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Aphelenchoides paraxui n. sp. is described and illustrated from bark samples of an oak tree (Quercus brantii L.) in Kermanshah province, western Iran. The new species is characterized by body length of 500–660 μm (females) and 630–665 μm (males), lip region set off from body contour, lateral fields with four lines, and total stylet 8–9 μm long with small basal swellings. The excretory pore is located ca one body diam. Posterior to metacorpus valve. The spicules are relatively large (29–33 μm in dorsal limb) with apex and rostrum rounded and well developed and the end of the dorsal limb clearly curved ventrad like a hook. The female tail is conical, the terminus having a complicated step-like projection, usually with many tiny nodular protuberances. Male tail bearing six (2 + 2 + 2) caudal papillae and a well-developed mucro. The new species belongs to the Group 2 category of Aphelenchoides species sensu Shahina (1996) in which eight known species among Group 2–4 sensu Shahina namely: A. arcticus, A. asteromucronatus, A. blastophthorus, A. lichenicola, A. saprophilus, A. seiachicus, A. silvester and A. xui, are the most closed species. Molecular analyses of the partial small subunit rDNA gene (SSU), D2/D3 expansion segments of the large subunit rDNA gene (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) revealed this as a new species and supported the morphological results.  相似文献   

A new species in the genus Ditylenchus, D. stenurus n. sp. collected from western Iran, is described and illustrated herein based on morphological and molecular studies. The new species is characterised by a body length of 772 (663–863) μm, delicate stylet 6 (5–7) μm long, six lines in the lateral field. Median bulb of pharynx well-developed, muscular with crescentic valve. Post-vulval uterine sac well-developed, 35 (30–45) μm long, female tail elongate-conoid, becoming narrow suddenly with finely rounded terminus. The new species comes close in morphology and morphometrics to five known species of the genus, namely D. arachis, D. caudatus, D. clarus, D. myceliophagus, and D. nanus. DNA sequencing data was obtained on the partial 18S, D2/D3 expansion segments of the 28S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer (ITS). The phylogenetic relationships of this species with other Ditylenchus spp. using partial 18S–rDNA and D2/D3 indicated that D. stenurus n. sp. clustered together with several species belongs to the D. triformis-group i. e. D. africanus, D. destructor and D. halictus: all sharing a rounded tail terminus and six lines in lateral fields.  相似文献   

An invasive Tingidae, the platanus lace bug Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), which specializes on Platanus spp., was found for the first time in Turkey in 2007; it was recorded from a 120 km2 area in the northwestern part of the country. Infestations occurred in an area between Taşkesti and Abant in Bolu Province, which is located near major cities and two main motorways. The pest species is newly spreading in Turkey, causing noticeable damage to Platanus orientalis trees.  相似文献   

Commercial areas containing Eucalyptus plantations have expanded in recent years due to increased demands for pulp, paper and bioenergy. One of the threats that can reduce Eucalyptus production is the eucalyptus rust disease caused by Austropuccinia psidii, a biotrophic fungus that affects a broad range of Myrtaceae. An accurate diagnosis tool for the early detection of rust disease could be useful in breeding programs for selection of resistant plants against rust, in phytosanitary purposes or in rust epidemics studies. The aim of the present work was to develop a SYBR Green-based quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay for the early detection and quantification of A. psidii in Eucalyptus grandis leaves. Three sets of primers based on the A. psidii ribosomal DNA intergenic space region (IGS), beta-tubulin and elongation factor genes were designed and evaluated. The assays using the IGS primer set resulted in the highest detection efficiency, detecting a lower limit of 0.5 pg of A. psidii DNA. Under artificial inoculation in plants, A. psidii was detected immediately after pathogen inoculation until 240 h post-inoculation using qPCR. In field validation of the method, A. psidii was detected using qPCR in naturally infected leaves with or without rust symptoms. This easy and fast method can be used for an efficient detection of A. psidii in E. grandis leaves. The implications of this tool for rust studies are discussed below.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a worldwide ascomycete fungal plant pathogen, which causes enormous yield losses on major economic crops such as crucifers, grain legumes and several other plant families. The objective of this research was to isolate and characterise some bioactive products from cultures of fungi associated with the marine sponge Axinella sp. In total, nine fungal isolates were obtained from the marine sponge Axinella sp. collected from the South China Sea. A group of test strains, including two G+ strains (Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus), two G strains (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and three fungi including two plant pathogenic fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Magnaporthe grisea and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were employed as the indicator organisms for bioactivity screening. Using antagonistic tests and bioactive screening of the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) extracts of the corresponding cultures, fungal isolate JS9 showed the stronger efficacy against the test indicator strains, especially the indicator fungal pathogens. Isolate JS9 was further identified as Myrothecium sp. by a combination of morphological features and 18S rDNA BLAST on GenBank. Two macrocyclic trichothecenes, roridin A (compound 1) and roridin D (compound 2) were purified by tracking the activity of the EtOAc extract fractions and characterised with spectral analyses including MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and disortionless enhancement by polarization transfer (DEPT). In vitro antifungal tests showed that the two macrocyclic trichothecenes were bioactive against S. cerevisiae, M. grisea and S. sclerotiorum with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 31.25, 125 and 31.25 μg ml−1 for roridin A, and 62.5, 250 and 31.25 μg ml−1 for roridin D, respectively. The present investigation demonstrated that two antifungal trichothecenes including roridin A and roridin D produced by the fungus Myrothecium sp. isolated from the marine sponge Axinella sp. could be potential inhibitors against the plant pathogen S. sclerotiorum. Lian Wu Xie and Shu Mei Jiang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Anguina obesa n. sp., a new species of the genus, causing small seed galls inside the ovaries of foxtail weed plants (Alopecurus mysuroides Huds.) is described and illustrated based on its morphological and molecular characters. The new species is characterized by its 1516–2564 μm long obese females irregularly ventrally curved after fixation, having six lines in lateral fields, 6–9 μm long stylet with well-developed rounded knobs, constriction at junction of isthmus with the pharyngeal bulb, monodelphic-prodelphic female reproductive system, and conical, 60–80 μm long tail. Males of the new species are characterized with their slender 936–1420 μm long body, 25–30 μm long tylenchoid spicules, and bursa not reaching tail tip. Second stage juveniles of the new species were also common inside the galls and also recovered from soil in type locality. The new species is morphologically close to Anguina agropyronifloris, A. amsinckiae, A. paludicola and A. tumefaciens, but is more closely related to A. paludicola, from which it can be separated based on differences in morphological characters and internal transcribed spacer sequence. In Bayesian inference using sequences of the aforementioned genomic fragment, the new species formed a clade with A. agrostis, A. funesta, A. graminis, A. phalaridis and some unidentified isolates, with robust Bayesian posterior probability (BPP). The morphologically closest species, A. paludicola, occupied a separate position, outside of the clade containing the new species. The sequences of two other genomic fragments, 18S and 28S rDNA (D2/D3 region) were also made available for the new species. Morphological comparisons of the new species with the related species are discussed.  相似文献   

Two Fusarium strains, isolated from Asparagus in Italy and Musa in Vietnam respectively, proved to be members of an undescribed clade within the Fusarium solani species complex based on phylogenetic species recognition on ITS, partial RPB2 and EF-1α gene fragments. Macro- and micro-morphological investigations followed with physiological studies done on this new species: Fusarium ershadii sp. nov can be distinguished by its conidial morphology. Both isolates of Fusarium ershadii were shown to be pathogenic to the monocot Asparagus officinalis when inoculated on roots and induced hollow root symptoms within two weeks in Asparagus officinalis seedlings. In comparison mild disease symptoms were observed by the same strains on Musa acuminata seedlings.  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi is an aggressive pathogen on Lupinus luteus (yellow lupin), causing root rot, wilting and death of this crop, common in oak-rangeland ecosystems ('dehesas') in south-western Spain. The oomycete, the main cause of Quercus decline in the region, was isolated from roots of wilted lupins in the field. Artificial inoculations on four cultivars of L. luteus reproduced the symptoms of the disease, both in pre- and post-emergence stages, recovering the pathogen from necrotic roots. These results suggest the potential of yellow lupin as inoculum reservoir for the infection of Quercus roots. This is the first report of P. cinnamomi as root pathogen of L. luteus.  相似文献   

Infection by Pyrenophora teres f. teres (Ptt) or P. teres f. maculata (Ptm), the causal agents of the net and spot forms of net blotch of barley, respectively, can result in significant yield losses. The genetic structure of a collection of 128 Ptt and 92 Ptm isolates from the western Canadian provinces of Alberta (55 Ptt, 27 Ptm), Saskatchewan (58 Ptt, 46 Ptm) and Manitoba (15 Ptt, 19 Ptm) were analyzed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker analysis. Thirteen SSR loci were examined and found to be polymorphic within both Ptt and Ptm populations. In total, 110 distinct alleles were identified, with 19 of these shared between Ptt and Ptm, 75 specific to Ptt, and 16 specific to Ptm. Genotypic diversity was relatively high, with a clonal fraction of approximately 10 % within Ptt and Ptm populations. Significant genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.230, P = 0.001) was found among all populations; 77 % of genetic variation occurred within populations and 23 % between populations. Lower, but still significant genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.038, P = 0.001) was detected in Ptt, with 96 % of genetic variation occurring within populations. No significant genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.010, P = 0.177) was observed among Ptm populations. Isolates clustered in two distinct groups conforming to Ptt or Ptm, with no intermediate cluster. The high number of haplotypes observed, combined with an equal mating type ratio for both forms of the fungus, suggests that P. teres goes through regular cycles of sexual recombination in western Canada.  相似文献   

In 2003–2004, anthracnoses of Enkianthus campanulatus and Rhynchosia acuminatifolia were found for the first time in Kanagawa Prefecture and Tokyo in Japan. These pathogens were identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides based on their pathogenicity, morphology and ribosomal DNA spacer sequences. Results were presented at the annual meeting of The Phytopathological Society of Japan in 2004.  相似文献   

Puccinia horiana is the causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust or Japanese rust. This microcyclic autoecious rust has a quarantine status and can cause major damage in the commercial production of Chrysanthemum x morifolium. Given the international and often trans-continental production of planting material and cut flowers of chrysanthemum and the decreasing availability of registered fungicides in specific regions, breeding for resistance against P. horiana will gain importance and will need to involve the appropriate resistance genes for the pathotypes that may be present. As pathotypes have not been well characterized in this system, the main objective was to build an international collection of isolates and screen these on a large collection of cultivars to identify different pathotypes. Using a robust and high throughput bioassay, we tested 36 selected cultivars with 22 individual single-pustule isolates of P. horiana. The isolates originated from three different continents over 4 different collection years and included some isolates from cultivars previously reported as resistant. In most cases the bioassays resulted in a clear scoring of interaction phenotypes as susceptible or resistant, while in several cases consistent intermediate phenotypes were found, often on specific cultivars. Twenty-four of the cultivars gave a differential interaction phenotype profile. All isolates produced a unique profile, infecting a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 19 differential cultivars. Based on the Person analysis of these profiles, this pathosystem contains at least seven resistance genes (and seven avirulence genes), demonstrating the highly complex race structure in this pathosystem.  相似文献   

Forty-one strains of Rhizobium vitis, either tumorigenic (Ti) or nonpathogenic, were characterized using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of the partial nucleotide sequences of pyrG, recA, and rpoD. The strains separated into seven clades. Rhizobium vitis (Ti) strains isolated from Japan were divided into five genetic groups (A to E), and nonpathogenic R. vitis strains were divided into two genetic groups (F and G). This result suggests that there are new genetic groups of R. vitis in Japan. Among these groups, members of A and B groups are widely distributed throughout Japan.  相似文献   

We selected a reduced-pathogenicity mutant of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, a tomato wilt pathogen, from the transformants generated by restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) transformation. The gene tagged with the plasmid in the mutant was predicted to encode a protein of 321 amino acids and was designated FPD1. Homology search showed its partial similarity to a chloride conductance regulatory protein of Xenopus, suggesting that FPD1 is a transmembrane protein. Although the function of FPD1 has not been identified, it does participate in the pathogenicity of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici because FPD1-deficient mutants reproduced the reduced pathogenicity on tomato.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession number AB110097  相似文献   

Ramularia ranunculicola sp. nov. (Mycosphaerellaceae) is described from Iran on Ranunculus muricatus and compared with other species reported on Ranunculus spp. Ramularia carletonii on Lactuca tuberosa and R. nagornyi on Centaurea solstitialis are newly reported from Iran, and Picris strigosa is a new host for R. picridis (= R. inaequalis s. lat.).  相似文献   

Dieback of red currant (Ribes rubrum) and gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) is an increasing problem in commercial fields in the Netherlands. Field surveys were done in 2006–2007 and samples with dieback symptoms were analysed. In this study the causal agent was diagnosed as Eutypa lata, based on morphological characteristics and rDNA-ITS sequence data. The field surveys revealed the presence of the anamorph and teleomorph states of the fungus produced on dead infected currant wood. Eutypa lata is a vascular pathogen of many woody plants. Related fungi from the same family Diatrypaceae are difficult to distinguish from E. lata based on morphological features. The genetic variability of E. lata was compared by rDNA-ITS sequencing of isolates from different hosts and origins. Within the E. lata isolates little variability in the ITS sequences was observed. Phylogenetic analysis showed no clear subdivisions within the species. Eutypa lata strains isolated from the different hosts were closely related, indicating that there is no direct evidence for host specificity.  相似文献   

Actinidia chinensis and A. deliciosa plants from China, showing a range of symptoms, including vein clearing, interveinal mottling, mosaics and chlorotic ring spots, were found to contain ~300 nm rod-shaped virus particles. The virus was mechanically transmitted to several herbaceous indicators causing systemic infections in Nicotiana benthamiana, N. clevelandii, and N. occidentalis, and local lesions in Chenopodium quinoa. Systemically- infected leaves reacted with a Tobacco mosaic virus polyclonal antibody in indirect ELISA. PCR using generic and specific Tobamovirus primers produced a 1,526 bp sequence spanning the coat protein (CP), movement protein (MP), and partial RNA replicase genes which showed a maximum nucleotide identity (88%) with Turnip vein clearing virus and Penstemon ringspot virus. However, when the CP sequence alone was considered the highest CP sequence identity (96% nt and 98% aa) was to Ribgrass mosaic virus strain Kons 1105. The morphological, transmission, serological and molecular properties indicate that the virus is a member of subgroup 3 of the genus Tobamovirus.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven seed samples belonging to the lettuce cultivars most frequently grown in Lombardy (northwestern Italy), in an area severely affected by Fusarium wilt of lettuce, were assayed for the presence ofFusarium oxysporum on a Fusarium-selective medium. Isolations were carried out on subsamples of seeds (500 to 1500) belonging to the same seed lots used for sowing, and either unwashed or disinfected in 1% sodium hypochloride. The pathogenicity of the isolates ofF. oxysporum obtained was tested in four trials carried out on lettuce cultivars of the butterhead type, very susceptible to Fusarium wilt. Nine of the 27 samples of seeds obtained from commercial seed lots used for sowing in fields affected by Fusarium wilt were contaminated byF. oxysporum. Among the 16 isolates ofF. oxysporum obtained, only one was isolated from disinfected seeds. Three of the isolates were pathogenic on the tested cultivars of lettuce, exhibiting a level of pathogenicity similar to that of the isolates ofF. oxysporum f.sp.lactucae obtained from infected wilted plants in Italy, USA and Taiwan, used as comparison. The results obtained indicate that lettuce seeds are a potential source of inoculum for Fusarium wilt of lettuce. The possibility of isolatingF. oxysporum f.sp.lactucae, although from a low percent of seeds, supports the hypothesis that the rapid spread of Fusarium wilt of lettuce observed recently in Italy is due to the use of infected propagation material. Measures for prevention and control of the disease are discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 16, 2003.  相似文献   

Severe rot of leaves, peduncles and flowers caused by Gibberella zeae (anamorph: Fusarium graminearum) was found on potted plants of hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis), a liliaceous ornamental, in greenhouses in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in January 2001. This disease was named “Fusarium rot of hyacinth” as a new disease because only the anamorph, F. graminearum, was identified on the diseased host plant. The authors contributed equally to this work. The fungal isolate and its nucleotide sequence data obtained in this study were deposited in the Genebank, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences and the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers MAFF239499 and AB366161, respectively.  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella leaf disease (MLD) is caused by species of Mycosphaerella and several anamorphic form genera that have been connected to Mycosphaerella. Until recently, MLD of eucalypts was largely ignored in Portugal. However, serious damage to Eucalyptus globulus has been reported since 1999 when frequent and severe defoliation of young trees was observed. The severity of this disease prompted a preliminary study of the Mycosphaerella species associated with major symptoms of a leaf blotch disease in commercial plantations of E. globulus in Portugal, which is presented here. The species were identified by molecular methods based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 cluster, together with morphological characters. In addition to confirming the species previously recorded, Mycosphaerella vespa is reported for the first time from Portugal, while the status of Mycosphaerella grandis remains to be resolved.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits a durable resistance called nonhost resistance against nonadapted fungal pathogens. A. thaliana activates preinvasive resistance and terminates entry attempts by nonadapted fungi belonging to the genus Colletotrichum, which cause anthracnose disease in many plants. In the interaction between A. thaliana and nonadapted C. tropicale, the preinvasive resistance involves the PENETRATION 2-related antifungal secondary metabolite pathway and the ENHANCED DISEASE RESISTANCE 1-dependent antifungal peptide pathway. The development of invasive hyphae by C. tropicale owing to the reduction of preinvasive resistance then triggers the blockage of further hyphal expansion via the activation of the second layer of resistance, i.e., postinvasive resistance, which guarantees the robustness of the nonhost resistance of A. thaliana against Colletotrichum pathogens. Both the tryptophan-derived metabolic pathway and glutathione synthesis play critical roles in the postinvasive resistance against C. tropicale, although the molecular mechanism of postinvasive resistance remains to be elucidated. In this review, we describe the current understanding of the molecular background of the Arabidopsis nonhost resistance against Colletotrichum fungi and discuss perspectives for future research on this durable resistance.  相似文献   

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