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The ability to evaluate carcass traits in live animals is of value to research, educational, and industry personnel. Ultrasonic technology has been tested since the early 1950s and continues to be under investigation as a means of accomplishing this task. The accuracy of ultrasound in predicting carcass traits is variable and is dependent on species, ultrasonic instrumentation, and(or) the skill of the technician. Based on this review, the ranges of correlation coefficients (r) for carcass traits as predicted by ultrasound to the respective carcass measurement are as follows: swine (fat .20 to .94; longissimus muscle .27 to .93), sheep (fat .42 to .95; longissimus muscle .36 to .79) and beef (fat .45 to .96; longissimus muscle .20 to .94; marbling .20 to .91). Although these correlation coefficients give an indication of the accuracy of ultrasound, it should be noted that these statistics do not reflect population variation or bias. Applications of ultrasound in swine finishing programs include the successful prediction of market weight carcass characteristics and the prediction of percentage of lean cuts before slaughter. In contrast, the application of ultrasound in lamb finishing programs has met with limited success. Most data indicate that weight and(or) visual estimations of fat are at least as accurate as ultrasound predictions of carcass composition. In beef finishing programs, ultrasound has, at times, been used successfully to predict fat and muscle traits before slaughter and beef carcass chemical composition. The ability to predict marbling, however, remains unclear and requires further investigation. Ultrasound has also been used in beef finishing programs to predict days on feed to a constant body compositional end point. When summarized, these data indicate that a single ultrasonic measurement of fat can be helpful in predicting days on feed in yearling cattle. When used alone, however, a single backfat measurement does not provide adequate accuracy. Therefore, factors such as age, sex, breed type, weight, and hip height are needed to help predict days on feed more accurately.  相似文献   

本文就中美贸易战对我国牛羊产业发展的影响展开了分析。分析认为:中美贸易战将促进我国牛羊产业结构性改革,倒逼产业转型升级,也将推进我国饲草产业优化调整,为饲草产业发展带来机遇;同时引致饲料饲草价格上涨,养殖成本增加,预期利润率下降,养殖规模增速受限;加之中美贸易战情况复杂,贸易风险不确定性加大。对此,从短期和长期2个层面提出应对策略:短期应增加能繁母畜和良种补贴力度,对苜蓿和大豆种植给予补贴;长期应建立中小养殖户和规模化肉牛肉羊养殖场并存的养殖结构,提高牛羊养殖业的服务能力,加强牛羊肉加工企业品牌建设和推进饲草饲料多元化。  相似文献   

近年来,临泽县立足饲草资源优势和县域经济特色,坚持把发展草畜产业作为实施产业富民战略、加快农村经济结构调整、促进农民持续增收的重要举措,以打造畜牧全产业链为主线,提高畜牧业收入为目标,认真实施全省牛羊产业大县建设、张掖百万头肉牛基地建设工程和临泽县现代草食畜牧业富民增收行动,通过政策扶持、科技助推、典型带动等措施,大力推进现代畜牧业全产业链试点建设,助推草畜产业转型升级、持续发展。  相似文献   

肉牛种业是肉牛产业发展的基础。通辽市肉牛种业起步早,发展较好,处于全国领先水平,建立了完整的制种、供种、推广为一体的良种繁育体系。现代家畜繁殖技术不断应用于家畜改良,优良种源逐渐实现从引进到自主培育,现代繁育技术和优良品种对肉牛产业发展的贡献率大幅提高,肉牛种业对肉牛产业发展的基础和支撑作用不断增强。阐述通辽市肉牛种业从依靠优良品种引进到冷冻精液生产再到优良品种自主培育的发展历程,剖析目前通辽市肉牛种业在育种基础、联合育种机制、育种技术创新等方面存在的问题和不足,提出了实施肉牛种业提升工程、完善育种技术体系、加快科技创新和育种机制创新等发展对策。  相似文献   

南阳市卧龙区以粮改饲项目为抓手,大力推进优质草畜基地建设,加快推进肉牛、奶牛、肉羊标准化规模养殖,进一步做强肉牛产业、做优奶牛产业、做大羊产业的做法,有力推动了全区生态畜牧业高质量发展。  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦贝尔市按照“稳羊增牛、草畜平衡、种养结合、农牧协调、品牌强化、持续增收”的发展思路,围绕“打造全域绿色有机农畜林产品生产加工输出基地”的目标,不断推进肉牛产业高质量发展。从呼伦贝尔市肉牛产业发展现状分析入手,阐述了调查研究过程中发现的肉牛养殖企业(专业户)融资难、产业链条延伸短、品牌知名度不高、粪污资源化利用程度低等问题,并有针对性地提出了推进该市肉牛产业高质量发展的建议和对策,以期为进一步夯实该市现代肉牛全产业链发展提供思路。  相似文献   

基于2011—2020年西南地区各省(市、区)畜牧产业的相关数据,采用效率优势指数、规模优势指数和综合优势指数方法,对云南省生猪产业竞争力进行了分析。结果表明:云南省2011-2020年的EAI、SAI和AAI均值分别为1.21、2.49、1.74;与云南省内其他畜牧产业相比,生猪产业综合优势低于肉牛产业,高于肉羊和家禽产业;西南5省(市、区)生猪产业中云南省规模优势最明显,贵州综合比较优势最突出,西藏竞争力最弱。建议云南省继续将生猪产业纳入重点发展对象,通过扩大适度养殖规模,加大猪肉精深加工企业的培育力度和产品的开发力度,从而实现从规模优势向效率优势的转化。  相似文献   

肉牛业是畜牧业的重要组成部分,而良种产业化是肉牛产业发展的关键。20世纪人工授精、胚胎移植、发情控制等繁育技术的出现及常规育种技术的应用,使肉牛遗传改良取得了巨大进展,但越来越不能满足现代肉牛业发展的需求。进入21世纪,随着现代生物技术的迅速发展,肉牛育种已从传统表型和表型值育种朝着分子水平方向发展;以配子与胚胎工程、基因工程为主体的高新繁育技术将逐渐成为肉牛繁育的主要手段;体外胚胎生产、胚胎移植商业化应用将会进一步提高,实现产业化;动物克隆、转基因动物生产经不断发展与完善,将成为肉牛育种方面最具潜力的方法。论文就肉牛育种与繁育技术的发展趋势作一简要论述,旨在为肉牛生产提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

The introduction of specific genes into the genome of farm animals and its stable incorporation into the germ line has been a major technological advance in agriculture. Transgenic technology provides a method to rapidly introduce "new" genes into cattle, swine, sheep, and goats without crossbreeding. It is a more extreme methodology, but in essence, not really different from crossbreeding or genetic selection in its result. Methods to produce transgenic animals have been available for more than 20 yr, yet recently lines of transgenic livestock have been developed that have the potential to improve animal agriculture and benefit producers and/or consumers. There are a number of methods that can be used to produce transgenic animals. However, the primary method to date has been the microinjection of genes into the pronuclei of zygotes. This method is one of an array of rapidly developing transgenic methodologies. Another method that has enjoyed recent success is that of nuclear transfer or "cloning." The use of this technique to produce transgenic livestock will profoundly affect the use of transgenic technology in livestock production. Cell-based, nuclear transfer or cloning strategies have several distinct advantages for use in the production of transgenic livestock that cannot be attained using pronuclear injection of DNA. Practical applications of transgenesis in livestock production include enhanced prolificacy and reproductive performance, increased feed utilization and growth rate, improved carcass composition, improved milk production and/or composition, and increased disease resistance. One practical application of transgenics in swine production is to improve milk production and/or composition. To address the problem of low milk production, transgenic swine over-expressing the milk protein bovine alpha-lactalbumin were developed and characterized. The outcomes assessed were milk composition, milk yield, and piglet growth. Our results indicate that transgenic overexpression of milk proteins may provide a means to improve swine lactation performance.  相似文献   

A periodic review of beef improvement programs is useful as a benchmark and as an opportunity to reevaluate industry direction. The history of improvement programs is reviewed with particular emphasis on recording organizations, program financing, and technological progress. The various breed associations have become the primary suppliers of performance programs, which are largely funded through registration income. Current practices are described from the aspects of traits recorded and delivery systems to collect, analyze, and distribute the data. The unique or innovative features of several breed made of the organization, technical, and educational challenges facing beef improvement. Although increased participation in genetic improvement programs is expected, substantial efforts are needed to serve adequately the needs of a changing beef cattle industry.  相似文献   

近年来,海原县肉牛产业得到快速发展。为支撑未来肉牛产业发展需求,迫切需要从品种改良技术层面破解当前育种工作中遇到的问题,为今后高端肉牛产业发展指明方向。本文分析了海原县当前繁育母牛资源现状,从肉牛产业发展目标以及制约产业发展的瓶颈问题出发,探索高端肉牛产业的内在含义,提出以西门达尔牛为母本,安格斯公牛为父本的“海原黑牛”育种方向及其在实践基础上的现实可能性。同时通过现有安格斯纯种繁育扩大母牛和选育良种安格斯公牛,为大量杂交提供优秀的公牛基因资源。希望对当前海原肉牛产业发展具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

肉牛产业是玉溪市畜牧业的重要组成部分,而本地黄牛约占玉溪肉牛存栏的70%~75%,本文通过对品种特性、当前养殖模式及发展潜力等进行分析研究,针对性的提出本地黄牛提质增效技术措施,为提升本地黄牛养殖效益,促进玉溪市肉牛产业提质增效及贫困地区肉牛产业扶贫工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

草畜产业是我县农村经济中的支柱产业,肉牛养殖业又是草畜产业的重要组成部分,为了进一步培育壮大我县肉牛产业,优化草畜产业内部结构,实现产业增效、农民增收的目的,本文对山丹县肉牛产业发展形势进行了认真分析,并提出了今后肉牛产业发展的对策和方向。  相似文献   

固原市肉牛产业发展调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,固原市围绕"一特三高"标准,肉牛养殖规模化水平不断提高,产业区位优势凸显.为全面了解当前固原市肉牛产业发展情况,准确研判肉牛产业发展形势,合理制定肉牛产业发展规划,本文基于走访调研资料,结合肉牛产业发展现状和趋势,总结归纳出固原市肉牛产业发展模式并提出发展建议.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate potential revenue impacts of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the United States similar to the outbreak in the United Kingdom during 2001. DESIGN: Economic analysis successively incorporating quarantine and slaughter of animals, an export ban, and consumer fears about the disease were used to determine the combined impact. SAMPLE POPULATION: Secondary data for cattle, swine, lambs, poultry, and products of these animals. PROCEDURE: Data for 1999 were used to calibrate a model for the US agricultural sector. Removal of animals, similar to that observed in the United Kingdom, was introduced, along with a ban on exportation of livestock, red meat, and dairy products and a reduction and shift in consumption of red meat in the United States. RESULTS: The largest impacts on farm income of an FMD outbreak were from the loss of export markets and reductions in domestic demand arising from consumer fears, not from removal of infected animals. These elements could cause an estimated decrease of $14 billion (9.5%) in US farm income. Losses in gross revenue for each sector were estimated to be the following: live swine, -34%; pork, -24%; live cattle -17%; beef, -20%; milk, -16%; live lambs and sheep, -14%; lamb and sheep meat, -10%; forage, -15%; and soybean meal, -7%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Procedures to contain an outbreak of FMD to specific regions and allow maintenance of FMD-free exports and efforts to educate consumers about health risks are critical to mitigating adverse economic impacts of an FMD outbreak.  相似文献   

甘州区黄牛冻配改良工作经过近四十多年的发展,在全区几代畜牧技术推广人员的共同努力下,奶、肉牛品种改良取得了巨大成就,特别在肉牛品种改良上效果尤为明显,建立了以西门塔尔为主的高代杂种基础母牛群,形成了遗传性能稳定、种群数量庞大、具有明显区域特色的肉牛新类群,为甘州区肉牛产业的可持续发展提供了丰富优良的种质资源。本文全面详细的阐述了近年来甘州区黄牛冻配改良工作现状、存在的问题,对今后黄牛冻配改良工作提出了具体对策与建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

河南省的南阳牛、郏县红牛是由河南省经过长期不断选育而形成的地方优良品种。近年来,由于牛肉需求的不断加大以及对牛肉品质要求的提高,同时由于河南肉牛的遗传改良基础好,培育具有优良肉质的新品种成为当前河南省育种产业的首要任务,与此同时,河南肉牛产业也凸显了一些新的问题。因此,本文综述了河南省肉牛遗传育种现状、遗传育种相关研究进展以及遗传育种存在的问题,从而为下一步河南省地方牛种质研究及创新利用提供对策建议。  相似文献   

华亭县自古以来就是黄牛的主产区之一,又是秦川牛、早胜牛的边缘产区,养牛已成了当地农户发展致富的主导产业。本文在调查研究的基础上,对华亭县肉牛养殖业发展中存在的问题进行了综合分析,基础母牛保护力度不大、资金短缺、技术匮乏、基础设施落后,产业加工链短是制约华亭县肉牛养殖业发展壮大的主要瓶颈,针对以上问题,提出了一些可行的对策建议,以促进该县进一步加快肉牛改良、扩繁和规模化发展,降低养殖户养殖成本,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

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