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Ulla Bång 《Potato Research》1989,32(1):101-112
Summary Various haulm treatments and harvest times differentially influenced the incidence of storage rots in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) in field experiments in Sweden performed over 4 years. The incidence of gangrene caused byPhoma foveata Foister (Phoma exigua var.foveata (Foister) Boerema) increased in cv. Bellona after spraying haulms with diquat as did the amount of infection caused byFusarium avenaceum (Corda ex. Fr.) Sacc. in all three cultivars (Bintje, Bellona, and Magnum Bonum). The lowestP. foveata infection levels occurred after pulling haulms. Late harvesting increased the frequency ofP. foveata in cvs Bintje and Bellona both at 2 and 4 wks interval between haulm treatment and harvest. Tuber and visible stem infection caused byP. foveata were correlated for cvs Bintje and Bellona, but not for cv. Magnum Bonum. The possible relation between tuber and stem infection is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The shoot system of potato is a configuration of stems with terminal inflorescences. In this review, shoot development is quantified in terms of stem production, while stem development is quantified in terms of leaf and flower primordia production per stem, which are functions of the rates and the durations of primordia initiation. The effect of the position of the stem in the shoot system on number of leaves and flowers per stem is also evaluated. Flowering of individual stems is described by the ‘time to flower primordia initiation’ (expressed in number of leaves produced) and ‘flower production’ (a function of the number and the development of flower primordia). At warmer temperatures and longer daylengths the number of leaves and flower primordia per stem, and the number of stems per shoot increase by prolonging stem production and primordia development. Temperature and photoperiod also affect flower primordia survival by altering assimilate production and partitioning. The photothermal response of the number of leaves per stem is small compared to the response of stem production; at higher temperatures, flower primordia survival becomes the principal factor determining flower production. The similarity of the signals leading to flower primordia initiation and tuberization, and the relation between shoot and tuber growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The medullary tissues of potato tubers affected by rust spot were embedded in resin, sectioned and stained for optical and electron microscopy. Under the optical microscope, the damaged zones were seen to have thickened and suberized cell walls, with cells partially or totally lacking starch. These features were confirmed by electron microscopy which revealed in relief the cell wall deformation and the characteristic presence, in the vacuole, of osmiophilic granules with a spongy appearance attached to the tonoplast, probable catabolic products of a disturbed metabolism. Separation and degeneration of the plasmalemma and the death of the cells were observed in tissues in the final stages of damage.  相似文献   

Summary Single and combined applications of three sprout inhibitors, maleic hydrazide (MH), isopropyl 3-chlorophenylcarbamate (CIPC) and isopropyl phenylcarbamate (IPC) mixed with CIPC in a commercial formulation coded AMK (Tixit-C, Sandoz, S.A.E., Barcelona, Spain; 2.0% IPC +0.7% CIPC) were tested on potatoes stored from March to June under ambient conditions (20–30°C, 30–80% RH), and in a store with passive evaporative cooling (16–30°C, 75–95% RH). All treatments were more effective in reducing physiological losses, sprouting, and sprout growth in the cool than in the ambient store. AMK, CIPC and MH+AMK caused most sprout suppression. All treatments increased tuber rotting but there were no significant differences in numbers rotted by MH, MH+CIPC, CIPC (single treatment) and the untreated control. Nevertheless, the treatments can usefully extend storage life of potatoes under non-refrigerated conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in ascorbic acid levels were followed in apical and basal portions of Russet Burbank and Kennebec tubers during growth and development. Influence of nitrogen fertilization during growth and short-term storage on ascorbic acid level of the tuber was also studied. Changes in ascorbic acid content during growth showed two distinct phases, the first phase being characterized by an increase in ascorbic acid content with growth and development of the tuber, followed by a second phase which showed a decrease in ascorbic acid content with increasing maturity. The shift from the first phase to the second phase occurred earlier for Kennebec than for Russet Burbank. Increased nitrogen fertilization resulted in a delay of this shift from the first to the second phase. The apical portion of the tuber consistently showed higher ascorbic acid content than the basal portion. Kennebec tubers were higher in vitamin C content than tubers of Russet Burbank cultivar. High nitrogen fertilization resulted in less ascorbic acid content during growth. Storage of tubers for four weeks at 5.5°C also resulted in a marked decrease in ascorbic acid content of tubers. Nitrogen fertilizer rate during growth had no influence on the decrease in ascorbic acid content of tubers in storage.  相似文献   

Summary A phytotron experiment with all combinations of two photoperiod (12 or 18 h) and four temperature (18/12, 22/16, 26/20 or 30/24 °C; 12h/12h) treatments was carried out to analyse quantitative effects on early tuber growth, dry-matter partitioning and number of tubers of two cultivars. Higher temperatures and longer photoperiod delayed the onset of expolinear tuber growth and the onset of linear tuber bulking. Higher temperatures also gave lower absolute tuber growth rates. Photoperiod did not affect absolute tuber growth rate at lower temperatures. Higher temperature and longer photoperiod gave lower relative rates of partitioning of dry matter to the tubers. Differences between treatments in numbers of tubers initiated were inconsistent. This quantitative analysis of the effects of temperature and photoperiod on characteristics of tuber growth should prove useful in potato modelling.  相似文献   

Summary The results of preliminary experiments showed that although tuber tissue increases in resistance during the growing season, incidence in the stored crop also progressively increases with later dates of harvesting. The hypothesis that increases of inoculum at the tuber surface with later dates of harvesting could account for this anomaly was satisfied in the first two of four years field experiments. In the third year, when inoculum levels were often very low and levels erratic, the incidence pattern was reversed being negatively correlated with time; in the fourth year no clear relationships were evident. In each year, the amount of gangrene developing at standard wounds was negatively correlated with time. These results are discussed in relationship to the sources of inoculum.
Zusammenfassung In Vorversuchen wurden Sorten verschiedener Eigenschaften in 2 Vegetationszeiten in randomisierten Parzellen im Blockversuch gepflanzt. Die Knollen wurden in Intervallen geerntet (ohne Krautabt?tung), gewaschen, die Oberfl?che sterilisiert, und mit zerkleinerten Agarkulturen inokuliert, die von 4 Isolaten stammten, die nur einmal auf Czapek-Dox-Agar gewachsen waren. Die Isolate wurden auf aseptisch gewonnenen Zylindern aus Kartoffelgewebe erhalten, um m?gliche Pathogenit?ts?nderungen zu vermindern. Tabelle 1 zeigt typische Ergebnisse eines Jahres für fünf Sorten mit sehr verschiedenen Eigenschaften; alle verhielten sich ?hnlich, die Knollenresistenz stieg stetig und signifikant w?hrend der Vegetationszeit an. Im Gegensatz dazu war das Auftreten von F?ulen positiv und signifikant mit den Erntedaten korreliert (Tabelle 2), wenn Knollen der Sorte Majestie, aufgewachsen aus nicht inokuliertem Basispflanzgut w?hrend der Vegetationszeit in Intervallen mit der Hand geerntet (ohne Krautabt?tung), gelagert, verletzt (standard wounds), wieder gelagert und im Frühjahr untersucht wurden. Diese Ergebnisse k?nnten erkl?rt werden, wenn die Steigerung der Knollenresistenz mit der Zeit h?her w?re als der Einfluss der Erh?hung des Inokulumpotentials. In vier aufeinander folgenden Jahren wurde die Hypothese des wechselnden Inokulumgehaltes in Bezugauf die F?ule in Grossversuchen, in denen der Nachbau inokulierter Pflanzkartoffeln, Sorte Pentland Crown, in w?chentlichen Intervallen geerntet wurde (Tabelle 3), geprüft. Unmittelbar nach jeder Ernte wurden Knollenproben verletzt und das Ausmass der L?sionen, die sich von diesen Wunden ausgehend entwickelten, gemessen: Von anderen Proben wurden standardisierte Stücke aus dem Periderm entnommen und auf ein semiselektives. Medium gebracht, um die H?ufigkeit vonP. exigua var.foveata zu bestimmen. Die Hauptmenge der Ernte wurde gelagert, durch Sortierung auf einer Sortiermaschine mit gegenl?ufig arbeitenden Sieben verletzt und das Ausmass der Phomaf?ule im Frühjahr bewertet. Tabelle 5 zeigt die Korrelationen zwischen den einzelnen Behandlungen und ihre Bezichung zur Zeit. Die Hypothese wurde in den ersten zwei Jahren gut gestützt, nicht aber im dritten, das sehr geringe Regenmengen aufwies (Tabelle 4) und im vierten Jahr. Beachtenswert ist, dass in allen Jahren die Korrelation zwischen den Ergebnissen der verletzten Knollen und der Zeit negativ war — ein Trend der, obwohl nicht immer signifikant, mit den Ergebnissen der inokulierten Knollen in Tabelle 1 übereinstimmt. Die Ergebnisse werden in Verbindung mit den verschiedenen Herkünften des Inokulums diskutiert, das, durch Umweltfaktoren w?hrend der Vegetationszeit und der Lagerung beeinflusst, prim?r vom Ausmass der Infektion des Pflanzgutes zur Zeit der Pflanzung abh?ngt.

Résumé Dans des expériences préliminaires, des variétés à caractéristiques culturales différentes ont été expérimentées pendant deux ans (essais comprenant une randomisation des parcelles et 4 blocs). Les tubercules ont été récoltés à intervalles (sans défanage), lavés, désinfectés superficiellement et inoculés avec des fragments de culture gélosée provenant de 4 souches n'ayant eu qu'une seule génération sur Czapek-Dox agar. Les souches ont été d'autre part maintenues sur des bouchons aseptiques obtenus à partir de tissus de feuilles de pommes de terre pour minimiser les changements possibles de pouvoir pathogène. Des résultats caractéristiques obtenus une année avec 5 variétés très différentes sont donnés dans le tableau 1. Ces résultats indiquent que toutes les variétés se sont comportées de manière semblable et que la résistance des tissus de pommes de terre a augmenté progressivement et significativement avec le temps durant la période de croissance. Au contraire, quand des tubercules de la variété Majestic sont cultivés à partir de semence non inoculée et de classe FS, récoltés à la main (sans défanage) à différents intervalles pendant la période de croissance, stockés, blessés, et à nouveau conservés, on constate à l'examen fait au printemps que l'importance de la gangrène est positivement et significativement en corrélation avec les dates de récolte (tableau 2). Ces résultats pourraient être expliqués si l'augmentation de la résistance des tubercules avec le temps était plus que compensée par les augmentations de potentiel d'inoculum. Les hypothèses de changement dans les taux d'inoculum, en relation avec les dommages, ont été vérifiées durant 4 années successives lors d'expérimentations à grande échelle: la descendance des tubercules de semence inoculés (de la variété Pentland Crown) a été récoltée à intervalles de 8 jours (tableau 3). Immédiatement après chaque récolte, des souséchantillons ont été blessés et l'importance des lésions développées à partir de ces blessures a été notée. A partir des autres sous-échantillons, des fragments du périderme de dimensions standard ont été placés sur milieu semi sélectif afin de calculer la fréquence deP. exigua varfoveata. Les échantillons principaux ont été conservés, endommagés par calibrage sur grille vibrante, triés, et le pourcentage de gangrène a été noté au printemps. Les corrélations entre les différentes mesures et leur association avec le temps, sont indiqués dans le tableau 5. L'hypothèse a bien été démontrée pour les deux premières saisons, mais pas pour la troisième qui a été une année à précipitations particulièrement faibles (tableau 4). De plus, aucun modèle régulier n'a été obtenu durant les 4 années. On remarque que pour toutes les années, les corrélations sont toutes négatives entre le résultat du test de blessure et le temps: une tendance qui, bien qu'elle ne soit pas toujours significative, correspond aux résultats des inoculations des blessures, donnés dans le tableau 1. Les résultats ont été discutés en relation avec les différentes sources d'inoculum, lesquelles bien qu'elles soient influencées par les facteurs de l'environnement pendant la période de croissance et durant la conservation, doivent toutes dépendre, en premier lieu, de l'extention de l'infection du plant au moment de la plantation.

Late blight is an important disease of potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) worldwide, and therefore, many potato-breeding programs have prioritized the development of late blight-resistant potato cultivars. Although the emphasis has been to enhance foliar resistance, it is also necessary to evaluate tuber late blight resistance in new breeding lines and new sources of late blight resistance. We report here on the assessment of foliar and tuber resistance and the correlation between these aspects of resistance in a sample of Michigan State University potato breeding lines. Two MSU breeding lines had significantly less infected foliage than the susceptible check cultivars. Tuber susceptibility was significantly different (P < 0.05) only between the most susceptible and the least susceptible breeding lines/cultivars. Foliar and tuber susceptibility to potato late blight were not correlated as low tuber susceptibility was associated both with extremely low (e.g., MSG274-3) and high (e.g., MSE202-3Rus) foliar susceptibility.  相似文献   

Summary The tubers on one potato stem vary greatly in size and their size distribution may be described by their number and their average size and its variation. These components are mutually and closely related. The variation is partly caused by stolon characteristics, including their date of initiation, position and size. Tuber size is therefore partly determined before tuberization. Tuber-specific factors, such as the position and activity of the tuber initial also play a role, but the date of initiation of an individual tuber is not crucial. Later on, during tuber bulking, the activity of enzymes involved in starch metabolism, the levels of hormones, the mineral composition and the turgor potential are associated with the tuber growth rate. The growth characteristics of individual tubers may also vary since they are exposed to different conditions because of differences in position or growing period.  相似文献   

Summary Two potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Irish Cobbler) Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitors (PKPI) were previously described to be present in the soluble fraction of proteins from tubers in the early stages of development. One of them became insoluble in mature tubers, being extractable from this material in presence of urea. Amino acid sequencing showed that the soluble and insoluble PKPI were identical to each other. Also, immunolocalization using the protein A-gold method showed that both proteins were present inside the vacuole in free (intravacuolar space) and aggregated forms. The density of PKPI in the vacuolar protein aggregates increased from developing to mature tubers. showing that the soluble-insoluble state of this protein is related to the aggregation levels. Purified PKPI precipitated in vitro. mainly in presence of high calcium concentrations and low pH, but this precipitated form was not as stable as aggregates found in vivo. Based on the results obtained, a model of PKPI insolubilization in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Stem cuttings with variable number and position of leaves and variable number and age of buds were used to study the preference of tuberization at certain buds when several potential tuber sites were present. These cuttings were exposed to different orientations of the cuttings themselves and/or their light source. Inverting the cuttings did not affect overall tuberization, but had significant effects on individual buds, probably by the interaction between the original basipetal patterns in the cuttings and gravity effects. A smaller angle to the horizontal and lighting from below increased the overall expression of the tuberization stimulus. Leaf and bud position or age affected expression in a complicated manner, but the distance between screened bud and light-exposed leaf was crucial; buds most distant from illuminated leaves showed the strongest induction. The basic pattern of tuberization was basipetal.  相似文献   

Summary The physiological based mathematical model describing the storage behaviour of potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers was examined to determine its ability to explain the changing storage behaviour as a function of harvest time for ten different cultivars. Between 90 to 98% of the observed variance was accounted for. This confirmed the models concept that the maturity at time of harvest determines the storage behaviour through the initial amount of the enzyme (or enzyme system) responsible for cold induced sweetening.  相似文献   

The tubers of 14 potato varieties were analysed for glycoalkaloids. The level of glycoalkaloids in tubers of all the varieties analysed are within the safe limits for human consumption. The peels of tuber contained about 60–70% of the total glycoalkaloids present in the whole tuber. The levels of glycoalkaloids in leaves and tubers were correlated (r=0.865). There was a significant increase in the content of glycoalkaloids in peels of tubers exposed to sunlight. Glycoalkaloid contents increased at the rate of 1.9mg/100g fresh weight per day in peels of Kufri Jyoti tubers exposed to diffused sunlight.  相似文献   

Summary Based on visual inspection, discrimination between common scab (Streptomyces spp.) and powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) can be difficult. Inspections are performed on unwashed samples, incidentally supported by microscopic examination. During 1994–1996 surveys were performed in The Netherlands on tubers with symptoms resembling common scab. Under microscopic assessment nearly all samples showed the presence of structures resembling cystosori (sporeballs) ofS. subterranea. At that time confirmation using alternative techniques was not possible. In 2003 research was undertaken to clarify the situation with respect to scab on potato tubers in The Netherlands. One hundred and eighteen scab samples were extensively tested forS. subterranea. All samples were digitally photographed, microscopically examinated and tested with real-time PCR and DAS-ELISA. Use of these modern methods resulted in a clear picture of symptoms that can be attributed toS. subterranea. A lot of scab samples with structures resembling cystosori could not be confirmed as contaminated withS. subterranea.  相似文献   

Summary Fractions containing Δ5- and Δ7-sterols, 4-methyl-sterols, triterpenic alcohols, tocopherols and hydrocarbons were isolated by TLC from petroleum ether extracts of the haulm and tuber sprouts of cv Désirée. Sterol and triterpenic alcohol fractions of unsaponifiable lipids of the haulm and tuber sprouts were found to contain twelve sterols and four triterpenic alcohols, respectively. 24R-4-stigmasten-3-on, Δ7, Δ7, lanosterol, cycloeucalenol and obtisufoliol have not been identified previously in unsaponifiable lipids from haulm and sprouts. In the hydrocarbon fractions of the haulm extract, C23-to C33-n-parafins, C19-and C31-cyclohexyl hydrocarbons, C22-to C38-olefins and squalene were identified, and in the hydrocarbon fractions of the tuber sprouts C12-to C26-olefins and squalene were identified.  相似文献   

Summary In each of the five years 1978 to 1982, seed lots of cv. Bintje, variously infested byPhoma foveata Foister andFusarium solani var.coeruleum (Sacc.) Booth, as found by wound and cut tests, respectively, were planted in a series of field experiments at six sites in Sweden. A statistically significant relationship between seed and progeny infestation was found forP. foveata each year, and in three years forF. solani. Benomyl and thiabendazole mist treatments of seed tubers at grading in spring controlled the development of gangrene and dry rot in treated seed tubers, but did not consistently reduce the levels ofP. foveata andF. solani infestation in progeny from treated seed tubers. The site of cultivation markedly influenced mean levels ofP. foveata infestation, which were found to be related to temperature and rainfall during a 40 day pre-harvest period at the trail sites; however, mean levels ofF. solani infestation were not so related.  相似文献   

Summary Diffuse light storage (DLS) of potato seed tubers was evaluated in the Punjab, India. Seed tubers of seven cultivars were stored in a nylon mesh covered thatch-roofed DLS and their behaviour in store and subsequent performance in the field was compared with that of tubers stored traditionally in a refrigerated cold store (RCS). DLS of seed from March to October resulted in 34–82% loss by weight due to high temperature and low humidity compared to 6–8% in RCS. When the DLS seeds were planted in replicated field trials, they showed reduced germination, germination rate index, plant height and final yield (up to 37%) compared to seeds from RCS. However, in cvs. Kufri Lalima and Phulwa yields were not significantly reduced following DLS.  相似文献   

Summary True potato seed of 17 progenies were evaluated during 2002-03 and 2003-04 crop seasons for 12 characters related to seed germination, seedling growth and weed population in nursery beds and tuber yield of transplanted seedlings under non-solarized field conditions. Solarization was found to have beneficial effect on seed germination, seedling growth and yield of transplanted seedlings. Total weeds and major annual weedCornopus didymus were reduced to a great extent due to solarization. However solarization had no effect onCyperus rotundus. Progenies also showed significant differences among themselves for the various characters studied. The progeny x solarization interaction was also significant for all the characters. Yield increase in present study shows that the approach involving raising of seedlings in solarized nursery beds and subsequent transfer of seedlings to non-solarized field would be cost-effective and profitable for raising true seed crop of potato.  相似文献   

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