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Tendon injury is one of the most common causes of wastage in the performance horse; the majority of tendon injuries occur to the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) whereas few occur to the common digital extensor tendon. This review outlines the epidemiology and aetiology of equine tendon injury, reviews the different functions of the tendons in the equine forelimb and suggests possible reasons for the high rate of failure of the SDFT. An understanding of the mechanisms leading to matrix degeneration and subsequent tendon gross failure is the key to developing appropriate treatment and preventative measures.  相似文献   

The cause of grass sickness, an equine dysautonomia, is unknown. The disease usually results in death. Gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction is a common clinical manifestation in all forms of the disease. It is generally thought that equine grass sickness (EGS) is caused by an ingested or enterically produced neurotoxin which is absorbed through the GI tract. Clostridium botulinum was first implicated as a causative agent when it was isolated from the GI tract of a horse with EGS in 1919. The aim of the present study was to investigate the hypothesis that EGS results from toxicoinfection with C. botulinum type C: growth of the bacterium in the GI tract with production of toxin (BoNT/C). Ileum contents and faeces from horses with EGS were investigated for BoNT/C, and indirectly for the presence of C. botulinum type C, and compared with control samples from horses without EGS. BoNT/C was detected directly by ELISA in the ileum of 45% (13/29) of horses with EGS compared to 4% (1/28) of controls, and in the faeces of 44% (20/45) of horses with EGS compared to 4% (3/77) of controls. Levels of up to 10 Mlg toxin/g wet weight of gut contents were observed. The one control horse with detectable toxin in the ileum had been clinically diagnosed as having acute EGS, but this was not confirmed by histopathology. The organism was detected indirectly by assaying for BoNT/C by ELISA after enrichment in culture medium. C. botulinum type C was shown to be present in 48% (14/29) of ileum samples and 44% (20/45) of faecal samples from horses with EGS, compared with 7% (2/27) of ileum samples and 8% (6/72) of faecal samples from controls. These results support the hypothesis that EGS results from a C. botulinum type C toxicoinfection.  相似文献   

The straight white spines of African Acacia species are conspicuous, rather than being brown and cryptic as in other species. In comparison with species with brown spines, Acacia spines are composed of less dense material. I suggest that by the Acacia spines being readily apparent, browsers can avoid biting them. This avoidance facilitates the trade-off of decreased sturdiness for increased apparency.  相似文献   

Quality control and client satisfaction are topics of considerable current interest in both human and veterinary healthcare. Crucial to this discussion is a proper definition of ‘quality of care’. This study applied, to (equine) veterinary care, a conceptual framework designed for assessing the quality of human healthcare and featuring structural deficiency, procedural inadequacy and disappointing outcome as key elements. This was done using court cases against equine practitioners as a yardstick for client dissatisfaction. Applying a system for evaluating the quality of healthcare may be a good way of monitoring and improving (equine) veterinary services, particularly once reliable indices for client satisfaction have been validated.  相似文献   

Equine ulcerative keratomycosis is relatively commonly presented to teaching hospitals in North America, with a prevalence from 24 to 86%. Horses in Colorado may have lower risk due to the dry mountain climate, but data are lacking. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of ulcerative keratomycosis amongst horses with ulcerative keratitis presented to Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (CSU-VTH) ophthalmology service and to evaluate environmental factors (season, temperature, humidity, wind speed and elevation) associated with ulcerative keratomycosis in Colorado. A database search identified horses with ulcerative keratitis presented to the ophthalmology service at CSU-VTH from January 2002 to August 2017. Sixty-one horses met the inclusion criteria of a corneal cytology and/or culture or histopathology at the time of diagnosis; cases lacking that were excluded. Environmental factors at the boarding sites, including season, temperature, humidity, wind speed and elevation and clinical outcomes for fungal cases, were recorded. Prevalence of fungal infection amongst equine ulcerative keratitis was 16.4% (10/61), suggesting that CSU-VTH has considerably fewer ulcerative keratomycosis cases than other veterinary teaching hospitals in North America. Spring (50%, 5/10) and fall (40%, 4/10) had the highest prevalence of fungal ulcerative keratitis in Colorado. Only one case was reported in summer (10%, 1/10); no horses were positive (0%, 0/10) in winter. Only wind speed seemed to influence the development of ulcerative keratomycosis with higher wind speeds associated with greater rates of fungal involvement (P = 0.047). Other environmental factors did not show a detectable association (all P-values >0.05). Outcomes were variable. It was concluded that horses from the area of CSU-VTH appear to be at lower risk for ulcerative keratomycosis than from the areas around other North American veterinary teaching hospitals that have reported data. Most horses with keratomycosis in this area present in the spring and fall.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic food conditioning of bears has resulted in recent increases in human–bear conflicts (HBCs) in Florida. Garbage is the leading cause of food conditioning of bears. Despite increased HBCs and related human safety concerns, municipal governments in Florida have generally not taken independent steps to prevent HBCs through altered garbage management. Rather, governments have relied on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to manage garbage-related HBCs. We used semi-structured interviews to identify obstacles to securing garbage from bears at the municipal level. Respondents included local government administrations and waste service providers. Political and economic costs of implementing bear-resistant garbage management practices were the major obstacles to securing garbage. Respondents argued that households will not pay for, or support, the implementation of bear-resistant trash cans. Recent adoption by four counties of ordinances requiring residents to secure their garbage from bears suggests that objections to adopting bear-resistant garbage management were overstated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify performance characteristics of good jumping horses, and to determine whether these were already detectable at foal age. Kinematic data were collected of horses performing free jumps over a 0.60 m high fence at six months of age and of these same horses jumping with a rider over a 1.15 m high fence at five years of age. At five years of age the horses were divided into three groups on the basis of a puissance competition: a group of seven best jumpers that made no errors and in the end cleared a 1.50 m high fence, a group of nine worst jumpers that were unable to clear a 1.40 m high fence, and an intermediate group of 13 horses. Longitudinal kinematic data was available for all seven best jumpers and for six of the nine worst jumpers. Average values of variables for the best jumpers were compared with those of the worst jumpers for the jumps over 1.15 m. In the group of best jumpers, the forelimbs were shorter at forelimb clearance due to increased elbow flexion, and the hind limbs were further retroflexed at hind limb clearance. The same superior technique in clearing fences with the limbs was also found in this group at six months of age. Nevertheless, for individual horses it turned out to be too far-fetched to predict adult jumping capacity on the basis of kinematic variables collected during submaximal jumps at foal age.  相似文献   

Diclofenac has been responsible for the deaths of millions of vultures on the Asian subcontinent. While the pathology of toxicity is well described, the mechanism of toxicity remains elusive. However, it was postulated that toxicity could be related to the unique avian renal vascular structure known as the renal portal valve and that that diclofenac altered valve functionality with subsequent renal ischaemia. While plausible, the valva renalis portalis has only been described in a small number of other bird species such as the chicken (Gallus domesticus), the domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) and ostrich (Struthio camelus) but not a raptor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the renal anatomy and related vasculature of the Cape griffon vulture (Gyps coprotheres) (CGV), a species sensitive to the toxic effects of diclofenac, using gross anatomy, histology and vascular casting. The vasculature of the vulture was found to be almost identical to that of the domestic chicken with the valva renalis portalis present in the v. iliaca externa between the v. renalis renalis cranialis and the v. renalis caudalus. The valve was ring-shaped with finger-like processes and histologically was composed of smooth muscle. The valve was also well vascularized and was associated with a nerve plexus. Based on the findings of this study, the proposed mechanism of toxicity is anatomically possible.  相似文献   

This article, a version of an earlier publication (6), reviews the human and veterinary literature on the effect of anti-microbials on uncomplicated Salmonella enteritis. The main conclusion is that there is no evidence for the widely held belief that anti-microbials prolong the time that salmonellae are shed.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to evaluate the ground Rosa canina seed at various levels (0%, 5%, and 15%) in barley-soybean-based concentrates offered to Morkaraman male lambs at approximately 8?months of age, on fattening performance, carcass, and meat quality characteristics. The lambs were divided into three treatment groups including R1 (concentrate without R. canina seed; n?=?12), R2 (concentrate with 5% R. canina seed; n?=?12), and R3 (concentrate with 15% R. canina seed; n?=?12) at the beginning of fattening period. The soybean meal was used as main protein source in treatment groups. All of the groups were fed a diet consisting of concentrate offered ad libitum and 300?g of grass hay per lamb per day during 60-day fattening period. The effect of diet on daily weight gain was found statistically significant. The control group had higher daily weight gain than R3 groups with 15% of ground R. canina seed. The hot carcass and cold carcass weights and dressing percentage values were affected by diets, and R3 group fed concentrate with 15% R. canina seed had higher carcass weights and dressing percentages than R1 and R2 groups. Differences among the groups in terms of leg, rib, and hindshank weights were found highly significant. While R1 and R2 groups were not significantly different, R3 group was significantly higher to R1 and R2 groups in leg, rib, and hindshank weights. In addition, meat color parameters and pH values were not affected by diets in present study.  相似文献   

With the hypothesis that police horses with abnormal cortisol circadian rhythm (CCR) had more chance to develop colic, the aim of this study was to determine the CCR ratio in horses subjected to different housing and work conditions and to associate abnormal CCR ratio with incidence of colic. A total of 116 police horses belonging to four different groups were studied. In all, 31 were full-time stabled and performed urban patrolling activity, 27 were full-time stabled and performed equine therapy and sports activities, 25 were part-time stabled and performed urban patrolling, and 33 animals were kept full-time on pasture and did not perform any kind of work activity. Venous blood samples were collected between 6 and 7 am and also 8 hours later, and cortisol concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay to calculate the CCR ratio. Annual colic incidences (6 months before and after the day on which CCR ratio was determined) were assessed by examining individual medical files. The overall incidence of abnormal CCR ratio (<0.30) was 63.3%, and 107 cases of colic were reported for this population with a mean incidence of 0.92 colic/horse/yr. Horses with abnormal CCR had 2.3 times more chance to have colic (95% CI: 1.07 to 5.28, P = .03) when compared with those with normal CCR. In conclusion, high incidence of abnormal CCR ratio indicates that police horses were under stressful conditions. Horses with abnormal CCR ratios were more prone to suffer colic episodes, indicating that CCR ratio determination could perhaps be useful in detecting horses at risk of colic.  相似文献   

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