-6)), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5(n-3)) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6(n-3)) compared to male livers. In addition, female muscle had higher relative abundance of OA and lower relative abundance of DHA compared to male muscle. Our results illustrate the differential effects of reproductive demands on the biochemical composition of males and females and have implications for the analysis of fatty acid profiles in studies of wild fish populations.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and salinity on the reproductive success of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), were examined by holding broodstock under the following conditions from mid‐May until the end of September: fresh water at ambient temperature (NFW; 8–16 °C); salt water (25–30‰) at ambient temperature (NSW; 4–10 °C); fresh water cooled to saltwater temperature (CFW; 4–10 °C); or salt water heated to freshwater temperature (HSW; 8–16 °C). The relative fecundity of females was similar among groups (P > 0.05; 2685 ± 706 eggs), but females reared in NSW produced significantly larger eggs than those raised in NFW. The highest spermatozoa concentrations were found in milt from males reared in SW and the highest milt glucose concentration was from males kept under coldwater conditions (CFW, NSW). Eggs from NSW and HSW females contained more proteins than eggs produced by NFW females. Eggs from NSW females also contained 40% more lipids than was observed in the other groups, and total energy content was 27% higher in eggs from NSW females than in eggs from NFW females. When FW was cooled (CFW), females produced eggs with protein contents similar to those in NSW, but the lipid contents remained 30% lower. Finally, the best survival at the eyed stage and at hatch was observed in families produced by NSW broodstock. Intermediate values were observed in families from NFW or CFW while the highest mortality occurred in families from the HSW group. All these results suggest that, under the experimental conditions used in the present study, coastal seawater conditions offered the most favourable summer rearing conditions with respect to the reproductive success of Arctic charr.  相似文献   

In Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (e.g. Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) larvae, parental effects on hatching, growth of initial stages and dry feed adaptation were evaluated as they could influence fry heterogeneity, which is responsible for the enhancement of cannibalism, and which remains one of the main factors of mortality during larval stages. A full factorial experiment was carried out with 3 females × 3 males producing nine families of full siblings, raised separately in triplicates into 30 L tanks at 28±0.5 °C in a water recirculating system. Paternal and maternal effects were observed on hatching success, yolk utilization efficiency and growth until 26 days post fertilization. Hatching success was generally over 80% except for one male × female combination (25%). Total length (TL) at hatching and during the first 4 weeks of exogenous feeding on live Artemia nauplii and dry feeds was determined in each family using digital photographs of larvae and nih image j analysis freeware. Mean TL was calculated for each family at each sampling time and analysed using multifactorial analysis of variance tests. These results indicate not only dam but also sire effects at very early developmental stages as well as in subsequent stages of P. punctifer.  相似文献   

母源免疫是提高养殖动物幼体抗病能力的有效途径之一,在病害防控方面,具有防御在先、操作便利、安全环保等优点,对养殖产业持续健康发展具有重要意义。本文就鱼类母源免疫的研究现状进行了概括及评析,阐述了母源抗体动态传递、代谢变化规律、保护效力、抗体分子特征和空间分布,以及补体、凝集素、溶菌酶等多种母源免疫因子的研究进展,同时对今后鱼类母源免疫研究中需解决的关键问题进行了展望,旨在为进一步深化鱼类母源免疫机理和应用研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Cultivated Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) entering their first year of gamete maturation were fed diets with different levels of arachidonic acid (ARA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) for 6.5 months prior to commencement of spawning. Gravid females were stripped three times: at the beginning, peak and end of spawning. Lipid composition and egg and larval quality of 34 family crosses were investigated. Results indicated that ARA uptake into eggs from broodstock diet was highly efficient achieving proportions of ARA up to 84% higher in eggs than in the diet. EPA was 42–76% higher, and DHA was 155–173% higher in eggs than in diets. Cod fed the diet with the lowest EPA/ARA ratio had the greatest egg production. Eggs from fish on a diet with high ARA level had significantly higher fertilization and hatching success than those fed low levels of ARA. This diet produced on average 71 viable eggs g?1 female compared with 32.5 and 4 eggs in diet B and C, respectively. Furthermore, larval survival until 8 days posthatch was higher in diets with lower ARA levels. The combined results showed that ARA dietary supplementation and low EPA/ARA ratio yielded a greater number of viable larvae kg?1 female.  相似文献   

The primary target of selection in most breeding programmes in aquaculture is to promote rapid growth while delaying maturation. In most cases, little is known about how such selection programmes may affect maternal provisioning of offspring and early development. Under favourable and predictable condition, which is typically the case in fish farming, females generally produce more but smaller eggs than wild females. By using a continuous range of egg size originating from females of a fourth generation of Icelandic domesticated Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus, 1758), we assessed the relative importance of maternal effects and individual egg size for energy density of individual egg and several offspring traits from fertilization until 138 days post fertilization (dpf). We found that egg size and related energy density varied more among than within females. Although egg size was not correlated with energy density (at 1 dpf) or survival (at hatching and 138 dpf), it was positively correlated with most offspring traits throughout ontogeny. We further did not find any temporal variation in the correlation with the offspring traits during ontogeny. Within clutch variation in growth, yolk sac volume and hatching time were under the influence of direct female effects (maternal or genetic effects). These results show how egg size relates to individual performance in Arctic charr and constitute a baseline for understanding how domestication may alter offspring phenotypes early in life. These findings are discussed with regard to their consequences for aquaculture of Arctic charr and salmonids in general.  相似文献   

Abstract – Body length, age, egg size, embryo salinity tolerance and length at hatching of the freshwater (salinity <0.1 ppt, Lake Peipsi) and brackish-water (salinity 2–6 ppt, Pärnu and Matsalu Bay) ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), were examined to reveal their reproductive success in moderate salinity. Eggs of females originating from brackish water were significantly larger than eggs of freshwater females. No correlation between egg size and female size and age was found in brackish-water populations. In the freshwater population there was a small negative correlation between egg size and female size, but no correlation with female age. Fertilisation by sperm of males of different origin (brackish water or freshwater) produced no significant differences at any critical developmental stage (fertilisation, gastrulation, hatching) in the development of eggs from brackish-water or freshwater females at 3.3, 5.5, 7.7 and 9.9 ppt salinity. Survival rates in different salinity depended only on female origin; embryonic salinity tolerance was higher in ruffe inhabiting brackish water. Obviously, embryo salinity tolerance in ruffe is determined by egg qualities.  相似文献   

Abstract Abundance, sex ratio and size structure of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., populations were studied in two forest lakes. The influence of maternal size on the amount and quality of eggs and larvae was investigated, and the effect of the spawning stock’s length structure on population egg and fry production was evaluated. The importance of large females was essential for the reproduction of perch. Large perch spawned more and bigger eggs that had higher hatching percentage resulting in considerably higher fry production. Larvae of large females were heavier and survived longer with bare yolk sac reserves. The relation between egg dry weight and female length differed between the study lakes suggesting varying maternal influence in different environments. Decrease in the share of large individuals in a perch population can substantially reduce the amount and quality of larvae produced. The results can be applied to improve the sustainability of perch fisheries.  相似文献   

Egg strings of salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer 1837), collected from farmed and wild Atlantic salmon had similar length and number of eggs string?1. Egg production was investigated at water temperatures from 7.1 °C to 12.2 °C. A regression model indicated that at low temperatures egg strings were longer and had more eggs. Mean length of single eggs was significantly smaller and the percentage of non‐viable eggs in the strings was higher at 7.1 °C than at 12.2 °C. Adult females survived for up to 191 days at 7.2 °C, and during this period 11 pairs of egg strings were produced.  相似文献   

光照对红螯螯虾繁殖性能及其受精卵卵质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
罗文 《水产学报》2004,28(6):675-681
报道了不同光照时间长度对红螯螯虾繁殖性能及其受精卵中主要生化成分积累的影响。实验共分5组,Ⅰ组为自然光照;Ⅱ组为光照L∶D=12∶12(即每天光照时间为12h),Ⅲ组为L∶D=14∶10,Ⅳ组为L∶D=16∶8,Ⅴ组为L∶D=18∶6。结果显示,红螯螯虾雌虾1个月及2个月的抱卵率、增重率、性腺指数、孵化率从Ⅰ组至Ⅴ组均呈抛物线的变化趋势,其中实验Ⅳ组最高,以上指标分别为(61.54±2.09)%、(92.31±3.87)%、(29.48±0.51)%、(5.38±0.25)%和(46.99±3.15)%。与其它光照组相比,每只雌虾所抱卵卵重、平均抱卵量和平均单个卵卵重也以实验Ⅳ组为最高。在实验Ⅳ组受精卵中,氨基酸(必需和非必需氨基酸)的总量及主要氨基酸Leu、Arg、Glu均有显著增加。总脂在受精卵中所占的比重(干重和湿重),以实验Ⅲ、Ⅳ两组最高,与其它组相比差异显著。延长光照时间不影响卵内中性脂和磷脂按一定比例积累,各组中中性脂的百分含量均约是磷脂的2倍。无论中性脂还是磷脂,C18∶1ω9、C18∶2ω6、C16∶0、C16∶1四种脂肪酸的含量均较高;光照Ⅳ组中C20∶4的含量较低,而C20∶5ω3和C22∶6ω3的含量则较高。结果说明,日光照16h对红螯螯虾繁殖较为适宜,可明显改善其繁殖性能和受精卵的质量。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that maternal condition positively influences the number of eggs spawned in fishes. These studies commonly choose a priori to use body length rather than weight as an explanatory variable of offspring production, even though weight is usually the better predictor of fecundity. We are concerned that consistent exclusion of body weight as a predictor of egg production inflates the variance in fecundity attributable to maternal condition. By analysing data on three populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, Gadidae) and 10 populations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis, Salmonidae), we illustrate the need for a statistically defensible method of model selection to distinguish the effects of maternal condition on egg production from the effects of body size alone. Forward stepwise regression and null model analyses reveal how length‐based regressions can significantly over‐estimate correlations between condition and fecundity, leading us to conclude that the effect of condition on egg productivity may not be as ubiquitous or as biologically important as previously thought. Our work underscores the need for greater statistical clarity in analyses of the effects of maternal condition on reproductive productivity in fishes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the fertility of eggs between artificially matured female silver eels that spawned spontaneously and those that were spawned by manual stripping. The effects of the two methods of spawning on ovulation and fertilization rate were also investigated. For this purpose, 18 wild female European eels captured in Bonello lagoon (North Adriatic Sea) were carp pituitary extract‐injected to undergo sexual maturation and ovulation; a final injection of 17,20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (DHP) was administered when at least 30% of the oocytes were fully transparent. After the DHP‐injection, nine eels were transferred to a new closed recirculating aquaculture system, where they were housed with spermiating males (sex ratio 4/1) to allow spontaneous spawning (SPT‐group); the remaining nine eels were transferred to a 250 L tank and ovulation was checked at four‐hourly intervals by manual stripping (STR‐group). The number of eggs per female in the SPT‐group was significantly greater than that in the STR‐group. Furthermore, fertilization rates in the SPT‐group were notably higher than those observed in the STR‐group. Significantly, the best performances were obtained among eels in which at least 50% of oocytes were fully transparent at the time DHP was administered. We conclude that the fertility of eggs from spontaneously spawning eels is superior to that of eggs acquired by strip‐spawning and artificial fertilization.  相似文献   

The changes in egg lipids and fatty acid compositions that occur during embryonic development of spotted wolf‐fish, Anarhichas minor, were examined by monitoring individual egg batches from the time of spawning (egg stripping) until hatching. The lipids, present as 3.7±0.1% of the wet mass of the freshly stripped eggs, contained high percentages of monoenes (monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), ca. 33%) and polyenes (ca. 43%) and approximately 20% saturated fatty acids (SFAs). The fatty acid profiles were dominated by a small number of fatty acids. The major SFA was 16:0 (ca. 14%), the dominant MUFA was 18:1 n‐9 (ca. 21%), and among the polyenes, the n‐3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) 22:6 n‐3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 20:5 n‐3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) were present in the highest concentrations (EPA, ca. 16%; DHA, ca. 19%). The n‐6 HUFA 20:4 n‐6 arachidonic acid (AA) was present as ca. 1% of the total fatty acids in the freshly stripped eggs. This resulted in an AA:EPA of ca. 0.07, which is lower than reported for eggs of many other fish species. As embryonic development progressed, the percentage contribution of AA to the total fatty acids almost doubled. There were also increases in the relative proportions of SFAs (due mainly to an increase in the percentage of 16:0 to ca. 16% at hatch) and DHA (to ca. 23%), and there was a corresponding decrease in the percentage of MUFAs (mostly brought about by a decrease in the percentage of 18:1 n‐9 to ca. 18% at hatch). The most marked changes occurred towards the end of incubation. The percentage of EPA changed little during incubation. This implies that there was selective retention of DHA, 16:0 and AA, and these fatty acids were probably incorporated into cell membranes. MUFAs, particularly 18:1 n‐9, seem to have been catabolized to provide energy for the developing embryo, and some EPA also seems to have been utilized as an energy source. Survival of eggs to the eyed stage (range ca. 10–80%) and to hatch (ca. 5–75%) was negatively correlated with the %AA, %EPA and AA:DHA of the freshly stripped eggs. There was also a negative correlation between AA:EPA and egg survival, which implies that there is not a universal requirement for a high AA:EPA to ensure high rates of survival of fish eggs.  相似文献   

Identifying factors that affect larval mortality is critical for understanding the drivers of fish population dynamics. Although larval fish mortality is high, small changes in mortality rates can lead to large changes in recruitment. Recent studies suggest maternal provisioning can dramatically affect the susceptibility of larvae to starvation and predation, the major sources of early-life mortality. We measured otolith core width-at-extrusion and validated that this is a proxy for larval size-at-extrusion for eight species of rockfishes (genus Sebastes) to examine the influence of initial larval size on larval growth and survival and to understand how oceanographic conditions experienced by gestating females affect larval size (i.e., quality). Otolith core width-at-extrusion was significantly positively related to larval rockfish recent growth rate (5/7 species with sufficient sample size) and survival (all eight species). This suggests that individuals that are larger at extrusion generally grow faster and are more likely to survive early life stages. Otolith core width-at-extrusion was positively related to higher presence of Pacific Subarctic Upper Water and was negatively related to warmer, saline waters at the depths gestating mothers inhabited during the months prior to larval collection. In addition, otolith core width was larger further from fishing ports, possibly because these locations were historically less fished, contained more older, larger females, and/or had inherently better habitat quality (higher Pacific Subarctic Upper Water) than sites closer to shore. These results indicate that the environmental conditions female rockfish experience during gestation drive the size of the larvae they produce and impact larval growth and survival.  相似文献   

苏从成  张秀 《畜禽业》2009,(8):8-10
通过对山东大蔡牧业集团有限公司种鸡场(2008年5月—2009年4月)孵化生产记录数据进行整理、归纳和汇总,对种蛋受精率、受精蛋孵化率和健雏率3个指标进行相关统计分析,计算两两之间的相关系数,并建立回归方程。结果发现:种蛋受精率和受精蛋孵化率的相关系数r=0.9223(P<0.01);种蛋受精率和健雏率的相关系数r=0.4097(P<0.05);受精蛋孵化率和健雏率的相关系数为r=0.3980(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

温度对奥尼罗非鱼受精卵孵化和仔鱼活力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了温度对奥尼罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus×O.aureus)受精卵孵化和仔鱼活力的影响。在盐度为5不同温度(22、24、26、28、30、32和34℃)下,比较观察奥尼罗非鱼受精卵的培育周期、孵化周期、孵化率和畸形率。同时在以上不同温度条件下对初孵的奥尼罗非鱼仔鱼进行耐饥饿试验,测定其不投饵存活系数(Survivalactivity index,SAI)。结果表明:在温度为24~32℃,受精卵孵化率较高(84.3%~91%),温度高于34℃和低于22℃时,孵化率较低。温度与培育周期呈负相关关系,函数关系为y=0.3607x2-26.836x+553.5,R2=0.973。仔鱼生存适宜温度是24~30℃,最适的温度是24~26℃。温度为22℃时,SAI值分别为19.9,但是仔鱼发育的缓慢,部分仔鱼的身体色素一直没有出现,不适合仔鱼的培育。  相似文献   

Maternal characteristics typically affect the recruitment of an exploited fish population. The size and age at maturity, as well as the effects of maternal traits on relative fecundity and egg dry weight, were studied in six exploited pikeperch populations in Finnish lakes. The among‐lake variation in the maternal characteristics was substantial. The estimated total length at maturity (L10, L50, L90) varied between 318–444, 403–423 and 444–527 mm, respectively, largely depending on the average growth rate and body condition of pikeperch. The estimated L50 was generally close to the recently imposed national minimum size limit (42 cm). The estimated age at maturity (A50) ranged from 4.2 to 6.9 year. Both relative fecundity and egg dry weight significantly increased with female size and age, indicating size‐ and age‐dependent maternal effects on egg characteristics and quantity, and emphasising the importance of large individuals for reproduction. The observed among‐population differences in the size‐dependent maternal influences highlight the need for stock‐specific management of pikeperch fisheries. The conservation of large females should be promoted to increase recruitment and reduce its variability.  相似文献   

This study describes changes in cathepsin L activity during early development in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) and determines to which extend a precocious proteolysis of the yolk reserves by activated cathepsin L could be involved in the seasonal decline of egg and larval quality. During embryogenesis and early larval stages, samples were collected for determination of fertilization and hatching rates, assays of cathepsin L activity, and evaluation of larval resistance to stress (osmotic shock and fasting). Cathepsin L activity increased significantly during the embryonic development, reaching a maximum of 177.1±12.3 nmol min–1mg fresh weight–1 on day 1 post-hatching and significantly decreasing on day 3. Activity increased significantly during the spawning season and individual variations between egg strands became very high during the second half of the spawning period. An inverse relationship was established between the cathepsin L activity in 7-day old eggs and the decrease of hatching rate. A negative exponential regression was calculated between the cathepsin L activity of eggs and the resistance of corresponding newly-hatched larvae to osmotic shock. Resistance to fasting was significantly reduced in larvae from eggs with cathepsin L activity higher or lower than 20 nmol min–1 mg–1 (lethal time50=4.7±0.7 and 3.5±0.4 days, respectively). The involvement of cathepsin L in the degradation of yolk reserves and its potential consequences on the quality of perch eggs and larvae are discussed in relation to results reported in salmonid fishes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   We investigated changes in the reproductive patterns of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria concurrent with stock-abundance decline in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Stock abundance was high in the mid to late 1980s but decreased abruptly in the early 1990s. The yearly change in annual mean larval abundance was similar to that of stock abundance. Mantis shrimp in the bay have two spawning seasons, an early season (May–June) for ≥1-year-old individuals and a late season (July–September) for 0–1-year-old individuals. This general reproductive pattern does not differ among different stock-abundance levels. However, the monthly pattern in larval abundance has changed with stock-abundance decline; larval abundance from the early spawning season was highest in the high-stock-abundance period, and it decreased significantly in the low-stock-abundance period, probably as a result of decreased spawning-stock abundance of large female mantis shrimp ≥1-year-old. Correlation analysis on the egg production index and larval abundance suggested that during this low-stock-abundance period the population is supported mostly by late-hatched larvae spawned by small, 0–1-year-old female mantis shrimp. Considering the reproductive pattern and the present status of the fishery, the stock of small female mantis shrimp should be conserved to enhance reproduction of the population for stock recovery.  相似文献   

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