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陈丽莉 《福建茶叶》2016,(2):135-136
紫砂茶具是历来最受推崇的饮茶器物,其造型生动、气象万千。本文围绕紫砂茶具的造型设计艺术,对其造型进行了分类,并结合各个发展时期的特点,对紫砂茶具的造型设计理念给予总结,并从真善美、虚与实、形与意三个方面分析了紫砂茶具的美学特征。  相似文献   

壶因茶而生,茶与紫砂茶具在同店销售的现象越来越普遍。本文通过运用西方营销理论,从核心产品、外围产品和附加产品的三个层次对茶与紫砂茶具进行了剖析,并提出茶与紫砂茶具的营销策略。同时对当代茶产业发展模式进行了简要分析,认为大多数中国茶企业应做"地方特色个性化产品",成为区域强势品牌,抛弃一味追求做大、做强的发展思路。  相似文献   

李书志 《福建茶叶》2016,(8):145-146
茶文化是中国灿烂历史文化的重要组成部分,茶文化在发展过程中留下了很多器物文明,紫砂茶具是其中最具代表的典范,是中国乃至世界陶艺界的奇迹。紫砂茶具有着其他茶壶不具备的实用性和艺术性,在今天仍被广泛使用。随着现代设计工艺的进步和人们审美水平的不断提高,紫砂茶具应该与时俱进,在汲取传统文化的基础上,融合现代设计精神,设计出更具实用性与艺术性的作品。本文对此进行了探讨。  相似文献   

楼维蓉  陈园明 《茶叶》2005,31(1):63-64
1月~2月 中国茶叶博物馆、《茶博览》杂志社、浙江国际茶人之家基金会联合主办了“品赏古雅——浙江民间收藏茶具精品展”。展览展出了20余位藏家收藏的116件精品,展品时间跨度很大,从早期的西周红陶提梁壶,两晋南北朝的鸡首壶、越窑青釉盏托,一直到明清两代的青花、五彩、粉彩、釉里红茶具、紫砂茶具,概括地反映了我国茶具发展的全貌。展览的茶具品类众多,  相似文献   

紫砂茶具是中国茶具中的重要种类,承载了中华民族的传统文化,尤其是它体现的禅宗思想对当代人们的生活仍有重要的借鉴作用。文章以宜兴紫砂茶具为研究对象,对其造型中禅意审美特征进行了深入研究,结论对继承和发扬传统手工艺中的审美理念和文化底蕴,发展中国的陶瓷文化具有重要理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

紫砂是天地间诞生的一种罕有的矿体物质,它最适宜化身为茶器,让爱茶人参与互动,切磋砥砺、彼此增色。紫砂的故乡,是以“宜兴”命名的一个景色如画、美得像世外桃源一般的地方。不知道,究竟是紫砂的神奇,造就了人杰地灵;还是山明水秀赋予了紫砂的超脱性灵。“宜兴紫砂”,是世界上任何与之相似物质也不能替代的独有品牌,也是中华民族艺术宝库中的稀有精品。紫砂本身本为陶瓷属性,但又介乎于陶、瓷特性之间,同时具备超于二者性能的包容性与独创性。紫砂除了“专业”成就——茶具事业上的成绩卓越,无可媲美;还在“副业”发展——陈设装饰、替用…  相似文献   

"茶文化"是中华文化史上一个重要的组成部分,其内涵丰富,尤其对人的精神生活产生重要影响。而茶具作为"茶文化"的载体,更是不可或缺的元素。在"茶文化"的历史长河中,我国茶具的材质主要分为四大类:瓷器茶具,紫砂茶具,竹木茶具,玻璃茶具。下面笔者就不同材质的茶具外观设计要素进行简要归类和分析。  相似文献   

张琰  吴懿 《福建茶叶》2016,(6):284-285
本文首先对茶艺的概念、要素、发展和特点进行了全面的论述,其次分析了茶艺中茶具艺术的产生和发展,并针对性的论述了紫砂茶具的发展变迁及其对茶艺研究的重要价值,最后提出当代茶文化中茶艺与茶具艺术的演变及优化途径。  相似文献   

《中国历代茶具》本书介绍了从远古彩陶饮器到魏晋青瓷茶具,从隋、唐、五代、宋、元、明、清到近代、现代共100多种茶具,书后附录了历代茶书、主要窑址地理图等。8万字, 222幅精美图片。余彦焱著浙江摄影出版社出版邮购价143.8元  相似文献   

宜兴紫砂是中国陶瓷艺术中的一颗璀璨明珠,而仿真雕塑更是宜兴紫砂器中的一朵奇葩。紫砂泥特有的可塑性,为宜兴紫砂艺人提供了广阔的创作空间。2006年,宜兴紫砂传统手工技艺就入选第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。宜兴紫砂始自北宋,盛于明清,雕塑内容与题材也是丰富多彩,代有精品;在紫砂艺人的巧手之下,梅桩、干柴、果蔬、动物……无一例外地被提炼成形并赋予生命,巧夺天工栩栩如生。历代名家辈出,供春、时大彬、徐友泉、陈鸣远、杨彭年、邵大亨、黄玉麟、程素珍、俞国良、裴石民、吴云根、朱可心,每一位都是名满天下的制陶大师。  相似文献   

吴芝娟 《茶叶》2015,(2):110-113
锡包壶,是指在紫砂坯外用锡器做表面的装饰效果,再刻以铭文、书画,出现在清代。锡包壶的出现可能是紫砂壶在使用过程中有破损,才用锡来修补,而在修补的过程中,逐渐形成了锡包壶,还有玉的结合。或许也受文人饰壶风尚的影响,使得锡与紫砂在清代同时出现在一把壶上面,这表明两者之间在清以前的工艺领域中相互影响着。  相似文献   

‘Dakota Rose’ is a medium-maturing, white-fleshed, red-skinned cultivar that retains its bright red color in storage. Tubers have very smooth skin with an oblong shape. Yields are equivalent, or superior, to ‘Red Norland’, but lower than ‘Red Pontiac’, a late-maturing cultivar. Dakota Rose produces a high percentage of U.S. No. 1 tubers and few oversized tubers. Sensory evaluation scores for baked, boiled, and microwaved potatoes are similar to Red Norland and Red Pontiac, standard red tablestock cultivars. The specific gravity averaged about 1.067 across irrigated and non-irrigated sites, a typical value for a red tablestock cultivar. Adequate skin set for handling has often been difficult to achieve; application of nitrogen early in the growing season, coupled with chemical vinekill 3 weeks prior to harvest aids in minimizing the problem. Dakota Rose was released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station on 17 November 2000.  相似文献   

目的 探讨分别以红参、生晒参(相同产地和参龄)为原料的独参汤中主要化学成分含量的差异、为解释传统中药方剂独参汤的选材和功效提供理论基础.方法:分别以红参、生晒参为原料,按照传统的独参汤的煎煮方法,制备红参独参汤和生晒参独参汤;对两种独参汤进行主要有效组分的萃取分离,得到总脂溶性成分、总皂苷和总水溶性多糖;分别通过GC-MS、HPLC和UV测定其测定其总脂类成分、总皂苷及总水溶性多糖的含量.结果红参独参汤中测得了5种脂类成分,生晒参独参汤中测得了8种脂类成分;红参独参汤中的总皂苷含量为1.3%±0.2%,生晒参独参汤中的总皂苷含量为1.1%±0.2%;总皂苷中含量最多的五种单体皂苷的含量分别为:红参独参汤中Rg1:0.1079%、Rc:0.0801%、Re:0.0614%、Rd:0.0397%、Rb 1:0.0988%,生晒参独参汤中Rg1:0.0752%、Rc:0.0518%、Re:0.0352%、Rd:0.0300%、Rb 1:0.0778%;生晒参独参汤中的水溶性多糖含量约为8.76%,红参独参汤中的水溶性多糖含量约为11.75%.结论红参独参汤中的人参皂苷和人参水溶性多糖的含量均多于生晒参独参汤中的含量,两种独参汤中均含有脂类成分.  相似文献   

Red Cloud is a midseason potato comparable in maturity to Red LaSoda and later than Red Norland. It is characterized by a thick, dark red skin and white flesh. The red skin coloring holds well in storage, longer than either Red LaSoda or Dark Red Norland. Red Cloud produced above average yields in trials conducted in Nebraska, Colorado, Arizona, and Texas, and in the 14 participating States and Provinces of the North Central Regional Potato (NCR) Trial in 1982. Yields of Red Cloud were higher than Dark Red Norland and lower than Red LaSoda in NE (1989–1991), similar to Red Norland in NE and CO (1977–1982) and to Red LaSoda and Dark Red LaSoda in AZ (1978–1982), and similar to Dark Red Norland and lower than Red LaSoda in TX (1982). Red Cloud tends to have more grade outs due to bulging eyes than the above standards. The specific gravity has been consistently greater than standard and other experimental red cultivars. Red Cloud had fewer tubers with hollow heart or vascular discoloration, and fewer tubers with any internal or external defects than Red Norland and Red Pontiac. It has demonstrated heat tolerance in Arizona. The white flesh has a mealy texture. The primary market for Red Cloud is a fresh table potato for boiling, mashing and baking.  相似文献   

NorDonna is a mid-season, red-skinned, white-fleshed cultivar that yields a large percentage of U.S. No. 1 tubers in diverse growing areas under both dryland and irrigated conditions. It tends to have a darker red skin and a lower incidence of hollow heart when compared to other red cultivars. Intended for tablestock use, NorDonna has baking, boiling, and microwaving properties comparable to Red Pontiac or Red Norland. The North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station released NorDonna on April 28, 1995.  相似文献   

IdaRose is a late-maturing, potato variety with round, dark red tubers. It has high yield potential and exceptionally long tuber dormancy. IdaRose was released in 2000 by the USDA/ARS and the experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It resulted from a 1982 cross of Sangre and TXA218-7. IdaRose is suited for use in both the early summer and storage fresh markets. Tuber yield of IdaRose is higher than that of Dark Red Norland and Sangre. It has yield potential similar to or slightly lower than Red LaSoda. Tubers of IdaRose have good internal and external quality. Culinary quality of boiled, baked, and micro-waved IdaRose tubers is excellent. It has moderate resistance to growth cracks, hollow heart, and other defect problems. IdaRose is susceptible or moderately susceptible to most common field diseases of potato. Tubers of IdaRose have dry matter content (19.2%) similar to other standard red varieties, and have a relatively high concentration of sugars and low concentration of glycoalkaloids (2.4 mg/100 g).  相似文献   

由镰孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum falcatum Went)引起的甘蔗赤腐病是导致甘蔗严重损失的重要真菌病害之一,通常被称为甘蔗的"癌症",造成云南临沧、孟连、石屏多片蔗区甘蔗成片死亡,已由次要病害上升为主要病害。由于该病原菌频繁变异导致防控困难,目前对该病害药剂防控效果不理想,仍无有效、彻底的根治措施,甘蔗赤腐病菌变异研究及甘蔗抗病研究是实现病害持久可持续控制的必由之路,本文结合国内外最新研究,重点从甘蔗赤腐病菌形态变异、致病性变异、分子变异分析了甘蔗赤腐病菌遗传变异,论述了甘蔗赤腐病快速分子检测技术及甘蔗品种抗病性、诱导抗病性等分子研究进展;并就深入开展甘蔗赤腐病防控、群体遗传结构和抗性基因挖掘研究进行展望,以期为我国甘蔗赤腐病的研究和防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

云南红皮果蔗是云南蔗区的果蔗新品种,2007年引入贵州试种,2012年在贵州3个县(市)进行区域性试验。试验结果表明:与贵州主栽品种黔糖3号果蔗(CK)比较,该品种适应性广、抗逆性强、商品性好、蔗糖分含量高、早熟;较对照黔糖3号云南红皮果蔗的平均株高高16.95 cm、茎径粗0.14 cm、田间糖分锤度高1.02%、单茎重重0.12 kg、有效茎多0.18株/m2、增产1.18 kg/m2,丰产稳定。  相似文献   

红光和蓝光是植物进行光合作用和光形态建成的主要光质,不同植物对红光和蓝光光质配比的需求有所差异。本研究采用发光二极管(LED)辐射产生的不同光质,探究不同光质对珊瑚姜愈伤组织诱导、芽增殖及组培苗生长发育的影响。结果表明,在愈伤组织诱导阶段,黑暗和红光的条件更利于珊瑚姜愈伤组织的诱导和生长,二者没有显著性差异。不同光质下珊瑚姜愈伤组织诱导率从高到低依次为黑暗>红光>白光>蓝光、红蓝组合光,为节能省电,建议使用黑暗条件诱导珊瑚姜愈伤组织。在珊瑚姜芽增殖阶段,红蓝组合光下珊瑚姜芽增殖系数最高,红光次之。相比白光,红光会促进珊瑚姜组培苗长高,而蓝光使苗矮化。但红光条件下,幼苗生长状态较柔弱。红蓝组合光和白光条件下,幼苗较为健壮。因此,建议使用低耗能、低散热、寿命长的LED红蓝组合光替代普通白炽灯作为珊瑚姜芽增殖培养的光源。该研究结果为LED系统在珊瑚姜的规模化生产中的应用提供参考。   相似文献   

Red rice is the main weed in rice paddy fields. Imidazolinone herbicides in resistant rice cultivars currently provide a unique opportunity to control red rice in large-scale rice fields. However, the continuous use of this technology has resulted in imidazolinone-resistant red rice biotypes. This study aimed to identify the mechanism of herbicide resistance and the frequency and spatial distribution of the known imidazolinone herbicide-resistant alleles in red rice. The nucleotide sequence of the ALS gene indicated that the G654E, S653D and A122T mutations are present in the imidazolinone herbicide-resistant rice cultivars IRGA 422 CL, SATOR CL and PUITÁ INTA CL, respectively. This information and the nucleotide sequence surrounding these mutations were used for the development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) molecular markers to identify the possible mutations that confer herbicide resistance in red rice. This analysis was carried out in a total of 481 plants from 38 populations collected as individuals that escaped control with the herbicides imazethapyr and imazapic in rice paddy fields in Southern Brazil. The G654E mutation was the most frequent, being found in 100% and 90.9% of the populations in the 2006/2007 and 20007/2008 seasons, respectively. In addition, the S653D and A122T mutations were also present either alone or as double or triple mutations in some plants. Target site insensitivity is the predominant mechanism of resistance in red rice resistant to imidazolinone herbicides in Southern Brazil. The high frequency of the S653D mutation, the same mutation responsible for the resistance in the rice cultivar largely used in Southern Brazil, indicates that gene flow is occurring from the rice cultivar to red rice. Management practices related to increasing crop sanitation and decreasing of herbicide selection pressure through crop rotation should be enforced to prevent the evolution of herbicide resistance in red rice.  相似文献   

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