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根据气单胞菌主要黏附素基因(ahal)、溶血素基因(hly)和细胞兴奋性肠毒素基因(alt)完整开放阅读框(0RF)设计3对特异性引物,对6株气单胞菌安徽分离株进行ahal、hly和alt基因的PCR扩增、克隆和测序。测序结果显示,安徽分离株aim、hly和alt基因的ORF大小分别为1056--1068bp、1482bp和1104N1107bp,各编码351-355、493和367-368个氨基酸。序列分析显示:(1)属于alt^+aim^+hly^+毒力基因型的3个安徽分离株间aha1核苷酸序列和推测的氨基酸序列同源性均很高,分别为98.8%-99.3%和97%-97.6%,且与国内参考株mh/Trionyx sinensis/Guangzhou(Guangdong)/AF276639的同源性高达98.5%-99%和96.8%-97.6%。而alt^+ahal^+hly^-HA6安徽分离株与国外参考株Ah/Fish/Barcelona(Spain)/AF183931间的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列同源性较高,分别为95.8%和97.2%。(2)不同表型种气单胞菌安徽分离株之间及其与国内外其他分离株之间的hly核苷酸序列和推测的氨基酸序列同源性均较高,分别介于88.4%-100%之间和90.8%-98.7%之间。(3)5个安徽分离株(RA16、CA1、HA6、HA7和GA1)之间及其与惟一参考株之间的alt核苷酸序列和推测的氨基酸序列同源性分别高达93.5%-99.9%和80.2%-98.3%,但与BA17分离株间的核苷酸序列同源性(81.6%-81.7%)和推测的氨基酸序列同源性(77.5%-84.9%)均较低。这些结果表明,气单胞菌ahal和alt基因在不同毒力基因型间存在一定差异性,hly基因在不同表型种间存在较高保守性,该基因可作为研制气单胞菌基因工程亚单位疫苗的候选成分。  相似文献   

从患病甲鱼、河蟹、牛蛙、鲫体内共分离到14株气单胞菌属细菌,对它们进行了生化鉴定和药敏试验。根据药敏试验结果,选取1株嗜水气单胞菌(J50503-1)和1株温和气单胞菌(NT712-10)作了最小抑菌浓度试验和人工感染及治疗试验。结果表明,氟苯尼考对上述细菌有很好的防治作用。  相似文献   

为探讨广西南宁市、浦北县和玉林市暴发性死亡胡子鲶的病原菌及其所携带6种毒力基因对其致病力的影响,用常规方法从病鱼的心脏、肝脏等部位分离细菌,人工感染实验确定病原菌的致病性,以API 20NE生化鉴定和16S r RNA分子鉴定相结合的方法对病原菌进行鉴定,采用PCR扩增法检测病原菌的6种毒力基因携带情况。结果显示,从患病鱼中共分离到5株病原菌,其中嗜水气单胞菌3株,温和气单胞菌2株。3株嗜水气单胞菌与标准菌株Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966(CP000462)的亲缘关系最近,相似性均为99.8%,2株温和气单胞菌与标准菌株Aeromonas sobria NO.106(AB472903.1)的亲缘关系最近,相似性均达99.9%。6种毒力基因在5株病原菌中的阳性检出率分别为Act和Aer基因100%,ahal、hly和Alt基因均为80%,ahp基因仅20%;毒力基因型共3种,在5株气单胞菌中分布情况为Act+ahal+hly+Alt+ahp-Aer+3株,占实验菌株的60%,为主要的毒力基因,Act+ahal+hly+Alt+ahp+Aer+和Act+ahal-hly-Alt-ahp-Aer+各1株,各占20%。携带全部所检6种毒力基因的菌株致病力最强,只携带Act和Aer 2种毒力基因的菌株致病力最弱。ahp基因在菌株的致病力中起重要作用,病原菌的致病力是多种毒力基因协同作用的结果。  相似文献   

鲫源嗜水气单胞菌毒力基因多重PCR检测及ERIC-PCR分子分型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为快速了解鲫源嗜水气单胞菌株毒力基因携带情况及与菌株基因型的相关性,建立多重PCR法和ERIC-PCR分子分型,为临床快速检测、菌株分型和菌株致病性分析提供依据。通过单重PCR法检测出标准菌株ATCC7966内5个毒力基因气溶素(aerolysin,aer)、溶血素(hemolysin,hly)、细胞毒性肠毒素(cytotoxic enterotoxin,alt)、胞外蛋白酶(extracellular protease,ahp)和细胞肠兴奋性肠毒素(intestinal cells of excitatory enterotoxin,act),其扩增产物长度依次为300 bp、592 bp、442 bp、856 bp和500 bp。在此基础上,优化并建立特异性高,敏感度达7.2×102cfu·m L-1多重PCR法,用于检测从江苏射阳地区患病水产动物体内分离的17株嗜水气单胞菌5个毒力基因携带率。结果显示,毒力基因act的携带率为100%,而80%的菌株5个毒力基因均有检出。采用ERIC-PCR分子分型技术,以标准菌株ATCC7966为对照,对17株鲫源致病性嗜水气单胞菌进行基因分型,获得两种基因型,分别描述为A型和B型,其中B型菌株14株,带型与ATCC7966一致,认为是当地的主要流行株。探究菌株基因型与毒力基因分布相关性,携带5个毒力基因的均为B型菌株,而所有A型菌株存在一或多个毒力基因缺失,有可能是此类菌株更易发生毒力基因漂变,但还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

一株致病性异育银鲫源维氏气单胞菌的分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从急性患病异育银鲫Carassius auratus gibelio肝胰脏中分离到一株优势菌。对该菌株进行了显微和超微结构观察、生理生化表型鉴定、16S rRNA和毒力基因分析及人工感染实验。结果显示:分离菌呈短杆状、两头钝圆、端生鞭毛,为革兰氏阴性菌;发酵葡萄糖产酸,氧化酶、触酶试验阳性,高盐浓度不生长;16S rRNA序列与气单胞菌属Aeromonas的基因相似性为98%以上,系统发育分析进一步表明该菌为维氏气单胞菌A.veronii,在该菌中可检测到肠毒素基因,且回接感染能导致健康银鲫发病,表明该菌具有致病性。  相似文献   

致病性嗜水气单胞菌多重PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
致病性嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)是近年中国各地大规模流行的淡水养殖鱼类暴发性疾病的主要病原,本研究针对GenBank中登录的致病性嗜水气单胞菌的气溶素基因(hlyA)、溶血素基因(aerA)以及为气单胞菌属所特有的内参照基因16S rRNA保守区设计了3对特异性引物,通过进行多重PCR反应体系优化,多重PCR产物的测序鉴定与特异性和敏感性实验,试图建立一种检测致病性嗜水气单胞菌的多重PCR检测方法。对8株嗜水气单胞菌、16株相关菌株进行多重PCR检测,结果显示,非致病性分离株均未扩增出毒力基因hlyA和aerA,而致病性分离株则至少含有hlyA基因;对40份送检的水产动物样品进行多重PCR检测,结果与常规微生物学检测符合率为97.5%。多重PCR检测方法具有较高的敏感性与特异性,最低可检测模板量为10 ng的样品。该方法的建立对水产动物嗜水气单胞菌病的快速诊断和分子流行病学的调查有重要意义。  相似文献   

为调查鱼源气单胞菌毒力基因与其致病力的相关性,以2009--2018年从不同患病鱼分离的173株气单胞菌为研究对象,通过检测毒力相关基因、测定溶血活性、腹腔注射感染异育银鲫等方法开展评价.通过管家基因gyrB分子鉴定结果显示,173株气单胞菌中维氏气单胞菌(119/173,68.9%)和嗜水气单胞菌(50/173,28...  相似文献   

杀鲑气单胞菌的实时定量PCR检测方法的建立和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取杀鲑气单胞菌A层A蛋白(VapA)保守序列,利用Primer Express2.0软件设计引物和探针.以ATCC标准株10倍系列稀释,通过血球计数板计数后进行实时定量PCR,制作标准曲线.通过SDS软件获得细菌数量(X)与Ct值的关系为:Ct=-3.1574lgX 43.6841(相关系数R2=0.992).实时定量PCR的检测限为6个细菌.建立的方法对杀鲑气单胞菌典型株和非典型株具有较好的特异性,与其他细菌没有交叉反应.杀鲑气单胞菌实时定量PCR方法的建立,对于快速口岸检疫、临床诊断和疫病监测具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

根据NCBI已发表的维氏气单胞菌(Aeromonas veronii)促旋酶B亚单位基因gyrB和编码细菌RNA聚合酶σ70因子基因rpoD的保守序列设计引物,建立了一种快速检测青虾源维氏气单胞菌的双重PCR检测方法。结果显示:青虾源维氏气单胞菌gyrB和rpoD基因PCR扩增产物大小分别为815 bp、554 bp,而对嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)、弗氏柠檬酸杆菌(Citrobacter freundii)、哈维弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)、副溶血性弧菌(Vibrio parahemolyticus)、需钠弧菌(Vibrio natriegens)、非O1霍乱弧菌(non-O1 Vibrio cholerae)、阴沟肠杆菌(Enterobacter cloacae)、产气肠杆菌(Enterobacter aerogenes)扩增结果皆为阴性;灵敏性试验结果显示该方法检测到的最低菌体DNA量为1.8×10-2 ng/μL,且10份送检样本检测结果与传统细菌分离鉴定结果相一致。结果表明,双重PCR检测方法特异性好、灵敏性高,适用于...  相似文献   

亚东鲑(Salmo trutta fario)是西藏地区重要的冷水性经济鱼类之一。为明确亚东鲑暴发性死亡的原因, 对从患病亚东鲑体内分离得到的 2 株优势细菌 B1、A3-2 进行种类鉴定、毒力基因检测、动物回归感染、耐药基因检测和药敏试验。结果显示, 2 株优势细菌鉴定为杀鲑气单胞菌(Aeromonas salmonicida) B1 和温和气单胞菌(Aeromonas sobria) A3-2。杀鲑气单胞菌 B1 对亚东鲑具有较强的致病性, 而温和气单胞菌 A3-2 对亚东鲑未表现出致病性。杀鲑气单胞菌 B1 携带有 10 种毒力基因: 外毒素(AerAAct hly 基因)、胞外酶(gcat、ahyBLip 基因)、Ⅲ型分泌系统(aexT、aopPascF-G 基因)、鞭毛(Fla 基因); 温和气单胞菌 A3-2 携带有 5 种毒力基因: 外毒素(Act Alt 基因)、胞外酶(gcat 基因)、Ⅲ型分泌系统(aexT 和 aopP 基因)。杀鲑气单胞菌 B1 对头孢曲松、阿莫西林、氟苯尼考、环丙沙星、四环素、链霉素等 21 种抗菌药物敏感, 仅对万古霉素耐药; 温和气单胞菌 A3-2 对头孢曲松、氟苯尼考、环丙沙星、吡哌酸、四环素、链霉素等 17 种抗菌药物敏感, 对青霉素、阿莫西林、磺胺异噁唑、复方新诺明、万古霉素等 6 种药物耐药。杀鲑气单胞菌 B1 含有 AmpC、gyrA parC 等 3 种耐药基因; 温和气单胞菌 A3-2 含有 AmpC、gyrA、parC tetE 等 4 种耐药基因, 2 种气单胞菌的耐药基因检出结果与耐药表型基本一致。杀鲑气单胞菌 B1 是引起亚东鲑暴发性死亡的重要病原菌, 本研究为亚东鲑养殖过程中杀鲑气单胞菌的感染特征、疫苗研制和疾病防控提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

浙江沿海海洋水产动物的多氯联苯检测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对浙江沿海5个地区的贝类、虾类和鱼类等水产动物体内的多氯联苯进行GC-MS检测分析,研究多氯联苯各单体在不同生物体内的分布特征、影响因素和积累分布规律。结果表明:浙江沿海海域生物多氯联苯检出率为100%,ω(PCBs)为0.12~9.40μg/kg,低于国家标准限量。其中,贝类中ω(PCBs)为0.83 ~10.52 ng/g,平均值为4.20ng/g;虾类ω(PCBs)为0.43~2.18ng/g,平均值为1.27ng/g;鱼类中ω(PCBs)为0.50~2.63ng/g。平均值为1.61ng/g。总体看不同种类海洋生物PCBs含量贝类>鱼类>虾类。从地区分布来看三门地区海产品中PCBs含量最高,玉环、椒江次之,宁海最低。甲壳类样品的PCBs检出以六氯联苯(PCB138)为主,鱼类样品的PCBs检出以五氯联苯(PCB118)为主,表现出水生生物对高氯联苯富集量高于低氯联苯富集量的共同点。而在各类动物中PCBs检出量最高的样品,如缢蛏、僧帽牡蛎和菲律宾蛤仔,都表现出了对于四氯联苯(PCB52)的强富集能力。  相似文献   

Members of the genus Aeromonas are emerging human pathogens, causing a variety of extra‐intestinal, systemic and gastrointestinal infections in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised persons. Aeromonas virulence is multifaceted and involves surface‐associated molecules, motility, biologically active extracellular products and biofilm formation. Aeromonads, isolated from diverse freshwater fish species as well as sea water, were screened for biofilm formation, with varying physicochemical parameters including temperature, agitation and nutrient availability. Motility, cell surface characteristics (auto‐aggregation, hydrophobicity and S layer), and extracellular virulence factor production (haemolysis, proteolysis, DNase production) were also assessed to identify potential associations with the biofilm phenotype. Biofilm formation was influenced by environmental conditions, with isolates preferentially forming biofilms in nutrient‐rich media at 30 °C, although strong biofilm formation also occurred at 37 °C. Strong biofilm formation was observed for Aeromonas culicicola isolates following exposure to nutrient‐rich conditions, while Aeromonas allosaccharophila isolates preferred nutrient‐poor conditions for biofilm formation. Source‐/species‐specific correlations, ranging from weak to strong, were observed between biofilm formation and motility, cell surface characteristics and/or extracellular virulence factor production. Understanding the specific mechanisms by which Aeromonas species adhere to abiotic surfaces may aid in preventing and/or treating disease outbreaks in aquaculture systems and could lead to effective eradication of these fish pathogens.  相似文献   

Pectinatella magnifica is an invasive freshwater bryozoan that has expanded in many localities worldwide, including fishing areas. It contains microbial communities, predominantly consisting of Aeromonas bacteria that are frequently associated with fish infections. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential pathogenicity of Aeromonas spp. associated with P. magnifica and evaluate the health risks for fish. Aeromonas strains were isolated from P. magnifica (101 strains) and from surrounding water (29 strains) in the South Bohemian region and investigated for the presence of 14 virulence-associated genes using PCR. We demonstrated high prevalence of phospholipase GCAT, polar flagellin, enolase, DNAse, aerolysin/cytotoxic enterotoxin, serine protease and heat-stable cytotonic enterotoxin-coding genes. Further, all twelve isolates that were analysed for cytotoxicity against intestinal epithelial cells were found to be cytotoxic. Six of the isolates were also tested as co-cultures composed of pairs. Enhanced cytotoxicity was observed when the pair was composed of strains from different species. In conclusion, P. magnifica is colonized by Aeromonas strains that have a relatively high prevalence of virulence-associated genes and the ability to provoke disease. Results also suggest a possibly increased risk arising from mixed infections.  相似文献   

Furunculosis, a septicaemic infection caused by the bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, currently causes problems in Danish seawater rainbow trout production. Detection has mainly been achieved by bacterial culture, but more rapid and sensitive methods are needed. A previously developed real‐time PCR assay targeting the plasmid encoded aopP gene of A. salmonicida was, in parallel with culturing, used for the examination of five organs of 40 fish from Danish freshwater and seawater farms. Real‐time PCR showed overall a higher frequency of positives than culturing (65% of positive fish by real‐time PCR compared to 30% by a culture approach). Also, no real‐time PCR‐negative samples were found positive by culturing. A. salmonicida was detected by real‐time PCR, though not by culturing, in freshwater fish showing no signs of furunculosis, indicating possible presence of carrier fish. In seawater fish examined after an outbreak and antibiotics treatment, real‐time PCR showed the presence of the bacterium in all examined organs (1–482 genomic units mg?1). With a limit of detection of 40 target copies (1–2 genomic units) per reaction, a high reproducibility and an excellent efficiency, the present real‐time PCR assay provides a sensitive tool for the detection of A. salmonicida.  相似文献   

Aeromonas schubertii is a major epidemiological agent that threatens cultured snakeheads (Channidae) and has caused great economic losses in fish‐farming industries in China in recent years. In present study, a specific TaqMan minor groove binder (MGB) probe fluorescence real‐time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay was developed to rapidly detect and quantify A. schubertii. A pair of qPCR primers and a TaqMan MGB probe were selected from the rpoD gene, which were shown to be specific for A. schubertii. A high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9998) in a standard curve with a 103% efficiency was obtained. Moreover, the qPCR method's detection limit was as low as 18 copies/μl, which was 100 times more sensitive than that of conventional PCR. The detection results for the A. schubertii in pond water and fish tissue were consistent with those of the viable counts. Bacterial load changes detected by qPCR in different tissues of snakeheads infected with A. schubertii showed that the gills and intestines may be the entry for A. schubertii, and the spleen and kidney are major sites for A. schubertii replication. The established method in present study should be a useful tool for the early surveillance and quantitation of A. schubertii.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic halibut (~100 mg, Hippoglossus hippoglossus) were exposed to Vibrio proteolyticus, a Vibrio spp. isolate, Photobacterium damselae ssp. damselae and five different isolates of Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. achromogenes via an hour‐long bath immersion to ascertain their variation in pathogenicity to this fish species. Results were analysed using Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. Analysis of the data from challenges using A. salmonicida ssp. achromogenes revealed three survival values of zero and a spread of values from 0 to 28.43. Challenges using a Vibrio spp isolate, Vproteolyticus and P. damselae resulted in Kaplan–Meier survival estimates of 31.21, 50.41 and 57.21, respectively. As all bacterial species tested could induce juvenile halibut mortalities, they must all be considered as potential pathogens. However, the degree of pathogenicity of A. salmonicida is isolate dependent.  相似文献   

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