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Saponins from Chenopodium album   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lavaud C  Voutquenne L  Bal P  Pouny I 《Fitoterapia》2000,71(3):338-340
The isolation and spectral data of three saponins from the roots of Chenopodium album L. are reported. One of them is a seco-glycoside analogous to compounds that were previously found in species belonging to Caryophyllales.  相似文献   

Three triterpene saponins named Styrax-saponin A-C (1-3) were found in pericarps of Styrax officinalis together with the deacylsaponin (4). Structural determinations were achieved using 1D-, 2D-NMR and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The major problems caused by insect pests of soybeans and sunflower in Australia are reviewed. The bionomy of pests, the stages at which the crop is affected, the economic significance of the damage, and the difficulties of control are considered. The main methods of control are by the use of insecticides with the emphasis placed on an integrated approach to the problem. Present insecticides available give sufficient control. The most problems arise from the method of application used.  相似文献   

The soybean (Glycine max) Heihe No. 23 is sensitive to imbibitional chilling injury. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment can improve chilling tolerance of soybean seeds to a certain extent. The changes of hydrolytic ATPase in plasma membranes and H+-pumping responses in soybean seeds were investigated during PEG treatments. Effects of exogenous calcium and exogenous ABA on the hydrolytic ATPase were also examined in order to understand the mechanism of chilling resistance. Highly purified plasma membranes were isolated by 6.0% aqueous two-phase partitioning from soybean seeds, as judged by the sensitivity of hydrolytic ATPase to sodium vanadate. PEG treatment resulted in a slight increase of the hydrolytic ATPase activity in 12 h. Then the activity decreased gradually, but still higher than the control. The H+-pumping activity increased steadily during PEG treatment. Exogenous calcium had both activating and inhibiting effects on the hydrolytic ATPase, but the activity was inhibited in soybean seeds treated with exogenous ABA. Results suggested that PEG treatment, not the exogenous calcium and ABA, up-regulated H+-ATPase activities in soybean seeds.  相似文献   

施用P肥对Cd污染胁迫下黄豆生长的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过红壤3个Cd处理水平(0、5、20mg·kg^-1,以CdCl2形式加入)和5个P施用水平(0、20、40、80、160mg·kg^-1,以KH2PO4形式加入)的黄豆盆栽试验,研究了P施用对土壤Cd污染胁迫下黄豆生长的调控作用.结果表明,在相同Cd处理水平下,随着P施用量的增加,土壤交换态Cd含量明显下降,最大下降量达到2.49mg·kg^-1,黄豆根茎叶中Cd含量降低15.9%~32.1%,植株鲜重增加13.0%~31.4%;叶片Chl含量、SOD活性、MDA含量的变化也显示土壤Cd污染状况得到明显改善;并且,黄豆叶片生理指标、根茎叶Cd含量以及土壤交换态Cd含量之间存在着极显著的线性关系.但是P的施用不能完全消除土壤中不同Cd处理水平对黄豆生长造成的差异,还阻碍植株对Ca的吸收,说明P减轻土壤Cd对黄豆生物毒性的作用是有限的.  相似文献   

The isolation of three saponins, 24-hydroxytormentic acid ester glucoside (1), niga-ichigoside F1 (2) and niga-ichigoside F2 (3), from the stem bark of Strasburgeria robusta, an endemic plant from New Caledonia, is reported.  相似文献   

Four steroidal saponins were isolated from the leaves of Furcraea selloa var. marginata. These included one furostanol saponin, furcreafurostatin (1), and three known spirostanol saponins, furcreastatin (3), yuccaloeside C (4) and cantalasaponin-1 (5). The 22-O-methyl ether (2) of furcreafurostatin (1) was also characterized. The structures were determined by using a combination of spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   

以无患子叶子为研究对象,分别考察了索氏抽提法与微波萃取法对皂苷提取得率的影响,确定了较优的提取工艺.结果表明,索氏抽提选择80%乙醇为提取剂,在液料比30∶1(g∶g,下同),提取温度95℃,抽提时间为3h,提取2次时皂苷元提取得率达到21.7%;微波萃取选择3 g原料,微波功率300 W,温度70℃,90%的乙醇,液料比20∶1,提取时间45 min,皂苷的提取得率达到22.3%.目标提取物经IT-IR、HPLC和1H NMR表征,确定其结构为常春藤皂苷元.  相似文献   

An Olethreutine speciesCymolomia hartigiana (Saxesen, 1840), attacking toAbies nephrolepis Max., is reported for the first time from Daxing'anling, Heilongjiang, China. The morphological characteristics are briefly re-described with illustrations. Also its damage and biology are noted. Foundation item: This study was carried out under the financial support by KOSEF (Korea Science & Engineering Foundation) with the program of “Korea and China Young Scientist Exchange Program” (2002–2003). Biography: *BYUN Bong-Kya (1963-), male, Ph.D., Researcher in Korea National Arboretum, Korea. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

采用正交试验优化超声波辅助提取绵麦冬总皂苷工艺,经溶液萃取得皂苷初步纯化物,用HZ-801树脂进一步分离得皂苷纯化物,并对皂苷纯化物进行初步的定性分析和色谱分析,最后对皂苷初步纯化物进行免疫活性研究。结果表明,超声波辅助提取100 g绵麦冬的最佳工艺为:提取温度60℃,乙醇体积分数70%,液料比15∶1(m L∶g),提取时间为2 h,提取次数为2次,总皂苷得率为(0.508±0.23)%。经树脂纯化可得3种不同的皂苷组分,都为甾体皂苷(麦冬皂苷B、A、C),得率分别为15.4%、40.6%和12.6%,纯度分别为72.7%、86.4%和83.3%。皂苷初步纯化物具有显著的巨噬细胞活化能力,促进一氧化氮和白细胞介素生成等免疫活性。  相似文献   

油茶饼粕制备茶皂素与活性炭的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对油菜饼粕的化学成分、制备茶皂素和活性炭的技术进行了研究。结果表明:油菜饼粕中主要含粗蛋白、糖类、油脂茶、茶皂素等;用水和乙醇提取所得的茶皂素质量基本符合要求,结晶茶皂得率为5%-7%,用去皂素饼粕制备的活性炭产率和质量均较好。  相似文献   

Purple nutsedge (~nutsedge) is an important perennial weed, which infests soybean in India and causes high yield losses. Selective pre-emergence herbicides hardly control nutsedge. Post-emergent application of imazethapyr is effective against nutsedge with almost 70 % efficiency. Information on the interference effect of nutsedge across densities on soybean and its economic threshold (ET) is hardly available, but would be useful for its management, and saving herbicide treatments with lower densities. An experiment was designed to evaluate the interference of nutsedge in pure stands, and that of natural weed infestations on soybean. Moreover, it was aimed to determine ET of nutsedge in soybean. The dry weights of weeds in the treatments ‘natural weeds including nutsedge’ and the one of nutsedges in the pure stand density of nutsedge 200 plants/m2 were similar and higher than weed biomass in other nutsedge densities. The ‘natural weed infestation both including and excluding nutsedge’ and the treatment of 200 nutsedge plants/m2 caused greater reductions in soybean yields and were the most competitive. The ET of nutsedge in soybean was 19–22 (~mean 21) plants/m2, considering 70 % efficiency of the herbicide imazethapyr. It predicts that a density of 21 nutsedge plants/m2 can cause 9.1–11.5 % yield losses, which are an economic loss under this situation. This ET would help in making decisions for nutsedge management and fitting models and could be used for other similar sites with nutsedge dominance. This ET, considering several production factors, is more precise and reliable than the ET determined with only yield losses.  相似文献   

为建立金菠萝试管苗瓶外生根的繁育技术,以金菠萝组培增殖芽为材料,研究不同生根剂种类(双吉尔-GGR、ABT1号和ABT2号)及浓度(10、20、30 mg/L)对金菠萝试管苗瓶外生根的影响。结果表明,生根剂种类和生根剂浓度对金菠萝试管苗瓶外生根的促进作用差异显著(P0.05),双吉尔-GGR的最佳使用浓度为10 mg/L,ABT1号为20 mg/L,ABT2号为30 mg/L,其中双吉尔-GGR 10 mg/L的处理对金菠萝试管苗瓶外生根的促进效果最佳,生根率达96.67%,平均根数(4.53±1.76)条,平均根长(2.39±1.19)cm,平均每株根系干重(32.29±6.51)mg,且该处理的地上部分生长良好。  相似文献   

七叶莲总皂苷定量分析方法及其提取工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以齐墩果酸为对照品,建立了比色法测定七叶莲总皂苷含量的方法;以总皂苷得率为指标,采用正交试验法对七叶莲总皂苷提取工艺进行了优化.结果表明:在比色法定量分析时,以5%香草醛冰醋酸溶液-高氯酸为显色剂,70℃加热15min显色后,选择546nm为测定波长,在40min内,测量结果稳定,总皂苷质量浓度在0.002~0.02g/L范围内呈良好的线性关系(r=0.99933);平均加样回收率为101.2%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.86%(n=6).在提取过程中,优化的工艺参数为:以50%(体积分数)乙醇为溶剂,控制固液比1∶15(g∶mL),80℃水浴提取2次,每次120min,此条件下总皂苷得率1.217%.  相似文献   

以水为提取溶剂,采用减压提取法从无患子果实中提取总皂苷,通过分光光度法与超高效液相色谱法测定无患子总皂苷含量,在单因素试验基础上进行正交试验优化提取工艺,无患子总皂苷提取的最佳工艺条件为:提取温度60℃、提取时间1 h和料液比1∶14(g∶mL)。该条件下分光光度法测定无患子总皂苷的得率为15.34%。采用水琼脂培养基法测定无患子提取物的除草活性,结果表明:无患子提取物能有效抑制靶标植物红三叶的根系生长,且对红三叶根系的抑制率与无患子总皂苷含量呈正相关,当无患子总皂苷为15.34%时,其除草半数有效质量浓度(EC50)为0.116 g/L。经薄层色谱化学显色定性分析,初步判断除草活性成分为三萜皂苷类化合物。  相似文献   

Stink bugs are among the major pests of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] worldwide. Piezodorus guildinii [Westwood] (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is one of the predominant pest species, causing more severe damage in many regions than other stink bugs. Its attack reduces yield and quality of the beans. Plant resistance is a valuable strategy in integrated pest management that can reduce insect populations below economic injury level. Here, we report the resistance of 17 soybean entries to P. guildinii. PI 229358, PI 274454, L1-1-01, “IAC 19,” PI 171451, PI 227687, “IAC 100,” IAC 78-2318, PI 274453, and IAC 74-2832 caused high nymphal mortality (greater than 90 %), indicating the expression of antibiosis. “IAC 100,” IAC 74-2832, PI 274453, and “IAC 24” also increased the length of the nymphal stage of P. guildinii, showing the same mechanism of resistance. Our findings may be useful for breeding programs that focus on the resistance of soybeans to insects.  相似文献   

The calculated percentage of droplets deposition ofBacillus thuringiensis var.kurstaki HD-1 Dipel 2X on the foliage of soybean plants in relation to the sensitive “Ciba Geigy” papers showed to be the highest (92.4%) after ground spray application, compared to an average of 67.4, 85.8 and 89.3% following aerial application of the same preparation in spray volumes of 10, 20 and 30 l/F, respectively. Aerial application ofB. t. showed to be more effective during the first 3 days after spraying soybean cultivations and the mortality ofSpodoptera littoralis larvae varied between 36.9–67.2% in correlation to the spray volume. The volume achieving the highest and significant suppression of infestation was 20 l/F. On the other hand, the yield of soybeans obtained from plots receiving a spray volume of 30 l/F was higher compared to plots sprayed with a volume of 20 or 10 l/F, but with no significant difference when compared to those plots receiving ground spray application.  相似文献   

Field experiments have been carried out to evaluate the potency of the biological control agentBacillus thuringiensis (Dipel), the pyrethroid Fenvalerate and their combinations for the control of the lesser cotton leafwormSpodoptera exigua on soybeans in Qualubia governorate. Molasses was combined with all treatments to enhance their effectiveness. One spray application with either Dipel or Fenvalerate showed an obvious reduction in larval counts ofS. exigua, associated with a significant increase in the crop yield but in varying degrees, in correlation with the tested dose. Treatments with combinations of both biological and chemical insecticides at the lowest tested doses (62 g ofB. t. +50 ml of Fenvalerate/feddan) showed to be highly potential, and caused 2.8 fold increase in the crop yield. It may be recommended that a combination of both preparations may be used for the control ofS. exigua.  相似文献   

桑茶的制作工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 桑根制茶桑根皮性甘、寒、能泻肺平喘及行水消肿,主治肺热、水肿、小便短小,糖尿病及骨折等症,桑根皮的提取液能明显降低血压,还有镇静作用。挖掘桑根,在暗处放置2月~3个月,切成0.3cm~0.5cm厚的小段,在干燥器中干燥2小时,而后烘干即成桑茶成品。亦可挖掘桑根,刮去桑?..  相似文献   

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