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Babesia canis has generally been considered the only large Babesia to infect dogs. Here we describe the molecular characterization of a large Babesia species that was detected in the blood and bone marrow of a dog with clinical and hematological abnormalities consistent with babesiosis. Analysis of the 18S rRNA genes revealed a unique sequence that shared 93.9% sequence identity with B. bigemina and 93.5% sequence identity with B. caballi, compared to 91.2-91.6% identity with B. canis canis, B. c. vogeli, and B. c. rossi. Cross-reactive antibodies against B. canis, B. gibsoni (Asian genotype), or B. gibsoni (California genotype) antigens were not detected in acute or convalescent serum samples. The dog was treated with imidocarb diproprionate, which resulted in the resolution of clinical signs, and subsequently Babesia DNA was not detectable by PCR in post-treatment samples. The organism described in this report represents a genetically unique large Babesia sp. and is the eighth genetically distinct piroplasm capable of infecting the domestic dog.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old sexually intact male Bull Mastiff underwent splenectomy for splenic thrombosis; prior to and after splenectomy, multiple blood transfusions were administered. Two weeks after the procedure, T-cell lymphoproliferative disease was diagnosed. Treatment with prednisone and chlorambucil was initiated, and 2 weeks later, cytologic examination of a blood smear revealed small (0.3 microm), coccoid basophilic bodies on the surface of approximately 70% of the RBCs. Morphologically, these resembled "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum." A polymerase chain reaction assay was used to amplify a partial 16S rRNA sequence in blood obtained from the dog; the product was sequenced and compared with 16S rRNA gene sequences of other hemotropic mycoplasmas. The sequence was 98% homologous to that of "Candidatus M haemominutum", but only 77% homologous to that of M haemocanis and M haemofelis.  相似文献   

A 6‐year old male neutered Scottish Terrier was referred with a 1 week history of progressive lethargy and anorexia. Neurological examination localized a lesion to the forebrain and hormonal testing showed panhypopituitarism. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a rounded, well‐defined, suprasellar central mass. The mass was slightly hyperintense to the cortical grey matter on T2‐weighted (T2W), hypointense on T1‐weighted (T1W) images and without T2* signal void. There was a central fusiform enhancement of the mass after contrast administration which raised the suspicion of a pituitary neoplasm. Rapid deterioration of the dog prevented further clinical investigations. Histopathologic examination revealed a lymphocytic panhypophysitis of unknown origin suspected autoimmune involving the hypothalamus (hypothalamitis). This is a unique case report of a dog presenting with inflammatory hypophysitis and hypothalamitis of suspected autoimmune origin with detailed clinical, MRI, histology and immunohistochemistry findings.  相似文献   

一、初配的年龄一般来说,犬的繁殖是在体成熟之后。母犬通常为1.5岁,公犬为2岁。而由于品种的差异,大体型品种的犬成熟较晚,小体型品种的犬成  相似文献   

The ability to attach to the host cell surface has been considered an important virulence strategy in many bovine mammary gland pathogens, including Streptococcus uberis. Research conducted in our laboratory lead to the identification of an S. uberis adhesion molecule (SUAM) with affinity for bovine lactoferrin (LF) and delineation of its role in adherence of S. uberis to bovine mammary epithelial cells. Using a selected bacterial surface protein extraction protocol and affinity chromatography, a 112-kDa protein that had a similar molecular mass and the LF affinity as one of the identified S. uberis LBP described by Fang and Oliver in 1999 was found. To further characterize SUAM, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of this protein was elucidated. A protein query versus translated database TBLASTN search of the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI), non-redundant database, nr, with the LBP N-terminal amino acid sequence showed no significant similarity with previous entries. Antibodies directed against SUAM and a 17 amino acid long N-terminal sequence (pep-SUAM) inhibited adherence to and internalization of S. uberis UT888 into bovine mammary epithelial cells. Data presented suggests that we have discovered a novel bacterial protein involved in the pathogenesis of this economically important mastitis pathogen.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A stochastic simulation model of an open nucleus scheme was used to study the consequences of the breeding strategy and biased lactation records for population cows. Selection was for a single sex-limited trait with a heritability of 0.25 and based on animal model breeding value estimates. Selection of dams was across age classes while sires were required to have a progeny test before they could be selected as proven bull or bull sire. Dams to breed nucleus replacements and young bulls could be selected from the nucleus and the top population which contained 240 and 1600 replacement heifers annually. The first 15 years of the simulated period was used to reach a population with an equilibrium genetic progress for a progeny testing scheme. Comparisons were based on the 25 year period after an alternative breeding scheme was adopted. The annual genetic gain was calculated from the last 10 years of that period. The annual genetic gain in an open nucleus breeding scheme was .247 σ(a) . The annual genetic gain increased 5.4% when MOET was also used on cows selected to breed replacements for the top population. When, in addition the number of sires used on top population cows was reduced from 8 to 4, that being the number used in the nucleus, the annual genetic gain increased by another 2.8%. The reduction in annual genetic gain due to biased lactation records of top population cows ranged from 4.6 to 15.4%. The average bias in estimated breeding values of the top population dams selected to breed nucleus replacements ranged from 0.53 to 2,52 σ(a) . The regression coefficient of the EBV of the bull after progeny testing on the EBV of the dam at the time of selection was 0.55 without biased lactations and ranged from 0.10 to 0.27 with biased lactations. The reduction in genetic gain was especially related to the regression coefficient and to a lesser extent to the average bias. In practice, the expected reduction in annual genetic gain from biased lactation records of population cows is expected to be between 5 and 10 %. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Stochastische Simulation von Milchvieh-Nukleussystemen: Einflu? der Zuchtstrategie und verzerrter Zuchtwerte in der Population Eine stochastische Simulation eines offenen Nukleussystems wurde zur Untersuchung der Konsequenzen der Zuchtstrategie und verzerrter Laktationsabschlüsse für Populationskühe untersucht. Selektion bezog sich auf ein einzelnes weibliches Merkmal mit Heritabilit?t von 1/4 und gründete auf Tiermodell Zuchtwertsch?tzungen, Selektion von Muttertieren über Altersklassen, w?hrend Stiere vor der Selektion einen Nachkommenschaftstest haben mu?ten. Muttertiere für Nukleus- und Jungstiere kommen vom Nukleus und Spitzen der Population, die 240 und 1600 nachgestellte Kalbinnen umfa?ten. Die ersten 15 Jahre der simulierten Periode wurden zum Erreichen einer Population mit Gleichgewichtsfortschritt für ein Nachkommenschaftsprüfsystem verwendet. Vergleiche beruhten auf einer 25-Jahre-Periode nach Einrichtung des alternativen Zuchtsystems, und der j?hrliche Zuchtfortschritt wurde für die letzten 10 Jahre berechnet. Der j?hrliche Zuchtfortschritt im offenen Nukleussystem war 0,247 σ(a) und nahm um 5,4% zu, wenn MOETauch für Kühe zum Ersatz der Spitzenpopulation verwendet wurde. Wenn darüber hinaus die Zahl der Vatertiere in der Spitzenpopulation von 8 auf 4 reduziert wurde, die Zahl der im Nukleus verwendeten, konnte der j?hrliche genetische Fortschritt um weitere 2, 8% gesteigert werden. Die Verminderung des Zuchtfortschrittes auf Grund von verzerrten Laktationsabschlüssen der Spitzenkühe der Population variierte von 4,6 bis 15,4%. Die durchschnittliche Verzerrung der gesch?tzten Zuchtwerte der Populationsspitzenkühe für die Nukleusremonte bewegte sich von 0,53 bis 2,52 σ(a) . Der Regressionskoeffizient von EBV der Stiere auf Grund von Nachkommenschaftsprüfung auf EBV der Muttertiere beim Zeitpunkt der Selektion war 0,55 ohne verzerrte Laktationen und schwankte zwischen 0,10 und 0,27 bei verzerrten Laktationen. Die Verminderung des genetischen Fortschritts hing deutlich mit dem Regressionskoeffizient zusammen und weniger mit der durchschnittlichen Verzerrung. In der Praxis ist zu erwarten, da? die Reduktion des Zuchtfortschrittes durch verzerrte Laktationsabschlüsse der Population zwischen 5 und 10% liegt.  相似文献   

A five‐year‐old female boxer presented with a swelling in the area of the caudal mammary gland. The mass was surgically excised and histopathological examination revealed a poorly demarcated lesion, extending into mammary tissue and infiltrating the sinuses of adjacent lymph nodes. The diagnosis was lymphangiosarcoma. Full blood work, thoracic radiographs, abdominal and scar ultrasound were unremarkable, apart from possible inflammatory reactions in the latter and reactive/metastatic changes in inguinal lymph nodes. Doxorubicin treatment resulted in a 6‐month recurrence free interval. At relapse, the dog was treated with metronomic chemotherapy using chlorambucil and meloxicam, which failed to adequately control the disease. Toceranib phosphate was introduced and resulted in almost complete regression of the mass, leaving just a skin plaque. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first report describing the use of two novel therapeutic approaches to treat canine lymphangiosarcoma that resulted in a higher than previously described survival time.  相似文献   

城市养犬数量从20世纪90年代起一直呈快速增长趋势,特别是近几年增长速度达10%以上.而由此带来的犬吠扰民、粪便污染环境、犬只乱窜影响交通等问题已变得愈来愈突出,尤其是狂犬病威胁着人类的健康,影响着社会的稳定.卫生部公布的我国重点传染病疫情监测数据显示,近几年来狂犬病死亡数居我国37种法定报告传染病首位,并且本病的发生仍呈上升趋势.每年有干人以上因感染狂犬病而死亡.狂犬病的流行范围几乎遍及全中国,其中以南方流行为主,其发病死亡数占全国的80%,而江西是近几年全国狂犬病流行较严重的省份之一.由此可见,狂犬病是当前严重危害我国公共卫生的重大人畜共患病,必须引起高度重视.南昌市在犬类管理方面做了些有益尝试,但仍存在不少问题.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old neutered male Jack Russell Terrier (Parson Russell Terrier) was presented to the Texas Veterinary Medical Center with a history of lethargy, depression, vomiting, and fever. The dog had mildly regenerative anemia, severe thrombocytopenia and low antithrombin activity. Marked splenomegaly was found on physical examination and imaging studies, and malignant round cell neoplasia and marked extramedullary hematopoiesis were diagnosed on aspirates of the spleen. The dog underwent exploratory laporatomy and splenectomy. Because of a rapid decline in clinical condition postsurgery, the dog was euthanized. Splenic and hepatic biopsies were submitted for histopathologic evaluation. A neoplastic population of round cells was found throughout the splenic parenchyma and within hepatic sinusoids. The neoplastic cells stained strongly positive for CD3 (T-cell marker) and were negative for CD79a (B-cell marker) and lysozyme (histiocytic marker). A diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma was confirmed by assessment of T-cell clonality using canine-specific polymerase chain reaction-based techniques. Although expression of the gammadelta T-cell receptor was not evaluated, this case shares many similarities with a rare syndrome in humans known as hepatosplenic gammadelta T-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

Yun T  Ye W  Ni Z  Zhang D  Zhang C 《Veterinary microbiology》2012,157(3-4):311-319
A flavivirus-associated disease of egg-laying ducks was observed in eastern China in 2010, and a novel mosquito-borne flavivirus, Tembusu virus (TMUV), was isolated (Cao et al., 2011). Following up on the earlier study, a virus similar to TMUV was isolated recently from ducklings and characterized. We report that (1) the recently isolated virus, TMUV ZJ-6, replicated in vertebrate cells (DF-1, BHK-21) as well as in mosquito cells (C6/36) and caused cytopathic effect (CPE) in the cell lines tested; (2) extracellular viral particles examined by electron microscopy were approximately 45 nm in diameter and enveloped; (3) the full-length genome of the virus was determined, showing that the TMUV ZJ-6 is more closely related to the Ntaya group of viruses than other members of the Flaviviridae based on the data of phylogenetic analyses. Most importantly, the disease of ducklings was reproducible after administration of plaque-purified virus by intracerebral (i.c.), subcutaneous (s.c.) or intranasal (i.n.) inoculation. This is the first report that TMUV infects not only egg-laying ducks but also 3-21 days-old ducklings. The findings extend our understanding of how the virus spreads and causes disease.  相似文献   

A murine IgM monoclonal antibody, which recognizes dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA) 1.1, has been produced. The antibody correctly identified canine RBC possessing DEA 1.1 in a panel of RBC typed by an independent laboratory. Reactivity of the monoclonal antibody was compared with canine anti-DEA 1.1 antiserum with 163 RBC samples from 145 dogs. Results of agglutination tests with the 2 reagents were in agreement for all samples. A card agglutination test that uses the monoclonal antibody with blood is described. A monoclonal antibody-based test should facilitate blood typing for DEA 1.1 in clinical practice.  相似文献   

A method of approximating estimated breeding values (EBV) from a multivariate distribution of true breeding values (TBV) and EBV is proposed for use in large-scale stochastic simulation of alternative breeding schemes with a complex breeding goal. The covariance matrix of the multivariate distributions includes the additive genetic (co)variances and approximated prediction error (co)variances at different selection stages in the life of the animal. The prediction error (co)variance matrix is set up for one animal at a time, utilizing information on the selection candidate and its offspring, the parents, as well as paternal and maternal half- sibs. The EBV are a regression on TBV taking individual uncertainty into account, but with additional 'free' variation drawn at random. With the current information included in the calculation of the prediction error variance of a selection candidate, it is concluded that the method can be used to optimize progeny-testing schemes, where the progeny-tested sires are utilized with large progeny groups, e.g. through artificial insemination.  相似文献   

An influenza virus, A/canine/Shandong/JT01/2009, has been isolated from a dog exhibiting classical flu signs in China. HAI and NAI assays subtyped A/canine/Shandong/JT01/2009 as a H5N2 like virus. Phylogenetic reconstructions indicated strong relationships with viruses from various hosts and dispersed geographic locations. These analyses indicate A/canine/Shandong/JT01/2009 is a novel virus generated by complex reassortment of the viral segments.  相似文献   

前进训练是使犬养成根据指挥的方向迅速向前奔跑的能力。经过多年在基层的实战训练和研究中,我通常把衔取训练的过程分解,延长或暂停犬衔到物品的时间,从中插入服从科目“卧”的训练,逐步使犬形成前进的条件反射。  相似文献   

An 11-year-old neutered male Yorkshire Terrier was presented to the Haemaru Referral Animal Hospital with a history of unresponsive tracheal collapse and an incidental finding of a lung nodule in the left caudal lung lobe on radiography. Thorough physical examination and imaging studies revealed no other masses. Cytologic examination of C-arm mobile fluoroscopy-guided fine-needle aspirates revealed numerous free nuclei and a low number of small round cells with moderate to abundant pale basophilic cytoplasm. Some cells contained indistinct basophilic granules in their cytoplasm, and extracellular pink material was noted. A caudal lung lobectomy was performed, and histologic evaluation of the mass revealed round to polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and round nuclei with mild anisokaryosis and 0-3 mitotic figures per high-power field. Cells were arranged in packets separated by fine fibrovascular stroma, suggestive of a pulmonary neuroendocrine neoplasm, specifically a carcinoma/carcinoid. The cells were immunoreactive for chromogranin A and neuron-specific enolase, and negative for cytokeratin, synaptophysin, calcitonin, thyroglobulin, parathyroid hormone, CD79a, light lambda, and vimentin. With these findings the tumor was diagnosed as a primary lung carcinoid. Eleven months after resection, there was no evidence of tumor regrowth or metastasis. The absence of necrosis, few mitotic figures, minimal pleomorphism, and benign behavior of this tumor resembled those of a typical carcinoid in humans.  相似文献   

Objective  To describe the microscopic features and lineage of proliferating/infiltrating pigmented cells in ocular melanosis of Cairn Terriers.
Animals studied  Forty-nine globes removed from 45 Cairn Terriers with ocular melanosis and three globes from control dogs were available for microscopic examination.
Procedures  All globes were examined histologically, eight affected and three control globes were also examined by immunohistochemistry, and three affected and three control globes by transmission electron microscopy.
Results  Large round pigment-laden cells infiltrated the anterior uvea, obscured the drainage angle and were present within the sclera and episclera of affected globes. Similar pigmented cells were present in lower numbers in the posterior segment of the globe, the optic nerve meninges and periphery of the optic nerve. Changes due to chronic glaucoma were present in many globes and some had evidence of uveitis. Many of the pigmented cells were immunoreactive to HMB45 and some were MITF and vimentin positive. One globe, which was inflamed when removed, had many pigmented cells that were CD18 immunoreactive. The other eyes had lower numbers of CD18 positive cells. The pigmented cells were not immunoreactive to smooth muscle actin, S-100, MART/Melan A, chromogranin A/B, PGP 9.5, synaptophysin, MNF116, AE1/AE3, and CD45. Ultrastructurally many of the pigmented cells had features typical of melanocytes while a smaller number appeared to be melanophages.
Conclusions  Ocular melanosis in Cairn Terriers is characterized by an infiltration of pigment-laden cells predominantly, but not exclusively, within the anterior uvea and anterior sclera. Most of these cells appear to be melanocytes although a variable proportion are pigment-laden melanophages.  相似文献   

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