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The establishment of large numbers of ramets from any individual coral genet can be used as a valuable source of material for the trade in ornamental marine organisms and in physiological and ecotoxicological studies. Here we discuss the rationale and the applicability of rearing ex situ large numbers of nubbins (minute fragments, down to the size of a single polyp). Nubbins taken from colonies of the branching Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata show high survivorship under ex situ conditions and fast growth rates (5- to 6-fold increase in polyp numbers within 3 months) of the basal plates which revealed a significant correlation between tissue surface area and polyp numbers. Nubbins from branch tips and mid branches grew at a similar rate, but growth was affected by different light regimens. This approach requires further experimentation to elucidate optimal conditions.  相似文献   

土池循环水无公害养鳗模式初探   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
土池养鳗是一种比较经济普遍的养鳗方式,但存在着较多问题,尤其是预防病害所带来的药残问题,严重影响着鳗鱼养殖生产的效益。介绍了一种土池循环水鳗鱼无公害养殖模式的设计方案和试验结果,旨在为土池鳗鱼无公害养殖探索一种有价值的模式。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of inexpensive cages made from concrete and bamboo on the skeletal extension rates of the scleractinian corals Acropora gomezi and Pavona cactus, fragments were cultured without cages, inside partial cages, and inside full cages with bamboo covers of two mesh sizes at different depths around Sambangan Island, Indonesia. An additional experiment was designed to assess the impact of shading by cages on skeletal extension. Linear extension rates of all fragments were measured over a period of four months. Culture inside cages led to significantly reduced extension rates of A. gomezi at both depths, while P. cactus only showed significantly reduced extension rates when cultured in full cages at greater depth. Caging lead to a significant increase in skeletal damage at both depths in A. gomezi, and at shallow depth in P. cactus. Shaded fragments of A. gomezi had much smaller extension rates (5 ± 1 mm/132 days, mean ± SE) than unshaded fragments (24 ± 1 mm/132 days) and sustained significantly more damage, while shaded fragments of P. cactus grew significantly better (15 ± 0 mm/132 days) than unshaded fragments (12 ± 0 mm/132 days) and sustained less damage, although the difference was not significant. The culture of coral fragments without cages may yield the best results. However, the choice of the optimal culture method will depend on the species to be cultured and the conditions encountered in the reef.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to test the suitability of biofloc technology to improve the productivity of the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, a commercially important baitfish in North America. Biofloc growth was induced in treatment tanks by periodic additions of a carbon source (glucose) to maintain a C : N ratio of 12:1. Control tanks (no aeration and no carbon addition) accommodated densities equivalent to 1 million fish/ha, while treatment tanks (biofloc) had densities of 1, 2, 4, and 8 million fish/ha. Fish were fed 4% body weight using a 32% protein commercial diet. There were no significant differences in condition of fish harvested from control and treatment densities (P < 0.05). However, fish growth indicators such as final individual weight, feed conversion efficiency, and specific growth rate were significantly impaired at higher stocking densities. Survival rate was significantly lower in the 8 million/ha treatment (P < 0.05). Results were indicative of possible production efficiencies of twofold higher in biofloc systems stocked at or below 4 million/ha compared with traditional ponds. Although biofloc systems maintained the desired water‐quality parameters, biofloc microbial biomass did not seem to significantly enhance feed conversion and specific growth rates of fathead minnows.  相似文献   

目前市场上应用的活鱼运输装置大都采用人工控制或单片机控制系统,自动化水平低或抗干扰性差,不能满足长途运输的要求。为了提高低温活鱼运输箱系统的自动化水平,改善活鱼运输条件,提高活鱼运输的存活率,采用PLC为核心控制器,触摸屏为人机界面,通过对系统的硬件和软件进行设计,实现了设备的启停控制,运用PID控制算法和脉冲定时器建立的PPI通信网络,实现了温度、pH值和DO的自动采集与控制。系统温度、pH值和DO控制范围分别为3-35℃、8-13 mg/L和6.5-8.0,箱体内水温分布均匀,升温和降温速率平缓。试验结果表明,空载时,箱体内水体温度分布偏差为1℃,温度上升和下降速率分别为2.5、2.3℃/h;按鱼水质量比1:2运输,水温控制在6.7-7.3℃、DO在8.9-12.8 mg/L,pH在6.5-7.5的水体条件下,运输时间约为72 h时,武昌鱼的存活率达到96.7%。系统性能稳定、可靠性高、人机界面友好、使用灵活,能适应不同地区和不同鱼种的运输要求。  相似文献   

Comprehensive analyses of aquaculture potential are required for policy formulation and planning for aquaculture development. A computer-automated geographical information system (CIS) was assessed as a tool to analyze the complex spatial and attribute data sets needed to locate aquaculture potential. The state of Louisiana, USA, was the study area. Areas for the further development of catfish and crawfish culture and crawfish-rice and crawfish-grain sorghum double cropping were identified. The CIS showed that there were ample opportunities for the expansion of catfish farming on flatlands based on soil suitability and length of the growing season. Parishes in which crawfish are already raised occupy most of the best suited soils and include those with the longest growing seasons. The potential to further integrate crawfish with rice and with grain sorghum in double cropping systems was good. The results demonstrated that a GIS can be used to aid large-area aquacultural development planning.  相似文献   

羊栖菜筏式养殖试验报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1994-1996年,在扇贝养养殖海区进行了羊栖菜式养殖试验。采取水面养、簇夹与单棵密夹相间的夹苗方式、假根和营养技术繁殖技术,取得成功。2年共养68亩,产鲜菜74.552kg,淡于为11760.5kg,总效率257473.4元,平均亩纯益3786.37元。专家鉴定认为,本项目居国内先进水平。  相似文献   

锈斑(蟳)亲蟹培育试验初报   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
从市场采购或由野外采捕野生锈斑蟳的成体,采用内分泌、营养和环境条件三个方面结合起来的方法进行亲蟹培育和人工催熟:摘除亲蟹的单侧眼柄;投喂双壳类增加营养;控制水温在25℃~28℃,盐度30—32,pH值8.0~8.4,DO5mg/L以上,光照强度0~1500lx。本试验亲蟹的培育成活率达93.3%,抱卵率85.7%,孵化率83.3%。试验结果表明,甲长6.3~7.9cm的雌蟹,经过培育,性腺均可发育成熟,均可抱卵。锈斑蟳属一次性产卵类型,可多次抱卵。水体中聚缩虫等原生动物的大量繁殖直接影响锈斑蟳胚胎和幼体的正常发育和孵化,也是幼体培育成活率低的原因之一。  相似文献   


This study investigated the ability of a simple bacterial denitrification filter (BDF) to reduce nitrate levels in experimental low-intensity recirculating broodstock tanks. These broodstock tanks are equipped with a sand-substrate system which provided the dual purpose of habitat and nitrification filter. The BDF was constructed of 50-mm PVC pipe, filled with 50% gravel and 50% crushed pipi shell. The BDF was designed to be easily fitted to individual tanks (assisting biosecurity) and to operate with minimal management.

There were 3 treatments, each with 3 replicates: control tanks with no BDF; tanks with BDFs receiving 0.605 g C/day as glucose (Low C); and tanks with BDFs receiving 1.512 g C/day as glucose (High C). Kuruma shrimp, Penaeus japonicuswere maintained in all tanks at a density of 185 g/m2 (avg. weight of 8.02±2.4 g), and no water was exchanged for the duration of the experiment. In the control tanks, nitrate increased at about 1 mg/L/day until 38 days when it peaked at 38.9 mg/L. Nitrate levels in control tanks decreased slightly (i.e., by up to 2.5 mg/L) from 38 days to 50 days when the experiment was concluded. In the Low C treatments, nitrate increased at a similar rate at first; however, it peaked at 24 days (18 mg/L) and then gradually reduced to 12 mg/L after 50 days. In the High C treatments, nitrate also peaked at 18 mg/L after 24 days, but then decreased to zero by 50 days.

Sand-substrate in the High C treatment tanks was anoxic by the end of the experiment (black beneath the surface, with redox potential < –100 mV). However, in the control and Low C treatments, where nitrate levels were above 10 mg/L, the substrate remained in good condition (no black sediment, and redox potential –10 to 50 mV).

These results demonstrate that a simply-designed and operated BDF, together with an appropriate nitrification system, can effectively maintain nitrate below 20 mg/L, removing the need for water exchange and improving biosecurity. The BDF operation should be limited to allow nitrate to be maintained at about 10 mg/L, to help maintain oxidized conditions in the sediment.  相似文献   

工业化养鱼的进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
概述了国内外工业化养鱼的现状:指出该项产业科技含量大,是新兴的知识型产业,开展工业化养鱼有利于对渔业资源的保护及对水域环境的治理;通过对我国工业化养鱼简短的历史回顾,分析讨论了发展中的制约因素,以及今后的工作方向。  相似文献   

Production and growth of a local strain of marine Chlorella sp. was investigated under different pH levels ranging from pH 6.0–8.5 using 200 L capacity algal tubes. The results show that a pH of 6.5 will be most conducive for producing this species in a continuous culture system. The highest production was 136 g/m3/d with a mean of 117 ± 11 g/m3/d at pH 6.5 compared with other pH levels tested. The total fatty acid content was elevated at low pH levels and ω 3 PUFA increased as the pH was lowered from 8.5 to 6.5. The investigations show that algal productivity is considerably higher in the continuous culture system than in any of the other culture systems available.  相似文献   

黄河下游河流健康评估指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河下游是一条高度人工化的河流,是黄河"水少沙多"等诸多问题影响最为剧烈的区域。维持黄河下游健康,不能盲目追求河流自然功能的恢复和扩大。黄河下游河流健康评估指标体系的构建应充分考虑水沙、河道、生态等实际特点,紧密结合黄河下游的经济社会背景,针对黄河下游所承担的功能定位,强调评估指标体系的可操作性、指导性、动态性与适应性,协调黄河下游河流自然生态功能与社会服务功能的均衡发挥。黄河下游河流健康评估指标体系在遵循全国河湖健康评估指标体系的基础上,进行了调整优化。在水文水资源准则层中,取消了"流量变异程度"指标;在物理结构准则层中,增加了"主槽过流能力"指标;在水质状况准则层中,将"DO水质状况"和"耗氧有机物状况"综合为"水质状况"指标;在生物及栖息地准则层中,取消了"底栖动物完整性指数"指标,将"鱼类损失指数"调整为"珍稀濒危及特有土著鱼类生物损失指数",增加了"天然湿地保留率"指标和"珍稀濒危及特有土著鱼类栖息地状况"指标;在社会服务功能准则层中增加了"饮用水源地安全状况"、"景观舒适度"和"公众满意度"等指标。河流生态状况准则层和社会服务功能准则层不进行加权计算,河流健康状况由河流生态状况准则层和社会服务功能准则层分别进行表征。  相似文献   

The effluents of traditional shrimp monoculture cause pollution and promote eutrophication and hypernutrification of the receiving coastal ecosystems. Integrated aquaculture and a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) have been proposed as an alternative to address these problems. In this study, we developed a dynamic model to simulate the concentration of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite, and nitrate in an integrated culture of whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, and seaweed, Gracilaria vermiculophylla, in a recirculating and zero water exchange system, and the effect of nitrifying and heterotrophic bacteria was also included. The experiments demonstrated that a dynamic model can explain the concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and variations in these concentrations over time in the integrated culture. The results also suggest that nitrifying and heterotrophic bacteria play an important role in the transformation of dissolved nitrogenous compounds; therefore, these bacteria should be considered within the dynamics of nitrogen in integrated systems with low water exchange.  相似文献   

陆阳  池慧 《水产科学》2004,23(9):32-33
翘嘴红(Erythroculterilishaeformis)俗称白条,太湖白鱼、翘子,属肉食性,活动于水体的中上层,是长江流域优质经济鱼类之一。为了探索翘嘴红精养技术,笔者于2003年在河南省郑州市马寨良种养殖场开展了养殖试验,取得了初步成果。现将试验情况总结如下。1 试验材料与方  相似文献   

鱼糜加工设备漂洗槽自控系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了鱼糜加工生产线中漂洗槽温度和水位控制系统的研制过程,给出了该系统的硬件结构及软件设计。  相似文献   

白城市位于吉林省西北部,松辽平原西部,境内大中型水库、湖泊、泡塘等水面资源十分丰富。为了充分挖掘水库的渔业潜力,调整水库的养殖品种结构,提高水库经济效益,2004年我们在盐铺调度管理站开展了水库养殖河蟹技术试验,效果较好。现将试验情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

封闭式养殖南美白对虾的关键水质因子分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在2001年5-9月进行的南美白对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)封闭式养殖中,研究分析了虾池主要水质因子:化学耗氧量(COD),总铵(NH4-N),亚硝酸盐(NO2-N),溶氧和pH的变化情况,以及循环池对这些水质因子的净化作用,并通过采取措施有效改善水质指标,养殖对虾平均亩产达968.8kg。  相似文献   

将超声波及纳米电气石功能材料有机结合,建立新颖滤池型式,并且整机采用可移式一体化设计,形成一种工艺简化、结构紧凑、处理水质稳定、使用方便的一体化纳米过滤净水设备,有效降低了投资、运转成本。应用一体化纳米过滤净水设备的锦鲤鱼养殖试验获得了良好的水净化效果,试验池单产达4.6kg/m3,成活率97.4%,体表色彩鲜艳。  相似文献   

从对虾养殖池中分离到1株细菌(编号2013042402,简称菌株02),分别用16S rDNA序列比对法和细菌全细胞脂肪酸气相色谱法对该菌进行鉴定.结果显示,菌株02为芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.).为探讨该芽孢杆菌在生物絮团对虾养殖中的使用效果,实验分别设置加菌加糖组(菌株02的量为2.0× 104 CFU/ml,蔗糖量为饵料的70%)、加菌组、加糖组(生物絮团组)及空白对照组,研究了菌株02对养殖水质(温度、盐度、溶氧、pH、氨氮及亚硝酸氮)、对虾存活率及水体中主要菌群组成等指标的影响.结果显示,加菌加糖组能显著降低养殖水体中的氨氮和亚硝酸氮浓度,提高对虾存活率.生物絮团对虾养殖系统中添加菌株02,能够改善菌群结构,抑制弧菌生长.研究结果可为生物絮团对虾养殖中定向培养有益微生物提供技术支持.  相似文献   

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