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土壤有机碳影响因素及测定方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤有机碳是土壤碳库的重要成分,在碳循环中起重要作用。本文主要从不同陆地生态系统的角度阐述了影响土壤有机碳的自然因素和人为因素、研究方法以及空间分布的研究进展,为陆地生态系统的可持续发展提供理论依据,也为全球碳循环的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

为掌握黄土高原刺槐造林后对土壤有机碳储量的影响,本文以黄土高原刺槐人工林为研究对象,分别对其10a,26a和35a林地土壤有机碳储量进行了调查分析。结果表明,黄土高原刺槐造林显著改变了有机碳在土层的垂直分布,主要表现为有机碳的表聚现象以及其在10~30cm土层范围内的显著减少;造林26a内土壤有机碳密度均小于对照荒地,且都会随着林龄的增大而减小,但在35a时显著大于荒地,说明黄土高原刺槐林在造林后期会对土壤有机碳储量的增长贡献显著。  相似文献   

不同发育阶段杉木林土壤有机碳变化特征及影响因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
王丹  王兵  戴伟  李萍  胡文  郭浩 《林业科学研究》2009,22(5):667-671
对江西大岗山地区不同发育阶段杉木林林地土壤有机碳变化特征进行了研究,并利用相关分析和逐步回归分析方法探讨了土壤因子对其的影响.结果表明,不同发育阶段土壤有机碳含量随土壤深度的增加而降低,各层次有机碳含量表现出明显的变异特征,变异程度为:40~60 cm土层>20~40 cm土层>0~20 cm土层,其中中龄林土壤变异最为显著;随杉木的生长发育,土壤有机碳含量从幼龄林到中龄林呈下降趋势,中龄林到过熟林则呈上升趋势;土壤有机碳含量与全N量、碱解N量、有效P含量等土壤因子密切相关;建立的从幼龄林到过熟林各阶段的土壤有机碳回归方程具有较高的回归精度,比较标准化回归系数法处理显示,土壤N状况是影响土壤有机碳变异的主导因子.  相似文献   

不同林龄桉树人工林土壤有机碳的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同林龄的桉树人工林土壤有机碳的剖面分布特征进行了研究.结果显示,桉树人工林土壤总有机碳、易氧化态有机碳和稳定态有机碳含量均随土层深度的增加而减小.随林龄的增加呈现先增加后减小的折线变化,土壤总有机碳和易氧化态有机碳含量4a时最大,二者正相关性极强;稳定态有机碳在2a最大,4 a时下降幅度最大,与pH值呈极显著负相关关系.说明4a桉树林地土壤养分含量最高,根系对稳定态有机碳的转化量最大.桉树根系可伸入1 m的土层吸收利用稳定态有机碳,反应其较强的吸收利用养分的能力,同时也降低了土壤碳汇稳定性.  相似文献   

大巴山林区主要人工林土壤有机碳密度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工林是目前陆地碳汇增长最主要的媒介之一,大力营造人工林可以成为固定大气中CO2、减缓全球气候变化的有效途径。对大巴山林区4种主要人工林土壤有机碳密度进行了研究,结果表明:该区域主要人工林土壤各层有机碳含量在0.434%~2.341%之间,且均随土壤深度的增加而降低,1m深度内平均值分别为0.928%(马尾松)、1.566%(杉木)、1.537%(桉树);各类人工林1m深度内土壤平均有机碳密度分别为145.4、125.9和79.9Mg/hm^2(1Mg=10^6g),大小分布序列为:桉树〉杉木〉马尾松。研究表明,减少人类干扰和提高经营管理水平对提高该区域人工林生产力水平及生态系统碳储存能力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

火烧对北亚热带杉木林土壤有机碳的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[Objective]To study the effect of burning on soil organic carbon and to provide references for post-fire vegetation regeneration. [Method]The changes of organic carbon and nutrient contents in post-fire Cunninghamia lanceolata stand with the soil depth of 0~50 cm in north subtropical areas were analyzed. [Result]The contents of soil total organic carbon (TOC), easily-oxidized carbon (EOC) and light fraction organic carbon (LFOM) were higher than those of contrast sample area, which increased by 1.7%~38.0%、6.6%~33.2% and 3.1%~45.7%, respectively. Significant differences were found in the soil layer with depth of 0~10 cm and 10~20 cm (P<0.01). Compared with the contrast sample area, the soil carbon storage in the layer with depth of 0~50 cm increased by 19.1% one year after burning. The TOC, EOC and LFOM were all significantly related to the soil nutrients (total N, hydrolyzable N and available K). After burning, the increase of TOC, EOC and LFOM were mainly concentrated on the surface of soil and the organic carbon contents increased by 9.22 g·kg-1 in 010 cm layer. [Conclusion]Moderate intensity burning has a significant impact on organic carbon in the soil of C. lanceolata stand in the north subtropical area. Moderate burning can increase the soil organic carbon because the soil can mix the organic residues caused by incomplete combustion of vegetation layer. Replanting in the burned area could be adopted to promote the vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

综述了不同经营措施对森林土壤碳库和温室气体排放的影响。大多数研究认为施肥可以显著增加土壤有机碳库,但同时也增加了土壤温室气体的排放;去除林下植被可以加快有机碳的分解,导致土壤有机碳含量降低和CO2排放增加;而增加林下植被可以增加土壤有机碳含量和土壤温室气体的排放;土地利用方式从天然林转变为其他土地利用方式(如次生林,农田,草地等),土壤有机碳含量均会下降和CO2排放增加。  相似文献   

以普洱市思茅区清水河13年生西南桦人工林、高阿丁枫人工林、思茅松人工林及思茅松天然林为研究对象,对林分土层0~50 cm土壤有机碳含量及密度进行调查分析。结果表明:(1)土壤有机碳含量、可溶性有机碳含量和土壤微生物量碳含量在4种林分中均呈随土层深度增加而递减的变化趋势,0~50 cm土层土壤有机碳含量为高阿丁枫人工林>西南桦人工林>思茅松人工林>思茅松天然林,土壤可溶性碳含量为高阿丁枫人工林最大,西南桦人工林最小;土壤微生物量碳主要集中于土壤表层,西南桦人工林土壤微生物量碳含量最高。(2)土壤可溶性碳占土壤有机碳的比值范围为0.32%~1.25%,3种人工林土壤表层微生物量碳占土壤有机碳的比值均大于思茅松天然林,3种人工林均处于碳的积累阶段。(3)0~50 cm土层土壤有机碳密度以思茅松人工林最大,达到85.79 t/hm2;其次为西南桦人工林、高阿丁枫人工林,思茅松天然林最低,为61.36 t/hm2。(4)土壤可溶性碳、土壤微生物量碳与土壤有机碳含量成显著的正相关关系,土壤有机碳和可溶性碳与土壤容重成显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

以杭州市临安区的林龄12年的二代萌生杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata林为研究对象,于2017年12月进行中度间伐(50%)和重度间伐(70%),2018年和2019年连续观测2年,通过对中度间伐、重度间伐和不间伐的土壤有机碳的对比,探究高强度间伐对萌生杉木林土壤有机碳和土壤活性有机碳(土壤微生物量碳、...  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化地区不同植被群落的土壤有机碳变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究贵州中部喀斯特石漠化地区不同植被群落土壤和小生境土壤中有机碳的数量和质量变化.结果表明:喀斯特石漠化区阔叶林土壤有机总碳含量和腐殖酸碳含量明显高于灌木林、灌草丛和稀疏草丛,而土壤水溶性有机碳含量的变化则相反;喀斯特森林退化后,土壤有机碳的累积量减少、流失量增加;喀斯特小生境土壤有机总碳和腐殖酸碳含量存在明显的水平空间变异:石坑>石沟>石缝>石洞.主成分分析结果表明:喀斯特土壤有机碳变化的第1主要因子由植被类型决定,第2主要因子由小生境类型所决定.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式对土壤有机碳、氮含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤有机C、N的定量动态变化是评价不同土地利用方式对土壤质量影响的重要内容。本文比较了研究地区种植黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum Lam.)、百喜草(Paspalum notatum Flugge.)、桔树(Citrus reticulata Blanco.)和马尾松(Pinus Massoniana Lamb.)的四种土地利用方式对植物生物量和土壤有机C、N多年变化的影响。试验初期,四种土地利用方式的植物生物量几乎处于同一水平。经过10年长期试验后,黑麦草和百喜草的累计生物量分别是桔树的3.68和3.75倍,马尾松的2.06和2.14倍。地下部生物量的差异更为明显,黑麦草和百喜草两种草类地下部累计生物量都较桔树和马尾松高10倍之多。这表明草类较之乔木更有利于提高土壤有机C、N的含量。土壤有机C、N的含量变化主要发生在0.40cm土层。统计计算表明,10年期问,种植黑麦草和百喜草可使土壤有机C、N贮量每公顷分别约增加1.5吨和0.2吨,而种植桔树使土壤有机C、N贮量每公顷分别约减少1.2吨和0.02吨,种植马尾松使土壤有机C、N贮量每公顷分别约减少0.4吨和0.04吨。表4参10。  相似文献   

对木荷、尾叶桉、湿地松3种人工l林的土壤碳密度进行研究。结果表明:不同林分的土壤碳密度存在差异,木荷、尾叶桉、湿地松林地1999年的土壤碳密度分别为181.13t/hm^2、34.21t/hm。和100.35t/hm^2,2012年的分别为237.94t/hm^2、92.03t/hm^2和144.39t/hm^2,其大小排序为木荷林地〉湿地松林地〉尾叶桉林地,其中以乡土树种木荷林地的土壤有机碳密度最高。3种林地的土壤有机碳密度均显著增加,其中尾叶桉林地的增幅最大。  相似文献   

Phyllostachys edulis plays an important role in maintaining carbon cycling.We examined the effects of soil properties on organic carbon content in a P.edulis forest on Dagang Mountain,Jiangxi Province,China.Based on correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses,the effects of seven soil factors on organic carbon and their sensitivities to change were studied using path and sensitivity analyses.The results revealed differences in the interconnections and intensities of soil factors on organic carbon.Soil porosity,field capacity,and ammonium nitrogen levels were the main factors affecting organic carbon in the ecosystem.Soil porosity had a strong direct effect on organic carbon content and a strong indirect effect through field capacity.Field capacity and ammonium nitrogen levels mainly affected organic carbon directly.Field capacity,soil porosity,and ammonium nitrogen content,as well as bulk density,b-glucosidase activity,and invertase activity,were sensitive factors.Polyphenol oxidase activity was insensitive.Our study provides a theoretical basis for understanding the effects of soil factors on organic carbon,which can be utilised to improve P.edulis forest management strategies and promote carbon sequestration capacities.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of forest soil organic matter (OM) are now crucial to predictions of global C cycling. This work addresses soil C stocks and dynamics throughout a managed beechwood chronosequence (28–197 years old, Normandy, France). Throughout this rotation, we investigated the variation patterns of (i) C stocks in soil and humic epipedon, (ii) macro-morphological characteristics of humic epipedon, and (iii) mass, C content and C-to-N ratio in physical fractions of humic epipedon. The fractions isolated were large debris (>2000 μm), coarse particular OM (cPOM, 200–2000 μm), fine particular OM (fPOM, 50–200 μm) and the mineral associated OM (MaOM, <50 μm).  相似文献   

本文利用土壤培养实验和双指数模型(把土壤有机碳划分为活性碳和缓效性碳库)的方法,来分析确定长白山和祁连山的土壤有机碳的动态变化。分析和拟合土壤有机碳矿化释放的CO2的速率。结果表明:活性碳库占总有机碳的1.0%–8.5%,平均驻留时间的平均值为24天;缓效性碳库占总有机碳的91%–99%,平均驻留时间的平均值为179年。根据缓效性碳的大小和平均驻留时间可以得知,祁连山森林土壤的有机碳较长白山的难分解。通过分析影响森林土壤有机碳矿化的因素––土壤粘粒含量、海拔和温度,结果显示两种森林土壤有机碳的分解快慢与其温度正相关,并且长白山和祁连山的累积的土壤有机碳和缓效性碳的含量随土壤粘粒含量的增加而呈线性增加,其相关系数分别为0.7033和0.6575,充分表明温度和土壤粘粒含量对土壤有机碳的矿化有较大的影响。  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon(SOC)mineralization is closely related to carbon source or sink of terrestrial ecosystem.Natural stands of Larix olgensis on the Jincang forest farm,Jilin Province were selected to investigate the dynamics of SOC mineralization and its correlations with other soil properties in a young forest and mid-aged forest at soil depths of 0–10,>10–20,>20–40 and>40–60 cm.The results showed that compared with a mid-aged forest,the SOC stock in the young forest was 32%higher.Potentially mineralizable soil carbon(C0)in the young forest was 1.1–2.5 g kg^-1,accounting for 5.5–8.1%of total SOC during the 105 days incubation period and 0.3–1.5 g kg^-1 in the mid-aged forest at different soil depths,occupying 2.8–3.4%of total SOC.There was a significant difference in C0 among the soil depths.The dynamics of the SOC mineralization was a good fit to a three-pool(labile,intermediate and stable)carbon decomposition kinetic model.The SOC decomposition rate for different stand ages and different soil depths reached high levels for the first 15 days.Correlation analysis revealed that the C0 was significantly positively related with SOC content,soil total N(TN)and readily available K(AK)concentration.The labile soil carbon pool was significantly related to SOC and TN concentration,and significantly negatively correlated with soil bulk density.The intermediate carbon pool was positively associated with TN and AK.The stable carbon pool had negative correlations with SOC,TN and AK.  相似文献   

Scarcity of simple and reliable methods of estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover and lack of data from long-term experiments make it difficult to estimate attainable soil C sequestration in tropical improved fallows. Testing and validating existing and widely used SOC models would help to determine attainable C storage in fallows. The Rothamsted C (RothC) model, therefore, was tested using empirical data from improved fallows at Msekera in eastern Zambia. This study (i) determined the effects of nitrogen fixing tree (NFT) species on aboveground organic C inputs to the soil and SOC stocks, (ii) estimated annual net organic C inputs to the soil using the RothC, and (iii) tested the performance of RothC model using empirical data from improved fallows. Soil samples (0–20 cm) were collected from coppicing and non-coppicing fallow experiments in October 2002 for determination of SOC by LECO CHN-1000 analyser. Data on surface litter, maize and weed biomasses, and on weather, were supplied by the Zambia/ICRAF Agroforestry Project. Measured SOC stocks to 20 cm depth ranged from 32.2 to 37.8 t ha−1 in coppicing fallows and 29.5 to 30.1 t ha−1 in non-coppicing fallows compared to 22.2–26.2 t ha−1 in maize monoculture systems. Coppicing fallows accumulated more SOC (680–1150 g m−2 year−1) than non-coppicing fallows (410–789 g m−2 year−1). While treatments with NFTs accumulated more SOC than NFT-free systems, SOC stocks increased with increasing tree biomass production and tree rotation. For food security and C sequestration, coppicing fallows are a potentially viable option.  相似文献   

The poplar based agroforestry system improves aggregation of soil through huge amounts of organic matter in the form of leaf biomass. The extent of improvement may be affected by the age of the poplar trees and the soil type. The surface and subsurface soil samples from agroforestry and adjoining non-agroforestry sites with different years of poplar plantation (1, 3 and 6 years) and varying soil textures (loamy sand and sandy clay) were analyzed for soil organic carbon, its sequestration and aggregate size distribution. The average soil organic carbon increased from 0.36 in sole crop to 0.66% in agroforestry soils. The increase was higher in loamy sand than sandy clay. The soil organic carbon increased with increase in tree age. The soils under agroforestry had 2.9–4.8 Mg ha−1 higher soil organic carbon than in sole crop. The poplar trees could sequester higher soil organic carbon in 0–30 cm profile during the first year of their plantation (6.07 Mg ha−1 year−1) than the subsequent years (1.95–2.63 Mg ha−1 year−1). The sandy clay could sequester higher carbon (2.85 Mg ha−1 year−1) than in loamy sand (2.32 Mg ha−1 year−1). The mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates increased by 3.2, 7.3 and 13.3 times in soils with 1, 3 and 6 years plantation, respectively from that in sole crop. The increase in MWD with agroforestry was higher in loamy sand than sandy clay soil. The water stable aggregates (WSA >0.25 mm) increased by 14.4, 32.6 and 56.9 times in soils with 1, 3 and 6 years plantation, respectively, from that in sole crop. The WSA >0.25 mm were 6.02 times higher in loamy sand and 2.2 times in sandy clay than in sole crop soils.  相似文献   

The estimation of the soil organic carbon content (SOC) is one of the important issues in the research of the global carbon cycle. However, there are great differences among different scientists regarding the estimated magnitude of SOC. There are two commonly used methods for the estimation of SOC, with each method having both advantages and disadvantages. One method is the so called direct method, which is based on the samples of measured SOC and maps of soil or vegetation types. The other method is the so called indirect method, which is based on the ecosystem process model of the carbon cycle. The disadvantage of the direct method is that it mainly discloses the difference of the SOC among different soil or vegetation types. It can hardly distinguish the difference of the SOC in the same type of soil or vegetation. The indirect method, a process-based method, is based on the mechanics of carbon transfer in the ecosystem and can potentially improve the spatial resolution of the SOC estimation if the input variables have a high spatial resolution. However, due to the complexity of the process-based model, the model usually simplifies some key model parameters that have spatial heterogeneity with constants. This simplification will produce a great deal of uncertainties in the estimation of the SOC, especially on the spatial precision. In this paper, we combined the process-based model (CASA model) with the measured SOC, in which the remote sensing data (AVHRR NDIV) was incorporated into the model to enhance the spatial resolution. To model the soil base respiration, the Van’t Hoff model was used to combine with the CASA model. The results show that this method could significantly improve the spatial precision (8 km spatial resolution). The results also show that there is a relationship between soil base respiration and the SOC as the influence of environmental factors, i.e., temperature and moisture, had been removed from soil respiration which makes the SOC the most important factor of soil base respiration. The statistical model of soil base respiration and the SOC shows that the determinant coefficient (R 2) is 0.78. As the method in this paper contains advantages from both direct and indirect methods, it could significantly improve the spatial resolution and, at the same time, keep the estimation of SOC well matched with the measured SOC. __________ Translated from Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007, 11(1): 127–136 [译自: 遥感学报]  相似文献   

The effects of historical land use changes on the global C cycle have mainly been studied by means of bookkeeping models. Here, we investigate with such models the impact of afforestation and deforestation on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. This approach, using field-based estimates of the response of SOC upon land use changes, is applied to a pilot area in the Belgian Ardennes over one and a half century (1868–2005). After a small initial decline during the 1868–1888 period due to deforestation for agricultural use, mean SOC stocks increased steadily up to 1990, due essentially to the conversion of deciduous to coniferous forests (in the study area, deciduous forests stored less SOC than coniferous) and the reclamation of heathland, which occurred both at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Simulations showed that SOC stocks decreased recently (1990–2005) because of the slow down of sequestration in coniferous forests and a reversion of some of the coniferous plantations to deciduous forests. Over the entire period, afforestation resulted in a net sequestration of carbon (0.16 t C ha−1 year−1). Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated that the model was highly sensitive to its inputs (initial SOC stocks for each land use) both in term of predicted SOC stocks and rates of SOC stocks change. However, the sensitivity of the model was not large enough to revert the main trends of SOC changes observed. Compared to the amount of carbon sequestered in the biomass, the contribution of soils to the C sink in forest is small. Despite several sources of errors, a detailed reconstruction of land use changes combined with realistic SOC response curves upon land use conversion are required to be able to quantify the contribution of soils to terrestrial carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

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