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澳洲淡水红螯虾繁殖特性及精荚显微结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了澳洲淡水红螯虾的繁殖特性及精荚显微结构,澳洲淡水红螯虾繁殖能力强,最适繁殖温度为28 ̄30℃,雄虾在第五对卡足左部内侧有雄性生殖孔,呈小球状。由雄虾射出的精荚中含有半透明管状结构,内含大量成熟精子,精子有一个椎形的头基部和细长的棘状部,雌雄交配过程是雄虾将成熟精荚射到雌虾蝮面,雌虾在24h内排卵并行受精。  相似文献   

亲虾抱卵率875%,孵化率90%,98尾抱卵虾共育出17800尾2-3CM幼虾,平均每尾抱卵虾育苗182尾。  相似文献   

于涛  刘文斌 《淡水渔业》1999,29(10):43-44
红螫螫虾(Cherasqlla’Illcndlltlllls),原产于澳大利亚北部。在分类上属甲壳纲、十足国、长臂虾科、光壳虾属。因外形酷似海中龙虾,所以又称澳洲淡水龙虾。自八十年代起,澳大利亚对红螫螫虾进行商业开发养殖,由于其自身优点,在澳洲和美国掀起一股养殖和消费热潮。日本、法国、西班牙和东南亚许多国家先后从澳洲引种试养,并显示出很大的发展潜力。我国1992年开始引进,在全国多个地方试养。但目前报道,大多集中在澳洲淡水的生物学特性方面,关于池塘养殖试验至今还不多见。作者于1998年5月5日至…  相似文献   

红螯螯虾成虾和幼虾是否能在福建闽南地区自然越冬,是评价其在该地区是否有发展养殖生产前景的重要因素之一,为此,我们于1993年10月至1995年3月分别在厦门高崎养鳗场和厦门湖里区湖边水库养殖场进行了成虾和幼虾的越冬试验,现报告如下。1 试验情况和结果 试验分别于1993年10月25日至1994年5月24日和1994年9月15日至1995年3月24日进行。试验池共5只(表1)。红螯螯虾成虾及幼  相似文献   

1池塘条件选择进排水方便的5号、6号、7号地增,池底平坦.坡比1:2.5以上;虾苗放养前一星期干塘、因晒,两天后用漂白粉于法清塘,翌日往人新水,水深80厘米,不施基肥;同时栽种轮叶黑藻,投放用于鲤鱼繁殖的旧同片.供虾栖息、德联和遮荫用。饲养中后期池塘水深保持在1.2米,投放虾苗后及时用塑料薄膜沿场四周围成防选墙。2苗种来浑与放养虾苗分两次引进,5号池放养的虾苗子5月27日引进,软壳虾们多,体质差,运输过程中虾苗死伤多.暂养后过数放入池塘.体长2~4厘米。6号地、7号地放养的虾苗6月3日引入,运输过程中几乎没有损失,体…  相似文献   

红螯螯虾在厦门地区可以生长繁殖,其繁殖期为5-10月份,盛期出现在6-8月份。每年自然水温上升至26.3-29.3℃时,受精卵孵化至稚虾需42-47天。用塑料编织网作为幼苗隐蔽栖息材料,投喂对虾苗在用1-2号配合饲料育效果理想。平均水温为28℃时,由离开母体的稚虾(体长8mm)培育至体长为2-2.5cm的规格种苗,约需25天。在正常情况下,每平方米育苗池,可生产出种苗1234-1910尾。  相似文献   

红螯螯虾育苗过程中,由于敌害生物的袭击,常使育苗成活率降低、出苗量减少。因此,清除敌害生物,对提高育苗成活率及出苗量是极其重要的。  相似文献   

刀额新对虾输精管的组织学及精荚形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刀额新对虾 (Metapenaeusensis)采自福建沿海 ,体长约 14cm。活体解剖、取样、固定 ,于OlympusBH 2显微镜下观察 ,其生殖管道分为前输精管、中输精管、后输精管和端壶腹 4部分。前输精管上皮为单层柱状上皮 ,其分泌物呈嗜碱性 ;中输精管分泌物为嗜酸性 ,前段为高柱状上皮 ,后段则为柱状上皮 ,至后段共出现 2处上皮隆起 ,隆起间为扁平上皮 ;分泌管出现于中输精管前段 ,其分泌物呈嗜酸性 ,开口于中输精管后段 ,分泌物由此处流入中输精管腔 ;后输精管腔结构与中输精管腔相似 ,但管径缩小 ;端壶腹共分 3个腔 ,其中 2个由后输精管腔延续形成 ,精荚 1个。精荚由精子团和精荚壁组成。精荚壁分 2层 ,内层为均匀的嗜碱性初级精荚壁 ,精子团位于初级精荚壁中央 ;外层为次级精荚壁 ,呈嗜酸性 ,略呈“C”形包被于初级精荚壁之外。整个精荚横切面的外形似柳叶状 ,分为光滑区和皱折区 2部分 ,光滑区由次级精荚壁包被 ,皱褶区则为裸露的初级精荚壁。精荚形成于中输精管后段 ,它是由前输精管的嗜碱性分泌物、中输精管嗜酸性分泌物以及分泌管上皮细胞分泌物经复杂的化学变化形成  相似文献   

红螯螯虾(Cherax wquadricarinatus)是一种原产于澳大利亚北部和新几内亚南部热带的淡水螯虾,俗称澳洲淡水龙虾,具个体大、生长快、肉味鲜、营养好、价值高等优点,已被世界上许多国家引种和养殖。我国也于1991年引进了该虾,科研人员经多年的努力,已突破了人工育苗的技术难关,为进一步进行商品性养殖作好了准备。国内  相似文献   

血细胞在甲壳动物免疫过程中起重要作用,探讨红螯螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)不同类型血细胞结构与免疫特性有助于其病害防治。应用流式细胞术(FCM),根据前向角散射光(FSC)和侧向角散射光(SSC)的强度差异对血细胞进行分类,利用特异性荧光染料进行标记,分析血细胞总数(THC)、线粒体数量、溶酶体数量、吞噬活力、活性氧(ROS)含量、一氧化氮(NO)含量和非特异性酯酶活力。结果显示,应用FCM可以区分透明细胞(HC)、半颗粒细胞(SGC)和颗粒细胞(GC)三类血细胞,其占比分别为9.82%、61.11%和25.24%;红螯螯虾平均血细胞总数(THC)为(8.43±0.87)×10~6个/mL;GC含有最多数量的线粒体和溶酶体,HC中含量最少;HC、SGC和GC的吞噬率分别为2.54%、14.45%和6.98%,SGC吞噬活力最强,HC最弱;HC、SGC和GC的活性氧(ROS)含量分别为7.80、45.95和134.69 AU,GC的ROS含量最高,HC最低;HC、SGC和GC的一氧化氮(NO)含量分别为8.20、79.78和344.31 AU,GC的NO含量最高,HC最低;HC、SGC和GC的非特异性酯酶活力分别为86.59、121.84和236.91AU,GC的酯酶活力最高,HC最低。研究表明,红螯螯虾三类血细胞在形态结构、数量及免疫特性上均存在差异,SGC的数量最多、吞噬活力最强,而GC含有最多与能量供应、免疫防御相关的细胞器,并拥有最强的氧化活力和酯酶活力,表明GC和SGC是红螯螯虾免疫防御过程中发挥主要作用的血细胞类型。  相似文献   

Redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, early juveniles were reared at different stocking densities in a closed recirculation system using 12-L plastic containers as rearing tanks. Initial stocking densities were 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 per liter (66, 89, 111, 133, and 156 crayfish/m2, respectively). Rearing period was 42 days. Each density was tested with five replicates. Shelter (0.112 m2) was added to double the surface area of rearing tanks. Animals were fed ad libitum twice a day with a commercial diet containing 35% crude protein. There were no significant differences (P < 0.05) in length and specific growth rate (SGR) among stocking densities. Final weight and daily weight gain, however, were significantly higher at the density of 66 per m2 (1.0 per liter). Total biomass at harvest increased with density. Survival was affected by stocking density from day 28 onward, decreasing with density from 62.7 ± 7.6% obtained at 66 crayfish/m2 to 44.85 ± 8.18% at 156 crayfish/m2.  相似文献   

Bioactive additives in food to improve growth, development and reproductive success of crustaceans have received little attention. In the present study, the effects of carotenoid and vitamin A injections were characterized and correlated to the ontogenic development of oocytes in female Cherax quadricarinatus reproducers. During an acclimation period, 250 C. quadricarinatus females were fed a basal diet devoid of carotenoids and retinoids. Four treatments were administered by injection: retinol palmitate (RP), β‐carotene, astaxanthin and vegetable oil as the control treatment. Before the experiment, total gonadic mass of organisms was obtained to determine the gonadosomatic index. Histological techniques were used to evaluate the effects of the different treatments during the primary vitellogenic phase. Retinol palmitate had the greatest inductive effect on the primary vitellogenic phase and on indicators of ontogenic oocyte development. The bioactive and molecular foundations of the action of carotenoids and retinoids that actively participate during the process of nuclear signalling and differentiation of the oocyte are discussed, considering these compounds as essential nutritional additives during gonadic maturation.  相似文献   

2010年在闽西北山区进行红螯螯虾池塘健康养殖生产试验,经过5个月的养殖,结果8口池塘共产红螯螯虾19095kg,平均单产达0.57kg/m2,养殖成活率64.2%,饲料系数1.31,投入产出比1∶1.69。试验结果表明,池塘养殖红螯螯虾前景广阔。  相似文献   


Small (0.7 g) juvenile red claw, Cherax quadricarinatus, were stocked in earthen ponds (0.04 ha) in Kentucky and grown for 86 days so that measures of growth, survival, processing characteristics, and proximate composition of tail muscle in male and female Australian red claw crayfish could be obtained. A commercial marine shrimp was fed to all red in two separate feedings, each consisting of one-half of the total daily ration between 0800-0830 and between 1530-1600 hours for the duration of the culture period. Total weight and number of red claw from each pond were recorded at the harvest. Forty red claw from each sex were randomly sampled, chill-killed by lowering the body temperature in an ice-bath, and frozen (-20°C) for processing measurements and proximate composition. Red claw were removed from the freezer, thawed, individually weighed to the nearest 0.01 g, and then were hand-processed so that weights of chelae, tail, and tail muscle were obtained to the nearest 0.01 g. After 87 days, red claw had a final average individual weight of 59.6 g, weight gain of 8,413%, survival of 64.0%, yield of 903 kg/ha, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 4.63. When analyzed by sex, males had significantly (P < 0.05) higher final individual weight (71.05 g) compared to females (53.65 g); higher (P < 0.05) chelae weight (13.1 g for males compared to 6.84 g for females); higher tail weight (25.53 g for males compared to 20.38 g for females); higher tail muscle weight (18.99 g for males compared to 14.89 g for females); and higher cephalothorax weight (32.41 g for males compared to 26.44 g for females; Table 2). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the percentage moisture, protein, lipid, fiber, and ash in the tail muscle of male and female red claw when analyzed either on a wet-weight basis and averaged 81.0%, percentage protein averaged 16.46%, percentage lipid averaged 0.16%, fiber averaged 0.1%, and percentage ash averaged 1.42%. Results from the present study indicate that red claw can be grown as a commercial aquaculture species in locations with limited growing seasons, and that male red claw grow larger, have larger chelae, and higher tail muscle weights compared to females so that it might be economically advantageous to stock all-male populations of red claw in ponds to achieve maximum production. Further research on growth and processing yields of red claw should be conducted to assist the industry.  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾雄性生殖系统的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄文虎  龚世园 《水产学报》2012,36(4):514-521
采用透射电镜研究了克氏原螯虾输精管的超微结构,采用石蜡切片法研究了克氏原螯虾的精巢、输精管和精荚的显微结构,并对精巢做了周年变化研究。结果表明,精巢由许多生精小囊和收集管组成,其结构呈葡萄串状,生殖细胞在生精小囊内发育成熟后由收集管输送到输精管;输精管有左右两条,相对于左侧输精管,右侧输精管比其约长一半,直径更大,卷曲程度更高,内容物含量更多,分泌细胞内的内质网含量更丰富;输精管根据形态不同分为前、中、后、生殖突4段,前中段具有分泌精荚壁物质的功能,后段具有储存、射出精荚的功能,末端生殖突为输精管出口;精荚呈长囊形或椭球形,由精子团、精荚基质和两层精荚壁组成,精子团偏向精荚一侧分布;克氏原螯虾雄虾精巢在一周年中的5—8月和10月处于精子细胞期的生精小囊比例很高,具有两个成熟时期。  相似文献   

为深入了解红螯光壳螯虾酚氧化酶原(proPO)基因的非特异性免疫机制,利用RACE技术从红螯光壳螯虾血细胞中克隆到酚氧化酶原基因cqproPO,cqproPO基因cDNA全长为2 962 bp,开放阅读框为1 998 bp,编码665个氨基酸,其结构中含有两个铜离子结合位点,预测分子量为75.86 ku;同源性比对结果显示,红螯光壳螯虾CqproPO与克氏原螯虾酚氧化酶原的同源性最高为79%,其次是淡水螯虾74%、挪威龙虾69%、美国龙虾67%等;进化分析发现CqproPO与克氏原鳌虾、淡水螯虾、挪威龙虾、美国龙虾等的酚氧化酶原亲缘关系最近;Realtime-PCR实验结果表明,CqproPO在血细胞中表达水平最高,其次是肠、触角腺、鳃等;在肝胰腺中有适量表达;WSSV感染后红螯光壳螯虾CqproPO mRNA在血细胞、肝胰腺和鳃组织中具有不同的时空表达趋势,但感染组和免疫后感染组mRNA表达量分别在感染后12h和24 h达到最大值,且在3种组织中2个感染组的CqproPO表达量为对照组的1.3 ~2.55倍,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),之后cqproPO基因的转录水平明显下降.免疫后再受病毒感染的虾,CqproPO mRNA的表达量在3种组织中总体高于感染组,感染7d后的免疫保护率达到51.86%,表明免疫增强剂可使机体的抗病毒能力增强,对防御WSSV感染具有一定的免疫保护作用.  相似文献   

红螯螯虾弗氏柠檬酸杆菌病病原的分离与鉴定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
从濒死的红螯螯虾(Cheraxquadricarinatus)的肝胰脏中分离得到可疑病菌L1和L2,经细菌学鉴定2株细菌均为弗氏柠檬酸杆菌(Citrobacterfreundii);经人工感染试验证实L1和L2均导致健康虾发病死亡,其LD50分别为2 2×105CFU/ind、7×105CFU/ind;2株细菌对14种药物的敏感性相似,对9种抗生素敏感,对5种抗生素有抗性。从中筛选出有效药物,应用于生产中取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

The effect of adding carotenoids from various sources to feed of juvenile freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus on pigmentation, growth and survival was examined under laboratory conditions. Juvenile crayfish were fed diets fortified with carotenoids at a level of 100 μg g−1 for a period of either 49 or 55 days. Carotenoid sources were: dried algal cells prepared from Dunaliella salina in which the main carotenoid is β-carotene; a synthetic carotenoid, astaxanthin (Carophyll Pink 8%, manufactured by Hoffman–La Roche) and alfalfa meal. Crayfish receiving feeds fortified with carotenoids exhibited better body colouration than those in the control group, which were fed a diet to which no carotenoids were added. Growth and survival of the crayfish were not affected by the addition of carotenoids to their diet.  相似文献   

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