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张家口市园林树木害虫危害规律与防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面了解张家口市区园林树木害虫的种类、分布及其危害规律,给防治提供理论依据,作者采用踏查和标准地调查的方法对张家口市区内主要街道、公园及城郊周边绿化的园林树木害虫进行了全面调查。结果表明,张家口园林树林害虫群落共有5个目20个科38种,优势种集中于天牛、蚧虫、卷叶蛾等类群及天幕毛虫、舞毒蛾等。并对不同类群的害虫提出了综合防治对策。  相似文献   

在蛀干害虫监测预警体系的基础上,根据蛀干害虫的种类、发生部位和危害程度等实际情况,建立对症措施、科学防治、精准施药的实践方法。通过连续跟踪防治,比较了2种综合防治手段的实施效果。结果显示,以高压树干注射为主的综合防控技术手段,能够做实做细,效果良好,能够有效地防控北京市海淀区园林树木蛀干害虫的发生,为园林树木蛀干害虫的防控提供了借鉴经验。  相似文献   

通过采用松毛虫赤眼蜂对齐齐哈尔市园林树木食叶害虫进行防治试验,结果表明:针对刺蛾类食叶害虫,600m2的试验样地每年释放2万头、连续放蜂2年,可累计虫口减退率70%;针对杨毒蛾等杨树食叶害虫,600m2的试验样地每年释放2万头,连续放蜂3年,可累计减少食叶率达75%以上。松毛虫赤眼蜂对园林树木食叶害虫有较好的防治效果。  相似文献   

害虫行为调节与森林害虫管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
回顾、讨论了昆虫行为调节及其在森林害虫管理中的应用.将昆虫行为调节方法分为两类:长距离行为调节和短距离行为调节.讨论了刺激,如视觉及挥发性物质在森林害虫管理中的作用,并结合实例强调了树木的挥发性物质对森林害虫行为的调节作用.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,园林植物的生态效益、经济效益、观赏效益日益凸现。与此同时园林植物虫害出现了复杂化、危险化的趋势,对绿地和风景区危害较大。笔者从害虫来源、防治等角度出发,介绍了植物检疫的概念和方法,提出了园林植物害虫防治技术,主要包括:园林植物管理、生物防治、物理机械防治、化学防治等措施,以期为园林植物害虫的防治,园林绿地质量的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

2008—2010年,采用踏查和样地调查相结合的方法,调查了呼和浩特市各公园、游园、广场、道路以及部分庭院绿地的园林树木有害生物,结果显示,呼和浩特市有园林树木害虫83种,其中刺吸式害虫32种,食叶害虫30种,蛀干害虫14种,地下害虫7种;主要病害19种,其中叶部病害14种,枝干病害5种。根据近几年呼和浩特市气候的变化,对有害生物发生形势进行了分析,为今后呼和浩特市园林树木有害生物防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

园林树木虫害的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了贵阳市园林树木虫害的基本情况、主要特点和防治方法 ,并对园林树木虫害防治的指导思想和害虫天敌的保护及利用问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

在对广州园林害虫防治状况调查基础上,针对广州园林害虫的构成特点及防治现状,根据害虫发生和园林生态环境的特点,从保护生物多样性、保护生态环境方面,提出了植物检疫、养护管理、生物防治、物理防治、化学防治及植保信息技术相互协调的园林害虫生态治理(EPM)对策。  相似文献   

天津开发区园林植物害虫无公害防治技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对天津开发区园林害虫的种类和危害情况的调查,摸清了开发区园林主要害虫有食叶害虫、蛀干害虫、刺吸害虫和地下害虫4大类;遵循安全、保护环境和维护生态平衡的原则,摸索出生物防治方法、信息素的应用、植物农药烟参碱的应用、仿生农药灭幼脲系列药剂的应用、无机农药的应用、人工和物理机械方法的应用、栽培防治方法的应用及植物检疫方法的应用的几种无公害防治方法,防止了环境污染和副作用的产生。  相似文献   

近年来,由于气候异常变化的加剧,某些突发性害虫发生几率有所增加。榆切叶象甲就是突发性害虫之一。该虫以成虫取食榆树叶片,大量叶片被吃成明显的筛网状,严重影响树木的光合作用,从而导致树木枝梢枯死,甚至是整株死亡。  相似文献   

Although several Armillaria species have been reported in Turkey, there is little information about their ecology in Turkish forests. In this study, we investigated five forest stands, approximately 5–74 ha in size, in Kastamonu province in the Black Sea Region of Turkey for the presence of Armillaria species in stumps and logs. The stands were mixed Abies nordmanniana ssp. bornmülleriana and Pinus sylvestris forests managed using a selective cuttings system; the proportion of fir in the total number of stems and stumps ranged from 36 to 98%. Based on sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer and intergenic spacer regions of the rDNA, all rhizomorphs sampled from the stumps and logs were of Armillaria ostoyae. The size of the genets was estimated with random amplified microsatellites analysis of the isolates and ranged from single stumps to approximately 450 m2. One to seven genets were found in each stand. These results indicate that the genets had arisen from spores and vegetative spread was limited on most sites.  相似文献   

Summary  The heartshakes of some species can contain deposits of inorganic, metal organic, resinous or organic compounds in a pure or concentrated condition. The type of deposit in different genera is discussed. Morphological and chemical examinations have been made of the deposits in the heartshakes ofIntsia bijuga, Dacrydium spp.,Anisoptera curtisii, Pinus elliotii andOrites excelsa. The deposits were of a benzenoid or terpenoid nature or aluminium succinate.I thank Mr. R. Wearne for organic analyses  相似文献   

Summary Crystalline or almost pure organic compounds can be formed either alone or with two or three related compounds in juxtaposition in shakes in central heartwood. The compounds may not always be present in the more complex extractives formed at the heartwood periphery. The largest amounts of deposits are in the innermost or widest portion of the shake. No evidence could be found of a source of substrate, energy or specific enzymes necessary for the selective biosynthesis of these deposits. They are considered to be formedin situ by an undetermined mechanism during enlargement of the shake.  相似文献   

木材碳封存研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
碳封存可以分工业封存和生物封存, 工业封存包括地质封存、海洋封存、矿石碳化以及工业循环利用, 这些方法能快速回收CO2, 但工艺流程技术复杂, 成本较高。木材碳封存是生物碳封存的一种类型, 树木光合作用吸收的碳主要存贮在木材中。运用木材密度、微密度等检测仪器, 通过确定木材密度变化, 结合其含碳率来计量木材的碳封存过程以及封存过程中碳的分配格局, 同时研究其与环境因子的相关性, 可以为研究森林的碳吸收动态提供便捷的方法和科学的依据。  相似文献   

植物经常暴露在各种生物和非生物的胁迫之下,这些胁迫会影响植物的生长发育和繁殖并最终导致植物死亡。为了抵御不利的环境条件,植物已经进化出复杂而精细的网络来感知胁迫并激活防御系统。为此,植物激活许多信号转导通路,这些信号转导通路可以改变一些胁迫响应基因的表达,从而引起植物形态、生理和生化的改变以适应逆境。DNA胞嘧啶甲基化是高等真核生物的主要表观遗传机制之一,在维持基因组稳定性和调节基因表达方面起着关键作用。表观遗传变异比遗传变异更为灵活。一旦环境条件发生变化,为了适应新的环境植物都会发生表观遗传的改变。许多研究表明DNA甲基化参与植物的发育和应激反应。基于相关研究对DNA甲基化进行了综述,对植物逆境胁迫有重要意义。  相似文献   

Despite the widely accepted idea that shaded plantations are valuable habitats for Neotropical migrants in disturbed landscapes, little empirical evidence is available in relation to the quality of this habitat for Neotropical-Nearctic migratory birds in the Andes. We evaluated the suitability of shaded plantations for overwintering Neotropical-Nearctic migratory birds by examining diurnal and seasonal variation in body condition of migrants in these agroforests in the Andes. During October to April 2008–2009 and 2009–2010, we mist-netted eight species of Neotropical-Nearctic migrants in shaded plantations in the Colombian Andes. Body condition improved throughout the day for Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea), Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca), Tennessee Warbler (Leiothlypis peregrina), and especially Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis). Similarly, body condition improved across the season for Tennessee Warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus), and Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra). Our results provided additional evidence that several common Neotropical migrants, including species of conservation concern such as Cerulean Warbler and Canada Warbler, may improve their body condition in shaded plantations. However, about half of the species assessed in this study did not show any significant improvement in their body condition (e.g. Red-eyed Vireo). Furthermore, on average, species were in poor condition (i.e. body condition scores were negative) in these coffee farms. Thus, the extent to which this agricultural system represents high quality habitat should be looked with caution. Overall, our data contribute novel information on daily patterns of body condition improvement for several common migratory birds in Andean shaded plantations.  相似文献   

Major changes in Mediterranean forests have occurred in recent decades, mainly as a result of the abandonment of traditional activities and population decline in rural areas. In this study, we analyzed the short-term (11-year) evolution of forests in the region of Catalonia (NE Spain) and the role of management, by comparing seven biodiversity indicators estimated from 7,664 plots from the Second and Third Spanish National Forest Inventory. We evaluated the changes in unmanaged and managed stands with different silvicultural treatments, and considered the effect of stand density and land ownership on these dynamics. We found a general naturalization and maturation of forests and an increase in all of the biodiversity indicators investigated during the study period, with the increments being greater in unmanaged than in managed plots. Some types of silvicultural treatments, such as selection cutting or thinning, were shown to be compatible with an increase in the analyzed indicators, and thus were more adequate for a multifunctional management that considers forest production together with the maintenance or improvement of the diversity of forest communities. The increases in shrub species richness and in the number of large-diameter trees after silvicultural treatments were more prominent in dense stands. Private lands presented greater short-term increases than public forests in all biodiversity indicators, except for large-diameter trees. From these results, we concluded that the application of silvicultural treatments can be a key tool to shape and maintain diverse and healthy forest structures in the context of socioeconomic and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region, which may induce potentially excessive densification and homogenization of some forest stands and landscapes.  相似文献   

栎属植物遗传多样性研究进展*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了栎属植物种复合体(Complex)、种以及群体在表现型、同工酶和DNA3个水平上遗传多样性的最新研究进展。根据国内的研究现状,提出了当前我国栎属植物资源保存与利用研究中存在的问题以及今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

To investigate the changes in microstructures of wood with elapsed time in the environment, CO2 adsorption onto dry wood was measured at ice-water temperature (273 K) for samples aged from 0.1 years to over 1000 years. The micropore size distribution was obtained using the Horvath-Kawazoe method. Micropores smaller than 0.6 nm in wood decreased in number with elapsed time in the environment, and a negative correlation was found between cumulative pore volume for pores smaller than 0.6 nm and elapsed time in the environment. Cumulative pore volume in the 1000-year sample was almost half of that in the 0.1- year sample. Micropores smaller than 0.6 nm in wood with a few decades or more of elapsed time increased in number after rewetting and drying. Consequently, microstructures of wood with longer time elapsed in the environment were considered to be more stable, because of longer-term thermal motion and possibly more repeated moisture adsorption and desorption and/or temperature variation in the environment.  相似文献   


The success of natural regeneration on patch clear-cuts in Norway spruce stands in Southern Finland was examined in terms of stocking and tree height. The experiment was established in mature spruce stands in the submesic Myrtillus (MT) site type. In each of the eight study sites, three plots were treated with clear-cutting and planting, clear-cutting with partial tree retention and planting, and patch clear-cutting without site preparation, respectively. In three of the study sites, one plot with patch clear-cutting and site preparation was established. Each plot was 1 ha, out of which three patches of 40×40 m were clear-cut in the patch treatments. 10–11 years after cutting, the patches had on average 1316 crop trees ha–1, of which 91% were spruces. Some 27% of the stands were up to the target stocking level (≥1600 ha?1), and 36% were at least satisfactory (≥1300 ha?1). Site preparation did not yield greater stocking levels on patches, but that result is ambiguous due to a difference in initial stocking. The average spruce tree height in the patches (0.76 m) was much smaller than in the case of clear-cutting and planting (2.42 m). In conclusion, the patches had been restocked tolerably well with spruce and birch for practical purposes during the 10- to 11-year period, but the regeneration process had been very slow compared to clear-cutting and planting.  相似文献   

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