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Twelve wheat varieties were studied for their phytic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, copper and phosphorus contents, which respectively ranged between 114–166, 25.1–53.5, 3.41–5.55, 0.71–3.00, 0.65–1.32 and 298–314 mg/100 g. The molar ratios as Ca:Phy, Phy:Fe, Phy:Zn, Phy:Cu were found to be 0.14–0.29, 1.96–3.86, 5.11–20.5 and 13.0–23.9, respectively. Significant dephytinization, ranging between 35.3 and 69.3% in different varieties, was achieved on exogenous enzymatic treatment. Enzymatic dephytinization in the in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion resulted in significant increase in the bioavailability of essential minerals. The increase in bioavailability of calcium, iron, zinc and copper on exogenous enzymatic dephytinization ranged between, respectively (x-folds): 1.30–1.96, 1.11–1.52, 1.22–1.78 and 1.11–1.73.  相似文献   

Micro-fluidic capillary electrophoresis methodology was developed to analyse grain DNA composition, thus to provide unequivocal distinction between varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). This ‘Lab-on-a-chip’ technology complements protein composition analysis by micro-fluidic capillary electrophoresis, which is already in routine use for variety identification. Whereas it had been difficult to distinguish between some varieties by protein analysis using the Lab-on-a-chip system, distinctions proved to be possible using a combination of DNA extraction and microsatellite analysis, taking advantage of the speed and convenience of DNA chips. Several combinations of microsatellites permitted the DNA analysis system to provide distinction between two wheat varieties and between all but two (Chebec and Schooner) of the main eleven Australian barley varieties (Arapiles, Baudin, Barque, Chebec, Gairdner, Grimmett, Lindwall, Parwan, Schooner, Skiff and Sloop).  相似文献   

Micro-fluidic capillary electrophoresis methodology was developed to analyse grain DNA composition, thus to provide unequivocal distinction between varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). This ‘Lab-on-a-chip’ technology complements protein composition analysis by micro-fluidic capillary electrophoresis, which is already in routine use for variety identification. Whereas it had been difficult to distinguish between some varieties by protein analysis using the Lab-on-a-chip system, distinctions proved to be possible using a combination of DNA extraction and microsatellite analysis, taking advantage of the speed and convenience of DNA chips. Several combinations of microsatellites permitted the DNA analysis system to provide distinction between two wheat varieties and between all but two (Chebec and Schooner) of the main eleven Australian barley varieties (Arapiles, Baudin, Barque, Chebec, Gairdner, Grimmett, Lindwall, Parwan, Schooner, Skiff and Sloop).  相似文献   

选用福建农林大学作物遗传育种研究所育成的长穗颈不育系协青早eA(1)、协青早eA(2)、龙特浦eA(1)、龙特浦eA(2)、D297eA(1)、D297eA(2)及不育系协青早A、龙特浦A、D297A与恢复系R669、蜀恢527、明恢63为材料,组配成一套半双列杂交F1材料。分析了18个主要农艺及产量性状的一般配合力(gca)和特殊配合力(sea)。结果表明,杂种性状主要受亲本gea作用,同时,sea效应也起着重要作用。18个性状中,有16性状组合间遗传差异达显著或极显著水平,同一亲本不同性状或同一性状不同亲本之间gea表现较大差异,无明显规律;不同eui基因型杂交稻sea值差异依组合及性状的不同而峦化.未表现出规往件.  相似文献   

The investigation explores the possibility of utilizing legume flour (pigeon pea:10–30%) and brown rice flour (35–45%) for production of pasta using twin screw extruder. RSM was used to analyse the effect of feed moisture (28–36%), barrel temperature (70–110 °C) and legume:brown rice ratio on quality responses (in vitro starch and protein digestibility, degree of starch gelatinization, cooking quality, pasting properties, color and textural properties) of pasta. Extrusion processing significantly enhanced in vitro starch and protein digestibility of prepared pasta. The in vitro starch and protein digestibility of pasta ranged between 15.00 and 26.77 g/100 g and 50.34–84.82 g/100 g respectively. Addition of brown rice flour and pigeon pea flour exhibited dominating positive effect on cooking quality of the pasta. Degree of gelatinization of prepared pasta was found in range of 52.13–90.10 per cent. Color characteristics viz. luminosity, redness and yellowness of pasta enhanced with feed moisture. Pasting properties revealed lower peak and final viscosity at higher processing conditions. Firmness of cooked pasta elevated with an increase in the barrel temperature. Acceptability score of health based pasta on the basis of sensory attributes was 8 as inferred from 9 point hedonic scale.  相似文献   

Wheat flour replacement from 0 to 40% by single tef flours from three Ethiopian varieties DZ-01-99 (brown grain tef), DZ-Cr-37 (white grain tef) and DZ-Cr-387 (Quncho, white grain tef) yielded a technologically viable ciabatta type composite bread with acceptable sensory properties and enhanced nutritional value, as compared to 100% refined wheat flour. Incorporation of tef flour from 30% to 40% imparted discreet negative effects in terms of decreased loaf volume and crumb resilience, and increase of crumb hardness in brown tef blended breads. Increment of crumb hardness on aging was in general much lower in tef blended breads compared to wheat bread counterparts, revealing slower firming kinetics, especially for brown tef blended breads. Blended breads with 40% white tef exhibited similar extent and variable rate of retrogradation kinetics along storage, while brown tef-blended breads retrograded slower but in higher extent than control wheat flour breads. Breads that contains 40% tef grain flour were found to contain five folds (DZ-01-99, DZ-Cr-387) to 10 folds (DZ-Cr-37) Fe, three folds Mn, twice Cu, Zn and Mg, and 1.5 times Ca, K, and P contents as compared to the contents found in 100% refined wheat grain flour breads. In addition, suitable dietary trends for lower rapidly digestible starch and starch digestion rate index were met from tef grain flour fortified breads.  相似文献   

几个引进甘蔗新品种(系)的主要经济性状研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本试验以新台糖22号为对照品种(CK),通过对甘蔗品质和产量性状等主要经济性状的调查分析,研究园林6号等8个甘蔗引进新品种(品系)主要经济性状,为从中筛选适宜广西推广的新优良品种提供理论参考.结果表明:园林6号的经济性状表现最好,其次是台糖9843432.就蔗糖分而言,除了园林8号和台糖98/1626、台糖98/2817、台糖98/0432的含糖分是14%以下,其余参试品种含糖分都超过了14.2%;各个品种每公顷蔗茎产量排序是:台糖98/0432>新台糖22号>台糖98/1626>园林6号>台糖98/2817>园林9号>园林8号>园林7号>台引2号,但台糖98/0432、台糖98/1626、园林6号与新台糖22号产量差异不显著;台糖98/0432、园林6号的每公顷含糖量极显著高于新台糖22号.  相似文献   

The nutritive value of some commercial wheat varieties grown in Pakistan was measured chemically, including amino acid analysis, and biologically in N-balance experiments with growing rats. The protein content ranged from 13.2% in Punjab-83 to 16% in Barani-83. Lysine per 100g protein varied between 2.46 and 2.75%. The available carbohydrate ranged from 67.3 to 74.7%. Iron content was highest in Sonalika while the concentration of zinc and manganese was highest in Sarhad-82. The protein digestibility (TD), biological value (BV) and net protein utilisation (NPU) varied between 92–95%, 56–68% and 53–65% respectively. Level of wheat protein was negatively correlated with available carbohydrate (r=–0.93), lysine per unit protein (r=–0.67) and BV (r=–0.76). The lysine content (g/16gN) of commercial wheat varieties showed a positive correlation (r=+0.95) with the BV. The protein quality was lowered in varieties having higher content of protein.  相似文献   

The effect of technological processing on the contents of eight minerals – i.e., calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, and zinc – was investigated in pasta making. Milling of durum wheat as well as pasta making were carried out in a pilot plant by using three different grain samples. Pasta samples purchased on the market were also surveyed to gain information on the mineral content of commercial products. The effect of cooking was also investigated in order to determine the retention of the selected elements in the final ‘ready-to-eat’ product. Analyte concentrations in whole grains, semolina, pasta and cooked pasta were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Four winter wheat varieties and the four possible three-component mixtures derived from them were included in a trial in Scotland. The site produced low grain protein levels and there were significant yield and specific weight differences between varieties. The variety Deben significantly out-yielded the varieties Claire and Riband, both with and without fungicide treatment, but produced grain with significantly lower spirit yield than Claire. Protein contents and thousand corn weights were good predictors of spirit yield in a reference population of wheat samples, but thousand corn weights did not correlate with spirit yield in the trial, as Claire combined small grain with high spirit yield. The relationship between protein and spirit yield was shown to change at lower protein levels and to differ between varieties. Reduction in spirit yield as protein increased was greater in Deben than in a better distilling variety like Consort. A rapid means of predicting spirit yield, based on small-scale measurement of hot water extract and protein content, was devised and a good association between predicted and measured spirit yield was observed in both the reference population and the trial. Mixtures containing cvs. Claire and Deben did not demonstrate the adverse effects on yield and spirit yield observed, respectively, for these varieties, and a mixture comprising cvs. Claire, Consort and Deben significantly out-yielded Claire and gave higher spirit yields than Deben. These benefits, together with the potential yield stability and disease reduction characteristics of wheat mixtures, make them a viable commercial option for distilling.  相似文献   

几个甘蔗新品种比较试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新台糖22号为对照品种,以园林17号、园林18号、桂糖02/467、桂糖02/901、柳城03/182、新台糖88/99等6个甘蔗新品种为材料进行比较试验.试验结果表明,与对照新台糖22号相比,桂糖02/467与柳城03/182出苗率较高,其分蘖率相对较低;出苗率较低的品种如园林17号、桂糖02/901,其分蘖率相对较高.在生长盛期,柳城03/182表现出良好的农艺性状,其伸长生长最快,田间锤度较高;桂糖021467与新台糖88/99表现出中大茎;柳城03/182与桂糖02/901表现出早熟高糖;但参试的几个甘蔗品种实际产量均低于对照新台糖22号.  相似文献   

We conducted this research because earlier research revealed that Pakistani farmers were growing 8–10-year-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties and hence not benefitting from the recent advances in wheat breeding. Participatory varietal selection (PVS) trials were conducted to have farmers validate and include newly released wheat varieties into seed-production stream to speed up replacement of old and obsolete wheat varieties by farmer-preferred new high-yielding varieties. Fourteen new varieties recommended for irrigated and eight for rainfed environments were evaluated in this research involving smallholder farmers in food-deficit districts of Pakistan. Collaborating farmers preferred 10 varieties from the PVS trials, eight of which were germplasm from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) that yielded on average 5–17% more grain than local checks. Local checks used in the PVS trials in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were old improved varieties. Greater yield advantage from new varieties over local checks was reported from rainfed environments and areas where old local checks were used. The PVS research showed the possibility of ensuring food security of smallholder farmers as new high-yielding varieties gave an additional 0.3 –0.5 tons of grain per ha, sufficient to feed two to three persons per year. Research also revealed that innovative farmers in rainfed regions grew wheat varieties recommended for irrigated regions to identify high-yielding wheat varieties with stable performance. Feedback by farmers to wheat breeding research system was to develop even higher yielding new wheat varieties with diseases resistance to replace old and obsolete varieties to boost food security.  相似文献   

宁夏小麦新品种特性及其与宁春4号的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对5份宁夏小麦新品种的产量稳定性、气象条件适应性、品质性状,结合当地的气象资料与宁春4号进行对比分析.结果表明,宁春39号、宁春38号为高产稳定品种;宁春40号、宁春37号为高产小稳定品种;宁春35号为低产不稳定品种.认定宁春39号、宁春38号为优势品种、宁春40号,宁春37号品种一般,适宜推广,宁春35号为劣势品种,不适宜推广.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments are reported which compared the effects of a period of low temperature (3 C). before placing to sprout at ambient temperature, with continuous storage at ambient temperature, on sprout growth in thirteen potato varieties. In four varieties. Désirée, Majestic, Pentland Meteor and Vanessa, the period of low temperature induced an earlier onset of sprout growth and increased total and individual sprout length per tuber. In the varieties Civa, Craig’s Alliance, Dunluce. Home Guard. Arran Comet and Ulster Sceptre, the period of cold did not hasten the onset of sprout growth but markedly increased the numbers of growing sprouts and total sprout length, although individual sprout length was reduced. In the remaining varieties the period of low temperature had no effects on onset of sprout growth or sprout lengths at the end of storage.
Zusammenfassung Es wird über zwei Versuche berichtet, die den Einfluss einer Periode niedriger Temperatur (3 C) vor dem Beginn normaler Keimungsbedingungen mit fortw?hrender normaler Lagerung auf das Keimwachstum vergleichen. In vier Sorten, Désirée (mittelfrüh). Majestic (mittelfrüh). Pentland Meteor (früh) und Vanessa (früh), induzierte die Periode niedriger Temperatur einen früheren Beginn des Keimwachstums als fortw?hrende Lagerung unter normalen Bedingungen (Abb. 1). Bei diesen Sorten waren die Gesamtl?nge und die individuelle Keiml?nge am Ende der Keimung gesteigert (Tabellen 1 und 2). Bei Civa, Craig’s Alliance. Dunluce. Home Guard. Arran Comet und Ulster Sceptre (alles frühe Sorten) führte die K?lteperiode nicht zu einem früheren Keimungsbeginn, aber die Zahl der wachsenden Keime stieg an und dadurch die Gesamtkeiml?nge pro Knolle. In diesen Sorten wurde die L?nge des l?ngsten keims pro Knolle durch eine K?lteperiode verringert (Tabellen 1 und 2). Bei den übrigen Sorten hatte die K?lteperiode weder einen Einfluss auf den Keimungsbeginn noch auf die Keiml?ngen am Ende der Lagerung.

Résumé Dans deux essais sont comparés les effets d’un entreposage à basse température (3 C) suivi d’une mise en germoir, d’une part, et les effets d’une conservation uniquement en germoir, d’autre part, sur la croissance des germes de 13 variétés de pomme de terre. Pour quatre variétés. Désirée, Majestic (demitardives). Pentland Meteor et Vanessa (hatives) le passage au froid induit un départ de germination plus précoce qu’un stockage continu dans les conditions ambiantes (fig. 1). Pour ces variétés, la longueur des germes, totale et individuelle, est augmentée en fin de germination (tableaux 1 et 2). Pour Civa, Craig’s Alliance, Dunluce, Home Guard, Arran Comet et Ulster Sceptre (variétés hatives) le passage au froid ne hate pas le départ de la germination mais augmente de fa?on marquée le nombre de germes et donc la longuer totale de germe par tubercule. Dans ces variétés, la longueur du plus long germe par tubercule est réduite par le passage à basse température (tableaux 1 et 2). Pour les variétés restantes, le froid n’a pas d’effet ni sur le départ de germination, ni sur la longueur des germes à la fin du stockage.

Coeliac disease (CD) is a chronic intolerance to gluten, contained mainly in wheat, rye and barley. The only therapy at present is the lifelong exclusion of gluten from the diet.Whether oats can be considered safe for CD patients has long been debated, and oats have been included among gluten-free ingredients only recently (EU Regulation 41/2009), provided the gluten content does not exceed 20 ppm.The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of 36 different oat cultivars for CD patients using biochemical and immunochemical approaches. The cross-reactivity between avenins and gliadins was evaluated by both SDS-PAGE/Immunoblotting and ELISA.The protein pattern of each oat cultivar showed both qualitative and quantitative differences that correlated with different binding affinity for specific anti-gliadin antibodies in immunoblotting. In most oat samples, the content of cross-reactive proteins measured by ELISA was below 20 ppm, but in a few varieties was above 80 ppm.Although the taxonomic and biochemical characteristics of oats allow to conclude that their use could be safe for CD patients, it is essential to select those cultivars having the lowest level of gluten-like proteins.  相似文献   

New insights into changes in physiological processes associated with genetic gains in yield potential are essential for improved understanding of yield-limiting factors. Our field study was conducted at two sites with three N levels and 15 modern wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. The goal was to evaluate yield components, time courses of dry matter production, and N accumulation among different yield categories, and to determine physiological processes associated with yield-trait relationships. Close correlations were observed between yield and dry matter production after the stem elongation stage, particularly post-anthesis. Similar close correlations were observed between grain yield and N accumulation over the whole growing season, except for the re-greening stage. No positive correlation was found between yield and harvest index. Differences in dry matter production among different yield categories began at anthesis; differences in N accumulation emerged even earlier. We conclude that consistent increases in dry matter production (especially post-anthesis) and N accumulation are crucial for further improvements in wheat yield-trait relationships.  相似文献   

The selection of winter wheat varieties for whole-crop cereal conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ten commercial varieties of winter wheat were sampled at different stages of growth, and dry mailer (DM) yields and potential nutritional quality, as determined by modified acid detergent fibre concentration (MADF), were measured. Maximum yields for the different varieties were spread over a four-week period, when the DM content was above 350 g kg−1. When the varieties were harvested for conservation as either fermented (DM 380 g kg−1) or alkaline (DM 580 g kg−1) whole crop, the mean MADF concentration was similar at both harvests, with large differences recorded between varieties. At both harvests the quality of the crops was sharply increased by raising the cutting height from 10 to 40 cm above ground level.  相似文献   

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