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A three-year study was conducted to investigate the effects of endophyte-free (E−), endophyte-infected (E+) and novel endophyte-infected (EN) tall fescue on the growth and pregnancy rate of beef heifers during the spring. Each year, 48 beef heifers were strip-grazed on stockpiled fescue from December through February, fed fescue hay during late February to early April and then rotationally grazed on spring growth of fescue until June. At the end of the trial, heifers had been maintained on E+, E− or EN (pasture or hay) for a total of 152, 188 and 191 d in years 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In late March, heifers were synchronized using a controlled intravaginal drug-releasing device, (CIDR®) for 7 d followed by injection with PGF2α (Lutalyse®). Heatmount detectors (Kamar®) and observation for behavioral estrus were used to detect estrus for 63 d. Heifers were artificially inseminated 8 to12 h after the onset of standing estrus. Conception was determined by transrectal ultrasonography at approximately 30, 60 and 90 d after synchronization. Reproductive performance did not differ among treatments (P ≥ 0.20). Pregnancy rate was 54, 65, and 65% for E+, E− and EN, respectively. However, during the spring, growth and prolactin were decreased (P < 0.01) for heifers on E+. Gains on spring pasture were 0.24, 0.75, and 0.71 kg/d (SEM ± 0.03) for E+, E− and EN, respectively. Based on these results, the wild type endophyte-infected fescue can be used in production systems as a source of winter forage but producers should consider placing heifers on alternative forage (such as the novel endophyte-infected fescue) in the spring.  相似文献   

A grazing study was initiated in April 2000 and continued through three calving and weaning cycles (ending July 2003) to investigate the effects of rotational grazing management (twice monthly [2M] vs. twice weekly [2W]) and weaning date (mid-April [EARLY] vs. early June [LATE]) on production of fall-calving cow-calf pairs (495 +/- 9.6 kg initial BW) grazing Neotyphodium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) overseeded with legumes and crabgrass. Secondary objectives of the experiment were to monitor differences in quantity and quality of available forage and to evaluate changes in forage species composition. Pastures were dominated by tall fescue throughout the study, and the proportion of basal cover was greater (P < 0.05) in 2M than in 2W pastures. The percentage of legumes was very low across all treatment combinations, but the percentage of crabgrass continued to increase (P < 0.05) linearly and quadratically across years for both summer and fall sampling periods, regardless of rotation or weaning program. In vitro DM disappearance and mineral concentrations varied minimally because of rotation frequency or weaning date. Rotation frequency did not substantially affect (P = 0.11 to 0.97) cow BW, hay offered, milk production, calving interval, calf birth weight, or actual or adjusted weaning weights; however, 2M cows had 0.3 units higher (P < 0.05) BCS at the time of breeding than 2W cows. Calves weaned late had greater (P < 0.05) actual weaning weight and weighed more (P < 0.05) on the LATE weaning date than on the EARLY weaning date, but 205-d adjusted weaning weights did not differ (P = 0.74) across weaning dates. Therefore, rotation frequency and/or weaning date had little effect on forage species composition or forage quality. In addition, the rapid rotation program offered little advantage with respect to animal performance, and weaning fall-born calves grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures at approximately 189 d of age seemed to be detrimental to calf performance compared with delaying weaning until 243 d of age.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty Simmental-Hereford cows and calves were used in a 3-yr study to evaluate three creep grazing treatments and an early weaning treatment on cow and calf performance during midsummer (July to September). Calves were approximately 150 d of age and averaged 178.6 kg when treatments were initiated. Tifleaf pearl millet (Pennisetum Americanum L. Leeke) was used as the forage for two of the creep treatments, representing two cow stocking intensities of .466 (TLM1) and .239 (TLM2) ha of base hill land pasture/cow, and as pasture for early weaned calves. A red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)-Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) mixture was used as the other creep forage. Hill land pastures were similar for the mature cow units in all creep treatments. Calf average daily gains ranged from .93 to 1.10 kg and were not influenced (P greater than .05) by treatment. Calf gains per hectare were similar for the control, red clover and TLM1 treatments. The TLM2 and early weaning treatments resulted in increases of 105.4 and 39.1 kg of calf gain/ha (P less than .05) compared with the control. When calves were allowed to creep graze millet, decreasing the forage area from .466 to .239 ha per cow-calf unit resulted in an increase of 97.7 kg of calf gain/ha with no reduction in calf gain. Cows on the more intensively grazed millet creep treatment (TLM2) lost more weight (P less than .05) during midsummer than those on the TLM1 treatment, but they gained 18.5 kg more (P less than .10) weight than TLM1 cows between weaning and the start of winter feeding.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams)-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) perform poorly due to tall fescue toxicosis, especially when animals are under heat stress. In order to determine whether thiamin promotes recovery from tall fescue toxicosis, 1 or 0 g of thiamin per day, as mononitrate, was fed orally to adult Angus (Bos taurus) cows (380 +/- 8 kg) grazing either tall fescue pasture with and without endophyte or alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). A tethered grazing system employing a split-plot design was used to estimate intake and components of ingestive behavior. No significant differences attributable to thiamin supplements were seen in rates of intake and biting, grazing time and intake per bite when cows grazed endophyte-infected tall fescue during the first 4 d of exposure. When cows grazed endophyte-infected (greater than 95%) tall fescue with 2,091 micrograms/g loline alkaloids after 4 d of exposure, the untreated animals ingested herbage dry matter (DM) at 1.19 kg/h, whereas the cows receiving thiamin ate 1.57 kg/h (P less than .05). Cattle achieved these rates of DM intake by forming bites of 1.0 and 1.2 g DM at 24 and 26 bites/min when treated with 0 and 1 g of thiamin per day, respectively. Thiamin supplements had no effect on ingestive behavior of cows grazing endophyte-free tall fescue or alfalfa after exposure to these forages for 4 d. Responses to thiamin generally were greater when cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue were exposed to heat stress. Oral thiamin supplementation may alleviate tall fescue toxicosis of beef cattle during warm weather.  相似文献   

Data from 403 Polled Hereford-sired calves from Angus, Brahman, and reciprocal-cross cows were used to evaluate the effects of preweaning forage environment on postweaning performance. Calves were spring-born in 1991 to 1994 and managed on either endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+) or common bermudagrass (BG) during the preweaning phase. After weaning, calves were shipped to the Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK and stratified to one of two winter stocker treatments by breed and preweaning forage; stocker treatments were winter wheat pasture (WW) or native range plus supplemental CP (NR). Each stocker treatment was terminated in March, calves grazed cool-season grasses, and calves were then moved to a feedlot phase in June. In the feedlot phase, calves were fed to approximately 10 mm fat over the 12th rib and averaged approximately 115 d on feed. When finished, calves were weighed and shipped to Amarillo, TX for slaughter. Averaged over calf breed group, calves from E+ gained faster during the stocker phase (P<.10), had lighter starting and finished weights on feed (P< .01), lighter carcass weights (P<.01), and smaller longissimus muscle areas (P<.05) than calves from BG. Calves from E+ were similar to calves from BG in feedlot ADG, percentage kidney, heart, and pelvic fat, fat thickness over 12th rib, yield grade, marbling score, and dressing percentage. Maternal heterosis was larger in calves from E+ for starting weight on feed (P<.01), finished weight (P<.10), and carcass weight (P<.16). These data suggest that few carryover effects from tall fescue preweaning environments exist, other than lighter, but acceptable, weights through slaughter. These data further suggest that the tolerance to E+ in calves from reciprocal-cross cows, expressed in weaning weights, moderated postweaning weight differences between E+ and BG compared to similar comparisons in calves from purebred cows.  相似文献   

The dopamine antagonist metoclopramide (MC) was administered to steers grazing on endophyte-infected fescue. Yearling Angus steers (n = 24) were assigned randomly to pasture treatments including high (74%) and low (33%) endophyte levels and low (134 kg N.ha-1.yr-1) and high (335 kg N.ha-1.yr-1) N fertilization rates. One steer of the pair in each paddock (n = 12) received MC, whereas the other received sucrose (S) (15 mg/kg body weight, orally, three times a week for 10 wk). Blood for basal and maximal TRH-stimulated serum prolactin (PRL) concentrations was obtained before animals grazed fescue, after grazing for 1 mo, and after 3, 6 and 9 wk of animal treatment. Grazing endophyte-infected fescue decreased (P less than .05) basal serum PRL concentrations (less than 1.0 vs 5.3 ng/ml, high vs low endophyte). Basal serum PRL increased after 3, 6 and 9 wk of MC treatment (58.1 vs 5.4, 46.0 vs 12.0 and 50.8 vs 16.9 ng/ml, MC vs sucrose, respectively). After 6 wk of animal treatments, MC increased (P less than .05) serum cholesterol (84.7 vs 60.8 mg/dl, MC vs S). Animals treated with MC spent more (P less than .05) time between 1200 and 1600 grazing (22.4% vs 6.2%, MC vs S respectively) and had faster ADG (.314 vs .150 kg/d, MC vs S). The results implicate dopaminergic processes in fescue toxicosis.  相似文献   

Effects of grazing low-endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams, less than 1% infection) Johnstone (J) or high-endophyte (60% infection) Kentucky-31 (K) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) on grazing behavior and voluntary intake were studied. Six Angus steers (average initial BW = 326 kg) grazed 1.21-ha plots of each forage cultivar (three steers per cultivar) in four 28-d periods beginning May 27. Daytime observations (0630 until 2130) revealed that J steers spent more (P less than .10) time grazing and lying down and took more (P less than .05) prehensile bites than K steers did; conversely, steers grazing K spent more (P less than .10) time standing and idling than J steers did. Idling time showed a forage x period interaction (P less than .10). Mean OM bite size (grams per bite) was not affected (P greater than .10) by forage but differed (P less than .10) among periods. Limited nighttime observations (2130 until 0630) revealed no effects (P greater than .10) of forage on grazing time or number of prehensile bites taken. Voluntary intakes of OM and NDF did not differ (P greater than .10) between steers grazing J and K; however, a forage x period interaction (P less than .10) existed such that, during Period 1, steers grazing J had greater (P less than .01) OM and NDF intakes than did steers grazing K. These data suggest that cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue display altered daytime grazing behavior and that reduction of voluntary intake attributable to endophyte infection may be less severe under free-grazing than has been reported for controlled environmental conditions.  相似文献   

As part of a 2-yr study documenting the physiologic impact of grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue on growing cattle, 2 experiments were conducted to characterize and evaluate effects of grazing 2 levels of toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures on vascular contractility and serotonin receptors. Experiment 1 examined vasoconstrictive activities of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT), α-methylserotonin (ME5HT; a 5HT(2) receptor agonist), d-lysergic acid (LSA), and ergovaline (ERV) on lateral saphenous veins collected from steers immediately removed from a high-endophyte-infected tall fescue pasture (HE) or a low-endophyte-infected mixed-grass (LE) pasture. Using the same pastures, Exp. 2 evaluated effects of grazing 2 levels of toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue on vasoconstrictive activities of (±)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane hydrochloride (DOI), BW 723C86 (BW7), CGS-12066A (CGS), and 5-carboxamidotryptamine hemiethanolate maleate (5CT), agonists for 5HT(2A),( 2B), 5HT(1B), and 5HT(7) receptors, respectively. One-half of the steers in Exp. 2 were slaughtered immediately after removal from pasture, and the other one-half were fed finishing diets for >91 d before slaughter. For Exp. 1, maximal contractile intensities were greater (P < 0.05) for steers grazing LE pastures than HE pastures for 5HT (73.3 vs. 48.9 ± 2.1%), ME5HT (52.7 vs. 24.9 ± 1.5%), and ERV (65.7 vs. 49.1 ± 2.6%). Onset of contractile response did not differ for 5HT (P = 0.26) and ERV (P = 0.93), but onset of ME5HT contraction was not initiated (P < 0.05) in HE steers until 10(-4) compared with 10(-5) M in LE-grazing steers. For Exp. 2, maximal contractile intensities achieved with DOI were 35% less (P < 0.05), whereas those achieved with 5CT were 37% greater (P < 0.05), in steers grazing HE pastures. Contractile response to CGS did not differ between pasture groups, and there was an absence of contractile response to BW7 in both groups. There were no differences between endophyte content in contractile responses after animals were finished for >91 d. Experiment 1 demonstrated that grazing of HE pastures for 89 to 105 d induces functional alterations in blood vessels, as evidenced by reduced contractile capacity and altered serotonergic receptor activity. Experiment 2 demonstrated that grazing HE pastures alters vascular responses, which may be mediated through altered serotonin receptor activities, and these alterations may be ameliorated by the removal of ergot alkaloid exposure as demonstrated by the absence of differences in finished steers.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to compare the effects of a progesterone-estradiol implant (PEI) with no implant (NI) and 20 g of copper oxide needles (CuON) with no CuON on grazing, subsequent feedlot performance, and selected serum constituents of steers. In Exp. 1, 114 Limousin crossbred yearling steers (317 kg average initial BW) were stocked continuously on Acremonium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)-ladino clover (Trifolium repens L.) pastures (C) or were rotated to bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) during summer months (R) of two consecutive years. Implant and copper treatments were applied within pasture. Blood samples were collected four times during each grazing season. Continuously stocked steers had greater (P less than .05) grazing gain, less (P less than .10) feedlot gain, and heavier (P less than .05) carcass weights than R steers did. Implanted steers had greater (P less than .05) pasture but lesser (P less than .05) feedlot gains than did NI steers. Prolactin concentrations were greater (P less than .05) from R than from C steers in late summer 1988. Ceruloplasmin was greater (P less than .01) with CuON than without on the last three and last two sampling dates in 1988 and 1989, respectively. In Exp. 2, blood samples were collected twice from 40 mixed-breed steers (283 kg average initial BW) receiving the same implant and copper treatments as in Exp. 1 and grazing infected fescue for one season. Serum ceruloplasmin and copper concentrations were increased (P less than .01) by CuON, but other measurements did not differ among treatments. Summer grazing of bermuda grass increased serum copper, ceruloplasmin, and prolactin but decreased grazing performance. Implanting increased grazing performance. Copper oxide needles increased serum ceruloplasmin and copper concentrations but did not affect steer performance.  相似文献   

Reproductive and preweaning data on 190 Angus (A x A), Brahman (B x B), and reciprocal-cross cows (A x B and B x A) and 434 two- and three-breed-cross calves managed on common bermudagrass (BG), endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+), or a combination of both forages (ROT) were used to evaluate the interaction of forage type with individual and maternal heterosis and maternal and grandmaternal breed effects. Cows were born from 1988 to 1991, and calves sired by 13 Polled Hereford bulls were born from 1995 to 1997. Heterosis for calving rate was larger on E+ than on BG or ROT (P < .05), whereas maternal effects were larger on BG than on ROT (P < .10). Maternal heterosis for birth weight was negative on BG (P < .11) but positive on E+ and ROT (P < .10). Grandmaternal effects were evident on BG (P < .10) and E+ (P < .01) but not on ROT. Forage effects were generally substantial for 205-d weight, calf weaning hip height, and calf weaning weight:height ratio; BG was highest, ROT was intermediate, and E+ was lowest. Maternal heterosis for these traits was generally greater on E+ than on BG (P < .10). Grandmaternal effects for 205-d weight, hip height, and weight:height ratio were not important on any forage. Heterosis for weaning weight per cow exposed was substantial on all forages (P < .01) and was significantly greater on E+ (P < .01) than on BG or ROT, but maternal effects were not significant. Thus, we observed more advantage to Brahman-cross cows over purebreds on E+ than on BG. We also observed that moving cows and calves from E+ to BG in the summer will alleviate some, but not all, of the deleterious effects of E+ on calf growth, although it may be more beneficial for reproductive traits in purebred cows.  相似文献   

The effect of supplements on intake, digestibility, N retention, ADG and blood and body composition of growing lambs fed cut herbage or grazing KY 31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) pastures at two levels of N fertilization (92 and 318 kg/ha) was determined. Supplements were corn (C), corn with soybean meal (U-SBM) and corn with heat-treated SBM (H-SBM). Metabolism trials were run at three growth stages in the 1st yr with 24 lambs. Although all supplements increased total DMI and DM digestibility, they decreased NDF digestibility relative to grass (G), with no difference between supplements; C depressed apparent CP digestibility. Nitrogen retention increased from -2.5 g/d on G to -.4 g/d on C and 3.2 and 4.1 g/d on U-SBM and H-SBM, respectively, for combined periods and N rates. Blood urea N (BUN) concentrations differed (P less than .01) in the following order: G greater than U-SBM greater than H-SBM greater than C. In the 2nd yr, lambs (n = 64) grazed fescue pastures at the same N fertilizer rates and were given the same supplements. Gains were not different (P less than .05) on low-N (LN) and high-N (HN) pastures. Seasonal ADG were 80, 115, 122 and 130 g/d for G, C, U-SBM and H-SBM treatments, respectively, with no difference (P less than .05) between U-SBM and H-SBM. At slaughter, lambs from G had lower dressing percentages (P less than .05) and fat content (P less than .01) than lambs on C, U-SBM and H-SBM treatments, with no differences between supplements. Results indicated a better performance of growing lambs on fescue with both energy and protein supplements. Response to protected vs unprotected protein was small.  相似文献   

Two 120-d trials (May to September, 1988 and 1989) determined the effects of grazing tall fescue (two varieties) or orchardgrass on forage intake and performance by beef cows. Each summer, 48 cow-calf pairs grazed endophyte-infected Kentucky-31 tall fescue (KY-31), endophyte-free Mozark tall fescue (MOZARK), or Hallmark orchardgrass (OG) pastures (16 pairs/treatment). Forage OM intakes and digestibilities were determined during June and August each year. Cow and calf BW and milk production were determined every 28 d. During June of both years, OM intakes did not differ (P greater than .10) among treatments. During August of 1988, intakes were 18% lower (P less than .05) by KY-31 cows (1.6% of BW) than by MOZARK or OG cows (average 1.95% of BW); however, no differences (P greater than .10) were measured in August of 1989. Estimates of ergovaline consumption during June from KY-31 were between 4.2 (1988) and 6.0 mg/d (1989), whereas August estimates were between 1.1 (1988) and 2.8 mg/d (1989). Ergovaline in MOZARK estrusa was below detection limits, except in August of 1989. Cows that grazed KY-31 lost three times (P less than .01) more BW than cows that grazed MOZARK or OG (42 vs 9 and 13 kg, respectively). Milk production by KY-31 cows was 25% lower (P less than .01) than that by cows that grazed MOZARK or OG (6.0 vs average of 8.0 kg/d). Similarly, slower (P less than .01) calf gains were noted for KY-31 than for MOZARK or OG (.72 vs .89 and .88 kg/d, respectively). Cows grazing KY-31 experienced accelerated BW loss and reduced milk production and weaned lighter calves than did cows grazing MOZARK or OG. Decreased performance was not explained by consistently reduced forage intakes; hence, altered nutrient utilization was suspected.  相似文献   

Five years of data were collected on 124 Brangus-type cows to evaluate weaning calves at 8.5 or 10.5 mo of age and winter supplementation of the brood cow with 2.25 kg of molasses daily. Cows with calves weaned at 10.5 mg of age gained 14 kg less weight (P less than .01) during the late nursing period than did cows from which calves were earlier weaned. Age of calf at weaning had no effect on cow reproduction, but calves weaned at 10.5 mo were 2 to 3 d younger (P less than .06) and 5.3 kg lighter (P less than .05) at 8.5 mo of age. During the last 2 mo of nursing, calves weaned at 10.5 mo of age gained 37.2 kg and had a 31.9-kg heavier weaning weight than calves weaned at 8.5 mo of age. Molasses supplementation resulted in differences (P less than .01) in cow weight changes. Cows fed molasses had calving percentages 5 to 7 units higher (P less than .30) than cows not fed molasses. Feeding cows molasses for 145 d throughout the calving and breeding season increased calf weaning weight 7.7 (P less than .02) and 11.2 (P less than .03) kg, respectively, at 8.5 and 10.5 mo of age over the nonsupplemented controls.  相似文献   

A 3-yr study evaluated late winter (Feb), early spring (Apr), and late spring (Jun) calving systems in conjunction with varied weaning strategies on beef cow and calf performance from Northern Great Plains rangelands. Crossbred cows were randomly assigned to one of three calving systems (on average n= 168.calving system(-1).yr(-1)) and one of two weaning times (Wean 1, 2) within each calving system. The Feb and Apr calves were weaned at 190 and 240 d of age, whereas Jun calves were weaned at 140 and 190 d of age. Breeding by natural service occurred in a 32-d period that included estrous synchronization. Cows were managed throughout the year as appropriate for their calving season. Quantity and quality of hay and supplements were provided based on forage and weather conditions, physiological state of the cows, and available harvested feed resources within a year. After weaning, two-thirds of the early weaned steers were fed in confinement in Montana, and one-third were shipped to Oklahoma and were grazed or fed forage. One-half of the early weaned heifers grazed seeded pastures, and the other half was fed in confinement. Early weaned calves were weighed on approximately the same day as late-weaned calves. Birth weight and overall rate of gain from birth to weaning did not differ for calves from the three calving systems. Calf weaning weight differed by weaning age within calving system (P = 0.001), and calves from the Jun calving system that were weaned at 190 d of age tended (P = 0.06) to be lighter than calves of the same age from the Feb or Apr calving systems. Cow BW change and BCS dynamics were affected by calving system, but the proportion of cows pregnant in the fall was not. Cows suckled until later dates gained less or lost more BW during the 50 d between the first and second weaning than dry cows during this period. The previous year's weaning assignment did not affect production in the following year. Estimated harvested feed inputs were less for the Jun cows than for the Feb and Apr cows. We conclude that season of calving and weaning age affect outputs from rangeland-based beef cattle operations.  相似文献   

Thirty mares in late gestation were used in a 3-yr study to assess effects of the tall fescue endophyte Acremonium coenophialum on serum prolactin (PRL) and progesterone. Two paddocks of each treatment, 0 or 100% infected 'Kentucky 31' tall fescue, were grazed by the mares for 21 d. Blood was collected three times per week until parturition. At 7-d intervals, mares were challenged with thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) while grazing and blood was collected postinjection. Mares grazing 100% infected tall fescue (E+) had decreased serum PRL compared with mares grazing the 0% infected tall fescue (E-) in 2 of 3 yr. Within 8 d postgrazing, serum PRL for E+ mares equaled or surpassed values of the E- mares. Serum PRL was not different during the 3rd yr. In response to TRH, serum PRL rate of increase was similar between treatments but remained elevated (P less than .01) in the E+ mares at the 180-, 240-, and 300-min sample times. Serum progesterone was lowered (P less than .05) by E+ but increased to control values within 10 d postgrazing. It is concluded that serum PRL and progesterone in the gravid mare were decreased by the presence of A. coenophialum in 'Kentucky 31' tall fescue grass but normal levels were reestablished within 2 to 3 wk.  相似文献   

Over a 2-yr period, effects of genotype and forage on blood metabolites, enzymes, and minerals were determined in Angus, Brahman, Angus x Brahman (sire x dam), and Brahman x Angus cows, and 129 calves from these cows sired by Hereford bulls. Cows and calves continuously grazed either common bermudagrass or endophyte-infected 'Kentucky-31' tall fescue pastures throughout the year. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture in April, August, October (weaning), and November (after 30 d in a feedlot) of each year. Plasma urea N concentrations of cows and calves were affected by forage (P < 0.01) and breed (P < 0.05). Plasma cholesterol and FFA concentrations of cows were affected by forage (P < 0.01) and breed (P < 0.05). In calves, antibody titers to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus were not affected by forage but were affected by breed. Serum inorganic P concentrations of calves and cows were affected by forage (P < 0.05). Serum P concentrations and alkaline phosphatase activity of calves were affected by breed (P < 0.05). Calves grazing bermudagrass had higher (P < 0.05) serum concentrations of Fe and total iron binding capacity (TIBC). There was evidence of maternal heterosis for concentrations of free fatty acids, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, Ca, Mg, alkaline phosphatase, ceruloplasmin, Fe, and TIBC. There was evidence of grandmaternal effects for plasma concentrations of urea N, cholesterol, Ca, P, Mg, and alkaline phosphatase. These results suggest that calves and cows grazing tall fescue are generally on a lower plane of nutrition than those grazing bermudagrass and that Brahman x Angus and Angus x Brahman crossbred cows and their calves seen to be more tolerant of the negative effects of tall fescue than the average of their purebred contemporaries.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to measure the effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed extract and various alkaloids associated with the endophyte on in vitro prolactin secretion by rat hemipituitaries. Rat anterior pituitaries (AP) were dissected into halves and placed in temperature-controlled culture chambers (37 degrees C). The tissue was perfused with culture media at a flow rate of 12 mL/h. After perfusion for at least 90 min with control media, AP halves were exposed to their respective treatments for 15 min before they were returned to the control media. The treatments for Exp. 1 were .01 micrograms of alpha-ergocryptine/mL of culture medium, .01 microgram of ergonovine/mL of culture medium, .01 gram-equivalents of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed/mL of culture medium, and .01 gram-equivalents of endophyte free tall fescue seed/mL of culture medium. Treatments for Exp. 2 consisted of 10(-4), 10(-6), and 10(-8) M concentrations of perloline, N-formyl loline, N-acetyl loline, N-methyl loline, and alpha-ergocryptine. alpha-Ergocryptine suppressed (P less than .10) prolactin secretion in both experiments. Ergonovine and perloline both stimulated (P less than .10) prolactin secretion. The loline alkaloids (N-formyl loline, N-acetyl loline, N-methyl loline) had no effect on prolactin secretion. The endophyte-infected seed extract treatment suppressed (P less than .10) prolactin secretion. The endophyte-free seed extract treatment had no effect on prolactin secretion. In Exp. 2, prolactin secretion from AP responded to alpha-ergocryptine treatment in a dose-dependent fashion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Over a 5-yr period, spring-calving cows were used in a carry-over design experiment to evaluate effects of calf age at weaning on cow and calf performance and production economics. Weaning management groups were early (n = 60, calf age 150 d, EW), traditional (n = 60, calf age 210 d, NW), and late (n = 60, calf age 270 d, LW). Cow body condition score (BCS) and weights at the last weaning date were different (P < .05) for EW (5.8, 583 kg), NW (5.5, 560 kg), and LW (5.2, 541 kg) management groups. Pregnancy rates among groups were similar. Days on feed for groups differed (P = .001) and was 247 for EW, 204 for NW, and 164 d for LW steers. Average daily gain in the feedlot differed (P = .01) among groups and averaged 1.5 kg for LW, 1.4 kg for NW, and 1.3 kg for EW steers. Dry matter intake while steers were in the feedlot was greater (P = .001) for LW than for NW and EW calves. Hot carcass weight was greater (P = .01) for EW (328 kg) and NW (332 kg) calves than for LW (321 kg) steers, and fat depth was greater (P = .05) for EW and NW steers than for LW steers. When carcass data for the NW and LW steers were adjusted to the fat depth of EW steers, carcass characteristics among groups were similar. Net income per steer at slaughter for the feedlot phase was greater (P < .001) for the EW ($75.36) and NW ($62.16) steers than for the LW ($10.09) steers. Again, when carcass data for the NW and LW steers were adjusted to the same fat depth of the EW steers, net income differences among groups were reduced. Replacement heifers were developed in a drylot and costs were higher (P < .001) for the EW than for NW and LW heifers. Annual cow costs were greater (P < .10) for the LW ($443.45) than for the EW ($410.09) and NW ($421.35) groups. Break-even for each system on a steer financial basis was not different between the NW and LW groups, and both the NW and LW groups had lower (P = .08) break-evens than the EW group. Age of the calf at weaning affects cow weight and BCS. Net income in each system is influenced by cow costs, month of the year that steer calves are purchased into the feedlot and finished steers are sold, month of the year cull cows are marketed, and replacement heifer development costs.  相似文献   

A new form of toxicity called equine fescue oedema is described. The clinical signs included inappetence, depression, and subcutaneous oedema of the head, neck, chest and abdomen. Affected horses had very low plasma albumin values. The toxicity affected 48 of 56 horses on six farms in different states of Australia, and 4 horses have died. All horses were grazing pastures that had been sown with varieties of Mediterranean tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) that carry the endophyte known as Max P or Max Q. It is proposed that a pyrrolizidine alkaloid, N‐acetyl norloline, which is produced by the Max P endophyte, may be responsible for this new toxicity in horses.  相似文献   

Consumption of wild-type (toxic) endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+) by horses during late gestation is known to adversely affect pregnancy outcome; however, little is known of the potential disruptive consequences of E+ consumption by mares during the critical phases of placentation and fetal development in early pregnancy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the detrimental effects of feeding E+ to mares during early gestation. Mares (n = 12) paired by stage of gestation (d 65 to 100) were assigned to diets (six per diet) consisting of endophyte-free (E-) or E+ tall fescue seed (50% E- or E+ tall fescue seed, 45% sweet feed, and 10% molasses fed at 1.0% of BW/d). Mares also had ad libitum access to E+ or E- annual ryegrass hay, and were fed diets for 10 d. Following removal from the tall fescue diet on d 11, mares were placed on common bermudagrass pasture and monitored until d 21. Morning and evening rectal temperatures were recorded and daily blood samples were collected for progesterone and prolactin (PRL) analyses, whereas samples for 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid (a catecholamine metabolite) analysis were collected on alternate days. For clinical chemistry analysis, blood samples were collected on d 0, 5, 10 and 21. Daily urine samples were collected for ergot alkaloid analysis, and ultrasonography was performed for presence of echogenic material in fetal fluids. Rectal temperatures (E+ 37.76+/-0.03; E- 37.84+/-0.03 degrees C) and serum PRL concentrations (E+ 14.06< or =0.76; E- 12.11+/-0.76 ng/mL) did not differ (P = 0.96) between treatments. Measuring the change in basal serum concentration from d 0 over time, progesterone concentrations did not differ (-0.64 +/-1.49 and -0.55+/-1.47 ng/mL for E+ and E- mares, respectively). There was no negative pregnancy outcome, and ultrasonography indicated no increase in echogenic material in fetal fluids. Plasma 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid concentrations decreased (P < 0.05) in E+ compared with E- mares (2.1+/-0.14 and 4.4+/0.43 ng/mL, respectively). Urinary ergot alkaloid concentration was greater (P < 0.01) in mares consuming E+ compared with E- (532.12+/- 52.51 and 13.36+/-2.67 ng/mg of creatinine, respectively). Although no fetal loss was observed during the current study, elevated concentrations of urinary ergot alkaloid were consistent with depressed endogenous catecholamine activity, suggestive of an endocrine disruptive effect of hypothalamic origin.  相似文献   

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