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A QTL study for carcass composition and meat quality traits was conducted on finisher pigs of a cross between a synthetic Piétrain/Large White boar line and a commercial sow cross. The mapping population comprised 715 individuals evaluated for a total of 30 traits related to growth and fatness (4 traits), carcass composition (11 traits), and meat quality (15 traits). Offspring of 8 sires (n = 715) were used for linkage analysis and genotyped for 73 microsatellite markers covering 14 chromosomal regions representing approximately 50% of the pig genome. The regions examined were selected based on previous studies suggesting the presence of QTL affecting carcass composition or meat quality traits. Thirty-two QTL exceeding the 5% chromosome-wise significance level were identified. Among these, 5 QTL affecting 5 different traits were significant at the 1% chromosome-wise level. The greatest significance levels were found for a QTL affecting loin weight on SSC11 and a QTL with an effect on the Japanese color scale score of the loin on SSC4. About one-third of the identified QTL were in agreement with QTL previously reported. Results showed that QTL affecting carcass composition and meat quality traits segregated within commercial lines. Use of these results for marker-assisted selection offers opportunities for improving pork quality by within-line selection.  相似文献   

Most QTL detection studies in pigs have been carried out in experimental F(2) populations. However, segregation of a QTL must be confirmed within a purebred population for successful implementation of marker-assisted selection. Previously, QTL for meat quality and carcass traits were detected on SSC 7 in a Duroc purebred population. The objectives of the present study were to carry out a whole-genome QTL analysis (except for SSC 7) for meat production, meat quality, and carcass traits and to confirm the presence of segregating QTL in a Duroc purebred population. One thousand and four Duroc pigs were studied from base to seventh generation; the pigs comprised 1 closed population of a complex multigenerational pedigree such that all individuals were related. The pigs were evaluated for 6 growth traits, 7 body size traits, 8 carcass traits, 2 physiological traits, and 11 meat quality traits, and the number of pigs with phenotypes ranged from 421 to 953. A total of 119 markers were genotyped and then used for QTL analysis. We utilized a pedigree-based, multipoint variance components approach to test for linkage between QTL and the phenotypic values using a maximum likelihood method; the logarithm of odds score and QTL genotypic heritability were estimated. A total of 42 QTL with suggestive linkages and 3 QTL with significant linkages for 26 traits were detected. These included selection traits such as daily BW gain, backfat thickness, loin eye muscle area, and intramuscular fat content as well as correlated traits such as body size and meat quality traits. The present study disclosed QTL affecting growth, body size, and carcass, physiological, and meat quality traits in a Duroc purebred population.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of the main components of boar taint was investigated in intact male pigs in a commercial population. We analyzed fat androsten-one and skatole concentrations from 217 males of an outbred Landrace population. Records were normalized using a logarithm transformation and tested for normality using a Wilk-Shapiro test. Bayesian analysis was then used to map QTL in 10 candidate regions previously selected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13. The criterion for QTL detection was the Bayes factor (BF) between polygenic models with and without QTL effects. Both traits had considerable genetic determination, with posterior means of total heritabilities ranging from 0.59 to 0.73 for androstenone and from 0.74 to 0.89 for skatole. Positive evidence for a fat skatole QTL was detected on SSC6 (BF = 5.16); however, no QTL for androstenone were found in any of the 10 chromosomal regions analyzed. With the detection of a QTL for the fat skatole concentration segregating in this population, marker-assisted selection or even gene-assisted selection could be used once the causal mutation of the QTL was identified.  相似文献   

A genome-wide scan for QTL affecting economically important traits in beef production was performed using an F(2) resource family from a Japanese Black x Limousin cross, where 186 F(2) animals were measured for growth, carcass, and meat-quality traits. All family members were genotyped for 313 informative microsatellite markers that spanned 2,382 cM of bovine autosomes. The centromeric region of BTA2 contained significant QTL (i.e., exceeding the genome-wide 5% threshold) for 5 carcass grading traits [LM area, beef marbling standards (BMS) number, luster, quality grade, and firmness), 8 computer image analysis (CIA) traits [LM lean area, ratio of fat area (RFA) to LM area, LM area, RFA to musculus (M.) trapezius area, M. trapezius lean area, M. semispinalis lean area, RFA to M. semispinalis area, and RFA to M. semispinalis capitis area], and 5 meat quality traits (contents of CP, crude fat, moisture, C16:1, and C18:2 of LM). A significant QTL for withers height was detected at 80.3 cM on BTA5. We detected significant QTL for the C14:0 content in backfat and C14:0 and C14:1 content in intermuscular fat around the 62.3 to 71.0 cM region on BTA19 and for C14:0, C14:1, C18:1, and C16:0 content and ratio of total unsaturated fatty acid content to total SFA content in intramuscular fat at 2 different regions on BTA19 (41.1 cM for C14:1 and 62.3 cM for the other 4 traits). Overall, we identified 9 significant QTL regions controlling 27 traits with genome-wide significance of 5%; of these, 22 traits exceeded the 1% genome-wide threshold. Some of the QTL affecting meat quality traits detected in this study might be the same QTL as previously reported. The QTL we identified need to be validated in commercial Japanese Black cattle populations.  相似文献   

An experimental F2 cross between Iberian and Landrace pig strains was performed to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for diverse productive traits. Here we report results for meat quality traits from 369 F2 animals with records for pH 24 h postmortem (pH 24 h), muscle color Minolta measurements L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness), H* (hue angle), C* (chroma), intramuscular fat (IMF) and haematin pigment content measured in the longissimus thoracis. Pigs were genotyped for 92 markers covering the 18 porcine autosomes (SSC). Results of the genome scan show evidence for QTL for IMF (SSC6; F = 27.16), pH 24 h (SSC3; F = 7.73), haematin pigments (SSC4 and SSC7; F = 8.68 and 9.47 respectively) and Minolta color measurements L* (SSC4 and SSC7; F =16.42 and 7.17 respectively), and a* (SSC4 and SSC8; F = 8.05 and 7.36 respectively). No QTL were observed for the color measurements b*, H*, and C*. Alternative models fitting epistasis between QTL were also tested, but detected epistatic interactions were not significant at a genome-wise level. In this work we identify genomic regions related with meat quality traits. Improvement by traditional selection methods is complicated, and finer mapping would be required for their application in introgression programs.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to detect quantitative trait loci for economically important traits in a family from a Bos indicus x Bos taurus sire. A Brahman x Hereford sire was used to develop a half-sib family (n = 547). The sire was mated to Bos taurus cows. Traits analyzed were birth (kg) and weaning weights (kg); hot carcass weight (kg); marbling score; longissimus area (cm2); USDA yield grade; estimated kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (%); fat thickness (cm); fat yield (%); and retail product yield (%). Meat tenderness was measured as Warner-Bratzler shear force (kg) at 3 and 14 d postmortem. Two hundred and thirty-eight markers were genotyped in 185 offspring. One hundred and thirty markers were used to genotype the remaining 362 offspring. A total of 312 markers were used in the final analysis. Seventy-four markers were common to both groups. Significant QTL (expected number of false-positives < 0.05) were observed for birth weight and longissimus area on chromosome 5, for longissimus area on chromosome 6, for retail product yield on chromosome 9, for birth weight on chromosome 21, and for marbling score on chromosome 23. Evidence suggesting (expected number of false-positives < 1) the presence of QTL was detected for several traits. Putative QTL for birth weight were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, and 3, and for weaning weight on chromosome 29. For hot carcass weight, QTL were detected on chromosomes 10, 18, and 29. Four QTL for yield grade were identified on chromosomes 2, 11, 14, and 19. Three QTL for fat thickness were detected on chromosomes 2, 3, 7, and 14. For marbling score, QTL were identified on chromosomes 3, 10, 14, and 27. Four QTL were identified for retail product yield on chromosomes 12, 18, 19, and 29. A QTL for estimated kidney, pelvic, and heart fat was detected on chromosome 15, and a QTL for meat tenderness measured as Warner-Bratzler shear force at 3 d postmortem was identified on chromosome 20. Two QTL were detected for meat tenderness measured as Warner-Bratzler shear force at 14 d postmortem on chromosomes 20 and 29. These results present a complete scan in all available progeny in this family. Regions underlying QTL need to be assessed in other populations.  相似文献   

A genome scan to detect QTL influencing growth and carcass-related traits was conducted in a Charolais x Holstein crossbred cattle population. Phenotypic measurements related to growth and carcass traits were made on the 235 second-generation crossbred males of this herd (F2 and reciprocal backcrosses), which were born in 4 consecutive annual cohorts. Traits measured in vivo were related to birth dimensions, growth rates, and ultrasound measurements of fat and muscle depth. The animals were slaughtered near a target BW of 550 kg, and a wide range of postmortem traits were measured: visual assessment of carcass conformation and carcass fatness, estimated subcutaneous fat percentage, weights of kidney knob and channel fat, and weights of carcass components after commercial and full-tissue dissections. The whole population, including grandparents, parents, and the crossbred bulls, was genotyped initially for 139 genome-wide microsatellite markers. Twenty-six additional markers were subsequently analyzed to increase marker density on some of the chromosomes where QTL had been initially identified. The linear regression analyses based on the 165 markers revealed a total of 51 significant QTL at the suggestive level, 21 of which were highly significant (F-value >or=9; based on the genome-wide thresholds obtained in the initial scan). A large proportion of the highly significant associations were found on chromosomes 5 and 6. The most highly significant QTL was localized between markers DIK1054 and DIK082 on chromosome 6 and explained about 20% of the phenotypic variance for the total bone proportion estimated after the commercial dissection. In the adjacent marker interval on this chromosome, 2 other highly significant QTL were found that explain about 30% of the phenotypic variance for birth dimension traits (BW and body length at birth). On chromosome 5, the most significant association influenced the lean:bone ratio at the forerib joint and was flanked by markers DIK4782 and BR2936. Other highly significant associations were detected on chromosomes 10 (estimated subcutaneous fat percentage), 11 (total saleable meat proportion), 16 (prehousing growth rate), and 22 (bone proportion at the leg joint). These results provide a useful starting point for the identification of the genes associated with traits of direct interest to the beef industry, using fine mapping or positional candidate gene approaches.  相似文献   

A three-generation resource family was created by crossing two Berkshire grandsires with nine Yorkshire granddams to identify QTL affecting growth, body composition, and meat quality. A total of 512 F2 offspring were evaluated for 11 traits related to growth and body composition and 28 traits related to meat quality. All animals were initially genotyped for 125 markers across the genome. The objectives of this advanced phase of the project were to further identify and characterize QTL after genotyping for another 33 markers in special regions of interest, and to develop and apply methods for detecting QTL with parent-of-origin effects. New marker linkage maps were derived and used in QTL analysis based on line-cross least squares regression-interval mapping. A decision tree for identifying QTL with parent-of-origin effects was developed based on tests against the Mendelian mode of expression. Empirical significance thresholds were derived at chromosomewise and genomewise levels using specialized permutation strategies to create data under the null hypothesis appropriate for each test. Significance thresholds derived by the permutation tests were validated based on simulation of a pedigree and data structure similar to the Berkshire-Yorkshire population. The addition of 33 markers resulted in the discovery of 29 new QTL at the 5% chromosomewise level using the Mendelian model of analysis. Thirteen of the original QTL were no longer significant at the 5% chromosomewise level. A total of 33 QTL with parent-of-origin effects were identified, including QTL with paternal expression for backfat and loin muscle area on chromosome 2, near IGF2, and QTL with maternal expression for drip loss and reflectance on chromosome 9. Tests for imprinting against Mendelian expression identified much fewer QTL with parent-of-origin effects than tests based on significance of paternal and maternal alleles, which have been used in other studies. The detected QTL and their identified mode of expression will allow further research in these QTL regions and their utilization in marker-assisted improvement of meat quality.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci analyses were applied to data from Suffolk and Texel commercial sheep flocks in the United Kingdom. The populations comprised 489 Suffolk animals in three half-sib families and 903 Texel animals in nine half-sib families. Phenotypic data comprised measurements of live weight at 8 and 20 wk of age and ultrasonically measured fat and muscle depth at 20 wk. Lambs and their sires were genotyped across candidate regions on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 18, and 20. Data were analyzed at the breed level, at the family level, and across extended families when families were genetically related. The breed-level analyses revealed a suggestive QTL on chromosome 1 in the Suffolk breed, between markers BM8246 and McM130, affecting muscle depth, although the effect was only significant in one of the three Suffolk families. A two-QTL analysis suggested that this effect may be due to two adjacent QTL acting in coupling. In total, 24 suggestive QTL were identified from individual family analyses. The most significant QTL affected fat depth and was segregating in a Texel family on chromosome 2, with an effect of 0.62 mm. The QTL was located around marker ILSTS030, 26 cM distal to myostatin. Two of the Suffolk and two of the Texel sires were related, and a three-generation analysis was applied across these two extended families. Seven suggestive QTL were identified in this analysis, including one that had not been detected in the individual family analysis. The most significant QTL, which affected muscle depth, was located on chromosome 18 near the callipyge and Carwell loci. Based on the phenotypic effect and location of the QTL, the data suggest that a locus similar to the Carwell locus may be segregating in the United Kingdom Texel population.  相似文献   

In a previous study, QTL for carcass composition and meat quality were identified in a commercial finisher cross. The main objective of the current study was to confirm and fine map the QTL on SSC4 and SSC11 by genotyping an increased number of individuals and markers and to analyze the data using a combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis method. A modified version of the method excludes linkage disequilibrium information from the analysis, enabling the comparison of results based on linkage information only or results based on combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium information. Nine additional paternal half-sib families were genotyped for 18 markers, resulting in a total of 1,855 animals genotyped for 15 and 13 markers on SSC4 and SSC11, respectively. The QTL affecting meat color on SSC4 was confirmed, whereas the QTL affecting LM weight could not be confirmed. The combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis resulted in the identification of new significant effects for 14 traits on the 2 chromosomes. Heritabilities of the QTL effects ranged from 1.8 to 13.2%. The analysis contributed to a more accurate positioning of QTL and further characterized their phenotypic effect. However, results showed that even greater marker densities are required to take full advantage of linkage disequilibrium information and to identify haplotypes associated with favorable QTL alleles.  相似文献   

Many QTL analyses related to meat production and meat quality traits have been carried out using an F(2) resource population produced by crossing 2 genetically different breeds. This experiment was intended to investigate whether these QTL were segregating in a purebred Duroc population that had been selected for meat production and meat quality traits during 7 generations. Sus scrofa chromosome 7, for which significant QTL of intramuscular fat and many other traits have already been reported, was studied. The polymorphism of 10 microsatellite markers that were arranged at about 20-cM intervals was investigated on 1,004 pigs. In the selected population, 954 progeny were produced from mating of 99 sires and 286 dams. The QTL analysis for a full-sib family population was examined with the multigeneration pedigree structure of the population. Variance component analysis was used to detect QTL in this population and was examined for the multigeneration pedigree population. In this study, multigenerational pedigree estimated identical by descent coefficients among sibs were produced using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The maximum likelihood of odds score was found at the 70-cM position for the LM area, at the 0-cM position for the pork color standard, and at the 120-cM position for the number of thoracic vertebra, but no significant QTL for intramuscular fat were detected on SSC 7. These results indicate that QTL analysis via a variance component method within a purebred population was effective to determine that QTL were segregating in a population of purebred Durocs.  相似文献   

Leg weakness in pigs is a serious problem in the pig industry. We performed a whole genome quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis to find QTLs affecting leg weakness traits in the Landrace population. Half-sib progeny ( n  = 522) with five sires were measured for leg weakness traits. Whole genome QTL mapping was performed using a half-sib regression-based method using 190 microsatellite markers. No experiment-wide significant QTLs affecting leg weakness traits were detected. However, at the 5% chromosome-wide level, QTLs affecting leg weakness traits were detected on chromosomes 1, 3, 10 and 11 with QTL effects ranging from 0.07 to 0.11 of the phenotypic variance. At the 1% chromosome-wide level, QTLs affecting rear feet score and total leg score were detected on chromosomes 2 and 3 with QTL effects of 0.11 and 0.13 of the phenotypic variance, respectively. On chromosome 3 and 10, some QTLs found in this study were located at nearby positions. The present study is one of the first reports of QTLs affecting fitness related traits such as leg weakness traits, that segregate within the Landrace population. The study also provides useful information for studying QTLs in purebred populations.  相似文献   

有机硒对杜大长商品猪生产性能、胴体性状、肉质的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,猪的肉质受到高度关注。品种改良是提高猪肉品质的重要途径之一。另一重要途径是采取营养调控的方法来改善猪肉品质。有机硒因其重要的生物学功能和独特的代谢途径,在畜禽生产中的应用研究成为动物营养研究的一个重要课题。有机硒对养猪生产影响的研究多集中在  相似文献   

In an experimental cross between Meishan and Dutch Large White and Landrace lines, 785 F2 animals with carcass information and their parents were typed for molecular markers covering the entire porcine genome. Linkage was studied between these markers and eight meat quality traits. Quantitative trait locus analyses were performed using interval mapping by regression under two genetic models: 1) the line-cross approach, where the founder lines were assumed to be fixed for different QTL alleles and 2) a half-sib model where a unique allele substitution effect was fitted within each of the 38 half-sib families. The line-cross approach included tests for genomic imprinting and sex-specific QTL effects. In total, three genome-wide significant and 26 suggestive QTL were detected. The significant QTL on chromosomes 3, 4, and 13, affecting meat color, were only detected under the half-sib model. Failure of the line-cross approach to detect the meat color QTL suggests that the founder lines have similar allele frequencies for these QTL. This study provides information on new QTL affecting meat quality traits. It also shows the benefit of analyzing experimental data under different genetic and statistical models.  相似文献   

We constructed a pig F2 resource population by crossing a Meishan sow and a Duroc boar to locate economically important trait loci. The F2 generation was composed of 865 animals (450 males and 415 females) from four F1 males and 24 F1 females and was genotyped for 180 informative microsatellite markers spanning 2,263.6 cM of the whole pig genome. Results of the genome scan showed evidence for significant quantitative trait loci (<1% genomewise error rate) affecting weight at 30 d and average daily gain on Sus scrofa chromosome (SSC) 6, carcass yield on SSC 7, backfat thickness on SSC 7 and SSC X, vertebra number on SSC 1 and SSC 7, loin muscle area on SSC 1 and SSC 7, moisture on SSC 13, intramuscular fat content on SSC 7, and testicular weight on SSC 3 and SSC X. Moreover, 5% genomewise significant QTL were found for birth weight on SSC 7, average daily gain on SSC 4, carcass length on SSC 6, SSC 7, and SSC X and lightness (L value) on SSC 3. We identified 38 QTL for 28 traits at the 5% genomewise level. Of the 38 QTL, 24 QTL for 17 traits were significant at the 1% genomewise level. Analysis of marker genotypes supported the breed of origin results and provided further evidence that a suggestive QTL for circumference of cannon bone also was segregating within the Meishan parent. We identified genomic regions related with growth and meat quality traits. Fine mapping will be required for their application in introgression programs and gene cloning.  相似文献   

太湖鹅生长和屠宰性能以及肉品质的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国家水禽种质资源基因库引进的太湖鹅为素材,对其生长、生产性能和肉品质进行研究。结果表明:7周龄前,太湖鹅体重在性别间无显著差异,7周龄后公鹅的体重显著高于母鹅的体重;公鹅的宰前活重、屠宰重、半净膛重、全净膛重、肝重、心重显著高于母鹅;母鹅胸肌嫩度显著低于公鹅,其他指标在性别间无显著差异。体重与体尺、屠宰性能、肉品质多数指标存在极显著的正相关。  相似文献   

A primary genomic screen for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting carcass and growth traits was performed by genotyping 238 microsatellite markers on 185 out of 300 total progeny from a Bos indicus x Bos taurus sire mated to Bos taurus cows. The following traits were analyzed for QTL effects: birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WW), yearling weight (YW), hot carcass weight (HCW), dressing percentage (DP), fat thickness (FT), marbling score (MAR), longissimus muscle area (LMA), rib bone (RibB), rib fat (RibF), and rib muscle (RibM), and the predicted whole carcass traits, retail product yield (RPYD), fat trim yield (FATYD), bone yield (BOYD), retail product weight (RPWT), fat weight (FATWT), and bone weight (BOWT). Data were analyzed by generating an F-statistic profile computed at 1-cM intervals for each chromosome by the regression of phenotype on the conditional probability of receiving the Brahman allele from the sire. There was compelling evidence for a QTL allele of Brahman origin affecting an increase in RibB and a decrease in DP on chromosome 5 (BTA5). Putative QTL at or just below the threshold for genome-wide significance were as follows: an increase in RPYD and component traits on BTA2 and BTA13, an increase in LMA on BTA14, and an increase in BWT on BTA1. Results provided represent a portion of our efforts to identify and characterize QTL affecting carcass and growth traits.  相似文献   

陆川猪胴体品质及肉质的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验旨在研究陆川猪胴体品质和肉质性状,为陆川猪保种和合理利用提供科学依据。对8头陆川猪的测定结果表明,10.75月龄陆川猪屠宰体重83.98 kg,胴体瘦肉率38.68%,肉色和大理石纹评分分别为3.1和4.71,pH1(宰后45 min的pH)和pH24(宰后24 h的pH)分别为5.86和5.73,肌内脂肪含量高达9.27%,肌纤维直径为31.51μm。每100 g背最长肌中氨基酸总量、鲜味氨基酸含量和必需氨基酸含量分别为17.89 g1、4.04 g7、.13 g,鲜味氨基酸占总氨基酸的比例和必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的比例分别为78.48%和39.85%。饱和脂肪酸组成主要是棕榈酸,其含量达到26.03%,不饱和脂肪酸组成主要是油酸(C18∶1)和亚油酸(C18∶2),其含量分别达45.06%和11.57%,其它脂肪酸含量相对较少。  相似文献   

Porcine chromosome 4 harbours many quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting meat quality, fatness and carcass composition traits, detected in resource pig populations previously. However, prior to selection in commercial breeds, QTL identified in an intercross between divergent breeds require confirmation, so that they can be segregated. Consequently, the objective of this study was to validate several QTL on porcine chromosome 4 responsible for meat and carcass quality traits. The experimental population consisted of 14 crossbred paternal half-sib families. The region of investigation was the q arm of SSC4 flanked by the markers S0073 and S0813. Regression analysis resulted in the validation of three QTL within the interval: Minolta a * loin, back fat thickness and the weight of trimmed ham. The results were additionally confirmed by factor analysis. Candidate genes were proposed for meat colour, which was the most evident QTL validated in this study.  相似文献   

A profit function was developed to estimate economic values for new efficiency traits for fattening pigs in Norwegian Landrace. These traits were lean meat efficiency (LME) and fat efficiency (FE). LME and FE described how much feed the animal used to produce 1?kg lean meat and fat as a deviation from the mean. Both traits were derived from analysing total feed consumption in a random regression model which included lean meat and fat content of the carcass (FC) as random covariates. In addition, economic values and breeding values were calculated for days from 40 to 100/120?kg live weight (DAYS), lean meat percentage (LMP) and FC. To compare LME and FE with total feed intake (FI), two indexes were constructed. One index included LME, FE, DAYS, LMP and FC and was referred to as breeding goal A and one index included FI, LMP and DAYS and was referred to as breeding goal B. The standardized economic values for LME and FE were 8.9 and 2.9 EUR/σa, respectively. There was a larger variation in the index for breeding goal A (SD?=?5.65) than B (SD?=?3.97). The results suggested that the two efficiency traits had an economic importance in pork production and that there was a potential for increased genetic gain in profit by using breeding goal A compared to breeding goal B.  相似文献   

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