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广西奶牛养殖业发展中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国家对"三农"问题的日益重视和农业产业化进程的加速推进,奶牛养殖在农业发展中的地位和作用也在不断提高和增强。为了进一步加快广西奶牛养殖业的发展速度,通过深入调查广西奶牛养殖企业现有的生产状况及生产水平,分析了目前影响广西奶牛养殖业发展中存在的问题,提出加快广西奶牛养殖业发展的思路与对策。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the relevance of using the pyrolysis-MS (Py-MS) technique to discriminate the production area of oysters harvested over two years and to assess from the data of the second year of harvest the potential of an alternative MS-based technique, the solid phase microextraction-MS (SPME-MS), to perform this discrimination. Oysters were harvested in various areas of France, and models of discrimination according to harvest season were built from Py-MS fingerprints and from virtual SPME-MS fingerprints obtained by summing the mass spectra generated by the SPME-GC-MS system. The treatment of the Py-MS data by a 21-12-3 artificial neural networks led to a correct classification of only 89.2% of the oyster samples according to shoreline. The misclassifications thus did not allow use of the Py-MS technique as a relevant tool for authentication of oyster origin. The assessment of the potential of the virtual SPME-MS fingerprints to discriminate the production area of oysters was undertaken on a part of the sample set. The virtual SPME-MS data were pretreated according to two methods, filtering of raw data (FRD) and comprehensive combinatory standard correction (CCSC), a recently developed chemometric method used for the correction of instrumental signal drifts in MS systems. The results obtained with the virtual SPME-MS fingerprints are promising because this technique, when the data were pretreated by the CCSC method, led to a successful discrimination of the oyster samples not only according to shoreline but also according to production region. This study confirms that an efficient correction method (CCSC) of instrumental drifts can considerably increase the discriminative information contained in the volatile fraction of food products.  相似文献   

The authentication of the conditions of animal production, based on the analysis of meat commercial cuts, is a major challenge on both societal and analytical grounds. The aim of the present work was to propose a method for the extraction of the volatile compounds from ruminant raw muscles trimmed of fat and to assess by mass spectrometry-based techniques the relevance of these compounds for the authentication of the type of feeding offered to the animals. The first step of the study consisted of validating conditions of dynamic headspace (DH) extraction of volatile compounds that enabled us to minimize the appearance of heat-induced artifacts and to maximize the richness of the DH-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry profile (DH-GC-MS) of raw lamb muscle. An extraction temperature of 35 degrees C (vs 60 and 90 degrees C) and a sample mass of 6.25 g (vs 12.5, 25, and 50 g) were shown to be suitable. The second step aimed at identifying volatile compounds enabling us to discriminate muscle samples from 16 experimental lambs fed either concentrate (n = 8) or pasture (n = 8). Before, to carefully explore the information given by the DH-GC-MS signal, the MS spectra acquired along the chromatogram were summed and then converted in a virtual-DH-MS spectral fingerprint to have a quick overview of the discriminative potential of the volatile fraction. According to univariate (analysis of variance) and to multivariate (principal component analysis) data treatments performed on virtual-DH-MS fingerprints, the meat volatile fraction was relevant to reveal the type of feeding of the living animal. The detailed examination of the information given by the GC dimension showed that 33 volatile compounds among the 204 detected in the muscle by DH-GC-MS enabled us to discriminate the type of feeding of the lambs. The relevance of these results is discussed in light of previous studies performed on adipose tissues.  相似文献   

  目的  探讨长期不同轮作方式与施肥条件下对水稻产量、植株养分吸收利用及对土壤养分含量的影响,为黄壤地区合理轮作方式选择提供参考。  方法  依托25年的黄壤(稻田)长期定位试验,选取4种轮作方式:水稻单作(RM)、水稻-小麦轮作(RWR)、水稻-油菜轮作(RRR)、水稻-绿肥轮作(RMR),分析比较各轮作方式作物产量、植株氮磷钾养分吸收情况及土壤养分含量的差异。  结果  不同轮作方式2016 ~ 2020年水稻平均产量表现为RWR > RRR > RM > RMR,但各处理之间差异不显著。与RM处理相比,RWR、RRR和RMR处理水稻秸秆和籽粒平均氮磷钾养分含量分别提高10.9% ~ 37.0%、63.6% ~ 101.6%、11.9% ~ 17.6%和7.1% ~ 20.4%、19.7% ~ 37.6%、6.0% ~ 8.1%;秸秆和籽粒平均氮磷钾养分吸收量分别提高15.0% ~ 45.4%、69.7% ~ 113.9%、16.1% ~ 24.8%和3.7% ~ 22.6%、15.9% ~ 40%、2.6% ~ 10.1%;水稻植株平均氮磷钾养分总吸收量分别提高8.0% ~ 30.2%、22.3% ~ 44.8%、12.9% ~ 21.3%。各轮作处理水稻秸秆和籽粒氮磷钾养分含量、吸收量及吸收效率大小均表现为:RWR > RRR > RMR。与RM处理相比,各轮作处理土壤有机质提高37.0% ~ 41.1%、全氮提高1.7% ~ 28.6%、碱解氮提高24.4% ~ 47.5%、有效磷提高2.2% ~ 54.8%。  结论  在现有种植制度与施肥条件下,多种轮作方式均可维持水稻产量不降低,且能提高单位面积土地生产力、提高水稻植株氮磷钾养分吸收量、改善土壤肥力。  相似文献   

中国水稻不同产量、品种和种植制度下氮需求量变异状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Better understanding of the factors that influence crop nitrogen(N) requirement plays an important role in improving regional N recommendations for rice(Oryza sativa L.) production. We collected data from 1 280 plot-level measurements in different reaches of the Yangtze River, China to determine which factors contributed to variability in N requirement in rice. Yield, variety, and cropping system were significantly related to N requirement. The N requirement remained consistent at about 18.6 kg N Mg~(-1)grain as grain yield increased from 7 to 9 Mg ha~(-1), then decreased to 18.1, 16.9, and 15.9 kg N Mg~(-1)grain as yield increased to 9–10, 10–11, and 11 Mg ha~(-1), respectively. The decreased requirement for N with increasing yield was attributable to declining N concentrations in grain and straw and increased harvest index. Super rice variety had lower N requirement(17.7 kg N Mg~(-1)grain) than ordinary inbred and hybrid varieties(18.5 and 18.3 kg N Mg~(-1)grain, respectively), which was a result of lower grain and straw N concentrations of super rice. The N requirements were 19.2, 17.8, and 17.5 kg N Mg~(-1)grain for early, middle, and late rice cropping systems, respectively. In conclusion, the rice N requirement was affected by multiple factors, including yield, variety, and cropping system, all of which should be considered when planning for optimal N management.  相似文献   

The determination of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in cow milk fat was studied by using UV (210-250 nm) and Fourier transform (FT)-Raman (900-3400 cm (-1)) spectroscopy in order to determine the best spectrophotometric technique for routine analysis of milk fat. A collection of 57 milk fat samples was randomly divided into two sets, a calibration set and a validation set, representing two-thirds and one-third of the samples, respectively. All calculations were performed on the calibration set and then applied to the validation set. The CLA content ranged from 0.56 to 4.70%. A comparison of various spectral pretreatments and different multivariate calibration techniques, such as partial least-squares (PLS) and multiple linear regression (MLR), was done. This paper shows that UV spectroscopy is as reliable as FT-Raman spectroscopy to monitor CLA in cow milk fat. The best calibration for FT-Raman was given by a PLS model of seven factors with a standard error of prediction (SEP) of 0.246. For UV spectroscopy, PLS models were also better than MLR models. The most robust PLS model was constructed with only one factor and with SEP=0.288.  相似文献   


The productivity levels of two arenosol (Ar40) and fluvisol (FL40) fields that had been cultivated for over 40 years were compared to that of fields with the same soils located nearby but never previously cultivated, i.e. Ar0 and FL0, respectively. Application of poultry manure (PM) and sewage sludge (SS) were compared to a mineral fertilizer (T100), corresponding to 100 kg/ha of nitrogen, over three lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crop cycles. PM and SS were applied at 50 and 150 kg/ha nitrogen equivalent fertilizer doses. Biomass production levels in the organic and mineral treatments were similar, except for the SS-50 for FL0 and the PM-150 for Ar40, FL40 and FL0. Biomass production levels of Ar40 were higher than those of Ar0 for the first cycle. In the initial state, the soil P content in Ar40 was higher than that of the Ar0 soil. With the treatment repetition, Ar0 showed the same production level as Ar40. For the fluvisols, biomass production levels of FL40 were lower than those of FL0 for the first cycle. Indeed, the initial nitrate content in FL40 was lower than in FL0. The biomass production levels of FL40 were higher than those of FL0 for the following cycles.  相似文献   

针对现有生鲜果蔬机械化包装过程中拉伸膜无法供送及制筒成型等问题,该研究设计了一种生鲜果蔬包装机夹持卧带式拉伸膜供送成型装置,该装置主要由包材供送机构、立式输送带和卧式输送带等组成,可完成包材物料的平稳供送,物料上部覆膜和纵封作业。对拉伸膜供送成型过程进行力学模型分析,确定夹持卧带的倾斜角度范围12°~18°,流利条部件的下压深度0~10 mm,夹持卧带总夹持距离250 mm,夹持最低点距支撑件的最佳距离10 mm。为寻求最优工作参数,运用二次旋转正交组合试验,选取输送速度、流利条部件的下压深度以及夹持卧带的倾斜角度为试验因素,以拉伸膜左、右偏移量作为试验指标进行响应曲面分析。试验结果表明:各个主效应因素对拉伸膜左、右偏移量的影响由大到小依次为输送速度、流利条部件的下压深度、夹持卧带的倾斜角度。通过目标参数优化,确定最优工作参数组合:输送速度为292 mm/s,流利条部件的下压深度为10 mm,夹持卧带的倾斜角度为16.3°。对优化参数进行试验验证得到:左偏移量均值为10.5 mm,右偏移量均值为11.4 mm,与优化模型预测结果基本一致,满足生鲜果蔬包装机拉伸膜供送成型装置稳定送膜、有效制筒纵封的作业需求。该文可为后续生鲜果蔬机械化包装提供一定的理论基础与参考。  相似文献   

Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy is used to address certain issues connected with the authentication of beef and ox kidney and liver: is it possible to distinguish muscle from offal tissue; does the condition, cut of meat, or type of offal influence the distinction; can pure minced beef be distinguished from that adulterated with offal? Using partial least squares (PLS) and canonical variate analysis, predictive models are developed to identify MIR spectra of beef, kidney, and liver. Using modified SIMCA, the pure beef specimens are modeled as a single class; this model identifies spectra of unadulterated beef as such, with an acceptable error rate, while rejecting spectra of specimens containing 10-100% w/w kidney or liver. Finally, PLS regressions are performed to quantify the amount of added offal. The prediction errors obtained (+/-4.8 and +/-4.0% w/w, respectively, for the kidney and liver calibrations) are commensurate with the detection limits suggested by the SIMCA analysis.  相似文献   

The recent agricultural policies in the Sudan have focused on mechanized large-scale, rainfed agricultural ventures achieving increased grain production through expansion of the cultivated area only, not through increased per unit yield. The total harvested area increased steadily from about 4·5 million ha in 1961 to about 14 million ha in 1996, with great year-to-year variations of harvested areas, and therefore total yields, revealing a fragile balance between production and need. Per unit yields of all crops are steadily decreasing, currently reaching rates far below their genetic potential. The work reported here was intended to look into the causes of the fluctuations in yield and to propose some strategic approaches that may offer a path to sustainability of such crop production. Several factors may be contributing to these poor yields. This study shows that loss of soil fertility and rainfall variability are among such factors. Crops yields were negatively correlated at a one per cent level of significance with the cropping season indicating significant decline in soil fertility. Soil fertility management and fertilizers use could therefore be of great importance in formulating proactive strategies to enhance productivity in the rainfed agriculture in the Sudan. Rainfall in different production subregions had different levels of correlation with yields of all crops. Comparison of long-term rainfall in the four subregions of the study area showed that rainfall decline had been in the magnitude of 30–40 per cent. The western parts of the study area (Kordofan and Darfur) experienced extreme rainfall anomalies than the eastern and central parts (Gedaref and Damazin), and had suffered greater periods of desiccation than the eastern and central parts. The decadal rainfall means showed below average rainfall for the last three decades in all subregions; the western parts again showing greatest desiccation. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structured lipids (SLs) from stearidonic acid (SDA) soybean oil pre-enriched with palmitic acid (PA) at the sn-2 position with Novozym 435 (NSL) or Lipozyme TL IM (LSL) from previous research were further enriched with γ-linolenic acid (GLA) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Small-scale acidolysis reactions with Lipozyme TL IM were performed to determine the optimal reaction conditions as 1:1 substrate mole ratio of NSL or LSL to free DHA at 65 °C for 24 h and a 1:0.5 substrate mole ratio of NSL or LSL to free GLA at 65 °C for 12 h. Optimized SL products were scaled up in a 1 L stir-batch reactor, and the resulting SLs of NSL:DHA (NDHA), LSL:DHA (LDHA), NSL:GLA (NGLA), and LSL:GLA (LGLA) were chemically and physically characterized. The SLs contained >54% PA at the sn-2 position with GLA >8% for the GLA SLs and DHA >10% for the DHA SLs. The oxidative stabilities of the SLs were increased by the addition of 200 ppm TBHQ, with NGLA being more stable due to higher tocopherol content than the other SLs. The melting and crystallization profiles did not differ between the DHA SLs or the GLA SLs. The triacylglycerol (TAG) species were similar for the GLA SLs but differed between the DHA SLs, with tripalmitin being the major TAG species in all SLs.  相似文献   

When forest soils are investigated, the identification of litter and soil layers is a key step. Mid-infrared spectroscopy seems to be promising for this due to its capability to provide fingerprint information. In this study, a large data set of mid-infrared spectra of different forest soils (L, FH and Ah horizons of coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests) was available together with general analyses data (among others organic carbon, total nitrogen and carbonate contents). This set was used for devising models for the identification of different soil layers and to follow the characteristics of different forest types in the different layers. Canonical discriminant functions were calculated using nine mid-infrared bands occurring in both organic layers and mineral soil layers. The discriminant analysis of the topsoil layers showed that aliphatic mid-infrared bands dominated the first function and yielded a clear separation of mineral and organic layers. Further, this analysis reflected the higher chemical diversity in the organic layers visible by a high scattering of the calculated data points. Two tests with two separate data sets showed a reliable and reproducible performance of the model. Separations of forest types were best possible in the organic layers, in which the deciduous forests were separated best from mixed and coniferous forests. Also for these discriminations, aliphatic bands were dominating. Advanced degradation of soil organic matter resulted in small distances of equidistant forest-type group-centers in the 5-10 cm layers of the mineral soils. Dominating molecular moieties in the discriminant functions in these layers were carbonates and aliphatic bands. The applied methodology suggests mid-infrared spectroscopy as an appropriate tool for soil layer identification, allowing for unequivocal discrimination between organic and mineral soil layers. Discriminations of forest types delivered information about dominating mid-infrared bands in the single layers and allowed conclusions about functional groups dominating these differences.  相似文献   

Despite the European ban on the use of growth promoters in cattle, veterinary surveillance reports indicate that the illicit use of corticosteroids persists both alone and in combination with anabolic hormones and β-agonists. Current control strategies should be informed by research into the effects of corticosteroids on bovine metabolism and improved through the development of specific, sensitive diagnostic methods that utilize potential molecular biomarkers of corticosteroid treatment. The actions of corticosteroids on target tissues are principally regulated by two receptors: the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). The effects of these steroids are modulated by prereceptor enzyme-mediated metabolism: the two isoforms of the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSDs) enzyme catalyze the interconversion between active glucocorticoids, such as cortisol, into inactive compounds, such as cortisone. This study aimed to determine whether the expression of the prereceptor system and of the corticosteroid receptors could be regulated in different target tissues by the administration of dexamethasone and prednisolone in cattle. It was observed that greater up-regulation of the GR and MR genes followed dexamethasone treatment in the muscle tissues than in the kidney, liver, and salivary glands; up-regulation of GR and MR expression following prednisolone treatment was higher in adipose tissue than in the other tissues. The thymus seemed to respond to dexamethasone treatment but not to prednisolone treatment. Both treatments significantly down-regulated 11β-HSD2 gene expression in the adrenal tissues, but only dexamethasone treatment down-regulated 11β-HSD2 expression in the bulbourethral and prostate glands. Together, these data indicate that the combination of GR, MR, and 11β-HSD2 could provide a useful biomarker system to detect the use of illicit glucocorticoid treatment in cattle.  相似文献   

作物缺水补偿节水的分子生理机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作物缺水补偿节水理论及其技术具有重要理论意义和农业应用潜力, 受到国内外专家的重视并取得一系列重要研究成果, 然而作物适度胁迫缺水产生补偿节水效应的分子生理机制却仍是一个尚待研究的问题。在系统总结近年来的相关进展基础上, 对引起作物适度缺水反弹补偿节水的分子生理过程进行了初步分析探索。作物在发生水分胁迫和复水后, 在根、茎、叶等营养器官生长、渗透调节、蒸腾速率、光合作用等生理活动以及蛋白质活性、生化代谢、分子和基因调节等方面都有相关适应变化。水分亏缺补偿存在阈值范围, 如果控制适当, 在一定水分亏缺强度范围内可提高作物水分利用效率并使作物不减产甚至增产。这种缺水补偿节水技术如能在农业生产上推广应用, 可有效节约水资源, 提高作物经济效益和粮食安全。  相似文献   

Riparian zones are important features of the landscape that can buffer waterways from non-point sources of nitrogen pollution. Studies of perennial streams have identified denitrification as one of the dominant mechanisms by which this can occur. This study aimed to assess nitrate removal within the riparian zone of an ephemeral stream and characterise the processes responsible, particularly denitrification, using both in-situ and laboratory techniques. To quantify rates of groundwater nitrate removal and denitrification in-situ, nitrate was added to two separate injection-capture well networks in a perched riparian aquifer of a low order ephemeral stream in South East Queensland, Australia. Both networks also received bromide as a conservative tracer and one received acetylene to inhibit the last step of denitrification. An average of 77 ± 2% and 98 ± 1% of the added nitrate was removed within a distance of 40 cm from the injection wells (networks with acetylene and without, respectively). Based on rates of N2O production in the network with added acetylene, denitrification was not a major mechanism of nitrate loss, accounting for only 3% of removal. Reduction of nitrate to ammonium was also not a major pathway in either network, contributing <4%. Relatively high concentrations of oxygen in the aquifer following recent filling by stream water may have reduced the importance of these two anaerobic pathways. Alternatively, denitrification may have been underestimated using the in-situ acetylene block technique. In the laboratory, soils taken from two depths at each well network were incubated with four nitrate-N treatments (ranging from ambient concentration to an addition of 15 mg N l−1), with and without added acetylene. Potential rates of denitrification, N2O production and N2O:N2 ratios increased with nitrate additions, particularly in shallow soils. Potential rates of denitrification observed in the laboratory were equivalent in magnitude to nitrate removal measured in the field (mean 0.26 ± 0.12 mg N kg of dry soil−1 d−1), but were two orders of magnitude greater than denitrification measured in the field with added acetylene. The relative importance of assimilatory vs. dissimilatory processes of nitrate removal depends on environmental conditions in the aquifer, particularly hydrology and its effects on dissolved oxygen concentrations. Depending on seasonal conditions, aquifers of ephemeral streams like the study site are likely to fluctuate between oxic and anoxic conditions; nevertheless they may still function as effective buffers. While denitrification to N2 is a desirable outcome from a management perspective, assimilation into biomass can provide a rapid sink for nitrate, thus helping to reduce short-term delivery of nitrate downstream. Longer-term studies are needed to determine the overall effectiveness of riparian buffers associated with ephemeral streams in mitigating nitrate loads reaching downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   

奶牛粪便与秸秆混合发酵过程通风工艺优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通风是影响好氧发酵的重要技术参数,但目前对于奶牛粪便好氧发酵通风缺乏系统研究,导致发酵后物料质量参差不齐,为优化奶牛粪便好氧发酵过程中的通风参数,该研究采用响应曲面法,以通风速率、通停比、通风时间为3因素,通过中心组合试验设计方法(Box-Behnken Design)设计17组试验,以含水率和病原菌去除效率为响应值,...  相似文献   

There is a direct relationship between soil nutrient concentration in localized zones and root proliferation and elongation under well‐watered conditions. However, in field studies under semiarid conditions this relationship can change due to higher salt accumulation and soil dryness that affect root growth, water stress resistance, and seedling survival. We assessed the effect of different locations of fertilizer placement in the soil profile and water availability on root zone salinity, root development and ecophysiological responses of Quillaja saponaria Mol. after outplanting. A single dose (6 g L?1) of controlled‐release nitrogen fertilizer (CRFN) was placed at 0 cm (top layer), 15 cm (middle layer), or 30 cm (bottom layer) depth in the containers in a greenhouse, in addition to an unfertilized treatment (control). After 6 months, seedlings were transplanted to the field and subjected to weekly watering regimes (2 L plant?1 and unwatered). Morphological and ecophysiological parameters were periodically measured on seedlings, as well as soil electrical conductivity (EC). After 1 year, the shoot : root ratio of unwatered seedlings decreased as a function of CRFN placement depth, which was attributed to lower shoot growth and not to greater root growth. The root morphology of the bottom layer treatment was negatively affected by high EC in unwatered seedlings. Greater total root length and root volume of the middle layer treatment was found only when well‐watered; however, this did not contribute to improve physiological responses against water stress. The lowest EC and the highest photochemical efficiency, net photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance were shown by unfertilized seedlings, independent of water availability. Our findings suggest that varying depth of CRFN placement does not contribute significantly to improve root growth under water restriction. Water supplements, independently of the CRFN location in the substrate, contribute to decrease root zone salinity, and consequently, improve root volume growth.  相似文献   

A straightforward method for the separation of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) and production of fat-free whey protein concentrate/isolate from cheese whey has been developed. Lowering of the conductivity of the whey from its initial value of about 5600 μS cm(-1) to about 2000-500 μS cm(-1) via diafiltration with water caused selective precipitation of MFGM when incubated for 30 min at pH 4.2 and 35 °C. The whey proteins remained soluble in the supernatant under these conditions. Experimental evidence suggested that precipitation of MFGM at pH 4.2 was not due to a nonspecific effect of lowering of the conductivity of the whey but due to the specific effect of removal of Ca2+ from the whey. The lipid content of whey protein isolate obtained by this process was <0.2%, and the protein loss was <14%. The method provides an industrially feasible process for the production of fat-free whey protein concentrate/isolate. The MFGM, which is reported to contain bioactive/nutraceutical lipids and proteins, is a valuable byproduct of the process.  相似文献   

依据实际情况调整教学内容与方法提高教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了影响专业课程家畜寄生虫学教学的主要社会与自然因素 ,在教学过程中 ,结合实际情况 ,对课程的教学内容与教学方法进行了适当调整 ,进一步提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

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