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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature, light and oxygen on the germination of Amaranthus caudatus (var. viridis) seeds. At the highest temperature studied (35°C), seed germination was found to be most rapid and highest in both the dark and the light. Germination was inhibited by continuous white light. The lower the temperature, the greater the inhibitory effect of light. The far-red and blue spectral regions were the most effective in light inhibition. The light effect was also dependent on the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere around the seeds; it was less marked in O2-enriched atmospheres. Light/ oxygen dependency resulted from the action of the seed coat and endosperm. Scarified seeds were much less sensitive to light and hypoxia than non-scarified seeds. Effets combinés de la température, de la lumière et de I'oxygène sur la germination des graines d'Amaranthus caudatus L. Le but de ce travail était d'étudier les effets de la température, de la lumiere et de I'oxygène sur la germination des graines d'Amaranthus caudatus (var. viridis). A la temperature la plus élevée utilisée (35°C), la germination était la plus rapide et la plus complète tant à la lumière qu'à 1'obscuritè. La germination était inhibée par la lumière blanche continue. Plus la temperature était basse, plus 1'effet inhibiteur de la lumière était important. Les radiations rouge sombre et bleues du spectre étaient les plus in-hibitrices. L'effet de la lumière dépendait aussi de la teneur de 1'atmosphère en oxygène; il était moins marqué dans des atmosphères enrichies en oxygène. L'interaction lumière/oxygène provenait du tégument et de 1'albumen. Les graines scarifiées étaient beaucoup moins sensibles à la lumière et a 1'hypoxie que les graines non scarifiées. Wechselwirkungen von Temperatur, Licht und Sauerstoff auf die Keimung der Samen von Amaranthus caudatus L. Sowohl im Dunkeln als auch im Licht keimten die Samen von Amaranthus caudatus (var. viridis) bei 35°C, der höchsten Temperatur der Versuche, am schnellsten und meisten. Durch weiβes Dauerlicht wurde die Keimung gehemmt. Je niedriger die Temperatur, desto hölier die Hemmung durch Licht. Im entfernt roten und blauen Spektralbereich war die Lichthemmung am stärksten. Die Wirkung des Lichts hing auch vom Sauerstoffgehalt der die Samen umgebenden Luft ab: Bei O25-Anreiche-rung war sie weniger deutlich. Die Licht/ Sauerstoff-Wechselwirkung wurde von der Samenschale und dem Endosperm beeinfluβt: Geritzte Samen waren gegenüber Licht und O2-Mangel viel weniger empfindlich als ganze.  相似文献   

Seeds of Poa annua from original collections in Louisiana, Maryland and Wisconsin were grown together in Louisiana over a 3-year period. The freshly harvested seeds and samples stored in moist soil at 30°C were tested for germination at a range of temperatures to compare dormancy and germination characteristics. Seeds of the Louisiana population were dormant over the germination temperature range of 5–25°C, and imbibed storage for 2 weeks did not break dormancy. Freshly harvested seeds of the Maryland population germinated well (78%) at 10°C. With 1 week of imbibed storage at 30°C, germination was good over the range from 5 to 15°C and near 50% at 20°C. Storage for 2 weeks had little further effect. Freshly harvested seeds of two Wisconsin populations germinated above 50% throughout the range of temperatures, and imbibed storage for 2 weeks at 30°C had no effect on germination. The variations in the dormancy of freshly harvested seeds and the varying responses of dormancy breaking from storing imbibed seeds at 30°C suggests that these populations have adapted to avoid high summer temperatures in Louisiana and Maryland but to grow as a summer annual in Wisconsin.  相似文献   

Ray achenes of Parthenium hysterophorus L. from widely separated localities showed a positive relationship between length and weight, and those from northern India (higher latitude) were heavier than those from the south (lower latitude). The achenes germinated well in continuous light and in the dark, but maximum germination was obtained with a 10-h photoperiod. Increasing duration of light pretreatment from 6 to 48 h resulted in greater subsequent germination in the dark. The achenes germinated over a wide range of alternating temperature regimes, but achieved maximum percentage germination at 25–30°C/15–20°C. Despite significant quantitative variation, the overall germination behaviour of achenes of different sizes was similar, although large achenes always gave higher germination than small ones. Germination was significantly influenced by seed source. The north Indian populations showed higher percentage germination than those from south India. The patterns of response of achenes of different provenances to light and alternating diurnal temperatures were slightly different. Germination des akènes de Parthenium hysterophorus L.: effets de lu lumière, température et de la taille et origine des akènes Des akènes de Parthénium hysterophorus L. issus de localités très largement éloignées ont montré une corrélation positive entre la longueur et le poids; ceux du nord de l'Inde (latitude plus élevée) étaient plus lourds que ceux du sud (latitude plus basse). Les akènes ont bien germés tant en lumière continue, qu'à l'obscurité, mais le maximum de germination a été observé sous une photopériode de 10 heures. Une augmentation d'une préexposition à la lumière de 6 h à 48 h aboutit ensuite à une plus grande germination à l'obscurité. Les akènes ont germé sur un très large éventail de régimes de températures alternées mais on a obtenu le maximum de pourcentage de germination à 25–30°C/15–20°C. En dépit de variations quantitatives significatives, le comportement général de germination des akènes de tailles différentes a été comparable, même si les grands akènes germent toujours mieux que les petits. La germination est influencée de façon significative par la provenance de la graine. Les populations du nord de l'Inde expriment un pourcentage de germination plus élevé que celles du sud. Les comportements de réponse des akènes de différentes provenances à la lumière, et aux températures diurnes ont été légèrement différentes. Keimung der Achänen von Parthenium hysterophorus L.: Wirkung von Licht, Temperatur und Herkunft sowie Grösse der Achänen Die Achänen von Parthenium hysterophorus L. von weit voneinander liegenden Orten zeigten ein positives Längen-Gewicht-Verhältnis, wobei sie in Nordindien schwerer waren als im Süden. Die Achänen keimten im Dauerlicht und im Dunkeln gut, aber bei 10stündiger Lichtperiode am besten. Wenn sie zunächst einer von 6 bis auf 48 h gesteigerten Licht-Behandlung unterworfen wurden, keimten sie im Dunkeln besser. Die Achänen keimten über eine weite Spanne wechselnder Temperatur; die maximale Keimrate wurde bei 25–30/15–20°C gefunden. Trotz signifikanter Unterschiede war die Keimung verschieden grosser Achänen im grossen und ganzen ähnlich, wenn auch die grossen immer stärker als die kleinen keimten. Die Keimung war signifikant von der Herkunft beeinflusst: Die Achänen aus Nordindien hatten eine grössere Keimrate als die aus dem Süden. Das Verhalten der Achänen verschiedener Herkunft gegenüber Licht und wechselnder Tagestemperatur war wenig unterschiedlich.  相似文献   

Seeds of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L., cv. Liglandor) were induced into secondary dormancy by imbibing them for 2-4 weeks in an osmotic solution at -1500 kPa in darkness. Treated seeds were then transferred into pots or Petri dishes, where they were given adequate water for germinatton. These pots and Petri dishes were exposed to various temperature regimes during the course of the following 6–14 months. During that time, seed samples were taken at 2- to 6- weekly intervals to monitor survival of seeds and to study their dormancy. The ntimber of seeds that had not germinated in pots or Petri dishes remained constant in the majority of treatments. but it declined when seeds were exposed to pronounced daily temperature alternations. This decline was due to germination and not to death of seeds from other causes. Germination tests on subsamples of seeds showed that they were light sensitive, more seeds germinating in the light than in the dark. The seeds'germination behaviour differed between samphng dates. This variation in germination behaviour appeared not to display the classical dormancy:non-dormancy cycle. Part of the variation seemed to be due to the changes in temperature that the seeds experienced when taken from pots and set up in the germination tests. Seeds exposed to a constant temperature for 1 year appeared lo become more dormant with time. The relevance of this work in relation to the persistence of volunteer oilseed rape is discussed.  相似文献   



The prevalent and repeated use of acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides for Bromus tectorum L. control in fine fescue (Festuca L. spp) grown for seed has selected ACCase-resistant B. tectorum populations. The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate the response of nine B. tectorum populations to the ACCase inhibitors clethodim, sethoxydim, fluazifop-P-butyl, and quizalofop-P-ethyl and the acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor sulfosulfuron and (2) characterize the resistance mechanisms.


Bromus tectorum populations were confirmed to be resistant to the ACCase-inhibiting herbicides tested. The levels of resistance varied among the populations for clethodim (resistance ratio, RR = 5.1–14.5), sethoxydim (RR = 18.7–44.7), fluazifop-P-butyl (RR = 3.1–40.3), and quizalofop-P-ethyl (RR = 14.5–36). Molecular investigations revealed that the mutations Ile2041Thr and Gly2096Ala were the molecular basis of resistance to the ACCase-inhibiting herbicides. The Gly2096Ala mutation resulted in cross-resistance to the aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) herbicides fluazifop-P-butyl and quizalofop-P-ethyl, and the cyclohexanedione (CHD) herbicides clethodim, and sethoxydim, whereas Ile2041Thr mutation resulted in resistance only to the two APP herbicides. All B. tectorum populations were susceptible to sulfosulfuron (RR = 0.3–1.7).


This is the first report of target-site mutations conferring resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in B. tectorum. The results of this study suggest multiple evolutionary origins of resistance and contribute to understanding the patterns of cross-resistance to ACCase inhibitors associated with different mutations in B. tectorum. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Results arc reported of two experiments done during 1971–76. which investiga ted the germination and longevity in soil of seeds of Agropyron repens L. Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth. The effects of different cultivation regimes and paraquat were investigated in a field experiment and the effects of different frequencies of cultivation in a sandy loam and silty loam soil were studied in the glasshouse. Seeds of neither species were innately dormant and most germination occurred during the first autumn. Agrostis seeds germinated most readily on the soil surface and persisted longest where the seeds were incorporated in soil al the outset and not cultivated in the spring. In contrast. Agropyron seeds germinated most readily when incorporated in soil at the cutset and their depletion was largely independent of cultivations in the spring; they persisted longest where they remained on the soil surface dtiring the firstautumn. Paraquat, sprayed on to dry seeds, greatly decreased the number of Agropyron seeds, giving emerged seedlings early during the first autumn but did not afTect the number emerging after this. Agrostis was aflected little by paraquat. Agrostis seeds were more persistent than Agropyron in most treatments of both experiments; in the field, on average, only abotit 0.3% of Agropyrim seeds gave emerged seedlings during the fourth year whereas about three times as many Agrostvis seedlings would be expected to emerge during the fifth year. The number of seedlings, particularly of Agrostis. emerging in consecutive years did not decrease continuously from year to year. There was some indication that longevity of Agrostis seeds might be greater in a sandy loam than in a silly loam soil. The much smaller percentage of seeds accounted for in the field than in the glasshouse is emphasised and the implications of the findings to practical control measures, particularly that depletion of seed reserves is dependent on initial cultivations, are briefly discussed. Germination et longévité des sentences d' Agropyron repens L. Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth, dans le sol, en relation avec different régimes de culture. Les auteurs rapportent les résultats de deux expériénces effectuées de 1971 à 1976, destinées àétudier la germination et la longevité dans le sol des seremencesd d' Agropyron repens(L.) Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth. Les effets de différents régimes de culture et du paraquat ont étéétudiés dans une expérience au champ et les effets de différentes fréquences de culture, dans un sol de limon sableux et dans un limon fm ont étéétudies en serre. Les semenees des deux espéces ne se sont pas révélées naturellement dormantes et la plus grande partie de la germination s'est produite durant le premier automne, Les semenees d'Agrostis ont germé plus aisément à la surface du sol et ont persisté plus longtemps là oü les semenees ont été incorporées dans le sol dés le début el non irultivées au printemps. En revanche, tes sentences d’ Agropyron ont germé plus aisément lcirsqu'elles ont été incorporées dans les sol dés le debut et leur épuisement a été en grande partie indépendant des facons culturales effectuées au printemps; elles ont persisté plus longtemps lä oü elles sont restées à la surface du sol durant le premier automne. Le paraquat, pulvérisé sur les semenees séches, a diminué de facon importante le nombre de semenees d'Agropyron donnant des levées précoces de plantules durant le premier automne; par la suite, le paraquat n'a pas eu d'effet sur le nombre des levées. L'Agrostis a été peu aftecté par le paraquat. Les semenees d’ Agrostis se sont montrées plus persistantes que celles ti’ Agropyron dans la plupart des conditions des deux expériences; au champ environ 0,03% seulement en moyennede semenees d'Agropyron ont levé au cours de la quatriéme année alors que trois fois autani de levées d'Agrostisétaient attendues au cours de la cinquiéme année. Le nombre de plantules d’Agrosits en particulier. levant au cours des annees consecutives n'a pas continuellement diminué d'année en année, ll y a quelques raisons de penser que la longévité des semenees d'Agrostis pourrait étre plus grande dans un limon sableux que dans un limon fin. Les auteurs insistent sur le fait que le pourcentage de semenees enregistré au champ a été beaucoup plus faible qu'en serre. Les implications des constatations faites dans les mesures pratiques de lutte sont briévement discutées, en particulier le fait que la diminution des reserves des semenees dépend des facons culturales initiates. Keimung und Lebensdauer der Samen von Agropyron repens L. Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth, im Boden in Be:iehung zu unterschiedlicher Bodenhearbeitung Es wird üher Versuche berichiet, die in der Zeit von 1971–1976 durchgeführt wurden. und in denen die Keimung und die Lebensdauer der Samen von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth, im Boden untersucht wurden. In einem Feldversuch wurde die Wirkung verschiedener Bodenbearbeitungen und von Paraquat untersucht. und in einem Gewâhshausversuch die Wirkung unterschiedlichcr Abstände in der Bodenbearbeitung bei cinem saodigen Lehmboden und einem Schluff-Lenmbodcn. Bei keiner der beiden Arten waren die Samen endogen dormant, und die mcisten keimten im ersten Herbst. Die Samen von Agrostis keimten am schnellsten auf der Bodenoberfläche und überlebten am längsten, wenn sie am Anfang eingearbeitet wurden. der Boden im Frühjahr aber niirht bearbeitet wurde. In Gegensatz dazu keimten die Samen von Agropyron am schnelllsten, wenn sie am Anfang eingearbeitel wurden, und die Erschöpfung des Samenvorrats war unabhängig von Bodenbearbeirtungen im Frühjahr; sie überlebten am längsten, wenn sie im ersten Herbsi auf der Bodenoherflächc verblieben. Wurde Paraquat auf trockene Samen gespritzl. dann nahmen die Agropyron-Sdmen stark ab, da im Frühberbst des ersten Jahres Pflanzen aufliefen, was aber keine Auswirkung auf die Anzahl der auflaufenden Pflanzen in der Folgezeit hatte. Bei Agrostis wirkte Paraquat nur schwach. In den meisten Varianien der beiden Versuche überlebten mehr Samen von Agrostis ah von .Agropyron. Im vicrten Jahr des Feldvcrsuchs liefen durchschnittlich etwa 0,03% der Agropvron-Samcn auf, während bei .Agrostis im fünften jahr etwa dreimal soviel erwartet werden können. Die Zahl der in den Folgejahren a ufgelaufenen Keimpflanzen nahm bcsounders bei Agrostis nicht kontinuierlich von Jahr zu Jahr ab. Es gab einige Hinweise dafür. dass die Lebensdauer von .Agrostiis-Samen im sandigen Lehmboden grösser sein könnte als im Schluff-Lehm- boden. Es wird auf den wesentlich geringeren Prozentsatz an Samen unter Feld- als unter Gewächshausbedingungen hingewiesen. Die Folgen diescr BEfunde für die praktische Bekämplung, insbesondere, dass dcr SamenvorraT im Boden von der ersten Bodenbearbeitung abhängig ist, werden kurzdiskutiert.  相似文献   

Seeds of three Spanish Papaver rhoeas populations (two resistant to both tribenuron‐methyl and 2,4‐dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and one susceptible to both herbicides) were buried at 2, 8 and 20 cm depth in Lleida (Catalonia, Spain). At various intervals up to 77 months they were exhumed and tested for germination in an agar medium and for viability in a tetrazolium test. A similar annual dormancy cycle was found for each population in 3 years. Maximum germination occurred between September and December. Practically no seeds germinated between February and May. Burial depth influenced the germination cycle in the first 16 months after burial, and higher germination was found to occur in the seeds that were buried at 2 or 8 cm, but no consistent effect was observed thereafter. In a second study, burial depth had no effect on the loss of dormancy of P. rhoeas seeds in the first 2 months after burial. Viability of the buried seeds decreased slowly throughout the 77‐month experimental period and, at the end of this period, it was 53, 72 and 61% for seeds buried 2, 8 and 20 cm respectively. No significant differences were observed between the three populations.  相似文献   

Urochloa panicoides is an annual weed of summer crops. In Argentina, in subhumid areas with monsoon rainfall, it germinates and establishes in a single flush. To (i) identify the environmental factors that modify its seed dormancy level and germination and (ii) quantify the parameters describing the thermal behaviour of the germination and emergence dynamics of this weed under non‐limiting water conditions, we established a set of germination experiments performed (i) under controlled conditions using seeds after ripened for 3 or 6 months in different thermal and hydric conditions and (ii) under field conditions, where the soil temperature was modified by applying different shading levels. Seed dormancy level remained high with 3 months after ripening in all treatments. After 6 months, seeds stored at 4°C in dry conditions did not germinate at any temperature, while seeds stored at 25°C in dry conditions and in situ germinated c. 20% and 60% respectively. Germination percentage was higher in seeds harvested before their natural dispersal. The base, optimum and maximum temperatures for seed germination were 6, 35 and 45°C respectively. Shading reduced the number of emerged seedlings, possibly by reducing the soil thermal amplitude. The results explained the dormancy‐breaking mechanism of U. panicoides that allows a high germination rate in the field when rainfall occurs.  相似文献   

Freshly harvested seeds of Poa annua L. collected in south Louisiana were stored in moist soil at seven temperatures between 5°C and 35°C. At monthly intervals, seed lots were removed and germinated at each of the seven temperatures. Seed were dormant for at least 1 month at all test temperatures. Seeds stored for 2 months at 30 and 35°C showed conditional dormancy; there was 100% germination at 10 or 15°C, and poorer germination at 5 or 20°C. Seeds started to lose viability after 2 months at 35°C and were dead after 7 months. In seeds stored at 10–30°C, there were increased percentages and a wider range of germination temperatures as storage time or storage temperatures increased. Seeds stored at 10°C remained dormant for 9 months, but by 12 months of storage the seeds germinated only at 5 or 10°C. Nearly all seeds stored at the same temperatures in air dry soil remained dormant for 6 months, regardless of storage temperature. These results differ from other reports of low temperatures breaking seed dormancy in Poa annua L. and suggest an adaptation to subtropical climates.  相似文献   

A study was made of the caryopsis weights of Avena fatua grown in the field and in pots and of the competitive ability of A. fatua from heavy seed (≥18 mg) and light reed (≤11 mg) grown at a depth of either 25 or 75 mm with spring barley sown at 25 mm. The weight of field- and pot-grown caryopses of A. fatua types fA, fB and fC ranged from 3 to 25, 5 to 23, and 5 to 25 mg respectively. With one exception, both the field- and pot-grown samples showed a double normal distribution pattern. The mean weights of pot-grown primary and secondary caryopses of fA, fB and fC were 15 and 9, 19 and 11, and 18 and 11 mg respectively. In a competition experiment, A. fatua grown from heavy seeds sown at 75 mm depth with an equal number of barley produced 47% more panicles, 54% more seed and 56% more dry weight per plant than plants from light seeds. When barley and both seed weights of A. fatua were sown at 25 mm depth these differences were smaller, being 21, 28 and 34% respectively. When the barley was at Zadoks stage 87, and when the barley and A. fatua were grown at equal densities at 25 mm depth, the dry weight of barley was reduced from 10·4 to 7·7, and to 5·8 g per plant by light- and heavy-seeded A. fatua, respectively. When the barley was grown at 25 mm and the A. fatua at 75 mm, the weight per barley plant was reduced to 9·5 and 7·2 g by A. fatua plants grown from light and heavy seeds respectively. Reductions in numbers of grain were caused mainly by a reduction in the number of fertile heads.  相似文献   

Changes in dormancy of Spergula arvensis seeds were studied during pre-incubation at constant temperatures and under a temperature regime that condensed the annual temperature cycle into 73 days. Each day in the regime represented the mean day and night temperatures and day lengths of 5 successive days of an average year in The Netherlands. Incubation occurred in water or loamy sand, in darkness. Germination of the seeds was tested in water or KNO3 over a range of temperature. Seeds were irradiated with saturating doses of red light. In half of the treatments, pre-incubated seeds were dehydrated at the transfer to the conditions of the germination test. Breaking of dormancy occurred under conditions of 'spring'. It did not depend on exposure to low‘winter’temperatures, but was induced by rising 'spring’temperatures. Seeds developed secondary dormancy in late‘autumn'. The expression of the changes in dormancy that were induced during pre-incubation depended on the conditions of the germination test. Light, nitrate and dehydration stimulated germination. The experiments predicted that field emergence from nitrate-poor soils that have not been dehydrated will be restricted to a short period in autumn, whereas disturbance of nitrate-rich soils followed by a dry spell will stimulate germination of S. arvensis seeds from early spring to late autumn. The data presented good explanations for the cosmopolitan character and the serious weediness of this species. Its classification as a summer or winter annual is discussed.  相似文献   

Spring-produced seeds of Lamium amplexicaule L. were dormant at maturity in May and after-ripened when buried and stored over a range of temperatures, becoming conditionally dormant at low (5, 15/6 and 20/10°C) and non-dormant at high (25/15, 30/15 and 35/20°C) temperatures. Conditionally dormant seeds germinated to high percentages at 5 and 15/6°C, and non-dormant seeds germinated to high percentages at 5, 15/6, 20/10, 25/15 and 30/15°C. Seeds that became conditionally dormant at 5°C afterripened completely (i.e. became non-dormant) after transfer to 30/15°C. Buried seeds that became non-dormant in a non-temperature-controlled glasshouse during summer were still non-dormant after 12 weeks of storage at 30/15°C, while those stored at 5°C for 12 weeks had entered conditional dormancy. Thus, low temperatures cause reversal of the afterripening that takes place at high temperatures, but not that which takes place both at low and at high temperatures. Low winter temperatures cause dormant autumn-produced seeds and non-dormant seeds in the soil seed pool to become conditionally dormant. The ecological consequences of these responses to temperature are discussed in relation to the timing of seed germination in nature.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence of Lamium amplexicaule L. and L. purpureum L. was monitored in field plots tilled at various times during the growing season, and the number of viable seeds in the soil was determined. In plots tilled in early spring, only seeds of L. amplexicaule, germinated, but seeds of both species germinated in the same plots in autumn without further disturbance. Additional seeds of L. amplexicaule, but not of L. purpureum, germinated the following spring. In plots tilled in late spring and summer, seeds of L. amplexicaule germinated in autumn and the following spring, whereas seeds of L. purpureum germinated only in autumn. The number of viable seeds in the top 13 mm layer of soil ranged from 189 to 1216 m?2 for L. amplexicaule and from 131 to 854 for L. purpureum. These field results support those obtained in previous glasshouse-laboratory physiological studies on the annual dormancy cycle in the two Lamium species. Levée au champ de Lamium amplexicaule L. et L. purpureum L. par rapport au cycle annuel de la dormance des graines La levée de jeunes plants de Lamium amplexicaule L. et L. purpureum L. a été observée sur des parcelles cultivées à différentes époques de la saison de végétation et le nombre de graines viables au sol a été déterminé. Sur les parcelles cultivées en début de printemps, seules les graines de L. amplexicaule ont germé, mais des graines des deux espèces ont germé en automne sur les mêmes parcelles, sans cultivation ultérieure. Au printemps suivant, une nouvelle germination a été constatée chez L. amplexicaule mais pas chez L. purpureum. Sur les parcelles cultivées en fin de printemps et en été, des graines de L. amplexicaule ont germé en automne et aussi au printemps suivant, tandis que les graines de L. purpureum n'ont germé qu'en automne. Le nombre de graines viables dans les premiers 13 mm de la surface du sol allait de 189 à 1216 m?2 pour L. amplexicaule et de 131 à 854 pour L. purpureum. Ces résultats sur le terrain confirment ceux obtenus dans des études physiologiques sur le cycle annuel de dormance chez les deux espèces de Lamium, menées préalablement en serre et au laboratoire. Ueber dus Auflaufen von Lamium amplexicaule L. und L. purpureum L. in Bezug auf den Jährlichen Zyklus der Samenruhe unter Feldbedingungen In Parzellen, die zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten während der Vegetationsperiode einer Boden-bearbeitung unterworfen worden waren, wurde sowohl das Auflaufen der Keimlinge von Lamium amplexicaule L. und L. purpureum L. registriert, als auch die Anzahl lebenfähiger Samen festgestellt. Nach Bodenbearbeitung im frühen Frühling keimten nur Samen von L. amplexicaule; im Herbst keimten in denselben Parzellen jedoch Samen beider Arten, sofern der Boden nicht mehr bewegt worden war. Weitere Samen von L. amplexicaule, nicht aber von L. purpureum, keimten im folgenden Frühling. In Parzellen, die im späten Frühling und im Sommer bearbeitet worden waren, keimte L. amplexicaule im Herbst und im folgenden Frühling. Während L. purpureum nur im Herbst keimte. Die Anzahl lebensfähiger Samen m?2 in den obersten 13 mm des Bodens bewegte sich zwischen 189 und 1216 für L. amplexicaule und zwischen 131 und 854 für L. purpureum. Diese Feldresultate bestätigen Ergebnisse von Gewüchshausstudien über den jährlichen Zyklus der Samenruhe der beiden Lamium-Arten.  相似文献   

The effects of intensity, duration and spectral quality of light were investigated on the germination of Galium spurium L. Light inhibited germination and the degree of this inhibition was related to the intensity and duration of exposure to light beyond the initial 36-h imbibition period. Subsequent dry storage for up to 7 weeks and reincubation in the dark did not remove this inhibitory effect, indicating that a secondary dormancy was induced by continuous exposure to light. Germination was completely inhibited with intermittent 1-h exposures of light every 3, 7 or 11 h for 8 days. Red, far-red and blue light inhibited germination and the degree of inhibition was related to the duration of exposure. Far-red light was more inhibitory than red or blue light. Green light promoted germination slightly. Nitrate salts in the medium during light exposure did not prevent the onset of light-induced dormancy. In subsequent dark incubation, light-induced dormancy was overcome by the addition of nitrates and, to a lesser extent, by kinetin and GA3.  相似文献   

The invasion of nonnative plants is considered one of the main threats to the structure and function of North American ecosystems.Moreover,they can alter ecosystem processes and reduce biodiversity.In arid and semi-arid region of North America,the species of European annual grass Bromus tectorum L.is an outstanding example of these problems,which not only increase the fire density and change the fire regime,but replace native communities.Therefore,there are amount of researches on B.tectorum,including resource acquisition,water use efficiency and growth.Whereas the relevant research on the morphology of diaspore is scare.Diaspores have a fundamental role in seed germination and seedling establishment.Besides,as an important link between different generations,diaspores have a vital significance on individual reproduction and population extension.Hence,diaspores under selection for studying have an important implication.This study compares differences in seed morphology for Bromus tectorum collected from the United States,Kazakhstan,and Xinjiang of China.The following indices of B.tectorum diaspores were analyzed:size,thickness of covering layers,and micromorphological characteristics of the base,middle and transition area of diaspores as well as of the awn.Micromorphology of the lemma and the cross-section of the diaspore were observed by scanning electron microscopy.Results showed that thickness of the lemma and the palea of diaspores from B.tectorum-infested grasslands in the United States were reduced(P<0.05),likely because of environmental influences.This reduction facilitated the germination of diaspores and lowered the resistance of B.tectorum to adverse environmental conditions.The length of the awn also increased significantly(P<0.05),which helped in dispersal and anchoring of diaspores.Therefore,B.tectorum adapted ecologically to its new environment in the United States by strengthening its establishment ability.However,the defense capability of B.tectorum decreased.These results fit the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis(EICA)of invasive species.Analysis of various cells on the lemma revealed that prickle densities and collapsed,long epidermal cells were easily influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and moisture because of the physiologic function of these structures on silicon accumulation.However,the form and the position of silica cells,which were not greatly influenced by environmental factors,might be genetically controlled.Studying these structures at the microscopic level helps define the relationship between the diaspore and its environment.This study has a reference value for future studies on B.tectorum.  相似文献   

Metoxuron was more active when Bromus sterilis L. (sterile brome) plants were kept under cool (10/6°C day/night) compared with warm (26/16°C) temperatures after spraying. The effect of warmer temperatures required exposure for more than 3 days. Metoxuron activity was unaflected by a cold exposure (0/-2°C or 4/2°C) for a 24-h period shortly before or after spraying. Greater damage occurred when plants were kept in high relative humidity (r.h.) (95/98% r.h. day/nighl) after spraying than at 75/86% r.h. or at 50/75% r.h. Increasing soil moisture from 11.5 to 21.5 g water 100 g?1 dry soil also resulted in increased metoxuron activity. Metoxuron was less active under severe shading. There was little evidence in these studies that metoxuron activity resulted from foliar uptake. Results are discussed with reference to field reports of metloxuron use against B. sterilis. L.  相似文献   

Chromolaena odorata (L.) K. & R. (= Eupatorium odoratum L.) has invaded large areas of the coastal belt of Natal province in South Africa. Propagation is predominantly by means of windborne achenes. The germination of these achenes was investigated. Of the temperatures tested, alternating 15/30°C was optimal for germination. These achenes are positively photoblastic and an imbibition period prior to exposure was required to sensitize the achenes to light. The promotive effect of red light on the germination of imbibed achenes could be reversed by subsequent exposure to far-red light while the inhibitory effect of far-red light could be nullified by a subsequent red light treatment. This is typical of a phytochromemediated germination response. Germination d'akènes de Chromolaena odorata (L.) K. & R.: effets de la température, de l'imbibition el de la lumière Chromolaena odorata (L.) K. & R. (= Eupatorium odoratum L.) a envahi de grandes superficies dans le littoral de la province de Natal en Afrique du Sud. La plante se répand surtout par moyen d'akènes portés par le vent. La germination de ces akènes a fait l'objet d'une étude. Parmi les températures essayées, 15/30°C s'est révélée optimale pour la germination. Les akènes font preuve d'une photoblasticité positive et pour les sensibiliser à la lumière, il leur faut une période d'imbibition avant de les y exposer. La promotion de germination provoquée par la lumière rouge chez les akènes imbibés a pu etre inversée par une exposition ultérieure à la lumière extrême-rouge (700 à 750 nm) tandis que l'effet inhibiteur de celle-ci s'est trouvé annulé par un traitement ultérieur à la lumière rouge. Cette réaction est caractéristique d'une germination réglée par le phytochrome. Die Keimung von Achaenen von Chromolaena odorata (L.) K. & R.: der Einfluss von Temperatur, Quellung und Licht. Chromolaena odorata (L.) K. & R. (= Eupatorium odoratumL.) hat sich auf grossen Flächen des Küstengürtels der Provinz Natal (Südafrika) ausgebreitet. Durch den Wind verbreitete Achaenen sind hauptsächlich für die Vermehrung verantwortlich. Thema der vorliegenden Untersuchung war die Keimung dieser Achaenen. Alternierende Temperaturen von 15° und 30°C waren optimal für die Keimung. Die Achaenen waren positiv photoblastisch; eine Quellungsperiode war notwendig um die Achaenen für die Lichtreaktion zu sensibilisieren. Der die Keimung vorgequollener Achaenen fördernde Einfluss von Rotlicht konnte durch eine nachfolgende‘Fern-Rot'-Exposition rückgängig gemacht werden. Hingegen wurde der Hemmungseffekt von ‘Fern-Rot’ durch eine darauffolgende Rotlicht-Exposition aufgehoben. Dieser Befund ist charakteristisch für eine phytochromregulierte Samenkeimung.  相似文献   

Morphological characters of different populations of brome found in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia (Geraldton) pointed to the presence of Bromus diandrus and another taxon, most likely B. rigidus. This was later confirmed by the counts of somatic chromosomes made from root meristems of seedlings from different accessions. This is the first report of B. rigidus from Western Australia, and observations so far suggest that it is a serious weed of crops on the sandplains of the northern wheat-belt. The accessions of B. diandrus exhibited a much faster loss of seed dormancy than B. rigidus. Such short duration of seed dormancy coupled with rapid germination of non-dormant seeds of B. diandrus is likely to render it both more prone to premature germination following summer rainfall events and more susceptible to pre-sowing cultural and herbicide treatments following break of the season. Bromus rigidus appears to be well adapted to the Mediterranean climate of the northern wheat-belt of Western Australia, and is more likely to demonstrate seed carryover from one season to the next, thus making it a more troublesome weed.  相似文献   

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