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玉米田主要杂草对烟嘧磺隆的抗性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确我国玉米田杂草对烟嘧磺隆的抗性水平及分布现状,于2010—2011年自山东、吉林、四川、河北4省采集连续多年施用烟嘧磺隆的玉米田杂草种子样本121个,在温室内采用盆栽法测定了其对烟嘧磺隆的抗性。结果显示:4个杂草样本对烟嘧磺隆产生了抗性,其中山东淄博张店区傅家镇高家村的牛筋草抗性种群的GR50为25.76g/hm2,是敏感种群(1.33g/hm2)的19.37倍,已产生明显的抗药性;四川彭山县谢家镇岳油村的稗草、河北大城县广安镇夏屯村的虎尾草和河北邯郸的狗尾草分别产生了6.14、5.43和5.65倍的低水平抗性;其余杂草样本均无明显抗性。同一杂草不同采集地点的敏感样本对烟嘧磺隆的敏感性存在差异。  相似文献   

温室盆栽条件下研究了反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus、马唐Digitaria sanguinalis、稗草Echinochloa crus-galli、牛筋草Eleusine indica和苘麻Abutilon theophrasti 5种杂草对烟嘧磺隆的敏感性。结果表明:反枝苋和稗草对该药剂最敏感,而苘麻对烟嘧磺隆的耐药性最高。药液中添加2.5 mL/L的有机硅助剂Silwet L-77提高了对除马唐以外的所有草种的防除效果,表明在作用于马唐时Silwet L-77与烟嘧磺隆之间存在拮抗作用。杂草叶龄对烟嘧磺隆的药效有明显的影响,3~5叶期施药,防效高达89.9%以上,而7叶期的防效只有75%。药后1.5 h和3.0 h降水3 mm降低了烟嘧磺隆的防效,但药后6.0 h降雨对药效无显著影响。烟嘧磺隆与Silwet L-77混用,可提高药剂对反枝苋的抗雨水冲刷能力,但对马唐的效果没有提高。  相似文献   

烟嘧磺隆的研究与开发进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文概述了烟嘧磺隆除草剂的发现过程、作用机理、合成研究及其应用开发进展和市场前景。  相似文献   

通过室内盆栽法对山东省8个地区大豆田杂草马唐抗药性水平进行测定。结果表明,以抗性系数RI作为标准,山东省济南、东营、日照地区马唐对精喹禾灵和稀禾啶表现有较为明显的抗药性,抗性系数均在5.00以上,3个地区对精喹禾灵和稀禾啶的抗性系数分别为7.78和8.00、6.26和7.90、5.87和5.01,其次是泰安、枣庄和青岛,抗性系数分别为6.31和4.77、5.84和3.97、3.14和3.66,抗性不明显的是潍坊和淄博,抗性系数分别是3.04和2.51、1.06和3.13。其中抗性系数超过3的占全部测定地区的87.5%,说明对精喹禾灵、稀禾啶抗性马唐种群在山东省多数种植大豆田地区存在。  相似文献   

助剂对烟嘧磺隆的增效作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在温室条件下研究了13种助剂对烟嘧磺隆防除稗草和狗尾草的增效作用。结果表明,无机盐助剂中的硫酸铵和硝酸铵、表面活性剂中的有机硅Silwet408、油类助剂中的油酸异丁酯有较好的增效作用。  相似文献   

不同玉米品种对烟嘧磺隆的敏感性差异   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
烟嘧磺隆是玉米田重要的芽后除草剂,采用温室盆栽和皿内生测法比较了32种不同玉米品种对烟嘧磺隆的敏感性差异。温室盆栽测定结果表明,在烟嘧磺隆大田常规用量60g/hm2下,各品种对药剂的敏感性差异显著,泰玉2号(正交)、金珍珠、泰玉15号、紫糯等7个品种对烟嘧磺隆表现较为敏感,株高抑制率均在40.4%以上,鲜重抑制率在31.37%以上,表现为植株生长受到抑制、叶片黄化、新叶牛尾状扭曲不能正常抽出;淄玉2号、泰玉2号(反交)、聊玉18、鲁原单33、鲁原单14、郑单958等品种的株高抑制率在30.6%~38.1%,敏感性略低,植株外部形态无明显变化;而农大2008、农大108、鑫玉958和泰玉12号生长正常,耐药性相对较高,无明显药害症状。其它品种介于豫单2002和鑫玉958之间。皿内生测法测定表明,烟嘧磺隆对玉米幼苗主根长的抑制存在较大差异,根据IC50值,各品种敏感性依次为:泰玉2号(正交)>金珍珠>泰玉7号>紫糯>泰玉2号(反交)>泰玉15>费玉5号>新单23>户单2000>聊玉19>泰玉12>鲁原单33>聊玉18>农大108>农大2008。  相似文献   

烟嘧磺隆对不同玉米品种的安全性测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用温室盆栽法比较了登海系列的几个玉米品种对烟嘧磺隆的敏感性差异。结果表明,以株高和鲜重抑制率为指标,各品种对药剂的敏感性差异显著;而且施药后不同品种叶绿素和根系活力的变化与生理形态上的药害差异表现出一致性趋势。  相似文献   

马唐生物学特性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内试验研究温度、土壤含水量、水层和土层深度对马唐萌发和生长的影响。结果表明,马唐最适萌发温度为25-35℃,最低萌发温度为10-15℃,最高萌发温度为40~45℃;马唐萌发最适土壤含水量为40%,土壤含水量低于10%、大于50%时,萌发率显著降低;水层对马唐影响较大,水层处理可显著降低马唐的出苗率;随着土层深度的增加,马唐出苗率逐渐降低,土层深度〉7cm则马唐不能出苗。  相似文献   

为明确玉米田主要杂草反枝苋对烟嘧磺隆的抗性水平及靶标抗性分子机理,采用整株水平测定法检测了黑龙江省玉米田反枝苋对烟嘧磺隆的抗性水平,通过靶标酶离体活性测定,分析了抗性和敏感种群反枝苋乙酰乳酸合成酶 (ALS) 对烟嘧磺隆的敏感性,并通过靶标ALS基因克隆测序进行了序列比对分析。结果显示:黑龙江省反枝苋疑似抗性种群 (HLJ-R) 对烟嘧磺隆已产生较高水平抗性,其抗性倍数达13.7;酶活性测定结果表明:烟嘧磺隆对HLJ-R种群ALS活性的抑制中浓度 (IC50) 值是对敏感种群 (TA-S) IC50值的43.9倍;与TA-S种群相比,HLJ-R种群ALS基因205位丙氨酸突变为缬氨酸,574位色氨酸突变为亮氨酸。研究表明,黑龙江省玉米田反枝苋对烟嘧磺隆已产生较高水平抗性,且靶标ALS基因的突变可能是其抗性产生的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

烟嘧磺隆的高效液相色谱分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用高效液相色谱内标法,以乙腈 水为流动相,邻苯二甲酸二甲酯为内标物,使用SymmetryShieldTMRP-C18不锈钢柱和二极管阵列检测器,在237nm波长下对试样中的烟嘧磺隆进行分离和定量分析。结果表明烟嘧磺隆的线性关系系数为0.9998,测定4%烟嘧磺隆悬浮剂时,标准偏差为0.029,变异系数为0.70%,平均回收率为99.92%;测定烟嘧磺隆原药时,标准偏差为0.23,变异系数为0.26%,平均回收率为100.16%。  相似文献   

马唐病原真菌的分离筛选及其致病力测定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从马唐罹病植株上分离到 6种病原真菌 :中隔弯孢、新月弯孢、多节长蠕孢、灰梨孢、链格孢和粉红镰孢。其中新月弯孢和多节长蠕孢对玉米有致病作用 ,灰梨孢对水稻有轻微的致病作用 ;另3种病原真菌中 ,链格孢和粉红镰孢对马唐致病性弱 ,而中隔弯孢菌株对 4叶期以下的马唐有极强的致病作用 ,室内控制效果可达 1 0 0 % ,田间控制可达 75%以上。对中隔弯孢菌株QZ 2 0 0寄主范围测定表明 :该菌对水稻、玉米、大豆、棉花、小麦、向日葵、花生等作物及黑麦草、高羊茅和狗牙根等草坪草十分安全 ,具有开发为作物田和草坪真菌除草剂的潜力  相似文献   

马唐是我国常见的旱田杂草之一,然而近年来在部分地区直播稻田危害十分严重.本研究测定了马唐种子萌发和幼苗建成过程中对不同环境因子的响应特征,以期为直播稻田马唐综合防控提供科学依据.结果表明:马唐在 L//D=12 h//12 h,光照/黑暗阶段温度分别为40℃/30℃、35℃/25℃、30℃/20℃、25℃/15℃、20...  相似文献   

对马唐草新月弯孢霉Curvularia lunata(Wakker)Boedijn菌株MT-011的生物学特性测定结果表明:该菌株致病性强,菌丝体生长最适温度30℃,致死温度65℃/10min,最适pH值7,碳源以D-果糖最佳,氮源以硝酸钠最佳。产生分生孢子最适温度为30℃,最适pH值9,碳源以蔗糖产孢量最大,氮源以赖氨酸产孢量最高。分生孢子萌发温度在20~40℃之间没有差异,萌发率均达90%以上;最适pH值7;光暗交替为最佳光照条件。除赖氨酸外所有供试碳源和氮源的孢子萌发率都很高,处理之间没有差异。MT-011菌株产生的活性物质作用于马唐草,可使叶片黄化或枯死脱落,与用菌体接种时造成大量叶片黄化或枯萎的症状极为相似。代谢产物对指示植物柱花草、辣椒和玉米的种子发芽后的根茎生长都有明显的抑制作用,抑制率达83.27%,表现出很好除草活性。  相似文献   

 本文主要研究影响马唐生防菌弯孢霉(curvularia sp.)菌株QZ-200营养生长、孢子萌发及孢子形成的因子。该菌在SCS(黄豆粉-玉米粉-蔗糖)培养基上生长最好;生长温度为10~40℃,最适为28℃;pH为2~11,最适pH为6;在以葡萄糖为碳源、以磷酸氢二铵为N源的Czapek培养基上生长良好。分生孢子萌发的温度为10~45℃,最适为28~30℃,失活温度为52℃10min;pH为2~11,适宜为5~8;以自由水或饱和湿度条件下萌发率最高;1%蛋白胨、1%牛肉浸膏、0.1%的TW-80、1%马唐煎汁和0.2%的菜籽油溶液明显提高萌发速度。该菌孢子形成的温度为15~35℃,最适为28℃;连续光照比光暗12h交替处理更有利于产孢,黑光灯为最佳光源。  相似文献   

Summary Populations of Setaria faberi and Digitaria sanguinalis cross-resistant to sethoxydim and fluazifop-P-butyl were identified in a vegetable cropping system in Wisconsin, USA, in 1991 and 1992 respectively. Experiments were conducted with partially purified acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) to determine whether resistance to sethoxydim and other ACCase inhibitors in S. faberi and D. sanguinalis resulted from altered enzyme activity. Based on I50 values (the herbicide dose that inhibited ACCase activity by 50% compared with untreated ACCase), ACCase of the resistant accession of S. faberi was 4.8-, 10.6- and 319-fold resistant to clethodim, fluazifop-P acid and sethoxydim, respectively, compared with that of the susceptible accession. Similarly, ACCase of the resistant accession of D. sanguinalis was 5.8-, 10.3- and 66-fold resistant to clethodim, fluazifop-P acid and sethoxydim respectively. These results indicated that resistance to ACCase inhibitors in these accessions of S. faberi and D. sanguinalis resulted from an altered ACCase enzyme that confers a very high level of resistance to sethoxydim.  相似文献   

Digitaria sanguinalis is a troublesome annual weed that causes important yield losses in different crops. Despite this, there is scarce information about different aspects of its biology under field conditions. New knowledge about the establishment process of this species will be of paramount importance in order to maximise the effectiveness of weed management. The aims of this paper were to evaluate the effect of stubble found on the surface on seed dormancy levels through the season, the effects of stubble and soyabean crop canopy on seedling emergence and to determine the field emergence pattern as a consequence of seed dormancy level at dispersal time. Seeds on the soil surface, which showed a high dormancy level at the beginning of autumn, were released from dormancy by low winter temperatures and germinated during spring as temperatures rose, showing a transient surface seedbank. Seeds covered by stubbles had delayed the emergence in the field due to lower alternating temperatures perceived by the surface seedbank. On the other hand, the presence of a soyabean crop and stubble together reduced the number of seedlings. Seeds with a high dormancy level at dispersal time showed a delayed emergence in the next season when compared with seeds with a lower dormancy level. However, the final number of seedlings was similar. Both stubble on surface and crop canopy are useful factors to lessen and delay the seedling emergence allowing the design of weed management strategies in order to diminish the population levels of this species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mesotrione is a carotenoid biosynthesis‐inhibiting herbicide currently labeled for crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) control. Mesotrione control of large crabgrass has been reported to vary with temperature and relative humidity; however, the effect of irradiance on mesotrione efficacy has not previously been reported. Likewise, little is known about pigment concentrations of Digitaria spp. The present research investigated the effects of mesotrione on large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., control and pigment concentrations under varying irradiance at three temperatures. RESULTS: Mesotrione (0.28 kg ha?1) control of large crabgrass did not differ between temperature levels (18, 26 and 32 °C). Control was similar at tested irradiance levels (600, 1100 and 1600 µmol m?2 s?1). Mesotrione reduced large crabgrass chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoid concentrations, as well as chlorophyll a to b ratios. Treated plant bleaching was highest 7 days after treatment (DAT) but decreased by 21 DAT. Treated plants were less than 10% necrotic 3 and 7 DAT but nearly 35% necrotic 21 DAT. Treated large crabgrass bleaching was highest and photochemical efficiency was lowest 7 DAT. These results indicate that some plant recovery occurs prior to 21 DAT. CONCLUSION: Although mesotrione efficacy has previously been reported to vary according to environmental factors, mesotrione control of large crabgrass did not vary with measured temperature and irradiance levels in this study. On account of crabgrass convalescence, secondary applications of mesotrione may control large crabgrass more effectively when applied prior to 21 DAT. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Knowledge of weed population dynamics is crucial for designing effective weed management practises. A field experiment was carried out at Torre Marimon (near Barcelona, north‐eastern Spain) in 2006 and 2007 in order to study the effects of the seedling emergence time on Digitaria sanguinalis fitness. Three and four cohorts were monitored in 2006 and 2007, respectively. In 2007, the seedling density was fourfold greater than in 2006. At the end of the growing season, no statistically significant differences in survival were detected among the cohorts in 2006 (the mean survival rate was 88%); in contrast, in 2007, individual survival varied depending on the cohort, ranging from 25–88%. The reproductive traits and seed production were significantly influenced by the emergence time. In the cohorts that emerged very close in time, the individuals of the first cohort on average had more than threefold the amount of seed production than those of the last cohort. However, not all the surviving individuals were able to reproduce because they were infected by the smut, Ustilago syntherismae.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to compare growth characteristics, biomass production and glucosinolate content of seven autumn‐planted glucosinolate‐producing cover crops that were terminated the following spring. The control of Digitaria sanguinalis and Amaranthus palmeri following cover crop incorporation into soil was characterised and fruit yields of bell pepper transplanted into cover crop‐amended soil were determined. Differences in glucosinolate concentration and composition were noted between cover crop roots and shoots and among cover crops. Total biomass production by cover crops ranged from 103 g m−2 for garden cress to 894 g m−2 for Indian mustard (F‐E75), but cover crop biomass was not correlated with D. sanguinalis and A. palmeri control. D. sanguinalis and A. palmeri control in bell pepper varied by cover crop. D. sanguinalis control by cover crops ranged from 38% to 79%, and A. palmeri control was 23% to 48% at 4 weeks after transplanting (WATP) bell pepper in 2004. D. sanguinalis control was positively correlated with total glucosinolate production, but A. palmeri control was not. D. sanguinalis control in 2005 ranged from 0% to 38% at 2 WATP. In the absence of weeds, cover crops did not negatively affect fruit yields which were often higher than in the absence of a cover crop. Glucosinolate‐producing cover crops are not a stand‐alone weed management strategy, but some will provide early season control of D. sanguinalis and A. palmeri without having a negative effect on transplanted bell pepper.  相似文献   

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