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冬花椰菜的小孢子胚胎发生研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用花药培养技术在四个冬花椰菜(Brassica oleracea L.ssp.botrytis)基因型中获得小孢子胚胎.培养基中加入硝酸银能明显促进胚胎发生.在含125mg/1硝酸银的培养基上胚产量最高.培养基中加入0.5g/1活性碳,能提高小孢子胚胎发生频率.另外在培养基中用琼脂糖代替琼脂,也能提高胚产量.  相似文献   

嫩茎花椰菜花药和花粉培养中的胚胎发生   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Futura、GV和GC三个品种嫩茎花椰菜单核阶段的花药和花粉,接种在(mg/L):①2,4-D0.1+NAA0.1+10%蔗糖;②2,4-D0.5+NAA1+BAP0.5+Kt0.5+GA_30.5+10%蔗糖的改良B_5固体和液体培养基上,给予不同温度和持续时间的热处理,最后培养在25℃光照下。接种后三周,从花药中产生出胚状体。转移到含2%蔗糖的改良B_5基本培养基上长成植株。观察了花药中花粉粒发育成胚状体的过程,分析了胚状体植物的染色体倍性。液体培养中的分离花粉粒,发育成一些膨大的胚性细胞和多细胞原胚。  相似文献   

绿菜花游离小孢子培养,胚胎发生和植株再生   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
取花蕾长3.0-5.5mm的花序,7%次氯酸钙溶液表面消毒15min,无菌水洗3次,然后轻压花蕾,过滤、收集滤液,离心后,将小孢悬浮于经过滤灭菌的改良的1/2NLN培养基中,石蜡膜封口,置温度梯度培养箱作32.5℃、1d的高温热激诱导处理,后置25℃下继续培养。本试验地13份绿菜花供试材料的游离小孢培养能力进行初步研究,其中8种基因型(占全部材料的61.5%)有胚胎发生,并获得5种基因型的再生株。  相似文献   

花椰菜游离小孢子培养及植株再生研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以186个花椰菜杂交品种及组合为试材,进行了游离小孢子培养研究。结果表明:基因型是胚状体发生的决定因素;24 h 32℃的高温前处理是胚状体发生的必须条件;单核靠边期到双核期的小孢子是进行胚状体诱导的最佳时期,胚状体发生频率最高;培养基中添加6-BA 0.1 mg/L,NAA 0.005 mg/L可以促进胚状体发育。将20 d的胚状体进行脱分化处理,可以大幅度提高胚状体的成活率,植株再生率为53%,再生植株中双单倍体占83.5%。  相似文献   

通过游离小孢子培养方法获得小白菜三个变种的胚胎及植株   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:22  
李岩  刘凡 《华北农学报》1993,8(3):92-97
对普通小白菜、乌塌菜和菜■三个小白菜变种的12个基因型进行了游离小孢子培养试验.从供体母株上选取2~4mm长的花蕾,机械分离小孢子并将其置于含NAA0.5mg/L、6BA0.05mg/L和蔗糖13%的NLN82液体培养基中薄层培养,先在33℃下暗培养24h,后移至25℃下继续暗培养,2周后有9个基因型形成球形期至子叶期胚.将成熟的小孢子胚移至B_5无激素琼脂培养基上,继续发育为植株.  相似文献   

本文调查了白菜花药和小孢子培养以及卷心菜花药培养所获得的再分化植物的多倍性。比较了白菜品种W1116和信玄花药培养及小孢子培养衍生的再分化植物中的二倍体出现频率,结果发现小孢子培养衍生的再分化植物的二倍体频率达60%,而花药培养衍生的再分化植物的二倍体频率仅为20-30%;并且在12个不同白菜品种和品系的小孢子培养所衍生的再分化植物中,二倍体的发生频率在38-85%范围。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜离体小孢子胚胎发生能力的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对一套甘蓝型油菜6×6半双列杂交组合和1个F2群体进行了离体小孢子培养。 不同基因型(组合)间产胚率差异极显著, 小孢子产胚率的广义遗传力为0.85。 F1小孢子产胚率具有明显的杂种优势, 平均优势率为10.52%。 小孢子产胚率的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差均达到极显著。 根据一般配合力的大小, 可将供试亲本分为高和低配合力  相似文献   

花椰菜雄性不育系小孢子发育过程及其POD活性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
对花椰菜小孢子发育过程的细胞学观察和POD酶活性测定表明,雄性不育系花粉母细胞的减数分裂行为正常,小孢子败育发生在四分体形成以后,导致小孢子败育的直接原因是绒毡层细胞的肥大生长和高度液泡化,致使绒毡层与小孢子正常发育的协调关系遭到了破坏,不育花药的过氧化物酶活性高于其保持系。  相似文献   

试验以大田环境下的多份甘蓝型油菜的品种或品系为材料,研究了活性炭对游离小孢子胚胎发生的影响.结果表明:活性炭对甘蓝型油菜游离小孢子培养胚状体发生有很好的促进作用,不仅提高了胚产量,而且有利于小孢子胚的正常发育,添加活性炭的固液双层培养基效果尤为显著.  相似文献   

17个用于大白菜常规育种的基因型在NLN-13液体培养基中进行游离小孢子培养,结果有16个基因型经由小孢子胚胎发生途径获得小孢子胚。这些基因型包括从早熟晚熟的各种类型。各基因之间在小孢子胚胎发生频率方面存在很大差异,产量最高的两个基因型T11和CC11,平均每百花蕾分别达35928和34132个胚。供体植株生长环境对小孢子胚胎发生具有明显影响;在10/20℃(液/昼)的部分控温温室生长的供体植株,  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a maternally inherited trait that prevents the production of function pollen, but maintains female fertility. It has been widely used in breeding programs to product F1 hybrid seed in some crops (Hanson, 1991). However, in some plants the CMS lines usually have some harmful characters such as plant dwarfness, etiolation in cauliflower. To obtain perfect CMS lines, a long time usually five to eight years is necessary. So how to fully utilize the obtained CMS lines for accelerating the development of new hybrid seed is very important. Here, in order to select high-quality paternal materials for cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) cauliflower NKC-A in early stage, analyses of RAPD and ISSR were performed. Total 2 160 detectable bands were obtained by RAPD using 406 random primers. Among all these primers only the amplifications of primer S2121(5' GTGGCTCTCC 3') were polymorphic. A 934 bp band only existed in maintainer line. After cloning and sequencing, specific primers were designed to transform the RAPD marker into specific PCR marker, which was named S2121900. Furthermore, total of 30 ISSR primers were also analyzed which produced 306 detectable bands.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜Ogu CMS系幼叶原生质体经剂量分别为0.025 0,0.075 0,0.315 0,0.468 0和0.960 0 J/cm2的紫外线辐照后,与花椰菜下胚轴原生质体通过PEG法诱导融合,其中0.025 0~0.468 0 J/cm2获得再生植株68株,0.960 0 J/cm2辐射剂量下没有获得再生株。通过根尖染色体计数、流式细胞仪倍性鉴定、同工酶酶谱分析、RAPD及Ogu CMS线粒体基因orf138 STS(Sequence Tagged Site)标记引物扩增等方法对再生株进行了鉴定。结果表明,其中32株为杂种植株。同时也发现,紫外线辐照剂量的增加对供体染色体的丢失程度影响不大。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜与花椰菜种间杂种子房离体培养研究初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
甘蓝型油菜与花椰菜种间杂种子房离体培养研究初报  相似文献   

M. Stipic  B. Campion 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(2):153-157
The genotypic responsiveness to androgenesis and the effect of two exposure times of cultured anthers to auxins (12 days and the entire period of culture) were studied in three lines of cauliflower (one spring - and two winter-types). The anthers of all genotypes responded to the protocol by producing embryos (0.2 -25.3%), 44.2% of which regenerated plantlets through organogenesis on a regulator-free B5 medium containing 40 g/l of sucrose and 800mg/l of L-glutamine. Embryo yield improvement, recently achieved on solid medium with the addition of 125mg/l silver nitrate, was not observed in liquid cultures. Mean frequencies of androgenic embryos, as affected by the duration of auxin supply to the culture, were always significantly higher (6.6- and 8.1-fold.) in the‘12 days of exposure’treatment than in the‘entire period of culture’treatment. The resolution of the parameter‘embryo percentage’into its two components (% of responsive anthers and number of embryos per responsive anther) gave evidence of a highly significant increase in the percentage of responsive anthers, whereas the number of embryos per responsive anther did not change statistically. The percentage of embryos regenerating plants was not influenced by the duration of auxin supply during anther culture. Chromosome count analysis revealed a haploid/diploid/polyploid plant ratio of 6:79:15. Of the 78 androgenic plants (RO generation) grown in the field, only 14 were fertile and produced seeds. RAPD analysis showed that none of the seven polymorphic loci out of 23 analysed expressed polymorphism within the RI progenies of 11 anther culture-derived lines.  相似文献   

以结球甘蓝无菌苗的胚轴和子叶为材料,几乎不生长愈伤组织,分化出不定芽。不定芽在添加6-BA的MS培养基上增殖很快,适宜的生根培养基为1/2MS+IBA0.5mg/L+ NAA0.1mg/L。通过增加培养基中糖和琼脂粉的用量,提高培养时的光照强度等有效控制了玻璃苗的产生。  相似文献   

A. R. Gray  P. Crisp 《Euphytica》1977,26(2):369-375
Summary Cauliflowers representing those maturing in Britain in autumn, winter and spring were assessed for self-compatibility by self-pollen tube growth. A tendency existed for groups taking longer to mature to be more self-incompatible, but a range of incompatibilities was apparent in all groups. These results complement those of other workers.It is argued that despite demonstrable heterosis within many groups of cauliflowers, radical advances are probably best made by selecting self-compatible material from annual × biennial hybrid populations.  相似文献   

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