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Samenvatting In koffieplantages in de Ivoorkust wordt veel schade aangericht door de zwarte takkenboorder,Xyleborus morstatti Hag. De kever boort gangen in niet te oude takken. Op de wand van deze gangen groeit een schimmel, de zgn. Ambrosia, die als voedsel dient voor het nageslacht van de kever. Via de gemaakte opening kunnen secundaire schimmels de koffietak aantasten. Deze aantasting, samen met de mechanische schade, heeft in vele gevallen afsterving van de takken tot gevolg.Het onderzoek over de levenswijze vanX. morstatti vormt een onderdeel van een studie betreffende het voedselkeuze-mechanisme van dit insekt.Een methode voor het kweken vanX. morstatti in het laboratorium wordt gegeven. De kever is bestudeerd aan de hand van waarnemingen in veld en laboratorium (tabel 1). Als gevolg van het niet meer aanwezig zijn van de Ambrosia in de oudere gangen ontstaat een sterke spreiding in de ontwikkeling van de larven. Er is een verband tussen de afmetingen van de gangen en de grootte van de nakomelingschap. Een klein deel van de gangen bevat uitsluitend mannelijke nakomelingen.  相似文献   

中连川小流域土壤水分物理特征及其与地形条件的关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在中连川流域从梁顶到沟底选取5个位置,按发生层采集土样,测定剖面土壤水分物理性状,分析了地形因素对这些性状的影响.结果表明,中连川流域土壤粗粉粒(0.05~0.02 mm)含量平均为47.9%,细粉粒(0.02~0.005 mm)含量平均为24.9%,<0.01 mm物理性粘粒含量平均为28.0%.土壤剖面的物理特性因坡位呈现一定差异坡顶、坡面的土壤粗颗粒显著高于坡脚,而土壤细颗粒显著低于坡脚,致使土壤水分特性也呈相应变化.  相似文献   

In experiments over 4 years, separate field plots were cultivated once only at 2-week intervals and the weed seedlings recorded weekly. Soil disturbance resulted in a flush of seedlings of which 90% appeared within 10 weeks after cultivation in early spring and within 3 weeks after cultivation in summer. Weekly emergence then returned to the level prevailing on undisturbed soil. The species composition of the seedling populations varied with the time of year at which the soil was disturbed. In each year there was a spring flush of seedlings, probably associated with rising soil temperature; subsequent flushes were coincident on cultivated and undisturbed soil and were related to the rainfall pattern. In each year there were periods when lack of soil moisture restricted emergence, and this appeared to be the over-riding factor determining seedling numbers. When cultivations were followed by long dry periods which prevented germination, the numbers of seedlings appearing when rain ultimately fell were no different from those when the soil was disturbed just before the rainfall.  相似文献   

Results arc reported of two experiments done during 1971–76. which investiga ted the germination and longevity in soil of seeds of Agropyron repens L. Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth. The effects of different cultivation regimes and paraquat were investigated in a field experiment and the effects of different frequencies of cultivation in a sandy loam and silty loam soil were studied in the glasshouse. Seeds of neither species were innately dormant and most germination occurred during the first autumn. Agrostis seeds germinated most readily on the soil surface and persisted longest where the seeds were incorporated in soil al the outset and not cultivated in the spring. In contrast. Agropyron seeds germinated most readily when incorporated in soil at the cutset and their depletion was largely independent of cultivations in the spring; they persisted longest where they remained on the soil surface dtiring the firstautumn. Paraquat, sprayed on to dry seeds, greatly decreased the number of Agropyron seeds, giving emerged seedlings early during the first autumn but did not afTect the number emerging after this. Agrostis was aflected little by paraquat. Agrostis seeds were more persistent than Agropyron in most treatments of both experiments; in the field, on average, only abotit 0.3% of Agropyrim seeds gave emerged seedlings during the fourth year whereas about three times as many Agrostvis seedlings would be expected to emerge during the fifth year. The number of seedlings, particularly of Agrostis. emerging in consecutive years did not decrease continuously from year to year. There was some indication that longevity of Agrostis seeds might be greater in a sandy loam than in a silly loam soil. The much smaller percentage of seeds accounted for in the field than in the glasshouse is emphasised and the implications of the findings to practical control measures, particularly that depletion of seed reserves is dependent on initial cultivations, are briefly discussed. Germination et longévité des sentences d' Agropyron repens L. Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth, dans le sol, en relation avec different régimes de culture. Les auteurs rapportent les résultats de deux expériénces effectuées de 1971 à 1976, destinées àétudier la germination et la longevité dans le sol des seremencesd d' Agropyron repens(L.) Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth. Les effets de différents régimes de culture et du paraquat ont étéétudiés dans une expérience au champ et les effets de différentes fréquences de culture, dans un sol de limon sableux et dans un limon fm ont étéétudies en serre. Les semenees des deux espéces ne se sont pas révélées naturellement dormantes et la plus grande partie de la germination s'est produite durant le premier automne, Les semenees d'Agrostis ont germé plus aisément à la surface du sol et ont persisté plus longtemps là oü les semenees ont été incorporées dans le sol dés le début el non irultivées au printemps. En revanche, tes sentences d’ Agropyron ont germé plus aisément lcirsqu'elles ont été incorporées dans les sol dés le debut et leur épuisement a été en grande partie indépendant des facons culturales effectuées au printemps; elles ont persisté plus longtemps lä oü elles sont restées à la surface du sol durant le premier automne. Le paraquat, pulvérisé sur les semenees séches, a diminué de facon importante le nombre de semenees d'Agropyron donnant des levées précoces de plantules durant le premier automne; par la suite, le paraquat n'a pas eu d'effet sur le nombre des levées. L'Agrostis a été peu aftecté par le paraquat. Les semenees d’ Agrostis se sont montrées plus persistantes que celles ti’ Agropyron dans la plupart des conditions des deux expériences; au champ environ 0,03% seulement en moyennede semenees d'Agropyron ont levé au cours de la quatriéme année alors que trois fois autani de levées d'Agrostisétaient attendues au cours de la cinquiéme année. Le nombre de plantules d’Agrosits en particulier. levant au cours des annees consecutives n'a pas continuellement diminué d'année en année, ll y a quelques raisons de penser que la longévité des semenees d'Agrostis pourrait étre plus grande dans un limon sableux que dans un limon fin. Les auteurs insistent sur le fait que le pourcentage de semenees enregistré au champ a été beaucoup plus faible qu'en serre. Les implications des constatations faites dans les mesures pratiques de lutte sont briévement discutées, en particulier le fait que la diminution des reserves des semenees dépend des facons culturales initiates. Keimung und Lebensdauer der Samen von Agropyron repens L. Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth, im Boden in Be:iehung zu unterschiedlicher Bodenhearbeitung Es wird üher Versuche berichiet, die in der Zeit von 1971–1976 durchgeführt wurden. und in denen die Keimung und die Lebensdauer der Samen von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth, im Boden untersucht wurden. In einem Feldversuch wurde die Wirkung verschiedener Bodenbearbeitungen und von Paraquat untersucht. und in einem Gewâhshausversuch die Wirkung unterschiedlichcr Abstände in der Bodenbearbeitung bei cinem saodigen Lehmboden und einem Schluff-Lenmbodcn. Bei keiner der beiden Arten waren die Samen endogen dormant, und die mcisten keimten im ersten Herbst. Die Samen von Agrostis keimten am schnellsten auf der Bodenoberfläche und überlebten am längsten, wenn sie am Anfang eingearbeitet wurden. der Boden im Frühjahr aber niirht bearbeitet wurde. In Gegensatz dazu keimten die Samen von Agropyron am schnelllsten, wenn sie am Anfang eingearbeitel wurden, und die Erschöpfung des Samenvorrats war unabhängig von Bodenbearbeirtungen im Frühjahr; sie überlebten am längsten, wenn sie im ersten Herbsi auf der Bodenoherflächc verblieben. Wurde Paraquat auf trockene Samen gespritzl. dann nahmen die Agropyron-Sdmen stark ab, da im Frühberbst des ersten Jahres Pflanzen aufliefen, was aber keine Auswirkung auf die Anzahl der auflaufenden Pflanzen in der Folgezeit hatte. Bei Agrostis wirkte Paraquat nur schwach. In den meisten Varianien der beiden Versuche überlebten mehr Samen von Agrostis ah von .Agropyron. Im vicrten Jahr des Feldvcrsuchs liefen durchschnittlich etwa 0,03% der Agropvron-Samcn auf, während bei .Agrostis im fünften jahr etwa dreimal soviel erwartet werden können. Die Zahl der in den Folgejahren a ufgelaufenen Keimpflanzen nahm bcsounders bei Agrostis nicht kontinuierlich von Jahr zu Jahr ab. Es gab einige Hinweise dafür. dass die Lebensdauer von .Agrostiis-Samen im sandigen Lehmboden grösser sein könnte als im Schluff-Lehm- boden. Es wird auf den wesentlich geringeren Prozentsatz an Samen unter Feld- als unter Gewächshausbedingungen hingewiesen. Die Folgen diescr BEfunde für die praktische Bekämplung, insbesondere, dass dcr SamenvorraT im Boden von der ersten Bodenbearbeitung abhängig ist, werden kurzdiskutiert.  相似文献   

Summary This research studied the influence of soil type, soil moisture and incubation time before rain on the mobility of imazaquin in two highly weathered tropical soils, named clay and sandy clay. The soils were packed in glass columns and treated at three different moisture contents. Then, the applied imazaquin (150 g a.i. ha−1) was incubated for 0, 1 and 30 d before rainfall simulation began. Leaching was significantly higher in the sandy clay soil, when imazaquin was applied to moist samples and rainfall occurred soon after application (in this case, 73.4% of applied imazaquin was leached). Leaching was always low in the clay soil (in all cases, <1.8% of applied imazaquin was leached). In addition, imazaquin leaching potential was overestimated by the low K d value (1.24 L kg−1) measured for the clay soil using batch equilibration data. For this soil, the vacuum displacement method also failed to predict leaching (in this case, 28.9% of applied imazaquin was leached). Consequently, batch equilibration and vacuum displacement methods cannot be used to predict leaching of anionic organic molecules, such as imazaquin, in fine-textured tropical soils. Moreover, soil type and weather patterns or irrigation timing must be considered before imazaquin application to avoid environmental or carry-over problems and to achieve maximum effectiveness of the herbicide.  相似文献   

Change in the viable seed populations of three weed species, Galinsoga ciliata (Rafin) Blake, Polygonum alatum Buch. Ham. and Spergula arvensis L. in soil was studied in potato, radish, cabbage and cabbage+radish (mixed to gether) fields under shifting agriculture (locally called jhum) and terrace cultivation in northeast India from October 1988 to September 1989. The effect of weeding frequency on the viable weed seed populations of these weeds was also investigated. In most fields seed populations were smaller during the rainy season than during other seasons. Initially, the viable seed populations of all three weed species showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease with increasing soil depth in all crop fields under jhum cultivation. However, there was no clear trend in the terraced fields. At the end of the study period the trend was not clear in all crop fields under either jhum or terrace cultivations. In the ‘normally weeded plots’ the viable seed populations of S. arvensis and P. alatum recorded about a 2% increase in jhum fields, while in the terraced fields they showed a loss of 4% over the 1-year period. The ‘frequently weeded plots’ however, showed a sharp decline in viable seed populations in all crop fields. Dynamique des populations des graines de mauvaises herbes enfouies: influence de l'agriculture itinérante et de la culture en terrasses dans les zones humides sub-tropicales de l'Inde Les changements dans les populations de graines viables de trois espèces de mauvaises herbes, Galinsoga ciliata (Rafin) Blake, Polygonum alatum Buch. Ham. et Spergula arvensis L., ont étéétudiés dans des champs de pomme de terre, de radis, de chou et de chou et radis (en mélange) dans des conditions d'agriculture itinérante (appelée localement jhum) et d'agriculture en terrasses dans le nord-est de l'Inde, d'octobre 1988 à septembre 1989. L'effet de la fréquence de désherbage sur les populations de graines viables de ces mauvaises herbes a aussi étéétudié. Dans la plupart des champs, les populations de graines étaient plus réduites pendant la saison des pluies que pendant les autres saisons. Au début de l'étude, les populations de graines viables des trois espèces de mauvaises herbes montraient dans toutes les cultures jhum une décroissance significative (P<0.05) avec la profondeur dans le sol. Par contre, il n'y avait pas de relation claire dans les champs en terrasses. À la fin de l'étude, la tendance n'était claire dans aucun des champs, qu'il soient en culture jhum ou en terrasses. Sur la période d'un an qu'a duré l'étude, et dans les parcelles ‘normalement désherbées’, les populations de graines viables de S. arvensis et de P. alatum ont augmenté de 2% dans les champs jhum, alors que dans les champs en terrasses, elles ont chuté de 4%. Cependant, dans les parcelles fréquemment désherbées, les populations de graines viables décroissaient rapidement dans tous les champs. Populationsdynamik des Unkrautsamenvorrats im Boden unter dem Einfluß von Rodungs- und Terrassen-Kulturen in humid subtropischen Gebieten Indiens Veränderungen der Samenpopulation der 3 Unkrautarten Galinsoga ciliata (Rafin) Blake, Polygonum alatum Buch. Ham. und Spergula arvensis L. im Boden wurden in Kartoffeln, Rettich, Kohl und Mischbeständen von Kohl und Rettich bei wandernden Rodungskulturen (Jhum genannt) und Terrassenkulturen in Nordostindien zwischen Oktober 1988 und September 1989 untersucht. Die Wirkung der Häufigkeit des Jätens auf die Populationen lebensfähiger Unkrautsamen wurde auch untersucht. Auf den meisten Feldern waren die Samenpopulationen während der Regenzeit kleiner als in der übrigen Jahreszeit. Anfänglich nahm die Samendichte aller 3 Unkrautarten mit zunehmender Bodentiefe in allen Jhum-Kulturen signifikant ab (P<0.05). In den Terrassenkulturen jedoch waren die Verhältnisse nicht klar. Zum Ende der Untersuchungsperiode war sowohl bei der Jhum- als auch der Terrassenkultur die Verteilung der Samen im Boden gleich. Auf den Jhum-Feldern nahmen die Samenpopulationen von S. arvensis und P. alatum bei normalem Jäten um 2% zu. während sie bei der Terrassenkultur um 4% abnahmen. Bei häufigem Jäten jedoch nahmen die Samenpopulationen in allen Kulturen sehr deutlich ab.  相似文献   

FIRBANK  ELLIS  HILL  LOCKWOOD  SWETNAM 《Weed Research》1998,38(1):1-10
A method is presented for using botanical survey and soil survey data to generate maps of the probability of occurrence of weeds in Britain across all habitats. For each species, data from a national, designed botanical survey were smoothed spatially, and the association between species distribution and soils was calculated using the botanical survey and 1 km square data on dominant and subdominant soils using national data. A logistic regression was fitted using the botanical survey data, and was interpolated across the whole country to generate the maps. The resulting maps show the probability of occurrence of species and species groups at the 2-km scale. They map the potential, rather than realized, risk of particular types of weed infestation, as they do not account for local management factors.  相似文献   

The addition of organic materials to soil has been used in managing plant-parasitic nematodes and has resulted in increased crop yield. Research on the utilization of waste materials such as oilseed cakes, chitin, compost, livestock and poultry manures, and cellulosic wastes appears promising for reducing populations of plant-parasitic nematodes. Nitrogen based amendments, plant phenolics, nematotoxic chemicals, development of predators and parasites of nematodes and microorganism stimulation have been considered to be promising agents for nematode management. In addition, organic amendments change the physical as well as the trophic structure of soil, which affects the pathogen development and overall plant growth performance. Mechanisms of action of organic soil amendments in relation to nematode management are yet to be fully explored.Plant Protection Division, Institute of Agriculture  相似文献   

Eighty comparisons were made between the numbers of weed seedlings emerging after seedbed preparation and the numbers of apparently viable seeds extracted by sieving and flotation from samples of the top 10 cm of soil. When soil moisture was adequate, the total seedling numbers represented 3–6% of the numbers of seeds; when dry weather followed cultivation, the percentages were lower than this. The percentages were relatively high for Poa annua L. and Stellaria media (L.) Vill. but low for Chenopodium album L. and Papaver spp. Relatively high numbers of seeds of Potygonum aviculare L. gave rise to seedlings in early spring but few appeared on seedbeds prepared after mid-May; the reverse was true for Aphanes arvehsis L. It is suggested that data of this kind could provide a basis for predicting weed floras following cultivation at any time of year from determinations of seed numbers made at the start of the year.  相似文献   

The effects of soil temperature on infection of sugar-beet roots by the soil-borne fungus Polymyxa betae were investigated in controlled environments. Pre-germinated seeds were sown in pots of naturally infested soil and seedlings sampled at frequent intervals over a period of several weeks. Within the range 10-30°C, the optimum soil temperature for infection was c. 25°C; the time between sowing and the first detectable infection was shortest and the subsequent rate of infection most rapid at this temperature. No infection was observed over 80 days at 10°C.
Both root and shoot dry weight were reduced on plants growing in infested soil at 15, 20 and 25 C compared with those growing in uninfested soil. In general, root growth was more severely affected than shoot growth and the effects were most pronounced at 20°C. These results were confirmed in a subsequent experiment in which P. betae -infected root material was used as the inoculum. In addition to its role as the vector of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (the cause of Rhizomania disease), the significance of P. betae as a plant pathogen in its own right is discussed.  相似文献   

Among 15 soils with different cropping practices, seven which had an history of repeated atrazine applications showed accelerated degradation of this herbicide. By contrast, grassland or agricultural soils with no recorded atrazine application, at least for the last three years, had a low degradation potential. No direct relation was found between the rate of atrazine mineralisation and the size of the microbial biomass. In adapted soils, the amounts of extractable residues were lowered and the very high percentages of radioactivity from [ring-14C]atrazine recovered as [14C]carbon dioxide demonstrated that N-dealkylation and deamidation were the only processes for micro-organisms to derive carbon and energy for heterotrophic growth. Kinetics of microbial 14C accumulation revealed that atrazine ring carbon could be incorporated by direct oxidative condensation with structural components of the bacterial or fungal cell whereas side-chain carbon was preferentially used for biosynthesis of new protoplasmic cell material, as confirmed by the high turnover rate of radiolabelled microbial components. From the determination of the Michaelis–Menten parameters, Vm and Km in the presence of different selective biocides, it was possible to conclude that fungi were probably less active in atrazine degradation than bacteria and that over years the microbial atrazine-degrading community showed an increased efficiency. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

利用定位实时监测和数学模拟的方法,在中国北方典型的土壤水蚀风蚀区神木县选择试点,对免耕、秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖等6种不同耕作措施下不同耕作层的地温和土壤含水量进行了连续测定.结果表明:起垄地膜覆盖提高地温的效果最好,在特定时间不同深度或同一深度不同时间的土壤温度都以起垄地膜覆盖最高,其在观测期内的总积温比对照高10% ;而秸秆覆盖在各个测定深度上的地温都低于对照,其在观测期内的总积温比对照低2.3%.  相似文献   

豫西旱坡地长期保护性耕作土壤酶活性及其与肥力关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨多年保护性耕作下土壤酶活性及其与土壤肥力的关系,对豫西旱区坡耕地定位试验第7年保护性耕作的土壤酶活性以及土壤养分进行了测定和分析.结果表明:深松覆盖和免耕覆盖能够提高3种酶活性,特别是能明显提高0~10 cm土层土壤酶活性,其中脲酶活性增加最多.脲酶与有机质、全磷、速效磷、速效钾、碱解氮呈显著或极显著相关关系,转...  相似文献   

向日葵品种叶片组织结构与抗锈病的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
向日葵锈病是向日葵的重要病害之一,在世界向日葵生产地区普遍发生,给向日葵产业带来巨大的经济损失。本研究通过比较向日葵抗、感锈病品种叶片组织结构的差异,以揭示此类病菌与寄主间的相互作用及其寄主抗病机理,研究结果表明:抗病品种叶片蜡质含量高于感病品种,且栅栏组织双层,排列整齐、紧密,可以抵抗病菌的侵入和扩展,而气孔密度与抗病性没有相关性。  相似文献   

Thirteen fractions were obtained by distillation of the mineral oil Bayol 50 (ESSO 2214) and these were tested for their ability to inhibit the transmission of potato virus Y to red pepper. The less viscous fractions <8 cSt at 37°C (52 SUS) were shown to be less active, the more viscous fractions were more active than Bayol 50 with a viscosity of 8 cSt at 37°C. Sunoco 7E, a mineral oil with a viscosity of 14.2 cSt at 37°C (74 SUS) was shown to be significantly more active than Bayol 50. The difference in emulgator had no influence on these results. We, therefore, recommed to choose mineral oils with a viscosity of at least 12 cSt at 37°C (=66 SUS) for future work on the inhibition of the transmission of stylet-borne viruses.Samenvatting Door destillatie van de minerale olie Bayol 50 (ESSO 2214) werden 13 fracties verkregen die getoetst werden op hun vermogen de overdracht van aardappelvirus Y naar paprika te verhinderen. De minder viskeuze fracties, <8 cSt bij 37°C (52 SUS), bleken minder, de hoger viskeuze fracties meer activiteit te bezitten dan Bayol 50 zelf. Sunoco 7E, een minerale olie met een viscositeit van 14,2 cSt bij 37°C (74 SUS) bleek significant actiever dan Bayol 50 met een viscositeit van 8 cSt bij 37°C (52 SUS). Een verschil in emulgator had geen invloed op deze resultaten. Op grond van deze gegevens is het aan te bevelen geen minerale olie te gebruiken met een viscositeit lager dan 12 cSt bij 37°C (66 SUS) indien men de overdracht van een nonpersistent virus zo effectief mogelijk wenst te verhinderen.  相似文献   

为探讨不同耕作方式对旱作玉米田土壤CO_2排放量的影响,设置深松耕(DT)、翻耕(PT)和免耕(NT)3个处理,分析3种耕作方式下土壤CO_2排放量的动态变化及其与土壤温度和土壤水分间的关系。结果显示:2010-2011年夏玉米生长季,3种耕作方式下土壤CO_2排放量均呈先增后降的变化趋势,表现为DTPTNT,且不同处理间差异显著(P0.05);耕作方式可显著影响夏玉米生育前期土壤温度,且土壤CO_2排放量对不同耕作方式下土壤温度的敏感性不同,土壤温度分别可以解释PT、DT和NT处理土壤CO_2排放量季节变化的50.72%~53.90%、48.10%~59.63%和13.31%~19.90%;土壤水分和温度共同分别可以解释旱作夏玉米田DT和PT处理下土壤CO_2排放量季节变化的57.61%~76.83%和56.62%~67.12%。土壤温度和水分是影响旱作农田DT和PT处理下土壤CO_2排放量的关键因素。  相似文献   

不同种植年限蔬菜日光温室土壤养分与生物活性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
2004~2005连续2 a对陕西省杨凌区不同种植年限蔬菜大棚土壤的养分含量和生物活性进行观测,以分析其变化情况。结果表明,在1~6 a与2~7 a的大棚中,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾等含量均比同区位农田有所增加,而土壤pH值下降明显;土壤硝酸盐含量随棚龄的增加而增加;且硝态氮沿土壤剖面(尤其是种植2 a以上的大棚)垂直方向有向下迁移的趋势。蔬菜大棚土壤微生物数量多少为:细菌>放线菌>真菌,使用年限高的土壤,微生物总含量一般较高,细菌和真菌的含量随棚龄的增加有所增加;放线菌在0~40cm处的总含量比露地要高,而在棚龄大的棚中(7 a)的值并不是很高;磷酸酶,脲酶和过氧化氢酶含量均大于露地,脲酶含量在3 a棚龄大棚中的含量达到高峰然后随棚龄增加减少。过氧化氢酶在2004年随棚龄逐渐增大,而在2005年则相反,碱性磷酸酶含量随着棚龄的增加而增加。  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon(SOC) and soil inorganic carbon(SIC) are important C pools in the Loess Plateau of Northwest China, however, variations of SOC and SIC stocks under different cultivation practices and nitrogen(N) fertilization rates are not clear in this area. A long-term field experiment started in June 2003 was conducted to investigate the SOC and SIC stocks in a calcareous soil of the Chinese Loess Plateau under four cultivation practices, i.e., fallow(FA), conventional cultivation(CC), straw mulch(SM), and plastic film-mulched ridge and straw-mulched furrow(RF), in combination with three N fertilization rates, i.e., 0(N0), 120(N120), and 240(N240) kg N/hm~2. Results indicate that the crop straw addition treatments(SM and RF) increased the contents of soil microbial biomass C(SMBC) and SOC, and the SOC stock increased by 10.1%–13.3% at the upper 20 cm soil depth in comparison to the 8-year fallow(FA) treatment. Meanwhile, SIC stock significantly increased by 19% at the entire tested soil depth range(0–100 cm) under all crop cultivation practices in comparison to that of soil exposed to the long-term fallow treatment, particularly at the upper 60 cm soil depth. Furthermore, moderate N fertilizer application(120 kg N/hm~2) increased SOC stock at the upper 40 cm soil depth, whereas SIC stock decreased as the N fertilization rate increased. We conclude that the combined application of crop organic residues and moderate N fertilization rate could facilitate the sequestrations of SOC and SIC in the calcareous soil.  相似文献   

The persistence of pretilachlor applied to rice singly or in combination with the safener fenclorim was investigated in connection with starch, glucose and protein formation. The addition of fenclorim to pretilachlor did not reduce the accumulation of the latter, but reduced its persistence in rice shoots, while the presence of pretilachlor did not affect the persistence of fenclorim, but significantly increased its accumulation in the shoots. Therefore the safening effect of fenclorim consisted of a more rapid detoxification of pretilachlor. Over the period of pretilachlor and fenclorim detoxification, decreases in starch content, partially counterbalanced by increases of free glucose, and decreases in total protein content were observed in pretilachlor-treated shoots; decreases in both starch and free glucose, as well as in total protein content, were observed in fenclorim -treated shoots compared with the untreated controls. The decreases in starch and total glucose appeared to be a direct consequence of reduced glucokinase and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity, and the decrease in total protein an indirect consequence of reduced glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase activity, in response to pretilachlor and fenclorim treatments.  相似文献   

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