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Potato by-products are an important component of cattle feeding operations throughout the Pacific Northwest. In turn, without cattle feeding operations, potato processors would have a major disposal problem with potato waste. It is estimated that 98% of the cattle throughout the Pacific Northwest are being fed potato waste in one form or another. This inexpensive energy source allows cattle feeders in the Pacific Northwest to feed cattle at a competitive price compared with cattle feeders in the Great Plains region.  相似文献   

关于推进中国奶牛全混合日粮饲养技术的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
全混合日粮(total mixed ration ,TMR)饲养技术的使用能够保证奶牛摄入均衡的营养,节省大量的人力和物力,并提高奶牛的生产性能,在中国加快推进TMR饲养技术有着重要的现实意义。而中国现阶段奶牛的饲养模式主要以小规模养殖为主,由于缺乏资金和技术支持,大多数中、小型奶牛场、养殖户还不能使用TMR饲喂技术来提高奶牛生产性能。TMR配送服务是由专门的配送公司集中生产不同饲养阶段的TMR日粮,再提供给周边养牛户的一种生产配送形式。此种方式可以使小规模奶牛养殖户也能用到TMR饲喂技术,从而提高奶牛生产水平,增加养殖者收益,并且推进TMR技术在中国的推广和应用。  相似文献   

“晋南牛饲养管理配套技术推广”是山西省科委1999年度下达“山西省农村技术承包”项目,其目的是针对我区广大农户养牛饲养管理粗放、商品牛出栏率低、产肉率低、母牛繁殖成活率低、经济效益差等缺点,通过采用肉牛杂交改良,改良肉牛饲养管理、加强母牛饲养营养、犊牛培育、秸杆氨化、放牧牛冬春补饲等配套技术,达到提高养牛业科技含量,增加养牛业经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

In a convenience sample of 100 feedlot operations (included in the United States Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 1994 Cattle on Feed Evaluation), up to 25 cattle fecal samples were collected and tested for the presence of Salmonella from each of two pens (the pen which contained the most-recent arrivals, and the pen with cattle that had been on feed the longest). One or more Salmonella spp. were recovered from 38 (38.0%) of the 100 feedlots, 52 (26.0%) of the 200 pens and 273 (5.5%) of the 4977 fecal samples collected. Multivariable logistic regression indicated that feeding tallow and feeding whole cottonseed or cottonseed hulls within seven days prior to fecal sample collection was associated with an increased risk of finding Salmonella in a pen. Variables not found to be significantly associated with the detection of Salmonella in a pen included region, operation size, use of sprinklers, time on feed, type of cattle in the pen, number and concentration of cattle in a pen, feeding probiotics, and various other feeds.  相似文献   

李琦珂  曹幸穗 《草业科学》2013,30(2):306-309
抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区的奶业方兴未艾。以光华农场为代表的奶业科研及生产机构,大力开展奶畜育种、饲养、管理、防疫等方面的科研工作,试验制作奶酪、奶皮、奶油、酸奶等奶制品,成为了边区奶业的技术扩散源。抗日军民对牛、羊奶的大量需求,客观上促进了边区奶业技术的传播与辐射,但受经济条件、饮食习惯以及市场流通等多重因素的影响和制约,边区奶业技术扩散呈现出比较复杂的情形。  相似文献   

杨陵区奶牛养殖户高撑宽因奶价过低而倒掉鲜奶事件引起了一系列连锁反应,给畜牧工作者以深刻的启示。建议政府的农业部门要在牛奶的生产和消费两个方面进行调控,使产和销有机结合;奶农要有市场意识,应积极应对市场风险;农业科技人员要利用科技优势,为奶农服务,降低农民养奶牛的风险,使奶业有序发展。  相似文献   

奶牛产业是甘南州的优势特色产业.通过提高农牧民对奶牛产业的认识,建立奶牛生产优势带,加强奶牛品种良种化建设,推广科学饲养管理方法,有利于促进农牧民增收和甘南奶牛产业可持续发展.  相似文献   

在目前全国各地肉牛产业飞速发展的形势下,北方非传统肉牛养殖区也开始将产业重点向肉牛养殖业调整。对北方非传统肉牛养殖区的生态环境、肉牛品种、饲养管理、产业发展和肉牛交易等特点进行了分析。在该基础上,因地制宜地提出北方非传统肉牛养殖区肉牛品种改良方案。该方案分为2个阶段实施,第1阶段为基础母牛安格斯化:利用红安格斯牛作为父本,对当地黄牛进行杂交改良,实现基础母牛群体安格斯化;第2阶段为两品种轮回杂交:选用另一专门化肉牛品种与红安格斯牛为主要父本品种,开展两品种轮回杂交,建立优质肉牛高效繁育技术体系。通过制定该技术方案,以期为北方非传统肉牛养殖区开展黄牛改良和发展特色经济提供技术指导。  相似文献   

The stocker industry is one of many diverse production and marketing activities that make up the United States beef industry. The stocker industry is probably the least understood industry sector and yet it plays a vital role in helping the industry exploit its competitive advantage of using forage resources and providing an economical means of adjusting the timing and volume of cattle and meat in a complex market environment.  相似文献   

Corn milling byproducts are expected to increase dramatically in supply as the ethanol industry expands. Distillers grains, corn gluten feed, or a combination of both byproducts offer many feeding options when included in feedlot rations. These byproduct feeds may effectively improve cattle performance and operation profitability. When these byproducts are fed in feedlot diets, adjustments to grain processing method and roughage level may improve cattle performance. Innovative storage methods for wet byproducts and the use of dried byproducts offer small operations flexibility when using byproducts. As new byproducts are developed by ethanol plants, they should be evaluated with performance data to determine their product-specific feeding values.  相似文献   

The United States dairy processing sector is dynamic and adaptive to new changes in the market place. Changes in consumer preferences and manufacturing technologies are resulting in new challenges to the processing sector. Consumers want a wider array of quality dairy products. Fluid processors are adapting to changing consumer demands for beverage products by introducing new flavors, providing ultrapasteurization, and using creative packaging. In addition, United States food manufacturers are requesting dairy processors to provide new dairy fractions such as MPC for new nutrition products. United States dairy policy is attempting to adapt to these changes. Federal order reform has resulted in new market-oriented signals for dairy farmers to produce what the market wants; namely, quality milk components. US dairy farmers, however, also wants to maintain programs such as the DPSP that have had the unfortunate consequence of spurring demand for protein imports (i.e., MPCs, casein, and caseinates) and also resulted in a disincentive to produce these new innovative protein products here in the United States. Surplus skim milk solids are now moving into US Government warehouses rather than into commercial markets. The future of the United States dairy industry will clearly be toward producing innovative products that the market wants. There is a strong market for dairy products not only here in the United States but also overseas, which will mean learning to compete on a global scale. The challenge is to modernize our United States milk pricing programs to provide dairy farmers and processors proper price signals while providing a minimum level of support to dairy farmers. The benefit of a greater orientation toward the market place will be stronger rates of growth for United States-produced dairy products.  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, recycled poultry bedding has been used as an economical feedstuff for beef cattle. It has been extensively studied at several experiment stations around the world with regard to its safety and nutritional aspects. It will continue to be closely scrutinized as the public increases its awareness of agricultural issues. As this study was being prepared, the news media was "spotlighting" bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Currently, in the United States there is a ban on incorporation of mammalian-derived protein feeds into ruminant diets. This has led to a requirement of beef cattle producers signing affidavits indicating that they had met this obligation. Some poultry companies use ruminant meat and bone meal in broiler diets when least-cost formulation indicates that it is economically desirable. This then poses the question of whether feeding RPB to beef cattle should be permitted if the birds had been fed ruminant meat and bone meal. It also raises the question of whether cattle grazing pastures fertilized with RPB are exposed to ruminant meat and bone meal. Because of the importance of pasture fertilization as a waste disposal solution for the poultry industry, it seems that the issue will be quickly resolved by omitting the ruminant meat and bone meal from poultry diets should concerns increase. Use of RPB, like many byproduct feeds, requires a higher level of management expertise than traditional feeds. Despite the potential problems discussed in this study, an informed beef cattle producer can gain a financially competitive edge by using RPB. A simple processing method, deep-stacking under polyethylene sheeting, can produce a safe product that will provide a complete diet when blended with an energy source and supplemented with some long-stem fiber. The diets can be used for both brood cows and stocker calves for extended periods of time, and the practice of feeding RPB is safe for both cattle and consumers [45]. Economic parameters will influence the future use of RPB; however, the general public's perception and acceptance will ultimately determine its long-term use.  相似文献   

Transmission of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) among wildlife and livestock has created important risks for conservation and agriculture. Management strategies aimed at controlling TB have typically been top-down, regionally focused, and government-led programs that were at best only partially successful. The purpose of this study was to quantify co-mingling of elk and white-tailed deer (WTD) with cattle at multiple spatial scales (i.e., the regional farm scale and winter cattle feeding area patch) in southwestern Manitoba, Canada, to assess the potential for bovine tuberculosis transmission and identify alternative management strategies. For each spatial scale we quantified use of cattle farms by elk and white-tailed deer. We mailed questionnaires to rural households and then conducted personal interviews with 86 cattle farmers to map the spatial distribution of their cattle winter feeding areas at a fine scale. We deployed Global Positioning System (GPS) collars on 48 wild elk and 16 wild white-tailed deer from 2003 to 2011. Elk were observed on farms by 66% of cattle producers, including 5% and 20% who observed direct and indirect contact, respectively, between elk and cattle. Cattle producers consistently (≈100%) observed white-tailed deer on their farms, including 11% and 47% whom observed direct and indirect contact, respectively, between white-tailed deer and cattle. A higher probability of white-tailed deer–cattle contact at the regional scale occurs on farms that (1) left crop residues specifically for wildlife, (2) had larger cattle herds, (3) used round bale feeders, and (4) were farther away from protected areas. None of the GPS-collared elk locations overlapped with cattle winter feeding areas. In contrast, 21% of GPS-collared white-tailed deer locations overlapped with winter cattle winter feeding areas (22% of these were from male WTD and 78% were from female WTD). White-tailed deer selected cattle winter feeding areas with higher (1) forage crop, (2) grassland/rangeland, and (3) forest cover around the cattle feeding area. Farmers overall expressed strongly negative attitudes toward eradicating the elk population or fencing the park to eradicate TB, but were generally supportive of less invasive and farm-based approaches. Our results suggested that management efforts to prevent TB transmission at the wildlife-agriculture interface can be effectively implemented using a ‘bottom-up’ approach that focuses on practical, farm-based mitigation strategies. This approach can be implemented by individual farm operators, is relatively low cost, and is generally well supported by farmers relative to other more extreme and controversial measures like wildlife eradication.  相似文献   

随着我国奶产业及其它草食畜牧业转型和升级步伐的加快,市场对优质牧草的需求快速增加,特别是从美国进口苜蓿(Medicago sativa)呈"井喷式"增长态势。我国苜蓿作为一个产业发展只是近年来才起步。尽管国内苜蓿生产满足不了强大的市场需求,但研究其国际市场贸易,可以有效借鉴国际经验,尽快赶上国际苜蓿贸易发展水平。美国是苜蓿生产和贸易大国,以美国为研究对象,分析其苜蓿贸易趋势和经验,并提出相关启示对我国苜蓿贸易具有重要意义。研究结果表明,美国苜蓿愈加受到各国青睐,出口量不断增加,出口价格不断上涨;高标准、严要求的苜蓿产品质量是保障出口强有力的前提,高水平的营销策略是推动出口的重要驱动力,强大的信息追溯体系是保障质量的重要手段,低成本的运输系统是美国苜蓿出口竞争力提升的重要条件。国内应重视苜蓿国际贸易市场,提高营销策略,完善二次压缩技术,降低交通运输成本,规范实体产业并建设草产品质量追溯体系,尽快提升我国苜蓿生产水平和质量档次,从而提升苜蓿产业的竞争力。  相似文献   

A beef diet model based on National Research Council recommendations is significantly nonlinear for feed ingredients, daily gain and weight of cattle. Solving a diet model has been difficult, but advances in nonlinear programming now allow solutions that are quick and easy. This study developed a nonlinear programming method for optimally planning a feeding program by choosing feeds, daily gains and selling weight. Two types of diets are important for this purpose:optimal-return diets and least-cost-gain diets. For a given weight of cattle, an optimal-return diet chooses feeds and daily gain to maximize returns above feed costs. A least-cost-gain diet chooses feeds and daily gain to minimize feed plus yardage costs per kilogram of gain. In an optimal feeding program, a sequence of optimal-return diets is fed to increasing weights of cattle. Feed costs plus yardage per kilogram of gain rise to equal the actual selling price at the optimal selling weight, and the cattle are sold. Cattle feeders and researchers with access to a microcomputer can maximize net returns from a feeding program.  相似文献   

The development of a beef industry, heavily dependent on corn utilization, began to occur in the 1940s. Begun as a means to add value to the grain while improving consumer acceptance of beef, corn has become an integral part of beef production. Developments in the 21st century including unprecedented cattle prices, changes in beef demand, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, surge in energy costs, pricing differentiation of cattle prices based on quality, and industry consolidation have dramatically changed the price of corn and cost of beef production. The future of the beef industry will be dependent on our ability to continue producing high-quality beef for a global market through effective use of genetics, new technologies, and economic management strategies.  相似文献   

蚕业产业化经营的内涵与模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蚕业产业化经营是社会主义市场经济发展的要求,是蚕丝业可持续发展的需要。它的内涵是以市场为导向,以蚕农为基础,以龙头企业或合作经济组织为依托,以经济效益为中心,以以系列化服务为手段,通过实行种养加、农工贸一体化经营,把茧丝绸行业的各个生产经营和内外销机制联结为一个完整的体系,实现区域化布局、专业化规模生产,以达到生产要素的合理配置和经济效益的最大化。它的基本模式有公司+蚕农,合作经济组织+蚕农,专业  相似文献   

为了克服肉牛品种选育和饲养管理中存在操作不规范、数据记录不全、数据保存不完整等问题,提高肉牛养殖场信息化管理水平,提高企业的经济效益.本文根据肉牛饲养和牛场管理的需要,以Visual Studi0 2008为系统开发平台,利用VB.NET面向对象编程语言和SQL Server 2005大型关系数据库及Crystal Reports(水晶报表)技术进行系统开发.构建了基于VB.NET和SQL Server的肉牛场信息管理系统,系统包括文件、牛群管理、生产管理、育种管理、库存管理、人事管理、统计分析、系统维护和帮助九个主要功能模块.该系统实现了肉牛生产的系统化和牛场管理的信息化,促进肉牛品种选育的进程,降低企业的管理成本,有效地提高了肉牛养殖的效率.  相似文献   

:受中国工程院委托 ,考察昆明、南宁、梧州、北海、贵阳等城市的奶牛业现状和前景。几个中心城市草地资源丰富、奶业市场、牛源、技术潜力巨大 ,前景广阔。但现阶段存在经营方式不完善、龙头企业薄弱以及政策、饲养系统、品种等制约因素 ,对此提出解决办法  相似文献   

我国奶牛养殖业作为畜牧业当中最具活力、潜力的产业之一,整体呈现发展态势良好,但由于起步相对较晚,以及受到经济投入低、养殖水平低、市场不完善等各方面因素的影响,相较于奶牛养殖产业较为发达的国家,当前奶牛养殖产业还存在经营方式过于粗放、优质饲料投喂不足、乳制品产业结构不科学、疾病防控能力不足等问题。本文对我国奶牛养殖产业的存栏、产量、生产区域等发展现状进行了系统分析,分别从全面推广奶牛养殖产业化发展模式、推进奶牛饲草料开发利用体系建设、引导乳品企业技术改革创新、基于多元措施强化疾病防治工作等方面提出优化措施与建议,供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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