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Relationships between CO(2) assimilation at light saturation (A(max)), nitrogen (N) content and weight per unit area (W(A)) were studied in leaves grown with contrasting irradiances (outer canopy versus inner canopy) and N supply rates in field-grown nectarine trees Prunus persica L. Batsch. cv. Fantasia. Both A(max) and N content per unit leaf area (N(A)) were linearly correlated to W(A), but leaves in the high-N treatment had higher N(A) and A(max) for the same value of W(A) than leaves in the low-N treatment. The curvilinear relationship between photosynthesis and total leaf N was independent of treatments, both when expressed per unit leaf area A(maxA) and N(A)) and per unit leaf weight (A(maxW) and N(W)), but the relationship was stronger when data were expressed on a leaf area basis. Both A(maxA) and N(A) were higher for outer canopy leaves than for inner canopy leaves and A(maxW) and N(W) were higher for leaves in the high-N treatment than for leaves in the low-N treatment. The relationship between A(max) and N resulted in a similar photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency at light saturation (A(max)NUE) for both N and light treatments. Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency was similar among treatments throughout the whole light response curve of photosynthesis. Leaves developed in shade conditions did not show higher N-use efficiency at low irradiance. At any intercellular CO(2) partial pressure (C(i)), photosynthetic CO(2) response curves were higher for outer canopy leaves and, within each light treatment, were higher for the high-N treatments than for the low-N treatments. Consequently, most of the differences among treatments disappeared when photosynthesis was expressed per unit N. However, slightly higher assimilation rates per unit N were found for outer canopy leaves compared with inner canopy leaves, in both N treatments. Because higher daily irradiance within the canopies of the low-N trees more than compensated for the lower photosynthetic performances of these leaves compared to the leaves of high-N trees, daily carbon gain (and N-use efficiency on a daily assimilation basis) per leaf was higher for the low-N treatment than for the high-N treatment in both outer and inner canopy leaves.  相似文献   

以色木槭带芽茎段为外植体进行色木槭组织培养技术研究,通过对不同植物生长调节剂组合的筛选,诱导出丛生芽,获得了再生植株。结果表明:色木槭茎芽最佳灭菌效果是用0.2% HgCl2灭菌时间12 min ,存活率为65%;茎芽在MS培养基上添加0.2 mg ·L -1 NAA作为启动培养基,添加3.0 mg ·L -16-BA时可以实现增殖,增殖系数最大,为5.0;以1/2MS为基本培养基,取培养后健壮的芽苗,接种到含有0.1 mg ·L -1 NAA的培养基上进行生根培养,建立色木槭的组培体系。  相似文献   

以色木槭、拧劲槭天然林解析木为对象,用Logistic模型对树高、胸径、材积生长进行拟合,研究其生长规律。结果表明:树高、材积生长拟合效果良好。色木槭树高生长9 a前为生长前期,9~31 a为速生期,20 a为生长高峰年,31 a后为生长后期;材积生长25 a前为生长前期,25~38 a为速生期,32 a为生长高峰年,38 a后为生长后期。拧劲槭树高生长9 a前为生长前期,9~40 a为速生期,12 a为生长高峰年,40 a后为生长后期;材积生长28 a前为生长前期,28~43 a为速生期,36 a为生长高峰年,43 a后为生长后期。色木槭、拧劲槭树高、胸径生长在15 a前比较接近,15 a后色木槭明显高于拧劲槭;色木槭、拧劲槭材积生长在18 a前比较接近,18 a后色木槭明显高于拧劲槭。  相似文献   

五角枫苗木培育技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
五角枫为槭树科槭树属落叶小乔木,能吸附烟尘及有害气体,分泌挥发性杀菌物质,净化空气,树姿优美,叶色多变,是城乡优良的绿化树种,其树体含水量较大,而含油量较小,枯枝落叶分解较快,不易燃烧,也是理想的防火树种。采种母树应为品质优良的壮年植株,在秋季翅果由绿色变为黄褐色时采集,采种后需晒2~3d,去杂后再干藏。种子催芽采用中温水浸催芽时,催芽后待有30%的种子裂口露白,即可进行播种。  相似文献   

本文介绍了色木槭生物学特征、山地育苗地选择以及栽培技术中苗木选择、起苗、苗木处理、栽植、修剪方法、病虫害防治技术。  相似文献   

对影响建平地区色木槭林分天然更新幼树(苗)株数和高生长主导因子进行了调查研究,结果表明:(1)各因素对更新幼树(苗)株数影响大小依次为:坡向郁闭度坡位土层厚度,表明影响色木槭更新株数的主导因子是水分条件和光照;(2)对更新幼树(苗)高生长的影响因子排序为:坡向坡位郁闭度土层厚度,表明水分和养分条件是影响色木槭更新幼树高生长关键因子。  相似文献   

大蜀山五角枫林的群落结构及物种多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五角枫是多用途、多效益的优良经济树种,具有涵养水源、保持水土的生态效益.根据典型样地的调查资料,对安徽省合肥市大蜀山五角枫群落的物种组成、生活型特征、层次结构及物种多样性进行了研究.结果表明:群落内共出现维管束植物32科、56属、62种,乔木层树种有19种,优势种显著,优势种重要值按百分率的大小排序为五角枫(37%)>麻栎(12.13%)>朴树(7.35%)>马尾松(6.48%)>刺槐及其它树种(5.79%);群落区系地理成分主要由热带成分(47.83%)和温带成分(43.48%)组成;群落生活型以中高位芽和矮高佗芽植物为主,不同乍活型植物的物种多样性指数表现出灌木层>草本层>乔木层的规律;五角枫幼龄树的数量较少,自然更新较弱,正处于成熟阶段.  相似文献   

色木槭嫩枝扦插试验初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用光照喷雾装置,采用ABT生根粉处理色木槭半木质化嫩枝,在不同基质内进行色木槭嫩枝扦插试验。结果表明适宜的激素处理与选用适宜的扦插基质,可提高色木槭的扦插生根率,最高可达90%。  相似文献   

色木槭开花习性与幼果发育的观察与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对色木槭开花习性与幼果发育的观察与研究,结果表明:在相同小气候条件下,株闯花期物候特征相差4~6d,所需要的≥10℃的有效积温存在明显差异,是遗传差异作用的结果;然而花期差异不大,为15-16d。花的形态构造有2种类型、3个开放时间。即第1批花为雄蕊伸长型,第2批花为雌蕊伸长型,第3批既有雄蕊伸长型,亦有雌蕊伸长型;雌蕊伸长型最终发育成小幼果,存在部分花果同期现象。  相似文献   

Tsuda M  Tyree MT 《Tree physiology》1997,17(6):351-357
Hydraulic properties were studied in Acer saccharinum L., a riparian species that also grows well on a dry soil when transplanted. Hydraulic resistances were measured by two independent techniques: a new high-pressure flowmeter (HPFM) method and a conventional evaporative flux (EF) method. Vulnerability to cavitation was also investigated on petioles, stems and roots using a hydraulic conductivity technique. Vulnerability segmentation was found, i.e., roots, stems and petioles had different vulnerabilities to xylem dysfunction. Petioles were most vulnerable with 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity at -0.5 MPa, roots were least vulnerable (50% loss at -2.2 MPa) and stems were intermediate in vulnerability. The HPFM and the EF methods gave comparable results, except that the EF method gave a significantly higher value for resistance across petioles plus leaves. Native embolism was high enough to explain the discrepancy in resistance across petioles plus leaves between the HPFM and the EF methods, indicating that the HPFM estimates the minimum (potential) hydraulic resistance of plants. Whole-plant hydraulic resistance of A. saccharinum was low compared to resistances of other temperate species. The hydraulic characteristics of A. saccharinum were consistent with adaptation to its typical environment: low whole-plant resistance assures high transpiration rates in the presence of sufficient water, and vulnerability segmentation provides the ability to survive during droughts through shedding of expendable organs.  相似文献   

文章对内蒙古五角枫自然保护区植物种类、数量等进行阐述为保护工作提供基础资料。  相似文献   

色木槭次生林种群结构动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以种群生命表及生存分析理论为基础,将林木依胸径大小分级,以林木径级结构代表年龄结构,编制了色木槭种群的特定时间生命表,绘制了存活曲线、死亡率曲线、损失度曲线和生存函数曲线,分析种群数量特征。结果表明:色木槭种群幼年个体丰富,中老年个体较少,种群在第Ⅲ和第Ⅷ径级出现死亡高峰,种群存活曲线属于Deevey-Ⅱ型,色木槭种群...  相似文献   

Hikosaka K  Hirose T 《Tree physiology》2000,20(18):1249-1254
Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE, photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf nitrogen) varies among species from different habitats and correlates with several ecological characteristics such as leaf life span and leaf mass per area. We investigated eight evergreen broad-leaved woody species with different leaf life spans that coexist in a warm-temperate forest. We determined photosynthetic capacity at ambient CO(2) concentration in saturated light, nitrogen concentration, and the concentration of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase), a key enzyme of photosynthesis and the largest sink of nitrogen in leaves. Each species showed a strong correlation between photosynthetic capacity and RuBPCase concentration, and between RuBPCase concentration and nitrogen concentration. Photosynthetic capacity of leaves decreased with increasing leaf life span, whereas PNUE did not correlate significantly with leaf life span. There was a twofold variation in PNUE among species. This relatively small variation in PNUE is consistent with the argument that species that coexist in a single habitat maintain a similar PNUE. The two components of PNUE-photosynthetic rate per unit RuBPCase and RuBPCase per unit leaf nitrogen-were not significantly correlated with other leaf characteristics such as leaf life span and leaf mass per area. We conclude that differences in PNUE are relatively small among coexisting species and that differences in absolute amounts of photosynthetic proteins lead to differences in photosynthetic productivity among species.  相似文献   

采用不同质量浓度的IAA和不同浸种时间处理色木槭种子,进行种子发芽率、发芽指数及活力指数测定试验.结果表明:随IAA质量浓度、浸种时间的增加,种子发芽率、发芽指数及活力指数呈先上升后下降的趋势,最适的IAA质量浓度为150 mg·L-1,最佳的浸种时间为21 h,此时的发芽率、发芽指数及活力指数分别为85%、9.6、1...  相似文献   

为建立色木槭芽直接增殖的诱导培养体系,以色木槭野生树木休眠芽萌发枝条为材料,进行芽增殖的培养条件研究。结果表明,4月份是适宜休眠芽培养的取材时期。嫩茎在2%次氯酸钠浸泡20 min是最佳消毒方案。NAA浓度对休眠芽萌发和嫩茎生长的影响具有显著差异。MS+0.1 mg/L NAA+20 g/L蔗糖(pH5.8)是适合休眠芽萌发和嫩茎伸长的培养基。培养30天时,腋芽萌发率可达63.3%,嫩茎平均高度可达15.9 mm。6-BA对芽直接增殖的促进效果好于KT。不同激素组合中,IBA与6-BA组合对芽增殖和丛生芽生长的效果好于NAA与6-BA组合、NAA与KT组合、IBA与KT组合。MS+0.1 mg/L IBA+1 mg/L 6-BA+20 g/L蔗糖是适合芽增殖和丛生芽生长的培养基。培养30天时,芽增殖率可达90%,增殖倍数可达3.19,且茎芽生长正常。  相似文献   

根据系列调查资料,分析比较多个单木竞争因子,用回归分析法建立了帽儿山天然次生林区色木(Acermono Maxim.)单木生长模型。研究结果表明:所选的常用的单木竞争指数与天然次生林下生长的色木的胸径生长量相关不显著,而对象木相对直径(RD)、竞争压力指数(CSI)等指标与胸高断面积定期生长量存在比较明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

Acer mono Maxim. is one of the major components of cool temperate forests in Japan. Some of its many varieties are distributed sympatrically. Because of its great variability, the intraspecific taxonomy and nomenclature of the species are controversial. To understand the genetic relationships among these varieties and whether hybridization or introgression occurred among the sympatric varieties, we studied the genetic relationships among sympatric varieties of A. mono in the Chichibu Mountains(A. mono var. ambiguum, A. mono var. connivens, A. mono var. marmoratum) and Central Hokkaido(A. mono var.mayrii and A. mono var. glabrum) in Japan. Our results showed that varieties in Chichibu are genetically close,suggesting that hybridization or introgression might occur between these varieties, which could explain the higher genetic diversity of varieties in Chichibu than in Hokkaido.In contrast to the close relationships between the varieties in Chichibu, varieties in Hokkaido seemed relatively separated from each other; indeed, there may be reproductive isolation between the two varieties. The results provide new insight for the taxonomy of the varieties of A. mono,especially the sympatric varieties, in Japan.  相似文献   

阔叶树截留降雨试验与模型——以色木槭为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验室模拟试验,得到不同雨强和叶面积指数组合下的色木槭截留降雨过程,并考虑树冠湿润度的影响.结果表明:单位叶面积次降雨最大截留量随雨强增大而减小,枝叶截留速率随树冠湿润度变化而变化.构建色木槭截留降雨随雨强和叶面积指数变化的模型,对模型模拟验证,模拟精度为92.7%.  相似文献   

利用Li-6400便携式光合仪测量10个种源美国红枫的光合速率及蒸腾速率,分析美国红枫光合速率及蒸腾速率日变化规律,比较不同种源美国红枫光合作用的差异。结果表明:美国红枫净光合速率日变化呈典型单峰曲线,光合速率与光量子密度呈显著正相关;蒸腾速率日变化趋势与净光合速率相似,两者呈显著正相关。不同种源间光合速率存在显著差异,光合速率较高的种源为4#、5#、6#,较低的种源为1#、2#、10#。不同种源间蒸腾速率差异显著,蒸腾速率较高的种源为4#、7#、8#,较低的种源为1#、2#、10#。  相似文献   

杨玲  沈海龙  张振全  张军保  张鹏 《林业科学》2012,48(12):116-121
色木槭(Acer mono)又名色树、色木(东北)、五角槭、水色树等,属槭树科(Aceraceae)槭属(Acer)植物,落叶乔木,树高15~20m,胸径可达30cm,自然分布于我国东北、华北与长江流域中下游,朝鲜半岛、蒙古、东西伯利亚、日本亦有分布,为槭属树种中分布最为广泛的种(陈嵘,1937;高风华,2009)。色木槭树势优美,枝叶浓密,叶形秀丽,嫩叶红色,入  相似文献   

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