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世界森林资源现状与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据联合国粮农组织新公布的《世界森林资源评估报告》等文献,就世界森林资源现状、1990~2000年世界森林资源变化及其消长原因进行了简要的介绍和分析,作为跟踪研究世界林业发展的参考。  相似文献   

1946年以来,联合国粮农组织(FAO)一直负责协调每5~10年开展一次的全球森林资源评估工作。《2005年全球森林资源评估》(FRA2005)是迄今为止最全面的一次评估。此次评估有800多人参加,按1990年、2000年和2005年3个时间点收集、分析了来自229个国家和地区的信息。  相似文献   

我国与世界森林资源评估分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合国粮农组织(FAO)每5年进行1次全球森林资源评估(FRA),2011年出版了《2010年森林资源评估主报告》,该报告与我国开展的第八次全国森林资源清查成果(2009-2013)同期。通过采用官方网站公开数据,对不同来源的森林资源数据进行分析,可以准确获知我国森林资源在世界的作用和地位,以及与其它国家和世界的差异,为科学保护、发展和利用森林资源奠定基础。  相似文献   

世界各国森林资源发展状况及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据FAO于2006年2月发布的《2005年全球森林资源评估报告》,从森林分布、面积、质量、权属、特征、功能和灾害等方面,认真总结了世界各国森林资源现状,全面回顾了20世纪90年代以来各国森林资源发展趋势。同时结合我国林业生态建设的实际,从加快森林资源培育、推进森林可持续经营、发挥森林多功能效益、增强森林灾害防控能力和强化森林资源监测与管理等五个方面,系统分析了世界各国特别是林业发达国家森林资源发展历程给予我国的启示,并有针对性地提出了加强我国森林资源保护与发展的思路。  相似文献   

最近,联合国粮农组织公布了《2005年全球森林资源评估》报告。报告指出,全球森林面积仍以惊人速度消失,2000-2005年森林面积每年消失730万hm^2,比1990-2000年每年消失890万hm^2略有减缓,相当于年均损失0.18%的森林面积。澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、中国、刚果民主共和国、印度、印度尼西亚、秘鲁、俄罗斯联邦和美国(以英文字母排序)10国的森林面积为40亿hm^2,占全球森林总面积的2/3,森林覆盖率占世界陆地面积的30%。  相似文献   

林业部十分重视森林资源清查的工作质量,因为没有质量保证,资源数据就毫无意义。林业部在1990年制定了《森林资源连续清查外业调查质量抽查验收办法》,《森林资源调查质量管理办法》,这些措施对提高森林资源调查的质量,无疑将起到极积的作用。  相似文献   

2011年2月12日,世界自然基金会发布了《全球棕榈藤贸易:对森林资源的压力-分析与挑战》的报告。这是全球首份分析世界棕榈藤贸易状况的报告。报告分析了全球棕榈藤产品的生产和需求现状、主要的生产者和消费者以及未来发展趋势。本文总结了该报告的主要结论。  相似文献   

2005年全球森林资源评估最新情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上次全球森林资源评估是联合国粮农组织(FAO)在2000年进行的,下次全面评估将在2010年进行。与1995年和1988年的中期评估一样,2005年的全球森林资源评估已经开始,结果有望在2005年底公布。FAO新近出版的《世界森林状况2005))介绍了2005年全球森林资源评估的最新情况。  相似文献   

中国森林在世界中的地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
联合国粮农组织最近(1995年)公布了世界《森林资源1990年评估》(综合报告),包括179个国家,其陆地。急面积129.4亿hm2,森林为34.4亿hm2,森林覆盖率为27%;林木,总蓄积量3840亿m3,总生物量为4405亿t。  相似文献   

湖北省林业调查规划院向国家林业局规划院提交了《湖北省2010年全球森林资源评估工作总结报告》和相关数据,并顺利通过专家检查验收,标志着湖北省2010年全球森林资源评估工作圆满完成,省林业厅将向国家林业局正式上报调查成果。  相似文献   

新西兰林业发展之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新西兰林业经过50余年的发展.实现了对天然林的保护.木村生产从完全依靠天然林转变为只有1%的锯材来自天然林;一个只有不足400万人口的国家,现在年产木材已达到2100万m^3,木材及木制品出口创汇占全国创汇的12%,成为国民经济的支柱产业,未来25年木材产量将翻番.而且完全来自可持续利用的人工林;这些经验已成为世界林业实现可持续发展的典范。文中分析了新西兰林业成功的经验,希望有助于正在蓬勃发展的中国林业。  相似文献   

2010年世界木材消费预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据FAO预测,到2010年世界木材总消费量将达46.59亿m3,比以前发表的数字少了4.1亿m3,主要林产品消费结构也有较大的变化。作者着重对2010年世界和10个不同类型国家木材消费量、消费结构和林产品在国民经济中的地位,进行了深入分析和对比研究,并对21世纪初木材消费的特点进行了评估。  相似文献   

我国热带林资源现状与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国热带林主要分布在海南、云南西南以及福建、广东和广西沿海地区,面积约1140.76万hm^2。尽管热带林面积仅占全国森林面积的8.53%,但其在生态环境保护方面却发挥着重要作用,国家先后采取禁止天然林采伐、建立热带林自然保护区、加强热带人工林和沿海防护林基地建设、加大资金和科技投入等一系列政策和措施加以保护,使其能够持续发展。到2010年,我国热带林将得到恢复和发展,面积将达1492.8万hm^2,其中商品林、公益林及兼用林面积将分别为811.5万hm^2、610.8万hm^2和70.5万hm^2,沿海防护林体系及林业生态和产业两大体系基本建成。  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief background to Mongolia’s forest condition in 1994. Over recent years, since the introduction of a market economy and decentralization, there has been a rapid change in the forest sector. In 1994, the total designated forest area of Mongolia was 17.5 million ha, including 12.7 million ha of closed forest or 8.1% of the total land area. The forests are subdivided into (i) special forests; (ii) protection forests; (iii) industrial forests, based on their basic functions. The main causes of deforestation in Mongolia are (i) increasing livestock numbers; (ii) increasing demand for fuel and industrial wood; (iii) the impact of forest fires. Grazing and browsing in forest areas are most destructive to plantations and tree growth, causing deformities and stunting growth. Livestock breeding without adequate management system has major negative impacts on remnant forest growth. According to some statistics, the forest area has decreased by 1.2 million ha over the last 20 years. At present, production and supply of sawn timber boards for the domestic market is carried out without any regard to the actual quantity required. Major wood-based products in Mongolia are railway sleepers, windows and doors, wooden boxes for packing and school and office furniture. Products are also made for the frames of the traditional Mongolian “Ger” and specialized furniture for the interior. By 1996, Mongolia’s forest industry had total sales of US$ 2.1 million, which was 13% more than the previous year.Between 1992 and 1995, the incidence of fires in forest areas increased because a sharp rise in the number of people using the forest and steppe areas to cut trees, pick berries and nuts, collect firewood and deer horns, and to hunt. Mismanagement and negligence of the relevant authorities also contributed to this situation. It is necessary to take strong measures in order to identify the social and economic causes of fire outbreaks. Since 1970, forestry and timber harvesting companies have begun to harvest wild seeds, breed seedlings and conduct reforestation activities. Between 1980 and 1990, on nationwide level, over 20 million standard seedlings were planted in over 40 permanent nurseries to supply the reforestation work. At that time the scope of reforestation expanded. The total area planted over some 30 years has been very small compared to the deforestation. Even if just the area harvested during that period is considered, the reforestation rate is still lower than 15%.  相似文献   

A critical mass of farm forestry and private forestry is now developing in Ireland with over 211,000 ha planted since 1980, with 190,000 ha of this planted since 1990. Currently, 90,000 ha of private forests are over 10 years of age, with 41,000 ha over 15 years of age. This paper examines the potential of the farm forest resource in Ireland and highlights some issues that need to be addressed in order that the full potential of farm forestry is realised. It is estimated that 876,000 m3 of timber is currently available from forests through removals from thinning operations from plantations that are at or have passed first thinning age. Cumulative volume output from thinning could be as high as 1.9 M m3 by 2010 increasing to 5.9 M m3 by 2015. Farm forestry has the potential to be a financially important farm enterprise with 15% of farmers (16,460) currently engaged in forestry in Ireland. The development of volume production forecasts will provide crucial supply information for gearing up of the wood-processing sector for additional volume from farms. However many enterprises face high harvesting and extraction costs. Solutions to overcoming economies of scale due to the small size of plantations (averaging 9.2 ha) are proposed using methods to group forestry operations together. The network of small sawmills throughout the country is favourable for private growers as analysis indicates that 82% of private forests are within 32 km of a sawmill and efforts to stimulate local processing are being encouraged. Financial analysis indicates that farmers can increase forestry returns by thinning their plantations. The risk of windthrow to plantations is one of the major factors that can lead to financial losses in farm forestry in Ireland and can be reduced by adequate management planning. A series of forestry extension programs will provide farmers with adequate information to help aid decision-making in managing their plantations.
Niall FarrellyEmail:

森林资源的消长与社会经济发展密切相关,而林业的兴衰又直接关系到国民经济和社会的发展。当前,世界林业面临的"四大危机"大部分又是与热带林的破坏密切相关的。因此,研究热带林发展战略是研究当前世界林业的核心问题。本文根据国际组织和各国的大量文献,着重就世界热带林的现状、毁林速度、毁林模式、原因和后果等问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

In Europe, forest policy discussions are moving towards a European Union-wide strategy. This will further intensify the relations between European countries in the field of forests and forest management. European-wide forest planning and decision-making require that policy makers have insight into the long-term development of European forests under alternative regimes. The European Forest Information Scenario Model (EFISCEN) was used to make projections of the development of the European forests under four scenarios: (1) business as usual; (2) EFISCEN European timber trend studies (ETTS); (3) maximum sustainable production; and (4) multifunctional management. The simulations were carried out for 30 countries individually, i.e. harmonized scenarios were run, but the special circumstances and demands that play a role in each country were taken into account. The simulations covered 139.2 million ha increasing to 143 million ha in 2050. The initial year varied per country, but was mostly in the region of 1990. The average age of European forests was 57 years in 1990 with a mean growing stock of 142 m3 ha−1. The results showed that the future European total fellings may vary between a stable amount of 400 million m3 year−1 in the ‘business as usual’ scenario to 647 million m3 year−1 in the ‘maximum sustainable production’ scenario. The other two scenarios incorporated a 9% gradual increase in fellings over the first 30 years of the simulation period (i.e. 0.3% year−1). The average growing stock will rise to approximately 250 m3 ha−1 in 2050, with the exception being the ‘maximum sustainable production’ scenario, in which the growing remains at approximately 137 m3 ha−1. The average net annual increment remains at approximately 5 m3 ha−1 year−1 throughout the simulation period, almost irrespective of the scenario. In the multifunctional scenario, special attention was paid to nature values by increasing the area of strict reserves from 4 million ha in 1990 to 12.3 million ha in 2050 (8.6% of the total forest area). The assumed increase in fellings of 0.3% year−1 appeared possible in combination with this area of reserves. The simulations showed that growing stock development and increment development differed very much for each country separately per scenario. Therefore, the results show a strong need for maintaining the national diversity that constitutes European forestry within harmonized European-wide forest management strategies. In this article, we address what the consequences of each scenario are for wood production, biodiversity, and environmental functions of the forest. The results provide policy makers with a challenge on whether to intervene in the ongoing trend of build-up of growing stock and whether to choose for biodiversity, for increased use of domestically produced wood products, or a combination of these, but spatially separated.  相似文献   

林纸结合概述   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文讨论了瑞典等国林纸结合的一些特点和模式,并根据我国国情对发展我国林纸结合提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

Large forest estates actively participate in the marketing of timber in France. However, the marketing of wood from private and public large forest estates (over 25 ha) could be improved by better managing price risk in multiannual supply contracts of the timber industry: creation of compensation funds for forest owners or calls to financial markets linked to processed timber products for industrialists. But, the development of supply contracts does not mean that private or public auction procedures should be abandoned. Similarly, by supplementing “forest area development schemes”, it would be possible to increase the mobilisation of timber produced on small (1 to 10 ha) and medium (10 to 25 ha) forest estates: more forestry cooperatives or local forest agencies and a new timber pre-sale mode adapted to small forest estates are necessary (sales subject to the buyer's choice of purchasing standing timber or cut wood delivered to a depot by the seller).  相似文献   

森林认证的现状与发展趋势   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
森林认证出现于20世纪90年代初,10年来,森林认证在全球范围内取得了快速的发展。文中介绍了森林认证的起源和发展现状,指出了森林认证的发展趋势,并对我国开展森林认证提出了建议。  相似文献   

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