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Winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, is currently being evaluated as a stock enhancement candidate in New Hampshire, USA; however, little is known about the gonadal development or the sex ratio of cultured juveniles. To determine the size at gonadal differentiation, 327 cultured fish ranging from <20 to 110 mm total length (TL), in 10‐mm‐TL size classes, were examined histologically. Gonads had differentiated into testes and ovaries in fish ≥41 mm TL (98%), whereas the majority of fish (81%) smaller than 40 mm TL possessed undifferentiated gonads. A total of 313 cultured fish >40 mm TL were analyzed for sex ratio. In 2003, 67 females and 164 males were identified, yielding a sex ratio that was significantly skewed toward male (χ2= 40.7, df = 1, P < 0.001). This trend held true when cultured fish were sorted by age and length, with the exception of those fish 61–70 mm TL. This aberration probably was because of a small sample size in this length category. However, in both the 2004 and the 2005 cultured populations, flounder sex did not deviate from a 1:1 ratio (2004 χ2= 0.12, df = 1, P= 0.724 and 2005 χ2= 0.02, df = 1, P= 0.881). The 2003 data suggest that environmental or genetic factors may affect winter flounder sex determination; rearing manipulation studies in the hatchery are needed to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Winter flounder Pleuronectes americanus is being developed for aquaculture in Atlantic Canada. Weaning, the switch from a live diet to formulated feed, is a critical stage in the culture of any fish species. In this study, we used wild young-of-the-year stock to determine whether juvenile winter flounder can be weaned from live, cultured Artemia onto dry feed. The dry feed used was originally formulated for turbot Scophthalmus maximus and cod Gadus morhua by BP Nutrition, Stavanger, Norway. The performance of live feed and dry pellets was compared in terms of survival, growth and feed efficiency over three months. We were able to wean wild juvenile winter flounder onto dry feed after one week. Increased specific growth rates and feed efficiency ratios in weaned juveniles indicated that prepared diet was a better food source than Anemia . Survival was not influenced by food type.  相似文献   

盐度对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼存活、生长及摄食的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
盐度对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼的存活的影响较小,将漠斑牙鲆幼鱼从盐度为32的海水直接放入盐度为24、16、8、0的水中观察48 h存活情况,仅盐度0组成活率为75%,其他盐度组均为100%.在盐度为32、24、16、8、0各试验组中,经1个月饲养,生长速度和饵料系数均无显著差异.盐度越低越有利于漠斑牙鲆白化个体康复正常体色.  相似文献   

In this study, partial and total replacement of live diets (microalgae and Artemia nauplii) with microencapsulated diets (MED) are demonstrated for larval culture of P. indicus . Slower growth and lower survival rate of larvae fed experimental MED were significantly improved by a supplement of 15 cells/μL frozen mixed algae (1:2, Tetrtaselmis and Skeletonema ) during protod stages (PZ1–PZ3). This low level of algal supplement to MED resulted in survival (85–92%) equal to that obtained from control live diets (91%) during protod stages. These significant improvements in larval growth and survival are likely to be due to higher larval digestive enzyme activities and hence more efficient digestion of the artificial diet by the larvae. Like other penaeids, P. indicus larvae show high total and tissue trypsin activities during PZ stages, with a peak at mysis stage 1 (M1), and a decrease during subsequent stages when fed on conventional live diets of algae followed by Artemia during mysis stages. Larvae fed 15 ceUs/μL mixed frozen algae in addition to MED demonstrated a significantly higher trypsin activity throughout herbivorous larval stages in comparison to larvae fed solely on MED. A freeze dried alga Rhinomonas reticulata incorporated into a MED at 23Vo (v/v) induced larval trypsin activity equal to that produced by live algae. Hence, the algal substances, which trigger digestive enzyme production, may be retained within the microcapsules. At mysis stages, however, addition of live prey (one Artemia/ mL) to cultures fed with MED significantly improved growth and survival although it depressed trypsin activity. For mysis stages it appears that the use of predigested ingredients is necessary to improve the digestibility of formulated diets.  相似文献   

Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossus has recently been identified as a candidate species for aquaculture in the northeastern United States and the Canadian Atlantic Provinces. This study investigated the optimal temperatures for witch flounder larval first feeding and for long term larval culture from hatching through metamorphosis. Maximum first feeding occurred between 15.0 and 16.2 C. Larvae did not survive beyond first feeding when reared at mean temperatures of 5.1, 10.4, or 19.5 C and were unable to initiate feeding at mean rearing temperatures below 6.0 C. At a rearing temperature of 15.0 C in 16-L tanks, mean larval survival to 60 days post hatch (dph) was 14.1%. Mean overall length-specific growth rate for larvae reared to 60 dph at 15.0 C was 3.5%/d and mean absolute growth was 0.62 mm/d. Subsequent larval growth at 15.6 C began to taper off towards 70 dph at the onset of weaning which overlapped with larval metamorphosis. Growth plateaued at 85 dph, followed by a rebound between 90 and 95 dph. Survival was 100% when weaning onto a dry, pelleted diet was initiated at 70 dph with a 10-d live diet co-feeding period. These results are favorable and encourage the further pursuit of commercial witch flounder culture.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) membranes from flounder muscle were solubilized using different ionic and nonionic detergents (Tween-20, Triton X-100, sodium dodecyl sulfate, or sodium desoxycholate). The recoveries of protein and NADH-dependent lipid peroxidative enzyme activity for different detergent treated SR preparations were compared. Triton X-100 was the least detrimental to the activity of the solubilized enzymes system. With Triton X-100, we were able to solubilize 85% of the SR protein and 97% of the phospholipid. Upon removal of the detergent, 98% of the peroxidative activity was recovered.  相似文献   

以18日龄的牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)稚鱼为研究对象,通过11 d 的生长实验,研究了添加不同比例的微藻粉替代鱼油对牙鲆稚鱼生长、存活率和脂肪酸组成的影响。以鱼油组(FO)为对照组,以裂壶藻粉(Schizochytrium sp.)、微绿球藻粉(Nannochloropsis sp.)和橄榄油替代不同比例的鱼油,配制成5组等氮等能的实验饲料,分别命名为鱼油组(FO),50%混合替代组(M50)、100%混合替代组(M100)、100%裂壶藻橄榄油替代组(S100)、100%微绿球藻橄榄油替代组(N100)。结果显示,微藻粉替代鱼油对牙鲆稚鱼的生长无显著影响;含有裂壶藻的各饲料组(M50、M100、S100)成活率显著高于 FO 组和 N100组(P?0.05);微藻粉替代鱼油不影响牙鲆稚鱼主要脂肪酸的组成;Person相关性分析发现,C14:0、C16:1n-7、C18:2n-6、C20:0、C18:3n-3、C22:0、C20:4n-3、EPA、C22:5n-6和 DHA 的百分含量均与其饲料中的百分含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05);总饱和脂肪酸、总单不饱和脂肪酸、n-3多不饱和脂肪酸的百分含量以及 DHA/EPA 比率均与其饲料组成表现出显著正相关(P<0.05)。综上所述,微藻作为脂肪源替代鱼油完全可以满足牙鲆稚鱼的生长和发育,各种脂肪酸均可以被牙鲆稚鱼充分消化和吸收,并且添加两种微藻后提高了稚鱼的 DHA 含量和 DHA/EPA 比率,与鱼油对照组相比显著提高了牙鲆稚鱼的成活率。因此,以微藻替代鱼油在牙鲆稚鱼的培育中是可行的。  相似文献   

Wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) is a panoceanic, antitropical distributed species. Despite the high market price, high growth rate, good quality flesh and the potential for aquaculture, research data are scarce. In this study, the growth performance and food intake was investigated in juvenile fish, while gametogenesis was studied in adult fish. Three groups were created from 19 individuals, which were collected during neustonic sampling, using fish aggregating devices, in association with floating objects and during tuna fishing with drift nets from Greece (Crete), Italy (Ionian Sea) and the Atlantic coast of France from September 1999 to March 2001. All individuals (initial weight between 0.5 g and 4.5 kg) were reared in aquaculture facilities so as to monitor growth performance and food intake. Food (de-frozen fish – bogue, mackerel and squid – or moist pellets) was delivered ad libitum. Total length and wet weight were measured regularly. Daily food intake, the food conversion index and daily growth rate were calculated. Individuals, aging 0+, grew exceptionally fast, reaching 2.0 kg (total length 50 cm) in 12 months and 5.0 kg (total length 65 cm) in 24, while at later stages, the growth rate decreased and depended on the water temperature during rearing. Food consumption varied during the rearing period according to the developmental stage and the rearing conditions. The food conversion ratio ranged between 0.9 and 2.5 on dry weight basis during the period of the study. Gametogenesis was monitored in a separate stock of 15 individuals (11.7 ± 3.7 kg) by biopsis while blood samples were taken for steroid estimation. Increased oocyte diameter was observed in females from August to January, while plasma estradiol levels also increased from October to March. However, neither egg or sperm were collected from the stock. Young wreckfish presented a high growth rate in captivity, thus supporting the feasibility of the species for rearing. Further research, however, is required for the reproduction of the species.  相似文献   

Interest in the culture of flatfishes has increased globally due to high consumer demand and decreased commercial landings. The Southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma inhabit South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico waters and support important commercial and recreational fisheries. In spring, 1996, a two-part larval rearing study was performed with Southern flounder to examine the effects of three larval diets and two light intensities on survival, growth, and pigmentation. The first part of the study consisted of feeding 6 d post-hatch (dph) (3.0 ± 0.1 mm TL) larvae three diets: 1) rotifers Brachionus plicatilis at a rate of 10/mL from day 1–9 and Artemia nauplii (3/mL) from day 7 through metamorphosis; 2) rotifers fed day 1 through metamorphosis and Artemia fed day 7 through metamorphosis; or 3) same diet as treatment 1 plus a commercial larval diet added day 13 through metamorphosis. The second part of the study examined the effects of two light levels: low-light (mean 457 lux) and high-light (mean 1362 lux). At 24 C, metamorphosis began on day 23 (mean fish size 8.2 ± 0.6 mm TL) in all treatments and was completed by day 30. Analysis of survival, size, and pigmentation data indicated there were no significant differences among feed treatments or between light treatments. Overall survival was 33.4% (±15.9) and mean length was 11.5 mm TL ± 1.3. Only 35% of the larvae were normally pigmented. Reexamination of the pigmentation on day 37 indicated fish reared at the low light intensity through metamorphosis (day 30) but exposed to high light intensity for 1 wk post-metamorphosis had become significantly more pigmented.  相似文献   

The southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) is a commercially important marine flatfish from the southeastern Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the USA and an attractive candidate for aquaculture. Hatchery methods are relatively well developed for southern flounder; however, knowledge of the optimum environmental conditions for culturing the larval stages is needed to make these technologies more cost effective. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of water turbulence (as controlled by varying rates of diffused aeration) on growth, survival, and whole‐body osmolality of larval southern flounder from hatching through day 16 posthatching (d16ph). Embryos were stocked into black 15‐L cylindrical tanks under four turbulence levels (20, 90, 170, and 250 mL/min of diffused aeration) and two salinities (24 and 35 ppt) in a 4 × 2 factorial design. Larvae were provided with enriched s‐type rotifers from d2ph at a density of 10 individuals/mL. Temperature was 19 C, light intensity was 390 lx, and photoperiod was 18 L:6 D. Significant (P < 0.05) effects of turbulence on growth (notochord length [NL], wet weight, and dry weight) were observed. On d16ph, NL (μm) increased with decreasing turbulence level and was significantly greater at 20 mL/min (64.2) and 90 mL/min (58.2) than at 170 mL/min (56.3) and 250 mL/min (57.2). Survival declined primarily during the prefeeding and first‐feeding stages from d0 to d8ph, then stabilized from d8 to d16ph. In contrast to growth trends, survival (%) on d16ph increased with increasing turbulence levels and was significantly greater at 170 mL/min (57.9) and 250 mL/min (54.0) than at 20 and 90 mL/min (21.4 and 26.2, respectively). Mean rotifer concentrations (individuals/mL) at 24 h postfeeding were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the low‐turbulence treatments of 20 mL/min (4.48) and 90 mL/min (4.23) than in the high‐turbulence treatments of 170 and 250 mL/min (2.28 and 2.45, respectively). Under both salinities, larval whole‐body osmolality (mOsm/kg) increased with increasing turbulence levels and was significantly higher at 250 mL/min (427) than at 20 mL/min (381), indicating osmoregulatory stress at the higher turbulence levels. On d14ph, larvae in all treatments were positively buoyant in 35 ppt and negatively buoyant in 24 ppt. Results showed that growth of southern flounder larvae in 15‐L tanks was maximized under low turbulence levels of 20 and 90 mL/min, while survival was maximized at high turbulence levels of 170 and 250 mL/min. The data suggested that, in prefeeding‐ and early‐feeding‐stage larvae (which have weak swimming ability), higher turbulence levels improved buoyancy and prevented sinking. In feeding‐stage larvae (which are relatively strong swimmers), higher turbulence levels caused excessive swimming, osmoregulatory stress, and slower growth. Based on these results, we recommend that turbulence levels be maintained relatively high during prefeeding (yolk sac) and first‐feeding stages to maintain buoyancy and survival and then decreased for mid‐ to late‐feeding‐ and premetamorphic stage larvae to optimize prey encounters and feeding efficiency.  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to determine the optimal initial food for hatchling cuttlefish and to investigate the influence of dietary composition on the growth, survival, and nutritional composition of cultured juvenile cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis. Six experimental food groups were designated: Artemia nauplii, Calanus sinicus, frozen Hyperacanthomysis brevirostris, Ampithoe valida, H. brevirostris, and subadult Artemia. The results showed that survival, growth body biochemical composition of juvenile cuttlefish were significantly affected by experimental diets (P < 0.05). The optimum initial food was H. brevirostris, yielding a growth rate as high as 6.39%/d and survival rate reaching 81%. Growth rate was significantly positively correlated with dietary protein, Lys, Met, Phe, Iie, Leu, Trp, Arg, Gly, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and 16:0 (P < 0.05). Survival was significantly positively correlated with dietary protein, Lys, Met, Phe, Val, Thr, Iie, Leu, Trp, Arg, Gly, EPA, DHA, and 16:0 (P < 0.05). The dietary protein, lipid, Met, Val, Thr, Leu, 18:0, and EPA were prone to accumulation within the body of juvenile cuttlefish (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that juvenile cuttlefish exhibited the best growth rates and survival when fed a diet that supplied high‐protein, low‐fat, and larger quantities of Lys, Met, Phe, Val, Thr, Iie, Leu, Trp, Arg, Gly, EPA, DHA, and 16:0.  相似文献   

试验分延迟0d、1d、2d、3d、4d、5d、6d、7d投饵和完全饥饿9个试验组,研究了延迟投饵对泥鳅仔鱼摄食、生长和存活的影响。结果显示:水温27℃±1℃时,泥鳅仔鱼3日龄开口,混合营养期2d,4日龄卵黄囊消失。开口当日初次摄食率为36%,最高初次摄食率出现在5日龄,达98%,饥饿不可逆点(PNR)在8~9日龄。延迟0d(正常投饵)和1d投饵组仔鱼体长一直呈增长趋势,至11日龄,两组仔鱼体长没有显著差异(P>0.05);随延迟投饵天数的增加,仔鱼体长生长速度明显降低;完全饥饿组仔鱼3~5日龄呈正增长,随后转为负增长。延迟0d和1d投饵组,11日龄时仔鱼存活率分别为82.67%和89.33%,且两者无显著差异(P>0.05);随延迟投饵天数的增加,11日龄时仔鱼存活率明显降低;完全饥饿组,11日龄时仔鱼全部死亡。  相似文献   

采用投喂小球藻、角毛藻、鱼腥藻、螺旋藻以及小球藻和角毛藻5组饵料分别投喂扁玉螺浮游幼虫,每天测定壳宽和存活率,结果表明,8天后,投有角毛藻的2组存活率较高,生长较快。笔者认为,角毛藻是扁玉螺浮游幼虫的适合饵料。  相似文献   

为了研究短蛸(Amphioctopus fangsiao)不同生长阶段的饵料需求,本研究采用刚孵化的短蛸幼体作为实验材料,首先观察不同环境条件下短蛸幼体的摄食行为,然后通过投喂不同的饵料,对短蛸幼体的生长过程进行研究。结果显示,卤虫无节幼体密度从0.1个/ml上升至1个/ml的过程中,密度在0.1个/ml时短蛸初孵幼体摄食量高;1–2 d龄幼体和2–3 d龄幼体有较为强烈的摄食行为,因此,需要从孵化第2天开始重视短蛸幼体的饵料情况。晚上是初孵幼体的摄食活跃阶段,在室内光和黑暗条件下均表现出高摄食量。投喂混合饵料时,短蛸幼体有较高的存活率和增长率;初孵幼体(0.03 g)培育过程中,卤虫无节幼体是关键饵料;当幼体开始附底(0.1 g)时,应及时进行饵料转换,虾苗和贝肉是附底幼体的重要饵料。该研究结果对短蛸规模化苗种繁育具有重要实用价值。  相似文献   

The effects of feeding rate and feeding frequency on survival, growth and body composition of ayu post‐larvae (0.15 g in body weight and 3.5 cm in total length) were investigated in this study. A factorial experimental design of two feeding rates (3 and 6% of body weight of fish per meal) five feeding frequencies (one meal in 2 d, one meal a day, two meals a day, four meals a day, and six meals a day) with three replicates was used. Survival of ayu post‐larvae was significantly (P 0.05) affected by feeding frequency but not by feeding rate. Survival of ayu improved linearly with feeding frequency at both feeding rates. Weight and length gains and specific growth rate (SGR) of ayu was significantly (P 0.05) affected by feeding frequency but not by feeding rate, with weight and length gains and SGR linearly elevated with increasing feeding frequency at both feeding rates. The greatest weight and length gains were observed in fish receiving six meals daily at both feeding rates; however, no significant difference in weight gain was observed among two, four, and six meals a day, or in length gain between four and six meals a day. Feed efficiency ratio (FER) was significantly (P 0.05) affected by both feeding rate and feeding frequency. FER linearly decreased with feeding frequency at both feeding rates or feeding rate in the same feeding frequency. When the total daily amount of feed supply was constant with various feeding frequencies at different feeding rates (one meal a day at 3% feeding rate and one meal in 2 d at 6% feeding rate, two meals a day at 3% feeding rate and one meal a day at 6% feeding rate, or four meals a day at 3% feeding rate and two meals a day at 6% feeding rate), improvement in survival, weight and length gains, and SGR was observed in fish with higher feeding frequency at lower feeding rate. Moisture, protein, and lipid content of fish were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by either feeding rate or feeding frequency. However, lipid content of ayu linearly increased with feeding frequency at 6% feeding rate. The highest body lipid content was observed in fish receiving six meals daily at both feeding rates. Ash content of fish was significantly (P 0.05) affected by feeding frequency but not by feeding rate. Based on performance of ayu, it can be concluded that optimum feeding rate and feeding frequency for ayu post‐larvae (an initial weight of 0.15 g) were 3% per meal and four meals a day, respectively, under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

采用假交替单胞菌(Pseudoalteromonas sp.) KL-3 2010和微小杆菌(Exiguobacterium sp.) KL-C2 2014作为益生菌,进行凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)投喂实验,研究上述菌株对带毒对虾的生长与存活的影响。假交替单胞菌KL-3 2010对致急性肝胰腺坏死副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahemolyticus) (VPAHPND 20130629002S01)有拮抗作用和胞外蛋白酶活性,微小杆菌KL-C2 2014有胞外蛋白酶活性。待试对虾经检测为白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)、致急性肝胰腺坏死病副溶血弧菌(VPAHPND)和虾肝肠胞虫(EHP)弱阳性。经过为期60 d的养殖实验,结果显示,与投喂普通颗粒饲料的对照组相比,投喂假交替单胞菌KL-3 2010的对虾存活率提高了213%±43% (P<0.01);投喂微小杆菌KL-C2 2014的对虾平均生长率提高了105.5%±28.1% (P<0.05);交替投喂2株菌的对虾存活率提高了184%±52% (P<0.05),平均生长率提高了70.6%±32.8%。肠道可培养优势菌研究表明,2株益生菌的投喂显著影响了对虾肠道优势菌群的种类。本研究为带毒虾苗的养殖提供一种有效的病害防控和促生长的手段。  相似文献   

Four separate studies were done on Southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma larvae during first feeding and metamorphosis to determine the effects of stocking density, salinity, and light intensity on growth and survival. One study used stocking densities of 10, 20, 40, and 80 fish/L during first feeding; the second study compared the growth and survival of larvae stocked at 20 and 33 ppt; and a third experiment evaluated stocking densities of 1/L and 3/L under two different light intensities (1,600 lux vs 340 lux) during metamorphosis. The fourth experiment tested the effects of different salinities (0, 10, 20 and 30 ppt) on larval growth and survival during metamorphosis. Growth and survival (overall 6.9%) were not significantly different ( P > 0.05) for stocking rates up to 80/L. Larvae placed into 20 ppt salinity had survival through first feeding similar to that of larvae raised at 33 ppt. During metamorphosis, light intensity had no effect ( P > 0.05) on growth or survival, but fish stocked at 3/L had significantly lower ( P < 0.05) survival than fish at 1/L. Complete mortality of larvae occurred at 0 ppt. Growth and survival past metamorphosis were not significantly different ( P > 0.05) at 10, 20 and 30 ppt, but unmetamorphosed fish did not survive to day 60 at 10 ppt. Based on these results, practical larviculture of Southern flounder may require a two-step process with high stocking rates (80 fish/L) through first feeding and lower densities (1/L) through metamorphosis. Fingerling production in fertilized nursery ponds might he possible at salinity as low as 20 ppt.  相似文献   

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