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山西灵空山林区辽东栎萌芽更新规律研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
以灵空山林区典型辽东栎皆伐迹地为研究区,调查了辽东栎伐桩径、高以及萌枝的数量、高度、基径等指标,分析了辽东栎萌芽更新规律。结果表明,在一定范围内,萌芽数量随着伐桩径的增大呈现先增多后减少的规律;而伐桩高与萌芽数量呈现弱相关,萌芽数量大体随着伐桩高的增大而增多,随即产生急剧下降的趋势。但萌枝的平均高、平均基径却不随伐桩径、高的变化而变化。在伐桩径、高的双因素方差分析中发现,对于辽东栎伐桩内萌芽数量而言,伐桩径与伐桩高具有显著的交互作用,而且伐桩高因素(5~20cm与21~40cm范围)具显著差异。 相似文献
Romero-Severson Jeanne Aldrich Preston Feng Yi Sun Weilin Michler Charles 《New Forests》2003,26(1):43-49
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation was examined in 48 northern red oaks at 14 sites representing contrasting glacial histories and age structures within the state of Indiana in the United States. PCR-RFLP of three intergenic regions revealed five haplotypes. Haplotype I was common to seven sites and was the most frequent (17 trees). Haplotype II was common to five sites and was nearly as frequent as haplotype I (16 trees). Haplotypes III, IV and V were equally infrequent and did not occur together. Genetic diversity resided among rather than within populations (GST = 0.73 ± 0.14). This preliminary survey shows that cpDNA diversity will be a useful tool for the investigation of ancient seed dispersal patterns in northern red oak. 相似文献
[目的]通过对濒危植物水青树叶表型性状的测量分析,研究其表型变异程度和变异规律,并从遗传和环境适应角度探讨其致濒机制,为其天然种群的有效保护及管理提供科学依据。[方法]对来自14个水青树天然种群的90个个体的17个叶形态及其表皮微形态性状进行测量,利用巢式方差分析、多重比较、主成分分析、聚类分析、相关分析等多种分析方法,探讨种群间和种群内的叶表型变异及其与地理、环境因子的相关性。[结果](1)水青树17个叶表型性状在种群内和种群间均存在显著差异;(2)17个性状的平均表型分化系数为46.69%,种群内的变异(31.83%)大于种群间的变异(28.85%),种群内变异是水青树叶表型变异的主要来源;(3)各性状平均变异系数(CV)为12.56%,变异幅度为4.17%26.25%;(4)水青树叶表型变异与年均日照时数、7月均温及年均降雨量等环境因子有关,变异呈现出随经度、纬度、海拔的梯度渐变规律;(5)利用主成分分析结果进一步聚类,可将14个水青树天然种群分为3大类。[结论]水青树天然种群间叶表型分化处于中等水平,种群内变异程度较低,其对环境的适应范围缩减,适应能力较差,这可能是导致水青树濒危的重要原因。据此,提出了相应的保护措施以便对其进行有效保护。 相似文献
António M. Jordão Jorge M. Ricardo-da-Silva Olga Laureano An Adams Jan Demyttenaere Roland Verhé Norbert De Kimpe 《Journal of Wood Science》2006,52(6):514-521
The purpose of this study was to investigate the sorption of selected volatile substances from oak wood-chip samples (Quercus pyrenaica Willd. and Quercus petraea L.) subjected to different toasting levels, namely, without toasting, with medium toasting, and with strong toasting, through
the use of solid-phase microextraction (SPME). The main volatile compounds identified as a function of the toasting level
and botanical species were furfural, hexanal, α-pinene, d-limonene, decanal, vitispirane, ethyl hexanoate, cis-3-methyl-γ-octalactone (“oak lactone” or “whisky lactone”), α-terpineol, p-xylene, and nonanal. Considering the data obtained from the toasted woods (medium and strong intensity) in comparison with
those of nontoasted woods, it can be pointed out that the average peak area and the number of compounds identified in the
gas chromatogram decreased during the toasting process. In general, regarding the compounds analyzed, quantitative differences
were found between the two oak wood species under study. High values of volatile compounds were found in Quercus pyrenaica oak wood chips. In addition, for the number of compounds identified in oak wood extracts and directly extracted from solid
oak wood chips by SPME, it is concluded that the best extraction process for volatile compounds from oak wood is the use of
oak wood-chip liquid extracts. 相似文献
利用Granier树干液流测定系统,长期监测黄土高原半干旱区延安市南郊天然辽东栎林优势木的树干液流,并同步监测环境因子(空气温度、湿度、太阳辐射、土壤含水量)。分析3株优势木边材液流在生长季内各月份的日变化特征以及液流通量密度与环境因子的关系。结果显示:辽东栎液流日变化总体上与太阳辐射和空气水气压亏缺呈相同趋势,但液流峰值出现时间较早,通常为10:00左右。随着生长季内物候变化,液流通量密度总体表现为前期(4—6月)较低、中后期(7—9月)较高、末期(10月)迅速下降的变化趋势。采用指数饱和曲线函数对液流通量密度和空气水气压亏缺进行拟合,有效地反映了各月份液流通量密度对空气水气压亏缺的响应特征。各月份的曲线特征和拟合参数的差异表明,蒸腾耗水过程也受到土壤水分状况等其他因素的影响。 相似文献
The effect of precipitation variation on the chemistry of Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica) leaf litters was examined by analyzing litters of Mongolia oak saplings under four precipitation gradients. The decomposing
process of these leaf litters in the Mongolian oak dominated forest was assessed using litter bag method. Compared with the
litters of the Mongolian oak saplings from the natural precipitation site (A), litters produced by Mongolian oak from the
driest precipitation gradient (A450) had significantly higher concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) while lower acid-insoluble fraction
(AIF) concentration. The decomposition study showed that A450 exhibited significantly higher decomposition rate, mineralization rates of N, P and K as well as much shorter N and P net
immobilization periods. On the contrary, litters produced by seedlings from wettest gradient (A850) showed a totally opposite pattern. Litters from saplings that received comparable precipitation (A650) to those at the natural site (A) had significantly higher N concentration and faster decomposition rate as well as release
rates of N, P and K. The mass loss patterns for the four litter types fitted the exponential model and the decay constant
(k) can be well predicted by initial AIF/N. During the decomposition period, N concentration was best related to the percentage
of mass remaining of the litters with relatively higher AIF concentrations and lower N concentrations, but the percentage
of mass remaining of litters with lower AIF concentrations and higher N concentrations correlates strongly with AIF con centration.
Our study proved that changes in precipitation significantly altered the litter quality, and therefore indirectly changed
the decay process of leaf litters.
Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 18(2): 261–266 [译自: 应用生态学报] 相似文献
[目的]研究不同种源白栎果实形态特征和营养成分变异规律,为白栎品种选育和种质资源开发利用提供科学依据。[方法]收集白栎自然分布区14个天然种源368个单株果实,分别测定4个形态特征指标和6个营养成分含量指标,并进行统计学分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。[结果](1)白栎4个形态特征在种源间和种源内均差异极显著,6个营养成分含量在种源间均差异极显著。白栎果实形态特征的Shannon-Wiener指数(H)均值为1.839,其中,果实宽度(1.886)>果实长度(1.837)>长宽比(1.832)>百粒质量(1.801);(2)白栎果实10个特征参数间大多存在显著或极显著相关性,其与地理气候因子间仅个别存在显著相关性;(3)对10个特征参数进行Q型聚类分析,可将14个白栎种源划分为3大类群:湖北利川、四川邻水、四川阆中、贵州黄平、湖南新晃、江西宜黄和广西全州种源为第一类;重庆万州、重庆江津、湖南龙山、福建武夷山、浙江武义、浙江西湖种源为第二类;浙江遂昌种源单独归为一类。[结论]白栎果实形态特征在种源内和种源间均差异极显著,种源内的变异高于种源间的变异,营养成分含量在种源间均差... 相似文献
[目的]对丹红杨(美洲黑杨)×通辽1号杨(小叶杨)422个F_1代无性系叶的形态学指标进行分析,揭示杨树派间杂交群体叶形性状的遗传变异规律,为进一步解析其叶形性状的遗传机制奠定基础。[方法]使用Yaxin-1241便携式叶面积仪结合手工测量的方式,对杂交子代当年扦插材料的叶面积、叶长、叶宽、叶周长、叶柄长、侧脉夹角和最大叶宽距叶尖长度等7个指标进行测量,计算叶长宽比、叶柄相对长、最大叶宽位置和叶缘因子,利用SPSS软件完成相关、通径、遗传以及主成分分析。[结果]丹红杨和通辽1号杨两亲本叶面积、叶长、叶宽、叶周长、叶柄长、侧脉夹角、叶长宽比、叶柄相对长以及最大叶宽位置等9个指标差异显著,子代变异丰富且呈连续的正态分布。在10个叶形指标间45对相关关系中,36对呈显著或极显著水平。通径分析结果表明,叶长和叶宽是决定叶面积的主要因素。通过主成分分析得到2个主因子,累计解释80.19%的叶形变异,子代第一主成分的标准化值全部介于两亲本之间,并有64.69%与父本分布在同侧,第二主成分则均匀分布在中亲值两侧。对于表征叶片大小的2个指标叶面积和叶柄长,多数子代小于中亲值且其均值更接近父本,而表征叶片形状的叶柄相对长和最大叶宽位置与之相反,其余指标接近中亲值。除叶长宽比、侧脉夹角以及叶缘因子外,子代叶形指标大多介于两亲本之间。[结论]丹红杨和通辽1号杨叶形性状差异显著,杂交子代叶形性状存在丰富的连续性变异,且性状间关联紧密,叶长和叶宽是决定叶面积的主要因素。叶面积、叶柄长以及最大叶宽位置等性状存在明显的遗传偏向性,杂交子代叶片形状与丹红杨更为接近,呈较强的母本效应,而叶片大小则表现出偏向父本小叶杨的遗传效应。30.09%子代的综合叶形指标具有超亲现象,选择潜力较大,在今后的育种实践中可加以利用。 相似文献
The spatial pattern of the crown spread ofQuercus glauca in a hardwood community was investigated in order to consider the effect of the patterns on its survival in a secondary hardwood
community. The shape of a crown was defined by the spatial spread of the leaves (PCM crown), and by the spread of their branches
(elliptic cylinder crown). The stem volume growth rate of a tree was strongly correlated with the corresponding total leaf
area, which was then significantly correlated with the defined crown volume. This indicated that the stem volume growth depended
on the crown volume as well as the total leaf area. An increase in leaf area was largely attained by the spatial volume of
the crown, not by an increase in the leaf area density. The leaves inside the crown began to spread horizontally relative
to the crown size as the total leaf area and tree size increased. On the other hand, for the crowns representing the branch
spread, the crown shape (crown width/depth ratio) did not differ by internal leaf area and tree size. Such a spatial pattern
was likely to be adaptive for a species that dominates at a mid-stage of secondary sere. 相似文献
P. M. McEvoy J. H. McAdam M. R. Mosquera-Losada A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez 《Agroforestry Systems》2006,66(2):85-92
Forest grazing has been recognised as being a useful tool in fire-risk reduction, in addition to having the potential to preserve
or enhance forest biodiversity if managed correctly. Concern for natural regeneration of forest trees in Europe has also prompted
interest in the effects of large herbivores on seedling and sapling growth and mortality. An investigation was carried out
into sapling damage and density of natural regeneration of oak (Quercus robur) in a mature, pony-grazed, Pinus radiata forest in Galicia, NW Spain under two different grazing regimes (continuous and rotational). In all treatments significantly
more oak seedlings and saplings were recorded in areas of grass sward than areas dominated by taller ground flora species.
Damage to oak saplings was assessed from the form (height and canopy) relative to stem diameter. The height and average canopy
diameter of similar-aged saplings were found to be significantly greater in ungrazed (control) than both continuous and rotationally
grazed treatments. Height and canopy diameters of similar-aged oak were not significantly different between the two grazing
treatments. Significant differences were observed in tree form, with unbrowsed saplings having the greatest height to canopy
width ratio and those in the continuously browsed plots having the smallest. An obvious decrease in the goodness of fit (R2) of regression analyses were found in continuously grazed areas compared to rotational and control plots for both height
and canopy data. The differences in damage observed were not significantly different enough to suggest one method of grazing
over the other as being better for minimising sapling damage. Management requirements are more likely to dictate grazing regime.
Overall, stock density is likely to have a more significant effect on damage than stocking system. 相似文献
卧龙巴朗山川滇高山栎灌丛主要木本植物种群生态位特征 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
以海拔梯度作为一维资源轴,以物种重要值作为生态位计测的状态指标,对卧龙自然保护区川滇高山栎灌丛主要木本植物的生态位特征进行研究。结果表明:川滇高山栎灌丛在整个资源位中占绝对优势;川滇高山栎、平枝栒子、臡妨⒏仕嗳鹣憔哂薪洗蟮纳豢矶龋?Bsw(Levins生态位宽度)值分别为0.5949,0.4524,0.5511和0.4516,其Ba(Hurlbert生态位宽度)值分别为0.9560,0.5703,0.7834和0.5711;物种的生态位宽度与重要值变异系数呈典型负相关;生态位宽度较大的2个种的相似性比例值较大,生态位宽度较小的2个种间也能产生较大的相似性比例;大部分种群的生态位相似性比例值为0~0.7,以0.4~0.6最多,共占全部种对的36.37%;具有生态位重叠的种对数共有112对,占总对数的84.85%,有39对的重叠值0.2,约占29.55%;生态位宽度大的种群之间一般能产生较大的重叠值,生态位宽度大的种群与生态位宽度小的种群也能产生较大的重叠值,而生态位宽度小的种群一般不会与生态位宽度大的种群间产生较大的重叠值;大于0.08的Lih(物种i与物种h的生态位重叠指数)和Lhi(物种h与物种i的生态位重叠指数)重叠值所占的比例分别为72.74%和65.16%,表明各种群对资源的共享趋势较为明显,川滇高山栎灌丛群落相对稳定。 相似文献
Hiroki Itô 《Journal of Forest Research》2009,14(4):245-250
Seedling emergence and initial survival were compared for two evergreen broad-leaved species, Quercus glauca and Symplocos prunifolia. The relationships between the two seedling dynamics variables and environmental factors for the two species were also investigated.
The number of seedlings that emerged in the study period was larger for S. prunifolia than for Q. glauca, while the survival rate was lower for S. prunifolia, presumably due to the closed canopy of this site. Models were selected for each species to determine the combination of
variables explaining the most variation in emergence and survival of seedlings. The model selected for seedling emergence
of Q. glauca showed that more seedlings emerged in lower hillslope positions and where the canopy in winter was more open. The model selected
for S. prunifolia showed that fewer seedlings emerged on steeper slopes and that more emerged under a more open canopy in winter. With respect
to seedling survival, models with only the proportion of open canopy in summer were selected for both species. These models
showed that the survival rate was higher where the canopy in summer was more open. This is to be expected as both species
are regarded as pioneer or mid-successional species. Q. glauca seemed to have the ability to persist as a dominant in the secondary forest at this site for longer than S. prunifolia due to the former’s better seedling survival rates and the rarity of climax species such as Castanopsis cuspidata. 相似文献
In order to understand the relationship between population succession and its genetic behavior, random amplified polymorphic
DNA (RAPD) technique was used to analyze the genetic diversity of Quercu glandulifera var. brevipetiolata populations in three forest communities with different succession stages (coniferous forest, coniferous and broad-leaved
mixed forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest). The results showed that 145 repetitive loci were produced in 60 individuals
of Q. glandulifera using 11 primers, among which 120 loci were polymorphic, and the total percentage of polymorphic loci was 82.76% with an
average of 64.14%. Estimated by the Shannon information index, the total genetic diversity of the three populations was 0.4747,
with an average of 0.3642, while it was 0.3234, with an average of 0.2484, judged from the Nei index. Judged from percentage
of polymorphic loci, Shannon inform at ion index and Nei index, the genetic diversity followed a decreasing order: coniferous
forest > broad-leaved mixed forest > evergreen broad-leaved forest. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that 69.73%
of the genetic variance existed within populations and 30.27% of the genetic variance existed among populations. The coefficient
of gene differentiation (GST) was 0.2319 and the gene flow (N
m) was 1.6539. The mean of genetic identity among populations of Q. glandulifera was 0.8501 and the mean of genetic distance was 0.1626. The genetic identity between the Q. glandulifera population in the coniferous forest and that in the coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest was the highest. UPGMA cluster
analysis based on Nei’s genetic distance showed that the population in the coniferous forest gathered with that in the coniferous
and broad-leaved mixed forest firstly, then with that in the evergreen broad-leaved forest. The genetic structure of Q. glandulifera was not only characteristic of the biological characteristics of this species, but was also influenced by the microenvironment
in different communities.
Translated from Journal of Northwest Forestry University, 2008, 23(1): 18–22 [译自: 西北林学院学报] 相似文献
Tadahisa Urano 《Journal of Forest Research》2000,5(3):187-193
This study investigated the number of adults ofPlatypus quercivorus (Murayama) captured on host oak (Quercus spp.) trees, the attack density (the number of entry holes per 100 cm2), and the number of emerging adults to clarify the relationships between the beetle’s colonization on trees in oak stands
and tree mortality. The initial attack ofP. quercivorus, which was the most intense attack, was observed on most living trees simultaneously. Although some attacked trees died within
the year of the attack or in the next year, a high density of attack did not usually cause the death of host trees. Surviving
trees suffered low levels of consecutive attack after the initial attack. BecauseP. quercivorus successfully produced broods only in the dead trees, the population of the insect seems to be maintained only in stands where
oak mortality occurs. However, the adults that landed on most of the surviving trees appeared unable to reproduce probably
due to degradation of host quality. Thus, oak mortality probably ceases within 3 or 4 years after the start of infestation
in a stand, with subsequent reductions in population density of the borer. 相似文献
This study deals with grazing in kunugi (Quercus acutissima) forests in the Aso district of Kyushu Island in southwest Japan. These forests are managed for production of bed-logs for
shiitake mushrooms and cow-calf farming. One of their characteristics is short-term rotation such as 10–15 years for bed-logs
and a year for calf production. A forest grazing experiment was begun in Minamioguni to look at forest growth, vegetation
change and grazing intensity. Stem densities dropped in a few years. After sprout cutting, they also dropped gradually, then
stabilized. Although grazing caused tree damage and suppressed tree growth, grazing intensity of up to 150 cow-days/ha·year
did not harm forest regeneration. Herbage volume decreased as grazing was repeated and trees grew. Another investigation of
kunugi grazing forests in Minamioguni and Asaji showed the correlation betweenRy (yield index in Stand density diagram) and grazing capacity could be expressed with a regression equation. The results were
also used to design a yield table for kunugi grazing forests. The yield table has items ofRy and grazing capacity in addition to usual yield table items, and can indicate timber yield and grazing capacity at the same
time. The table estimates that proper grazing capacity is 60–80 cow-days/ha·year in wild grass sites. In the light of these
results, an optimal management plan was proposed as a diagram integrating stem density, forest yield, and forest management. 相似文献
Response of two oak species to extensive defoliation: Tree growth and vigor, phytochemistry, and herbivore suitability 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study was developed to experimentally determine whether the differential mortality of white oak versus black oak observed following defoliation events in the oak-dominated forests of the central hardwoods region of the eastern USA may be due to differences in carbon allocation between the two species. Black oak and white oak growing in a common garden were artificially defoliated (90%) using scissors in two consecutive years. Concurrent with the second defoliation event, herbivore performance and phytochemical characteristics were measured, followed immediately by measures of tree growth. In the dormant season following the second defoliation event, roots were sampled to assess tree vigor. Species-specific differences in foliar chemistry and herbivory were evident, regardless of defoliation. Defoliation-induced changes in above-ground biomass were evident in white oak, but not black oak. Defoliation-induced changes in foliar chemistry were more evident in black oak; these were reflected in greater differences in herbivore suitability. Herbivore consumption was correlated with depressed foliar C:N ratios and elevated foliar nitrogen. White oak root starch concentrations were markedly lower in defoliated trees, suggesting that white oak vigor is especially sensitive to resource limitations in the form of photosynthate loss. The implications of these results with respect to defoliation events and white oak mortality, as well as potential phylogenetic differences in response to severe defoliation between the red and white oak groups, are discussed. 相似文献
An herbivorous insect, the green oak leaf roller (Tortrix viridana) and one of its host species, pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), were investigated for their genetic variation within and among populations on the basis of mitochondrial, chloroplast, and anonymous markers. Oaks and green oak leaf rollers from 10 oak stands in North Rhine-Westphalia (North-Western Germany) were examined. The genetic variation of pedunculate oaks is much lower within than among populations when assessed using chloroplast gene markers and higher among populations when assessed using anonymous markers. When using mitochondrial and AFLP markers, the genetic variation of the green oak leaf roller populations was higher within than among the populations, which suggests a high gene flow between the populations. Mantel tests on the gene diversities of oaks and the green oak leaf roller yielded a significant negative correlation for both marker types. To sum up, the reasons for the differences in the spatial patterns of the genetic variation of the host and herbivorous insect may be found in their different generation times, mechanisms and capacities for dispersal.The results for the green oak leaf roller revealed a higher migration rate than assumed before which has consequences for the prediction of the dynamics of future outbreak events. 相似文献
The survival and growth of Quercus germana Schltdl. & Cham., Q. xalapensis Humb. & Bonpl. and Magnolia dealbata Zucc. was evaluated in three treatments: (1) under the canopy of Pinus maximinoi H.E. Moore; (2) under the canopy of Liquidambar macrophylla Oersted, and (3) in open areas. The following hypothesis was presented: P. maximinoi and L. macrophylla canopy facilitate the establishment of Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis, and Magnolia dealbata. After one year, the survival of seedlings and the growth rate in height and basal diameter were significantly different between treatments and species (p < 0.05). The results suggest a facilitation establishment of Magnolia dealbata under the canopy of Pinus and Liquidambar, whereas the tolerance was observed for Quercus germana and Q. xalapensis. The results will allow to identify restoration strategies of the mountain cloud forest in Mexico.Resumen. Se evaluó la supervivencia y crecimiento de Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis y Magnolia dealbata, en tres tratamientos; (1) bajo el dosel de Pinus maximinoi, (2) bajo el dosel de Liquidambar macrophylla y (3) en áreas abiertas. La hipótesis planteada fue; la cobertura de P. maximinoi y L. macrophylla facilitan el establecimiento de Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis y Magnolia dealbata. Después de un año, la sobrevivencia de plántulas, y las tasas de crecimiento en altura y diámetro de la base, fueron significativamente diferentes entre tratamientos y especies (p < 0.05). Los resultados sugieren que el establecimiento de Magnolia dealbata es facilitado bajo el dosel de Pinus y Liquidambar, mientras que para Quercus germana y Q. xalapensis se observó tolerancia. Los resultados permitirán identificar estrategias de rehabilitación del bosque mesófilo de montaña en México. 相似文献