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Sitostanol has been converted in high to near-quantitative extent to the corresponding long-chain acyl esters via esterification with oleic acid or transesterification with methyl oleate or trioleoylglycerol using immobilized lipases from Rhizomucor miehei (Lipozyme IM) and Candida antarctica (lipase B, Novozym 435) as biocatalysts in vacuo (20-40 mbar) at 80 degrees C, whereas the conversion was markedly lower at 60 and 40 degrees C. Corresponding conversions observed with papaya (Carica papaya) latex lipase were generally lower. High conversion rates observed in transesterification of sitostanol with methyl oleate at 80 degrees C using Lipozyme IM were retained even after 10 repeated uses of the biocatalyst. Saturated sterols such as sitostanol and 5alpha-cholestan-3beta-ol were the preferred substrates as compared to Delta(5)-unsaturated cholesterol in transesterification reactions with methyl oleate using Lipozyme IM. Transesterification of cholesterol with dimethyl 1,8-octanedioate using Lipozyme IM in vacuo yielded methylcholesteryl 1,8-octanedioate (75%) and dicholesteryl 1,8-octanedioate (5%). However, transesterification of cholesterol with diethyl carbonate and that of oleyl alcohol with ethylcholesteryl carbonate, both catalyzed by Lipozyme IM, gave ethylcholesteryl carbonate and oleylcholesteryl carbonate, respectively, in low yield (20%). Moreover, cholesterol was transesterified with ethyl dihydrocinnamate using Lipozyme IM to give cholesteryl dihydrocinnamate in moderate yield (56%), whereas the corresponding reaction of lanosterol gave lanosteryl oleate in low yield (14%).  相似文献   

Various long-chain alkyl (hydroxy)phenylacetates were prepared in high yield by lipase-catalyzed transesterification of the corresponding short-chain alkyl hydroxyphenylacetates and fatty alcohols in equimolar ratios. The reactions were performed in vacuo at moderate temperatures in the absence of solvents and drying agents in direct contact with the reaction mixture. Immobilized lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 435) was the most effective biocatalyst for the various transesterification reactions. Generally, Novozym 435-catalyzed transesterifications of short-chain alkyl (hydroxy)phenylacetates with long-chain alcohols led to higher conversions and enzyme activities than the corresponding esterifications. For example, the transesterification activity was up to 4-fold higher than the esterification activity for the formation of oleyl 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylacetate using Novozym 435 as a biocatalyst. The relative transesterification activities were as follows: phenylacetate > 3-methoxyphenylacetate approximately 4-methoxyphenylacetate > 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylacetate > 3-hydroxyphenylacetate approximately 4-hydroxyphenylacetate > 2-methoxyphenylacetate > 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate. With respect to the position of methoxy and hydroxy substituents, the transesterification activity of Novozym 435 decreased in the order meta approximately para > ortho. Compounds with inverse chemical structures, for example, tyrosyl oleate, were obtained by Novozym 435-catalyzed esterification and transesterification of fatty acids and their methyl esters, respectively, with 2-phenylethan-1-ols. In contrast to the transesterifications of short-chain alkyl (hydroxy)phenylacetates with fatty alcohols, higher conversions and enzyme activities were observed for the Novozym 435-catalyzed esterifications of (hydroxy)phenylethanols with long-chain fatty acids than the corresponding transesterifications with fatty acid methyl esters.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of synthesized plant steryl and stanyl laurate in lowering the cholesterol level and to further examine the cholesterol-lowering potential of the free plant sterols and stanols dissolved in liquid emulsion on serum and liver lipids in mice by oral administration. Experimental results showed that both plant steryl and stanyl laurate could significantly decrease the serum levels of TC, LDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C, and liver cholesterol contents and markedly increase fecal cholesterol concentrations but have no effect on serum TAG level, indicating that the produced plant steryl and stanyl laurate retained the cholesterol-lowering potential of natural plant sterols and stanols. However, no statistical difference in cholesterol-lowering efficacy was observed between plant steryl laurate and plant stanyl laurate, and free plant sterols and stanols dissolved in liquid emulsion could also significantly decrease serum cholesterol levels and markedly increase fecal cholesterol excretion. These results suggested that the esterified plant sterols/stanols had comparable effects to the free plant sterols/stanols in lowering serum TC levels but that they did gain a solubility advantage from the free plant sterols/stanols. Therefore, plant steryl/stanyl laurate could be considered as a potential nutraceutical or functional ingredient to reduce or prevent atherosclerosis and its related complications.  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA) selectivity of immobilized Candida antarctica B lipase was assessed as influenced by various cosubstrate systems for ester synthesis. Reaction mixtures contained a homologous series of even-chain n-acyl donor (C(4)(-)(16)) substrates (FA or their methyl esters, FAME) and a single alcohol cosubstrate (propanol, 2-propanol, or their acetate derivatives) in hexane. Multiple FA optima were often observed, with preferences for C(6) (or C(4)) followed by C(14) and sometimes C(10). The degree of selectivity among acyl donors was modest (up to 1.28-2.60, based on ratios of selectivity constants) and was dependent on the choice of cosubstrate system. Acyl group selectivity ranged up to 1.31-1.36 for [FA + alcohol], 1. 48-2.60 for [FAME + alcohol], 1.30-1.72 for [FA + alcohol acetate], and 1.28-1.88 [FAME + alcohol acetate] reaction systems. General shifts in selectivity were observed between short-chain (C(4)(-)(8)) and long-chain (C(10)(-)(16)) FA as groups with propanol cosubstrate, whereas shifts in reaction selectivity were observed toward specific FA(s) for 2-propanol cosubstrate. Selectivity among a series of alcohol cosubstrates ranged up to 13-fold in esterification reactions with C(6) FA.  相似文献   

Fatty acid steryl esters (FASE) in whole meal of 14 genotypes of tetraploid wheats (Triticum dicocconand T. durum) and 17 genotypes of hexaploid wheats (T. spelta and T. aestivum) were analyzed using different chromatographic strategies. By both GC-FID and HPLC-ELSD, tetraploid wheats are lacking two major peaks. The amounts of FASE, calculated on the basis of the GC-FID analysis, were double in hexaploid species as compared to tetraploids (40 and 20 mg/100 g db, respectively). HPLC with ESI-MS detection enabled the identification of FASE by the characteristic fragmentations and ion-adducts of each molecule. The distribution of steryl residues was not different between the wheat species: the main class of steryl derivatives found was the beta-sitosteryl derivatives, followed by campesteryl derivatives with small amounts of stigmasteryl esters. The esterified fatty acids explain the difference between the hexaploid and tetraploid wheats. In particular, small amounts of campesteryl and beta-sitosteryl, while no trace of stigmasteryl palmitates, were found in T. durum or its hulled ancestor T. dicoccon. Steryl oleates were not detectable in T. aestivum or its hulled ancestor T. spelta, which is consistent with the filogenesis of tetraploid and hexaploid species. Both chromatographic techniques (GC and HPLC) showed that FASE are useful to discriminate between hexaploid and tetraploid wheats from both qualitative and quantitative points of view.  相似文献   

Candida rugosa lipase (CRL), an important industrial enzyme, possesses several different isoforms encoded by the high-identity lip gene family (lip1 to lip7). In this study, an additional N-terminal peptide in front of the lip3 gene was removed by PCR, and the 18 nonuniversal serine codons (CTG) of the lip3 gene were converted into universal serine codons (TCT) by means of an overlap extension PCR-based multiple-site-directed mutagenesis to express an active recombinant LIP3 in the yeast Pichia pastoris. The regional synthetic DNA fragment (339 bp) is first recombined by primer assembly with 20 overlapping nucleotides, followed by specific overlap extension PCR with outside primers containing restriction enzyme sites for directional cloning into the pGAPZalphaC vector. The results show that the production yield (0.687 unit/mL) of N-fused lip3 (nflip3) has an overall improvement of 69-fold relative to that (0.01 unit/mL) of lip3 and of 52-fold (0.47 unit/mL) of codon-optimized lip3 (colip3) relative to that (0.01 unit/mL) of non-codon-optimized lip3 (lip3), with the cultivation time set at 5 days. This finding demonstrates that the reservation of the N terminus and the regional codon optimization of the lip3 gene fragment at the 5' end can greatly increase the expression level of recombinant LIP3 in the P. pastoris system. The purified recombinant LIP3 shows distinct biochemical properties compared with other isoforms.  相似文献   

Candida rugosa lipase (CRL), an important industrial enzyme, has been established, containing several different isoforms which were encoded by the high-identity lip gene family (lip1 to lip7). In this study, we compared the expression and biochemical characterization with three different engineered lip2 constructions in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Our results showed that lip2 (lip2) has an overall improvement of 50% higher production yield (1.446 U/mL) relative to that of nflip2 (0.964 U/mL) at 7 days of cultivation time. Codon-optimized lip2 (colip2) has a 2.3-fold higher production yield (2.182 U/mL) compared to that of lip2 (noncodon-optimized; 1.446 U/mL) and nflip2 (0.964 U/mL), with a cultivation time of 5 days. This finding demonstrated that the removal of the N-terminus and the regional codon optimization of the lip2 gene fragment at the 5' end can greatly increase the expression level of recombinant LIP2 in the P. pastoris system. The distinct biochemical properties of our purified recombinant nfLIP2 and LIP2 suggested that they are potentially useful for various industrial applications.  相似文献   

The esterification and hydrolytic activities of free and immobilized Candida rugosa lipase isoform 1 (LIP1) were investigated. Esterification activity was determined by reacting caprylic acid with glycerol in the presence of molecular sieves (30%, w/w), and the volume of 1.0 M NaOH consumed by the reaction products upon titration was used to calculate esterification activity. Caprylic acid was also reacted with cottonseed oil, and the amount of caprylic acid incorporated after 12 h of reaction was determined. Results indicated that LIP1 had little esterification activity, which was not significantly improved upon immobilization. Hydrolytic activity was determined by incubating tricaprylin emulsion (15%, w/w) with the respective lipases for 60 min, and the reaction products were titrated against 0.5 M NaOH. LIP1 showed hydrolytic activity comparable to Lipozyme RM IM. The hydrolytic activity improved significantly upon immobilization. Immobilization on Celite 545 produced the highest increase in hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   

Waste oils are a promising alternative feedstock for biodiesel production due to the decrease of the industrial production costs. However, feedstock with high free fatty acids (FFA) content presents several drawbacks when alkaline-catalyzed transesterification reaction is employed in biodiesel production process. Nowadays, to develop suitable processes capable of treating oils with high free fatty acids content, a two-step process for biodiesel production is being investigated. The major problem that it presents is that two catalysts are needed to carry out the whole process: an acidic catalyst for free fatty acids esterification (first step) and a basic catalyst for pretreated product transesterification (second step). The use of a bifunctional catalyst, which allows both reactions to take place simultaneously, could minimize the production costs and time. In the present study, the behavior of pumice, a natural volcanic material used as a heterogeneous catalyst, was tested using oils with several FFA and water contents as feedstock in the transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel. Pumice as a bifunctional solid catalyst, which can catalyze simultaneously the esterification of FFA and the transesterification of fatty acid glycerides into biodiesel, was shown to be an efficient catalyst for the conversion of low-grade, nonedible oil feedstock into biodiesel product. Using this solid catalyst for the transesterification reaction, high FAME yields were achieved when feedstock oils presented a FFA content until approximately 2% wt/wt and a water content until 2% wt/wt.  相似文献   

Residues of 2-chloroethyl fatty acid esters (CEEs) and 2-chloroethanol (ECH), by-products of ethylene oxide fumigation, were determined in black walnuts, seasoning mixes, and spices. Extracts containing ECH and CEE were cleaned up by previously described procedures, and residue levels were quantitatively determined using a gas chromatograph equipped with a halogen-selective electrolytic conductivity detector. All food products that contained CEE residues also contained ECH. ECH residues ranged from less than 0.2 to 880 ppm and were less than 0.2-7 times the CEE levels found.  相似文献   

Ethyl esters (FAEE) and trideuterium-labeled methyl esters (d3-FAME) of fatty acids were prepared and investigated regarding their suitability as internal standards (IS) for the determination of fatty acids as methyl esters (FAME). On CP-Sil 88, ethyl esters of odd-numbered fatty acids eluted approximately 0.5 min after the respective FAME, and only coelutions with minor FAME were observed. Depending on the problem, one or even many FAEE can be added as IS for the quantification of FAME by both GC-FID and GC-MS. By contrast, d3-FAME coeluted with FAME on the polar GC column, and the use of the former as IS requires application of GC-MS. In the SIM mode, m/z 77 and 90 are suggested for d3-methyl esters of saturated fatty acids, whereas m/z 88 and 101 are recommended for ethyl esters of saturated fatty acids. These m/z values give either no or very low response for FAME and can thus be used for the analysis of FAME in food by GC-MS in the SIM mode. Fatty acids in sunflower oil and mozzarella cheese were quantified using five saturated FAEE as IS. Gravimetric studies showed that the transesterification procedure could be carried out without of loss of fatty acids. GC-EI/MS full scan analysis was suitable for the quantitative determination of all unsaturated fatty acids in both food samples, whereas GC-EI/MS in the SIM mode was particularly valuable for quantifying minor fatty acids. The novel GC-EI/MS/SIM method using fatty acid ethyl esters as internal standards can be used to quantify individual fatty acids only, that is, without determination of all fatty acids (the common 100% method), although this is present. This was demonstrated by the exclusive quantification of selected fatty acids including methyl-branched fatty acids, erucic acid (18:1n-9trans), and polyunsaturated fatty acids in cod liver oil and goat's milk fat.  相似文献   

The physicochemical and stability properties as well as the fatty acid, triacylglycerol, sterol, and triterpenic dialcohol compositions of Tunisian olive oil varieties were analyzed. On the basis of our results, we classified all of the monovarietal oils into the extra virgin category. Oleic and linoleic acids were the most useful fatty acids to discriminate three cultivars, Neb Jmel, Chétoui, and Ain Jarboua, from the others. Of the six monovarietal virgin olive oils analyzed, the main triacylglycerols were OOO, POO, PLO plus SLL, and OLO, which was expected given the high oleic acid and low linoleic and linolenic acids content observed in total fatty acids. In total, these accounted for more than 80% of the total HPLC chromatogram peak area. The main sterols found were beta-sitosterol, Delta5-avenasterol, and campesterol. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between oil samples, and the obtained results showed a great variability in the oil composition between cultivars, which is influenced exclusively by genetic factors.  相似文献   

Analysis of two commercial extracts of Andrographis paniculata using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with photodiode array absorbance detection showed the presence of several unexpected compounds, which were isolated and identified as methyl, ethyl, and propyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid by using high-resolution mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. Quantitative analysis using HPLC revealed the presence of 0.22% p-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester (methlyparaben) in one commercial extract, and both 0.11% p-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester (ethylparaben) and 0.20% p-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester (propylparaben) in a second commercial extract of A. paniculata. Analyses of additional commercial products of A. paniculata in tablet form purchased from Chicago pharmacies also showed the presence of methyl- and ethylparabens. To determine whether these compounds were natural chemical constituents of the plant, pharmacopoeial reference A. paniculata plant powder as well as samples of authenticated A. paniculata plant materials collected from Indonesia, Hong Kong, and mainland China were obtained and analyzed by HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). LC-MS-MS analyses confirmed the presence of trace concentrations (<0.0008% w/w) of p-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester but no p-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl or propyl esters in these plant samples. The limits of detection of the LC-MS-MS assay for these compounds were 5 pg on-column and 5 ppb in the plant material. The levels of these p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters measured in the commercial products of A. paniculata suggest that they were introduced inadvertently during processing or as artificial additives.  相似文献   

We developed a high-performance liquid chromatography-based method for simultaneous analysis of nine catechins, gallic acid, strictinin, caffeine, and theobromine in green tea by using catechol as an internal standard. Although the high cost and instability of the catechin reference standards limit the application of this method, the addition of ascorbic acid to the standard stock solution preserved the stability of the reference standards in the solution for 1 year when stored at -30 degrees C. Furthermore, we found that the slopes of the calibration curves plotted were stable for a run time of 2000 h. Our method proved to be appropriate for quantification and yielded good correlation coefficients, detection levels, repeatability, reproducibility, and recovery rates. Quantitative data revealed that the contribution of only 200 mL of brewed tea to the total dietary catechins was approximately 220-420 mg, while that of 500 mL of bottled tea was approximately 170-900 mg.  相似文献   

A new quantitative approach to investigate the capability of iron heme complexes (HEM), metmyoglobin and hemin, to catalyze lipid peroxidation was elaborated. The oxidation of methyl linoleate in micellar solutions was used as a testing model. The key point was the determination of the rate of free radical generation, RIN, calculated from the rate of oxygen consumption. The HEM catalytic activity was characterized by two independent parameters: by reactivity and by its resistance to degradation. Both parameters were found to be pH-dependent. The reactivity was expressed as the effective rate constant for the reaction of HEM with lipid hydroperoxide. The resistance to degradation was characterized by the rate of the decrease in RIN with time and also by the regeneration coefficient, which shows how many active free radicals can be generated by one molecule of HEM. Both Hemin and metMB were found to be very effective catalysts even at nanomolar concentrations. The effective regeneration of active forms of HEM was observed. The catalytic activity of HEM was rapidly reduced with time. The kinetic scheme of the process under consideration was suggested, and this was applied for kinetic computer simulations.  相似文献   

A simple, precise, and accurate liquid chromatographic method with both ultraviolet (UV) and fluorescence detection is described for the determination of methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl p-hydroxybenzoates (PHBA-esters) in cosmetics. sec-Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate is added to the sample as an internal standard. Then the PHBA-esters are extracted with ether, the ether is evaporated to dryness, and the residue is dissolved in 60% (v/v) acetonitrile. The acetonitrile solution is passed through a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge to remove co-extracted lipids. PHBA-esters are determined by reverse-phase liquid chromatography with UV detection at 254 nm and fluorescence detection at ex 280 nm, em 305 nm. The mobile phase is acetonitrile-water (35 + 65). The method was linear over the concentration range of 0.005-0.15 mg/mL. Mean recoveries of each PHBA-ester were 98.9-102.7% (coefficients of variation less than or equal to 2.0%).  相似文献   

The fatty acid, sn-2 fatty acid, triacyglycerol (TAG), tocopherol, and phytosterol compositions of kernel oils obtained from nine apricot varieties grown in the Malatya region of Turkey were determined ( P<0.05). The names of the apricot varieties were Alyanak (ALY), Cataloglu (CAT), C?loglu (COL), Hacihaliloglu (HAC), Hacikiz (HKI), Hasanbey (HSB), Kabaasi (KAB), Soganci (SOG), and Tokaloglu (TOK). The total oil contents of apricot kernels ranged from 40.23 to 53.19%. Oleic acid contributed 70.83% to the total fatty acids, followed by linoleic (21.96%), palmitic (4.92%), and stearic (1.21%) acids. The s n-2 position is mainly occupied with oleic acid (63.54%), linoleic acid (35.0%), and palmitic acid (0.96%). Eight TAG species were identified: LLL, OLL, PLL, OOL+POL, OOO+POO, and SOO (where P, palmitoyl; S, stearoyl; O, oleoyl; and L, linoleoyl), among which mainly OOO+POO contributed to 48.64% of the total, followed by OOL+POL at 32.63% and OLL at 14.33%. Four tocopherol and six phytosterol isomers were identified and quantified; among these, gamma-tocopherol (475.11 mg/kg of oil) and beta-sitosterol (273.67 mg/100 g of oil) were predominant. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the data from lipid components of apricot kernel oil in order to explore the distribution of the apricot variety according to their kernel's lipid components. PCA separated some varieties including ALY, COL, KAB, CAT, SOG, and HSB in one group and varieties TOK, HAC, and HKI in another group based on their lipid components of apricot kernel oil. So, in the present study, PCA was found to be a powerful tool for classification of the samples.  相似文献   


The effects of 3 oxides (Fe, Al, and Mn oxides) and 3 clay minerals (kaolin, montmorillonite, and allophane) on the adsorption and subsequent kinetic properties of acid phosphatase were compared. The amount of enzyme adsorbed by the oxides and clay minerals followed the order: montmorillonite ? kaolin > Mn oxide > Fe oxide > Al oxide ? allophane. The adsorption isotherms of the enzyme on the oxides and clay minerals, except for montmorillonite and allophane, fitted the Langmuir equation. The activity of the enzyme immobilized by the inorganic components studied was in the order of allophane > kaolin > Fe oxide > montmorillonite > Al oxide ≒ Mn oxide. Compared to the free enzyme, the V max, Km, and V max / K m values of the immobilized enzyme decreased, increased, and decreased, respectively. Among the oxides or clay minerals, the higher the ability of the inorganic components to adsorb the enzyme, the lower the value of the V max / K m ratio of the immobilized enzyme. These findings suggest that the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme complexes formed is determined by the adsorbability of the inorganic components for the enzyme.  相似文献   

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