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Abstract.— We studied the effects of captive doublecrested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus predation on channel catfish Ictalurus puncratus inventories from research ponds with and without alternative prey during the years 1998–2000. In 1998, predation by two groups of captive cormorants on ponds without alternative prey produced inventory reductions relative to a control pond that were equivalent to 10.2 (516 g) and 10.5 (608 g) catfishhird per d. In 1999 and 2000 individual cormorants foraging on 0.02-ha pond halves for 10 d (500 cormoranta) stocked with both catfish and golden shiners Noremigonus crysoleucas produced inventory reductions at harvest (7.5 mo after predation occurred) averaging approximately 7 and 9 catfishhird per d, respectively. In 1999, two ponds averaged a 30% reduction in fish inventoried and a 23% loss in biomass from ponds stocked at 12,355 fishha using a single batch cropping system. Production losses from predation were not apparent at a third pond where disease reduced the catfish population by more than 50%. In contrast, two ponds with more modest disease problems in 2000 had additive predation losses that exceeded those observed in 1999. Observations of cormorants foraging during 1999 and 2000 suggested that differences in catfish predation between these years may have been related to less shiner utilization by cormorants in 2000. However, based on availability, there was no preference for shiners over catfish (Chesson's alpha c0.41) in either year, although shiners were a more readily manipulated prey. Despite the possible moderating effects of alternative prey utilization, we conclude that cormorants can cause significant economic losses to catfish at harvest.  相似文献   

The Yazoo River Basin of Mississippi, USA, supports the largest concentration of hectares devoted to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, aquaculture production in North America. The Yazoo Basin also supports large numbers of resident, wintering and migrating fish‐eating birds, with the Double‐crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus, implicated as the most serious depredating species. We used data from aerial surveys of numbers and distribution of cormorants in the Yazoo Basin and on commercial catfish ponds during winters (November–April) 2000–2001 and 2003–2004 to refine estimates of regional economic losses due to cormorant depredation. In both periods, the greatest monthly estimates of cormorant foraging occurred from 1 January to 31 March. Losses in terms of biomass, number, and dollar value were greater for foodfish ponds than fingerling ponds. Monthly weighted estimates of catfish consumed were 1775.3 and 1346.6 m.t. over winters 2000–2001 and 2003–2004, respectively. Total estimated losses for foodfish and fingerling ponds in 2000–2001 were $11.56 and $0.48 million, respectively, and in 2003–2004 were $5.22 and $0.40 million, respectively. Maximum dollar loss occurred during March in 2000–2001 and during February in 2003–2004. In this study, the volatility in variable production costs and nominal sales price, and distribution of cormorants on pond types and regionally were key factors in resulting economic loss estimates.  相似文献   

The presence of carryover (fish >350 g stocked the previous year but not yet market size) channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in multiple‐batch production ponds has been shown to affect overall production performance and costs. However, little attention has been paid to effects of varying biomasses of carryover fish in ponds. Twelve 0.1‐ha earthen ponds were stocked March 20, 2007, with 15,000 catfish fingerlings per ha (mean weight 31 g), and carryover fish at either 726, 1460, or 2187 kg/ha (mean weight 408 g, range 204–703 g) to compare the effect of three different biomasses of carryover catfish on the production performance of understocked fingerlings. Gross and net yields increased with increasing biomass of carryover fish. Growth and mean weight at harvest of fingerlings were significantly greater at the lowest biomass of carryover fish (<1460 kg/ha), but there was no difference between the medium and high carryover density treatments. Net returns were highest with the highest biomass of carryover fish, but fell by $688/ha in Year 2 because of slower growth of fingerlings in Year 1.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of amino acids, crude protein, gross energy, and dry matter of canola meal, corn gluten feed, fish offal meal, shrimp and fish offal meal, poultry by‐product meal, and hydrolyzed feather meal were determined for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Experimental diets contained 30% test ingredient, 69.5% casein‐based reference diet, and 0.5% chromic oxide. Groups of 20 fish (102.45 g) were fed the experimental diets twice a day at 3.5% body weight. Fecal samples were collected in triplicate daily at 0000 h and 0600 h after settlement into collection devices. Shrimp and fish offal meal and corn gluten feed presented significantly lower (P < 0.05) ADC for dry matter (59.5 and 39.3%) suggesting their low value as feedstuffs for catfish feeds. Although ADC values for crude protein were above 80% for all the test ingredients, amino acid digestibility varied significantly, except for histidine whose ADC remained constant regardless of the protein source. Lysine was the first limiting amino acid in most of the test ingredients, except in fish offal meal and poultry by‐product meal. Among the protein sources tested, only fish offal meal and poultry by‐product meal met channel catfish amino acid requirements for a 28% digestible protein grow‐out diet.  相似文献   

Economic trade-offs associated with single- and multiple-batch production of channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were analyzed using multi-period and risk programming mathematical models. Single-batch stocking strategies maximized net returns above variable cost, primarily because poorer feed conversions in multiple-batch systems resulted in lower net returns. In the absence of off-flavor, single-batch production would increase annual net returns by 5%. For every 25% reduction in off-flavor incidence, annual net returns increased by 1-3%. The 10-year average fall-to-spring price differential was less than the cost of holding fish through the winter, based on an assumed inventory holing cost of $0.08/kg/month. For each reduction in holding cost of $0.02/kg/month, annual net returns increased by 8-9%. Multiple stocking was selected as a risk-reducing strategy, but expected income decreased by 8% to 35% depending on the number of ponds stocked in multiple batches. Cash flow restrictions decreased annual net returns by 18% because multiple-batch stocking strategies were required to meet financial obligations.  相似文献   

An in‐pond confinement system to separate channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, by size within a single pond provides an opportunity for improved growth of understocked fish in ponds with larger market‐sized fish. A barrier of polyvinyl chloride–coated galvanized wire mesh was constructed in five 0.10‐ha earthen ponds to partition the pond into one‐third and two‐third sections, while five other 0.10‐ha ponds were left as traditional open ponds for a control. To evaluate catfish performance in this confinement system, fingerlings (25 g) were stocked at 14,820/ha into the smaller one‐third section of the barrier and carryover fish (408 g) at 2580 kg/ha into the larger two‐third section of the barrier. The control ponds were stocked with the same sizes and numbers of fish in a traditional earthen pond without a barrier. Yield, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), growth, and economics were compared between treatments. Fingerling yields were greater in the barrier system that allowed fingerlings to be separated physically from larger carryover fish. There were no differences in yield of carryover fish, survival, FCR, or growth between the control and the barrier ponds. Partial budget analysis revealed a positive net change of $367/ha or $38,125 for a 104‐ha catfish farm (at a market price of $1.54/kg of additional stockers produced). The value of the greater weight of understocked fish produced in the barrier system was greater than the annualized cost of installing the barrier, for farmers raising fish in multiple batch. Thus, on an experimental basis, the confinement system was economically profitable; however, trials on commercial farms are needed to evaluate performance on a larger scale.  相似文献   

Catfish were cultivated in 0.3 m3 site-specific cages built for fish culture in irrigation ditches. Poor growth (239 g ± 4.2) in 1989 was probably due to velocity of water and variability of fish size at stocking. Addition of baffles to the cages and hand grading of fish eliminated these problems in 1990. A power failure near the middle of the 1990 growing season forced the brief move of the fish from the ditch to a pond. Catfish reached an average weight of 465 g in 1990 over roughly the same growing season as in 1990. Before the cages were moved, fish at lower densities had significantly higher growth (588 ± 3, 515 ± 3) than those at higher densities (396 ± 4.6, 334 ± 4). However, at the end of the experiment, growth was not significantly different between densities (P > 0.05). Perhaps stress to fish caused by moving cages obliterated the previous density differences in growth.  相似文献   

Four treatment groups that received repeating cycles of fixed feed deprivation for either 0, 1, 2, or 3 d (control, treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively), followed by periods of refeeding with a 36% protein commercial catfish feed once daily as long as the active phase of compensatory growth (CG) persisted, were assessed in flow-through aquaria. No-feed periods elicited the CG state and were immediately followed by days of ad libatum refeeding. At the end of 10 wk, average growth rate (AGR) of fish was higher ( P < 0.05) than the control by 40%, 180%, and 191% for treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. The average weight of fish in treatment 3 was heavier ( P < 0.05) than the average control group at the end of the study period. Mean daily feed consumption was 3.91%, 5.03%, 5.36%, and 5.98% for control, treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. Mean feed consumption per fish per day was 24%, 71.3%, and 70.7% higher than the control in treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. Restricted feeding is one of the effective methods to contain ESC-related losses in commercial channel catfish fingerling operations. The mean cumulative survival of treatment groups registered higher ( P < 0.05) survival to Edwardsiella ictaluri infection compared to the daily fed control fish. Results from this study show that compensatory growth response triggered by periodic non-feeding days can improve growth rate, feed consumption, and improved survival to ESC infections in channel catfish fingerlings.  相似文献   


A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate low-quality diets for growout of pond-raised channel catfish. Five practical diets containing various levels of protein (10-28%) of varying quality (with or without animal protein and/or soybean meal), and with or without certain nutrient supplements (vitamin, minerals, lysine, or fat) were fed to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatusstocked in 0.04-ha earthen ponds at a rate of 17,290 fish/ha. The diets were as follows: (1) 28% protein, nutritionally complete control; (2) 28% protein without supplemental vitamins, minerals, or fat; (3) 18% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein; (4) 10% protein without animal protein, soybean meal, or supplemental vitamins and minerals; and (5) 10% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein or soybean meal. Each diet was fed once daily to apparent satiation to fish in five replicate ponds for a single growing season. Fish fed diets containing 18% or 28% protein without supplements had similar diet consumption rates and weight gain as those fed the 28% control diet, but the fish fed the control diet converted diet more efficiently. Fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements consumed less diet, converted diet less efficiently, and gained less weight than fish fed diets containing higher levels of protein. The addition of supplements to the 10% protein diet increased weight gain and processing yield as compared to fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements. Body fattiness increased, fillet protein decreased, and carcass, fillet and nugget yields decreased as dietary protein decreased. The data show that pond-raised channel catfish can be grown effectively on a diet containing 18% protein that is of relatively low quality, but fattiness is increased and processing yield is decreased. However, because of the negative aspects of this diet, we would not recommend it for general use in commercial catfish culture. It could be used where fattiness and processing yield are not of consequence, such as recreational ponds. For that matter, the 10% diet without supplements could be used as well in these situations if maximum growth is not desired.  相似文献   

A factorial experiment was conducted to examine effects of dietary protein concentration (24, 28, 32, or 36%) and feeding regimen (feeding once daily or every other day [EOD]) on channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, production in earthen ponds. Compared with fish fed daily, fish fed EOD had lower feed consumption, weight gain, net production, and percentage of market‐size fish but had high feed efficiency and required fewer hours of aeration. Fish fed EOD also had lower carcass yield, fillet yield, and visceral and fillet fat. There was a significant interaction between dietary protein and feeding regimen for weight gain. No significant differences were observed in weight gain of fish fed daily with diets containing various levels of protein, whereas weight gain of fish fed EOD with a 24% protein diet was lower than those fed EOD with higher protein diets. Results suggest that response of channel catfish to dietary protein levels depends on whether the fish were fed daily or EOD. Feeding EOD to satiation improved feed efficiency and required less aeration compared with fish fed daily but also reduced net production and processing yield; therefore, EOD feeding should be examined closely before implementation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of ovarian fluid pH of stripped unfertilized channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, eggs on fertilization and hatch rate of channel catfish ♀ x blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus♂, hybrid catfish eggs. A significant correlation was established between ovarian fluid pH of stripped channel catfish eggs and hybrid embryo hatch rate (R2 = 0.75, P = 0.01), suggesting ovarian fluid pH of stripped catfish eggs prior to fertilization can be predictive of the hatching success of hybrid catfish embryos. These data were used to categorize pH of stripped eggs: pH <7.0 as “low pH eggs,” pH 7.0–7.4 as “medium pH eggs,” or pH >7.4 as “high pH eggs” quality eggs. The range in percent hatch rate for these pH categories was <15%, 15–30%, and >30%, respectively. Higher calcium concentrations during incubation do not appear to improve hatching success of “low pH eggs.” The predictive model presented herein describes a quick method for evaluating stripped catfish eggs for hybrid fry production in catfish hatcheries.  相似文献   

从人工饲养的成鱼中挑选体色单纯、红色较深的个体作后备亲鱼进行强化培育,待其性腺发育成熟后,注射LHRH—A2催熟催产。催熟剂量为每千克鱼体重2~3μg(雄鱼不催熟),催产剂量为8μg(雄鱼剂量减半)。试验结果,雌鱼的催产率达70.6%;共获受精卵大约18万粒;孵化出鱼苗约16万尾,平均孵化率88.9%;经培育,共获体长3.5cm的鱼种14.82万尾,鱼种的平均培育成活率达92.6%。试验结果表明,亲鱼培育是美国红鮰鱼人工繁殖取得成功的关键,而要获得遗传性状稳定的红鮰鱼鱼种,亲鱼的筛选至关重要;美国红鮰鱼生长快,抗病力强,产量高,肉质鲜嫩,是优良的养殖品种,可以在国内推广养殖。  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest worldwide in applying bacterial inocula to channel catfish ponds for improving water quality, especially for acceleration of ammonia nitrogen oxidation through bacterial nitrification. The effects of a selected bacterial amendment on water quality in small research ponds for channel catfish production were evaluated at the E. W. Shell Fisheries Center, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Three ponds were treated with the bacterial amendment Waste & Sludge Reducer? (Keeton Industries, Wellington, CO, USA) at three times the dose recommended by the manufacturer every 2 wk, and three ponds served as controls. There were nonconsistent minor differences in water quality between ponds treated with a commercial bacterial amendment and control ponds on several sampling dates. However, the average concentrations of water quality variables did not differ (P > 0.05) between the treatments and control. Channel catfish yield was not improved by applying the bacterial amendment. This study demonstrates that the bacterial amendment was of no benefit in improving water quality in well‐managed catfish ponds where stocking rates, feeding rates, and amount of aeration are balanced.  相似文献   

Proliferative gill disease (PGD) in catfish is caused by the myxozoan Henneguya ictaluri. The complex life cycle requires Dero digitata as the oligochaete host. Efforts to control PGD by eradicating D. digitata have been unsuccessful. Smallmouth buffalo, Ictiobus bubalus, (SMB) are opportunistic bottom feeders and a putative option for controlling D. digitata. In 2011, 15 ponds (0.4 ha) were stocked with 5000 channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus; 7 of these 15 ponds were also stocked with 300 SMB fingerlings. There were no differences in benthic invertebrate numbers or water quality variables between ponds with or without SMB. At harvest, there were no differences in percent survival, total weight, or catfish feed conversion ratio. In the second year, 18 ponds (0.4 ha) were stocked with 6000 channel catfish. Half the ponds were also stocked with 300 SMB. Sentinel fish were used to estimate disease severity, and pond water was collected for molecular estimation of H. ictaluri actinospore concentrations. Similar to the first year, there were no differences between treatments in any variable tested, including PGD severity in sentinel fish and parasite concentrations in pond water. Under these study conditions, presence of SMB did not have a measureable effect on PGD incidence, parasite density, or overall catfish production.  相似文献   

The effects of the putative hormonal pheromones 17α, 20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnene‐3‐one (17,20β‐P), 17,20β‐P‐20‐glucosiduronate, and prostaglandin F‐2α (PGF‐2α) injected into female channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, were investigated to determine whether male channel catfish and blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus, could be attracted to the injected females. Females were distributed into traps placed in ponds containing either male channel catfish or blue catfish. Traps were checked six times in a 96‐h period. Males were 17.9 times more likely to be captured with a PGF‐2α‐injected female than with an ethanol‐only injected female, or a 17,20β‐P‐injected female, and 3.5 times more likely to be captured with a PGF‐2α‐injected female than with a 17,20β‐P‐glucosiduronate‐injected female. Males were 6.0 times more likely to be caught between 48 and 96 h post‐injection than between 12 and 24 h post‐injection. These results suggest that the overall best pheromone to attract blue catfish and channel catfish males is PGF‐2α at 48–96 h post‐injection.  相似文献   

Enteric septicemia of cattish (ESC), caused by the bacterium Edwardsiella ictaluri, has become the most significant disease problem affecting the commercial channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, industry in the United States. Although antibiotics are used extensively for the control of ESC, there are inherent problems associated with their use. Consequently, experiments were initiated to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination program that used immersion and oral delivery methods to administer a killed E. ictaluri vaccine to fry and fingerling channel cafish. In a preliminary pond study with laboratory challenge, mortality in a group vaccinated with a combination of immersion and oral procedures was only 5.0% in both high- and low-dose challenges. This was significantly different (P c 0.01) from non-vaccinated controls, which had 46.7%mortality in the lowdose challenge and the 6 1.7% mortality in the highdose challenge. This corresponds to relative percent survival (RPS) values of 89.3 and 91.9 respectively. Subsequent field trials further indicated the efficacy of a vaccination program for the prevention of ESC in channel catfish. In 1987-1988, a field study was conducted using 12 commercial ponds, with three replicates of four treatments. The four treatments included vaccination by immersion only, oral only, a combination of both immersion and oral procedures, and non-vaccinated conwols. Relative percent survival was 57.4 for the immersion only treatment, 50.3 for the oral only treatment, and 53.5 for the combination immersion and oral treatment. In 1989-1990, no significant difference was found between vaccinated and non-vaccinated fish. However, in 1989-1990, a vaccine-oil emulsion was topcoated on a floating feed, rather than incorporating vaccine in a sinking pellet. In 1990-1991, overall mortality in vaccinated fish was significantly less (P < 0.05) than non-vaccinated fish, with 41.2% mortality in vaccinates compared to 63.5% in non-vaccinated fish, for an RPS of 35.1. In examining RPS values for individual farms, two farms had excellent results, with RPS values of 81.3 and 76.9; two farms had only moderate success, with RPS values of 26.6 and 15.4; and one location had greater mortality in the vaccinated fish than in the non-vaccinated fish. However, that farm had only two ponds in the study and experienced significant losses to proliferative gill disease in the pond with vaccinated fish.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus fry are typically held under hatchery conditions for 7 to 14 d after hatching to allow feeding and growth before they are stocked into nursery ponds to produce fingerling catfish. In an attempt to reduce hatchery operating costs, several catfish fingerling producers in Louisiana presently stock fry within 2 d after hatching before yolk absorption is complete. Fry at this stage of development are commonly referred to as "sac-fry." Although research has shown that fry can be stocked at the onset of yolk absorption with no detrimental effects on subsequent fingerling production, stocking sac-fry has been reported to result in reduced fingerling survival. To further investigate this topic, production trials were conducted in experimental outdoor pools over the course of two growing seasons to evaluate the effect of stocking fry of three different ages (2-, 7-, and 14-d post-hatch, DPH) on survival, growth (weight and length), condition factor (K), yield, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of fingerling catfish. Results from both trials indicated that the age at which fry were stocked had no effect on production characteristics with the exception of growth. Specifically, fingerlings reared from fry stocked at 2 and 7 DPH were significantly larger than fingerlings reared from fry stocked at an age of 14 DPH. These findings suggest that the practice of stocking sac-fry may be a suitable alternative to the traditional procedure of holding and feeding fry under hatchery conditions prior to stocking. However, in order to fully evaluate the effects of early-age stocking of catfish fry on fingerling production, additional studies must be conducted under pond conditions. Furthermore, these studies must be coupled with a rigorous economic analysis before the practice of stocking sac-fry can be recommended to the catfish industry.  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted on growth and protein requirements of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus. Four diets containing 24, 28, 32, or 36% protein were fed to both channel (initial weight 6.9 g/fish) and blue (6.6 g/fish) catfish for two growing seasons. There were significant interactions between dietary protein and fish species for weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR). No significant differences were observed in weight gain of channel catfish fed various protein diets, whereas higher protein diets (32 and 36%) resulted in better weight gain in blue catfish than lower protein diets (24 and 28%). No consistent differences were observed in the FCR of channel catfish fed various levels of dietary protein, whereas significantly higher FCRs were noted in blue catfish fed the 24 and 28% protein diets compared with fish fed 32 and 36% protein diets. Regardless of dietary protein levels, blue catfish had higher carcass, nugget, and total meat yield, and higher fillet moisture and protein, but lower fillet yield and fillet fat. Regardless of fish species, fish fed the 36% protein diet had higher carcass, fillet, and total meat yield than fish fed the 28 and 32% protein diets, which in turn had higher yields than fish fed the 24% protein diet. It appears that blue catfish can be successfully cultured by feeding a 32% protein diet.  相似文献   

Corn germ meal (CGM) is a by‐product of corn milling. On the basis of its nutrient composition and digestibility values, it appears to be a suitable ingredient for use in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, diets. A study was conducted to examine the use of various levels of CGM in diets for pond‐raised channel catfish. Four 28% protein diets containing 0, 15, 25, and 35% CGM were evaluated. Fingerling channel catfish (mean initial weight: 71 g/fish) were stocked into 24, 0.04‐ha ponds at a rate of 14,826 fish/ha. Fish were fed once daily to apparent satiation for a 167‐d growing season. No significant differences were observed in total amount of diet fed, diet consumption per fish, net yield, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, survival, fillet yield, and fillet protein, fat, and moisture concentrations among fish fed diets containing various levels of CGM. Carcass yield decreased linearly as dietary CGM levels increased. Depending on prices, CGM can be used interchangeably with corn gluten feed in channel catfish diets as replacements for corn, wheat middlings, and soybean meal to reduce feed cost.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of anemia (CCA) in channel catfish, Ictalurirs punctatus, in Mississippi occur predominantly during spring and fall. Between October, 1990 and May, 1991, twenty-seven cases of CCA were submitted to the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service-College of Veterinary Medicine Fish Diagnostic Laboratories. Histologic lesions were identified in the head and trunk kidneys of all affected fish. The head kidney contained less than 25% immature hematopoietic tissue in 3 of 22 cases (14%). 25-50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 7 of 22 cases (32%), and greater than 50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 12 of 22 cases (54%). The trunk kidney contained less than 25% immature hematopoietic tissue in 5 of 27 cases (18%), 25-50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 15 of 27 cases (56%), and greater than 50% immature hematopoietic tissue in 7 of 27 cases (26%). The histopathologic findings noted in cases of CCA from Mississippi affect primarily the hematopietic tissues of the head and trunk kidneys.  相似文献   

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