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火烧迹地更新与恢复研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
火是森林生态系统中重要的干扰因子, 它对森林植被的演替与恢复均有重要的影响。火后植被的更新与恢复过程一直以来是火后植被恢复过程研究的一个热点。文中简述了火烧迹地更新与恢复的研究历史, 当前的研究内容及发展方向。  相似文献   

大兴安岭盘中林场火烧迹地森林恢复的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“5、6”特大森林火灾发生后,解决火烧迹地森林恢复问题已成为当务之急,现据1937年大兴安岭林管局林业调查规划院完成的二类资源清查数据,就重度火烧迹地盘中林场的森林恢复问题剖析如下。一、火烧区概况盘中林场位于大兴安岭北坡,塔河县境内。全场过火面积90313公顷,占总面积的  相似文献   

1987年大兴安岭特大森林火灾烧毁了大面积珍贵的寒温带针叶林,形成了许多不同火烧强度、不同火面积的火烧迹地。从火烧对地表植被和土壤的影响、火烧迹地自然恢复状况、火后不同管理措施对火烧迹地恢复的影响三个方面,阐述了大火对生态系统的影响,对比分析了自然演替和人工管理措施下火烧迹地恢复的差异,并指出火烧迹地恢复的影响因子、火烧迹地恢复模式和技术将是今后火生态学研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

在森林发生火灾后,一些适应火迹地的生物种类能够进行自然演替和进化。因此,在某些情况下,被火干扰过的森林呈现出比未过火的森林具有更高的生物多样性,尤其是喜迹地昆虫物种的多样性,而我国尚未对森林喜迹地昆虫进行系统研究、关注和报道。文中综述了喜迹地昆虫物种多样性、生态学特性以及红外感受器、烟雾感受器研究及其仿生学意义,并对我国喜迹地昆虫研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

大兴安岭林火迹地景观变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孔繁花  李秀珍  尹海伟 《林业研究》2004,15(1):33-38,J002
大兴安岭地区是中国非常重要的林区,也是容易发生林火的地区。1987年6月5日发生的一场大火,使1.33?06公顷原始森林被毁,并产生了不同火烧强度的森林景观斑块。本文以图强林业局的两个林场作为典型区(124°05′-122°18′E,53°34′-52°15′N),通过绘制和比较1987年和2000年数字化的森林组分图,分析了火后森林景观的变化情况。本文将森林覆被类型分为12类,针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林、灌木、苗圃、采伐迹地、火烧迹地、农用地、沼泽、水域、建筑用地和荒草地。通过研究,得出以下结论:1)林火迹地已几乎全部演替为其他森林景观类型,林火迹地主要是通过自然演替成为阔叶林,其次是通过人工演替成为针叶林,其余的则大部分演替为沼泽和荒草地。2)研究区森林覆盖率由1987年的47.6%变为2000年的81.3%。为了今后林业可持续发展与管理,本文提出了加强防火意识和注重树种多样性培育等对策。图3表3参11。  相似文献   

土壤沼泽化过程是土壤表层有机质泥炭化或腐殖质化以及下部矿质层的潜育化过程。土壤沼泽化可以形成沼泽土和泥炭土。  相似文献   

北京市采石迹地生态恢复与景观构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合北京市采石废弃地植被恢复工程建设实际,对采石迹地类型划分、采石迹地立地改造、生态恢复中植物品种的选择与色彩的搭配、生态景观序列的展开与景观节点的设计等内容进行研究,以期为北京市采石迹地生态恢复与景观构建提供参考。  相似文献   

以广东省某地最近(2021年1月18日)发生的山火为参考案例,本文利用GIS平台和无人机航拍技术来分析森林火灾对植被破坏程度的影响因素,从而掌握当地森林火险的规律.影响因子包括气象因子、地形因子以及人为因素.  相似文献   

基于永新县七溪岭林场采伐迹地森林恢复的森林调查,从树高生长量和蓄积生长量两个方面分析选择不同树种造林的林地生产能力,总结同一树种连栽的生产能力低下和更换树种造林的效果显著,指出采伐迹地森林恢复树种选择对国有林场大面积经营森林的重要性以及树种选择的方法。  相似文献   

Daxing'an Mountains was one of the most important forest areas in China, but it was also an area which was prone to suffering forest fire. The catastrophic forest fire that occurred in Daxing'an Mountains on May 6, 1987 devastated more than 1.33×106 hm2 of natural forests, which leaded to the formation of some mosaic areas with different burn intensities. Two forest farms of Tuqiang Forest Bureau (124°05′–122°18′E, 53°34′–52°15′N) were chosen as a typical area to analyze the post-fire landscape change by drawing and comparing the two digital forest stand maps of 1987 and 2000. The landscape lands of forest were classified into 12 types: coniferous forest, broadleaf forest, needle-broadleaf mixed forest, shrub, nursery, harvested area, burned blanks, agricultural land, swamp, water, built-up, grass. The results showed that: 1) The burned blanks was almost restored, some of them mainly converted into broadleaf forest land during the process of natural restoration, and coniferous forest land by the artificial reforestation, and the others almost changed into swamp or grass land; 2) The proportion of forest area increased from 47.6% in 1987 to 81.3% in 2002. Therefore, a few management countermeasures, such as the enhancing people's consciousness of fire-proofing and constructing species diversity, were put forward for forest sustainable development. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Science Foundation of China (No. 30270225, 40331008) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCXZY0102). Biography: KONG Fan-hua (1975-), female, Ph.D. candidate of Hiroshima University in Japan, specialized in Landscape Ecology. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

The restoration of forest landscape has drawn much attention since the catastrophic fire took place on the northern slope of Great Xing‘an Mountains in 1987. Forest canopy density, which has close relation to forest productivity, was selected as a key factor to find how much the forest quality was changed 13 years after fire, and how fire severity, regeneration way and terrain factors influenced the restoration of forest canopy density, based on forest inventory data in China, and using Kendall Bivariate Correlation Analysis, and Distances Correlation Analysis. The results showed that fire severity which was inversely correlated with forest canopy density grade was an initial factor among all that selected. Regeneration way which did not remarkably affect forest canopy density restoration in short period, may shorten the cycle of forest succession and promote the forest productivity of conophorium in the future, Among the three terrain factors, the effect of slope was the strongest, the position on slope was the second and the aspect was the last.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北坡火烧迹地森林郁闭度恢复及其影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年发生在大兴安岭北坡的特大火灾造成了森林资源的巨大损失,其森林景观恢复一直是人们关注的热点.本研究选取与森林生产力具有密切联系的郁闭度因子作为研究对象,以 ArcView、ArcGIS等地理信息系统软件为研究平台,采用1987年和2000年两期森林资源二类调查数据,对郁闭度、火烧强度、抚育类型、地形因子等进行分级,通过数据叠加,探讨了森林郁闭度格局的恢复状况以及火烧强度、更新类型、地形因子对郁闭度恢复的影响.结果显示:2000年郁闭度等级构成与1987年火前相比发生了明显变化,无林地以及高郁闭度等级比重明显下降,较低郁闭度等级比重显著上升;火烧强度是影响火后恢复的初始因子,火烧强度与郁闭度等级呈负相关;更新措施短期内对郁闭度恢复影响不显著,但可以缩短森林演替的周期,对未来针叶林群落生产力恢复具有重要促进作用;地形因子中坡度对郁闭度恢复影响最为明显,其次为坡位,坡向影响最弱.  相似文献   

The disastrous fire occurred in northern area of Daxing’anling forest region on May 6, 1987, destroyed a large area of forests. The broad-leaved tree species, such as poplar, birch had regenerated in a great quantity after the fire, but the coniferous species such as larch and scotch pine had difficult to regenerate naturally, This paper put forward that the coniferous forest could be recovered by the planting method of effect strip and effect islet based on the principle of borderline effects and by making full use of the condition of broad-leaved trees.  相似文献   

吉林省森林生态建设面临的问题和对策(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省是我国重要林业省份,本文分析了吉林省生态建设现状和趋势,揭示了所面临的生态与经济问题。将吉林省划分为三个经济区:中西部农牧区、东部低山丘陵多种经营区和长白山国有林区。讨论了每个区的生态建设、发展方向和任务,并对该省的林业生态可持续发展提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews various forestry practices in Jilin Province, China. The authors emphasize the rich natural diversity of Jilin and the need to focus research efforts on understanding the potential of native species to meet the needs of land-management agencies involved in forest resource exploitation and ecological restoration. The native species of China hold great potential, and deserve more research attention, for meeting these needs. The introduction and testing of exotic species should be dbne only under rigorous scientific testing and after comparison with native species prior to operational introduction into forestry in order to avoid unwanted ecological consequences, including potential problems with alien invasives and pest introductions. The authors also emphasize the need to maintain viable (e.g., genetically diverse and reproductively fit) natural populations of native species in order to protect China's valuable natural diversity and maintain the potential of native species to function as future seed sources for local forest and ecological restoration activities.  相似文献   

李淑君  李坚 《林业研究》1999,10(3):183-186
Inthe21stcentury,thewoodsupplyinChinawillcontinLJetobelessthanthedemand,soChinawillneedtousewoodasetfectivelyasPossible.Theuseotwoodcompositesisaveryefficientwaytosavewood.ChinalackssLJfficientforeststomeetitsdemandforwood,especiallyinfinequalitywoods.BecauseofChina'spopulationandfiberdemand,efficientuseofwoocJismoreimportanttoChinathanthattosomeothercoLJntries.However,Chinawasneitherconvincedofthisandnordiditpayattentiontothestudyofwoodcompositesbeforethe1970's.FacingthewoodcrisisChinaf…  相似文献   

Forest restoration treatments involving selection harvest and prescribed fire have been applied throughout the Rocky Mountain West with only a limited understanding of how these treatments influence plant community composition and soil processes. Forest restoration treatments, especially those involving fire, have the potential to reduce N capital on site. Unfortunately there has been only limited effort to investigate the effects of forest restoration treatments on forest ecosystem N inputs, especially free living N-fixation in soil and woody residues. Recent studies have highlighted the potential for decaying woody roots to serve as hot spots for N-fixation. The fire and fire surrogates (FFS) study site at Lubrecht Experimental Forest in Western Montana provided a unique opportunity to investigate the effect of restoration treatments on N-fixation. We set out to examine how prescribed fire, selection harvest, and a combination of both influence free living N-fixing bacteria that colonize decomposing woody roots, mineral soil, and soil crusts. Soil, root, and soil crust samples were collected from replicated treatment plots in August 2005 and soil samples were recollected in May 2006 just following snowmelt. Acetylene reduction assays were run on all samples, and extractable inorganic N and potentially mineralizable N (PMN) were measured in mineral soil. While restoration treatments caused an increase in dead roots associated with stumps and fire killed trees, N-fixation rates were nearly non-existent in these root systems. Nitrogen-fixation rates were not significantly influenced by treatments in decomposing woody roots or in mineral soil, but were slightly greater (P < 0.10) in soil crusts when the control stand was compared to treated plots. Nitrogen-fixation rates were also greater in mineral soil than in roots. Soil collected in August exhibited greater rates of N-fixation than soil collected in May which we attributed to higher moisture and an increase in available N following spring thaw. Average rates of free living N-fixation across the treatment plots at Lubrecht were low (0.26 kg N ha−1 year−1), but over time we estimate that these sources, along with the sparse population of symbiotic N-fixing plants and wet N deposition, would replenish soil N lost through fire or harvesting in approximately 40–100 years.  相似文献   

介绍了香果树的生物学特性,对香果树的有性繁殖和无性繁殖技术等方面的研究进行了概述,提出了目前在繁殖技术上存在的问题及其对策。最后对香果树今后的繁殖研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

不同干扰程度对常绿阔叶林迹地群落结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对常绿阔叶林迹地,选择了微干扰下形成的常绿阔叶林和持续干扰下形成的杉木林进行了比较研究。结果表明,微干扰下形成的常绿阔叶林在高生长,径级生长以及物种多样性方面均优于持续干扰下形成的杉木林,而且在林木生长方面也优于后者。说明在植被恢复过程中,应立足于生态学的思想,从整体出发观察森林,力求利用森林生态系统所发生的自然过程。把生态与经济最合理的结合起来,实现一种近自然的森林经营模式。  相似文献   

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