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The root rot widely seen in hyacinth was found to be caused byPythium spp. instead of byFusarium culmorum. Of sixPythium species isolated, three, includedP. ultimum andP. violae, were investigated in glasshouse experiments and their pathogenicity demonstrated. In these experiments plants were successfully grown in containers in which an aqueous mist was maintained, or in water cultures. In experimental plots on infected soil, Dexon, a fungicide selective for Pythiaceae, distinctly reduced the number of dead plants and increased yield and bulb size, thus confirming the role ofPythium in causing root rot. Practical application of Dexon deserves further attention.  相似文献   

A severe rot was found on the stems and roots of scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) in Ibaraki Prefecture (Japan) in August 2004. The causal fungus was identified as Pythium myriotylum. We propose the name of stem and root rot of scarlet runner bean (“Kuki-negusare-byo” in Japanese) for this new disease.  相似文献   

Observations on Pythium root rot of wheat and barley   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Severe rot was found at the base of leaves and stems of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis) in Ibaraki Prefecture every year in early September from 2002 through 2004. The causal fungus was identified as Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzpatrick. This is the first report of P. aphanidermatum on Chinese cabbage. A similar disease of Chinese cabbage caused by P. ultimum Trow var. ultimum is known as Pythium rot. We propose adding P. aphanidermatum as a new pathogen of this disease.  相似文献   

Phytophthora sojae is the causal agent of root and stem rot of soybean (Glycine max). Various cultivars with partial resistance to the pathogen have been developed to mitigate this damage. Herein, two contrasting genotypes, the cultivar Conrad (with strong partial resistance) and the line OX760-6 (with weak partial resistance), were compared regarding their amounts of preformed and induced suberin components, and to early events during the P. sojae infection process. To colonize the root, hyphae grew through the suberized middle lamellae between epidermal cells. This took 2 to 3 h longer in Conrad than in OX760-6, giving Conrad plants more time to establish their chemical defenses. Subsequent growth of hyphae through the endodermis was also delayed in Conrad. This cultivar had more preformed aliphatic suberin than the line OX760-6 and was induced to form more aliphatic suberin several days prior to that of OX760-6. However, the induced suberin was formed subsequent to the initial infection process. Eventually, the amount of induced suberin (measured 8 days postinoculation) was the same in both genotypes. Preformed root epidermal suberin provides a target for selection and development of new soybean cultivars with higher levels of expression of partial resistance to P. sojae.  相似文献   

Pink root rot of squash (Cucurbita moschata) caused by Setophoma terrestris was found in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan in July 2007. Cucumber grafted on the squash first developed wilt and finally blight. These symptoms followed a severe pink root rot of the squash rootstock. The fungal isolates from diseased roots were identified as S. terrestris based on morphological characteristics and nucleotide sequences. One isolate induced a similar pink root rot but not entire wilting of the cucumber vine. We propose the name “pink root rot” (koshoku-negusare-byo in Japanese) of squash for the new disease.  相似文献   

An isolate of the fungus Fusarium culmorum constitutively expressing green fluorescent protein was used to investigate the infection process and host response of primary seedling roots and stem base leaf sheaths of soft wheat cv. Genio. Disease progress was assessed macroscopically by visual symptoms, microscopically by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and via gene expression analysis of fungal and wheat genes by real‐time quantitative RT‐PCR. In the roots, CLSM investigations revealed an initial intercellular and subsequent intracellular colonization by fungal hyphae. The fungus invaded the rhizodermal layer and cortex but was not seen to colonize the stele. The fungus consistently expressed TRI5 (24, 48 and 96 h post‐inoculation), indicating that trichothecenes were being synthesized throughout this phase of infection and colonization. The expression of the six host defence‐associated genes (Wheatwin 1‐2, PR1, Chitinase, PAL, WIR1 and LOX) increased early in infection and decreased during later stages. In the stem base, CLSM observations revealed the fungus sequentially penetrating though the first, second and third basal leaf sheaths. Expression of TRI5 was initiated early in the infection of each leaf sheath. The expression of the host defence‐associated genes varied over time and across leaf sheaths, and all were also expressed in leaf sheaths which had not yet been in contact with the fungus. Expression of LOX and WIR1 were particularly enhanced in the third leaf sheath.  相似文献   

Brown root rot of Russell prairie gentian was observed in the Aomori Prefecture, Japan in April 2011. The fungal isolate from the diseased root was identified as Subplenodomus drobnjacensis on the basis of its morphological characteristics and nucleotide sequences. The isolate induced similar root rot symptoms when inoculated in healthy Russell prairie gentian plants. We proposed the name “brown root rot” for this disease.  相似文献   

The effect of microjet, drip, and two durations of sprinkler irrigation systems on phytophthora crown and root rot of apple trees was examined under field conditions. This eight year study indicates that crown and root rot caused byPhytophthora cactorum was most severe where young MM. 106 rootstock trees were watered by microjet irrigation for 2.3 h each day. There was no difference in infection byP. cactorum when trees were irrigated either by drip or sprinkler irrigation systems. The MM.106 apple rootstock trees watered by drip irrigation for 2.6 h each day were least affected by phytophthora crown and root rot.  相似文献   

Fusarium rot of melon, caused by species of the genus Fusarium, has become an important postharvest disease for many Brazilian producers. Due to the delayed onset of symptoms, this disease is often only detected when fruits arrive at the importing country, thus generating economic loss for the exportation of the fruit. This study was developed with the aim of investigating which Fusarium species cause fruit rot in melon and to evaluate any differences in aggressiveness and development of symptoms. Species were identified through phylogenetic analysis of two loci and morphological markers. The 28 isolates obtained from diseased melon fruits of different commercial cultivars were identified as Fusarium falciforme (FSSC), F. sulawesiense, F. pernambucanum (FIESC), and F. kalimantanense (FOSC). Three isolates belong to a new phylogenetic lineage within the F. fujikuroi species complex (FFSC). All isolates were tested for pathogenicity, and first symptoms of rot in Canary melon were observed 2 days after inoculation. Isolates of F. falciforme and F. sulawesiense were shown to be more aggressive. Our results extend information on Fusarium species that cause fruit rot in melon and support the development of management strategies, as there is currently no efficient control for this disease. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of species of the FSSC, FOSC, and FFSC from muskmelon fruits in Brazil.  相似文献   

The high-temperature-tolerant Pythium species P. aphanidermatum, P. helicoides, and P. myriotylum cause serious diseases in many crops under hydroponic culture systems in Japan. Control of the diseases is difficult because these zoosporic pathogens spread quickly. In this study, a real-time PCR method was developed for monitoring the spread of zoospores of the three pathogens. Specific primers and TaqMan probes were established using the internal transcribed spacer regions of the rDNA. Specificity was confirmed using known isolates of each species and closely related non-target species. The sensitivity of DNA detection was 10 f. for each pathogen. 10 f. DNA corresponded to 4 P. aphanidermatum, 3 P. myriotylum, and 4 P. helicoides zoospores, respectively. Therefore, this real-time PCR method was used to evaluate and monitor zoospores in the nutrient solutions of ebb-and-flow irrigation systems for potted flower production and closed hydroponic culture systems for tomato production. The results indicated that the pathogens were present in the hydroponic culture systems throughout the year, and spread before disease occurrence.  相似文献   

A new disease has arisen in field grown Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis) in Denmark. The soil-borne causal agent was shown to be Pythium tracheiphilum Matta, a little known pathogen of lettuce. Until now, outbreaks of the disease in Chinese cabbage were generally attributed to Phytophthora porri Foister, since symptoms of the disease in the field resemble those caused by Ph. porri in Chinese cabbage in cold stores. In some severely affected crops harvest losses in 1994, directly attributable to P. tracheiphilum, were estimated to about 50%, corresponding to a market value of up to $ US 20000 per ha. Outbreaks of the disease coincide with the heading of the crop, while juvenile plants or seedlings are apparently not attacked. It appears that the outer leaves are infected directly from the soil. Mainly above ground parts are affected and colonized by the pathogen, and indications of infection via the root system have not been observed. This is the first record of P. tracheiphilum as a pathogen of Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The beneficial endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica colonizes barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots, which results in protection against diseases and...  相似文献   

Pythium species were isolated from seedlings of strawberry with root and crown rot. The isolates were identified as P. helicoides on the basis of morphological characteristics and sequences of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions. In pathogenicity tests, the isolates caused root and crown rot similar to the original disease symptoms. Multiplex PCR was used to survey pathogen occurrence in strawberry production areas of Japan. Pythium helicoides was detected in 11 of 82 fields. The pathogen is distributed over six prefectures.  相似文献   

FluorescentPseudomonas isolates were obtained from Pythium-diseased tulip roots or rhizospheres. A selection of these isolates was tested for root rot-suppressing capabilities, using tulip cultivar Paul Richter (ice-tulip) as host andPythium ultimum P17 as pathogen. With isolate E11.3 root rot suppression was consistently found, but the extent of the effects varied from experiment to experiment. Beneficial effects were obtained after introduction of the bacteria either by mixing them through the soil or by dipping the bulbs in a bacterial suspension, immediately before planting. Application of bacteria in methylcellulose also reduced disease, but is of no practical value as methylcellulose by itself increased disease. In steamed soil, disease was more severe than in natural soil. In both circumstances, however, beneficial effects of bacterization with E11.3 were observed.Samenvatting Fluorescerende pseudomonaden werden geïsoleerd van tulpewortels of uit de rhizosfeer daarvan. Een aantal van deze isolaten is getoetst op wortelrot-onderdrukkend vermogen in een experimenteel systeem met tulpecultivar Paul Richter (vriestulp) als waardplant enPythium ultimum isolaat P17 als pathogeen. Wortelrotonderdrukking werd consequent waargenomen na bacterisatie metPseudomonas isolaat E11.3; de mate waarin rotonderdrukking optrad verschilde echter van experiment tot experiment. Bacterisatie vond plaats òf door de bacteriën door de grond te mengen òf door de bollen vlak voor het planten in een bacteriesuspensie te dompelen. Met beide methoden werden positieve resultaten bereikt. Toedienen van bacteriën in methylcellulose leidde ook tot reductie van de ziekte, maar heeft geen practische betekenis aangezien methylcellulose op zich de ziekte doet toenemen. Wortelrot was ernstiger in gestoomde dan in nietgestoomde grond, maar in beide omstandigheden werkte E11.3 wortelrotonderdrukkend.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi, which stimulate a variety of defence reactions in host plants without causing visible disease symptoms, have been isolated from almost every plant. However, beneficial interactions between fungal endophytes and pathogens from the same habitat remain largely unknown. An inoculation of Atractylodes lancea plantlets with Gilmaniella sp. AL12 (AL12) prior to infection with Fusarium oxysporum prevented the necrotization of root tissues and plant growth retardation commonly associated with fusarium root rot. Quantification of Foxysporum infections using real‐time PCR revealed a correlation between root rot symptoms and the relative amount of fungal DNA. Pretreatment with AL12 reduced the accumulation of reactive oxygen species stimulated by F. oxysporum. An in vitro analysis of their interactions under axenic culture conditions showed AL12 could inhibit F. oxysporum growth. Additionally, F. oxysporum infections were shown to decrease salicylic acid (SA) production compared with control plantlets. SA biosynthesis inhibitors, 2‐aminoindan‐2‐phosphonic acid and paclobutrazol, abolished the inhibition of F. oxysporum growth in A. lancea even after inoculation with AL12. The results indicated that the fungal endophyte protected A. lancea not only by direct antibiosis, but also by reversing the F. oxysporum‐mediated suppression of SA production.  相似文献   

Thielaviopsis basicola has been shown to be a root pathogen of pea of considerable importance in Denmark. The fungus is only found in fields with one or more previous pea crops in the field history. In the dry and warm growing season of 1989 the fungus was found in 0·6% and 3·2% of the fields in two separate areas in Denmark. In the fields where T. basicola was detected the average disease severity index in plant samples was 51·8, whereas the average disease severity index in plant samples without the fungus was 27·0. The average yield of green peas was reduced from 5167 to 4171 kg/ha when T. basicola was present. For detection and isolation of T. basicola it is important to use a technique combining microscopic examination, a semi-selective medium and a dilution plate method.  相似文献   

Four Pseudomonas strains were evaluated for their intrinsic properties conferring their ability to protect long English cucumber against Pythium aphanidermatum in hydroponic culture. Two of the strains, BTP1 and its siderophore-negative mutant M3, increased plant yield as compared with the non-inoculated control plants. Strain BTP7 was intermediate in its biocontrol activity while strain ATCC 17400 failed to reduce disease development. The role of pyoverdines could not be confirmed since treatment with either BTP1 or its siderophore-negative mutant M3 provided similar suppression of Pythium disease. In addition, no siderophores were detected in the nutrient solution. BTP1 did not inhibit pathogen growth in vitro on several media, suggesting that antibiosis was not a mechanism of suppression. Quantification of root bacterial populations did not indicate differences among the strains. On the other hand, roots treated with either BTP1 or its sid mutant M3 contained more antifungal phenolics than roots from any other treatments including controls. These results suggest that antifungal compounds induced by inoculation of cucumber roots with the fluorescent Pseudomonas strains BTP1 and M3 participate actively in the protection of cucumber plants against P. aphanidermatum  相似文献   

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