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1. Nitrogen-corrected apparent and true metabolisable energy contents (AMEN and TMEN) of 12 diets, containing different amounts of maize, wheat, barley and rye, barley with beta-glucanase and maize with 0.05 g/kg guar gum were measured using 3-week-old male broilers. 2. The AMEN method involved: 4 d of dietary adaptation, 24 h of starvation, 54 h of ad libitum feeding, 24 h of starvation and daily total droppings collection. TMEN was measured after a 48 h starvation period followed by 2 d of tube-feeding two doses of 15 g of the diets and quantitatively collecting all the droppings after 48 h of starvation. The endogenous energy losses (EELN) were measured after tube-feeding 8 chickens with 30 g of glucose, also over 2 d. 3. The results show that a significant interaction exists between the nature of the diets and the method used to measure metabolisable energy. Differences between TMEN and AMEN values ranged from 1.03 to 1.98 MJ/kg dry matter. These differences were positively correlated with the total pentosan contents of the diet (r = 0.94), the natural logarithm of the viscosities of the water extracts (r = 0.87), the sum of the contents of total pentosans and total beta-glucan (r = 0.85), the calculated total non-starch polysaccharide contents (r = 0.79), the neutral detergent fibre contents (r = 0.76) and the total beta-glucan contents (r = 0.70). Furthermore, a significant interaction was found between diets and the method used to derive lipid digestibility. The differences between apparent and true lipid digestibility ranged from 0.05 percentage points for the wheat diet to 0.20 percentage points for the rye diet. 4. From the results of this trial, it appears that TMEN overestimates the energy value of high fibre diets. 相似文献
1. This study used 4 wheat cultivars (Brigadier, Chaucer, Consort, Reaper) from three locations (Crossnacreevy, C; Downpatrick, D; Limavady, L), which had given rise to differences in wheat specific weight (SW), to examine the relationships between apparent metabolisable energy (AME) concentration, broiler performance and wheat SW. 2. The diets contained (g/kg): wheat 744, casein 142, blended vegetable fat 50, dicalcium phosphate 22, potassium bicarbonate 10.8, sodium bicarbonate 7.5, arginine 5, methionine 2, binder 8, trace minerals/vitamins 7.2, titanium dioxide 1.5. The diets were heat-treated (80 degrees C for 2 min) prior to pelleting (3 mm die). 3. SW ranged from 63 to 77 kg/hectolitre (hl), averaging 66, 69 and 76 kg/hl at D, C and L, respectively. In vitro viscosity of the wheat samples ranged from 5.2 to 17.5 cps and thousand grain weight (TGW) from 33.4 to 47.3 g. Mean TGW was similar at C and D (38.7, 37.0 g) but higher at L (43.1 g). In vitro viscosity was similar at C and L (11.2, 10.2 cps) but somewhat higher at D (14.4 cps). Crude protein (6.25 N) ranged from 116 to 147 g/kg and tended to be higher at D. Starch, which ranged from 612 to 656 g/kg, was least at D (617 g/kg) and greatest at L (641 g/kg). 4. Crude protein, crude fibre and total non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) were negatively correlated with SW, the R2 being respectively 0.38 (P<0.05), 0.16 (NS) and 0.45 (P<0.05). TGW and starch concentration were positively correlated with SW (R2=0.70, 0.44, respectively). There was a weak (NS) negative relationship (R2=0.19) between in vitro viscosity and SW. For both TGW and in vitro viscosity, correlations improved when variety was taken into account (R2=0.95, 0.92, respectively). 5. There were no significant effects of variety on dry matter (DM) intake or live weight gain (LWG). Gain: food was significantly higher (P<0.05) for Consort than for the other three varieties and the metabolisable energy ratio (ME:GE) just failed to attain significance (P=0.062). Calculated wheat AME (MJ/kg DM) was significantly (P<0.05) higher for Consort than for the other three wheats. There was a good correlation (R2=0.49) for the total data set between gain:food and ME:GE. In vivo viscosity varied from 13.6 to 28.6 cps for individual treatments and was significantly affected by variety (P<0001). 6. Although there were no significant differences in DM intake or LWG due to site the values for L (SW 76) were 6 and 5% lower, respectively, than for D (SW 66). Gain:food was lower (P<0.05) for C (SW 69) than for D. ME:GE, wheat AME and ME:gain were not significantly different between sites. 7. There was a weak (R2=0.18) positive relationship between ME:GE and SW corresponding to a 2.5% increase in energy value for a 10 kg/hl increase in SW and no relationship between gain:food and SW. When variety was taken into the regression the slope was similar but R2 increased to 0.82. 8. ME:GE and wheat AME concentration were negatively correlated with wheat in vitro viscosity (R2=0.64, 0.55, respectively). 9. It was concluded that in vitro viscosity appears to provide a better basis than SW for prediction of the nutritive value of wheats of unknown variety. If the variety is known then SW could be used to predict energy value. However, the effect of quite a large change in SW (10 kg/hl) was relatively small. 相似文献
Rations were formulated for dairy cows and for growing and fattening cattle by the starch equivalent (SE) and the new metabolisable energy (ME) system, to show in quantitative terms the differences that are recognised between the two systems. For a low-yielding cow, rations formulated by both systems are very similar, but for a high-yielding cow the SE system greatly underestimates energy requirement: at a production of 40 kg (8.8 gal) milk daily an extra 2 kg (4.4 lb) of a barley-soyabean concentrate is needed daily to meet the energy requirement according to the ME system. For a particular rate of gain in young newly weaned animals and in older animals gaining weight at a moderate rate on a high roughage diet, the energy level recommended by the ME system is lower than that by the SE system. The difference corresponds in each case to about 0.5 kg of a barley-soyabean concentrate daily. For older animals gaining weight rapidly on a high concentrate diet the ME system requires slightly more energy for a given weight gain, than the SE system. 相似文献
1. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of whole wheat inclusion and xylanase supplementation on the performance, apparent metabolisable energy (AME), digesta viscosity, and digestive tract measurements of broilers fed on wheat-based diets. The influence of the method of whole wheat inclusion (pre- or post-pelleting) was also compared. A 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used with three diet forms (648 g/kg ground wheat [GW], GW replaced by 200 g/kg of whole wheat before [WW1] or after cold-pelleting [WW2]) and two xylanase levels (0 and 1000 XU/kg diet). 2. Birds given diets containing whole wheat had improved weight gains, feed efficiency and AME compared to those fed on diets containing ground wheat. The relative gizzard weight of birds fed WW2 diets was higher than in those fed GW and WW1 diets. Pre-pelleting inclusion of whole wheat had no effect on relative gizzard weight. Post-pelleting inclusion of whole wheat resulted in greater improvements in feed efficiency and AME than the pre-pelleting treatment. 3. Xylanase supplementation significantly improved weight gain, feed efficiency and AME, irrespective of the wheat form used. Viscosity of the digesta in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were reduced by xylanase addition. Xylanase supplementation reduced the relative weight of the pancreas. 4. Neither xylanase supplementation nor whole wheat inclusion influenced the relative weight and length of the small intestine. 5. Xylanase supplementation increased ileal villus height. A significant interaction between diet form and xylanase was observed for ileal crypt depth. Xylanase supplementation had no effect on crypt depth in birds fed on diets containing GW, but increased the crypt depth in WW2 diets. No significant effects of diet form and xylanase supplementation were observed for the thickness of the tunica muscularis layer of gizzard or villus height, crypt depth, goblet cell numbers or epithelial thickness in the ileum. 6. Improved performance observed with post-pelleting inclusion of whole wheat was associated with increased size of the gizzard and improved AME. The gizzard development hypothesis, however, will not explain the improvements observed with pre-pelleting inclusion of whole wheat, suggesting the involvement of other factors. 相似文献
1. Three experiments were performed to study the effect of Hagberg falling number in wheat on performance, nutrient digestibility and AMEN in broilers. In two experiments, one hard and one soft wheat variety were used to study the interaction between falling number and hardness of wheat with regard to nutritional value. In these experiments, wheat batches with high falling number when harvested under dry conditions were used in broiler diets. 2. Wheat with reduced falling numbers (high, medium and low) was obtained by controlled germination. In the third experiment, wheat with reduced falling numbers were obtained by delayed harvesting times. 3. In each experiment, a total of 4 cereal batches with different falling numbers from each wheat variety were used to produce corresponding experimental diets with wheat as the major ingredient. Each diet was fed to broiler chickens ad libitum from d 1 to d 17 of age. 4. There was no consistent effect of falling number on performance. Low falling number did not improve feed utilisation or AMEN compared to the original wheat, despite a higher AMEN associated with higher starch digestibility. This phenomenon was not observed after reduction of falling number by delayed harvesting. Apparently, natural reduction of falling number resulted in enhanced degradation of arabinoxylans compared to controlled germination. 相似文献
The effects of beta-glucanase expressed by transformed Lactobacillus strains on growth performance, apparent digestibilities of dry matter and crude protein, and apparent metabolisable energy were studied. Two hundred and forty 1-d-old chicks (Avian-43) were randomly divided into three dietary treatment groups and fed with the following diets: (i) basal diet (control) (BD); (ii) basal diet with parental Lactobacillus strains (BDP) and (iii) basal diet with transformed Lactobacillus strains (BDT). At 21 d of age, the body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of the BDT-fed chickens were significantly improved. At 14 and 21 d of age, the proportions of dry matter in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caeca and excreta of chickens given the BDT diet were significantly higher than those of chickens given the BD and BDP diets. Apparent metabolisable energy, digestibilities of crude protein and dry matter were also significantly improved (by 3.5, 5.6 and 3.5%, respectively) by the BDT diet. These results showed that the transformed Lactobacillus strains improved digestibility as well as enhanced the growth performance of chickens. 相似文献
1. In three successive trials with cockerels and mature ostrich males the apparent and true metabolisable energy values, corrected for nitrogen retention (AME n and TME n) were determined by a balance method for malting barley, oats, triticale and yellow maize. All these ingredients were used as sole dietary components with the exception of triticale for ostriches which was diluted with 440 g/kg lucerne meal. The balance trial lasted for 5 d after an adaption period of 7 d for ostriches, and 3 d after an adaption period of one day for cockerels. 2. AMEn values for cockerels of malting barley, oats, triticale and maize were 11.6, 10.48, 11.44 and 14.42 MJ/kg respectively. Significantly higher values of 14.21, 12.65, 12.60 and 14.89 MJ/kg were determined for malting barley, oats, triticale and maize for ostriches. 3. TMEn values determined by regression yielded values in ostriches of 13.92, 12.27, 13.21 and 15.22 MJ/kg for malting barley, oats, triticale and maize respectively. The corresponding TMEn values in cockerels were 11.33, 10.63, 11.82 and 14.07 MJ/kg. 4. The ostrich is capable of utilising fibre more efficiently than poultry. The higher energy values observed for the various ingredients also indicated that the non‐starch polysaccharides such as ß‐glucans and arabinoxylans in the more fibrous energy sources had little if any effect on the available energy of these ingredients as found with poultry. 5. The potential of ostriches to utilise the more fibrous energy sources like barley, oats and triticale allows for their economical use in diet formulation. This possibility may result in markedly lower food costs for ostriches. 相似文献
1. Nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolisable energy values (AMEN) of three varieties of sorghum (white-low tannin, brown-medium tannin and red-high tannin) were measured in three species of poultry (cockerel, guinea fowl and Japanese quail) by a practical diet replacement (total collection) method. 2. Each variety of sorghum was tested at two concentrations (200 and 400 g/kg of reference diet) in 6 replications with one cockerel or guinea fowl or two quails per replication. The duration of the trial included a 10 d preliminary feeding period (on conventional grower diet) followed by a 12 d adaptation period (on reference and test diets) and a 3 d balance period (with recording of feed intake and excreta output). 3. The calculated AMEN values of different sorghum varieties were: white--12.9, 12.8 and 12.7; brown--12.7, 12.3 and 12.6; and red--11.4, 11.1 and 11.6 MJ/kg for cockerels, guinea fowls and quails, respectively. The mean AMEN value of red sorghum (11.3 MJ/kg) was significantly lower than those of brown (12.5 MJ/kg) or white sorghum (12.8 MJ/kg). A negative correlation was observed between tannin concentration and AMEN. 4. There was no significant difference in the AMEN values of white, brown and red sorghum varieties to the different poultry species. AMEN values of sorghum for the cockerel could, therefore, be used in practical feed formulation for guinea fowl and quail. 相似文献
1. Two experiments were performed to study the relationship between apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and true metabolisable energy (TME) values at different feed intakes. Rhode Island Red (RIR) adult cockerels were used in two bioassays, under standard conditions. 2. In the first experiment (precision feeding) the birds were not fed for 24 h and then various quantities of maize were fed. There were 6 replicates per treatment. Droppings voided during the 48 h of the experimental period were collected and assayed for gross energy and nitrogen. 3. In the second experiment, each bird was given a 3-d adaptation period, fasted for 24 h and then given maize as an admixture (conventional addition method: CAM) to the same rations as those used in the first experiment. During the 3 d of the experimental period, droppings were collected and frozen for chemical analysis. 4. The results showed that mean metabolisable energy (ME) values obtained by the precisionfeeding procedure were higher than those obtained by CAM. The endogenous energy loss (EEL) (FE m + UE e ) determined by precision feeding was lower than that given by CAM. 5. It was concluded that the method of feeding does not influence ME of maize at different feed inputs. However, differences among intercepts of the regression between ME and feed input suggest that EEL varies at different maize inputs. 6. The optimum maize quantity was approximately 35 to 40 g for adult RIR cockerels by both procedures. 相似文献
1. Experiments were conducted to determine the differences in the energy utilisation of adult hens and cockerels of a layer (Rhode Island Red) and a broiler line (Cornish). The effect of 2 different precision-feeding methodologies (wet and dry-feeding) were also compared. Birds were fasted for 24 h, precision fed with 35 g dry or 33.5 g wet corn and fasted for a further 48 h period. Excreta were collected during this period. 2. Non of the parameters (method, sex, line) had a significant effect on the ME content of maize. However, a significant interaction was found between the sex of the birds and the methodology used. Females of both genetic lines utilised the energy content of maize more efficiently than males. The opposite was found when the wet precision-feeding method was used. 3. Weight loss and endogenous energy excretions (EEL) of birds were also effected by sex and genotype. Cockerels of both lines had significantly greater EEL than females. However, since hens lost less nitrogen, the nitrogen corrected EEL (EELn) was higher for the hens. 相似文献
Hybrid pullets were colostomised just after the commencement of laying. A nitrogen‐free diet was used to determine metabolic faecal nitrogen (MFN) and endogenous urinary nitrogen (EUN). The mean figure obtained for MFN/kg. wt./100 g. dry matter/day was 67.2 mg. and for EUN/kg. body weight 3/4/day was 83.3 mg. High energy diets of about 1350 k cal./lb. containing 13, 15 and 17 per cent protein and medium energy diets of 13 and 17 per cent protein were fed to colostomised pullets to determine their digestibility, biological value and net protein value. In a further experiment a maize‐fishmeal diet of 1370 k cal. ME/lb. and 17 per cent protein, a soyabean‐maize diet of 1330 k cal. ME/lb. and 14 per cent protein and the latter diet supplemented with methionine and/or lysine were also examined. The mean BV and NPV values of the diets considered in Experiment 1 were 60 and 52 respectively. Addition of methionine to the maize‐soyabean diet increased the BV from 43.9 to 61.6, the addition of lysine to 43.0 and the addition of both to 67.1. A factorial method of calculating the daily protein requirement of the pullet based on the data for MFN and EUN and the NPV of each diet is presented. The estimate of 13.3 g. protein per day for the hybrid pullet is compared with other estimates in the literature. 相似文献
ABSTRACT1. New production processes and additional uses for corn co-products have increased the availability of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) with varying energy and amino acid digestibility, for use in poultry feed. The objective of this study was to determine the performance, N-corrected metabolisable energy (AME n), and amino acid (AA) digestibility of a 34% CP (as fed) high-protein DDGS (HP-DDGS) included in poultry diets for Cobb 500 broiler chickens.2. A total of 832 Cobb 500 broilers were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments containing 5% conventional DDGS (CV-DDGS) as a control or 10%, 15% and 20% HP-DDGS and fed for 42 d. After the performance trial, 240 birds from the original 832 were selected for a concurrent AME n and AA digestibility experiment consisting of two AME n diets and two AA diets.3. Birds fed diets containing 15% and 20% HP DDGS gained less weight than birds fed the CV-DDGS (P < 0.05) but did not differ in feed intake (FI), and therefore had a less efficient FCR than the control (P < 0.05). The AME n of HP-DDGS was determined to be 11.4 MJ/kg. The standardised ileal amino acid digestibility (SIAAD) of the essential amino acids Lys and Met were determined to be 80.9% and 88.6%, respectively.4. HP-DDGS can be included in broiler diets up to 10% without any negative impact on performance or requiring supplemental Lys and Arg. The results from the AA digestibility study indicated that HP-DDGS could be a good source of digestible Lys. 相似文献
1. The objective of this experiment was to determine and compare the apparent lipid digestibility coefficient and apparent metabolisable energy (AME) value of shea nut (Vitellaria paradoxa, Gaertn.) fat in broiler chickens with that of soybean oil and cocoa fat. 2. One hundred and sixty 13-d-old male broiler chicks were used in a randomised complete block design. The fats were added at 30, 60 and 90 g/kg to a basal diet. A tenth dietary treatment was the basal feed with no added fats or oils. The birds were fed on the diets for 8 d and all droppings were collected for the final 4 d. 3. The mean coefficient of apparent lipid digestibility for shea fat (0.58) was similar to that of cocoa fat (0.54) but lower than that of soybean oil (0.95). There was evidence of a lipid x concentration interaction with the 90 g/kg shea fat diet having low lipid digestibility (0.43). 4. There was an interaction between the effects of dietary lipid concentration and test lipid on AME but, at dietary levels of 60 g/kg and below, the AME of shea fat (22.0 MJ/kg DM) and cocoa fat (26.4 MJ/kg DM) was significantly lower than that of soybean oil (39.8 MJ/kg DM). 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether plasma, urine, and fecal electrolyte and mineral concentrations differ between clinically normal horses and Thoroughbreds with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER) after consumption of diets varying in cation-anion balance. ANIMALS: 5 Thoroughbred mares with RER and 6 clinically normal mixed-breed mares. PROCEDURE: Each of 3 isocaloric diets designated as low, medium, and high on the basis of dietary cation-anion balance (DCAB) values of 85, 190, and 380, respectively, were fed to horses for 14 days. During the last 72 hours, 3 horses with RER and 3 control horses had daily urine and fecal samples obtained by total 24-hour collection. Remaining horses had urine samples collected daily by single catheterization. RESULTS: For each diet, no differences existed between horses with RER and control horses in plasma pH, electrolyte concentrations, and creatine kinase activity or in urine pH and renal fractional excretion (FE) values. Plasma pH, strong ion difference, bicarbonate and total carbon dioxide concentrations, and base excess decreased and plasma chloride and ionized calcium concentrations increased with decreasing DCAB. Urine pH decreased with decreasing DCAB. The FE of chloride and phosphorus were greatest for horses fed the low diet. The FE values for all electrolytes exept magnesium did not differ between urine samples obtained by single catheterization and total 24-hour collection. Daily balance of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, and potassium did not differ significantly among horses fed the various diets. CONCLUSIONS: In clinically normal horses and in horses with RER, the DCAB strongly affects plasma and urine pH and the FE of sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus. 相似文献
The water and electrolyte balance of Bulinus (Bulinus) tropicus, a freshwater pulmonate, was determined when subjected to different sublethal concentrations of copper sulphate. It was found that the lethal dose (LD 50), which is the dose lethal to 50% of the snails, is 1,0 ppm in water of pH 8,5. Increasing dosages disturb the ionic and water balance. Haemolymph concentrations of Na + , Ca 2+ and Cl - decrease markedly. The rates of ion influx and efflux for Ca 2+ , Na + , Cl - and 3H 20, measured With their corresponding radioisotopes, were drastically changed. The results indicate that the physiological effects of copper are not limited to particular organs or tissues but probably occur throughout the snail body. The possible effect of copper sulphate on the in- tegumental exchange mechanisms for Ca 2+, HCO3 -, Na + , K + and Cl - are discussed. 相似文献
Energy intake prepartum is critically important to health, milk performance, and profitability of dairy cows. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of reduced energy density of close-up diets on dry matter intake (DMI), lactation performance and energy balance (EB) in multiparous Holstein cows which were housed in a free-stall barn and fed for ad libitum intake. Thirty-nine dry cows were blocked and assigned randomly to three groups fed a high energy density diet [HD, n = 13; 6.8 MJ of net energy for lactation (NE L)/kg; 14.0% crude protein (CP) ], or a middle energy density diet (MD, n = 13; 6.2 MJ NE L/kg; 14.0% CP), or a low energy density diet (LD, n = 13; 5.4 MJ NE L/kg; 14.0% CP) from d 21 before expected day of calving. After parturition, all cows were fed the same lactation diet to d 70 in milk (DIM). The DMI and NE L intake prepartum were decreased by the reduced energy density diets ( P < 0.05). The LD group consumed 1.3 kg/d (DM) more diet compared with HD group in the last 24 h before calving. The milk yield and the postpartum DMI were increased by the reduced energy density diet prepartum ( P < 0.05). The changes in BCS and BW prepartum and postpartum were not affected by prepartum diets. HD group had higher milk fat content and lower lactose content compared with LD group during the first 3 wk of lactation ( P < 0.05). The energy consumption for HD, MD and LD groups were 149.8%, 126.2% and 101.1% of their calculated energy requirements prepartum ( P < 0.05), and 72.7%, 73.1% and 75.2% during the first 4 wk postpartum, respectively. In conclusion, the low energy density prepartum diet was effective in controlling NE L intake prepartum, and was beneficial in increasing DMI and milk yield, and alleviating negative EB postpartum. 相似文献
1. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of naked oats (NO) in layer diets. In experiment 1 the use of NO supplemented with minerals, vitamins and lysine was examined. In experiment 2 layers were fed equicaloric and isonitrogenous diets containing 0-66% NO. 2. Layers fed ground NO supplemented with minerals, vitamins and lysine for 6 weeks exhibited a significant depression in food intake, egg production, egg weight and shell strength. 3. Substitution of NO at 20-66% resulted in performance comparable to that of birds fed a maize-soyabean meal diet for 12 weeks. Food intake was reduced in the first week of the experiment in birds fed diets with NO; thereafter, treatment effects were not detected. Yolk colour index progressively decreased as dietary inclusion of NO increased. 4. It is concluded that naked oats can be used at levels up to 66% in layer diets to replace all or part of the maize and part of the soyabean meal without any reduction in performance. 相似文献
Energy intake prepartum is critically important to health,milk performance,and profitability of dairy cows.The objective of this study was to determine the effect of reduced energy density of close-up diets on dry matter intake(DMI),lactation performance and energy balance(EB) in multiparous Holstein cows which were housed in a free-stall bam and fed for ad libitum intake.Thirty-nine dry cows were blocked and assigned randomly to three groups fed a high energy density diet[HD,n = 13;6.8 MJ of net energy for lactation(NE_L)/kg;14.0%crude protein(CP)],or a middle energy density diet(MD,n = 13;6.2 MJ NE_L/kg;14.0%CP),or a low energy density diet(LD,n = 13;5.4 MJ NE_L/kg;14.0%CP) from d 21 before expected day of calving.After parturition,all cows were fed the same lactation diet to d 70 in milk(DIM).The DMI and NE_L intake prepartum were decreased by the reduced energy density diets(P 0.05).The LD group consumed 1.3 kg/d(DM) more diet compared with HD group in the last 24 h before calving.The milk yield and the postpartum DMI were increased by the reduced energy density diet prepartum(P 0.05).The changes in BCS and BW prepartum and postpartum were not affected by prepartum diets.HD group had higher milk fat content and lower lactose content compared with LD group during the first 3 wk of lactation(P 0.05).The energy consumption for HD,MD and LD groups were 149.8%,126.2%and 101.1%of their calculated energy requirements prepartum(P 0.05),and 72.7%,73.1%and 75.2%during the first 4 wk postpartum,respectively.In conclusion,the low energy density prepartum diet was effective in controlling NE_L intake prepartum,and was beneficial in increasing DMI and milk yield,and alleviating negative EB postpartum. 相似文献
1. Diets in which maize and palm kernel meals were major ingredients and whose metabolisable energy values were varied by the inclusion of graded amounts of maize cob (50 to 200 g/kg diet) were fed to growing pullets for 9 to 21 weeks of age. 2. Apparent metabolisable energy decreased from 11.82 to 9.79 MJ/kg diet as neutral detergent fibre increased from 182 to 330 g/kg. 3. Metabolisable energy intake was significantly reduced when the maize cob content was above 100 g/kg diet. 4. Protein intake was unaffected by treatment but apparent nitrogen retention was significantly depressed for pullets receiving the diet with 200 g/kg maize cob. Birds on the diet did not come into lay during the study. 相似文献
Wheat by-products are feedstuffs that vary in nutritional value, partly because of arabinoxylans that limit nutrient digestibility. Millrun is a byproduct from dry milling wheat into flour and contains varying amounts of the bran, middlings, screening, and shorts fractions. The digestible nutrient content of mill-run is not well known. Effects of xylanase supplementation (0 or 4,000 units/kg of diet) on energy, AA, P, and Ca digestibilities were studied in a wheat control diet and 5 diets containing 30% of a by-product (mill-run, middlings, shorts, screening, or bran) in a 2 x 6 factorial arrangement of treatments. The wheat control diet was formulated to contain 3.34 Mcal of DE/kg and 3.0 g of standardized ileal digestible Lys/Mcal of DE. Diets contained 0.4% chromic oxide. Each of 12 ileal-cannulated pigs (32.5 +/- 2.5 kg) was fed 6 or 7 of 12 diets at 3 times the DE requirement for maintenance in successive 10-d periods for 6 or 7 observations per diet. Feces and ileal digesta were each collected for 2 d. Xylanase tended to increase (P < 0.10) ileal energy digestibility by 2.2 percentage units and the DE content by 0.10 Mcal/kg of DM and increased (P < 0.05) ileal DM digestibility by 2.8 percentage units; a diet x xylanase interaction was not observed. Xylanase increased (P < 0.05) total tract energy and DM digestibilities and the DE content. A diet x xylanase interaction was observed; xylanase increased (P < 0.05) total tract energy digestibility of the millrun diet from 72.1 to 78.9%, DE content from 3.19 to 3.51 Mcal/kg of DM, and DM digestibility from 71.5 to 78.6%. Diet affected (P < 0.05) and xylanase improved (P < 0.05) digestibility and digestible contents of some AA in diets and by-products, including Lys, Thr, and Val. Xylanase increased (P < 0.05) Lys digestibility by 13.8, 5.0, 5.2, 6.0, and 14.1 percentage units in millrun, middlings, shorts, screening, and bran, respectively. Diet affected (P < 0.01) total tract P and Ca digestibilities. Xylanase increased (P < 0.05) digestible P and Ca contents. In summary, nutrient digestibility varies among wheat by-products. Millrun contained 2.65 Mcal of DE/kg of DM, which xylanase increased to 3.56 Mcal of DE/kg of DM. Xylanase improved nutrient digestibility and DE content in wheat by-products; and the extent of improvement depended on the by-product. Xylanase supplementation may maximize opportunities to include wheat byproducts in swine diets and ameliorate reductions in nutrient digestibility that may be associated with arabinoxylans. 相似文献