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The baking expansion properties of sour cassava starch (Polvilho azedo) are attributable to photochemical starch degradation induced by heterolactic fermentation after sun-drying. This study investigated the effects of UV irradiation on the different structural levels of cassava starch as compared to those of corn starch and dextrins. Photosensitive compounds excited at 360 and 290 nm in cassava starch were photodegraded when starch was exposed to sunlight or 360 nm irradiation. UV irradiation depolymerized cassava and corn starches, inducing modifications due, at least in part, to a mechanism involving free radicals. Lactic acid was also photodegraded. Photodegradation induced by UV absorption could have been due to fluorescent chromophores found in starches and nonfluorescent chromophores present in glucosidic units.  相似文献   

冻结-高压湿热解冻对多种淀粉中支链淀粉断裂的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
冻结和高压湿热解冻是含淀粉面团在食品加工过程的必要工艺,在此过程中淀粉球破裂、部分支链淀粉断裂成为直链淀粉,给面团和食品的物理性状控制带来许多不可预见的结果。该文通过研究加热时间、加热温度、冷冻时间和解冻时间对糊化后的小麦、甘薯、马铃薯和玉米淀粉中直链淀粉含量的影响,间接反映支链淀粉断裂情况,结合冻结解冻前后淀粉分子量分布、链长分布、光学和电子显微镜图谱提出了冻结-解冻过程不同淀粉中支链淀粉可能断裂方式。结果表明,4种淀粉中的直链淀粉含量先升高后下降,直链淀粉含量在4种淀粉的中达到峰值的时间分别为48,48,48,72 h。光学显微照片观察表明,冻融处理会导致更多凝胶化淀粉球的破裂。对于小麦支链淀粉,冻融解冻过程支链淀粉中侧链长度为5、6、7个葡萄糖残基的侧链对应3种可能的断裂方式:2+2+1、2+2+2及2+2+2+1;对于甘薯支链淀粉,支链淀粉中侧链长度为10、11和13个葡萄糖残基的侧链对应3种可能的断裂方式:3+3+4、2+2+3+4及2+2+2+3+4;对于马铃薯支链淀粉,支链淀粉中侧链长度为5和6个葡萄糖残基的侧链对应3种可能的断裂方式:2+3、2+4、3+3;而玉米支链淀粉中,支链淀粉中侧链长度为7、8、9个葡萄糖残基的侧链对应3种可能的断裂方式:2+5,3+5,和3+3+3(其中1表示1个葡萄糖;2表示含2个葡萄糖的麦芽糖、3表示含3个葡萄糖的麦芽多糖、4表示含4个葡萄糖的麦芽多糖和5表示含5个葡萄糖的麦芽多糖)。该论文结果为培育具有冻融稳定性的淀粉种子提供一种全新的思路,即通过基因方法控制植物减少容易断裂淀粉侧链的合成。  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay of deoxynivalenol in wheat and corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With the availability of antibody against deoxynivalenol triacetate (DON-triacetate), a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for DON in wheat was developed. DON is extracted from the sample with acetonitrile-water (84 + 16), defatted with hexane, and then reacted with acetic anhydride to form DON-triacetate. The reaction mixture is loaded onto a C-18 cartridge to remove excess reagents and impurities. Acetylated DON is eluted from the cartridge with 50% methanol in water, and then analyzed by radioimmunoassay utilizing antiserum against DON-triacetate and tritiated DON-triacetate. Overall recovery for DON added to wheat between 50 and 5000 ppb was 86% with a standard deviation of 7% and coefficient of variation of 8%. The limit of detection for DON was about 20 ppb. Analysis of 12 naturally contaminated wheat, corn, and mixed feed samples for DON revealed that RIA results agreed well with thin layer chromatographic analyses performed by other laboratories.  相似文献   

脱酰胺与双酶协同作用提高小麦面筋蛋白酶解效率   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了探讨了不同脱酰胺处理和双酶协同作用方式对小麦面筋蛋白酶解效率及其产物抗氧化活性的影响,该文研究了小麦面筋蛋白在各种预处理方式和酶解条件下的蛋白回收率、水解度、抗氧化性能及肽分子量分布情况。结果显示,单独热处理(90℃,30 min)小麦面筋蛋白对其酶解效率无显著影响,而采用添加0.5 mol/L柠檬酸溶液进行热处理(质量分数为5%,90℃,30 min)可显著(P0.05)提高其蛋白回收率。此外,酶制剂添加顺序及双酶共同水解作用时间对酶解效率均具有较大影响:加入谷氨酰胺酶预先水解对小麦面筋蛋白的深度水解有促进作用;一定时间内的双酶协同作用有利于酶解的进行,但较长时间的双酶作用反而会抑制酶解效率。采用谷氨酰胺酶(质量分数为0.2%)对经柠檬酸加热处理的小麦面筋蛋白作用12 h后再加入胰酶(质量分数为0.6%)共同作用7 h可使蛋白回收率达70.74%,水解度达到9.88%;另外,酶解产物的自由基清除能力ABTS+(2,2’-Azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate)+)值与氧化自由基吸收能力(ORAC,oxygen radical absorbance capacity)值分别达到478.95 mmol/g和213.85μmol/g,提示该酶解产物是一种潜在优秀食品抗氧化剂。研究结果可为拓宽小麦面筋蛋白的应用领域,以及高效制备抗氧化活性肽提供方法和理论指导。  相似文献   

为了开发玉米粉低温酶解新工艺,采用双酶法对粒度不同的市售玉米粉(中位粒径273.6 μm)和细微玉米粉(中位粒径17.1 μm)进行液化、糖化处理,调查了30~70℃范围内的液化温度对液化速度和葡萄糖收率的影响。试验结果表明,市售玉米粉在40~70℃的温度范围内,细微玉米粉在30~70℃的温度范围内,液化速率常数与温度的关系可用Arrhenius方程式表示。细微粉碎使液化反应活化能从市售玉米粉的4.63×104 J/mol降低到2.15×104 J/mol。40℃时,细微玉米粉的液化速度大约是市售玉米粉的2.5倍。液化温度对细微玉米粉的葡萄糖收率没有显著影响。细微玉米粉的葡萄糖收率可达95.4%,大大高于市售玉米粉的79.2%。由此可见,通过细微粉碎可以降低玉米粉的液化温度,同时提高液化速度和葡萄糖收率。  相似文献   

The gelatinization properties of starch extracted from corn and waxy corn dried at different temperatures were determined at various water contents and heating rates by differential scanning calorimetry. All gelatinization transition temperatures increased with drying temperature and heating rate. Onset and peak temperatures remained relatively constant, whereas end temperature decreased in the presence of excess water. The gelatinization enthalpy (deltaH(g)) of corn starch decreased with drying temperature at 50% water; however, it remained constant for waxy corn starch. The effects of water content and heating rate on deltaH(g) were dependent on each other. The minimum water levels required for gelatinization of starch extracted from corn dried at 20 and 100 degrees C are 21 and 29%, respectively. The activation energy (E(a)) was calculated using an Arrhenius-type equation and two first-order models; the degree of conversion (alpha) was predicted using a newly proposed model that produced good results for both E(a) and alpha.  相似文献   

The physical properties of octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) starches prepared from rice, wheat, and potato starches were studied. Rice and wheat OSA starches had significantly higher peak viscosity (PV), hot paste viscosity (HPV), and cool paste viscosity (CPV), but potato OSA starch had only significantly higher CPV, relative to the native starch. The gel hardness was higher with lower degree of substitution (DS) but lower with higher DS OSA compared to native starch. The swelling volumes (SV) of rice and wheat OSA starches were significantly higher compared to native starch, but the SV of potato OSA starch was slightly lower at high DS. The gelatinization temperature (GT) of rice OSA starches was sharply lower at low DS; for wheat OSA starch it was slightly lower even at high DS, but potato OSA starches had higher GT than the native starch. The enthalpy of all the OSA starches decreased gradually with increased DS. This study showed that the magnitude of changes in physical properties of OSA-modified starches depends not only on their DS but also on the botanical origin of the native starches.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for deoxynivalenol in corn and wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The availability of antibody against deoxynivalenol (DON) triacetate (Tri-Ac-DON) has enabled development of a direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an indirect ELISA for DON in corn and wheat. In both assays, DON is extracted from the sample with acetonitrile-water, reacted with acetic anhydride to form Tri-Ac-DON, and diluted in phosphate buffer for analysis. Direct ELISA was found to be the more sensitive procedure. Fewer interferences are evidenced, and the assay is less time consuming than is indirect ELISA. For direct ELISA, recovery of 10-1000 ppb DON added to corn and wheat was 100% (SD 15, CV 15%) and 102.1% (SD 12.2, CV 11.9%), respectively. For indirect ELISA, overall recovery of 10-1000 ppb DON added to wheat was 121.5% (SD 39.5, CV 32.5%); in the higher concentration range (500-1000 ppb), recovery was 105% (SD 18, CV 17%). The minimal detection level for DON was around 10 ppb. Analysis of 7 naturally contaminated samples for DON showed that the ELISA results agreed well with those obtained by radioimmunoassay and thin-layer chromatography.  相似文献   

The access of amyloglucosidase to the carbohydrate molecule was taken as a measure of interactions occurring among starch, amylose, amylopectin, β-dextrin and purified gluten, gliadins, high molecular weight glutenin subunits, or bovine serum albumin when they were mixed together and gelatinized before digestion. The most relevant decrease in liberated glucose, denoting coverage of some reaction sites for amyloglucosidase, occurred when gliadins were mixed with the carbohydrates. Other proteins were not as effective as gliadins. Amylopectin was not affected by any protein. Comparison of results allows some hypothesis to be formulated about the influence of structure on molecular interactions.  相似文献   

生物—碱氧化预处理玉米秸秆酶解条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白腐菌生物—碱氧化预处理(BAO预处理)具有环境友好、低能耗的优势,是一项很有前景的生产纤维质乙醇预处理技术。为获得预处理后玉米秸秆的最优酶解条件,通过动力学研究评价了纤维素酶负荷、反应时间、基质浓度对还原糖产量的影响,并利用响应面分析法优化了酶解反应温度、pH值和转速。结果表明,最适的酶解糖化条件为:酶负荷30 FPU/g,基质浓度20 g/L,反应时间48 h,pH 4.8,转速200 r/min,反应温度49℃。在此条件下,秸秆的还原糖产量达到(0.479±0.012)g/g。  相似文献   

The retrogradation of extruded starches from three different botanical sources was studied in concentrated conditions (34 +/- 1% water) at 25 degrees C using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and isothermal calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and wide-angle X-ray scattering. Potato starch showed the highest rate of retrogradation (approximately 0.17 h(-1)) followed by waxy maize (approximately 0.12 h(-1)), while the retrogradation of wheat starch was the slowest (approximately 0.05 h(-1)). In addition to the kinetics, the extent of molecular order in the retrograded samples was studied in detail in terms of "short-range" (helical) and "long-range" (crystalline) distance scales. The amylopectin crystallinity indices were essentially the same (approximately 47-51% amylopectin basis) for the three starches. However, significant differences were found in the enthalpy of melting measured by DSC after "full" retrogradation (potato, 11.6 +/- 0.7; waxy maize, 9.0 +/- 0.5; and wheat, 6.1 +/- 0.3 J/g of amylopectin). The degree of short-range molecular order in the retrograded state determined by FTIR was waxy maize > potato > wheat. The effect of amylopectin average chain length and the polymorphism of the crystalline phase were taken into account to explain the differences in the retrogradation enthalpies.  相似文献   

溶氧量及搅拌速率对青贮玉米秸秆微曝气水解效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高秸秆好氧水解的生物可降解性,试验选用切碎揉丝的青贮玉米秸秆,水解液按照体积比为10%的量添加,以水解液溶氧量(1、2、3、4、5、6mg/L)和搅拌速率(50、100r/min)为变化因素,温度控制在35~38℃、总固体为5%,进行优化设计。研究发现,进行8 d,pH值及氧化还原电位(oxidation-reduction potential,ORP)值趋近于稳定;搅拌速率为50 r/min、溶氧量为1~4 mg/L;以及搅拌速率为100 r/min、溶氧量为1~2 mg/L范围内,曝气量的提高,对脂肪酸的积累显著,且搅拌和曝气都可促进乙酸、丙酸和正丁酸的积累;搅拌速率为100 r/min,可溶性需氧量(soluble chemicaloxygendemand,s COD)的浓度整体呈现出高于搅拌速率为50 r/min时的状况;以纤维素降解为例,在搅拌速率为100 r/min条件下,溶氧为2 mg/L时,木质纤维素具有较高的降解率,达到48%。  相似文献   


NutraSweet sludge, a by‐product of the production of the noncarbohydrate sweetener aspartame, is often used as a N fertilizer for crops. However, its performance with respect to inorganic N fertilizers is not well understood. This work was conducted to compare NutraSweet sludge to ammonium sulfate and urea as an N fertilizer for wheat and corn. Samples from two soils were mixed with one of the three N sources to achieve rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, or 150 mg N kg‐1. The treated soil was placed in pots, which were used to grow corn or wheat for 45 days in the greenhouse. Above‐ground dry matter yields of com and wheat increased as N rate increased from 0 to 50 or 100 mg N kg‐1. Above 100 mg N kg‐1, dry matter yields decreased. In general, at a given N rate, NutraSweet sludge produced dry matter yields that were equal to or higher than those obtained with ammonium sulfate or urea. The results suggest that NutraSweet sludge could be managed as an ammoniacal N fertilizer when applied to crops.  相似文献   

A limited survey was conducted over a 2-year period to determine the incidence and levels of deoxynivalenol (DON) in corn and wheat grown in selected areas of the United States. Samples of corn (198) and wheat (247) were collected and analyzed by a gas chromatographic method. Sixty-six percent of the corn samples collected in 1984 and 30% of the corn samples collected in 1985 contained DON. The average concentration of DON in corn, by state, ranged from 0.11 to 1.20 micrograms/g; the maximum concentration was 2.47 micrograms/g. Only 2 of the 247 samples of wheat contained DON at a concentration greater than 2 micrograms/g, which is the level of concern suggested by the Food and Drug Administration for wheat entering the milling process for human consumption.  相似文献   

The degradation rates of rice and corn starches with different contents of amylose treated in methanol containing 0.36% HCl at 25 degrees C for 1-15 days were evaluated by monitoring the weight average degree of polymerization of starch. A two-stage degradation pattern during acid-methanol treatment was found for the starches studied, which were the slow (first) and the rapid (second) degradation stages. Waxy starches showed a shorter time period of the first stage than that of nonwaxy starch. Rice starch showed a shorter time period of the first stage and a higher degradation rate of the second stage than the counterpart corn starch with similar amylose content. Despite the botanic source and amylose content of starch, the degradation rate of starch in the second stage significantly (p < 0.05) correlated to the S/L ratio (r = -0.886) and polydispersity (r = 0.859) of amylopectin branch chains of native starch.  相似文献   

抑制玉米淀粉回生的面粉蛋白酶解液筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为防止玉米淀粉食品会因回生而降低品质,该文利用酸性、中性和碱性3种蛋白酶水解小麦面粉中的球蛋白、谷蛋白和醇溶蛋白,研究酶解物中混合多肽对玉米淀粉回生的影响。研究结果表明,酸性蛋白酶水解谷蛋白所得多肽混合液能强烈抑制玉米淀粉回生,使玉米淀粉回生率由14.0%降低到8.0%。其他2种水解物促进玉米淀粉回生,促进最多的是碱性蛋白酶水解醇溶蛋白,使玉米淀粉回生率由14.0%升高到19.5%。通过红外和核磁分析了混合多肽抑制或促进玉米淀粉回生的可能机理。研究成果为控制淀粉回生提供一条全新的途径。  相似文献   

Advanced solid-state NMR techniques and wet chemical analyses were applied to investigate untreated corn stover (UCS) and its residues after dilute acid prehydrolysis (DAP) and enzymatic hydrolysis (RES) to provide evidence for the limitations to the effectiveness of enzyme hydrolysis. Advanced solid-state NMR spectral-editing techniques as well as 1H-13C two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation NMR (2D HETCOR) were employed. Our results indicated that dilute acid prehydrolysis selectively removed amorphous carbohydrates, increased aromatic CH/other protonated -C═C- and enriched alkyl CH and CH2 components. Cinnamic acids were increased, and proteinaceous materials and N-containing degradation or condensation compounds were absorbed or coprecipitated in RES. 2D HETCOR experiments indicated a close association between lignin and the residual carbohydrates. Ketones/aldehydes were not detected in the DAP, in contrast to a report in which an appreciable amount of ketones/aldehydes was generated from the acid pretreatment of a purified cellulose in the literature. This suggested that acid pretreatment may modify the structure of purified cellulose more than biomass and that biomass may be a better substrate than model biopolymers and compounds for assessing structural changes that occur with industrial processing. On the basis of NMR and wet chemical analyses, we found the following factors could cause the limitations to the effectiveness of enzymatic hydrolysis: (1) chemical modification of carbohydrates limited the biologically degradable carbohydrates available; (2) cinnamic acids in the residue accumulated; (3) accessibility was potentially limited due to the close association of carbohydrates with lignin; and (4) proteinaceous materials and N-containing degradation or condensation compounds were absorbed or coprecipitated.  相似文献   

Using near-infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry coupled with differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC), we investigated the characteristics of water in starch and the effects of the inner structure of starch on dehydration. The results directly show that the dehydration process is significantly more favorable in native starch than in gelatinized starch. When the starch was heated to 100 °C, the water retention in gelatinized starch was 22.35 per total water content, much greater than that in native starch (4.3%). The hydrogen bond network that changes from native starch to gelatinized starch was simultaneously explored, and the weaker hydrogen bonds were found to be predominant in the hydrogen bond network of gelatinized starch.  相似文献   

小麦、玉米施用微生物接种剂增产效应初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
施用微生物接种剂、化肥或化肥与微生物接种剂配施均能促进小麦、玉米的个体发育 ,提高净光合强度 ,通过提高穗粒数和千粒重来提高产量 ,以化肥与微生物接种剂配合施用的处理效果最显著 ,与对照相比 ,小麦增产 33.9% ,玉米增产 2 7.3% ;这说明适当降低化肥用量并配合施用生物肥料 (拌种或追施 ) ,可以在不增加 (甚至减少 )肥料投入的情况下提高小麦、玉米的产量 ,提高经济效益  相似文献   

氮素水平对单作和间套作小麦玉米品质影响的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以间套作小麦玉米、单作小麦和单作玉米为研究对象 ,研究了在间套作和单作条件下氮素水平对小麦、玉米品质的影响。结果表明 ,间套作小麦和单作小麦相比具有明显的间套作品质优势 ,且间套作小麦表现出明显的边行品质优势。在相同施氮水平下 ,间套作小麦的蛋白质含量、沉淀值、干、湿面筋含量等品质指标均明显高于单作小麦 ,施氮水平显著改善单作和间套作小麦的品质指标 ;而间套作玉米和单作玉米相比则表现出明显的间套作品质劣势 ,在相同施氮水平下 ,间套作玉米的蛋白质含量、脂肪含量、百粒重等品质指标明显低于单作玉米 ,施氮水平显著改善间套作玉米的蛋白质含量、脂肪含量、百粒重等品质指标。  相似文献   

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