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一听兽药营销,大部分经销商的第一感觉是这只是生产企业应该考虑的问题,其实在现今的市场中,作为经销商也应该有营销的理念,可能有人会认为这是在小题大做,那么,来看看以下的几个现象,你就会发现兽药营销跟经销商也密切相关了。  相似文献   

正畜牧行业的会议营销(以下简称会销‘)最早是一些外资企业在做,国内的企业基本上没有做的。而在2007年左右,会议营销从畜药企业开始火起来,进而蔓延整个行业。而值得我们注意的是,这时的禽药  相似文献   

兽药营销渠道的构建与维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兽药行业竞争日趋激烈,有引起企业因为在竞争中比较盲目而退出,饮料企业也是如此,作为销售渠道,是产品的战场,如何失去了渠道,就相当于失去了作战的资格,如何构建和维护销售渠道呢,本文会给您一些启示。[编者按]  相似文献   

对于会议营销想必大家已不再陌生,在兽药行业,最近几年各种各样的会议营销大有“风生水起”之势,这些会议多是由企业举办,参会人员则是经销商和规模养殖场,但是云南省陆良县的一个经销商,却在近两年的时间里,举办了大大小小的会议10多场,而最近(9月10日和18日)的这两次会议,单个会场的参会人员已达到了八十多人,他就是云南省陆良县新农兽药服务中心的钱国武。钱先生自2002年开始经营兽药,至今也仅有7年的时间,而且由于当地是养猪大县,所以他的产品有3/4是猪药,但是目前他的年销量已经突破了120万。  相似文献   

提起洛阳惠中经销商们都会竖起大拇指,都感叹于它的发展之快、产品创新之快,在同行中它有着极好的口碑,每一个行业人都对它刮目相看。虽然有很多人认识惠中但是对于他的了解却并不深.为此本刊记者对惠中集团宋永军、王栓伟两位副总裁和企划部蔡运磊先生进行了采访.让我们来看一看一个优秀的兽药企业是如何谱写今日的辉煌的。[编者按]  相似文献   

2006年是行业最不好做的一年,好多大企业都面临着亏损状况,同样也是销售人员最不好做业务的一年,但要想比别人活的好,就一定要有一些超常的技能。  相似文献   

在经常去基层做市场调研的时候,听到最多的一句话是现在的兽药越来越难做,竞争越来越激烈,生存发展的压力也越来越大。为什么会有这种抱怨呢?因为时代不同了,社会在进步,行业在变化,市场也同样在逐渐被整合。从80年代开始到现在,兽药行业经历了不同的变革时期,终端客户.经销商、兽药企业乃至行业主管部门等都在这种变革中不断进步和升级,  相似文献   

目前,大多数兽药企业都非常重视兽药营销资源.尤其是渠道资源及其建设,但都存在渠道不稳固、忠诚客户少、专营客户少的现象,有的企业在某些市场甚至与同行竞相上演着你方唱罢我登场的戏曲.这也成就了兽药企业的又一营销困局。  相似文献   

一 会议营销的三个目的 兽药经销商进行会议营销时一般有三个目的:一是产品推广;二是标杆复制(模式复制);三是应用技术传播。企业在实际会议营销中有时侧重于其中一个目的,有时三个目的同时并存。  相似文献   

张国红 《北方牧业》2006,(19):29-29
<正> 一、兽药销售渠道的构建模式1 金字塔式传统模式兽药传统销售渠道中的经典模式是兽药生产企业——总经销商——二级批发商——三级批发商——零售店——兽医——养殖场(户),渠道运作由总经销商控制,这样的销售网络存在着先天不足。在许多产品可实现高利润、价格体系不透明、市场缺少规则的情况下,销售网络中普遍存在的“灰色地带”使许多经销商实现了所谓的超常规发展。多层次的销售网络不仅进一步瓜分了渠道利润,而且经销商不规范的操作手段如竞相杀价、跨区销售等也常常造成严重的网络冲突;更重要的是,兽药经销商掌握的巨大市场资源,几乎成了生产企业的心头之患——销售网络漂移,可控性差。金字塔式的兽药销售渠道模式,辐射能力强,为生产企业产品占领市场发挥出巨大的作用。但  相似文献   

Prenatal mortality remains one of the major constraints for the commercial pig industry in North America. Twenty to thirty per cent of the conceptuses are lost early in gestation and an additional 10-15% is lost by mid-to-late gestation. Research over the last two decades has provided critical insights into how uterine capacity, placental efficiency, genetics, environment, nutrition and immune mechanisms impact successful conceptus growth; however, the exact cause and effect relationship in the context of foetal loss has yet to be determined. Similar to other mammalian species such as the human, mouse, rat, and primates, immune cell enrichment occurs at the porcine maternal-foetal interface during the window of conceptus attachment. However, unlike other species, immune cells are solely recruited by conceptus-derived signals. As pigs have epitheliochorial placentae where maternal and foetal tissue layers are separate, it provides an ideal model to study immune cell interactions with foetal trophoblasts. Our research is focused on the immune-angiogenesis axis during porcine pregnancy. It is well established that immune cells are recruited to the maternal-foetal interface, but their pregnancy specific functions and how the local milieu affects angiogenesis and inflammation at the site of foetal arrest remain unknown. Through a better understanding of how immune cells modulate crosstalk between the conceptus and the mother, it might be possible to therapeutically target immune cells and/or their products to reduce foetal loss. In this review, we provide evidence from the literature and from our own work into the immunological factors associated with porcine foetal loss.  相似文献   

Eight cases are described of young Cocker Spaniels with severe congestive heart failure that fulfil the criteria for a diagnosis of congestive cardiomyopathy. The differential diagnosis of cardiomyopathy and primary mitral/tricuspid valve disease is discussed. Clinical, radiographic, electro-cardiographic, therapeutic and pathological details are reported. An analysis of pedigree records revealed a close ancestral relationship between six of the dogs.  相似文献   

Guyonnet, J., Elliott, J., Kaltsatos, V. A preclinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic approach to determine a dose of spironolactone for treatment of congestive heart failure in dog. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 33 , 260–267. Fifteen Beagle dogs were used to describe the anti‐aldosterone effect of spironolactone (0, 0.8, 2 and 8 mg/kg) in a hyperaldosteronism model. The magnitude of the aldosterone response observed in this model was very similar to the one described in a dog with congestive heart failure (CHF). Each dog was allocated to a treatment group according to a 5 × 5 Latin square crossover design for five periods with a washout period of 7 days between each period. A maximal possible effect (Emax) model was employed to determine the basic pharmacodynamic parameters of spironolactone, measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography, in antagonizing the renal effects of aldosterone. The change in urinary sodium/potassium ratio in response to a single dose of aldosterone was calculated. The inhibition of this response by oral spironolactone administration was assessed. Aldosterone alone decreased sodium excretion by approximately 35% and urinary potassium concentrations increased by 25%, whereas the urine volume decreased, as expected. The effect of aldosterone on the Na+/K+ ratio was completely reversed (88% inhibition) at a dose of 2 mg spironolactone/kg, while at the dose of 0.8 mg/kg, partial reversal was seen (27.5% inhibition). Urine flow rate was not significantly modified by either aldosterone treatment or aldosterone with spironolactone. The dose of spironolactone required to inhibit the action of aldosterone by 50% (ED50) was estimated to be 1.08 ± 0.28 mg/kg. The Emax was a ratio of 1.089 ± 0.085, close to the observed value in negative control group (1.00 ± 0.18). The proposed spironolactone dose using this Emax model was 2 mg/kg b.w. once daily for the management.  相似文献   

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