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Corynebacterium urealyticum is an uncommon cause of urinary tract infections in cats. However, it is difficult to diagnose and if left untreated it may result in irreversible bladder lesions. C urealyticum is a multiantibiotic-resistant bacterium whose culture requires special care. Risk factors for the occurrence of this infection include urological procedures, foreign bodies, bladder mucosa abnormalities, immuno-suppressed states and antibiotic treatment. This report describes an unusual case of C urealyticum urinary infection in a young cat with pre-existing urethral obstruction. C urealyticum was isolated in pure cultures from two urine samples. Clinical and ultrasound features, results of the urinalysis and urine culture are described as well as therapeutic treatment and eventual favourable outcome to treatment with amoxycillin-clavulanic acid.  相似文献   

Laboratory records of bacterial urine cultures from 383 dogs with recurrent or persistent urinary tract infections (UTI) diagnosed at the University of California Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) between 1969 and 1995 were reviewed retrospectively to characterize the bacteria involved and their association with age, gender, and breed of dogs affected. Sixty-eight breeds and a mixed-breed group were represented. Escherichia coli was the most common isolate, although mixed-bacterial infections were seen in 58% of the female and 55% of the male dogs. Recurrent and persistent UTI were most prevalent in middle-aged to older German shepherd dogs, miniature/toy poodles, and Labrador retrievers, with no apparent sex predilection. Criteria fitting recurrent and persistent UTI were present in 0.3% of all dogs seen at the VMTH during this 26-year period.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infection (UTI) caused by Corynebacterium urealyticum is a rarely recognised condition in veterinary medicine. This report describes a case in a 13-month-old dog which presented with a history of dysuria and haematuria. C urealyticum was identified as the cause of UTI. The clinical, radiological and ultrasonographic features and the results of urinalysis and urine bacteriological culture are described, as are the therapeutic challenges presented by this particular infection.  相似文献   

Sideroblastic anemia is an anemic condition characterized by chronic hypochromic anemia and the presence of large iron deposits in erythroid cells. Seven dogs with sideroblastic anemia were evaluated retrospectively. Historical, clinical, and clinicopathologic findings were reviewed to determine whether the condition was idiopathic or associated with disease conditions or drug or toxin exposure. Associated diseases were identified in 6 affected dogs and included acute hepatitis, pancreatitis, acute hepatitis and pancreatitis, inflammatory disease, glomerulonephritis, and myelofibrosis. None of the dogs had a history of recent exposure to drugs or toxins. One dog had no evidence of associated disease. Regardless of the associated disease condition, sideroblastic anemia was characterized by moderate to severe nonregenerative and frequently hypochromic anemia with prominent dysplastic features in bone marrow that were most prominent in the erythroid series. Survival varied from days to years. Identification of large numbers of siderocytes or sideroblasts in blood or bone marrow is inconsistent with a diagnosis of iron deficiency and should prompt a search for inflammatory disease conditions, including hepatitis, pancreatitis, and glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with outcome in cats with extrahepatic biliary tract obstruction (EHBTO) that undergo biliary diversion surgery. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 22 cats. PROCEDURES: Medical records of cats with surgically confirmed EHBTO that underwent cholecystoenterostomy were reviewed. RESULTS: Clinical signs and physical examination findings included vomiting, anorexia, icterus, lethargy, weakness, and weight loss. Common clinicopathologic abnormalities included high serum hepatic enzyme activities and serum bilirubin concentration. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed in 21 cats, and all 21 had findings consistent with EHBTO. Eleven of 15 cats in which blood pressure was monitored had intraoperative hypotension. Eighteen cats had anemia following surgery, and 14 cats had persistent hypotension. Extrahepatic biliary tract obstruction was a result of neoplasia in 9 cats and chronic inflammatory disease in 13. Fourteen cats survived long enough to be discharged from the hospital, but only 6 survived > 6 months after surgery, all of which had chronic inflammatory disease. Median survival time for cats with neoplasia (14 days) was significantly shorter than that for cats with inflammatory disease (255 days). No other variable was associated with outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that cats with EHBTO secondary to neoplasia have a poorer prognosis than cats with EHBTO secondary to chronic inflammatory disease. However, the overall prognosis for cats with EHBTO undergoing cholecystoenterostomy must be considered guarded to poor, and the incidence of perioperative complications is high.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency, potential causes, and clinical and clinicopathologic features of hemophagocytic syndrome in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 24 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES: Records for dogs in which diagnostic bone marrow specimens (including an aspiration smear and core biopsy material) were obtained from 1996 to 2005 were reviewed. Inclusion criteria were presence of bicytopenia or pancytopenia in the blood and > 2% hemophagocytic macrophages in the bone marrow aspirate. RESULTS: Of 617 bone marrow specimens evaluated, evidence of hemophagocytic syndrome was detected in 24 (3.9%). The Tibetan Terrier breed was overrepresented among dogs with hemophagocytic syndrome. Clinical signs associated with hemophagocytic syndrome included fever, icterus, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and diarrhea. Hemophagocytic syndrome was associated with immune-mediated, infectious, and neoplastic-myelodysplastic conditions and also occurred as an idiopathic condition. Overall, dogs with infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome had better 1-month survival rates than dogs with immune-associated and idiopathic hemophagocytic syndrome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that hemophagocytic syndrome may occur more frequently in dogs than has previously been suspected on the basis of the paucity of reported cases. Although most dogs had definable underlying disease conditions, idiopathic hemophagocytic syndrome was also identified. Hemophagocytic syndrome of any cause is potentially life-threatening; however, the prognosis should be adjusted on the basis of the associated disease process and potential for successful treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To further classify dysmyelopoiesis as diagnosed by use of a general classification scheme and to determine clinical features and laboratory test results that could be used to differentiate between the various forms of dysmyelopoiesis in cats. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. Sample Population-Bone marrow slides from 34 cats. PROCEDURES: Medical records of cats in which dysmyelopoiesis was diagnosed on the basis of blood and bone marrow analyses from 1996 to 2005 were reviewed. Criteria for inclusion in the study were findings of > 10% dysplastic cells in 1 or more hematologic cell lines in the bone marrow and concurrent cytopenias in the blood. Cats that met these criteria were classified into subcategories of myelodysplastic syndromes or secondary dysmyelopoiesis on the basis of reevaluation of slides. RESULTS: Of 189 bone marrow slides reviewed, 34 (14.9%) had > 10% dysplastic cells in 1 or more cell lines. Cats were subcategorized as having myelodysplastic syndrome with excessive numbers of blast cells (n = 13), myelodysplastic syndrome with refractory cytopenias (8), a variant form of myelodysplastic syndrome (1), and secondary dysmyelopoiesis (12). Findings of dysmyelopoiesis and autoagglutination in cats with myelodysplastic syndrome and in those with immune-mediated anemia complicated differentiating between the 2 conditions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differentiating cats with myelodysplastic syndromes from cats with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia was difficult because severe anemia and autoagglutination may be concurrent findings in both conditions. Differentiating between myelodysplastic syndrome with excessive numbers of blast cells and myelodysplastic syndrome with refractory cytopenias was useful in predicting clinical outcome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the most common causes of pneumoperitoneum in dogs and cats and determine history, clinical features, and outcome of affected animals. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 31 dogs and 8 cats. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed for signalment; history; abnormal physical, clinicopathologic, and radiographic findings; results of cytologic analysis and bacterial culture of abdominal fluid; gross and histologic findings at surgery or necropsy; and outcome. RESULTS: Pneumoperitoneum was classified as spontaneous in 25 animals and traumatic in 14. Causes of traumatic pneumoperitoneum included vehicular impact, gunshot wounds, abdominal dog bite wounds, and iatrogenic pneumothorax. Spontaneous pneumoperitoneum was caused by gastrointestinal tract perforation in 23 animals; underlying causes included neoplasia, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration, and corticosteroid administration. Two animals developed spontaneous pneumoperitoneum after bladder rupture. Animals with spontaneous pneumoperitoneum were significantly older and had clinical signs of longer duration than those with traumatic pneumoperitoneum. Sixteen animals survived, including 15 of 23 animals that underwent surgery. Animals that survived had significantly higher serum albumin concentrations than did animals that died or were euthanatized. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although pneumoperitoneum is most often attributable to perforation of a hollow viscus, other causes do exist. Early exploration is recommended for diagnosis and treatment of the underlying condition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine physical examination findings, clinicopathologic changes, and prognosis in dogs with zinc toxicosis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 19 dogs with zinc toxicosis. PROCEDURES: Medical records from 1991 through 2003 were searched for animals with a diagnosis of zinc toxicosis. Information concerning signalment, body weight, historical findings, initial owner complaints, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic findings, blood zinc concentrations, source of zinc, treatments given, duration of hospital stay, and outcome was collected. RESULTS: Records of 19 dogs with zinc toxicosis were reviewed.The most common historical findings were vomiting (n = 14) and pigmenturia (12). The most common clinicopathologic findings were anemia (n = 19) and hyperbilirubinemia (12). Median age was 1.3 years, and median weight was 5.6 kg (12.3 lb). The prognosis was favorable, with 17 dogs surviving after a median hospital stay of 2 days. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Hemolytic anemia as a result of zinc toxicosis appeared to affect young small-breed dogs more frequently than older large-breed dogs. The prognosis with treatment is good, and most affected dogs had a short hospital stay.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the incidence, potential causes, and clinical and clinicopathologic features of bone marrow necrosis in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 34 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES: Reports of cytologic examinations of bone marrow specimens performed between 1996 and 2004 were reviewed. All reports that indicated the presence of necrosis, stromal disruption, phagocytic macrophages, individual cell necrosis, or myelofibrosis were evaluated further. RESULTS: Of 609 reports of bone marrow evaluations performed during the study period, 34 (5.6%) had evidence of bone marrow necrosis. Nine dogs had no evidence of associated diseases or drug or toxin exposure, and 25 dogs had associated disease conditions or drug exposures. All 9 dogs with idiopathic bone marrow necrosis were anemic (mean Hct, 14%), but only 3 had neutropenia, and 3 had thrombocytopenia. All 9 had myelofibrosis. Of the 25 dogs with associated disease conditions or drug exposures, only 14 (56%) had anemia (mean Hct, 33%). In addition, 14 (56%) had neutropenia and 18 (72%) had thrombocytopenia. Only 10 (40%) had myelofibrosis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that bone marrow necrosis may be common in dogs with hematologic disorders. In most dogs, bone marrow necrosis was associated with an underlying disease condition or drug exposure, but idiopathic bone marrow necrosis was also identified. Disease conditions that should increase suspicion of possible bone marrow necrosis include sepsis, lymphosarcoma, and systemic lupus erythematosus; drug exposures that should increase suspicion of possible bone marrow necrosis include chemotherapeutic agents, phenobarbital, carprofen, metronidazole, and mitotane.  相似文献   


Multidrug-resistant bacteria are increasingly isolated from the urinary tract of pets, particularly those that suffer from concurrent conditions, have been hospitalised, or were treated with antimicrobials in the recent past. Many of the multidrug-resistant bacteria encountered are resistant to all commonly used oral antibiotics. This poses both a therapeutic dilemma in the individual pet and a threat to public health. This article begins with an overview of multidrug resistance in organisms that are commonly isolated from the urinary tract of pets. This is followed by a proposed clinical approach to managing multidrug-resistant urinary bacteria, which summarises current knowledge regarding appropriate sampling and analysis, reviews the current guidelines regarding appropriate antimicrobial use and discusses treatment options that might be considered. The article highlights several shortcomings of the current knowledge to be considered when planning future clinical research and developing policies.  相似文献   

The medical records of 79 dogs and 16 cats admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine between January 1975 and October 1985 with facial nerve dysfunction were reviewed. In 31 dogs and 8 cats, facial neuropathy was the only abnormal finding. In 48 dogs and 8 cats, the clinical findings most often noted in the records in addition to facial neuropathy were vestibular signs. Facial neuropathy appeared unassociated with gender or right vs left sides in both dogs and cats, or with hypothyroidism in dogs. Facial neuropathy was associated with increased age, with certain breeds in both dogs and cats, and with otitis media/interna and keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs. Causes of facial nerve dysfunction in dogs and cats included surgical and nonsurgical trauma, neoplasia, and otitis media/interna. Facial neuropathy was judged to be idiopathic in 74.7% of dogs and 25% of cats.  相似文献   

The medical records of 74 dogs and 26 cats with Horner's syndrome (HS) that were admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine between January 1975 and October 1985 were reviewed. In dogs, but not cats, HS was associated significantly (P less than 0.01) with increasing age. Dogs with hypothyroidism (defined liberally but not rigorously), intracranial neoplasia, or thoracic neoplasia, cats with otitis media/interna (defined liberally), and dogs and cats with brachial plexus root avulsion were at greater risk for developing HS than were animals that were hit by a car. Dogs and cats with otitis externa were at less risk of developing HS than were animals that were hit by a car. The cause of HS could not be determined in 50% of dogs and 42.3% of cats. The results of topical adrenergic drug testing in dogs were inconclusive in localizing lesion site. In dogs and cats, HS appeared to be unassociated with gender, breed, or right vs left side. The important causes of HS in dogs and cats were trauma (hit by car), brachial plexus root avulsion, intracranial and thoracic neoplasia, and otitis media/interna.  相似文献   

The records of 25 dogs and 2 cats treated with peritoneal dialysis during an 11-year period were evaluated. The indications for peritoneal dialysis were acute renal failure in 21 animals, chronic renal failure in 5 animals, and azotemia of undetermined cause in 1 animal. Peritoneal dialysis resulted in a significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in serum urea nitrogen concentration in 19 of the dogs and a significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in serum creatinine in 20 dogs. The most common complication of peritoneal dialysis was hypoalbuminemia (11 animals affected). Other common complications were dialysate retention/catheter obstruction (8 animals), peritonitis (6 animals), hypochloremia (6 animals), and subcutaneous leakage of dialysate (6 animals). Twelve dogs and 2 cats died during treatment, 6 dogs were euthanatized, and 1 dog was lost to follow-up evaluation. The remaining 6 dogs survived and were discharged from the hospital after successful peritoneal dialysis. On the basis of the results of this study, the authors concluded that peritoneal dialysis, although associated with a high complication rate, was a successful technique for reducing azotemia in dogs with acute and chronic renal failure. Survival rates were poor because of the severity of the underlying renal diseases.  相似文献   

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