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Brucellosis not only represents an important health restraint on livestock but also causes high economic losses in many developing countries worldwide. Despite considerable efforts made for the control of brucellosis, the disease is still spreading in many regions (such as the Middle East) where it represents one of the most important health hazards impacting both animals and humans. The present review aims to investigate the efficacy of veterinary control programs regarding brucellosis, with a special focus on current prevention, control, and eradication approaches. The reasons for unsuccessful control programs such as the absence of highly effective vaccines and non-certified bulls are also debated, to understand why the prevalence of brucellosis in livestock is not decreasing in many areas despite considerable efforts taken to date. The importance of governmental and regional investment in brucellosis control remains one of the main limiting factors owing to the limited budget allocated to tackle this disease. In this context, one health concept has generated novel comprehensive approaches with multiple economic implications across the livestock industry and public health. However, the implementation of such global preventive strategies appears to be a key issue for many endemic and low-income countries. According to the collected data, epidemiological contexts including management and trade systems along with well-defined agro-ecological zones should be evaluated in brucellosis endemic countries to improve milk production and to enhance the sustainability of the livestock sector at both national and regional levels.  相似文献   

Brucellosis, especially caused by Brucella melitensis, remains one of the most common zoonotic diseases worldwide with more than 500,000 human cases reported annually. The bacterial pathogen is classified by the CDC as a category (B) pathogen that has potential for development as a bio-weapon. Brucella spp. are considered as the most common laboratory-acquired pathogens. The geographical distribution of brucellosis is constantly changing with new foci emerging or re-emerging. The disease occurs worldwide in both animals and humans, except in those countries where bovine brucellosis has been eradicated. The worldwide economic losses due to brucellosis are extensive not only in animal production but also in human health. Although a number of successful vaccines are being used for immunization of animals, no satisfactory vaccine against human brucellosis is available. When the incidence of brucellosis is controlled in the animal reservoirs, there is a corresponding and significant decline in the incidence in humans.  相似文献   

近年来,世界山羊养殖数量持续增长,据联合国粮农组织(FAO)统计显示,2018年全球山羊养殖数量已超10.4亿只,其中奶山羊养殖数量超2.16亿只,约有90%以上的奶山羊和山羊奶产自亚洲和非洲。欧洲的奶山羊存栏和产奶量均在亚洲和非洲之后,但其单产水平远高于其他各大洲,在世界奶山羊每只平均年产奶量100 kg以上的国家中,前十位均为欧洲国家。我国奶山羊产业发展迅速,2018年我国奶山羊实际存栏约518万只,年产羊奶量约100万t,约占全国鲜奶产量的3.3%。本文对全球及我国奶山羊产业进行了纵向和横向比较,客观分析我国奶山羊产业的地位、发展现状以及未来发展趋势,旨在为我国奶山羊产业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

稗属植物种质资源及应用价值研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稗属(Echinochloa)植物是一种繁殖力强、生态适应性广的草本植物,在全世界均有大面积分布,因其危害多种农作物的生长,过去多把稗属植物看作恶性杂草来研究。稗属植物除作为杂草外,还具有很高的饲用价值,其营养丰富,草质柔嫩,适口性好,是发展绿色畜产品的新型优质牧草。本文综述了稗属植物种质资源分布和系统进化的研究概况,从形态学水平、细胞学水平、生化水平和分子水平上总结了稗属植物遗传多样性的研究进展,并着重介绍了稗属植物的经济价值和优良基因的利用。分析了我国稗属植物种质资源研究存在的问题及发展前景,指出今后应加强对稗属植物种质资源搜集、分类、遗传多样性、基因组学的研究和饲用稗草的开发利用。  相似文献   

试验旨在测定酶解羽毛粉的体外蛋白质消化率,同时研究酶解羽毛粉替代日粮中鱼粉对生长猪生产性能和蛋白质消化率的影响。体外试验采用胃蛋白酶-胰酶水解法对水解羽毛粉和酶解羽毛粉进行消化测定其蛋白质消化率。饲养试验选用135头体重相近的杜×长×大生长猪,随机分成3组,分别为对照组(3%秘鲁鱼粉组),处理Ⅰ和Ⅱ(酶解羽毛粉50%和100%替代秘鲁鱼粉)。结果表明:酶解羽毛粉体外蛋白质消化率比水解羽毛粉提高了15.38%(P<0.05)。处理组平均日增重和平均日采食量与对照组均无显著差异(P>0.05);饲料增重比及蛋白质消化率也与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。结合生产性能试验与经济效益分析,酶解羽毛粉100%等蛋白替代秘鲁鱼粉组为最佳,在生产实践中具备实用性和可行性。  相似文献   

If real prices for fish remain at the levels they had attained by 1999, in the year 2050 demand for fish and shellfish as food could be of the order of 270 million tons (live weight equivalent) per year. If producers were able to supply these quantities consumption would rise by 176% over this 50-year period. To meet the demand supply would have to expand at the rate of 2.1% annually; but, a review of the pattern of population growth--and of historical patterns of increases in per capita consumption of fish--shows that annual growth in the volume of fish demanded is likely to be largest in the coming two decades, and then to taper off. Will producers be able to deliver? It is clear that wild marine stocks at present harvested by capture fishermen cannot support fisheries that would yield much more than 100 million tons per year and of this amount a significant proportion will continue to be used for fish meal and oil production. The question therefore narrows down to: can aquaculture, or non-traditional marine species, supply the required amounts? The historical context of supply is considerably different from that which has prevailed during the past 30 years. At that time the growing demand in OECD countries was met partly through imports of fish produced in the seas and lakes of developing countries. During coming decades the increased demand in developing countries must be met essentially through their own resources. In fact, in poor countries it seems unlikely that supply will respond to demand unless they experience economic growth.  相似文献   

奶牛布鲁氏菌病研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奶牛布鲁氏菌病(Brucellosis)是由布鲁氏菌(Brucella)引起的以奶牛流产为主要特征的一种慢性细菌传染病,该病流行较广,在世界许多国家和地区都曾造成严重的经济损失,同时该病也是目前世界上危害较大的人畜共患病之一。近些年来,由于各种原因造成布病疫情在世界部分地区有所回升,对社会经济发展和人类健康安全构成一种潜在的威胁。本文对奶牛布鲁氏菌病的流行病学、检测及综合防治等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

白滢琦 《饲料研究》2021,44(4):154-156
高粱生物产量高、抗逆和适应性强,将其制作成青贮饲料,干物质产量、蛋白质含量、有氧稳定性高。草食家畜养殖是节粮型畜牧业的代表。采用高粱青贮饲喂草食家畜,不仅可以提高生产性能、增强免疫力、改善胴体品质,而且可以缓解冬季青贮饲料资源缺乏的问题,提高经济效益。为促进草食家畜养殖业健康稳定发展,文章对饲用高粱青贮的饲喂价值和经济效益进行综述。  相似文献   

Egypt is the only country in Africa where domestic buffalo have a long-term presence and constitute an important part of the array of domestic animal resources. Attempts to introduce buffalo to other African countries have been made since at least the 1920s. Nine such attempted introductions are documented in this paper, although for most cases, there is very limited information. Buffalo have disappeared without trace in some countries and were slaughtered in at least two because of lack of adaptation or susceptibility to disease. In addition to Egypt, only Tanzania and Mozambique are known to have buffalo in 2012. There are suitable ecological niches for buffalo in many African countries. Failure to provide sufficient financial resources by governments, initially small numbers of animals and probable lack of interest by the private sector are among the reasons for the failure of buffalo to become a contributor to African livestock production. Policy makers and development agencies should very carefully consider the overall benefits against the overall costs of attempted introductions of buffalo (and of other exotic livestock species) in to African countries.  相似文献   

草地生态系统服务功能及其价值评估方法研究   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
草地不仅是畜牧业的生产基地,而且是生态安全屏障保护和牧民生活与草原文化传承的基础,具有生态、生产和生活功能。然而,草地日益退化导致的生态经济问题越来越突出,评价草地生态系统服务功能的经济价值,对于制定合理的草地保护与经济开发决策具有重要意义。目前国内外广泛采用的Costanza等提出的生态系统服务价值评估方法没能充分体现出草地生态系统本质特征。因此,本研究以草地生态系统的“三生功能”为基础,综合考虑草地的地域和空间的异质性以及区域经济发展水平的差异性,选择水源涵养、侵蚀控制、废物处理、滞留沙尘、生物多样性保护、养分循环、固定CO2、释放O2、消减SO2、畜牧生产、文化传承和休闲旅游12项贡献率较高的功能指标,应用生态经济学原理,建立了适宜于草地生态系统服务功能经济价值的评价体系和方法,并以藏北高寒草地为例,对该方法进行了评估验证。  相似文献   

Buffalo milk represents an indispensable source of nourishment in many parts of the world and it is the second most consumed milk worldwide. Buffalo milk is actually used for the production of many dairy products such as pasteurized or concentrated milk, butter, yogurt, ice‐cream, dehydrated milk products and cheeses. Due to its high nutritional value and the presence of natural bioactive substances, buffalo milk can also provide health benefits to consumers. In Italy, buffalo milk is used mainly for cheese making, mozzarella PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), which is a highly valued dairy product. This 3‐year study, carried out between 2011 and 2013, was aimed at evaluating the quality of bulk Italian Mediterranean buffalo milk by monitoring physico‐chemical parameters, somatic cell and total bacterial counts. A total of 51 samples of bulk milk were collected from one herd throughout the monitored period. Analysis of variance, carried out to test month, season and year main effects, highlighted remarkable seasonal effects for fat, protein and lactose content, as well as for predicted mozzarella cheese yield, and somatic cell counts. The calculation of simple correlations allowed the identification of positive correlations between estimated cheese yield and fat and protein content.  相似文献   

饲料桑生理活性物质及其饲用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饲料桑蛋白质含量高、氨基酸种类丰富、纤维素含量低,富含多种生理活性物质,是一种优良的多年生饲料资源,对牛、羊、猪、兔、鸡、鱼等多种畜禽都具有很好的适口性。蛋禽日粮中添加桑饲料,可以显著改善蛋黄颜色,提高蛋黄磷脂和不饱和脂肪酸含量,增加蛋清浓稠蛋白含量,改善蛋的风味和品质。肉类畜禽日粮中添加桑饲料,可以显著改善肉品色泽,提高肌肉中肌苷酸和不饱和脂肪酸含量、减少胆固醇含量,降低肌肉滴水损失、延缓pH值下降及脂质氧化变质,提高肉品质量。牛、猪等大型肉类动物采食桑饲料后可减少皮下脂肪沉积,增加肌肉间脂肪含量,有效改善肉的品质风味。综述了饲料桑中主要生理活性物质的种类、含量、结构特征、生理功能及其在畜禽养殖中的饲用价值;从生产性能和改善品质方面分析总结了饲料桑在多种畜禽养殖中的应用效果;提出了减轻抗营养因子不利影响、改善栽培利用效果的技术措施;展望了饲料桑开发应用前景。  相似文献   

介绍了云南省曲靖市沿江乡种草养鱼的经验。该乡渔业生产比重仅次于粮食生产而居第二位,过去以酒糟等精饲料养全鱼,成本高,效益低,鲜鱼产量 仅为2055kg/hm^2;现在采取种草养鱼,扩大了饲料来源,降低了饲养成本,提高了产量和效益,鲜鱼产量达到了3835.3kg/hm^2,比过去提高了86.63%。这一措施为当地经济生产开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

弓形虫病分子诊断技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弓形虫病是一种呈世界性分布的人兽共患寄生虫病,严重危害人类健康并给世界各国的畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失,但弓形虫病缺乏特异性临床症状,给该病的诊断带来很大困难。分子诊断技术的迅速发展为弓形虫病的诊断提供了快速、灵敏、特异及稳定的检测方法。笔者从核酸分子杂交技术、聚合酶链反应(PCR)、单克隆抗体(McAb)技术及生物芯片技术几个方面介绍了用于诊断弓形虫病的分子诊断技术的研究进展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Aquaculture has expanded rapidly to become a major economic and food-producing sector worldwide these last 30 years. In parallel, viral diseases have emerged and rapidly spread from farm to farm causing enormous economic losses. The most problematic viruses encountered in the field are mainly, but not exclusively, RNA viruses belonging to the Novirhabdovirus, Aquabirnavirus, Alphavirus and Betanodavirus genera. The recent establishment of reverse genetics systems to recover infectious fish RNA viruses entirely from cDNA has made possible to genetically manipulate the viral genome. These systems have provided powerful tools to study all aspects of the virus biology and virus-host interactions but also gave the opportunity to use these viruses as live vaccines or as gene vectors. This review provides an overview on the recent breakthroughs achieved by using these reverse genetics systems in terms of viral protein function, virulence and host-specificity factor, vaccine development and vector design.  相似文献   


The ornamental fish industry is growing quickly globally. Asia represents 51% of the export market for this industry and in Singapore alone, it has an estimated market value of US$66 million. Despite the economic importance of this industry for Australasia, aquatic veterinary support for the ornamental fish sector is scarce. In many cases, ornamental fish owners do not seek advice from veterinarians. While the reasons behind this are difficult to elucidate, the low perceived value of fish compared to the cost of consulting a veterinarian, and limited knowledge about the availability of veterinary services for aquatic animals may contribute to the lack of interaction with veterinarians. Considering the growing importance of the ornamental fish industry, more education and data are needed about the services offered by veterinarians with aquatic animal health expertise. Knowledge on aquatic veterinary medicine is limited, reinforcing the need for more educational programmes and dissemination of aquatic veterinary services within the Australasian region.  相似文献   

The liver fluke Fasciola (F) hepatica is one of the most important trematodes in cattle farming worldwide. Fasciolosis in dairy cows is leading to production losses due to decreased milk yield, liver condemnation and impaired reproduction. The treatment of dairy cows is unsatisfactory, because available drugs are either effective against adult flukes only or have long withdrawal times or in some countries may not be used at all. In the present study the prevalence of F. hepatica in dairy farms located in East Frisia, which is part of the federal state Lower Saxony, was investigated. East Frisia is considered a high risk area for Fasciola hepatica infections, because of its coastal location, high precipitation and moist pastures. About 750 bulk milk samples were collected in January and November 2006 and analysed for F. hepatica antibodies using the Pourquier ELISA. In addition, questionnaires, which were answered by 260 of the participating farmers, were evaluated to analyse management-related factors associated with fasciolosis. In January and November, 52.1% and 53.6% of the bulk milk samples, respectively, showed positive results. Thereby, 88.1% of the examined farms showed an unchanged infection status, whereas 6.2% of the farms became seropositive during the grazing season and 5.8% of the dairy herds turned seronegative. Statistical analysis revealed a significant negative association between average annual milk production and the frequency of infections with F. hepatica.  相似文献   

Intensification of livestock rearing often promotes an increase in inappropriate practices that disregard care for the environment, animal health, and workers' health. Intensive fish farming systems are often associated with higher stocking density and massive use of artificial feed. Currently, outbreaks of parasitic, bacterial, and fungal diseases act as major limiting factors for fish farming, meaning that producers have to make use of massive amounts of antibiotics, disinfectants, and pesticides in order to control mortality and avoid huge economic losses. Because of adverse effects on the aquatic environment, terrestrial organisms, and human health (both fish handlers and consumers), this therapy has been criticized. Use of herbal medicines within animal production has shown promise, in that it is natural and biodegradable and has antimicrobial activity against various pathogens, including those relating to fish. Recently, researchers have reported promising effects from many herbal medicines for treating parasitic diseases caused by protozoa and metazoa, and broad activity against bacteria and fungi. This review addresses the current issues regarding indiscriminate use of chemicals and antibiotics in aquaculture and discusses the main findings and methodologies of the latest research on herbal medicines to stimulate and accelerate research in this field, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, AI (artificial insemination) has been carried out with pigs. In some countries, it constitutes since the 1990 s the dominant procedure with piglet production to fertilize the sow. This procedure of insemination with fresh semen has become prevalent in all countries on a worldwide basis with an important pig meat production, with the exception of China. Meanwhile, up to 90% of the sows have been artificially inseminated. The trend is still upwards. As the need of pig meat and thus the production continues to increase, one can proceed on the assumption that the number of semen doses, which is necessary for this procedure, will likewise increase correspondingly. Until now, the trade beyond borders has only been marginal. An improvement in the sense of a longer shelf life for semen doses is indispensable for the trade over longer distances.  相似文献   

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