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国家天然林保护工程和中国野生植物保护条例实施以来,山区林场转轨经营成为社会关注的热点,重点介绍了新疆日益受到重视的非木材林产品资源,旨在找到一条使林区摆脱困境的经营途径。  相似文献   

长期以来,国有林区作为国家最大的森林后备资源培育基地和木材、林产品供应基地,为国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高做出过巨大的贡献。但是由于对天然林的过度采伐,致使国家宝贵的天然林资源急剧减少,导致十分严重的生态后果,也使林区本身陷入资源危机、经济危困地境地。实施天然林资源保护工作,不仅可以使国有天然林资源得到有效保护,而且由于国家给予配套政策和资金,为国有林区深化内部改革,加快结构调整,摆脱“两危”困境带来了良好的发展机遇。面对停止天然林采伐后林区深化改革和转产分流的新形势,国有林区面临着严峻的…  相似文献   

发展非木材林产品 保护天然林   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国天然林,担负着水源涵养,水土保持,防洪防涝,保护大江大河,改善生态环境和生物多样性等重要任务。但是,由于过量采伐,毁林开垦,乱砍滥伐和自然灾害等,已经引起了严重的生态环境问题,如洪水泛滥和水土流失,荒漠化加剧,自然灾害频繁,野生动物遗传资源和生物多样性遭到严重的破坏。影响了国有林区的发展,影响到了生态环境的改善和国民经济的可持续发展。因此,保护好天然林资源是当务之急,天然林转轨经营势在必行。根据世界林业的发展趋势和经验,发展非木材林产品是保护林区资源和转轨经营的重要途径。“林副产品”一词是根据森林永续利用学…  相似文献   

东北内蒙古重点国有林区是我国北方地区重要生态屏障,也是我国重要的木材和林产品生产基地。由于林区长期集中过量采伐,采伐方式不合理;加之森林更新、森林抚育严重滞后,使林区陷入了"两危"处境。为恢复林区资源,国家实施天然林保护工程,但工程重点没有放在森林培育上。当前实施停止天然林商业性采伐,对林区资源恢复可能有一定好处,但从长远考虑必须积极加强森林经营,因为合理的森林采伐是森林培育的重要手段,科学利用是森林可持续经营的必然。保障国家木材安全是林业部门的重要职责。对天然林应当进行分类管理。要走出困境深化改革是前提,加强森林培育是基础,发展林业产业是关键,国家政策扶持是保障。  相似文献   

随着天然林保护工程的实施 ,我国木材资源结构正在进行由主要利用天然林木材到利用人工林木材的转变 .由于人工林木材所含幼龄材比例相当高 ,木材资源结构的变化反过来必将对我国的木材加工工业及林产品工业带来一系列影响 .该文综述了我国木材资源的现状 ,比较了人工林幼龄材与天然林成熟材的木材基本特性 ,探讨了人工林木材性质特征与营林培育的关系 ,阐述了木材质量与不同最终用途之间的关系 ,并对加强开展人工林木材性质的研究提出了几点建议  相似文献   

美国大部分天然林经历过采伐利用.东北部森林以往实施择伐方式,优质林木被择伐后,残留下的是劣质林木.虽然西部天然林开发较晚,但次生林的状况同样令人担扰.总之,全国天然林区均充塞着小径林木和非理想树种的林木.为了优化天然林资源结构,必须充分开发利用这类低值原材料.在无利可图的条件下,极难对非理想结构天然林进行优化改造.美国林产品协会2003年2月发表密执根大学和马萨诸塞州大学荣誉教授Alan A Marra的论文指出,利用低价值木材制造高价值产品,是当前林产界的迫切任务.美国东北部天然林现在很大一部分由瘦高细长浓密的林木组成.  相似文献   

内蒙古大兴安岭林区既要实施好天然林资源保护工程,发挥其生态保护功能,又要大力发展经济,建设生态安全、经济发达、社会和谐的新林区,其压力很大。在木材限产和减产的前提下,一个曾经以木材生产为主产业的大型企业集团要实现跨越式发展就必须依托林区现有的发展优势,加快发展贴近林区实际的其它产业,在非林非木产业上打开二次创业的突破口。  相似文献   

天保工程区实现天然林休养生息据国家林业局有关部门负责人介绍,我国天然林资源保护工程实施7年来,累计完成荒山造林432.82万公顷,新封山育林884.96万公顷。工程区森林资源得到切实管护,林区经济、社会发展呈现新的生机和活力。天然林资源保护工程主要通过全面禁止长江上游、黄河上中游地区天然林的商品性采伐和大力调减东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区的木材产量,解决天然林资源的休养生息和恢复发展问题,实现林区生态建设与经济、社会的协调发展。天然林资源保护工程实施7年来,累计完成荒山造林432.82万公顷,新封山育林884.96万公顷;森林管护…  相似文献   

本文在总结大兴安岭林区实施天然林资源保护工程取得成绩的基础上,提出了在实施天然林资源保护工程中,应处理好保护与利用、木材减产与减人增效、天保工程与分类经营、天保工程与林场调整、企业转产与社会稳定、国家扶持与自力更生、资源保护与经济发展和社会进步7个方面的关系问题.  相似文献   

实施天然林保护工程是党中央、国务院作出的重大战略决策,是林业实现由木材生产为主向以生态建设为主的历史性转变的重大举措.确保天然林资源保护二期工程的顺利实施,将保护天然林资源作为一项长期稳定的政策,纳入国家和地区经济社会可持续发展战略,是切实保护好有限的天然林资源,加快林业发展,构建和谐林区的必然选择.天然林保护工程实施13年来,阿尔泰山国有林管理局于2005年起全面停止林木采伐,调整产业结构,加大封山育林、森林抚育、人工促进天然更新工作力度,使阿山林区天然林长期过伐现象得到了有效遏制,森林资源得到了充分保护,也加快了后备森林资源培育,在改善阿勒泰地区脆弱的自然生态环境、再造西北边疆秀美山川中发挥了不可替代的作用.但在森林资源管护中存在的一些问题仍不容忽视,应认真查找原因,采取有效对策及措施,尽快解决和完善,把阿山林区天然林保护工程推向新的阶段.  相似文献   

世界非木材林产品的现状及其发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
随着科学技术的进步和森林综合效益的提高,非木材林产品在促进当地社区的经济发展、保护生态环境和促进林业可持续发展方面的作用日益突出。文中介绍了世界几个国家非木材林产品的生产利用、研究情况;分析了目前非木材林产品开发利用中存在的问题并提出了相应的对策;最后预测了非木材林产品的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Malian Forest Service activities and policies have evolved since the beginning of colonialism under the assumption that forests and their products are the property of the government. Today the importance of involving local people in forest management is recognized. The purpose of this research was to determine the range of non-timber forest products local people use either for direct consumption or for income generation and to identify the trees/shrubs that yield these products in natural forests, fallow lands and crop fields. A gender analysis of the data was also conducted. The data were collected from face-to-face structured interviews using open-ended questions of 92 randomly sampled households in six Malian villages. One-half of the interviews were conducted with women and the other half were with men. The study identified 55 different non-timber forest products produced by 108 plant species. Almost all (99%) of the products identified are used for personal consumption, whereas 68% of the products are also used to generate income. Products such as firewood, leaves for sauces, shea nuts for oil/butter, seeds for condiments and nuts/seeds for soap are the most frequently mentioned products collected by women. Different categories of products like utensils/house materials, animal feed and construction materials (thatch, poles, mats) are the products most frequently collected by men. Ninety percent of the products collected are found in the natural forests; 63% are collected from trees on fallow lands and 51% from scattered trees in crop fields. Forest Service support of villagers using non-timber forest products would create an economic relationship between the forest and the local people. This is essential for the protection of the forest because people will safeguard their interests.  相似文献   

海南生态立省背景下的林业可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张淑芬 《热带林业》2006,34(1):17-20
应用生态地理学与可持续发展理论,分析海南生态省建设与林业可持续发展的关系,表明以海南岛热带林既是海南生态立省的基本资源,也是社会经济发展的环境条件和生态屏障;林业可持续经营应贯彻保护、恢复与发展并重的原则,建立海南岛生态公益林体系和商品林体系。中南部山区重点保护和恢复热带天然林,发展森林旅游业和非木产业;海岸平原建立海岸和农田防护林体系,保护和恢复红树林;丘陵台地大力发展商品林、果木和其他混林农业。  相似文献   

太行山片麻岩坡地生态经济林的配置技术及效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据林分的配置形式主义和防护、经济效益发挥的侧重点不同,将生态经济林划分为防护型经济林、经济型防护林和交互式防护经济林等3种模式;然后分别阐述了3种模式生态经济林的含义、适宜条件和配置技术;最后通过分析各种模式的经济产出调查数据,研究了生态经济林的经济效益。  相似文献   

自由贸易体制对中国林产品贸易可持续发展影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林产品自然属性决定其贸易活动熏更多涉及到自然资源和环境保护方面的问题。中国作为世界重要林产品进出口大国,森林资源的匮乏与经济快速发展使得林产品进口依存度不断提高,WTO倡导的自由贸易体制深刻影响中国林产品贸易的可持续发展。自由贸易体制影响中国林产品贸易规模、产业结构及贸易政策的选择。多边贸易体制下,自由贸易与环境保护博弈发展,自由贸易体制要求中国林产品贸易可持续发展设计合理的制度安排及路径选择。  相似文献   

Ever-wet forests of SW Sri Lanka are biodiversity hot spots with a wealth of potentially useful and currently used species. Traditional peoples surrounding these forests depend on them for a variety of focds, medicinals and the like as well as for timber. Some of these forests are being preserved as storehouses of diversity that include rare endemics and wild relatives of useful plants. Other natural forests and plantations must be managed for multiple uses including timber and non-timber products used by the forest dependent villagers. Understanding the ecological, social and economic interdependence of forests and rural communities is vital for the future forestry sector development in Sri Lanka. As many of the plants used locally are characteristic of early stages of gap regeneration, timber and non-timber products are compatible uses, given sufficiently judicious management. Anthropological and biological research is now in progress to plan for multiple use management of Sri Lankan ever-wet forests.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential of cardamom for poverty alleviation and sustainable rural development under conditions of increased resource scarcity in the uplands of northern Laos. Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative fieldwork in Luang Namtha province, the supply chain of cardamom is identified and the socio-economic opportunities for collectors and growers are examined. Rising demand in neighbouring countries, particularly China, provide sound income opportunities for all actors in the cardamom supply chain. Growing improved varieties has become a boon for farmers endowed with relatively large land areas with suitable agro-ecological conditions. However, land-poor and landless collectors of wild cardamom are facing increasing difficulties due to overharvesting, lower prices offered by middlemen, and the rapid conversion of remaining forests into monoculture plantations, especially rubber, which has reduced the natural habitat of cardamom and other non-timber forest products. The major policy implication is that protecting the remaining natural and secondary forests—for instance through making use of evolving international support mechanisms for community-based forest protection, including REDD-plus—will not only be of benefit for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation, but would also enhance the livelihoods of the poorest groups in the uplands of northern Laos.  相似文献   


As people become more interested in personal health and family activities, demand for wild forest products has increased. This increased demand coupled with an increased concern for sustainable m anagement practices has focused attention on the variety of issues and products involved in the non-timber forest products industry. Forest management organizations have gradually increased funding for research and management of non-timber forest products over the past two decades. The broad categories of U.S. non-timber forest products include floral greens, Christmas greens, ornamentals and craft materials, wild edibles, medicinals, ceremonials/culturals, and native transplants. The increase in resource pressure has had many policy reactions, including restricted access, harvesting fees, and harvest limits. Opportunities for public input to policy decisions on federal, state and private land are often unclear or nonexistent. Researchers, managers, and policy makers are working to understand the multitude of issues surrounding non-timber forest products, including biology, management, public policy and equity issues.  相似文献   

How much to cut and to remain, as well as when to cut is an important decision-making issue in forest management. Unlike forest age, forest stock and harvest levels are applicable to both plantations and natural forests. This paper investigates the optimal forest stock and harvest with the consideration of both timber and non-timber benefits. The impacts of the discount rate, silvicultural cost, marginal timber benefit, and marginal non-timber benefit on the optimal forest stock and harvest are also examined. The results indicate that forest stock should be thickened when non-timber benefits are valued in addition to timber. The optimal steady state stock increases with a decrease in the discount rate, or an increase in marginal non-timber benefit. However, the impacts of the discount rate, marginal timber benefit, and marginal non-timber benefit on the optimal steady state harvest are ambiguous. In addition, a decrease in the discount rate has the same effect on the optimal steady state stock and harvest as an increase in the ratio of marginal non-timber benefit to marginal timber benefit. These theoretical results are illustrated through an empirical example of the US coniferous forests.  相似文献   

我国天然林保护PPP治理框架构建与推进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在天然林保护领域引入政府和社会资本合作(PPP),有利于充分发挥天然林资源的生态服务功能,实现森林生态产品供求有机链接,促进政府公共投资引导优势与社会资本资源开发技术优势以及市场发现优势正向互补。相比其他领域,目前尚未检索到天然林保护PPP的理论研究文献。文中对国内外相关理论研究和实践经验进行总结,分析我国天然林保护PPP的可行性与必要性,设计包括盈利模式、机制体系、具体型式和载体的天然林保护PPP治理框架,并给出相应的对策建议,以期推动我国天然林保护PPP的有效运转,为社会提供优质高效的森林生态产品和服务。  相似文献   

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