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A study of the influence of distillation system, oak wood type, and aging time on volatile compounds of cider brandy was carried out. Acetaldehyde and acetaldehyde diethyl acetal were influenced by distillation technology, oak wood type, and maturation time. The majority ester, ethyl ethanoate, increased during aging, the highest level of this ester being detected in spirits distilled by double distillation. The alcohols of higher molecular weight were better recovered in the rectification column than in the double distillation system. Ethanoate esters decreased throughout aging of the spirits, and their degradation velocity was lower in distillates obtained from double distillation. Fatty acids and their ethyl esters presented the opposite evolution during aging, detecting an increase in ethyl esters and a decrease in their corresponding fatty acids. An increase of 1,1,3-triethoxypropane was detected during aging. French oak contributes the trans isomer of beta-methyl-gamma-octalactone and American oak contributes the cis isomer.  相似文献   

Micro-oxygenation is usually applied to red wines as a cheaper alternative to oak aging. It has been suggested, however, that micro-oxygenation can also be used to complement oak aging in order to improve the quality of very astringent and herbaceous red wines. In this paper we study how applying the micro-oxygenation technique before oak aging affects the composition and quality of astringent red wines. When this technique is applied prior to oak aging, the wines have a slightly less intense red color and significantly higher levels of combined and free anthocyanins and ethyl-bridged anthocyanin-flavanol pigments. On the other hand, no differences in other newly formed pigments are found. Applying micro-oxygenation before oak aging does not affect the total proanthocyanidin concentration, but it produces wines with a slightly (though significantly) higher mean degree of proanthocyanidin polymerization and a drastically lower astringency. These wines also present a clearer impact of wood aromas.  相似文献   

A chemometric study was carried out to typify cider brandies according to the type of wood employed in the maturation process and their aging time. Monosaccharides, previously derivatized with p-aminobenzoic ethyl ester, were analyzed using a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method. Univariate data treatment was not sufficient to enable differentiation of the classes of cider brandies on the basis of wood type and maturation time. Two linear combinations of original variables, ascertained by principal components analysis, provided an adequate data structurization. A mathematical decision rule was established to classify cider brandies with prediction capacities of 92 and 97% using an LDA method and Bayesian analysis, respectively. The use of the PLS algorithm allowed the authors to differentiate cider brandies according to the age and type of oak used in the aging process.  相似文献   

A study of typification of cider brandies on the basis of the origin of the raw material used in their manufacture was conducted using chemometric techniques (principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, and Bayesian analysis) together with their composition in volatile compounds, as analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization to detect the major volatiles and by mass spectrometric to detect the minor ones. Significant principal components computed by a double cross-validation procedure allowed the structure of the database to be visualized as a function of the raw material, that is, cider made from fresh apple juice versus cider made from apple juice concentrate. Feasible and robust discriminant rules were computed and validated by a cross-validation procedure that allowed the authors to classify fresh and concentrate cider brandies, obtaining classification hits of >92%. The most discriminating variables for typifying cider brandies according to their raw material were 1-butanol and ethyl hexanoate.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight polyphenols and ellagitannins were analyzed by HPLC, and the molecular weight distribution of ellagitannins was calculated by GPC, in oak heartwood of Quercus robur L., Quercus petraea Liebl., Quercus pyrenaica Wild., and Quercus faginea Lam., grown in Spain, before and after 1 year of seasoning, in Bordeaux, France. During this process, the concentrations of low molecular weight polyphenols (acids and aldehydes, benzoic and cinnamic, and coumarins) increased, and those of ellagitannins (castalagin, vescalagin, and roburins A-E) decreased. A similar behavior for the A and B compounds in all species was not found. This modification in the chemical composition was similar in the four Spanish species of Quercus studied and allowed the differentiation between the unseasoned wood and the wood after the first year of seasoning.  相似文献   

Changes in the physicochemical composition of wine vinegars produced by submerged culture system and aged in wood were followed. Five Sherry wine vinegars and a model vinegar solution were aged in six new American oak butts of 16.6 L capacity. A total of 24 phenolic compounds were monitored during the maturation study (24 months), along with other physicochemical parameters (total extract, acidity, residual alcohol and total phenolic index). Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to the data. From the sixth month on, significant changes were produced in most of the phenolic compounds, mainly aromatic aldehydes and 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde. When all the phenolic compounds were considered as variables, cluster analysis grouped samples according to the wine substrate employed in the elaboration of vinegars under study. Within each subcluster, samples are arranged according to their aging status when phenolic compounds accounting significative changes at 180 days of aging are considered. Discriminant functions were constructed from the phenolic compounds data set. The validity of these functions was tested using 13 samples of aged commercial Sherry wine vinegars and 25 unaged vinegars. A total of 97.4% of the test samples was correctly classified within its respective group.  相似文献   

The aromatic compounds associated with aging in wood have been studied in Monastrell wines containing different quantities of tannin. Analyses were carried out before and after a six month period in wooden barrels (225 L) of American and French (Allier) medium-toasted oak. Three classes of wine were made: one from a free-run must; one to which enological tannin was added; and one to which was added the wine obtained by pressing the grape pomaces. The aromas were determined by GC-MS, and the quality was evaluated by a group of expert tasters. The aromatic compounds, some of which came from the wines themselves and others which came from the wood, all increased in concentration by the end of the aging process. The ratio between cis- and trans-whiskylactone contents in wines reflected the different types of oak wood used. The note "vanilla" used by the tasters is probably not totally due to the presence of vanillin. The wines of best quality were those with a natural tannin content which had been aged in American oak, whereas the wines to which enological tannin had been added but aged in the same wood were considered the worst. An equalizing effect on the sensorial wines qualities was seen to result from the use of French oak. The furfural, eugenol, and cis-, and in some cases trans-, whiskylactone contents identified the wines from the different classes of wood. The wood from which the barrels were made had a greater effect on wines differentiation than the tannin content.  相似文献   

Wood is a complex structure of various macromolecules, mainly cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Although the sorption process of some organic compounds by wood has been elucidated, the relative contribution of its different fractions in the sorption mechanism is not clearly determined. Certain works predict the amount of organic compounds sorbed on wood as a direct relationship to its lignin fraction. All wood macromolecules, however, seem to have the capacity to sorb organic compounds. Sorption of phenolic compounds on individual wood macromolecules has been studied and compared to that on wood. Wood-water partition coefficients ( K wood) for phenolic volatiles and their sorption rates in the presence of lignin display a linear relationship. Results show that cellulose and hemicellulose sorb all phenolic compounds without apparent distinction, whereas lignin is a selective sorbent of these compounds. Sorbant availability and sorbate chemical structure seem to be the key factors governing the sorption mechanism. Sorption kinetics study gives apparent diffusion coefficient values of aroma compounds, bringing new kinetic data for understanding the ternary system of wood, hydroalcoholic solution, and phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

A headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) method is proposed for analyzing the main volatile components from a sensory standpoint (furfural, oak lactones, eugenol, vanillin, and syringaldehyde) present in nontoasted and toasted oak wood of different origins. To maximize the yield of compounds extracted from wood chips and to obtain a good precision of the method, the most important variables affecting HS-SPME have been studied. The best results were obtained when the sample was heated at 70 degrees C and the headspace extracted for 40 min with a DVB/CAR/PDMS fiber, which gave the overall best recovery. The values for the repeatability ranged from 6.4 to 7.8%, and those for the reproducibility from 5.4 to 8.7%. The precision of the results obtained makes the proposed technique appropriate for its use in characterizing oak wood samples of different origins and in the selection of the most suitable oak wood to age wines and spirits, on the basis of the chemical composition of the wood samples.  相似文献   

Little is known about the change of phenolic compounds and total phenolic content by the acetification process. The aim of this study was to assess the contents of selected phenolic compounds of cider and red and white wines in comparison to phenolic profiles in corresponding vinegars by using a new HPLC method for the simultaneous separation and quantification of polar phenolic acids and less polar flavonoids. Identifications were made by retention times and by means of mass spectra. Additionally, total phenolic contents of wines and vinegars were determined photometrically. The decrease in total phenol content by the acetification process was highest for cider vinegars (40%) and lower for red and white wine vinegars (13 and 8%, respectively). A decrease in the contents of individual phenolic compounds of vinegars from white white and ciders was not observed. In contrast, the contents of individual phenolic compounds in red wine vinegar decreased approximately 50%.  相似文献   

A red wine with appropriate basic quality characteristics for aging was stored in oak barrels for 12 months and then bottled and aged for a further 6 months. The same ambient conditions of temperature and humidity were maintained throughout the entire aging process. The barrels used were made from three different species of oak by four different cooperages and had been used for at least two years. Analysis of variance and principal component analysis were run on the values for hexoses, pentoses, total anthocyanins, ortho-diphenols, low- and high-polymer polyphenols, and color parameters to study the behavior of the monosaccharides and polyphenols in response to the factors of aging time, the oak variety employed, and the source cooperage where the barrels had been made. Time trends for all the phenolic components were directly related to aging time, with low-polymeric polyphenols (LPPs) being the most affected by wood type and source cooperage. Wine color was defined by a basic red color which decreased with aging time in the barrel and was altered by yellowish pigment components differing for each of the barrels in which oxidative aging took place and by increased stability of the blue copigments. Principal component analysis showed that samples of the same source wine aged in different barrels tended to be grouped together according to each of the aging intervals considered.  相似文献   

A red Rioja wine was aged in barrels made of Spanish oak wood (Quercus robur, Quercus petraea,Quercus pyrenaica, and Quercus faginea) during 21 months. The concentrations of some volatile compounds [syringaldehyde, vanillin, eugenol, maltol, guaiacol, 4-ethylphenol, cis and trans isomers of beta-methyl-gamma-octalactone, 2-furfuraldehyde, 5-methyl-2-furfuraldehyde, 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furfuraldehyde, and furfuryl alcohol] were studied in these wines and compared with those of the same wine aged in barrels made from French oak of Q. robur (Limousin, France) and Q. petraea (Allier, France) and American oak of Quercus alba (Missouri). Similar concentrations of these compounds were found in wines aged in Spanish and French oak wood barrels, and significantly different concentrations were found with respect to wines aged in barrels made of American oak wood, indicating a different behavior. Thus, wines with different characteristics were obtained, depending on the kind of wood. Also, the kind of wood had an important influence on sensory characteristics of wine during the aging process. Spanish oak wood from Q. robur, Q. petraea, and Q. pyrenaica can be considered to be suitable for barrel production for quality wines, because a wine aged in barrels made of these Spanish oak woods showed similar and intermediate characteristics to those of the same wine aged in French and American oak woods usually used in cooperage.  相似文献   

The evolution of low molecular weight polyphenols in Spanish oak heartwood of Quercus robur,Quercus petraea, Quercus pyrenaica, and Quercus faginea was studied by HPLC, in relation to the processing of wood in barrel cooperage. The polyphenolic composition of Spanish woods subjected to natural seasoning for 3 years and to the toasting process was studied in relation to those of French oak of Q. robur (Limousin) and Q. petraea (Allier) and American oak of Q. alba (Missouri), which are habitually used in cooperage. The concentrations of benzoic and cinnamic acids and aldehydes of Spanish woods increased during seasoning depending on the duration of this process and in the same way as those of French and American woods. The process having the main influence on the phenolic composition of wood was the toasting. It led to high increases in the concentration of phenolic aldehydes and acids, especially cinnamic aldehydes (sinapic and coniferylic aldehydes), followed by benzoic aldehydes (syringaldehyde and vanillin) and benzoic acids (syringic and vanillic acids). This polyphenolic composition in Spanish oak species evolved during toasting as in French and American oak, but quantitative differences were found, which were especially important in American species with respect to the others.  相似文献   

The influence of the species and geographical origin on the volatile composition of wood samples from 80 Spanish oaks (55 Quercus petraea Liebl. and 25 Quercus robur L.) has been studied. Oak volatile components were isolated by simultaneous distillation-extraction and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. cis- and trans-beta-methyl-gamma-octalactones were the main constituents, the cis stereoisomer being predominant. Other important volatile components were furfural, 5-methylfurfural, guaiacol, eugenol, vanillin, or syringaldehyde. The main differences were established between species, Quercus petraea being significantly richer in volatile compounds than Quercus robur; however, the variability found among trees was high. Differences among geographical provenances were much less important than those found between species.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the influence of vinification technique (maceration temperature and clarification method), storage temperature, and length of storage time on the phenolic compounds and color of young red wines. Multivariate analysis of variance and principal component analysis pointed to significant differences among all of the variables according to vinification technique and length of storage time. Storage temperature did not cause significant differences between some of the variables. The best color characteristics were obtained when low-temperature maceration wines were clarified with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Color quality also improved with lower storage temperature.  相似文献   

The color features and the evolution of both the monomeric and the derived pigments of red wines aged in oak and cherry 225 L barriques have been investigated during a four months period. For cherry wood, the utilization of 1000 L casks was tested as well. The use of cherry casks resulted in a faster evolution of pigments with a rapid decline of monomeric anthocyanins and a quick augmentation formation of derived and polymeric compounds. At the end of the aging, wines stored in oak and cherry barriques lost, respectively, about 20% and 80% of the initial pigment amount, while in the 1000 L cherry casks, the same compounds diminished by about 60%. Ethyl-bridged adducts and vitisins were the main class of derivatives formed, representing up to 25% of the total pigment amount in the cherry aged samples. Color density augmented in both the oak and cherry wood aged samples, but the latter had the highest values of this parameter. Because of the highly oxidative behavior of the cherry barriques, the use of larger casks (e.g., 1000 L) is proposed in the case of prolonged aging times.  相似文献   

The sensory and health properties of virgin olive oil (VOO) are highly related to its volatile and phenolic composition. Oxygen control in the pastes during malaxation may be a new technological parameter to regulate enzymatic activities, such as polyphenoloxidase, peroxidase, and lipoxygenase, which affect the phenolic and volatile composition of VOO. In this work, we monitored CO2 and O2 concentrations during industrial-scale olive paste malaxation with various initial O2 concentrations within the malaxer headspace. Results show that the O2 concentration in the malaxer headspace did not affect CO2 production during processing, whereas a strong influence was observed on the changes of the phenolic composition of olive pastes and VOOs, with high correlation coefficient for the total phenols (R = 0.94), especially for oleuropein and demethyloleuropein derivatives (R = 0.81). In contrast, aroma production during malaxation was minimally affected by the O2 concentration in the malaxer headspace.  相似文献   

Crushing intensity and distillation time were evaluated for their effects on the oil yield and composition of steam-distilled essential oil from fruits of Coriandrum sativum var. microcarpum L. A comparison of oils produced by laboratory- and pilot-scale stills showed that the two still types gave comparable yields and oil composition. The laboratory still was then used to compare oil yields and compositions from fruits crushed at three different intensities, at intervals during a distillation period of 60 min. Both crushing intensity and distillation time had significant (P< 0.05) effects on the yield and composition of the oil. The maximum oil yield was less from the light-crushed fruits, but the rate of oil recovery was significantly P < 0.05) higher. From the light-crushed fruits, 95% of the maximum yield was extracted in 22.5 min compared with 32 and 39 min for the standard and heavy-crushed fruits, respectively. The effect of crushing intensity on oil composition was most pronounced on the low-boiling-point a-pinene and on the higher-boiling-point geranyl acetate. Crushing had little effect on linalool content, but distillation time could be manipulated to alter the linalool content of the oil.  相似文献   

A method is described for determination of ellagitannins in ethanol-water extracts of oak wood and in distilled alcoholic beverages matured in oak barrels. It is based on the combined ellagic acid content according to ellagitannin structure. Hydrolysis was carried out in the presence of hydrochloric acid under reflux in a 100 degrees C oil bath for 3 h. Total ellagic acid was thus determined by liquid chromatography (LC), and the free ellagic acid content present in the ethanol-water media was subtracted, the difference being the combined ellagic acid content corresponding to ellagitannins. A 5 micron C18 column was used with detection at 254 nm. The method is specific for ellagitannins, which is an advantage over other analytical techniques for overall evaluation of these substances extracted from wood. Results for spirits distilled from wine, grain, and sugarcane were highly variable.  相似文献   

In this work the influence of the turbidity of a red wine aged in oak barrels on the accumulation of volatile compounds has been studied. From the results obtained, it may be concluded that the wine turbidity had an effect on the concentration of many of the oak volatile compounds, especially furanic and phenolic compounds. In all cases the concentrations of furanic aldehydes and vanillin were significantly higher (p < 0.01) in the filtered wine than in the unfiltered wine. However, in the unfiltered wine the concentrations of gamma-butyrolactone and eugenol were higher. This difference in the concentrations would be due to the different compositions of the wines and the binding of compounds to some components of the lees. Likewise, it has been observed that the composition of the lees is fundamental in the binding of volatile compounds to the lees as the fermentative lees behave differently from the lees from the wine aging in barrels.  相似文献   

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