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Complementary forage rotation (CFR) systems based on non‐limiting inputs of fertilizer nitrogen (N) (~600 kg N ha?1) are perceived as uneconomic. An experiment was carried out in Australia to investigate the effects of rates and timing of N fertilizer and sowing date on yield, nutrient‐use efficiency and nutritive value of a triple‐crop (maize, forage rape, field peas) CFR system. Treatments were early‐ and late‐sown maize grown with 0 or 135 kg fertilizer N ha?1 pre‐sowing (N1) and 0, 79 or 158 kg N ha?1 post‐sowing (N2). Forage rape was sown with 0 or 230 kg N ha?1 (N3) and field peas without N. Application of fertilizer N at N1, N2 and N3 increased CFR yield from 28·5 to 48·8 t dry matter (DM) ha?1 and irrigation water‐use efficiency (IWUE) from 3·4 to 6·1 t DM per megalitre. Increase in yield and IWUE of CFR occurs at the expense of nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE) as applications of N at N1, N2 and N3 decreased NUE of CFR from 524 to 91 kg DM kg?1 N. Nutritive value, particularly metabolizable energy content of all forages, was similar among N treatments, and interactions between treatments were minimal. Results indicate that increase in NUE of CFR may occur at the expense of reduced yield, but increased IWUE need not compromise the yield of this CFR system.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted at Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland, to determine the effect of sowing date and nitrogen application on the dry‐matter (DM) yield and crude protein (CP) content of forage rape and stubble turnips. The first experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) on forage rape DM yields. The second experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) over two soil sites (fertile or nitrogen depleted) on forage rape and stubble turnip DM yields. A delay in sowing from 1 to 31 August characterized a 74·5% decrease in forage rape DM yield, while stubble turnip DM yield decreased by 55·5%. Forage rape DM yields increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 at the first two sowing dates over both sites. In contrast, stubble turnips showed less response beyond 40 kg N ha?1 on site 1 in the first two sowing dates, while DM yield increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 on the less fertile site. The results indicate that the optimal sowing time for forage rape and a stubble turnip in Ireland was early August.  相似文献   

Grazed pastures based on ryegrass species provide most of the feed for dairy cattle in New Zealand. There are many cultivars of perennial (Lolium perenne), annual and Italian (L. multiflorum), and hybrid (L. boucheanum) ryegrasses available for dairy farmers to use in pasture renewal. This study describes an index which ranks ryegrass cultivars relative to a genetic base according to the estimated economic value (EV) of seasonal dry matter (DM) traits. A farm system model was used to derive EVs (Grazed pastures based on ryegrass species provide most of the feed for dairy cattle in New Zealand. There are many cultivars of perennial (Lolium perenne), annual and Italian (L. multiflorum), and hybrid (L. boucheanum) ryegrasses available for dairy farmers to use in pasture renewal. This study describes an index which ranks ryegrass cultivars relative to a genetic base according to the estimated economic value (EV) of seasonal dry matter (DM) traits. A farm system model was used to derive EVs ($ ha?1 calculated as change in operating profit divided by unit change of the trait) for additional DM produced in different seasons of the year in four regions. The EV of early spring DM was consistently high across all regions, whereas EV for late spring DM was moderate to low. Genotype × environment analysis revealed significant reranking of DM yield among ryegrass cultivars across regions. Hence, separate performance values (PVs) were calculated for two mega‐environments and then combined with the corresponding season and region EV to calculate the overall EV for twenty‐three perennial ryegrass and fifteen short‐term ryegrass cultivars. The difference in operating profit between the highest ranked and lowest ranked perennial ryegrass cultivar ranged from $556 ha?1 to $863 ha?1 year?1 depending on region. For short‐term ryegrasses used for winter feed, the corresponding range was $394 to $478 ha?1 year?1. Using PV for DM yield, it was estimated that plant improvement in perennial ryegrass has added $12–$18 ha?1 year?1 (depending on region) operating profit on dairy farms since the mid‐1960s.  相似文献   

Indigenous perennial grasses are widely distributed in the Arabian Peninsula. Their survival under limited rainfall and grazing suggests a potential role as grassland species and for rehabilitation of degraded rangelands. Forage productivity, seed production and water‐use efficiency (WUE) was determined over 2 years for four indigenous grasses: buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), dakhna (Coelachyrum piercei Benth.), da’ay (Lasiurus scindicus Henr.) and tuman (Panicum turgidum Forssk.) together with one exotic species, rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) in the central region of the United Arab Emirates. Three irrigation treatments were used: R1 (1858–6758 m3 ha?1 year?1), R2 (929–3379 m3 ha?1 year?1) and R3 (464–1689 m3 ha?1 year?1). Buffel grass had the highest dry‐matter (DM) yield under all irrigation treatments. The average DM yield of buffel grass was 14·6 and 15·1 t ha?1 in the 2 years which was significantly higher than that for the other grasses with dakhna having the lowest DM yields. The WUE of 0·7 and 0·8 kg DM m?3 in the 2 years for buffel grass was significantly greater than for the other grasses. Buffel grass showed the highest increase in WUE in both years when the irrigation was reduced from treatment R1 to R3. The results suggest that the desert grasses of the Arabian Peninsula, such as buffel grass, could be useful grass species in reducing the use of scarce irrigation water provided that seed production can be increased.  相似文献   

The role of the legume in the nitrogen (N) cycle was examined in grazed pastures receiving no N fertilizer of both temperate and tropical regions by simulating the fluxes of N through different processes of the cycle. The amounts of legume-fixed N required to balance the cycle without invoking a drain on soil organic N reserves (i.e. no net N mineralization) was estimated to vary from 38 to 53% of the above-ground herbage N or from 20 to 31% on a dry matter (DM) basis for tropical pasture systems with a range of pasture utilization of 10–40%. At higher pasture utilization levels of 50-70%, more typical of intensively grazed temperate pastures, the N input requirement in the absence of fertilizer N would be 57-67% of the aboveground herbage N or 35-45% DM. An examination of the role of each contributory process of recycling (viz. excreta returns, internal cycling or remobilization from senescing tissues, litter decomposition) suggests that variations in the amounts of internally cycled N would have the greatest impact on the requirement for biologically fixed N at low levels of pasture utilization (10-40%), while at high pasture utilization levels of 70%, variations in the recovery of excreta-N would have a major effect on the requirement for fixed-N to balance the cycle. The amounts of biologically fixed N required to sustain a range of herbage DM yields of 3-22 t DM ha ?1 yr?1 would range from 15 to 158 kg N ha?1 yr?1 for tropical pastures. For intensively managed temperate pastures producing 6-15 t DM ha?1 yr?1 with a N content of 3·5%, a range of fixation of 120-352 kg N ha?1 yr?1 is required. These simulations indicate how legume contents of 20-45% of herbage DM could contribute to productive and sustainable (in terms of N) pasture systems of both temperate and tropical regions  相似文献   

A 2‐year whole‐farm study compared pasture‐based systems increasing milk production per ha by increasing either stocking rate (from 2·5 to 3·8 cows ha?1) or milk yield per cow (from 6000 to 9000 kg cow?1 lactation?1) or both. Four treatments (systems), comprising 30 cows each, were compared under the same management and grazing decision rules. The diet was based on grazed pasture, whereas pellets and conserved fodder were fed when deemed necessary. Milk production per ha increased by 0·49, 0·1 and 0·66 in the systems that increased either stocking rate, milk yield per cow or both respectively. Cows in the ‘high milk yield per cow’ systems had a significantly higher body condition score throughout the lactation, but reproductive performance was similar among all groups. Total pasture utilized (11 t DM ha?1 year?1) and pasture nutritive value were similar across all systems. This was associated with the grazing rules applied and the ability of accurately supplementing to meet deficits in available pasture. At the whole‐system level, there was a higher marginal efficiency of supplement use when increasing stocking rate than when increasing milk yield per cow or increasing both (0·18, 0·07 and 0·12 kg milk MJ?1 of metabolizable energy of supplements respectively).  相似文献   

Crop growth is related to radiation‐use efficiency (RUE), which is influenced by the nitrogen (N) status of the crop, expressed at canopy level as specific leaf N (SLN) or at plant level as N nutrition index (NNI). To determine the mechanisms through which N affects dry‐matter (DM) production of forage kale, results from two experiments (N treatment range 0–500 kg ha?1) were analysed for fractional radiation interception (RI), accumulated radiation (Racc), RUE, N uptake, critical N concentration (Nc), NNI and SLN. The measured variables (DM, RI and SLN) and the calculated variables (NNI, Racc and RUE) increased with N supply. RUE increased from 0·74 and 0·89 g MJ?1 IPAR for the control treatments to 1·50 and 1·95 g MJ?1 IPAR under adequate N and water in both experiments. This represented an increase in RUE of 52–146% for the range of N treatments used in both experiments, whilst Racc increased by 9–17%, compared with the control treatments. Subsequently, the total DM yield of kale increased from 6·7 and 8 t DM ha?1 for the control treatments to ≥ 19 t DM ha?1 when ≥150 kg N ha?1 was applied. The DM yields for the 500 kg N ha?1 treatments were 25·5 and 27·6 t DM ha?1 for the two experiments. RUE increased linearly with SLN, at an average rate of 0·38 g DM MJ?1 IPAR per each additional 1 g N m?2 leaf until a maximum RUE of 1·90 g MJ?1 IPAR was reached in both experiments. There were no changes in RUE with SLN of > 2·6 g m?2 and NNI >1, implying luxury N uptake. RUE was the most dominant driver of forage kale DM yield increases in response to SLN and NNI.  相似文献   

A 2‐year study in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey compared the performance of pasture‐fed suckling lambs and their dams, set‐stocked on grass‐legume pastures supplemented either with forage legumes or concentrate through a creep grazing/feeding system in a randomized block design. The treatments included continuous pasture grazing + creep grazing alfalfa; continuous pasture grazing + creep grazing birdsfoot trefoil; continuous pasture grazing + creep feeding concentrate (170 g kg?1 CP; 11.3 ME MJ kg?1 DM); and continuous grazing without creep feeding (control). In both years, creep feeding/grazing commenced in early June following a 42‐day pasture grazing period (period 1) and continued until mid‐summer for two separate periods of 21 days each (periods 2 and 3). Creep‐supplemented lambs grew faster (< .001) than those that grazed pasture alone, with no significant difference across all creep supplementation treatments. Across the years, the lambs grew at 223 and 161 g per head day?1 for creep‐supplemented and control groups respectively. None of the lamb feeding strategies affected the ewe liveweight gains (p > .05). Results from a bio‐economic optimization model, however, showed that supplementing the pasture with birdsfoot trefoil and alfalfa in periods 2 and 3, respectively, maximized economic returns with an extra profit of US$88.83 per lamb above those that grazed the pasture alone.  相似文献   

To address the potential of legumes to contribute to improved quality and quantity of natural pastures in the semi‐arid rangelands of Kenya, five legume species were introduced and evaluated in a small‐plot field experiment over three growing seasons. The investigated species were glycine (Neonotonia wightii), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum), dolichos (Lablab purpureus cv. Rongai), velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) and shrubby stylo (Stylosanthes scabra cv. seca). Treatments included two cutting heights (ground level and 15 cm) and two cutting intervals (at 2 and 4 months). The mean dry matter (DM) yields of glycine and siratro were highest when the legumes were harvested at ground level at 2‐month intervals (10·31 and 7·81 t ha?1 year?1 respectively). Mean DM yield of stylo was highest when the legume was harvested at 15 cm after 4 months (3·52 t ha?1 year?1). These three legumes also produced high organic matter through litter fall, which contributed to soil fertility. Evidence from a supporting pot experiment showed effective nodulation and potential for N fixation. These legumes also possessed deep tap roots and withstood heavy defoliation. These three legumes were selected for further integration with grasses in natural pastures. The DM yields of dolichos and velvet bean when harvested at 15 cm after 2 or 4 months were low (2·48 and 1·91 t ha?1 year?1), and these species were considered inappropriate for further investigation.  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems (AMS) present an opportunity for dairy farmers to not only improve their lifestyle and conditions of work, but also save on labour costs and/or increase the time available to focus on overall farm management. However, the viability of AMS will rely on achieving high levels of pasture utilization. Well‐established pasture management principles are implemented on many conventional milking system (CMS) farms and high levels of pasture utilization are achieved; however, the ability to follow these same principles on AMS is unknown. This study compared levels of pasture utilization and pre‐ and post‐grazing pasture mass between AMS and CMS farms at the same site when managed by the same pasture management principles. From 1 March 2007 to 29 February 2008, pre‐ and post‐grazing compressed height, milk yield and milk composition data were collected for two CMS farms and one AMS farm at the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute, Camden, Australia. Despite differences in pre‐ and post‐ grazing pasture mass between milking systems, pre‐grazing mass was predominantly maintained within the bounds of 2200 and 2500 kg DM ha?1 and post‐grazing mass between 1400 and 1500 kg DM ha?1 (5–6 cm height). Similar levels of pasture utilization (mean 13 500 kg DM ha?1 year?1) were recorded between AMS and CMS farms. These findings highlight the ability to follow established grazing management principles and achieve high levels of pasture utilization on pasture‐based AMS farms.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of an early (February; F) or delayed (April; A) primary spring grazing date and two stocking rates, high (H) and medium (M), on the grazing management, dry matter (DM) intake of grass herbage and milk production of spring‐calving dairy cows grazing a perennial ryegrass sward in the subsequent summer. Sixty‐four Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows (mean of 58 d in milk) were assigned to one of four grazing treatments (n = 16) which were imposed from 12 April to 3 July 2004. Cows on the early spring‐grazing treatment were grazed at 5·5 cows ha?1 (treatment FH) and 4·5 cows ha?1 (treatment FM) while cows on the late‐grazing treatment were grazed at 6·4 cows ha?1 (treatment AH) and 5·5 cows ha?1 (treatment AM). The organic matter digestibility and crude protein concentration of the grass herbage were higher on the early‐grazing treatment than on the late‐grazing treatment. The cows on the FM treatment had significantly (P < 0·001) higher milk (24·5 kg), solids‐corrected milk (22·5 kg), fat (P < 0·01, 918 g) and protein (831 g) yields than the other three treatments. Cows on the FM treatment had a higher (P < 0·001) DM intake of grass herbage by 2·3 kg DM per cow per day than cows on the AH treatment, which had a DM intake significantly lower than all other treatments (15·2 kg DM per cow per day). The results of the present study showed that grazing in early spring has a positive effect on herbage quality in subsequent grazing rotations. The study also concluded that early spring‐grazed swards stocked at a medium stocking rate (4·5 cows ha?1; FM) resulted in the highest DM intake of grass herbage and milk production.  相似文献   

The impact of various starter phosphorus (P) fertilizers on the growth, nutrient uptake and dry‐matter (DM) yield of forage maize (Zea mais) continuously cropped on the same area and receiving annual, pre‐sowing, broadcast dressings of liquid and semi‐solid dairy manures was investigated in two replicated plot experiments and in whole‐field comparisons in the UK. In Experiment 1 on a shallow calcareous soil (27 mg l?1 Olsen‐extractable P) in 1996, placement of starter P fertilizer (17 or 32 kg ha?1) did not benefit crop growth or significantly (P > 0·05) increase DM yield at harvest. However, in Experiment 2 on a deeper non‐calcareous soil (41 mg l?1 Olsen‐extractable P) in 1997, placement of starter P fertilizer (19 or 41 kg P ha?1), either applied alone or in combination with starter N fertilizer (10 or 25 kg N ha?1), significantly increased early crop growth (P < 0·01) and DM yield at harvest by 1·3 t ha?1 (P < 0·05) compared with a control without starter N or P fertilizer. Placement of starter N fertilizer alone did not benefit early crop growth, but gave similar yields as P, or N and P, fertilizer treatments at harvest. Large treatment differences in N and P uptake by mid‐August had disappeared by harvest. In field comparisons over the 4‐year period 1994–97, the addition of starter P fertilizer increased field cumulative surplus P by over 70%, but without significantly (P > 0·05) increasing DM yield, or nutrient (N and P) uptake, compared with fields that did not receive starter P fertilizer. The results emphasized the extremely low efficiency with which starter P fertilizers are utilized by forage maize and the need to budget manure and fertilizer P inputs more precisely in order to avoid excessive soil P accumulation and the consequent increased risk of P transfer to water causing eutrophication.  相似文献   

A small-plot experiment was carried out with grass-lotus (Lotus spp.) swards on a lowland (185 m) clay-soil site in S-W England. Two species of lotus (Lotus corniculatus cv. Leo and L. pedunculatus, syn, L. uliginosus, cv. Maku) were each sown at 10 kg seed ha?1 with lour grass species each at two grass-seed rates: Festuca pratensis at 6 or 3 kg ha?1 and Phleum pratense, Agrostis capillaris and Poa pratensis at 4 or 2 kg ha?1. Assessments were made over three harvest years (1992–94). during which no fertilizers were applied. Mean total herbage dry matter (DM) harvested from cv. Leo swards was 90 t ha?1 in year 1, 8–9 t ha?1 in year 2 and 4 0 t ha?1 in year 3. and from cv. Maku swards 6–6 t ha?1 in year 1. 8–9 t ha?1 in year 2 and 3–9 t ha?1 in year 3. Highest three-year mean total yields were with F. pratensis as the companion grass (7–4 t ha?1 year?1), followed by Phleum pratense (7–0 t ha?1), A. capillaris (6–9 t ha?1) and Poa pratensis (6–2 t ha?1). The lower grass-seed rate resulted in a greater proportion of lotus in the total harvested DM in year I. The higher grass-seed rate resulted in higher yields from F. pratensis swards in year 1, but there were no significant effects for other species or in subsequent years. Lotus as a proportion of harvested DM declined from about 70% in year 1 to about 20% in year 3. The mean DM yield of lotus herbage in years 1, 2 and 3, respectively, was 5–5, 2–8 and 0–8 t ha?1 from cv. Leo swards, and 4–0, 3–3 and 0–8 t ha?1 from cv. Maku swards. Lotus herbage was of higher digestibility from cv. Leo [digestible organic matter (DOM) of 661 g kg?1 of lotus DM] compared with cv. Maku (551 g kg?1 DM). Mean N content of lotus herbage was 35 g N kg?1 DM. Digestibility of companion grass herbage was highest for Phleum pratense (557 g kg?1 DM) and lowest for A. capillaris (493 g kg?1 DM). It is concluded that lotus may be an alternative legume to white clover for low-input, low-fertility situations. However, further research is needed to evaluate its performance on different sites and under different management regimes, particularly grazing, and to overcome the apparent problems of its persistence.  相似文献   

The increasing cost of N fertilizer has stimulated an interest in sourcing protein from warm‐season legumes among beef cattle producers in the tropical/subtropical areas of the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of two strategies of incorporating cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] into bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) pastures on the herbage characteristics and performance of grazing cow–calf pairs. The study was conducted in Ona, Florida, USA, from May to August in 2007 and 2008. Experimental units were 1·0 ha. Treatments were bahiagrass pasture alone (control), 50:50 bahiagrass–cowpea pasture (cowpea), bahiagrass pasture with a cowpea creep grazing area (0·1 ha, creep grazing) and bahiagrass pasture with a creep‐fed concentrate [(creep feeding; 10 g kg?1 body weight (BW)]. The cowpea pastures had lower herbage mass [HM, 1·8 vs. 3·7 t ha?1] and herbage allowance [HA, 0·8 vs. 1·4 kg DM kg?1 live weight (LW)] compared with the other treatments. Cowpea had greater CP (CP, 160 g kg?1) and in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), (600 g kg?1) than bahiagrass (110 and 490 g kg?1 respectively); however, cowpea HM was only 0·9 t ha?1 in May and 0·7 t ha?1 in June, but it did not persist in July and August. Calves receiving the creep feeding treatments had greater average daily gain (0·8 vs. 0·7 kg d?1) than calves in other treatments. Further research is necessary to exploit the superior nutritive value of cowpea in grazing systems in the south‐eastern USA.  相似文献   

Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) pastures are widespread in warm climates worldwide and respond to nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilization has recently decreased because of increased cost and concerns regarding excessive N in the environment. Responses of bahiagrass to treatments representing three alternative levels of pasture management were assessed. Treatments, each including 56 kg N ha?1 applied for each growth period, were as follows: (i) six harvests with a total of 336 kg N ha?1 annually (referred to as intensive management), (ii) three harvests with 168 kg N ha?1 annually (intermediate management) and (iii) two harvests with 112 kg N ha?1 annually (extensive management). The intensive management produced the most forage with the highest nutritive value. Intermediate management, with only half the amount of N fertilizer, produced at least 80% of the forage yield each year as the intensive management treatment (4‐year average of 8236 vs. 9122 kg ha?1 for the intermediate and intensive management treatments respectively) with forage of acceptable nutritive value for some classes of livestock. Limited forage production from the last harvest each year restricts autumn management opportunities, even though crude protein concentration was usually sufficient for some classes of livestock. Extended growth periods, as those that occur with the less‐intensive management treatments, provide opportunities to accumulate forage for late‐season grazing. Matching livestock enterprises to the forage produced, particularly in terms of nutritive value, can contribute to favourable livestock production responses from a range of bahiagrass pasture management approaches.  相似文献   

Six dryland pastures were established at Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand, in February 2002. Production and persistence of cocksfoot pastures established with subterranean, balansa, white or Caucasian clovers, and a perennial ryegrass‐white clover control and a lucerne monoculture were monitored for nine years. Total annual dry‐matter (10.0–18·5 t DM ha?1) and sown legume yields from the lucerne monoculture exceeded those from the grass‐based pastures in all but one year. The lowest lucerne yield (10 t ha?1 yr?1) occurred in Year 4, when spring snow caused ungrazed lucerne to lodge and senesce. Cocksfoot with subterranean clover was the most productive grass‐based pasture. Yields were 8·7–13·0 t DM ha?1 annually. Subterranean clover yields were 2·4–3·7 t ha?1 in six of the nine years which represented 26–32% of total annual production. In all cocksfoot‐based pastures, the contribution of sown pasture components decreased at a rate equivalent to 3·3 ± 0·05% per year (R= 0·83) and sown components accounted for 65% of total yield in Year 9. In contrast, sown components represented only 13% of total yield in the ryegrass‐white clover pastures in Year 9, and their contribution declined at 10·1 ± 0·9% per year (R= 0·94). By Year 9, 79% of the 6.6 t ha?1 produced from the ryegrass‐white clover pasture was from unsown species and 7% was dead material. For maximum production and persistence, dryland farmers on 450–780 mm yr?1 rainfall should grow lucerne or cocksfoot‐subterranean clover pastures in preference to ryegrass and white clover. Inclusion of white clover as a secondary legume component to sub clover would offer opportunities to respond to unpredictable summer rainfall after sub clover has set seed.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of three grazing treatments (year‐round stocking rates of 0·8 ewes ha?1, 0·5 ewes ha?1 and 0·5 ewes ha?1 plus grazing cattle in summer), imposed for 4 years, on the herbage mass and surface height of a Nardus stricta‐dominated grassland in western Scotland and to obtain estimates of annual productivity of this grassland. Nardus stricta‐dominated grassland comprised proportionately 0·20 of the grazing area. Stocking rate of sheep had no significant effect on the herbage mass of the grassland in the first 2 years of the experiment, although mean summer pasture heights were significantly higher under the lower stocking rate of sheep. The pasture on the treatment with cattle grazing in summer had a significantly lower herbage mass and lower surface height than the two sheep‐only grazing treatments. Year‐to‐year variation in the herbage mass and surface height of herbage in summer was greater than the effect of treatments. Despite changes in surface height, the structural diversity of the grasslands was not increased by the treatments. The annual production of vascular plant material ranged from 417 g DM m?2 in 1994 to 628 g DM m?2 in 1996.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.; PRG) sward density on seasonal and total DM yield under simulated grazing and animal grazing by cattle, and to assess the effectiveness of visually estimated ground scores (GSs) for predicting sward PRG density. The study incorporated five different seeding rates of PRG, each replicated three times, to simulate swards ranging in PRG density typical of different ages and conditions. There was no significant difference between defoliation managements for total DM yield, but sward PRG density had a significant effect on both the seasonal and total DM herbage yield under both systems. Under simulated grazing, total DM yield ranged from 10·7 to 12·0 t DM ha?1 with increasing sward PRG density at a GS range of 1·70–4·28 (mean of 2 years’ data, P < 0·01). Under animal grazing, the yield range was from 10·3 to 12·2 t DM ha?1 for a GS range of 1·50–3·39 (mean of 2 years’ data, P < 0·01). The largest differences in DM yield occurred during the spring period. The relationship between sward DM yield and GS was significant (P < 0·001) for both simulated and animal‐grazed swards. Each unit increase in midseason GS (June) related to an average yield increase of 350 kg DM ha?1 under simulated grazing and a 721 kg DM ha?1 increase under cattle grazing. Every unit increase in the GS at the end of the grazing season (December) was associated with a 460 or 1194 kg DM ha?1 increase under simulated and animal grazing, respectively. These results show that visual estimates of density were an effective tool in describing PRG density and that this could be related to DM yield potential. Further investigations may provide a threshold value below which the renewal of swards could be advised based on a visual GS of PRG.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization on the dry‐matter (DM) yield and nutritional value of sorghum (Sorghum sp., cv. Jumbo) and black oat (Avena strigosa cv., IPR 61) was investigated in the context of forage and livestock production in southern Brazil. Sorghum was cultivated with 0, 37·5, 75, 150, 225, 300 and 375 kg N ha?1 during the summer crop seasons of 2010/11 and 2011/12. Black oat received 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg N ha?1 in the winter of 2011. According to the adjusted polynomial regression, sorghum DM yield increased in response to N up to 288 (12·9 t ha?1) and 264 kg ha?1 (5·6 t ha?1) in 2010/11 and 2011/12 respectively. Crude protein (CP) content of sorghum was highest at 349 and 328 kg N ha?1, but in vitro dry‐matter digestibility (IVDMD) was highest at 212–207 kg N ha?1 in 2010/11 and 2011/12 respectively. Sorghum neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were not affected by N fertilization. In black oat, the maximum DM yield (6·0 t ha?1) was obtained with 187 kg N ha?1; the IVDMD, NDF and ADF were not affected by N fertilization, but the CP content increased up to 220 kg N ha?1. It is concluded that these forage species can improve the year‐to‐year amount and quality of forage produced but high rates of N fertilizer are required to achieve high yields. Fertilizer N rates of 210–280 kg N ha?1 in sorghum and 180 kg N ha?1 in black oat in the crop rotation provide the greatest responses in DM yield consistent with good nutritional quality for livestock production.  相似文献   

This 3‐year study evaluated the effects of grazing intensity on herbage and steer responses in continuously stocked Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture in the Brazilian savanna. Treatments consisted of three grazing intensity levels, characterized by canopy heights of 15, 30 and 45 cm, measured twice per week. Responses variables included tiller population density (TPD), herbage accumulation rate (HAR) and body weight gain per area (WGA). A decline in TPD (1,237 vs. 767 tillers/m2) was observed from the first to the third grazing years, which influenced the HAR from the first to the third years (90.1 vs. 52.4 kg ha?1 day?1). A marked decline in body WGA (541 vs. 276 kg ha?1 year?1) was observed along the three years in pastures managed at a height of 15 cm, indicating that this is an unstable condition for Marandu palisadegrass pasture. HAR was similar for pastures managed at 30 or 45 cm and was relatively stable during the experimental period, averaging 91.8 and 99.1 kg ha?1 day?1 respectively. Body WGA was similar and constant throughout the experimental period for pastures managed at 30 (596 kg ha?1 year?1) and 45 cm (566 kg ha?1 year?1). Maintaining continuously stocked Marandu palisadegrass pastures at a 15 cm canopy height should be avoided due to long‐term decreases in plant persistence and animal body WGA, particularly when soil P is below critical levels at pasture establishment and during pasture utilization.  相似文献   

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